If the child is awake and crying. Why is the baby crying in his sleep

Sleep is the primary activity of newborns and the secret dream of their parents. But most often it is with him that many families have problems. The child often cries in a dream or rolls a tantrum when they try to lull him? Almost everybody faces such a disease. What happens to the baby, what worries him and is it worth worrying?

Why does a little baby cry in a dream?

Starting from the first days after the birth of a baby, difficult times for many mothers are coming. Under the mode of life of the newborn is quite difficult to adjust. Especially in the first months, when sleep and feeding change each other every 2-3 hours. However, to this mode is added and new problembaby  crying in a dream. For a young mother, this is a difficult test. The kid cannot say what worries him, and experimenting with his state of health is the strongest test for any parent. However, it is worth remembering - the reasons for crying a child in a dream are not as terrible as it seems. Consider each of them in order:

  • the main trouble, because of which the baby cries heavily in a dream - it is colic. In the first three months after birth, the digestive system of the baby begins to develop and get used to food, so colic during sleep is inevitable. Medicines recommended by the therapist, special drops, a warm diaper on the baby’s belly and a tummy massage will help to get rid of them;
  • another reason why a newborn baby cries in a dream is the absence of a mother nearby. This problem is relevant for those parents who, after feeding, place the baby in his crib, not next to him, but in his crib. For the first few months, the child is very dependent on the mother, and if he wakes up alone, he may be afraid. How to solve this problem depends only on the parents. When a child falls asleep next to the mother, it contributes to a good lactation, and the baby himself falls asleep. However, it becomes extremely difficult to wean him from sleeping together at an older age. Best time  in order to do this - the age of the year when the baby sleeps almost the whole night;
  • the reason why a child older than a year cries in a dream can be emotional over-stimulation. This happens after noisy games, unfamiliar surroundings, trips to visit. Bad stress and crying can also lead to some kind of stress. For example, hiking in kindergarten, quarrel, watching TV or sitting at the computer. After being oversaturated with information, the baby may scream or sob in a dream. To prevent this from happening before going to bed, the child needs to be reassured, to tell him a fairy tale or to sing a lullaby, to stroke him so that he can feel contact with you. It is also advisable to stay close until the baby falls asleep.

Why is the baby crying before bed?

For those parents whose babies have crossed the milestone of a year and a half, the question of why the child cries before bedtime is relevant. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, too, and they all depend on the atmosphere in the family and the individual characteristics of the child’s personality. Here are some answers to why a child, before going to bed, begins to cry:

  • if a child plays computer or active games a couple of hours before bedtime, watches adult films or aggressive shows, his behavior becomes hyperactive and it is extremely problematic to calm the kid in such a mood;
  • another reason may be children's fears, when at a certain age children begin to fear the monsters that live under the bed, they think that the toys come to life, and the shadows are about to attack him. Usually in such cases, even asleep, children may come running to their parents in the middle of the night.

What to do in such situations? Whatever the reason for crying before bed, it is important for parents to eliminate the essence. Work on the fears of the baby, pay attention to him and try to make him calm before going to bed. Logical or board gamesthat do not cause an emotional outburst. If the baby is afraid to sleep alone, stay close until he falls asleep and leave the lights on in the room. It also happens that the time when you put the child to bed does not coincide with his biorhythm. In this case, it is better to wait 1-1.5 hours. Then the child’s sleep will be stronger and more peaceful.

The question of why a child cries not during sleep, but after awakening, parents rarely ask, but such cases also occur. There are several reasons for this:

Whatever the problem with a quiet sleep of a child, every parent should remember that it depends only on us, adults, whether the next night will be calm. To do this, just be more attentive to your children. And with them overcome all the problems that arise during the first and careful steps to the great life path.

Baby crying is not the most informative signal from a newborn, but it is often alarming for parents. Particularly suspicious are situations in which an infant cries in a dream without waking up. Determining why this is happening is not at all easy. In some cases, the baby behaves absolutely calmly during the daytime, and at night sobs and even screams.

