Vegetarian chickpeas. Vegetarian recipes with chickpeas Salad recipes with chickpeas vegetarian

Chickpea chi turkiy gorіkh is a dusky brown grub product. It is possible and necessary to get richly savory and simple strains.

We will teach you 18 original recipes, for the help of which you can get a taste of the day.

Falafel with dzatziki sauce


  • here - 100 g
  • water from varinnya chickpea - 20 g
  • olive olia- 20 g
  • sesame seeds - 10 g
  • parsley - 10 g
  • crіp - 10 g each
  • cinza - 5 g
  • hourglass - 2 teeth
  • boron wheat whole grain - 50 g
  • olive olia

For the sauce:

  • walnut yogurt - 170 g
  • ogirok - 100 g
  • hourly - 5 g
  • parsley - 10 g
  • Kinza - 5 g

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Cook the chickpeas until ready.
  2. At the ready-made chickpeas, add olive ole, sesame seeds, herbs, an hour. Adjust the weight of the Ingredients from the blender to the same weight.
  3. Give the whole grain wheat until the otriman sumy and shape the cutlets.
  4. Grease the chickpea cutlets on a good rosіgrіtіy anti-stick frying pan.
  5. Then prepare the sauce: pick up the ogirk in a blender, greens and a chasnik. Add the yoghurt and stir well until the otrimano mass.
  6. Vikladіt cutlets on a tarіlka and decorate with sauce. Your country is ready before implantation.

Vegetable pancakes with chickpeas



  • chickpeas - 400 g
  • tsibulya - ½
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • olive olia

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Soak chickpeas for nothing near clean water.
  2. Drink it, fill it with fresh water and boil it on a small water, as long as it does not become meek (close to 40 khvili).
  3. Prepared chickpeas, pick up at a blender at once from carrots, cybula and egg to one-sided mass.
  4. Form small pancakes from the pastry dough and send them to a frying pan filled with olive olives.

Nutovi pancakes with mango



  • chickpea borosno - 1 tbsp.
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • mango - 1 pc.
  • cardamom

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Put myakush mango in a bowl of chickpea flour, milk, egg, a pinch of salt and cardamom. Mix all the ingredients carefully, so that there are no breasts.
  2. Grab the pancakes on a non-stick frying pan, or for an extra virgin olive oil.

Serve with topping or yogurt.

Chickpeas baked with specials



  • chickpeas - 250 g
  • paprika -? Art. l.
  • agave syrup (honey) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive olia - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sіl pepper

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Add chickpeas.
  2. Mix up agave syrup, olive ole, paprika, sil and pepper.
  3. Be sure to eat (not hot) chickpeas from specials.
  4. Turn the oven to 180 degrees. Put the chickpeas on a sheet, cover it with paper for a vip, and put the dish in the oven for 40-45 chili.
  5. Serve the chickpea baked goods to the table with the vegetables or eat your own food.

Salad with chickpeas and pine nuts



  • chickpeas - 200 g
  • pine nuts - 30 g
  • parsley (krіp, kenza) - 1 bunch
  • hourglass - 1 tooth.
  • olive olia - 0.25 flasks
  • juice of half a lemon
  • sіl pepper

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Soak the chickpeas at 12:00. Writing until ready.
  2. Pick up from a blender until one-sided oil, greens, lemon juice, oliyu, sil, pepper and a couple of spoons of boiled chickpeas.
  3. Change the addition of chickpeas from the refueling and let it brew 15 chilines.
  4. Serve the herbs from the chickpeas to the table from the greens and fresh vegetables on a vibration.

To put out



  • chickpeas - 200 g
  • yalovichina - 100 g
  • pomidori - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - gilochka
  • sіl pepper

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Soak the chickpeas at 12:00, then wait until ready.
  2. Pour the yalovychinu with tomatoes (without skins) and put them out in cubes.
  3. Grind chickpeas with barley and vegetables, salt and pepper. Top the tar with a parsley hip.

Chickpea soup with popcorn



  • chickpeas - 300 g
  • water - 1 l.
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • hour-maker - 3 tooth.
  • olive olia
  • sil / pepper / thyme

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Add chickpeas (soaked in front for 12 years) on a small water.
  2. Rub the carrots on the grated, cut the carrot into cubes, the tsibulya with the drink. Lightly grease the cibula on olive oil.
  3. Give to the chickpeas a cartope, a carrot, a tsibulya, an orator and specials and cooks for the ingredinti about 15 khvili.
  4. Finish using a blender and decorate with popcorn.

