A dignified stage ege fizika Kimi. Preparation to EDI from physics: butt, solution, explanation

The triviality of the student in physics - 3 years and 55 min.
The robot is stored in two parts, which include 31 parts.
Part 1: zavdannya 1 - 23
Part 2: zavdannya 24 - 31.
At workers 1–4, 8–10, 14, 15, 20, 24–26 є
but also the number of dozens of kintsevs.
I will go to the building 5–7, 11, 12, 16–18, 21 and 23
є The last two digits.
I will show up to 13 є word.
I will show up to the factory on 19 and 22 є two numbers.
View to buildings 27–31 includes
report to describe vikonannya zavdannya all the way.
Minimum test score (for a 100-point scale) - 36

Demo version of ADI 2020 from physics (PDF):

Єthe state exam

The significance of the demonstration option is that it is possible to give the opportunity to any participant of the EDI to know about the structure of KIM, the number and form of buildings, about the level of folding.
The guided evaluation criteria for the display of the building with the open view, included before the first option, give an indication of the possibility until the correctness of the record of the open display.
For a successful preparation for the production of SDI, we propose the development of solutions for prototypes of real buildings from the wart-ege.

Physics of rich vipusniks will be stored in 2017, the results will be better than requested. Bagatom VNZ is demanding, you have the result of DI in physics, but in 2017 you could accept the stench, and you could join the special faculties of the Ukrainian institutes. The first axis through the whole maybutny vypusknik, which in the 11th grade starts, I don’t know about those who will have such a folding sleep in the area, it’s not just that, but with such results, like allowing you to really enter into a good specialty, on how you need knowledge, knowledge as a subject that the results are evident in ЄDI, as an indicator of the fact that I’m going to give you the right to apply for a new date, if you’re looking forward to it, DI from physics 2017 is far away, you don’t want to be in Bali, if you want to know what you want b on the budget.

The first axis is that we think, that there are more schoolboys, knowledge, that is in the brain of the head, and also quiet books that you have already bought, you should know more, as at least two files, as it is recommended for you to download without a box.

In the first place, the center, that is the base, the yak, you see, you are going to the first, the cherry. There will be specifics and codifications, for which you see those who need to repeat and take into account the whole procedure of sleep and mind.

In a different way, the KIM and trial sleep from physics, which is carried out by FIPI, is carried out in a spring, tobto in birch-kvitn.

It’s the axis of your own, and it’s clear to you here, and it’s not just the fact that everything is without shit, but the larger world is through those that are necessary for you, and not for us. The collection of data from physics was taken from an open bank of tribute, from which FIPD has distributed tens of thousands of products and meals from all objects. First of all, it’s just unrealistic, because there’s a need for 10 or 20, and you don’t have such an hour, you need to do the same in 2017; go new vypuskniki, the level of knowledge of what we’re unattractive, and it was not smart, as compete with them, it’s easy to fold.

For the urahuvannya of that, right in the hour the knowledge is extinguished, it may be necessary to read it at once, to leave the knowledge at the head.

Taking into account the facts, we come to a notice about those that you need to get the maximum amount of money in order to originally prepare yourself for any kind of sleep, and in that number up to exam ЄDI From physics 2017 to rock, trial completion of the project that you will be able to understand at once and download it here.

The axis of everything and you need to be intelligent and basic and until the end, so that you will digest everything smoothly at the first time, and those who you will start working in the employees who have been entangled by you, will give you something to think about, and you will be prepared before all you are examined by attachments!

When prepared before ЄDІ vipusknikov more quickly with options from the official dzherel informatsionnogo suprovod vypusknogo izpit.

For the reason, as it is necessary to check the replacement of the robot, next to learn about the demo versions of KIM and ADI from the physics of stream rock and with options ЄDI of the out-of-line period.

05/10/2015 with the help of a grant to the graduates of an additional opportunity to go to the one sovereign sleep of physics on the website of the FIPD publish for one version of KIM, conducting ЄDI completion period 2017 rock. The price of real options for the visit was held on April 7, 2017.

Completed options ЄDI from physics 2017 rіk

Demonstration version of ADI 2017 from physics

Option factory + vidpovidі variant + otvet
Specification blackmail
Codifier blackmail

Demo versions of ADI from physics 2016-2015 to rock

Physics Add new options
2016 version ЄDI 2016
2015 variant EGE fizika

Zmini in KIM ЄDI in 2017 rotsi in proportion to 2016 in rock

The structure of part 1 of the replacement robot has been changed, part 2 is redundant without changes. The selection of robots included the selection of one correct display and a short display.

Once the changes are made to the structure of the replacement robots, the conceptual approach is saved before the assessment of the initial achievements. In addition, having lost without a change the maximum score for the performance of all workshops of replacement robots, saved the maximum points for the establishment of new adaptations for the flexibility and development of the cost of food production by means of roasting

A new change in food, as it can be controlled for the One Sovereign Spirit of 2017, has been directed at the codifier of elements in the name of that vimog before the preparatory stage for the preparation of the Institute of Education for the holding of the One Great Spiritual Conference in 2017. from physics.

The significance of the demonstration version of the EDI from the physics of the field is in the fact that it is possible for any participant of the EDI to give that wide angle to the knowledge about the structure of the future KIM, because that form of design, about the level of folding.

Criteria for evaluating the status of the building with a flared view, included in the whole option, give an indication of the possibility until the correctness of the record of the flared view. In order to allow the graduates to virobit the strategy of preparation and building of EDI.

Go to the pick of the zmist, the structure of the KIM and EDI from physics

The skin version of the examination of the robot includes the development of the mastery of the control of the elements in the course of the success in the school course of physics. Most important from a glance, the continuation of the education of the chief mortgages of the developmental elements is controlled in the very same options by the staff of the most recent years of foldability.

