Aquarius and Gemini compatibility: constant craving for freedom and irresistible emotions. Gemini and Aquarius - compatibility in love, marriage and sex Joint life of a woman's twin and a man's Aquarius

Close relationships are likely to develop.

A romance between representatives of the element of Air can develop very quickly. They share common hobbies and interests, and it is easy for them to communicate on almost any topic. Relationships between representatives of these zodiac signs can become very bright, rich in pleasant emotions and impressions. They get to know each other and get used to their partner smoothly. The union of this couple can be relaxed and easy, but rarely lasts for many years. Fortunately, both know how to let go of the past and retain only positive memories of this novel.

A man born under the sign of Gemini is distinguished by an independent disposition and energy. He cannot imagine his life without active communication and can easily establish communication with almost any person. The Gemini man is not vindictive: if he is not greatly annoyed, he is ready to quickly forgive the offender, even make friends with him.

The Gemini sign is well versed in people, from a mile away it senses falsity and deception. At the same time, a Gemini man often enters into a second and even a third marriage. The thing is that he is very amorous: he quickly enters into a legal relationship, and soon realizes that he hastened, because he was already carried away by another.

The Aquarius woman, like her potential Gemini partner, is sociable, open, and has a democratic outlook on life. Pleasant location and interest on the part of the Aquarius lady, many men regard as a manifestation of sympathy in their direction. However, this is not always the case. It is likely that she has a friendly interest in Gemini, seeing a kindred spirit in them, or she simply adheres to the rules of good form and does not want to offend her interlocutor with a harsh word. Often Aquarius, not wanting to argue, tells the interlocutor what he would like to hear. The representative of this zodiacal constellation undoubtedly has her own opinion. But she knows how to hide it when necessary.

How an Aquarius woman can conquer a Gemini man

The Gemini man cannot stand boring and creating problems out of nothing. The Aquarius lady who wants to conquer him is recommended to be light and cheerful, at least during the inception of a relationship. A young and immature Gemini, alas, is not looking for an overly smart lady, for him the external "side of the issue" is often more important. The situation changes with age. If a woman cannot keep up a conversation on versatile topics or, even worse, she will be illiterate, he is unlikely to want to build relationships with her, but to communicate in general. He is looking for a girl who is interested in the world around her, lives in art and loves to read.

If Lady Aquarius decides to be the first to attract the attention of a young man she likes, it will be important not to overdo it. Do not bother the interesting Gemini and sometimes disappear from sight. Almost all men are not interested when prey itself goes into their hands, and a representative of this zodiac sign is no exception. The Gemini will appreciate the sense of humor. But it is very important that the jokes are witty and appropriate, in no way vulgar or rude.

How a Gemini man can conquer an Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman loves originality. Surprise a woman born under this zodiac sign by inviting to interesting place or by demonstrating unusual knowledge. Unusualness should not border on strangeness and even more so frighten a potential darling. Most Aquarians will not allow themselves to be ordered. But she doesn't need a henpecked man either.

A twin who wants to conquer such a lady needs to be strong, professionally realized (or at least striving for this, if the man is young).

An Aquarius woman should feel a strong male shoulder next to her. Opening the door in front of a charming person, serving a coat, paying a check in a cafe - all this will play into the hands of the Gemini man.

The virtues of the union

Representatives of these freedom-loving zodiac signs very quickly make contact with each other. The potential chosen one arouses strong interest in Aquarius or Gemini. It is possible that love will arise between them at first sight. It turns out that they have a lot in common, and topics for conversation, it seems, never run out. They usually come to the continuation of communication in a romantic way, as a matter of course. Extra words and statuses are not needed. The main thing is that the two of them understand everything.

Partners, as a rule, are ready to make concessions (and there is no way without it) and always work on their relationship, no matter how long they last. They are alien to gossip and squabbles. They do not tell anyone about their partner's "punctures" and keep personal secrets. Bringing partners together is a propensity for reasonable adventurism. They are never bored together. The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman happily spend almost all their leisure time nearby, learn the world and become even closer to each other. According to the astrological forecast, Aquarius and Gemini have a great chance of living a long and happy life together.

Disadvantages of the union

There are certain disadvantages in the Aquarius-Gemini union. Despite the fact that partners are good at dialogue and are usually sincere with each other, it can be difficult for them to reach a compromise. Both are strong personalities, and therefore do not want to give in to their partner.

Also, a problem in the connection of these people can be a long decision to marry. Paradoxically, this protraction most often comes from the Aquarius woman, who can be frightened by the boring one in her mind. family life.

Another stumbling block is finance. Both Aquarius and Gemini love to spend money on pleasure, entertainment and trinkets, which may lead to insufficient funds for the necessary needs. As a result, mutual reproaches arise.