Puree soup with chickpeas and pomidoriv



  • chickpeas - 250 g
  • pomidori - 5 pcs.
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • sіl pepper

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Add chickpeas.
  2. Know about the goodies and see them on the good rosés of the frying pan with the grated cybule on the grated cybula, and the tomato paste has come out.
  3. If you get ready pomidori, for a couple of chilin before you get it, hang chickpeas in a frying pan. Bring it to the end of the day.
  4. For that, yak chickpeas from the tomatoes of trocha oholone, pick them up at the blender, adding the sil and pepper to the relish.
  5. When ready, serve the herbs from chickpeas to the table from the greens.

Strava z chickpea: crispy soup



  • chickpeas - 1 tbsp.
  • pomidori - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • greens pepper - 1 pc.
  • water - 1.5 l.
  • roslinna olia abo olivkova - 2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon
  • turmeric
  • Carnation
  • bay leaf
  • sіl pepper

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Add chickpeas.
  2. Pour the diced potatoes, pepper and pomidori.
  3. Put the casserole of a medium size on the fire, pouring in 2 tbsp. l. woolen chi olive olive. If it’s rosy, give it a clove, bay leaf.
  4. Then add to the olive tsibulya, chapel, green pepper, trochas salted ingredinti. Put out 3-4 chilini, soften with a spatula.
  5. For the sake of it, throw in the casserole with the help of all those specialties, having extinguished 2-3 chilin.
  6. Stew the vegetables, wash the chickpeas. Simultaneously with the cartopley, extinguish it with a sieve of Ingredian 3 Khvilini.
  7. Pour water into the casserole, add a slice of lemon and mix everything well. Cook the soup, dock the chickpea will not become myakim, if you do not know the crush.
  8. If the country is ready to go, pour it into a tarilka, embellishing it with fresh greenery to the point of relish.

Chickpea soup with smoked chicken



  • chickpeas - 200 g
  • water, boiled chickpeas
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.
  • smoked chicken - 50-100 g
  • sіl pepper

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Add chickpeas.
  2. Pour the cibula and the ham into cubes, pick up the carrots on a grater. Throw all ingredinti into boiling water and extinguish 4-5 quilins.
  3. Add the chicken and vegetables to the casserole with chickpeas and water, pepper and salt in front. Part of the soup can be added to the blender.
  4. Take the offense of the part of the soup: I will pick it up in a blender and add it to the soup. Top the dish with chickpeas and greenery.

Nut pie



  • chickpea borosno - 100 g
  • kefir - 100 ml.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • soda - ¼ st. l.
  • baked riba or cabbage stewed (for filling)

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Mix well with kefir, egg and soda, retorting it with a vine or a mixer to remove one-sided mass.
  2. Growth in two parts. For a larger portion of the dough, use a mold for pasta, covered with a paper for vipikannya.
  3. On top of the paste, carefully wick the filling and fill it with the other part of the paste.

Vipіkaite pirіg 40-45 hilin | minuti | at temperatures of 180 degrees. Mix the prepared gravy with chickpeas with a toothpick and a wood stick.

Nutova pitsa



For the test

  • chickpea borosno - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • olive olia - 1 tsp

For filling

  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • cibulin - 1 pc.
  • smoked vіdvarene meat - 100 g
  • low-fat sir - 20 g

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Prepare something for a meal: mix the chickpeas richly with the water, so it came out pretty quickly without breasts. Give it to a new sil, olive oil and kindly shake it up. Write a quick message - not less than 30 minutes.
  2. If there are small bulbs on the test, it means that it’s too thick, and you can get it.
  3. Turn the oven to 220 degrees. Pepper, tomato and chicken, skip, tsibulya - drink.
  4. Place it on a leaf, on top of the vegetables. Put the pizza in the oven for 20-25 ghilines.
  5. For 5 khvili before vimknennya sip the dish with low-fat sir.
  6. Color the pizza with greenery and serve until tolu.