The number of employees from that particular distribution will start on the basis of that proportionally until the beginning of the hour, which will be introduced for the first time on the basis of educational programs from physics. Rizni plans, which are designed for replacement options, will be based on the principle of changeable additions from the beginning of the series of options to ensure the diagnosis of the development of all inclusions in the codifier of changeable elements.

Leather varіant vklyuchaє zavdannya on vsіh rozdіlah rіznogo rіvnya skladnostі scho dozvolyayut perevіriti vmіnnya zastosovuvati fіzichnі Zakoni i of formulating yak in the Model The Teaching situatsіyah, so i in netraditsіynih situatsіyah scho vimagayut Show dosit Visoko stage samostіynostі at kombіnuvannі vіdomih algoritmіv Act reasonably abo stvorennі Vlasna plan vikonannya zavdannya ...

The activity of the revision of the plant due to the open-ended opinion will be taken into account by the same assessment criteria, with the participation of two independent experts, such as assessing one robot, it is possible to assign the third procedure for the assessment. Єinium sovereign sleep from physics є sleep on the vibration of vypusknikiv and indications for differentiation at the entrance to the primary mortgages.

For the whole, the robot includes three levels of folding. The establishment of the basic level of folding allows the assessment of the level of development of the most significant changes in the course of physics of the middle school and the development of the most important types of activity.

In the middle of the establishment of the basic level, there is a view that changes to the standard of the basic level. The minimum number of points in physics, so that the student can master the programs of the middle (new) background education in physics, it will be established, in order to master the standard of the basic education. Vikoristannya in the examination of the robot, the establishment of an advanced and high level of folding, allowing the assessment of the steps of preparation of the scientist to the advancement of learning in cherry.

Yak і last rock, in 2017 two "streams" have been transferred; naval rock, the remaining numbers are grass. In the official project of the DI distribution, all the dates for the folding of drinks from all items in the offense are included in the period - including additional dates reserve days, transferred for quiet, hto, for important reasons (ailment, zbig dates іspitіv too) didn’t change the area of ​​ЄDI from the term values.

Distribution of the out-of-line period for the period DI DI - 2017

The 2017 rotsi of the completion of the "hwilya" has only one state replacement start earlier, but not so much. As soon as the spring peaked at the end of the birch birch season, the spring season will be on to the end of the year.

The main terms of the pre-term period - from 14 to 24 birch... In such a rank, before the cob of spring school canals, it is already enough to wake up to go through a vip test. The first time we can get involved: middle school students, who may have the right to create DI at the completion of the winter season - lads, who have the same fate as the brothers in the Russian international sportsmen and competitions, and during the spring season of professional sports ... bud. Destruction of іspitіv on bіlsh early terms to allow him to vikoristovuvati stay "on the povnu kotushka".

Dodatkov_ (reserve) days the completion period of SDI-2017 is underway 3 to 7 April... When writing a drink in a reserve term, it’s a bit of a bug: if in the same day there were no more than two items in the past, then in 2017 there were a lot of drinks on vibrating trials “according to.

Some days of vision are deprived of three subjects: a general one for students and all students who may be able to learn from Russian language, as well as mathematics and other parts of education from earthmovs... With a lot of "talk" of a lot of "completion", put it earlier for the letter part.

Rzpodiliti Bereznevі іspiti for the dates are planned for the offensive rank:

  • 14 birch(vintorok) - sleep in mathematics (both basic and professional);

  • 16 birch(four) - chemistry, history, informatics;

  • 18 birch(Saturday) - ЄDI from the earth mov (sleep part to sleep);

  • 20 birch(Monday) - sleep from Russian movi;

  • 22 birch(Seredovische) - biology, physics, earthmovies (writing іspit);

  • 24 birch(p'yatnytsya) - ЄDI, literature and supportive knowledge.

Between the main and reserve days of the completion period, a nine-day pause is given. Effortless testing for "reserves" takes place in three days:

  • 3 weeks(Monday) - chemistry, literature, informatics, earth (talk);

  • 5 April(Seredovishche) - earth (writing), geography, physics, biology, suspension knowledge;

  • 7 April(p'yatnytsya) - Russian mova, basic that.

As a rule, the main mass is quiet, hto DI is ready for completion - the graduates of the past rocky, as well as the graduates of the middle special primary mortgages (at the colleges and professional lyceums, the program of the middle school and call to "pass" the first child). In addition, the students of the school can "see" with the sleepers earlier, as before the main period of the production of the ADI there will be for more important reasons (for example, take part in the Russian sanitary workers in the intergovernmental

Vypuskniki 2017 rock can also vibrate the terms of folding up spirits from quiet objects, the program of which has been completed. The price is relevant for a quiet, hto planuє - a school course from a subject to be read up to grade 10, and completing one from a class can reduce stress before an hour of the main period of EDI.

Distribution of the main period of production of ADI - 2017

The main period for the 2017 launch of the EDI is 26 May, and up to 16 worms, there are more copies of the epic to complete the examination of the epic. For quietly, who do not want to build ЄDI immediately for an important reason, or if you vibrate objects that are based on the terms of delivery, transfer reserve examination days from 19 worms... Yak і past fate, the last day from the period of folding ЄDI stan "One reserve" - ​​30 worms can be put into sleep from any object.

At the same time, the distribution of sleepers in the main period of ADI-2017 is due to the addition of the completion workers, but the majority of the students can uniquely overlap the dates of the folding of the sleepers.

Okremі ekzamenatsіynі days vіlіlenі for folding general subjects: Russian language, mathematics basic and professional ryvnya (schoolchildren may have the right to fold as one of these aspirants, so for the first time, for the first time in the contribution

Yak and past fate, the next day is seen for the most demanding sleep on the vibir - suspicion of knowledge. And for the folding of the sleepy part of the sleep from the earthmovs, we saw one at once two days. In addition, it’s just about a day seen for a subject that doesn’t need to be considered for the ЄDІ subject - geography. It is possible, it is worthwhile to distribute in the distribution all items of the natural profile, having changed the number of items.

