Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (State University) Dovuzivska training. Preparatory courses Preparatory courses НІЯУ mythi

MIFI (Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute) is one of the earliest pre-existing pawns in Russia. Stretching 75 rocks of MІPHI vipuskє fahivtsіv in physics, chemistry, mathematics, as well as IT-technologies. A good ball for subjects is even very high - from 200 to 255. To achieve a high level of mortgage, a high score is needed for professional subjects, so the First ЄDI Center will propose students 10 and 11 classes to go through preparatory courses for success. Our victories will carry out a comprehensive training before the ZNO, in which a theoretical and practical robot will be included. The knowledge, learned in the courses, will help the students to successfully complete their education and prepare a diploma sent to the end of the university.

ЄDІ from physics

For the bagatokh specialties of MIFI, a high score from physics is required. If you want to join MIFI, it is recommended to write down the course for this subject in the first place. Hearing on busy listeners:

  • the development of hypotheses based on the scientific theory and work on the basis of the experiment;
  • describe and explain the power of til and physical manifestations;
  • vikoristovuvati nabutі knowledge for vikonannya zavdan ЄDI z physics.

ЄDI from mathematics

Preparing for EDI in mathematics is also important for being successful in MIFI. The course of the subject is based on the basis and the profile. If you want to correct a high mark for ЄDI for a given subject, then just vibrate the professional course. At the professional course of ADI, the staff p_vischenogo rivnya folding and ways of seeing, which, as a rule, do not take place in schools. Clever virishuvati of such a level will guarantee a high ball for sleep.

ЄДІ from English movi

Preparation for ZNO from English language includes the development of audio navigation and reading texts, as well as repetition of grammatical basics. Learning to learn tips in the English language, start writing texts (for a few and special leaves, create, ese), psychologically prepare for testing.

ЄDІ z russian movi

Preparing for EDI from the Russian language is stored in two parts: theory (repetition of school programs) and practice (written in the works and in the test). On hearing courses, you can repeat all the grammatical and lexical foundations of the Russian language, start analyzing the text and competently reading the words on the porch. For the skin specialist, an individual plan will be put in place, and it will be easier to learn how to learn it and memorize the glades in the knowledge.

We kindly ask you for the course of training until you succeed zdachi ЄDI for hopefulness in МІФІ!

Preparation of students before joining the NIIYU MIFI is organized to be carried out at the time of the opening of the preparatory courses for the students of the higher class (1970 rik).

Over the past few years, tens of thousands of schoolchildren have passed through preparatory courses, many of whom have become students of the National Research Institute of Physics and Technology and the most prestigious universities in the country.

Basically, the preparation of the preparatory courses is to set up students with additional education for the promotion of the illumination, as well as for the professional organization and preparation before entering the other primary pawns. At the advanced level of knowledge of the learned and the schoolchildren themselves (who are able to improve their competitiveness), and the university, accept a larger student.

Scientists in the early stages of training, as well as the structure of the proponated courses, allows for the development of a young level of training, as well as the skills and possibilities of potential abstractions.

The list of promoted courses is gradually expanding. Napriklad in 2012-13 The Teaching rotsі for odinadtsyatiklasnikіv, krіm traditsіynih vosmimіsyachnih kursіv, m- Vpershe vіdkrivaєmo chotirimіsyachnі rate for pіdgotovki to olіmpіad MІFІ i zdachі ЄDІ rіvnya "C" rank Thus, m- vrahovuєmo rіzny rіven pіdgotovki and takozh skhilnostі i mozhlivostі potentsіynih abіturієntіv.

Short-line courses are trivial from 2 to 4 months - the best option for quiet, even if you have good preparation (for example, tutors) and if you want to learn more about the specifics of your child, you can find your Concentrate on knowledge, which will need to be demonstrated at the final - introductory spits.

Employment in the courses is held at hand for all hours. The proponated options have an evening hour of weekdays, weekdays and Saturdays. At the preparatory course, all bills are accepted without sleep and without prior display.

2009 roku єdiniy sovereign sleep(ЄDI) becoming the main form of control over the preparation of graduates of the educational establishment until the next day at the VNZ. Since 2012, the State Pidsumkov Attestation (DPA) has become the main form of control over the preparation of students of 9 classes in the field of education.

Preparing for EDI and DPA in one of the main directions of all our preparatory courses for all promoted programs.

Shanovnі daddy and abіturієnti!