Intimate life

The intimate life of an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man can be great. Aquarius longs to find a gentle, and at the same time inventive partner - such as herself. A lady born under this zodiac sign loves improvisation in the intimate sphere. Gemini is quite capable of becoming such a "magician", because he perfectly combines body and mind.

The closeness of partners is varied, light, and even fun. Intimacy, among other things, is regarded by Gemini and Aquarius as a great way to relieve stress after a hard day, and simply cheer up. Often the Aquarius lady dominates in bed. Gemini is not at all against from time to time "obey" a loved one.

Astrologers warn that the couple needs to maintain passion all the time and be afraid that intimate relationships will become just physical interaction. This nuance is associated with the relative coldness of the water element, which includes Aquarius and Gemini. It is important for partners not only to succumb to carnal attraction, but to connect great sensitivity, showing an intimate relationship with a partner during intimacy.

What will be the parents

The Aquarius woman becomes a wonderful mother. She is friendly and cheerful. Can find an approach to a child at any age, interest him in doing "uninteresting" business. Aquarius trusts the child, allows him to choose his own hobby and do as he wants. But astrologers still advise taking into account that sometimes a child needs an adult to help him make a decision.

A man born under the sign of Gemini has a wonderful relationship of trust with his heirs. He can become more a friend to them than a parent. The duality inherent in the representatives of this zodiac sign may not be reflected in the most positive way on the upbringing of children: today he can get very angry because of some kind of misconduct of the child, and tomorrow he will decide that there is nothing wrong with that. Astrologers advise Gemini to be more consistent, and before voicing your thought to the child, figure out your own attitude to the situation.

When children are born in such a pair, parents, as a rule, become their best companions. Both the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man really want to raise a child with a diversified personality, they use the best upbringing techniques. But at the same time, which is very important, they do not forget to simply give their beloved little people warmth and spend enough time together.

What will their children be like

Usually Gemini and Aquarius do not delay procreation. Moreover, they usually have more than one child. Partners have every chance of becoming a large family. But since the marriage of these signs is rarely durable, they will have to learn how to take care of children separately. This is unlikely to be a problem, because Gemini and Aquarius are not those who accumulate grievances.

Since parents are responsible for upbringing issues, their offspring will be happy even in the event of a divorce. Children are developed, are sincerely interested in the world around them and know how to enjoy simple things - like their parents.

And for the partners themselves, offspring are useful: they subconsciously help the couple to get closer in case of cooling feelings. The children of such a couple are extremely responsive, value friendship and are always in good company. At the same time, babies of Aquarius and Gemini are often developed beyond their years. They do not like praise for anything and open flattery in their address, wishing that parents adequately and in an adult way evaluate their achievements.

Is the Aquarius woman prone to cheating?

Aquarius has an average propensity to cheat when compared with representatives of other zodiac signs. Such a woman is very willful, cannot stand it when she is dictated what to do. If a man tries to severely restrict the freedom of the faithful, he will clearly meet with a backlash. As a result, a woman can go on a spree. Traitor-Aquarius usually does not play a double game. If she has a relationship on the side, most likely, she will find the strength to notify the current chosen one that they need to part.

Is the Gemini man prone to cheating?

Outwardly, a Gemini man may seem frivolous. He has a sweet relationship with other women, and some of them think it is very easy to seduce him. But in most cases this is not the case. However, sometimes Gemini walk to the left.

Either serious feelings for the new darling, or the lack of wisdom of the old one can incline such a man to betrayal. Gemini, like Aquarius, will not tolerate being commanded and taught about life.

To "notify" the other half that not everything is going smoothly can be a radical change in his behavior. If a man has become very calm, distant, then, probably, he splashes out emotions on the side.

What are they afraid of in a relationship?

The Gemini man is afraid of losing his freedom. He used to be in charge of himself and not depend on anyone. Therefore, he can only allow a woman, who is crazy about, to encroach on the innermost. Luckily for an Aquarian woman, she can become one. Most Gemini men are careerists. Subconsciously, they are determined to create a family, but they fear that his wife and children will not allow him to realize himself professionally, and he will simply become a failure. Here the perfectionism of the Gemini man plays an important role: he did not become the best in his business - he did not achieve anything in it.

An Aquarius woman in a romantic relationship is very afraid of being deceived, especially if she has already encountered dishonesty on the part of a man before. Just like betrayal, she is afraid that the chosen one will simply laugh at her, give out secret secrets to someone and leave her with a broken heart. Therefore, most women born under this sign are in no hurry to tell something important and hidden to a new man in her life.

What to work on

Aquarius and Gemini constantly need to work on understanding each other. Astrologers advise instead of criticism to put yourself in the shoes of your chosen one more often. Do not hesitate to discuss issues of the general budget, and if you want to buy something expensive, your spouse's advice is required. Also, partners need to control communication with members of the opposite sex. Both Gemini and Aquarius are quite jealous. Any kind communication can be regarded by them as a challenge to the battle for the faithful. The stars advise once again not to irritate the other half and not go without it to places, after returning from which it will be impossible to avoid interrogation with addiction.