In such a rank, at the DI distributor there are two bets and one "three" of objects, which one can add up to one hour:

  • chemistry, history and informatics;

  • іnzemni movi and biology,

  • literature and physics.

Folding іspitіv maє vіdbutisya at the beginning of the date:

  • 26 herb(p'yatnytsya) - geography,

  • 29 grass(Monday) - russian mova,

  • 31 herb(Seredovische) - history, chemistry, informatics and ICT,

  • 2 worms(p'yatnytsya) - professional mathematician,

  • 5 worms(Ponedіlok) - suspension knowledge;

  • 7 worms(Seredovishche) -,

  • 9 worm(p'yatnytsya) - writing in earth, biology,

  • 13 worms(vіvtorok) - literature, physics,

  • 15 worms(four) ta 16 worms(p'yatnytsya) - іzemny Usny.

In such a rank, before graduation evenings, a large number of schoolchildren are expected to "with a clear conscience", having already learned all the planned activities and having eliminated the results from a large number of subjects. That’s the problem of the main ex-change period, vibrating for the terms of the objects, catching the “nevud” from the Russian or mathematics, of the visions of the sleep, or of the hour of folding the store іnit at the reserve term.

Reserve days are distributed as follows:

  • 19 worms(Monday) - informatics, history, chemistry and geography,

  • 20 worms(vintorok) - physics, literature, biology, education, writing earth,

  • 21 worms(middle) - russian mova,

  • 22 worms(four) - mathematics on a basic level,

  • 28 worms(Seredovische) - mathematics at the professional level,

  • 29 worms(four) - usniy іzemny,

  • 30 worms(p'yatnytsya) - mustache objects.

Do you want to change the graph of the ADI

The project of the official distribution of EDI will be published on the ear of the beginning of the rock, the discussion will be discussed, and the remaining solidified graph will be added to the sleep, will be added. To that, the DI stock for 2017 may have a change.

However, for example, in 2016, the project was solidified without any changes or actual dates of illnesses as a result of sounding from in advance - both in completion, and in the main need. Already, chances for those that will be distributed in 2017 will also be taken without changes, to reach the top.

Preparation for ODE and EDI

Middle zagalna osvita

Line of UMK A. V. Grachov. Фізика (10-11) (base., Pogl.)

Line of UMK A. V. Grachov. Фізика (7-9)

Line of UMK A. V. Perishkina. Фізика (7-9)

Preparation to EDI from physics: butt, solution, explanation

The selection of EDI from physics (Option C) with a teacher.

Lebedova Alevtina Sergiyivna, physics teacher, robotics experience 27 years. Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (2013), of the Head of the Resurrection Municipal District (2015), Diploma of the President of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics and Physics of the Moscow Region (2015).

Robots are represented by a growing number of foldability: basic, advanced and high. The head of the basic level, the tse of the simple mastery, is to transform the skills of the most important physical understand, models, manifestations and laws. Zavdannya p_advishennogo rivnya Directly for a change in the mind of a victorious understanding of the laws of physics for the analysis of industrial processes and manifestations, as well as a change in the knowledge of one or two laws (formulas) for any kind of physical course. Robot 4 has the factory part 2 є the staff of the highest level of folding and reconfiguring the laws of physics and the theory of physics in changing the new situation. Vykonannya such zavdan vimagaє zasosuvannya knowledge from two three divisions of physics, tobto. the most suitable level of preparation. Tsei option for more information demonstration option DI 2017 was taken from an open bank DI.

At a glance of representations of the graph of the abundance of the module of the speed per hour t... Visually, behind the graph of the way, the car passes in the interval of an hour from 0 to 30 s.

Decision. Shlyakh, passing by a car in an interval of an hour from 0 to 30 s, which is simpler because of the space of a trapezoid, the basics of which are intervals of an hour (30 - 0) = 30 s, and (30 - 10) = 20 s, and at a height - a speed v= 10 m / s, tobto.

S = (30 + 20) s 10 m / s = 250 m-code.

View. 250 m.

Vantage with a weight of 100 kg is lifted vertically up a hill behind an additional cable. Deposits of the shvidkost projection are directed to the little one V vantage on the air, straight up the hill, by the hour t... Specify the module by pulling the cable tension downwards.

Decision. Behind the graph of the abundance of the projection v vantage on a hanging, straightened vertically uphill, every hour t, it is possible by means of a projection accelerated vantage

a = v = (8 - 2) m / s = 2 m / s2.
t 3 sec

On vantage diyut: the force is heavy, straightened vertically downwards і the tension force of the cable, straightened upwards and downwards. 2. Recordable basic dynamics of dynamics. Skoristaєmosya by another Newton's law. The geometrical sum of the forces of those who are on the way to the door is to add the masi on the fast, to see you.

+ = (1)

We can write down the equation for the projection of vectors in the system of view, bound from the earth, the OY axis is directed to the mountain. The projection of the force of the tension is positive, the projection of the force of the tension is positive, the projection of the force of the tension is positive, the projection of the force of the tension is positive, the projection of the force of the tightness is negative, so as the vector of the force of the straightening of the axis OY, the projection of the vector of the acceleration is positive, so it only collapses in the acceleration. Maєmo

Tmg = ma (2);

from formula (2) modulus of force or interference

T = m(g + a) = 100 kg (10 + 2) m / s 2 = 1200 N.

View... 1200 N.

Just pull on the horizontal horizontal surface with a constant speed, the module of the road is 1, 5 m / s, applying the same force as shown on the little one (1). At the same time, the module of strength is rubbing against the backdrop, which is good enough, it is expensive 16 N. F?

Decision. Obviously, a physical process, tasks for the development and an extremely schematic of an armchair based on the values ​​of the forces, such as the work of the day (Fig. 2). Recordable basic dynamics of dynamics.

