How to pass the time at home, at work or in the hospital: “useful” ideas.

Are you bored of standing in line or sitting at work without work? Does foot require movement? Do your fingers find anything to twist, crush, tear, touch? And there is such a buzzing and itchy feeling: impossible to sit and do nothing? We must somehow kill time, do something interesting. And this is quickly located: an interesting, addictive game on the Internet or on the phone, at least some book, the content of which will be forgotten tomorrow, or a dull television series, where the script lines are not even traced. But the result is - time is really killed. You can breathe easy and do something useful. And did you ever think that if you grabbed at any opportunity to kill time, you would actually lose it irretrievably, and you won’t return it.

How can you kill time? - This is a simple question, which, if you think about it, has very deep roots. If it comes to your mind, be sure to read this article to the end.

Where and how do we kill time?

There are many places where you want to kill time: these are queues, and boring work, and a trip in a train or city transport. And it also happens that you need to kill the time of the whole day: for example, a day off, when you do not need to go to work. And there are a lot of ways to kill time: games on the Internet and offline, light movies and books, cinemas and skating rinks, bowling and in general all entertainment complexes - there is a worthy offer for every taste and budget.

When I work in the office, I had constant problems with organizing my own time. I put off my work until the last moment, and the rest of the time, when it was only possible, I was engaged in anything other than work: I helped other employees, read the news, went to meetings. I could not sit idle, I was bored. Most of all I was killing time by playing different games on the Internet, for example, "Farmandiyu" or "Farm". Sometimes it was possible to spend the whole day on this occupation only with a lunch break. Having earned a lot of bonus bonuses, in one of the games, I went home every evening satisfied and joyful. But at the same time, the cats scratched their hearts - the day passed in vain. And when it came time to do the main work, I literally bit my elbows - how could I just kill so much time, and then for days, in a terrible rush to pull up my tails?

From the memoirs of the author ...

And indeed, despite the fact that we can easily find a way, where and how to kill time, always after that there is a persistent feeling of being lost of this same time. It turns out that he seems to have stolen something important and necessary from himself. Well, if this happens sometimes, and if all the time? What to do with it?

I want to kill time  - an error of consciousness

Desire not to sit idle is a positive and important trait of a person with a skin vector. It is this feature that makes it a real workaholic who gets up early and goes to bed late: works and works, manages to do many different things in a short period of time. But this happens only if such a person learns to properly manage this desire. Otherwise, he will constantly fall into a paradoxical situation for himself: on the one hand, trying to kill time at least for some occupation, even completely useless and confused, on the other hand - to feel the loss of time and suffer from it.

A person with a skin vector constantly stays in the counting, money, benefits, general benefit-benefit. Therefore, he is very attracted to any games where balls and points are awarded for certain actions. And if for them you can also acquire additional benefits, then such a game delays in earnest. So much so that even there is no time to think that the benefits of all these balls and points are only in this very game and nowhere else - it does not give anything in life, it does not add anywhere. And when the apogee is reached, that is, all bonuses are earned and collected, real disappointment comes, because it becomes clear that the time spent on the game is truly killed, irretrievably lost.

Of course, the skin man is constantly trying to convince himself that it is not for nothing that he kills time, even playing a dull toy. They say that such games develop logic, speed of reaction, speed and sharpness of mind. But this is only a rationalization that does not change anything. Time is killed and lost, and in fact it could be spent on something necessary and useful that would be beneficial in life.

I want to kill time - think about it!

A skin man seeks to kill time if he is bored, and he realizes that he is losing him. But by killing this time in games, he receives only a tiny pleasure, which subsequently leads to suffering from his own worthlessness and disorganization.

A person with a skin vector can get great pleasure if he is able to organize his time by properly distributing it - for work, and for pleasure, and for rest. Thus, he will come into harmony with himself and be able to enjoy his time, truly control him. Such a person would never even think of killing his time. Developed, implemented in an interesting case for the skin man, "garbage" does not suffer for a minute. And if there is a time that is really superfluous, you can still spend it on important things: learn a foreign language, learn a new business, engage in self-development, and so on. And it is precisely this state of affairs, when every minute is devoted to something necessary and necessary, that is the ideal and brings real satisfaction.