Chickpea with harbuz



  • chickpeas - 200 g
  • pomidori - 3 pcs.
  • garmel
  • the hour
  • coconut olia
  • olive olia
  • sіl pepper
  • cardamom
  • nutmeg
  • greenery

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Soak the chickpeas for 2:00. Let's take it from the salt water 30-40 minutes.
  2. At the same time, extinguish the chapel and alternatively add the cibula to coconut oil... Then toss it on the frying pan with a tomato and a garmon. Season with salt, pepper, add a pinch of cardamom and nutmeg.
  3. If the vegetables are ready, serve the prepared chickpeas with the olive oil and mix well.
  4. Top the dish with green chickpeas.

Chickpea baked goods from vegetables


  • chickpeas - 1 cup
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • malt pepper- 1 PC.
  • olive olia - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • zucchini
  • eggplant
  • the hour

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Wash the chickpeas and soak them in cold water.
  2. Shift the chickpeas near the glassware.
  3. All vegetables are great shmats and, in whatever order, wicked up on top of the chickpeas.
  4. Salt the dish and add 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  5. Place the chickpeas and vegetables in the spirit close to the year at a temperature of 220 degrees. Reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and cook more than 30 quills. If for an hour the chickpeas are not sourced, put the dish in the oven for 20-30 khvili.
  6. For cooking, serve chickpeas from greens and fresh vegetables.

Dessert from chickpeas



  • chickpea borosno - 1 tbsp.
  • sour milk - 300 g
  • vivsyane boroshno - 2 tbsp. l.
  • kerob - 2 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 1 tsp.
  • stevia for gusto
  • natural yoghurt
  • a slice of lemon

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Use a blender to eat stevia (aka cinnamon sucrose) with eggs. Then give them sour milk and soda, good luck.
  2. Sieve chickpea flour through a sieve | boronno |, give | add | before her, kerob, flour | borosno | if you please.
  3. Viliyte otrimante in a round shape, having covered with an olive olive.
  4. Take a dessert at the spirits 15 chilin | minuti | at temperatures of 180 degrees. Make a dish with chickpeas with natural yoghurt and sprinkle with a slice of lemon.

Pie with zucchini and tomatoes on chickpea crust



  • Borough with chickpeas - 150 g
  • heat water - 150 ml
  • olea of ​​grapes - 3 tbsp. l.
  • candied fruit - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 3 pcs.
  • sіl pepper
  • specials for gusto

For the sauce:

  • tomato paste without additives home cooking- 100 g
  • tomato - 3 pcs.
  • olive olia - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • basilik - ½ bundle

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Take the chickpea ferociously and special with water and olive olives. Substitute it (go to finish the fluff) and add 30 ghilin.
  2. Prepare the sauce: add tomato paste, other varieties of pomodori, olive olea, basil and silt with relish at the blender. We'll cook it on a regular meal until it gets bogged down.
  3. Rose just a thin ball behind the shape, in front of the front covered with an olive olive. Vipіkaite in the spirit 10-15 hilines | minuti | at temperatures of 180 degrees.
  4. Pour some candied fruits and vegetables together. Cover the finished cake with the sauce and wick the vegetables on top. Vipikate in the spirit for the same temperature as 20 ghilin.

Nutty brown with plum



  • chickpeas jam - 150 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • m'yakiy sir zezhireny - 125 g
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  • kerob - 2 tbsp. l.
  • tsukrozamіnnik - 1 pack.
  • rozpushuvach - 1 tsp.
  • svizha angry

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Soak fresh chickpeas at 2:00. Then you can warm up and pick up at the blender.
  2. Give an egg, sire, cocoa, kerob, sucrose, rozpushuvach and kindly mix until one-sided mass.

Otrimanie just vikladit at the form for a vip, cover the top with pieces of draining and send to the oven for 20-25 ghilin | minuti | at temperatures of 180 degrees.

Nutovi zukerki



  • chickpeas - 200 g
  • banana - 1/3
  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • coconut borosno
  • cocoa

Yak gettuvati?

  1. Soak the chickpeas for 2:00. Zvarit yogo, anger the water and clean up the vologue, you have lost it.
  2. Take chickpeas in a blender, 1/3 of a banana, kefir and coconut rich. Download the bags from the otrimanoy sum. Dip in cocoa and rim in the refrigerator for a few years.
  3. Strava from chickpeas - savory and brown zukerki - ready!

Save so many of our recipes and things on your table will only be the best and the best and the best!

Enjoy your appetite!