Tr + + = (1)

Vibravshi system vіdlіku, tied with a mild surface, write down the equal projection of vectors on vibranі coordinate axes. For the mind of the problem, it just collapses equitably, which is why the speed of the problem is 1.5 m / s. Tse means that the speeding up of the road to zero. Horizontal tilo dyut dvі force: the force of rubbing tr. and the strength to pull. The projection of force or rubbing is negative, there are some splinters of the force vector X... Power projection F positive. Nagaduєmo, for a meaningful projection, the perpendicular is lowered from the cob and the end of the vector is dropped. I'll look at the tse maєmo: F cosα - F tr = 0; (1) visible to the projection of strength F, tse F cosα = F tr = 16 N; (2) toughness, to develop by force, will be equal N = F cosα V(3) I will completely replace the lawyer (2);

N= 16 N 1.5 m / s = 24 W.

View. 24 watts

Vantage, fastening on light springs with a thickness of 200 N / m, robbing a vertical column. On a little of representations of the graph of the fallowness of the usunenny x vantage every hour t... Visnachte, why do you need me for a vantage. Please round up to an integer number.

Decision. Vantage on springs to rob vertical columns. Behind the graph of fallowness X by the hour t, Visually, the period of the collection of vantage. Period kolyvan dorivnyu T= 4; from the formula T= 2π visually masu m vantage.

= T ; m = T 2 ; m = k T 2 ; m= 200 H / m (4 s) 2 = 81.14 kg ≈ 81 kg.
k 4π 2 4π 2 39,438

View: 81 kg.

On the baby, a system of two light blocks and an unattended cable is shown, for which one can be used in equal measure or for a weight of 10 kg. Rubbing spitefully little. At the start of the analysis of the induced baby, vibrate two The last ones are solidified and indicated at the latest numbers.

  1. Schob utrimuvatie the vantage at the rivnovazi, it takes a day for the end of the motorcycle with a force of 100 N.
  2. The system of blocks is imaged to the little one does not let him win the game.
  3. h, you need to use a bottle of a motorcycle zadovzka 3 h.
  4. In order to make sure that you take a vantage on a height hh.

Decision. For all tasks, it is necessary to use simple mechanisms, and the blocks themselves are a ruhomous and non-ruhomous block. The ruchomy block is enough to win in power, when the dilenk of the motose needs to be done better, and the non-ruffled block is victorious for redirecting the power. Robots do not give simple mechanics to play. To analyze the data immediately vibrate the required solidity:

  1. In order to make sure that you take a vantage on a height h, you need to use a bottle of a motorcycle zadovzka 2 h.
  2. Schob utrimuvate the vantage at the ravnovazi, it takes a day for the end of the motorcycle with a force of 50 N.

View. 45.

In a vessel with water, there will be more holes in the aluminum vantage, fastening on the nonvagomous and non-stretching threads. Vantage does not shy away from the bottom of the judgment. We'll use the same pot of water to cover the zaliznye vantage, a lot of expensive aluminum vantage. How does the result change in the thread tension module and the tension module?

  1. Zbіlshuєatsya;
  2. Change;
  3. Do not change.

Decision. I will analyze the analysis of the vision of those parameters, which do not change in the course of the last time: the price of the marathon and the ridina, in the way of threading the thread. A schematic little kid that looks more beautiful than a viconati and uses it to pull on the vantage: the force of the thread pull F Exercise, the threads are straight, burn out; the force is heavy, straightened vertically to the bottom; archimedean power a, scho dіє from the side of the rіdini on a zenurene tіlo thаt is straight up the hill. For the mind, the master of the vantage is the same, and the module is strong, but for the vantage, there is no change. So, as the strength of the vantages is growing, then the exchange may be growing

V = m .

The thickness of the layer is 7800 kg / m 3 and the aluminum wrap is 2700 kg / m 3. Otzhe, V f< V a... Tilo in equal measure, as well as for all forces, as well as for energy, to zero. Directionally co-ordinate climbing OY uphill. The main dynamics of the dynamics of the projection of forces is recorded at the viglyad. F control + F amg= 0; (1) Virazimo the tension force F control = mgF a(2); archimedean power to lay down in the form of a buried part of the body F a = ρ gV p.h.t. (3); The strength of the life does not change, but the volume of the life is the smallest V f< V a That is the arch-mediated strength, which will be less for the zalizny vantage. Robimo visnovok about the module for pulling the thread tightly

View. 13.

Masoyu bar m ziskovzu from the fastened shorny stolen area with a cut α at delivery. The module of the accelerated bar for the road a, the modulus of the speed of the growth bar. Opіr povіtrya is possible zehtuvati.

Establish the dependence between physical quantities and formulas, for the addition of which can be calculated. Prior to the skin position of the first article, take a look at the position of another article and write down in the table of the selected numbers from the letters.

B) Coeffіcієnt rubbing a bar about the abduction of the area

3) mg cosα

4) sinα - a
g cosα

Decision. Tse zavdannya vimagaє zasosuvannya Newton's laws. It is recommended to change the concept of an armchair; to provide us with cinematic characteristics of the ruch. As much as possible, to represent the vector of accelerating and the vector of all forces applied to the floor, how to collapse; pam'yatati, as well, as a result of the interaction with the latter. Then write down the main dynamics. Vibrate the system of vidlіku and recording іvnyannya for the projection of vectors of forces and acceleration;

Adopting the proponated algorithm, the armchair is brilliantly schematic (Fig. 1). On the little image of the force, applied to the center of the bar, the coordinate axis of the view system, tied to the surface of the stolen area. Oskilki all force persist, then the collapse of the bar will be equal to the speed, so it will grow, tobto. vector of acceleration of straightening at bik ruhu. Viberemo straight axes yak are assigned to the little one. We can write down the projection of forces on the axle.