If you always have a desire to kill time, if you often play games to kill time, or kill it somehow differently, then you need to think about your own desires, try to figure out your own skin vector. In this case, be sure to come to the first free lecture  on the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, which is devoted specifically to the skin vector. Already in 3-4 hours of online classes you can understand a lot about yourself and your desires. To register for a lecture,

Read the results of those who have already passed the training, please follow this link.
See how the lectures go, you can right now  - click on this link and watch any video.

51 ways to kill time at work.
1. To learn something useful, such as assembler, C ++ ...
2. You can read a book (by the way, the government is going to start
national program "Reading Russia").
3. You can learn something not very necessary: ​​Fortran and in 20-30 years
somehow sparkle "knowledge" of a rarity.
4. You can learn the unnecessary: ​​diffura, Sanskrit, memorize technical
vAZ-2101 data (for example), including dimensions, specifications or names
details of the aircraft, the names of all the presidents of the United States ...
5. Learn a foreign language. Useful activity.
6. Learn some more languages. The bigger, the better.
7. From classics: poking around in the nose (do not abuse if fingers
8. From the same: spit in the ceiling (of course not on themselves).
9. About the ceiling: suppress the number of tiles in the suspended ceiling
in several ways: count each, multiplying the width by the length,
through the area, through the integral, etc.
10. If you decide what a noodle is, you can kick, stumble and
generally manipulate her.
11. Just sleep. If the workplace is in a nook
quite possible to do. Difficulties only in a sitting position, but also this
can be overcome if you really want.
12. If there are mice / rats in your office, catch them all.
13. Surf the vast expanses of the Internet. Only with traffic
more polite ...
14. Draw. You can draw everything: figures, employees, faces,
the view from the window, the friendly cartoon of the head
15. Smoke. Harmful, but where to go ...
16. You can not drink, but you can drink. The most popular drink is tea. Him
you can blow all day and not burst (he saw). To make the process longer
in order to kill more time, it is worth something to eat: buns,
cookies, waffles, candy, gingerbread. Chew as much as possible
slower! There is no hurry.
17. Talk a lot with neighbors. Find a soul mate or the same
an interested person and talk a lot, i.e. pi @ ed. About what
anything better, about work, it would give the impression that you are working.
18. Pi @ div on the phone. See Clause 17. Possible problems: anyone
also want to do it ...
19. Water the flowers. Create a lot of pots (not necessarily with flowers) and
water them with a watering can (20-40 liters) with a narrow spout. Since the watering can
very hard you can ask the same interested person to you
to help.
20. If the office decoration has a structured pattern, there is a reason
count all the squares, triangles, stripes, etc. And for all shapes
count the angles, area, perimeter, etc.
21. To play. The most addictive thing. Restore fair
between terrorists and the police, defeat aliens, vampires and all
evil spirits. The more victories over them, the kinder and brighter the world around us.
In addition, during games, peripheral vision develops, sharpens
hearing, reaction develops, etc.
22. Play Counter Strike (select a separate line). Most difficult
in this lesson, break away from him. Another point: you should learn not
swear during the game.
23. Silently sing. Slightly purr under his breath the last hit.
It is desirable to hit melodic, you will notice that over time this song
by chance others will hum.
24. Humming in voice. It will be funny if you do not have a hearing.
I do not advise to abuse this item.
25. Almost any office is equipped with chairs on wheels. On such
the chairs are a lot of fun to ride, especially the train. Prerequisite
- several stakeholders and the absence of the authorities.
26. If the chairs without wheels, it does not matter! you can ride them
small exercise stress  never interfere with an office worker.
27. Share with familiar links to humorous sites. Links
should contain the most interesting information. Caution with traffic
(if the admin is not interested).
28. To acquire the skills of knitting, embroidery, sewing, cutting with a jigsaw,
burning out, etc.
29. Something to knit. Very useful occupation. Knit socks, sweaters,
mittens for all relatives, because as you know we live in conditions
harsh continental climate - I did not have time to warm up in the summer like a bam and
winter has come again. And if you tie mittens and socks to employees (the most
best boss) nobody will reproach you with a strange occupation at a workplace
place Still, care about the health of employees, and therefore about the overall
department performance.
30. Watch a movie. Very effective occupation, kills a lot of time.
But absolutely useless in terms of skills and new information, if the film
in native language or artistic. Watch a movie can be different.
Carefully, playing solitaire, reading a book, and even doing work
running movie background.
31. About music. Of course you can listen to music and everything, but annoying ...
yes, and it is noticeable that the employee is not busy. Now, if you combine listening with
other actions, it is pleasant and useful to get.
32. Suitable only for large organizations. To lead
familiar / interested people in other parts of the factory / company / office and
several times a day to go to them to perform paragraph 17. You can perform
cyclically, on schedule. A big plus - no one will find you at work
place and will not strain, and otmaz is - absent by
production needs.
33. A very time consuming task is to sit in chat rooms, forums or
iCQ-like pagers. Time flies, especially if the interlocutor
is interesting. Difficulty - necessarily internet connection.
34. A dangerous job is to work at another office in your office.
The positive moment is double salary.
35. You can do your homework, your children, grandchildren, neighbors.
To do graduates, diplomas familiar, unfamiliar, for money and without.
36. Eternal repair. Option - to demolish the OS on the working computer and install it
again several times (to work even faster!); deliberately break
something, and then repair, nail, glue,
move and generally induce beauty and order several times in a row,
making everything around more beautiful and newer.
37. To create the appearance of turbulent activity. This action is the most
the hardest and hardest to master. It may include all items.
this manual, as well as running around the offices, "hanging over the soul" of a neighbor,
run to the printer (to the farthest), ask stupid and aimless
questions, etc.
38. Cosmetics. If you are a girl - you are lucky! If you're not a girl, you
lucky a little less. Guidance marathon can kill a huge time
quantity if you try. If you do not know how to use cosmetics
can take even more time - applies to men. As known
beauty will save the world, so salvation needs to be savored and stretched like
it is possible more. As for men, you can bring marafet, but often not
it is worth ... because there is a danger of changing, and it is harmful for the skin ...
39. Sit on humorous sites, read everything, and then
shine with knowledge of all the jokes (like Trachtenberg), and make money
hastily: "I know all the jokes."
40. Staring at the window, commenting on what is happening there. This occupation can be
use in between rest occupations
41. To philosophize on various topics. Is life on mars what is
good and what is bad, "why am I so bad?", the whole world go  etc.