Pidgotuvala: Tetyana Krisyuk

Itself vybku, on my dosvid, I want a hot first strava the best. So it’s okay to come home from the cold, be cold-hearted about yourself, take a fur coat and a system for style at the center, which is dimmed by the new smell of a majestic soup tureen with hot soup. Such a soup is good to eat with grains of bread and crackers, and you don’t have to put a spoonful of sour cream into a garnishing spoon - relish it even more!

During the winter days, we will propose to you to try and prepare a wonderful soup, which will give you some warmth if you would freeze a man!

Surrounding the neymovirnogo relish that smell of soup is even more beautifully viglyadaє, and gotuvati yogo can be even more vividly - literally for pivgodini. You can help you hit on the glass, so that unwanted guests can come up quickly!

Winter sheep soup with chickpeas and squash

Tell me, why do you want to love your car like that, how do I love you? It’s hotter, right from the cauldron, and dim with a couple and remind the whole room with the wonderful aroma of special and vegetables - here the slinks flow to the inviting sieve of people! Still talking about me - a hungry student?

The smut in the curry - clearly follow the recipe for special victories, most precisely, the addition of the spices of the delicious spices give the same miraculous note that is loved by me.

Tsya strava is absolutely, 100% vegan, with a whole lot you can choose to substitute the Russian olyga ghi - the country from the whole game.

Curry with chickpeas and vegetables

The first time I have eaten samosi in India. The stench of bully is namey gastrі, ale waterchas nоmovіrno savory. There are a few types of species, but one of them is a triangular form that is thinner.

I’ll show you this year and show it before you write it down. Samosi, I’m going to walk in the spirit, I’m going to get three steps, I’m thinking, I’m going to them

Tsei recipe go to my book "Vegetarian Noviy Rik”, You can add a link to our site at the closest hour.

At the principle for filling samos, you can absolutely be victorious. Spinach, potatoes, peas, leaven, sir - show your imagination and come to you! At the recipe, I want to show you to add the traditional filling for the wine and india - chickpeas and cartoons. Naturally, the filling of the vimag is rich in gostrich special, if you didn’t sound like a gostre, you can add a little pepper, or don’t put it in.

Chickpeas, which is more simply called lamb chickpeas, or simply chickpeas, are introduced to the legume family and grain culture. Є still name, not such vidomich: walnut, Volozhsky pea and nokhut. One pod can include two to one pod. Traditionally, bobi go in before the warehouse of the popular herbs on Blizkoe Skhodi: falafel and hummus.

Before the speech, chickpeas are called lamb peas to the one who is behind the contours of the head of the whole creature. For a long time ago, they didn’t only go to Eve, Ala and Asia, and India. Suchasnі recipes with chickpea and boroshny znogo to be cured in the whole country with a lot of drink. Indian chickpeas by color and size come from a variety of chickpeas.

Most often, chickpeas are used in recipes from qimi five products:

The calorific value of chickpeas becomes 364 kcal. BZHU: 19, 6 and 61 as appropriate. Boby is even more bagaty for a family and a cellphone. In a new rich vitamins group in є magnesium, calcium, kaliy, amino acid lyzin (increased meat mass without added fat). Wine is good for the robotic slunk-intestinal tract, beneficially infuses the quality of the shkiri, vivodit to the body of the shkidlivi speech. Ideal Yak Zamina meat products in non-human countries, including vipichka (de vikoristovuyutsya in viglyadi boroshna).

Chickpeas can be used in recipes, kudi kvassol chi peas should be included. Cook soup, robiti porridge, mashed potatoes, pâté, ragout, zapikanka, cutlets. Yogo can be greased, tushkuvati, cooked, zapіkati. Serve yak garnir before any meat strains. Win good luck with usimo with vegetables and greenery. Navit from pasta whole unpolished yde. And with pudlivkoyu or sauce tse і zovsіm delicious taste. For beer and other alcoholic beverages from chickpeas, prepare a hot snack. For a whole yogo just grease or zapіkaut with a watchman and specials for zrazok rusks. Chickpeas are required to take preserves from time to time.

Unimportant to those who occupy the beans every day on our tables and actively take part in new culinary experiments, far from all representatives of this great family are classed and popular with us. If you broaden the peas and ferment widely, then the chickpeas will only win their legitimate place, and at the same time, not only one of the best beans, but one of the most beautiful beans in the world.