We can write down the basic dynamics of the dynamics:

Tr + = (1)

It is written down to the dane of the equal (1) for the projection of the forces that the accelerated.

On the fly OY: the projection of the force of the reaction of the support is positive, the splinters of the vector go from the direct axis of the OY N y = N; the projection of force rubbing against zero splinters is a vector perpendicular to the axis; projection of strength will be negative and equal mg y= mg cosα; projection vector a y= 0, so the vector is accelerated perpendicular to the axis. Maєmo Nmg cosα = 0 (2) the force of the reaction is visible from the level of the reaction, which is on the bar, from the side of the stolen area. N = mg cosα (3). Recordable projections on OX.

Powered by OX: projection of strength N to zero, so yak is a vector perpendicular to the OX axis; The projection of the force is negative (the vector of directions is the opposite side of the opposite axis); the projection of strength is positive and equal mg x = mg sinα (4) і from a rectangular tricycle. The projection of the accelerated is positive a x = a; Todi Rivnyannya (1) can be written down from the project mg sinα - F tr = ma (5); F tr = m(g sinα - a) (6); Remember that the force is rubbing the proportion of the force of the normal vice N.

For viznachennyam F tr = μ N(7), virazimo kofіtsієnt rubbing the bar about the abduction of the area.

μ = F tr = m(g sinα - a) = tgα - a (8).
N mg cosα g cosα

Vibrantly specific positions of skin letters.

View. A - 3; B - 2.

Zavdannya 8. Gas-like kissen is located near the vessel with a volume of 33.2 liters. The grip of the gas is 150 kPa, the temperature is 127 ° С. Look at the gram and round it to an integer number.

Decision. It is important to brutalize respect before transferring one to the SI system. Temperature translatable to Kelvin T = t° С + 273, obsyag V= 33.2 l = 33.2 · 10 -3 m 3; Vise translatable P= 150 kPa = 150,000 Pa. Vikoristovuchi іvnyannya to the ideal gas

visually masu gas.

Obov'yazkovo zvertaєmo respect, from which one to ask to write down the views. Tse is even more important.

View. 48 p.

Zavdannya 9. Ideal monoatomic gas at a fraction of 0.025 mol adiabatically expanded. At the same time, the temperature dropped from +103 to + 23 ° C. Yak robots get gas? Look at Joules and round up to an integer number.

Decision. Perche, gas is monoatomic, the number of steps of freedom i= 3, in other words, the gas expands adiabatically - tse means without heat exchange Q= 0. Gas supply to the robot will change the internal energy. I will look at the simpler law of thermodynamics can be written in the view 0 = ∆ U + A G; (1) visible to the robot gas A r = –∆ U(2); Internal energy change for a monoatomic gas can be written as

View. 25 J.

An acceptable value of the drink for the singing temperature is 10%. How many have developed in the past the clutches of a good portrayal in order to ensure that the unchanged temperature has increased by 25%?

Decision. Meals, tied with a pair of weeds, and in the past, are most often difficult for schoolchildren. Fast by the formula for the distribution of the good news

The temperature does not change for a wash, so the grip of a forced bet will be lost on our own. We can write down the formula (1) for two stan_vitrya.

φ 1 = 10%; φ 2 = 35%

Virazimo the vice of grip from formulas (2), (3) and we know the value of grip.

P 2 = φ 2 = 35 = 3,5
P 1 φ 1 10

View. Vise slid zbіlshiti at 3.5 times.

The hot talk in the native camp was usually cooled down at the smelting furnace with a steady strain. The table shows the results of the speech temperature per hour.

Viber from the proponent two hardened, which is based on the results of the implementation of the number.

  1. The melting temperature in the drainage pipes is 232 ° С.
  2. After 20 min. When a cob was left, the word was found only near the firm camp.
  3. The warmth of speech in the native and firm stan is the same.
  4. After 30 minutes. When a cob was left, the word was found only near the firm camp.
  5. The process of crystallization of the speech took up 25 chilines.

Decision. Oskіlki speech was cooled, its internal energy changed. The results of changing the temperature allow for a higher temperature, when a word starts to crystallize. Leave the river, go from the hard camp to the hard ones, the temperature does not change. Knowingly, the melting temperature and the crystallization temperature are, however, vibramo solidification:

1. The melting temperature of the speech in the drainage pipes is 232 ° С.

Another vіrne hardened price:

4. After 30 minutes. When a cob was left, the word was found only near the firm camp. So as the temperature at the same moment of the hour is even lower than the temperature of crystallization.

View. 14.

In the insulated system, the temperature is + 40 ° С, and the temperature is + 65 ° С. Tsі tla led to thermal contact one to one. In a dozen hour, the heat rivnovaga came. How did the result change the temperature of B and the total internal energy of the A and B?

For the dermal size, the specific nature of the snake is:

  1. Zbіlshilas;
  2. Has changed;
  3. It did not change.

Write down in the tables the digits of the skin physical value. The numbers at the top may be repeated.

Decision. As soon as in the isolated system of electricity it does not take into account the current transformation of energy into the heat exchange, then a little bit of heat, given by the energy, the (Behind the law of saving energy.) The internal energy of the system is totally different. The control of this type is dependent on the level of heat balance.

U = ∑ n U i = 0 (1);
i = 1

de ∆ U- Internal energy supply.

As a result of the heat exchange, our internal energy will change, and the temperature of the whole heat will also change. Internal energy level And it is getting better, only a little bit of heat is reduced, the temperature is getting higher. Total internal energy tl A and B do not change.

View. 23.