At first, parents should follow their child, evaluate its regime, the influence of external factors. If the collected information does not allow to clarify the picture, and even after the applied efforts the baby still screams or cries in his sleep, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician, who already tells you what to do next.

Causes specific to a period of up to 8-10 months

In the case of such crumbs, the "culprits" of the phenomenon are often the most innocent factors. To understand why a newborn baby behaves restlessly in a dream, first of all you need to assess the possibility of the following factors affecting them:

  • Digestive problems.  Gases and intestinal colic create significant discomfort, which is often accompanied by painful sensations. In this case, the baby even jerks his legs in a dream and groans when the symptoms intensify.
  • Teething.  Already from 4-5 months, babies begin to experience discomfort caused by swelling of the gums. In this case, the baby usually quietly cries or sobs in a dream, trying to shove something in his mouth to scratch the inflamed gums.

Tip: Unfortunately, even the crumbs under the age of one year are not insured against nightmares. If the baby is moaning, tossing and turning, actively sifting hands and feet, screaming or crying softly, then you can put him to bed with mom. Proximity native person  It has a positive effect on the children's subconscious and the newborn gradually calms down. However, if during the month such therapy does not give a positive result, it is worth visiting a neurologist.

  • Uncomfortable temperature conditions.  Any baby reacts very strongly to a too high temperature rise in the room, especially against the background of low humidity. He calmly falls asleep, then wakes up from being overheated and screaming until he cools again. Parents should remember that if the daytime is considered to be the optimum temperature within 20-22ºС, then at night this figure should decrease by a couple of units.
  • The absence of mom.  Even today, there are disputes over why children infancy so jealous of the proximity of the mother and how to properly wean them from it. In general, it all comes down to the fact that the baby does not feel safe when he is alone, which is why he begins to cry without even waking up.
  • Hunger. Situations in which the child screams at night and calms down immediately after he is fed, indicate that he is just hungry. Most often this happens in families where feeding is carried out not on demand, but on a schedule.

In addition to these points, you should not dismiss and the likelihood of development in the baby any pathology associated with the development nervous system. If all the irritating factors are eliminated or their action is not revealed, and the baby is still sobbing at night, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Why can a baby cry from the age of 10 months to 1.5 years?

In cases with children of a slightly more conscious age, in addition to the factors listed above, additional moments may also have their effect. True, from this period children rarely cry in their sleep. If the child screams, he wakes up from this and needs attention.

  • Too dense dinner.  A baby or baby a little older will only sleep soundly if it is well nourished before bedtime. Unfortunately, some moms take this wish too seriously and try to feed the baby not only breast milk  or adapted mixture, but also porridges, mashed potatoes, fruits.
  • Violation of the usual mode of the day.  While the newborn sleeps as much as he wants and when he wants, ignoring others, a more adult child is often forced to adapt to family members or guests. As a result, the body's mood on healthy sleep  gets off.
  • Too active games before bedtime.Sometimes, to understand why a child’s sleep turns out to be superficial and often interrupted, it’s enough to look at the ritual of laying it down. Parents who believe that the baby needs to be very tired before bedtime, make him only worse. An excited nervous system makes itself felt in the form of nightmares.
  • Fear of the dark. It can affect the behavior and condition of children even in such early age. That is why a child who quietly falls asleep under a fairy tale told by her mother screams if she wakes up at night for some reason.

Unfortunately, children under the age of one year and even one and a half years are not able to explain why they sleep so restlessly that they are disturbed at night. Therefore, experts recommend to pay attention to all these factors.

Methods for quick and effective child care

It is clear that the expected positive result in the form of a restful sleep of the infant is possible only if the stimulus is eliminated. Each mother should be armed with the following approaches:

  1. We stock up on dill water or fennel tea. These natural and safe drinks quickly remove the discomfort associated with gas or colic. In extreme cases, you can stroke the baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction and slightly work with its legs.
  2. Do not deny a child if he is willing to sleep with his mother. It will only have a positive effect on his character and development.
  3. It is recommended to purchase a gum gel with a cooling or analgesic effect in advance, which will help the child calmly survive the period of teething.
  4. Feeding is carried out on demand, and not according to the schedule, otherwise within a few months you will have to listen to how the child sobs at night (until he wears out the night feeding at all).