Ø - learning at preparatory courses - the whole psychological adaptation to the development of high school education, how to take care of the training of the university students to take (lectures, seminaries, etc.) , perebuvannya in university auditories;

Ø - navchannya on the courses, allowing the hearers, they were already vibrating, changing in the correctness of the earlier adopted decisions. Abilitation, who see the summaries, or the number, the courses add to the development and development of the residual vibration to the faculty and to the university;

Ø - programs taught in basic disciplines, scho to participate in preparatory courses, to be sure of the knowledge of a large standard, lower in the basic programs of the educational school. In the methodology of victoriousness, the recurrence of material is periodical, so that it is more proficient and reasonable;

Ø - in the forms of control (in the main - testuvannya) the materials of the vikorisovyvayutsya in the EDI and DPA past rockyv. A series of rehearsal tests, carried out a few times in an hour in the situation, close to real sleep, additional help to change the steps of emotional stress, often to start when the SDI is created;

Ø - navchannya on courses is much cheaper, less busy with a tutor.

Preparatory courses are prepared:

- uchniv 8- and 9-x classes before joining the lyceum at the NIIYU MIFІ і take advances іvnya znan z mathematics, physics and Russian movement.

- students of 10 classes school until the successful release of high-profile izpitiv in the format ЄDI in the 11th class and rejection of the highest results at the Olympiads in NIIYAU MIFI.

- scholars of 11 classes of schools and primary mortgages, and also especially, as I may finish the middle education, before the successful participation in the Olympiads of the NIIYAU MIFI and before the delivery of izpitiv in the format ЄDI.

how to know us

underground " Kashirska”, The first carriage from the center, by buses 164, 220, trol. 11 to the Zupinka "Proletarskiy Prospekt" or by buses 150, 162, 192, 269, 607 to the zupinka "Vulitsya Moskvorichi" (1st zupinka from the metro);

underground " Kantemirivska", Stop car from the center, from the passage to the right, by buses 150, 164, 220, 701, trol. 11 (2nd zupinka), bus 901 (1st zupinka from the metro).

Mi you chekaєmo! See you soon!