How a Gemini man behaves when parting

Young Gemini men, if the partner does not live up to his expectations, they can decide to break up rather quickly. A woman may not even notice that serious problems have arisen in their connection, and the faithful will already blur out that he has decided to leave.

Sometimes Gemini, in the case of a short romance, does not explain his passion at all and simply begins to ignore her calls.

Fortunately, most of the representatives of this zodiac sign find the strength and courage to talk normally. After parting, Gemini extremely rarely renew communication, as they are sure that they cannot enter the same river twice.

How an Aquarius woman behaves when parting

The Aquarius woman decides to break up less often than the Gemini man. Carrying out a decision to end a relationship is much more difficult for her. If a representative of this zodiac sign says that the relationship is over, she obviously thought for more than one day. A woman can make spontaneous decisions about a breakup only if, for example, she learned about a love affair or experienced a strong resentment. In the overwhelming majority of cases, you can suspect that a partner is going to leave by a cold attitude: for example, if she refuses intimacy or increasingly began to come up with excuses.

Also, ignoring the opinion of the partner and, of course, himself, becomes an alarm bell. Aquarius, as a rule, restrained and sadly voices a decision to their man. However, tears are usually held back. A woman does not want to hurt even more not only herself, but also the chosen one, even if soon the “ex”. Even if she realizes that feelings for her current partner have faded, the breakup is extremely difficult for her.

Is friendship possible between them

Between an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man, employed in different areas activities, a strong friendship can arise. But Aquarius and Gemini, who work together, as the stars say, are unlikely to become good comrades. They are both free-minded, active and energetic. They always have interesting topics for conversation. The Aquarius woman and the Gemini-born man lack friendly jealousy. They do not reproach each other if someone had fun and rest without him. Due to this, the likelihood of quarrels is extremely low. Their friendship brings Gemini and Aquarius a lot of pleasant emotions.

Gemini and Aquarius, like small children, are fascinated by what is happening around. They admire cute little things that other people would not pay attention to.

A Gemini friend will appreciate the joy of his girlfriend, Aquarius, and she will reciprocate. They have a strong craving for beauty. These man and woman can go to exhibitions together, attend both opera and rock concerts. They are very versatile people, and support almost any initiative from a friend.

Work Compatibility

The Aquarius woman and the Gemini man have excellent professional compatibility. Their working relationship can be fruitful and lasting. The moment of their cooperation is the most favorable for career growth... In this case, they can gently push a colleague to the right ideas and, accordingly, new achievements. And it will not be perceived by the second as an order.

Both the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man do not really like to be commanded. Therefore, any option for cooperation, in which one of them is a subordinate, will be quite tolerable. If Gemini and Aquarius do not criticize each other in front of strangers, and all personal issues will be resolved behind a closed door, they will be able to make tangible progress in a joint business and make a decent fortune.

Aquarius woman and Gemini man

Love compatibility

Representatives of the element of Air know how easy it is to fall in love without memory, to get carried away, and your partner will quickly put you in a "cage" and cut off beautiful wings. That is why the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man will not miss their love. They feel good together because they "worship the same gods." This is freedom as the absence of restrictions and ultimatums. This does not mean at all that no one owes anyone. On the contrary, the Gemini man will always be pulled home, where the Aquarius girl lingered for several hours and canceled the meeting in order to have a "love audience" with her husband.

Joint trips, walks with a small dog or visiting public places are also one of the features of the zodiac signs, which he gives them as the prescribed compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini. That can pretty much spoil the strong bond of these people - her husband's betrayal or lack of financial stability. In the name of Love, how driving force, a man should think about finding a permanent job with good earnings, then he will not have time for other hobbies for the fair sex. And it is better for Aquarius to be patient or walk around the evening city with friends. Let the Gemini get jealous!

Sexual compatibility

Learning the multifaceted personality of a partner is not an easy task, therefore the horoscope tells a Gemini man and an Aquarius woman how interesting and useful it is to while away a dull evening at home. The partner will be crazy about experiments on the part of the inventor Aquarius. The effect of novelty always attracts him.

A mistress can be passionate if Venus is in fire signs. Gemini will not disappoint either, since their duality also affects the manifestation of sexuality. Either stormy nights, or gentle and tiring, they will always connect Aquarius and Gemini. And also this good way reconciliation, no matter how trite. It is good to have sex after quarrels, but better instead of.

At work and at home

If it comes to such professions where sociability, information content and the ability to go beyond the standard idea of \u200b\u200bcreativity are required, then such a pair of "Aquarius - Gemini" is here. It is important to note that Gemini can be more interesting performers, since their talent and performance can change every day, because the Gemini man carries two natures in him!

This will be appreciated and adapted for general purposes by Aquarius. Such a woman with a deep inner world, this employee is simply necessary. The compatibility of these signs at work demonstrates itself as positively as in friendship or love.