Immediately before bedtime, you can offer your baby to take a relaxing bath, a gentle massage has a good soothing effect. If such manipulations replace the traditional TV viewing, then the child will definitely not have problems with sleep.

Small children and crying are so identical concepts that no one has any doubts: a newborn child born to be sure to cry. This is understandable, because through tears and cry, the baby can only announce its wishes and inconveniences through the only available way.

If a baby cries in the afternoon, then it is relatively easy to determine the cause, because besides this, he gives some more signs. And what if it is dark outside the window, you have settled down and tuned in to deep sleep, but suddenly the baby wakes up. Why does a baby cry in a dream and not wake up? We will solve this riddle in the article.

Seasoned parents know that babies sleep differently than adults and older children. The whole point of the daily biorhythms of the child. His internal clock, which is responsible for the “sleep-wakefulness” cycle, has not yet been honed, and the process of their establishment is accompanied by various disruptions, thus the body of the crumb as if picks up its individual time by experiments.

Children under the age of one year unconsciously change the duration and frequency of their sleep several times. For example, a baby aged from 0 to 1 month sleeps from 20-22 hours a day. The growing up baby begins to sleep less and less, until around one year he has only one 2-hour sleep during the day and 8-9 hours of the night.

As for crying in a dream, until the sleep mode is established, the night whine will be his frequent companion. In most cases, it is short-lived and does not greatly affect the calmness of the child and his household. But if the crying is quite strong, frequent, constant and incomprehensible, and the newborn child cries without waking up, then it is time to think about the hidden causes of this phenomenon. It is possible that the problem will be easily fixed.

Hidden reasons

If you have a pressing question, why a baby cries in a dream, then something needs to be done and the sooner the better. What can cause bouts of night crying that torment the parents themselves and the newborn baby?

  1. Physiological causes: inconvenience due to wet or dirty diapers, sweaty back due to hot air in the room, reflex desire to eat, numbed handle, overdried mucous in the nose, interfering with breathing, etc.
  2. Fatigue. Many parents deliberately exhaust the child with active fun and walks before going to bed, hoping that he will fall asleep, as they say, without hind legs. The effect of such enterprise is exactly the opposite of expectations - instead of sleeping, the child rebels, but he himself is not to blame for this, because it happens at the level of consciousness. The reason is the content of cortisol - a stress hormone that accumulates under heavy loads in order to keep the body in working condition.
  3. Excess information. If a newborn baby has experienced a lot of impressions unknown to him in the daytime, his brain will try to process and distribute information received from the outside all night. While the child’s tired body is trying to sleep, his overexcited brain is actively working, and this is a serious obstacle to a good rest.
  4. Instinctive craving for the mother. The desire to be near the mother of the baby is always strong - day and night. Suppose you put a child to sleep in your arms and put it in a crib. It seems to you that he is fast asleep and will not feel your care. But this is a big mistake, because even sleeping children feel everything. As soon as he becomes lack of warmth mom, he immediately tries to whimper through a dream.
  5. Dreaming. Maybe it will surprise someone, but a newborn baby is also capable of dreaming. They are formed on the basis of his knowledge of the world. Since the nervous system and the brain of the child are not mature enough, his dreams are irregular and thus may scare the little one. That's why he can cry without waking up.
  6. Negative impressions during the day. Quarrels between parents, accompanied by swearing; irritation of the mother, even hidden; long trips; loud sounds, heard on the street - all this provokes stress, from which the child cries in his sleep.
  7. Disease. Beginning ailment - pretty common causeexplaining crying. Perhaps, the baby's temperature starts to rise or he is worried about colic or teeth, and he involuntarily reports this by crying. With the exclusion of these causes, problems remain with the nervous system of the baby, which only a neurologist can diagnose.