The preparatory faculty has its own warehouse for such children: days of physics and mathematics lyceums, evening physics and mathematics schools at lyceums, preparatory courses in new terms of science, correspondence school MIFI.
For scholars of daytime and evening forms of training, courses in mathematics, physics and Russian language are organized. Make sure that the robot is informed about the specialties of the university. Graduates of the preparatory faculty may pay the pilgrims when they are protected up to MIFІ.
Day of Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 1511 and No. Thousand P'yat hundred and twenty-three for students in 10th and 11th grades of students of 9th grade in Moscow and Pidmoskov on the basis of a competitive selection based on the number of successful students that russian mov. Busy people in lyceums lead the education of teachers to the university. School No. 1523 has organized training days of the 8th and 9th classes. Lyceums Mayut modern laboratories, computer classes. Graduate education in lyceums by admission to university. Declare in the lyceum to become fierce. From 2000 r in lyceums at the MIFI organized humanities class with organizational training before joining the economical specialties, the specialty of the International Vidnosini and directly in jurisprudence.
Telephones for additional information about food reception - 324-84-17, navchannya - 324-29-21 (person No. 1511), 114-50-94 (person No. 1 523). Evening physics and mathematics schools at lyceums to conduct work with students of 8th and 9th grades (student No. 1511) and students of 7-9th grades (student No. 1523) of day schools in Moscow and Pidmoskov. Declare to be accepted in Veresnі. Occupation is held 2 times per day by teachers and university victories. Navchannya is paid, one ear to borrow - 1 zhovtnya. Phone number for additional information: 324-60-40 (person # 1511), 114-50-86 (person # 1523)
Evening preparatory courses at the university are organized for scholars of the 10th and 11th classes of middle schoolchildren and young people. Busyness is held 2-3 times per week at the university. Navchannya is paid.
The triviality of the present:
8 months - when you apply for an ear of corn, take 1 harvest (10th and 11th class); 5 months - when the application is received in the chest, the ear will take 10 days (11th class); 3 months - when you apply for a fierce one, take an ear of 1 birch tree (11th class). Dovidok phone: 324-60-40
The correspondence school MIFI accepts for the new students of the 7-11th grades of the middle school, as well as the youngsters, who want to advance their education or join the university. The school promotes a wide range of basic disciplines, including the ability to revise special economical education... Navchannya is paid.
For applicants to the university, there are rules for teaching, studying mathematics, physics and Russian language with the necessary methodological materials.
To be able to go to a correspondence school, I must declare about admission in a pre-school form and from the designated (friend) letters of the name, name, according to Batkov, the postal address of the other class of the correspondence school. The sheet must include an empty envelope with a stamp and an inscribed address.
Submit your request for a week along the street behind the address: 115409, Moscow, Kashirske shose, 31, MIFI, Correspondence school. Dovidok phone: 323-90-26
The university organizes groups for the preparation of scholars before joining a paid education in the field of economics, jurisprudence, international affairs. Dovіdki for tel.: 324-84-17, 324-60-40 Preparatory faculty PF
Mainly the head of the educational faculty of MIFI is the foundation of additional minds for the development and implementation of the creative potential of young people in the region natural sciences and modern technology, for the professional organization and preparation before entering the first place in the technical profile, especially in MIFI. The structure of the preparatory faculty allows for the development of an early stage of training, as well as the power and capacity of potential abstractions.
The educational faculty functionally includes:
Day Physics and Mathematics Litsey No. 1511 at MІPHI, rozstasovaniye behind the address: Proletarskiy Avenue, Budynok 6, Bldg. 3. Phone number for additional information: 324-29-21.
Day Physics and Mathematics Litsey No. 1523 at MІPHI, stitching at the address: Klenoviy Boulevard, Budynok 21. Phone number for pre-docs: 114-50-94.
Students of the senior 10th and 11th grades (in the school No. 1523 for full-time education 8th and 9th grades). For courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, informatics, I am busy leading the university at the university. Lyceum may be well equipped with laboratories of physics, chemistry, computer classes. Graduated health care in lyceums after admission with pre-education in МІФІ
For the knowledge of scholars and fathers with lyceums and minds of the future, it is common for the first and other weeks of the fierce lyceum to spend the days of open doors. Acceptance is declared in the lyceum of all scholars, which will end in the 9th grade of the school of Moscow and the nearby Pidmoskov, to be held in another decade of the fierce one, and the entrance to the sport - in the birch tree. Zarahuvannya in the lyceum is carried out for a competition, for the results of accumulated izpitiv.
Detailed information about lyceums can be read off by calling for Vishchev's phone numbers, and about wishing to receive it - by phone 324-84-17 in acceptable comicМІФІ.
For preparation before joining the MIFI lyceum, as well as for rejection additional education when lyceums function:
Evening of fizmatshkil at school No. 1511, where students of 8th and 9th classes are accepted. Acceptance of the application will be carried out at Veresna.
Zhovtnya respects busyness in physics, mathematics and Russian language. Startup at the evening school is paid for, it is carried out without revision from the main class at school. It’s busy to spend the weekend at the university and the teacher’s lyceum. Phone calls: 324-60-40.
Evening of fizmatshkil at school No. 1523, where students of 7-10 grades can be accepted without transfer from the main education in schools. Busy pay, declare to be accepted in the spring, and on the grass on the grass will be busy with the education of mathematics and physics, such as to conduct the university and teachers of the lyceum. Calls for phone calls: 114-50-86.
For preparation before joining the MIF and іnshі higher education institution of a technical profile, as well as for the purpose of prescribing additional education at the preparatory faculty, read:
Evening preparatory courses, as to conduct studies in the 10th and 11th grades, as well as senior students in technical courses and young people in mathematics, physics and Russian language. Attendance is paid, busy is spent at the evening hour.
Preparatory courses should be conducted with the help of:
8 - month course. When you take an application from a heather, take an ear for 1 zhovtnya;
5 - month course. Accept the application in the present, the ear should be taken from 15 days;
2 - month course. Accept the application in birch, take the ear for 1 quarter.
Busy people on the courses are taught at the university. The end of the day to take up in the worms is carried out in the release of the sport. Phone calls: 324-60-40.
Correspondence physics and mathematics school MIFI promoted to Moscow and multi-city schoolchildren traditional courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry and Russian language for students of 7-11 grades. Acceptance of the application should be carried out scorchingly from the sickle to the leaf fall.
Academic correspondence schools will take care of the necessary methodical materials, they will be able to visit at home, at the right time. For the new ric it is necessary to visit 4-6 establishments, which will be changed, there will be pardons, the correct messages will be given. For those quiet, who want to master promising professions, the correspondence school will teach the following topics:
- accounting area; - economy and business; - computer; - Humanitarian courses.
Enrollment in a correspondence school for a fee. Zavdannya and vіdpovіdі on them are supervised by one thing. Detailed information can be edited by turning in a sheet for the address: Moscow, 115409, Kashirske highway, 31, ZFMSh MIFI and on the Internet parties at the address Calls for the phone: (095) -323-90 -26
Preparatory work for the development of earthly scientists since the beginning of the development of the Russian language and viroblya the physical and mathematical training of scientists, which is necessary for the education in prestigious technical universities. Dovidki can be edited by phone: 324-74-91.
At its own educational faculty, it focuses on pre-construction forms of education, which allows efficiently and clearly to ensure the recruitment of students in the university.
Dodatkovu information can be edited by calling the phone: (095) -324-60-40.

For students of 6 classes:

· mathematics, Russian language (course in 2 subjects) - amusing material 5-6 classes.