Proton p, flies into the gap between the poles of the electromagnet, the power is perpendicular to the induction vector. magnetic field, yak is shown on the little one. Kudi the Lorentz force is straightened, scho dіє to a proton, schodo malyunka (up, up to sposter, from sposter, down, left, right)

Decision. On a charged particle, a magnetic field is generated by the force of Lorentz. To make a point of the power, it is important to remember the mnemonic rule of the left hand, do not forget the charge of the part. Chotiri fingers of the left hand are directed along the vector of fluidity, for a positively charged particle, the vector is guilty perpendicularly enters the valley, thumb 90 ° views show straight ahead on a part of Lorentz's force. In addition, the vector of Lorentz's force of straightening from a sposterigachodo malyunka.

View. from sposterigach.

The module of the voltage of the electric field in a flat turn capacitor of 50 μF for 200 V / m. Stand between the plates of the capacitor 2 mm. Why should the capacitor charge be expensive? Write down at μC.

Decision. All units can be transferred to the CI system. Mix C = 50 μF = 50 10 -6 F, seen between plates d= 2 · 10 –3 m. The problem is about a flat winding capacitor - an attachment for accumulating an electric charge and energy of an electric field. 3 formulas of electrical power

de d- Stand between plates.

Virazimo naprugu U= E d(4); Advantageously (4) (2) and the capacitor charge is destructive.

q = C · Ed= 50 10 -6 200 0.002 = 20 μC

Zvertaєmo respect, in some cases, write down the views. They were trimmed in pendants, and the representative one was in μC.

View. 20 μC.

A student of providing information about breaking light, performances on a photograph. Yak zmіnyutsya with the increase of the cube, the fall of the crumpled light, is it possible to grow up near the slope, is that indicative of the breaking of the slope?

  1. Zbіlshuєatsya
  2. Change
  3. Do not change
  4. Write down the vibran numbers for the skin display in the tables. The numbers at the top may be repeated.

Decision. The zavdannya of such a plan is zgaduєmo, so it is broken. The price of a change is straightforward to widen the range when it is passed from one middle to the other. Viklikano vono tim, shvidkost і widened hvil in the middle of the rіznі. Having chosen from the middle of the yake, the light expands, written down to the law of breaking in the viglyad

sinα = n 2 ,
sinβ n 1

de n 2 - absolute indicator of slope fracture, middle point of kudi idde svitlo; n 1 - an absolute indicator of the breaking of the first middle ground, the stars of the light side. For the fortune n 1 = 1. α - cut of the exchange to the surface of the sklyny nap_vcylindra, β - the cut of the collapse of the exchange at the skl. Moreover, the cut will be smaller for the cut of the fall, the shards are optically larger, the middle is the middle with a great indicator of the break. The broadened lightness at the sklі mensha. Beastly respect, that kuti vimiryumo from the perpendicular, renewed at the point of the exchange. Yaksho zbіlshuvati kut padіnnya, then kut wrinkling zrostatime. The index of the folding of the warehouse does not change.


Midna changeover at the time of the hour t 0 = 0, the repair collapses at a speed of 2 m / s along parallel horizontal wire rails, until a resistor is supplied with a 10 Ohm support. The whole system is located near a vertical single-sided magnetic field. The definition of the jumper and the racks is even smaller, the jumper has been rocked perpendicular to the racks for the whole hour. Potential F of the vector of magnetic induction through the circuit, assertions by a bridge, rails and resistor, change in an hour t so, as shown in the graph.

Vikoristovyuchi graph, select two correct hardened and put in the given number.

  1. At the moment of the hour t= 0.1 zim of the magnetic flux through the road circuit 1 mVb.
  2. Induction strum at the switch in the interval from t= 0.1 s t= 0.3 s maximum.
  3. Module EPC Induction
  4. The power of the induction strum, which flows in the transmission, is 64 mA.
  5. To bring the bulkhead down to it, apply a force, the projection of which straight rails to the road is 0.2 N.

Decision. Behind the graph of fallowness, the flow of the vector of magnetic induction through the contour is significant for the hour, it’s meaningless, it’s depressing, and the flow is changed to zero. Do not allow us to make an interval of an hour, if the circuit is in the form of an induction strum. Virne tverdzhennya:

1) At the moment of the hour t= 0.1 from the change of the magnetic flux through the road circuit 1 mVb ∆F = (1 - 0) · 10 –3 Vb; The module EPC індукції, scho vinikє in the contour, is significant, vikoristovuchi law EMI.

View. 13.

For the graph of fallowness, the rate of flow per hour in the electric lance, the inductance of which road is 1 mH, use the EPC self-induction module at intervals of the hour from 5 to 10 s. Record at μV.

Decision. We translate all values ​​into the CI system, tobto. Inductance 1 mH can be converted into Gn, readable 10 -3 Gn. The force of the struma, shown by the little one in mA, can also be shifted by A by way of a factor of 10 –3.

Formula EPC self-induction maє viglyad

at a certain interval of an hour given for a brain task

t= 10 s - 5 s = 5 s

seconds that behind the graph viznachaєmo Interval of a strum per hour:

I= 30 · 10 -3 - 20 · 10 -3 = 10 · 10 -3 = 10 -2 A.

Given the numerical value of the formula (2), we can recognize

| Ɛ | = 2 · 10 -6 V, or 2 µV.

View. 2.

Two holes of plane-parallel plates are pressed together one to one. On the surface of the first plate, a drop of light falls (divine little ones). Seemingly, an indicator of breaking the upper plateau n 2 = 1.77. Establish the relationship between physical values ​​and values. Prior to the skin position of the first article, take a look at the position of another article and write down in the table of the selected numbers from the letters.

Decision. For solving problems about breaking light at the intervals between two midpoints, for growing tasks for passing light through plane-parallel plates, it is possible to recommend an offensive order of connection: at the point of exchange at the border between the two centers, draw a normal to the surface, in which case it is cut down and broken. Especially pay respect to the optical power of the middle and memory, but when you change the light from the optically smaller middle to the optically larger middle, the crumbling will be less than the bottom. On the little one is given a cut between a falling exchange and a surface, and we need a cut of a fall. Remember, kuti will start from the perpendicular, renewed at the point of the fall. Visnachaєmo, scho kut fall exchange to the surface 90 ° - 40 ° = 50 °, an indicator of breakage n 2 = 1,77; n 1 = 1 (twist).