Gemini and Aquarius

This union will be extremely successful if one of the partners learns to yield to the other. Often they begin to compete with each other, trying to prove something to the outside world. The lively disposition of these people will allow them to find new and interesting hobbies for themselves.

These people are very similar in nature. Do not assume that each of them is fixated only on their own problems. Despite the fact that they can compete, they are not the kind of people who dump each other in unforeseen circumstances. They feel good together, they know how to develop and frolic, sometimes they do not know acceptable boundaries.

Not so often, but selfishness on their part can lead to a complete rupture of relations. However, even in such cases, they can often remain friends, or even love each other for years without admitting it.

The curiosity of twin men has always been directed towards the self-confident and constantly busy female Aquarius. They are free from prejudice, do not believe what others say. It is believed that it is better to first get to know a person, only then add some kind of opinion about him. In this matter, they are similar to Aquarius, who are also not used to judging others at first sight or minutes of acquaintance.

Pros of the union: Male-Gemini and Female-Aquarius

Astrologers note a number of advantages of such a union, which is expressed in the following:

  • They easily find a common language even after being familiar for several minutes, they always know how to support each other, and often their acquaintance occurs in extreme and unforeseen situations;
  • They value comfort, love to make something in their home, buy new things, household appliances, often their spending can exceed income;
  • They are patient, they will never ask for trouble, sort things out, although occasionally they can try to convince each other of something. Rarely are in a bad mood, they believe that it is not worth showing aggression towards a loved one even in the most stressful situations;
  • They will not restrict the freedom of their soulmate and value it themselves, not allowing full control over their life, they believe that respect is above all;
  • They try to become ideal for their children, create a comfortable existence for them and educate them as best they can;
  • They are very attentive, they will never bypass each other's needs, they will try in every possible way to help improve the situation, easily inspire confidence;
  • They are not stingy and believe that all the money in the world cannot be earned, and also that it is inappropriate to save on yourself and your family;
  • They take care of tomorrow, think a few steps ahead, are attentive and responsible, often they are worried about a sense of duty;
  • They love good rest, often prefer to spend time together in nature, in silence. Such people very often acquire small country houses and often rest there with their families;
  • The usual environment for them is the most important thing, they easily make contact with loved ones, try to spend as much time as possible in their company.

Minuses of the Union: Male-Gemini and Female-Aquarius

The numerous pluses of representatives of signs can sometimes be accompanied by minuses in their relationship. They are not so common, but astrologers pay attention to them:

  • They are very stubborn, this can cause some problems in relations between partners;
  • They do not know how to forgive others for deeds that they consider selfish and wrong, you should not try to convince the representatives of the sign in such cases;
  • Consider themselves very patient, although this is partly so, but because of this they can create the impression of a selfish nature, which is designed to praise and admire themselves;
  • Often they can be boring, they can think about something for a long time, come up with new ideas and options for solving problems;
  • Among new people, they always show restraint and are often silent, it is rather difficult to make contact with them;
  • May be indifferent to each other in situations that are out of control. They try to ignore a loved one and not take his words seriously;
  • Often, such people simply may not notice beneficial situations in life, partners begin to convince each other of something, sometimes psychologically pressure, but the situation will not budge;
  • They can be fixated only on the practical side, sometimes self-interest is shown in their attitude towards other people;
  • They do not think about tomorrow, they can be too wasteful;
  • They are not always able to pay attention to really important things, while simultaneously solving their own problems, which seem much more important to them;

How to find a common language in a pair: Man-Gemini and Woman-Aquarius

You should not spend a lot of energy on unnecessary and unimportant things that can be solved without the participation of each of these partners. To build relationships, partners need to fully trust each other and try not to show any desires of financial enrichment in their actions. It is important not only to trust your loved one yourself, but also to convince him of your openness and sincerity.

It is advisable to spend more time together. Couples need a little rest from their worries and responsibilities. A good option would be to go on a joint vacation, while you can ask loved ones for help and leave them to look after the house.

It turns out that situations are not always resolved peacefully. However, even in the most stressful situations, you should not say everything that comes to mind first. It is imperative to assess the scale possible problems and awkward situations. Moreover, given that each of the partners is quite vindictive, despite all his kindness.

Compatibility of couples in bed: Male-Gemini and Female-Aquarius

Gemini men really do not like people who are closed in themselves, who cannot relax at the right time. It is advisable for each of the partners to be able not only to enjoy themselves, but also to bring it to their loved one. Perhaps some kind of change in intimate relationships is needed. Discussion of common interests and preferences is often a good way out.

Do not assume that one of these people will be inferior to another in any way. Often, Aquarius women are eager to subdue their man. But from a psychological point of view, they will never be ready for this. However, due to their nature, they can easily play any roles that their partner wants.