The reasons are mass and not all of them require intervention.

Sometimes it is enough to wait 1-2 minutes until the baby cries and he calms down.

Ways to prevent crying in a dream

In some cases, the recurrence of night crying can be avoided if you do the following before bedtime:

  • Remember the three basic needs of the crumbs: weasel, food and cleanliness.  If a newborn cries at night, try to check before bedtime whether everything is normal with the satisfaction of these needs.
  • Set rituals before bedtime, for example, bathing - feeding - reading (song) - sleep. This will help to tune in to the coming rest.
  • Forget about active games before laying - from them only one proved harm.
  • Provide your baby with fresh, moist, cool air in his room. No less important and clean, pleasant to the body linen.
  • Try to avoid a tense situation in the family - your baby suffers most of all from this.
  • As soon as possible, determine the mode of the day, because its absence can cause crying in a dream.
  • Do not overfeed your baby before bedtime. Even in adults from overeating, nightmares occur, especially in children.
  • Think about your relationship to joint sleep, because it has been proven that children sleep better around their mother.
  • Do not extinguish the light near the baby's crib - leave a dim nightlight.

It’s not so easy to find out why a child cried in a dream, but it’s worth doing. Finding out exactly what causes your child to cry and taking appropriate actions before bedtime, you yourself can sleep peacefully.

How to get rid of postpartum hemorrhoids?

  1. According to statistics, each “birch” from the second trimester increases the risk of developing an unpleasant disease.
  2. Hemorrhoids suffer from half of pregnant women, the disease develops quickly and most often women already treat the consequences, but do not do prophylaxis.
  3. According to statistics, half of the patients are people aged 21-30, in their prime. Another third (26-30%) - at the age of 31-40 years.
  4. Doctors recommend treating hemorrhoids in time, as well as carrying out its prevention, not to start the disease and be attentive to your health.

But effective remedy  from hemorrhoids is! Follow the link and find out how Anna got rid of the disease ...

A newborn is a whole heap of worries and anxieties, along with happiness and love. A small child takes all the time of the mother, who revolves around him like a squirrel in a wheel. But here comes the long-awaited night, when everyone is supposed to rest, and parents so simply fall on the bed in a happy anticipation of sleep. However, it is worth a little nap, as the crying baby wakes everyone up and so repeats several times a night.

Tired parents ask a reasonable question why a baby cries in a dream. What bothers him so much that he bends, jerks his legs and rolls tantrums. Some babies are able to bring moms to faint when they cry and do not wake up. At such moments it is not clear how to help the baby and from what to protect it.

Let's try to deal with the causes of intermittent and restless nights, accompanied by twitching and crying.

Causes of crying during sleep

If a baby cries in a dream, then this is a clear sign of discomfort caused by any reason. Monthly children are not able to invent themselves fears or diseases, and their nightly tears are not a whim at all, but such a reaction to stimuli that keep him awake. A newborn baby can not voice their problems and the only thing that he can cry is.

Reasons for crying at night

External causes of crying

The child cries at night because he is uncomfortable. Such sensations can be caused by a host of reasons:

  1. high or low temperature in the room
  2. too stuffy
  3. low humidity, which causes the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth to dry up
  4. he sweated
  5. uncomfortable creases on clothes or bedding crush him.

Any of these reasons can be a real tragedy for children, makes them scream and kick, jerking their legs. Small children are not able to roll over or fix the inconvenience in any other way, so they cry at night.


One of the most important factors for the formation of a good and restful sleep is satiety. Often a baby cries in a dream without waking up, because for him the feeling of sucking the stomach from hunger is comparable to pain, and it starts to bend, trying to ease the pain. This problem is the easiest to fix. It is also important not to overfeed the baby at night, because it is also fraught with anxiety and anxiety.