Write down the law of breaking

sinβ = sin50 = 0,4327 ≈ 0,433

Wake up to an eye-catching exchange through payment. Victorian formula (1) for between 2–3 and 3–1. We will accept it

A) Sinus kuta fall between 2–3 mіzh plates - tse 2) ≈ 0.433;

B) Cut of the breaking of the exchange before crossing the cordon 3–1 (at radians) - tse 4) ≈ 0.873.

View. 24.

On the other hand, fragments of α - particles and fragments of protons go into the results of the reaction of thermonuclear fusion

+ → x+ y;

Decision. With all nuclear reactions, the laws of conservation of the electric charge and the number of nucleons are observed. Meaning, through x is the number of alpha particles, y is the number of protons. Skodemo Rivnyannya

+ → x + y;

virishuchi system maєmo, scho x = 1; y = 2

View. 1 - α-part; 2 - proton.

The module for the pulse of the first photon is up to 1.32 · 10 -28 kg · m / s, less by 9.48 · 10 -28 kg · m / s, lower than the module for the pulse of another photon. Know the energy performance E 2 / E 1 of the other one photon. Please round up to ten squares.

Decision. The impulse of another photon is greater than the impulse of the first photon behind the brain, it can be detected p 2 = p 1 + Δ p(one). The energy of a photon can be transmitted through the impulse of a photon, which is vicious and so equal. Tse E = mc 2 (1) ta p = mc(2), todі

E = pc (3),

de E- Energy of a photon, p Is the pulse of the photon, m is the mass of the photon, c= 3 · 10 8 m / s - light intensity. According to the formula (3), the maєmo:

E 2 = p 2 = 8,18;
E 1 p 1

It will be rounded up to ten and we will accept 8.2.

View. 8,2.

The nucleus of the atom has become aware of the radioactive positron - the drop. How did the electric charge of the nucleus change and the number of neutrons from the new one?

For the dermal size, the specific nature of the snake is:

  1. Zbіlshilas;
  2. Has changed;
  3. It did not change.

Write down in the tables the digits of the skin physical value. The numbers at the top may be repeated.

Decision. Positron - a drop in the atomic nucleus is generated during the transformation of a proton into a neutron with the release of a positron. In addition, the number of neutrons in the nucleus increases by one, the electric charge decreases by one, and the mass number of the nucleus becomes invariable. In such a rank, the reaction of the reinvention of the element is as follows:

View. 21.

At the laboratory, five experiments were carried out to keep the diffraction behind the additional diffraction karats. The skin was visibly visible with parallel bunches of monochromatic light with a singing twilight. Light in all the drops fell perpendicular to the grains. In two of these experiments, the same number of head diffraction maxima were observed. Give a copy of the number to the experiment, in which the diffraction grates were studied in a shorter period, and then the number to the experiment, in which the diffraction grates were studied in a longer period.

Decision. The diffraction of light is called the manifestation of a light beam, an area of ​​geometric shape. Diffraction can be promoted in this way, if on the way of light, there is an opaque doorway, or open it to the greats beyond the size and opaque for light, the doorway One of the most important diffraction attachments is the diffraction grating. Straight lines on the maxima of the diffraction picture in the beginning

d sinφ = kλ (1),

de d Is the period of the diffraction grating, φ is the cut from the normal to rat and directly by one of the maxima of the diffraction pattern, λ is the amount of light, k- whole number, called the order of the diffraction maximum. Virazimo z rivnyannya (1)

Taking a bet from a mental experiment, a selection of 4 de-vikors was selected for diffraction grates with a shorter period, and then - the number of the experiment, in which they were victorious for diffraction grates for a great period - for a great period.

View. 42.

On the rattling resistor flow the strum. The resistor was replaced by the one, with a dart for the same metal and the same amount of time, ale, but we didn’t cut the area of ​​the transverse recession, and passed it through a new, smaller strum. How can you change your force on resistors and її opіr?

For the dermal size, the specific nature of the snake is:

  1. Get better;
  2. Change;
  3. Do not change.

Write down in the tables the digits of the skin physical value. The numbers at the top may be repeated.

Decision. It is important to memorize such values ​​to lay down the guide's opir. Formula for rosrahunku support maє viglyad

Ohm's law for dilyanka lantsyug, s formulas (2), virazimo sprung

U = I R (3).

For the wash, another resistor is used to prepare for the dart of the same material, the same material, the alley area of ​​the transverse break. The area of ​​the vdvіchі mensha. Pidstavlyayuchi (1) otrimaєmo, that opir will change 2 times, and the strength of the strum will change 2 times, and the pressure will not change.

View. 13.

The period of the swing of the mathematical pendulum on the surface of the Earth is 1.2 times longer than the period of the first swing on the day of the planet. Why do you need a transport module to accelerate your life on the planet? The inflow of the atmosphere in both drops is very small.

Decision. The mathematical pendulum is a whole system that can be stored from a thread, size of which is larger than the size of the bag and the bag itself. The folding can be tricky when Thomson's formula for the period of a mathematical pendulum has been forgotten.

T= 2π (1);

l- Dovzhin's mathematical pendulum; g- accelerated vіlnogo padіnnya.

For wash

Virazimo Z (3) g n = 14.4 m / s2. Slid means that the accelerated fall of the earth to lie down on the planet and radius

View. 14.4 m / s 2.

Straight-line guide with a length of 1 m, yakim flow of 3 A strums, rosetting in a single-line magnetic field with an induction Have= 0.4 T pid cut 30 ° to the vector. Yakim є a module of strength, what about the guide from the side of the magnetic field?