Chickpeas, or turkish peas - try to reach large bobs (from one centimeter to one centimeter) from a short surface. Peas shape the head of an owl chi ram. Chickpeas have come to us from India, Turechchini and Pakistan, wanting the first recipes for preparing boules in Elladi. I will name the third vegetable - hummus - youmu was given in honor of the legendary gravy, the yak on Skhodi gotuyut itself from chickpeas.

You can cook from here

Seasonal chickpeas are used as one of the main crops for vegetarian food, and the sphere of yogo vikorystannya is in the middle of the culinary tradition of nabagato shirsha, but not in the classics of beans. With chickpeas, which, as a rule, are usually added in front, you can prepare wonderful snacks that analogue to popcorn, unique and non-vineyard malts, but don't even seem to talk about the aromatic and tasty soup and the wonderful distribution of the garnishes. In a word, chickpeas are wonderful i cinnamon product, it’s easy to be prepared with a superbly savory base, with the help of which you can adapt and optimize your menu.

Chickpeas are suitable for preparing peppers and other herbs, garnishes, and yogo vikoristyuyu yak material for old desserts. Boil chickpeas, grease, burn, quench, glaze, grease with deep fryers, grind with mashed potatoes.

Recipe for hummus with chickpeas - a delicious vegetarian dish

The third bean paste can be dressed up in a simple way; Chickpeas are used in classic additions for stewed meat, a wonderful addition to rice and other types of pilaf, garnished wine and in salads.

One of the main passages of Turkish mountains - it is wonderful to be amazed by these special specialties and to pick up aromas, at the same time they do not demonstrate the power to interrupt, but to mask the relish of vegetables and other products, which can be updated.

Coating recipes strav iz chickpea

Features of preparation

Gotuvati s chickpea is so easy, like a beast of a pea, however, I don't respect the triviality of the process and the need for soaking beforehand. Chickpeas, before the cob, prepare the yak minimum for chotiri years, or else call for nothing at the great glass of water, while boiling wine for reaching the consistency of mashed potatoes is close to two years. Boiled chickpeas with a wonderful bitter relish and unique texture, as not to be absorbed in the case of additional preprocessing.

Corinth of power and calorie

The head ferry of chickpeas - even higher parts of bіlkіv and easily absorbed in carbohydrates, additional sufficient amount of calcium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. For a whole legume with an even higher life value, it is characteristic of strong power, good health with regular implantation of an unbalanced ratio to reduce cholesterol levels.

The calorific value of chickpeas in the dungeon of the visok is 320 kcal per 100 g of the product;

Chickpeas (lamb peas)

For 8 portions:

  • 1/2 kg chickpeas
  • 5-6 dry cibulin
  • 250 g olive olives
  • for bazhannyam, lemon juice and rosemary

Prepare for the evening chickpeas: cleanse all the specks and 2-3 times and make good progress. Lay the yogi for swelling in dishes from 3-4 liters of warm water, adding a tablespoon of salt and crushing it.

UVAGA! The water is warm, but not hot, and scalded. Do not place the castrun on the marmur and the surface, because heat the water quickly and well.

In the beginning of the day, the process is filled with chickpeas and good promises. When pouring 2-2.5 liters of water into the casserole, it is put on a normal fire. Trimaimo chickpeas near the drushlyaku, the water spilled. If you boil water in a casserole, kidamo in a chickpea.

UVAGA! When preparing chickpeas, do not drink water!

Cleanly, miєmo і dіbіzmo tsibulyu and kidaєmo її in a casserole. Approximately 15 khviliin is mixed with warm water. The very warmth, not hot. Yak only chickpeas are more dense, poured into olive ole.

chickpeas - recipes for stravs with cover photos

Tried yogo, і, as it is necessary, to give trochas of salt, it’s not a lot, to that, in the process of swelling chickpeas, it has already sufficiently seeped out.

Chickpeas can be bilim (tobto without tomato paste), but it doesn’t matter if you pour olive ole, it’s just dodged in it, if you know it, I’ll fire some rosemary and lemon juice. As soon as we are proud of the beautiful worm, then at the moment, when the olive ole is poured, it is bred in a small amount of warm water and tomato paste and dodamo її in chickpeas. For that, it’s good to extinguish the chickpeas, I know it’s in the fire. In chervonia chickpeas do not put rosemary;

Go to distribution Pisnі recipes

Qia strava can be cooked without olive oil.


Honey is liquorice, but musі laso.

It seems as though Abba Theodore of Fermiyskiy leaned in the Skete and siv for style at the same time from his brothers.