42. Gossip, wash the bones with everything and everything from the president to
43. Dreaming. You can dream collectively, with the people, out loud. Or in
alone in one sting.
44. Post separate calendars everywhere in the office (preferably far away
from a friend) and every morning personally, without allowing anyone, to tear off
45. Do business - to develop a business plan without
budget for 1, 5, 10 years ahead, trying to predict inflation, the rate
national currency and your salary. Possible information received
it will be useful as an occasion to transfer salaries from food equivalent to
monetary units.
46. ​​Every morning to greet everyone (including the enumeration of all persons from
contact list of outlook), giving each employee as much as possible
time, asking about the weekend, crumbling in compliments. So
way you can pass for a pleasant and friendly person (if not
47. Meditation. The lotus or other plant position is busy (for example,
creeping bindweed) to fall into nirvana under the mattress "vlllooooommmmmmm."
48. Try to extract the third degree root from a five-digit number.
If it's too easy, the task should be complicated - take a natural
logarithm of the square root of the seven-digit fractional number.
49. Something to lose and look for the whole working day. Important to lose
something very necessary, so it is advisable to know exactly where it is
is and not be thrown there.
50. Look for a place where your knowledge and skills will be in demand in
to the full extent and bring experience and mutual benefits to you and the workplace. Wherever
not one hundred or two hundred such points were needed.
51. Write the following ways.

Boredom can become unbearable, but defeating it is easy with the help of a mass of techniques and means. Sitting in a waiting room, standing in line, staying idle at work, school or at home, people never know how to kill time. Everyone sometimes has free minutes that they want to take, but due to fatigue, lack of motivation or a bad mood, nothing comes to mind. Simple tips will help you to have fun and usefully pass the time and pull boredom out of the way. Some of them are suitable for office, others - for the home, others are universal and can be used in almost any environment!

Close your eyes and dream. Teens are especially good at this way of relaxation, but many adults completely forget about it. They are too serious, tense and hurried to just relax and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. Anxiety and worries of any kind should not be attributed to dreams. You should not plan how to live further; you should simply allow your mind to go on a free flight. Some people can not be called dreamers. So you do not need to force yourself, because there are millions of other ways to kill time in the office or at home.

Knowledge is power

Read the book - it is worth making the first item on the to-do list for free hours. Readability is a quality that is useful repeatedly and will help in many cases. If you need to wait for someone or something, it will be useful to grab a magazine or a paperback book with you. Electronic devices also count - but is it worth it so often to look at the screen? A traditional book is able to give a special feeling associated with its texture, smell, and your own associations. Do not like to read? Go to the next item!