Compatibility of couples in a marriage: Man-Gemini and Woman-Aquarius

Together, these people are able to go through almost any test. It may seem that their love will last forever and never fade away. This is partly true.

But on the other hand, twin men are ambivalent. They can simultaneously be homebodies and family men, but also excellent lovers, loving conquerors of ladies' hearts. Often, because of this, difficulties in such an alliance are possible. Men in such couples can cheat on their loved one if something has not been satisfying to him for a long time, and the partner refuses to discuss these issues. Gemini solve everything much easier, finding the easiest way out of the situation.

An Aquarius woman may from time to time show selfishness, want to take even greater part in her husband's life, often pushing him into conflict and clarification of the relationship. She can also be jealous when there is no good reason. However, they do not forget grudges. If they were once upset or humiliated by something, they will remember it in every possible way.

Compatibility of couples in friendship: Male-Gemini and Female-Aquarius

The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman are just perfect friends. They know what each of them wants, and can often even predict each other's thoughts. Due to the fact that each of them is an intellectual by nature, it is quite easy for them to find a common language and topics of conversation. In such a society, they help each other to develop and improve.

They do not like certain frames, believing that everyone has the right to independently decide who and what kind of person he should be today. So they can very easily move from a state of friendship to a love relationship and vice versa. Moreover, which is not typical for many couples, they do not conflict about this and do not change their attitude towards each other.

The Aquarius woman is sometimes vulnerable and sentimental, she always values \u200b\u200bfriendship and close relationships. She tries never to betray those who believe her and whom she believes. These people, as a rule, have a small number of true friends, they often opt for twin men. Gemini, on the contrary, they prefer to communicate with everyone and at once, without dividing someone and not distinguishing.

Because of this, there are times when Aquarius women may find twin men quite frivolous, although they are not.

Compatibility of couples in business: Man-Gemini and Woman-Aquarius

Well-coordinated work can be variable with frequent misunderstandings and quarrels. Often such people compete with each other, which is why conflict situations occur. Each of them is very good at defending their rights.

Nevertheless, if they work in tandem, then such an alliance will be extremely successful. It is worth noting that they are often experimenters, able to find new ways out of extraordinary situations. At the same time, they will never betray each other, believing that personal conflicts are their business, which should not be reflected in their work in any way.

If a twin man acts as a boss, then the Aquarius women wards will have a difficult time. They have too high demands in relation to their subordinates, they are often required to do work that is not part of their duties. It is worth being able to find the right way out of such situations, to learn how to communicate correctly and tactfully with them, without becoming personal.

The Aquarius woman in the role of a boss is not ambitious, not whimsical, and sometimes not far off. Often they do not have any organizational skills and practically no one sees them as a leader. In such an alliance, relations will develop harmoniously, but the work will be ineffective.

What an Aquarius Woman needs to know about a Gemini Man

The Gemini man is an owner who tries to control everyone, sometimes independently trying to solve their problem, to find a certain way out of the situation. Often this behavior will not please Aquarius women.

However, in difficult situations, they can often take the blame of the Aquarius woman. But in no case should you ask them to do it or force them, otherwise they will do exactly the opposite. They also do not like blackmail from others.

They respect the opinion of each person, try to listen to him. If they have any comments or corrections, they point it out very tactfully. Rarely do they dare to openly protest against someone, because it is very important for them to be loved and worthy of attention.

Sometimes they can fight for power. Moreover, this issue may affect and family relationships... Next to women-Aquarius, they can no longer feel like true defenders, because their chosen one is also able to take on difficult cases. Therefore, in such a relationship, it is important to find a common language and show a man that they are not going to take away his rights and obligations from him.

What a Gemini Man needs to know about an Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is often very cunning. Despite all her gentleness and love of life, kindness to the people around her and a desire to help them, she can never give up something important and necessary for her. He will fight for his rights in every possible way, sometimes he will not even be able to stop in time.

She needs to learn how to control her emotions, she can often talk about what she will soon regret. It is quite difficult for her to trust new people in her environment, it can even take years. Also, if such a person is betrayed by someone, then he will never be able to restore trust in the side of the offender. Often they completely cut off relations with them.

They are decisive, they know how to achieve what they want. Such determination is transmitted to the people around them. Often they will pull them out and guide them in the right direction. And they will do all this from a pure heart. You can always rely on these people, even in the most difficult situations they will try to give up everything and help people in need from their environment.

Compatibility of the Aquarius Woman with other signs

Compatibility of the Gemini Man with other signs

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Anna Lyubimova

Romantic and sensitive, Aquarius and Gemini are able to recognize a kindred spirit in each other at first glance, and then plunge headlong into passion without much thought.

Aquarius woman prefers everything beautiful and perfect

But a cloudless romance can be overshadowed by the desire of one or both partners to limit the soul mate in what is really important to her. That is why attempts to determine the strength of their union in specific digital expressions boil down to the following:

  • 100% unity in love;
  • 90% success in marriage.