Brothers, for the whole hour, took the vials from the cook, gave them, drank, and became disliked.

Todi Abba Theodore їm like:

“I knew the Chechens' gratitude. Well, schorazu, if you don't seem like it - let the shit go?

Poohirnik, chick peas, lamb peas, nah і shish- I’m all about those same. Mova ide pro nuti- a product that is simply indispensable for the Mediterranean cuisine that ratsion of Pivnichnoy Africa, Blizkogo Skhodu and Asia.

Renovated ten years of nut days and before us. The Slovenian people, having fallen in love with chickpeas for their richness of olive-pea relish, richness, quickness in preparation, and brownness for health. Well, it’s strange to see it exotic, fresh, beautiful - we didn’t know such a kitchen yet.

Naypryєmnіshe, so tsey the product is easy to go vegetarians, Yak dzherelo roselinnogo bilka, such a brown one for organism.

We will talk about the cinnamon of lamb peas, but at the same time we will try to cook it. Naiprostisha strava - a soup made from chickpeas, a recipe for a simple dish.

Yaksho vi isthe meat, then you can cook yogo on smoking abo barley broth ... Ale to navit without a food bottle is easy to cook, that sweet country is even more savory, as it will delight your loved ones and welcome guests.

Chickpea recipe


  • Shisha peas - 1 bottle
  • Cartopl - 2-3 pieces
  • Carrots
  • Greenery
  • Season

The bulb is well cooked, it is necessary to soak it for 8-10 years. The best price for the night.

I don’t know how to cook chickpeas, but how to cook this divine overseas product. Let's put it this way: all to lay down in its grade, soak for that hour. In the middle of the day, soak the treasure, cook yogo godini p_vtori, plus minus. You whack, that the style "bags" are fluffy and soft. Soliti is not required.

If it’s ready, add a broth (or meat - with meat) to the broth, poured into cubes.

Leave the cartoons to boil, robbly to grease. Rіzhemo tsibulyu and three on a grated carrot.

Likewise in a small amount of olive oil.

Kidєmo our grease in the broth for n'yat khilin until the cartoplas are ready. For what our pearl strava needs to be salted, pepper, toss the bay leaf there, to love specials.

Nichogo, as a vegetarian soup from chickpeas viide gustuvatim - without meat we will be wonderful for gusto. In the very kitchen (or even in the tarilka), the kidamo dribbled greens.

Wee took away the tsikava, an unwitting strava. Children will be happy to eat peas, and we will grow up the stench to match that, which is good enough for corisne speech.

Chim cinnamon chickpeas?

The whole product should be introduced before family of beans... For their livelihood, antirohi wines do not sacrifice kvassol, peas, and wag. І nabagato sitnіshe, nіzh muesli. Yak prigotuvati їkh, read on sent.

Did they know that there are close to 80 living speeches in New York? І all stench on the organism of people and the most positive rank.

These bobs are of different varieties - beige, green, black, brown and chervony.

Another cinnamon is the supply of hemoglobin to the body, the reserves of saline, and a lot of manganese. Vitamin RR, riboflavin, beta-carotene, thiamin - there is only a small fraction of the cinnamon speeches, which can take revenge in the hero of our statute.

Chickpea soup with broccoli

Recipe from: Juliya

Chickpea for chickpeas є we reduce the deputy of the meat bar and include the entire Mendelian table. Yogo corny power it is important to re-evaluate, and low-calorie rocking peas is indispensable for children.

Chickpea - chickpea

Prepared with cinnamon and savory vegetarian (nutritious) soup.

Vegetarian soup with chickpeas


  • 200 gr. or 1 bottle of chickpeas (chickpeas)
  • 1-2 pcs. maple (fallow to size)
  • 1 carrot
  • 2-3 pcs. bell pepper
  • 100 g broccoli
  • specials: 1/2 teaspoon each of curcoumi, kmin (or kumin) and asafetidi (you can replace it with a clove for an hour), 1-2 laurel leaves
  • roslinna abo toplena olia
  • greens (krіp, parsley chi kіnza)

Preparing a soup with chickpeas:

  1. Chicken peas soak and soak for 12 years.
  2. After drinking it, pour 1 liter of water and cook until soft (about 1 year).
  3. Peel and graze the vegetables.

Prepared vegetables

  • Pour the potatoes into cubes, broccoli-shmatochki.