In a healthy body healthy mind!

How to kill time with health benefits? Do exercises - it will strengthen the body, will bring a charge of vivacity and help to lose those extra pounds. Charging can be done both at home and in the office: doctors recommend breaking away from sedentary work  at least every hour to stimulate blood circulation and keep muscles in shape.

  1. Mash neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, fingers.
  2. Clap your hands behind your head.
  3. Go to the rotation of the arms in the elbow and shoulder joints.
  4. If exercising in the office attracts too much attention, try isometric exercises (tension and muscle relaxation in certain static postures).
  5. Go back to business with new forces!

With music for life

If the playlist of 15 favorite songs has not changed since 2003, it is time to bring something new into it. Today, searching for music is much easier than ever. Thematic Internet services can offer to listen to new artists, and you can download songs from many well-known resources. Friends can also help by sharing their best finds.

How to kill time at work

Sometimes there is nothing better than to forget about the performance of official duties. For example, when Friday comes to an end and focus on work is absolutely impossible. It is not worth making a habit out of it, but you can come up with something better than just looking at the ceiling for the rest of the day. Since many people work at the computer, this problem is solved quickly, and the connection to the Internet makes the effect maximum. Talk with friends, get the latest news, play mind-developing games. Access to chat rooms and social networks is closed? Do not forget about the possibility to pay personal bills, make purchases online or read an interesting article. If at work you constantly think about how you can kill time, take a break and find a new occupation. Life is too short to waste it: value your strength and use opportunities effectively.

Creativity in free time

Write - it can be notes in a personal diary, notes or letters to friends. Notebook does not take up much space in your bag or folder, you can even put it in your breast pocket. With the advent of SMS and e-mail, manually created letters have become something special for many people. You do not need to be verbose if you are not in the mood for this: it is enough to make a simple drawing and write to your friends how wonderful they are.

Many hobbies allow mobility - so that the clock flew by unnoticed, you can take hands with your favorite thing. Create sketches and sketches, knit, braid bracelets using macrame technique. Another option is to start your own blog. It is not necessary that he had subscribers, a special theme or a sustained style, just create a place where you can always give your soul. Perhaps someone else will read and comment on your blog, not knowing in turn how to kill time otherwise.

Order - the key to productivity

Always keep in your head a list of possible activities that can help in organizing your space. These can be routine tasks that are always postponed until later and do not need special conditions for implementation. Perhaps in free time  You will want to go to one of them. Here are some examples.

  • Update the scheduler. Today, many people prefer to keep it in their mobile device: old records can be deleted, and new ones - streamlined.
  • Clean your phone from unnecessary messages and contacts. If the mobile has a lot of old information (call statistics, files, music, images), it's time to get rid of them.
  • Place your order in a bag or wallet. Be careful, hide large amounts of money and valuables from prying eyes. When people are around, you can organize business cards, bank cards and other items that will eventually be easier to find.

How to kill time at school

It is worth thinking a few times before moving on to other activities in the classroom. In the short term, the student runs the risk of spoiling the relationship with the teacher, getting a bad mark and causing parental discontent. In general, it is worse - it may not receive knowledge that seems useless only at the moment, but could be useful in the future. Attentiveness and interest in the words of the teacher make time go faster, but you should not count the minutes before the call, otherwise they will seem like long hours. If boredom in the classroom is simply intolerable, you can occupy yourself with something fun. It is necessary to understand how to kill time correctly: take advantage of it and not harm its reputation. Draw, write notes, plan for the future and make lists of cases. Sitting on the last desk, pass the free minutes is much easier - visit your favorite sites, chat with friends and family.

Time price

Imagine that every morning you get 86,400 rubles to a bank account, but every day the unused balance of funds is consumed. How would you manage your money if you couldn’t leave anything for tomorrow? Naturally, you would have used every penny. Each person has such an account, and his name is time. Every day 86,400 seconds appear on it: by the end of the day they will be lost, regardless of whether they were able to invest in a good business. Killing time in vain - the personal choice of everyone, irretrievable loss and missed opportunities. Invest every minute of life in health, happiness and success. Reflect on the value of time when you feel bored, do useless or ineffective work.