But even the average of this partnership suggests that Aquarius and Gemini are simply made for each other. This combination of signs promises spouses a long, eventful family life, and lovers - unique emotions and hectic adventures.

Compatibility of Gemini Men and Aquarius Women: pros and cons of relationships

Both representatives of these signs are intellectuals and lovers of high-quality communication. They will appreciate the original statements of the interlocutor, a non-trivial approach to ordinary things. But the Aquarius woman in alliance with Gemini needs the qualities of a diplomat and a naive simpleton. Her partner needs the admiration of others, and she needs to be able to genuinely demonstrate this. The main thing is to do it when he really deserves it. Otherwise, the ever-doubting Gemini will suspect her of some kind of intent.

The undoubted advantage of such a union is the brightness of the personalities united in it... But this same quality awakens the desire for independence and maximum inner freedom, so it is better to agree on important events for both events in advance. Otherwise, you can get completely unexpected feedback on your message about upcoming family celebrations.

An Aquarius woman in alliance with Gemini needs the qualities of a diplomat and a naive simpleton

Sociable Gemini men and Aquarius women are very similar in some ways. They are not too fond of the monotony and routine worries, which are essential in marriage. Domestic problems can negatively affect their craving for their beloved. Perhaps that is why they are in no hurry to commit themselves to serious obligations. They like to feel like the sole masters of their destiny. In order to ensure a long and happy future for marriage, it is useful to "dilute" their family everyday life with holidays and surprises.

Are they compatible in love?

A more harmonious pair is difficult to find. They have a lot of reasons to feel like a reflection of each other. Both do not tolerate conventions and narrow-minded restrictions, are ready for decisive actions in order to get what they want, and are very emotional.

They are able to give the chosen one that brightness of feelings that no one else is able to appreciate and accept.

Inner similarity attracts and lures them stronger than the most powerful magnet.

Both the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman prefer everything beautiful and perfect. Same beautiful they try to make their love story... As a rule, it contains many flowers, exquisite gifts, romantic travels. Even if their relationship dries up over time, they will have something to remember about their days together.

Gemini guy and Aquarius girl in sex

In sex, roles are often distributed as follows: he is the leader, she is the follower. But an active and persistent partner never oversteps the line beyond which these qualities turn into aggressiveness and intemperance.

An incredibly intuitive Gemini man knows how to predict the wishes of the partner, including in bed. The Aquarius woman does not immediately yield to his courtship, but she also knows how to enjoy harmonious sex.

The Gemini man knows how to predict the desires of a partner, including in bed

Do they suit each other in marriage?

The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman understand each other perfectly. Both will think for a long time about whether to marry them or wait a little longer. They will not even rely on a strong sexual desire, but will try to collect versatile information about the chosen one, find out his preferences and habits. All of this can be a solid foundation for creating a prosperous and happy family. If they sincerely love each other, then over time they will learn to take into account the interests and desires of the other side, which will further unite them.

They complement each other well. The Gemini man is very hardworking, works hard in order to live in prosperity and comfort. The Aquarius woman knows how to reasonably dispose of what she has, and strives to make her hearth look prestigious and elegant, which her husband appreciates. In turn, the wife will not miss the opportunity to praise her husband, especially when visiting. From their marriage looks perfect... In fact, it will be so, but as long as the spouses maintain a mutual interest, which is not so difficult for such extraordinary partners.

Is there friendship if he is Gemini and she is Aquarius?

This friendship has tremendous potential. Such a combination of signs promises active development of new fields of activity, successful implementation of bold projects and constant intellectual development. Here, unlike sex, a woman can set the tone for a relationship, and a man will follow her.

The longevity of this friendship also provides an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk. The main thing is that the interlocutors have enough tact to listen to their counterpart, and not rush to discuss personal problems

Being overly self-centered can ruin even a long-standing friendship.

How to win a Gemini man?

The Gemini man has a subtle mental organization. With all his love for entertainment and fun, he will never be seduced by a catchy "dummy", but will give preference to an intelligent lady. The path to his heart lies through vivid impressions, which, at least at first, the chosen one should give him. Everything matters here - stylish look, competent speech, analytical mind, the ability not to stay in the shadows during friendly gatherings.

Traveling together, going to the theater and exhibitions will give a lot of common topics for conversation, during which the Gemini will be able to demonstrate her originality, and the woman will show her passion for them, which will surely touch his heart.

How to get the attention of an Aquarius woman?

An independent and reasonable Aquarius woman often attracts the attention of the surrounding men. She knows her worth and will only be supportive of whoever she really likes.

Anyone who wants to win her favor must have a broad outlook and be able to captivate her with a new topic. As an active and inquisitive person, she will gladly respond to an offer to visit a private opening day, to watch a modernist performance. Moreover, she will certainly will take into account the generosity of the partner, who organized visits to such prestigious events, will not remain indifferent to gifts and flowers.