    Potato and broccoli

  • If the peas become m'yakim, add some water, which is required, but after boiling until the vegetables are cooked.

    Preparing crispy soup z chickpea

  • Cut carrots and peppers into small cubes.

    Carrot and pepper

  • Rose a frying pan with a small amount of olia, throw in a few minutes, and in a few seconds - turmeric.

    Lubricated special

  • Dodati carrots, bell peppers that, like vikoristovute, see the chasnik. Paseeruvati until soft.

    Frying for vegetarian soup with chickpeas

  • If vegetables are cooked in casseroles, visipati instead of frying pans in soup, add | bay leaf, sil | salt | and cook 5 chillin | minuti |.

    Vegetarian chickpea soup iz broccoli mayzhe ready

  • Nasamk_netz to give asafoetida, drink some chopped greens and serve them for a glass.
  • PS If you are given a recipe, subscribe to the update, so you will get rich in everything tasty.

    Vegetarian soup-5 recipes

    The visibility of the meat in the recipe is infused with some kind of dictatorship. Yak cook a vegetarian soup, how can you vikoristovuvati?

    Multivarci soup

    Vegetarian puree soup can be gotuwati in a multi-cooker. Proponomo you make soup from zucchini - you need 1 kg of fruit. Also take tsibulya, potatoes and carrots (1/3/1 pcs.), Oliyu and tertiary sir (50 g / 100 g). For aromatization of the gravy, season with herbs and herbs.

    Peel the vegetables, turn them quite well, put them in the bowl, give them some olive oil. Increase the shutdown mode by 15 calories. Then add hot water (1 liter). Salt, season, increase the cooking mode by 20 ghilines. Cook vegetables with a blender. Serve the soup by adding the greens and tertiary sir.

    Soup from kvassol

    Situated vegetarian soup comes from kvassol. Schob to speed up an hour of cooking gravy, vicorize kvass, yak befits you - 200 grams. You need potatoes, tsibulya, liquorice, carrots (1 pc. Each). Add pikantny relish to the soup, season that greens.

    Bring the water to the boil (finish the liter), put the cartoplice cubes there. Clean vegetables, fine-tune, grease on olії (1-2 tablespoons). If the cartop becomes a pulp, give it to kvassol that grease, season, salt. Cook the soup until done.

    Chickpea soup

    Tsey recipe for savory vegetarian soup can be found in its base of chickpeas. Prepare the following products: carrots, potatoes and tsibula - 1 pc., Chickpeas - 1 tbsp., Broccoli - 100 g, and licorice pepper. The optimal set of spices is cmine and turmeric (0.5 tsp each), bay leaf and a clove for an hourglass. Zhirov warehouse gravy - 1 tbsp. melted abo roslinnoi olii.

    Soak the chickpeas in cold water, fill it for 12 years. Pour the ridina, pour 1 liter of pure water, put the lamb peas to boil (the loan process is close to one day). Load up some water, put on the cubes of the cartography and the broccoli. Prepare the grease. Program on specials, and then add | add | tsibulu, carrot, pepper. For example, fill the vegetables with the pressure of the chalk. Transfer the soup to the casserole. Salt it, season it, bring it to a boil and dry it.

    Cartooper's Soup

    In boiling water (2 l), put 4 cartoplinas (cut in cubes), 300 g of cooked peppers and roasted for 4 parts of carrots. If the mushrooms have enough boil, go from the soup, let it go, and grease it all at once from the cibule on the olive. Take carrots from soup. Add the grease, season, salt to the casserole, bring the soup to a boil, add, put greens on the chopstick. If you don’t like mushrooms, you can use it from the recipe. Make the soup thick to allow manna groats(Give a spoonful of semolina just before the end of the meal).

    Zh_nochiy soup

    Especially savory pearl barley soup is served with dry mushrooms (you will need only 50 g of this product). 0.5 tbsp. Rinse the pearl barley, put it on the drushlyak, stand it over the boiling water in the casserole (steam the fillet with a stretch of water). Rinse the mushrooms, fill them with sprinkles, and after 5 quills, pour the water.