Decision. As soon as in the magnetic field, place the guide with the strum, then the field on the guide with the strum of the action with the power of Ampere. Writable formula for Ampere's modulus

F A = I LB sinα;

F A = 0.6 N

View. F A = 0.6 N.

The energy of the magnetic field, stored in the boiler when passing through it a permanent struma, will transport 120 J. In some cases, it is necessary to increase the force of the struma, which is passed through the winding of the coil, and it is stored in some energy of the magnetic field.

Decision. The energy of the magnetic field of the cat will be rewarded for the formula

W m = LI 2 (1);

For wash W 1 = 120 J, todі W 2 = 120 + 5760 = 5880 J.

I 1 2 = 2W 1 ; I 2 2 = 2W 2 ;

Todi vіdnoshennya strumіv

I 2 2 = 49; I 2 = 7
I 1 2 I 1

View. The strength of the strum is required for 7 times. Please enter the number 7 before the application form.

An electric lance is stored with two bulbs, two dіodіv that loop of a dart, z'єdnanih, as shown on the little one. (Diod skips the leash in one straight line, as shown on the upper part of the baby). Yak the light bulb will light up, how can you approach the magnet pole to the coil? Give an explanation, having said which phenomena and laws were taken into account when explained.

Decision. Lines of magnetic induction go from the pole to the magnet and go out. When the magnet is approached, the magnetic flow through the loop of the dart increases. According to the rule of Lenz, the magnetic field is set by the induction strum of the loop, but the right-hander is not directly handled. For the rule of the gimbal, the strum is guilty of the year's arrow (as if the livoruch was astonished). At the same time, there is a diode, which stands at the lance of another lamp. Means, light up a friend's lamp.

View. Light up a friend's lamp.

Alyumіnієva spitsya zavdovzhki L= 25 cm and the area of ​​the transverse recess S= 0.1 cm 2 offset by thread for the upper edge. The lower end spirals to the horizontal bottom of the vessel, water is poured into the yak. Dovzhina spoked at the water part of the spokes l= 10 cm.Know the power F, with a knitting needle, embossed at the bottom of the court, when vіdomo, the thread is stitched vertically. Aluminium density ρ a = 2.7 g / cm 3 water density ρ in = 1.0 g / cm 3. Accelerated vіlnogo fadіnnya g= 10 m / s 2

Decision. Vicona is an explanatory babe.

- thread tension force;

- Force of reaction of the bottom of the judgment;

a - archimedean force, which is sent only to the bored part of the spokes, that is applied to the center of the bored part of the spoke;

- the force of gravity, which is applied to the spoke from the side of the Earth to the center of all the spoke.

For the size of the spokes mі the module of archimedean power, or rotate like this: m = SLρ a (1);

F a = Slρ in g (2)

The moment of force is visible to the point of the spokes.

M(T) = 0 - moment of force or tension; (3)

M(N) = NL cosα - moment of force of reaction of support; (4)

Signs of the moment are written down.

NL cosα + Slρ in g (L l ) cosα = SLρ a g L cosα (7)
2 2

vrahoyuchi, scho according to Newton's third law the force of the reaction of the bottom of judgment and the prevailing forces F embossed on the bottom of the court, writeable N = F d і z rіvnyannya (7) viable force:

F d = [ 1 Lρ a– (1 – l )lρ in] Sg (8).
2 2L

Admittedly, the number of dan is that otrimaєmo, scho

F d = 0.025 N.

View. F d = 0.025 N.

Balon, scho revenge m 1 = 1 kg of nitrogen t 1 = 327 ° C. Yaku Masu Vodnyu m 2 can be used in such a cylinder for temperature t 2 = 27 ° С, maybe a five-fold supply of meat? Molar mass for nitrogen M 1 = 28 g / mol, aq M 2 = 2 g / mol.

Decision. Recordable for Mendelev's ideal gas - Clapeyron for nitrogen

de V- About the balloon, T 1 = t Denna temperature is 1 + 273 ° C. You can take water for a wash in a vice p 2 = p 1/5; (3) Vrahoyuchi, scho

we can see it all right at once from the family (2), (3), (4). Kintsev formula of ma viglyad:

m 2 = m 1 M 2 T 1 (5).
5 M 1 T 2

For the establishment of numerical tributes m 2 = 28 p.

View. m 2 = 28 p.

In the ideal colial contour, the amplitude of the coli or the struma in the inductive I m= 5 mA, and the amplitude of the surge to the capacitor U m= 2.0 V. At the moment of the hour t the stress on the capacitors is 1.2 V. To know the force of the strum at the moment.

Decision. In the ideal colival contour, energy is saved. For the moment of the hour t, the law of saving energiy maє viglyad

C U 2 + L I 2 = L I m 2 (1)
2 2 2

For amplitude (maximum) the value is written

a z rivnyannya (2) virazimo

C = I m 2 (4).
L U m 2

Supplied (4) to (3). As a result, we are able to:

I = I m (5)

In such a rank, the power of the struma is in kotushtsi at the moment of the hour t door

I= 4.0 mA.

View. I= 4.0 mA.

At the bottom of the water of the house with a depth of 2 m there is a mirror. Promenade the light, passing through the water, see from the mirror and go from the water. The indicator of broken water is 1.33. Know the point of entry between the water exchange point and the point of the exchange exit point from the water, as soon as the exit point is changed by the road 30 °

Decision. Zrobimo explaining the little one

α - kut padinnya exchange;

β - kut of the breaking of the exchange near the water;

АС - appears between the point of the entrance of the exchange at the water and the point of the exit of the exchange from the water.

Behind the law of breaking light

sinβ = sinα (3)
n 2

Rectangular ADB is clearly visible. U nyomu AD = h todi DB = AD

tgβ = h tgβ = h sinα = h sinβ = h sinα (4)

I will accept this viraz:

AC = 2 DB = 2 h sinα (5)

By the way, the numerical value is deducted from the formula (5)

View. 1.63m.

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