For students of 7-11 grades, there are three lines of courses:

· mathematics, physics, Russian mova (course in 3 subjects)- for I plan to enter the university to the university on engineering and technical and physical and mathematical specialties. We recommend the male course, about an hour before I enter the university to get a sum of scores, recruiting from three subjects, including Russian language.

· mathematics, physics (course in 2 subjects)- for I plan to enter the university to the university on engineering and technical and physical and mathematical specialties. This is a course for quietly, in the hope of independent achievement of the maximum possible level of knowledge of the Russian language and not for the need to control the achieved level by independent experts.

· mathematics, Russian mova (course in 2 subjects)- for I plan to go to a small entrance to the university for the specialties of the economic profile.

The services of the Correspondence School are available for schoolchildren who live in any point of Russia and beyond the cordon.

It is possible to sign up for a course at any hour, stretching out to the rock without any initial aspirations. Pick up the vivchennya opposite to the course of the line naval rock you can navigate in the quid-line. If the scientists do not rise up to the end of the streaming naval rock, then it is possible to continue the viconation of the plant and to the beginning, and in the spring of the coming naval rock.

The set of items and buildings hangs at the address of the educational institutions with the help of deputy parcels.

The scholars are responsible for the conversion and for the conversion by electronic mail.

On the skin subject of the opposite course, learn to prepare a basic set, breakdowns specially for extramural distance education, to the warehouse which should include:

  • Prosecutors, broken up by victories MIFI and yogo lyceiv. Tsіbniki take more care, nіzh in school handlers, explanation; in the skin razdіlі on a great number of butts, reports are viewed from the types of plants and possible ways of seeing. You can also serve as good supplements to assistants, and in the ranks of vypadkiv - to increase the number of others. In addition to the set with the main students for students of 9 and 11 classes, there are additional books, specially broken down for preparation for the successful production of OGE (DPA) and ADI. The people who wondered about the fight showed up changes in the structure and change of the OGE (DPA) and ADI, and they are seen on the cob of skin naval fate.
  • zbіrniki zavdan s main topics of the school course.

    Students of 7-11 grades will be taught by stretching out the fate of the viconati and vislati for a change in the correspondence school for 6 departments of a skin subject (crim Russian language), which is assigned to a course (for a Russian language - 4 students); Students of 6 classes - 4 students from mathematics and Russian language.

    The skin department of mathematics, physics, chemistry is stored from 20-30 years old. Scientists need to be convinced and ready to reconsider the decisions of 10 all enterprises. Regularly from the cob training school, you can vibrate personalized educational tracts. It gives the chance to those who give success to advance success, and to those who see it - to lose knowledge; systematically trim the independent expert assessment of their knowledge, and also prepare to the success of the OGE (DPA) and ЄDI.

Send an independent confirmation of a specific research department and send it to a revision by electronic mail. Zavdannya vikonuyutsya in the traditional handwritten way (decision to write on the arkusha paperu). When all the sheets are scribbled and attached to the electronic sheet ( report to describe the procedure for issuing and sending a message for a reconversion You will receive it in a parcel at once with the users; there is also a place for your special office on the site).

Along with a set of inquiries and buildings, you will be able to find out about the terms and conditions of the inquiry and referrals of the factory to the revision. You can change the schedule and the term outbound schools). You can visit Kanikuli. If you don’t rise up to the end of the future rock, then you can continue the show and start, and in the spring of the coming new rock. For schoolchildren, there is a possibility to use electronic mail.

The schoolchildren will be converted to qualified victories from the tablet victories with an electronic pen and sent to the e-mail address of the school. You will deny the revised robot with the assessment, the respected and the recommendations of the viclacia, as well as the file of the brochure with the reports of all the employees of the enterprise (all the equipments). It is recommended that you respectfully familiarize yourself with the suggestions made, return the manager, before the finalization of which V did not start, or did not fit in with which.

V special rooms Studies on the site are specially prepared for the initial video materials, interactive educational resources and supplementary texts for materials on earlier topics and for preparation before the Olympics. In special cabinets, there is also an electronic study of studies with assessments for the designation.

Vivchennya to the material of the course should not only be allowed to go to the OGE (DPA) and ЄDI, but it was successful to start with other primary mortgages, in the first place - in NIYAU MIFI.

Part of the service, which is nadaut, is set in the "Part" section. Any additional payments, summarized by inflation, changes in the compliant system, etc., will not be necessary. For a skin earlier mastering course nadaat znizhka. There is an accumulating system of lessons: schoolchildren, who were quickened by the services of ZSh from 6-7 grades, get the most discounts up to 10-11 grades.

To write on the course, visit the interactive elements, described in the section "What is needed for protection".