Fatigue can produce various unexpected effects. For example, a tired child cannot fall asleep. It would seem that I should fall asleep instantly and sleep very well, but it was not there. Or vice versa, the baby quickly falls asleep, but then either wakes up and cries, or begins to cry in a dream. All this is the root of one problem of fatigue - the muscle tissues are overworked and whine, not allowing the baby to sleep peacefully.

Having noticed the pattern of fatigue and poor sleep, you should protect the child from overwork. All fun, as well as gymnastics, massage and game training are good in moderation.

Excess emotion and too much information load

This is also fatigue, but already mental and emotional. The body of the child begins to fall asleep, and the brain is working hard at this time. Nerve endings are stretched to the limit, the whole body seems to be energized. This state does not contribute to a peaceful and long-lasting sleep. Being in this phase, the child can relive all day adventures again, but in a distorted dream form.
  Parents should not overdo the development of the child and his communication with others.

Frightening dreams

What a child dreams about is hard to say, but the fact that he sees dreams is indisputable. And these dreams, like adults, are different, sometimes funny and kind, and sometimes evil and frightening. If a child cries in a dream, you should carefully remove him from his sleep and interrupt a frightening dream. Further continuation of sleep may be complicated by the fear of the child and his unwillingness to sleep alone without a mother.

If such dreams scare him regularly, then you should think about what impressions during the day lead him to the strongest night fears. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky advises to pay attention to the psychological situation within the family.

Pain and illness

When a child cries heavily in a dream, it is worth paying attention to his health. Perhaps the reasons lie precisely in this. Colic, teeth, runny nose, the temperature can all bring the child to tears.

Why does a baby cry? Perhaps he is tormented by terrible colic. Up to 4 months, the intestines and stomach of the baby do not fulfill their function in full, therefore, the lawmakers do not go outside and cause incredible suffering to infants. In the fight against colic, all means are good. Mom should be attentive to their diet and not consume gas-forming food. The baby should be properly applied to the chest so that it does not trap a lot of air through the mouth. After feeding, the baby needs to be held in a column in order to help him regurgitate excess food and get rid of gases. Well helps warm cloth on his stomach and laying out the baby tummy for a short time. If nothing helps, you can resort to special potions.

Nervous breakdown

If the baby often cries in his sleep, kicks, and becomes very irritable while awake, then this may be a sign of illness of the nervous system. Here only the neurologist will come to the rescue.

We create conditions for a restful sleep.

If the baby is crying in a dream, then he should create the most comfortable conditions for a restful sleep - ventilate the room, maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in it.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to pay special attention to the creation and maintenance of an optimal daily regimen, which by its constancy will tune the child to certain biological rhythms.

Proper evening rituals also relax the baby and give him a sense of peace and tranquility. This includes baths and massages, and lullabies.
  Leave your child a dim nightlight, because they may be just scared.

As soon as a baby is born, parents try to do everything for its convenience and comfort and pay close attention to the behavior of the newborn. Many are familiar with the situation when small child  crying in a dream. It is alarming and disturbing, especially in young mummies. Consider the main causes of the problem and actions to eliminate it.

Any mom is thrilled to see and hear the incessant cry of her own crumbs. In the first months after birth, it is not easy to understand the reasons for this behavior. In infancy, children are not yet able to communicate with the world of words. Whines and sobs are the only way to communicate your needs. The main factors that cause anxiety in newborns are:

  1. Nightmares. Usually, children under one year do not often have terrible dreams, and they are less realistic. As they grow older, their number and plausibility increase, which is expressed in frequent crying.
  2. Abdominal discomfort.   A common cause of the disorder is colic. causes pain, causing the newborn to cry even through sleep.
  3. Hunger.   The baby's stomach is still very small and cannot accommodate a large amount of milk in order to be saturated for a long time. Therefore, babies want to eat often, and only with the help of a cry can they signal to their mother that they need to be fed.
  4. Wet diaper.   Sometimes even dry, but uncomfortable diapers cause itching, which make even calm babies act up while sleeping.