But, no matter how attractive the applicant for the hand and heart is outwardly, the Aquarius woman will not approach someone who will be spiritually alien to her. In a man, she is looking for a reliable friend, a faithful companion in the struggle against life's difficulties, a caring husband and a sensitive lover.

Compatibility horoscope for Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man

This combination of star signs gives both partners room to realize their talents and fulfill their bold desires.

An astute Gemini woman will be able to unravel the secrets of the character of the Aquarius man, and he, in turn, will give her an unforgettable experience and sensations

Love relationship

The loving representative of the Gemini sign is unlikely to be able to pass by an attractive Aquarius man. And she will persistently seek reciprocal feelings if she seriously decides that only she needs him.

Between them often love flashes at first sightthat can grow into long-term affection and reliable partnership. The joint business will only strengthen it and bring additional strong impressions that are so necessary for both. In addition, the often doubting Gemini lady will receive another confirmation of the seriousness of the intentions of the freedom-loving Aquarius.

She will fill their relationship with tenderness, to which he will gladly respond. Intuition will tell her which sides of the person of the chosen one is better not to touch, and what to show the greatest interest. Smart and caring, she will surround him with attention, but will wait for reciprocal expressions of love... Without pleasant surprises, emotional confessions, unexpected holidays, she can feel like a prisoner of circumstances and fly away from her love nest.

Couple's sexual attraction

The stars give both signs sensuality and craving for pleasure. Their bed often becomes a place for experiments and solutions to daytime problems that recede under the pressure of passion.

An affectionate Gemini woman and an inventive Aquarius man are free from bourgeois prejudices and are able to achieve maximum harmony in sex.


The marriage of representatives of these signs often turns into an exciting show, in the center of which is a shining a couple exuding joy and love... They try to maintain this brightness and emotional richness throughout all subsequent years. But the marriage union of the Gemini woman and the Aquarius man acquires real stability and reliability only with the birth of children and the creation of a solid material base.

Both husband and wife are ready to work tirelessly so that their loved ones do not need anything. But primitive hoarding is alien to them. They are happy to spend what they earn on their children’s studies, books, theater, home improvement, travel or family holidays.

How are the Gemini girl and the Aquarius guy friends?

If he is Aquarius by the sign of the zodiac, and she is Gemini, such people are an excellent company for both a fun pastime and responsible affairs. The closeness of the worldview makes them companions in confronting difficulties, and responsiveness and kindness allow them to rely on each other in difficult circumstances.

Even small disagreements or unmotivated irritability can benefit their friendship, since when they cool down, they are more aware of the similarity of their characters and how they need such a relationship.

How to conquer an Aquarius man and build a relationship with him?

It can be difficult for ordinary people to understand what a sophisticated Gemini woman finds in a windy and brutal Aquarius, but the attraction of these signs is very great. A lady with more wisdom will easily captivate an innocent chosen one with clever conversation, extraordinary appearance and friendliness.

To defeat his fear of marriage, you need to abandon all attempts to control the freedom-loving Aquarius. In addition, he painfully experiences the comparison of his merits with anyone else.

It is very important for him to know and believe that for a partner he is the one and only. It is the most reliable anchor to keep it in the family harbor.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Gemini woman?

With all the inner uncertainty and hesitation, this woman can look cold and detached, and the next day appear as the soul of the company or a cozy mistress of the hearth. It knows how to recognize the hidden egoist, secret curmudgeon or irresponsible seducer. It is very difficult to deceive her instinct, but you can be carried away by dedication and unpredictability. A Gemini woman is capable of deep and strong feelings, but the slightest doubt about the loyalty of a partner can forever push her away.

She is attracted to people capable of decisive actions. She will be glad to develop and change together with her chosen one, she will never get bored with a person who will share with her the joy of new discoveries and appreciate her personality and feminine charm.

January 11, 2018 1:53 am

Aquarius man and Gemini woman - such a union occurs often. This is not surprising, because representatives of these zodiacal signs of opposite sexes are attracted to each other like a magnet. They seem to be created especially for each other.

She is fascinated by his masculine strength and eccentricity, and he sees in her perfect woman... They are united by common interests and outlook on life. Between them, the feeling usually flares up immediately when they meet.

However, even despite the fact that the compatibility of the Gemini-woman and Aquarius-man union is almost perfect, some difficulties may arise in their relationship. To maintain their relationship, they need to know the weaknesses of their relationship and try to fix them. To do this, they should listen to the opinion of astrologers who know everything about Gemini and Aquarius, as well as about their relationships.

The Gemini girl is distinguished by her ease of communication, cheerful disposition and extraordinary thinking. Such representatives of the fair sex "flutter through life" and gladly accept all the changes that may occur. They get bored with monotony, so they often change their occupation.

The fairer sex of the zodiac sign Gemini has a good sense of humor and highly developed intellectual abilities. They easily find a "common language" with people and often find themselves in the center of attention.