What to do at the airport if the flight is still a long time? How to pass the time to the long-awaited flight quickly took you and you flew to rest? In this article I will try to give some tips and advice on this. Not once noticed at the airports waiting people who simply do not know what to do and do all sorts of nonsense. In Moscow, I recently observed a foreigner who wanted to go home so much that all the time he looked at the scoreboard without taking his eyes off; I watched this action for about two hours while I was waiting for my flight.

What to do at the airport to pass the time? I think this question is particularly acute for those people who are afraid of flying on airplanes, because in anticipation of fear it becomes even worse, and someone does not know what to do from idleness, and so the answer to the question is to do something do not waste time, for example, I am currently writing an article sitting in the lounge waiting for my flight back home after a long business trip.

By the way, if you are really nervous about waiting for a flight or are afraid to fly, be sure to read the article about it, maybe these tips will help you on further trips and give you the opportunity to enjoy your rest already on the way to the airport and not after it.

So, according to my observations, most people like to sit reading magazines, while flipping through them every few seconds, it means that the person is not interested in the information or he is simply nervous before flying, or his head is full of something important. But the first option - take a favorite book or magazine take note. A huge number of people spend time before flying to a cafe with a view of the runway, not all airports provide this opportunity, but time flies not noticeably, especially for those who like to watch the planes, this is also my attitude to me - this is my passion.

Watching a movie is another very good recommendation, and the movie should be kind and fascinating, there should be no militants, when watching a movie, you should immerse yourself in a calm emotional state, which is given by neutral genres and your favorite movie (although you have watched the movie a thousand times ), the only way you can pass the time, no horror and action movies!

Children belong to a separate topic, they do not need to decide what to do at the airport, they can easily find a business that will entertain them for the entire waiting period of the aircraft, especially if there are still children nearby, well, if your child is very moody, then the proven “ice cream” scheme - game room "works at one hundred percent.

Of course, the Internet will help pass the time waiting for what I am doing now, going online to write an article. Everyone for himself already knows what to do on the Internet for him and everyone already knows sites that will help him to go to certain time  of reality, here I can only advise you to charge your device’s battery on full combat readiness in order to have enough virtual reality right up to the plane.

Background tips I can give such - walk around the shops, such as DutyFree, an excellent idea from which few people refuse to be at the airport. If you like to communicate, then we sit down to interesting people in your opinion and try to start a conversation, believe me, time just doesn’t fly, especially when you learn a lot of useful information from the conversation. Some airports are very beautiful in terms of architecture and design, if you have time, be sure to arrange a photo session.

It would seem that our life is so transient that we constantly lack time for any useful accomplishments. But it happens that we find ourselves in a situation where this time is literally nowhere to go.

What to do when there is nothing to do?

Take, for example, work: in modern life, it involves an endless series of rummaging and idleness, and it is impossible to say exactly which of these cycles tires us more.

How to pass the free time in such cases?

Of course, you can engage in blatant nonsense, like playing tetris on a tablet or smartphone. But such a "killing" of time will not bear you any good.

Much nicer and more productive to do really interesting things that can even bring you a material profit. You "Kill two birds with one stone"  - on the one hand, you are not bored, on the other - you get your own benefit from the process.

And even if it is not material, but spiritual, it is certainly better than spending a few hours on the same idleness, only with the fulfillment of some simple tasks.

To properly spend time at home, at work, at school, train or hospital, it is important to identify their priorities in this matter. What do you like to do in principle? Maybe you have a craving for art and painting? Or maybe you like to write poetry and prose? Or do you like any hand-made?

Surprisingly, in the usual everyday mode, we very often lack free minutes and hours for creative activities. So why not take advantage of the opportunity, and not turn your free time in favor of yourself and self-development?

If until the end of the working day there are a few hours

It happens that you have completed all the work that has been scheduled for today, and until the end of the working day there are two or three hours left. And of course, no bosses will let you go home, simply because the scope of corporate discipline requires it. What to do then?

Altruists immediately intend to help others and do their work for “thank you”. But this should not be done in any case: first, your colleagues will quickly “recognize” a good soul and will start using you constantly, which may ultimately affect your own professional productivity.

Secondly, you will not receive any material or even moral compensation for this (rather, the chief will be dissatisfied with such actions, rather than commendable to them and mark in you a potential candidate for promotion).

And thirdly, you yourself cannot take anything out of this ungrateful occupation - since you have undertaken to help, it means that you can do more than your colleague, and accordingly, you will not learn anything new at this moment.

Use your free time so as to derive some benefit from it. If you know or feel that you will be free earlier, collect with you to work the components of your hobby.