The reasons listed are found during daytime sleep. Often children begin to cry bitterly upon waking. In most cases, this is a reaction of the transition from a sleeping state to wakefulness; an infant cannot, due to physiological features, quickly adapt to such changes. More often, children cry alone. The appearance of the mother usually quickly soothes the crumb.

How to help your child stop crying while sleeping

Soft crying, sobbing, whimpering during phase fast sleep  are the absolute norm for newborns. The kid is able to calm down on his own, or he may cry loudly. If a child makes these sounds without waking up, do not wake him up.

Often babies cry loudly just to make sure they are safe, to see mom nearby. Excessive parental care will form the habit of the baby; he will get used to being rushed to his first call. In this case, you need to gradually and gradually teach the newborn to sleep alone. By the age of 6 months, children should be able to calm down without the presence of the mother, but not if the crumbs are disturbed by other factors besides loneliness (hunger, pain, discomfort).

In order for a baby to cry as little as possible in a dream, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • Follow the set mode. Put in bed certain timeDo not allow sleep longer than normal.
  • Spend more time outdoors, often air the room, especially in the evening. Oxygenation has a positive effect on the infant’s nervous system.
  • Happy baby should be active, play more, communicate with him. But before falling asleep noisy games and strong emotions must be eliminated. They overload the psyche, which leads to nightly vagaries and frequent awakenings.
  • The baby should be very carefully acquainted with the surrounding reality. Even a simple trip to visit or the arrival of relatives can cause stress. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually change the environment familiar to the baby.
  • While bathing, it is advisable to add an infusion of soothing herbs to the water. After the procedure, it will be helpful to relax and adjust to a healthy sound sleep.
  • Do not overfeed overnight. This can lead to indigestion and abdominal cramps.
  • To calm the awakened baby at night, you should quietly stroke him on the back, talk to him in a quiet voice. The baby will understand that he is safe and fall asleep again.
  • If the reason for the night cry of a newborn is teething, you should purchase a special anesthetic gel. It will eliminate the itching and discomfort in the gums, allowing you to rest easy.
  • It is necessary to control the microclimate in the bedroom. The optimum temperature is 18-20 ° C. If the apartment is too dry air, you should use humidifiers.
  • Bed linen and clothing should be soft and comfortable.
  • It is preferable to bed made of natural wood with a fairly rigid mattress, the use of pillows is not allowed.

Opinion of experts

If a baby cries in a dream, in most cases this is not a cause for concern. Pediatricians consider this condition the norm at the age of 2-3 years. Whims and cry during frequent night waking up in newly born children, doctors call physiological crying.

The natural state of rest includes two cycles: the fast and deep sleep. Between periods there is a time of short awakening. Unlike an adult who falls asleep easily at this time, the child cannot quickly move to the phase of deep sleep. If at this time the baby is experiencing discomfort, he begins to cry. This phenomenon is explained by the imperfection of the nervous system of the newborn. If the whimpers and flinches do not wake the crumb, do not worry.

What should alert the parents?

It so happens that by eliminating all the provoking factors, it is not possible to calm the baby. Sometimes babies often cry at night, regardless of hunger, wet diapers and abdominal discomfort.

The following symptoms should alert:

  1. Loud, prolonged crying, which can not be appeased.
  2. Flinching is reminiscent of cramps.
  3. The child rises sharply even from a slight rustle, constantly tossing and turning.

These symptoms may be due to certain diseases:

Adults should be more attentive to all changes in the state of the baby. If the behavior is alarming and fears, when poor sleep combined with heart-rending crying becomes the norm, or the parents themselves cannot identify the cause of the problem, you should seek medical advice. Especially wary should be shown if the baby was born prematurely or got a birth trauma.

Good healthy sleep is necessary at any age, especially for small children. The problem with night crying in newborns is familiar to most moms and dads. It is important to find the causes of frequent wakes in time to learn how to prevent them. Most often, baby crying in a dream is the norm and should not greatly disturb the parents. A calm family atmosphere, love and attention to the baby will help its natural development. Good health and proper formation of the nervous system of the crumbs are an important condition for a good healthy sleep.