Women of this zodiac sign are rarely satisfied with anything. They always think they can do better. Therefore, they often try to re-educate their lover, change the atmosphere at home, etc.

As a life partner, the Gemini woman chooses only the man with whom she coincides with her outlook on life. It is difficult to keep her at home.

She loves noisy companies, so she often meets with friends, attends parties and throws them herself.

Despite this, the fair sex of this zodiac sign knows how to plan a budget and spend money wisely. She is a good and caring mother and wife.

Characteristics of the Aquarius man

The Aquarius guy sometimes shocks others with his behavior. He violates all established rules and regulations. He likes to stand out from the crowd. Aquarius is not used to obeying and limiting himself to the framework of generally accepted behavior. He is always looking for something new and never stands still.

The Aquarius man has a good sense of humor. He is intellectually developed and is constantly looking for new information. The representative of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign always has many friends. This is not surprising, because he easily finds a "common language" with people and helps to solve their problems. He never remains indifferent if something happened to his friends.

For Aquarius, wealth and love are not priorities. Freedom, friends and personal hobbies are much more important for him. That is why there are many bachelors among the representatives of this zodiac sign. Even if they decide to tie the knot, they do so in adulthood.

However, even family life will not force the Aquarius man to change his habits and refuse to communicate with friends.

If his chosen one is against this, then he would rather leave the family than refuse to communicate with friends and hobbies.

Compatibility in love between a Gemini woman and an Aquarius man

If the woman is Gemini, and the man is Aquarius, then in love they will have an almost perfect union. She sees in her chosen one the person who will support any of her ventures. Aquarius sees in his chosen one an ideal woman who gives him new emotions.

The Gemini woman and the Aquarius man understand each other perfectly. They take part in joint projects and public life... They visit exhibitions and theaters, therefore, they develop spiritually, which is of great importance for Aquarius.

The couple travels together and always have an interesting time in each other's company. His beloved Gemini respects his friends and does not require money, since they do not matter to her, as they do to him. Therefore, she is for him the ideal that he always dreamed of.

In the event that the pair is a Gemini man, and Aquarius is a woman, then they will also have a good relationship. Gemini compatibility in alliance with Aquarius is always perfect. They understand each other perfectly and have common hobbies.

If he is Gemini, and she is Aquarius, then they rarely quarrel, and they are not bored with each other's company. Therefore, their relationship can be called ideal.

Marriage prospects and compatibility in it

If a woman is Gemini, a man belongs to the zodiac sign Aquarius, then the prospects for their union can be called favorable. They are united by common interests, so the relationship is based not only on love.

Over time, this couple also has mutual friends, which also has a positive effect on their relationship. Therefore, even the freedom-loving Aquarius will not delay in this case with the proposal, and very soon they can get married.

In marriage, their relationship will not change. They will also regularly visit museums, theaters and exhibitions. They will never get bored with family life, and their marriage will be a model for those around them.

Neither Aquarius nor Gemini are prone to cheating. Even if there are quarrels in their relationship, they will be insignificant, and reconciliation will almost immediately follow.

Positive features of the union

Male-Aquarius compatibility, and his chosen one Gemini is ideal, therefore their union has a lot of positive features. Here they are:

  • They look at life in the same way. Aquarius, like Gemini, love to be involved in social life, meeting friends and attending parties. They will do all this together.
  • They do not tolerate boredom, and they like to learn new things. Therefore, they will go to museums and exhibitions together.
  • For each other they best friends and the most interesting interlocutors. They are never satiated with each other's company.
  • They don't have big fights. Small disagreements do not spoil their relationship.
  • In marriage, they do not have betrayals, and their family is a role model for many.

Negative features of the union

If a man is Aquarius, and Gemini is a woman, the compatibility of the union, as already indicated, will be ideal, but this does not mean that their union has no negative features. Here they are:

  • They often argue. This does not mean that they are quarreling, believing that the truth is born in an argument. However, it may happen that their bickering may end in misunderstanding and because of this, a crisis may arise in their relationship.
  • They pay little attention to everyday life. Therefore, their house is often in disorder.

Business and Friendship Compatibility

The compatibility of the union of the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman in the business sphere is considered good, but problems can arise here.

The fact is that Gemini's weaknesses are exactly the same as those of Aquarius. Therefore, when they have problems, they do not always manage to solve them together. This often requires outside help. Nevertheless, a Gemini woman may well organize a common business with an Aquarius man and their business can become successful.

The compatibility of Aquarius boyfriend and Gemini girl in friendship is ideal. They have common interests, they have the same personalities and love to take part in public life. For a Gemini woman, the gender of her friend does not matter, as well as for an Aquarius man.

Aquarius man is perfect for the Gemini woman in every way and vice versa. Therefore, there is a chance that they will create a strong family or organize a joint business.