For example, yarn and knitting needles, album sheets and pencils for sketching sketches, an organizer for writing a poem or a story.

Do not spend your free hours on the Internet, especially on social networks.

They are real thieves of our time! And in them you will not find anything useful unless you communicate with your loved ones who are far from you. However, the Internet is still not the worst option for spending time, especially if you can learn some useful skills for it.

How to pass the time at work:

  • Find on the net an exotic recipe for a family dinner, make a list of products and plan the preparation after work;
  • Engage in creativity - write a verse, draw a sketch for the picture, come up with an action-line for your future novel;
  • Refer to the hand-made - making dolls, felting, sculpting, knitting, the formation of decorations for the home or office. This can bring you not only moral satisfaction, but also income;
  • Make money on freelance exchanges on the Internet - this is also useful, especially if you constantly do not have enough money;
  • Design a sketch for a new dress, blouse or jacket, if you can sew. Find the appropriate patterns on the Internet and put them in your album;
  • Do exercises - if you monitor your health and body condition, it is useful to do this even during lunch breaks and other "interruptions" at work.

You can do anything - the main thing is that it is pleasant and useful for you. Do not allow you to regret about the fruitless pastime that you could spend interesting and productive.

Hospital is a hell for hard workers and loafers

Why the hell? Yes, because even the inveterate loafers, getting into it, begin to love any kind of work. They are ready to do anything, just to stop the series of these days spent aimlessly. Even the experiences before the painful procedures recede - so every person wants to quickly get rid of this terribly monotonous being.

How can you pass the time in the hospital if the discharge is still far away?

  1. Make a detailed list of plans for the time of recovery (if you are on preservation during pregnancy, it is helpful to read books on child care, early development, and also to provide everything that needs to be bought for arrival to the house of the kid)
  2. Knit, embroider, make crafts;
  3. Watch TV shows or movies for which you usually do not have enough time at home;
  4. Complete your favorite game on a computer, laptop or tablet;
  5. Think about how to pass the time on the Internet so that it would be useful for you - study different tutorials, practice practicing certain makeup techniques, find video tutorials on what you are most interested in (creativity, business, cooking, etc.);
  6. Learn a new skill in the use of modern technology - for example, a program for editing photos.

You can spend your time whatever you want, the main thing is that it does not contradict your indications for treatment and does not cause any damage to your health (at least, if you want to check out sooner).

School and University

At first glance, the question of how to pass the time at school or university may seem very strange, because in educational institutions it is customary to acquire knowledge. And indeed, it is better not to lay out the threads with beads in front of you - for this you can simply be kicked out of a lesson or a lecture.

Therefore, if you already think that you know everything that the teacher is talking about, proceed to the next topic and begin to study it. Or send your energy to the preparation for the final exams - so you will not only kill a boring couple, but also save yourself from having to cram on the threshold of tests during sleepless nights.

If you are on the road ...

How to pass the time in the train is quite an interesting question. In this era of information, people are accustomed to accessing the Internet to kill their free minutes and hours. There will be plenty of them on the train, but the catch is that very few vehicles are equipped with WiFi networks. At least in our country.

Before you go, be sure to stock up on interesting books or magazines, download a series or a couple of movies, buy a licensed game that you have long dreamed of going through. Tools for your hobby to carry with you is pointless and inconvenient, especially if you already have enough things in your baggage.

Therefore, it is best to turn to the laptop. Or “swallow” an interesting read.

What to do at home on the weekend?

Of course, the weekend is better to spend outside the home, as they are the only opportunities to “go out”. But if the weather has failed, or you feel unwell, to go for a walk or a party, you should think up an interesting occupation for yourself so that your weekend is not wasted. And it is best to start with a general cleaning. It may be completely not boring, especially if you revise cabinets and closets.

Disassemble all unnecessary and without hesitation send to a landfill. Remember one Eastern wisdom - the new will not come until the old is gone!

Free your home from unnecessary things. Place your order everywhere, including the most hidden places of the apartment. And only then do a wet cleaning - wash the windows and floors, clean the textiles, wash the curtains, vacuum the carpets, dry the dust. You will be much nicer to be clean.

How else to kill time at home? Have fun at the computer, watch a spiritual movie, read a useful book. Take care of your hobbies. And if you really quite lazy, sleep, because healthy sleep  - this is something that each of us lacks in everyday life.

And let your time management give you truly juicy fruits!