    I know, pour sprinkles on the mushroom (4 tbsp.). After 10 chilines, the mushroom will grow, cool, let it go, and bring this process to a boil. Put some pearl barley in the house. After 20 chilines, add the cartoplin cubes (2-3 cartoplin are required). Prepare a grease from tsibuli and carrots (pick 1 piece each of that one, and also 2 tablespoons of olive). Add mushrooms to the grease, quench, whitewash in the soup (if the potato is boiled), season the grass to taste. In order to bring the soup to a boil, mark it with a fire and fill it with a crush for 10 hvili.

    Soup kharcho

    Stir-cooked pikantny soup, take 1 tbsp. rice, 2 cloves to an hourglass, 2 cibulini, 500 g of tomatoes, 2 tbsp each. graze that tkemali sauce. A set of seasonings: cinza, laurel, hop-suneli, adjika. Gotuvati soup will be on oliyya.

    Scald tomatoes, sound like skins and mix it up on mashed potatoes. Lubricate the cybul on olii, fill it with water. When boiling, put the rice and cook until ready. Then add some tomato sumish (tomato, pasta, sauce, adjika). It is also possible to introduce a grater, rubbing from a silt to the warehouse. Give the soup a couple of quill and drink. Let it brew, bring the greens.

    Vegetarian soup with chickpeas

    I am sharing with you a recipe for a savory soup. Tse vegetarian soup from chickpeas. Chickpea is a miracle dzherelo visokoyakisnogo bilka. Chickpea has a low relish and aroma on the form of snake peas. Especially I do not like beans, I will add a red soup to me. Try it for your health!

    You can find one more savory and easy lіtnіy recipe here: "Tasty pasta with zucchini". And also, even more relevant for last hour recipe savory water for skudnennya. Qia water is good in sprague and nasic organism with vitamins.

    I recommend soaking the chickpeas for 12 years to get ready. Rinse the chickpeas, fill them with cold water and pour them over for the night. Before cooking, rinse the chickpeas again with cold water and cook.

    vegetarian soup with chickpeas

    • 100 grams of dry chickpeas
    • 50 grams of rice
    • 1 great carrot
    • 1 great pomidor
    • 1 great liquorice pepper
    • 50 grams of top butter
    • 3 middle kartoplini
    • 1 teaspoon asafoetidi
    • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
    • 1 tablespoon salt
    • 1 liter of water
    1. Promit chickpeas, fill with water, salt. Cook over medium heat until ready, approximately 1:00.
    2. Turn the rice over and over. Clean the pot, vimiti, dice it with great cubes. Dodati to chickpea, cook 20 khwilins.
    3. Carrots, pomidori, pepper with straws.
    4. At the frying pan rostopiti vershove butter | mastic |, add | add | specials, obsmazhuvati 30 seconds. Dodati tudi add straws of vegetables. Discuss 10 khvilin | minuti |, periodically less.
    5. Viklasti in ready-made soup, grease. Bring to kipinnya. Napolyagati pid kryshkoyu 20 khvili.
    6. Serve ready-made soup with chickpeas, seasoning yogo for bazhannyam and melting sire.

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    Vegetarian chickpea soup

    If you are a fan of stravs from legumes, then you will be awarded with a savory soup from chickpeas. And there is a recipe for vegetarians and people who want to meet fasting. Prepare the soup is awkward, you have everything!


    • Chickpea 0.5 flasks
    • Tsibulya r_pchasta 1/2 Pieces
    • Carrot 1 Piece
    • Bulgarian pepper 1 Piece
    • Cartopl 1-2 Pieces
    • Roslinna olia 1 Art. a spoon
    • Tomato paste 1 teaspoon
    • Crop greens 20 Gram
    • Sіl 1 tea spoon

    Croc 1

    Soak chickpeas not less than 4 years in cold water.

    Croc 2

    Let's drink some chickpeas, vikladaєmo into a casserole and a bay with about a liter of water. I can be cooked for at least a year or for instructions on the packaging.

    Croc 3

    Carrots are cleanable and natre on great tertsi.

    Croc 4

    Peelings onion with diced cubes.

    Croc 5

    Obsmazhumo tsibulyu and carrots on olії.

    Croc 6

    Bell peppers can be cleaned from each other and poured into cubes. Dodamo to vegetables and observable all at once 3 hilini. Let's drink some tomato paste, mix it up and literally goof.

    Croc 7

    Edible oiled vegetables with tomato from a casserole with chickpeas and diced with cartotil cubes. Solimo and cook until the cartoplas are ready.

    Croc 8

    The greens of the crop can be added to the casserole from the soup or in the tartlets when serving.