How the fetus develops in pregnant women. Intrauterine development of the fetus by week. How is pregnancy divided into periods.

Of course, all future parents are interested in what happens to the baby under the mother’s heart, as a little man appears from a tiny cage, who in forty weeks will have to make myo happy with his first cry. The most detailed pregnancy calendar proposed on this page will help you to get an idea of ​​all the processes occurring during the many months of intrauterine embryo development.

Both cortisol and adrenaline can affect body tissues, such as blood vessels, contributing to pathways leading to coronary heart disease and heart attacks; Fat metabolism that leads to obesity. This is probably the reason why many people suffering from chronic stress are more susceptible to infections.

The brain is also vulnerable to cortisol. Abnormal secretion of cortisol can cause the brain to increase cellular activity in two important areas - the hippocampus and the amygdala. In the case of the hippocampus, excess sterols can cause brain cell atrophy and even permanent damage. The hippocampus and amygdala are crucial not only in stressful situations, but also because of their effect on higher brain functions, such as learning and memory.

Pregnancy calendar from the day of conception (from 1 to 5 week)

1-3 week

The pregnancy calendar begins on the day of conception, when the fertilization of the egg and its movement through the fallopian tube, as well as implantation in the uterine cavity. Usually during this period, the woman does not feel any changes in the body.

4-5th week

The hippocampus is a two-inch, banana structure located deep in the brain that plays an important role in declarative and episodic memories - those that help us keep track of what happens in our life and remember that It happened to us, whom we know and what we read or hear. Spatial memory, which also helps us find our way, is a function of the hippocampus. The hippocampus appears to be mainly involved in memory formation, and not in storage.

Emotional memories can be formed instantly, in part because the hippocampus acts as a censor of reality, comparing the outside world, as perceived by sensory systems, with the brain's view. A sudden change will cause the hippocampus to take effect, and also include the tonsils if there is fear or even if it is a strong positive emotion. Amygdala and the hippocampus work together to form conscious memories of events. Amygdala, which is adjacent to the hippocampus, can be caused directly by fear or by what we consider a dangerous situation.

4-5 weeks from conception on the calendar of pregnancy is characterized by the beginning of the formation of the placenta. Intensive division of germ cells, the bookmark of the cardiovascular system. He has a two-chamber heart, which is typical for fish, but this is a temporary phenomenon. By the end of the week, it is already shrinking. The laying of the upper respiratory tract, the neural tube begins.

Your answer tells us to escape first and ask questions later. The woman had amnesia caused by damage to her hippocampus, and therefore could not form new memories. Her doctor had to introduce herself every time they met, because she could not remember that she already knew him. One morning, he crossed his fingers between two fingers that pricked the lady as they squeezed their hands. The next time they met, although she could not remember the previous meeting, the anonymous almond intellect reminded her of the pain of the previous meeting and told her not to shake hands.

Homoblasts appear in the embryo - prototypes of spermatozoa or eggs. The eye cup acquires a double wall and is covered with a transparent cornea - the eyes are formed. During this period, the adrenal glands, liver, duodenum, pharynx and esophagus are laid, the formation of the mouth begins. The future stomach descends into the abdominal cavity and is overgrown with nerve elements. It is extremely necessary for the normal passage through the stomach of food. There is also a bookmark salivary glands. By the end of the 5th week in the embryo development calendar, the embryo of the liver and pancreas will be marked.

Usually, people are not in the grip of the original unattainable memories, because the amygdala and hippocampus have connections with the rationally thinking part of the brain, the cortex. A formidable prefrontal cortex has the ability to overcome the instinctive fear that drives the tonsils. One of the effects of excess sterols is that they can interact with specific receptors in the hippocampus. We know that normal levels of stress hormones do not destroy memory, but elevated levels over long periods of time can damage it.

If this week you could look at the embryo during an ultrasound examination, you would certainly see its head and pelvic end, back, tummy, spine and even eyes. The length of your baby during this period is 0.5-1.1 cm.

Embryonic calendar of pregnancy in the early periods of 6 to 10 week

6th week

Thus, people who respond to stressful stimuli, so that they produce too much cortisol, are at risk of aging because they lose their function of the hippocampus relative to memory. One explanation for memory loss with age comes from the work of Sapolsky, which showed that excess cortisol causes loss of neurons in the hippocampus.

In a detailed study of patients with this disorder, it was shown that the hippocampus was smaller than normal, and the degree of reduction and memory loss was proportional to the increase in plasma cortisol levels. It is interesting to note that in these studies no other part of the brain was found, only the hippocampus, where memory, cortisol and stress coincide. Another aspect of this study, which is important for studying the effects of the brain on diseases, is that people with Cushing's disease develop problems with hypertension, diabetes and the immune system, which we know are associated with the effects of chronic stress.

Only one more week passed, but how much she brought. The baby turned from a fish into an amphibian, an atrial septum appeared in the embryo, which divided the heart into three sections, the kidneys and spleen are laid in the form of a cluster of special cells, the stomach is discharged from the expansion of the primary intestine, the back membrane of the intestine is straightened. According to the pregnancy calendar already on early terms primary brain vesicles are transformed into the main sections of the brain, beneath them appears the epiphysis (pineal gland), affecting puberty, the normal functioning of the sex glands. The rudiments of arms and legs appear, separate parts of the inner ear and larynx are formed. The placenta develops at a fast pace ( children's place) and already appeared tiny umbilical cord. The length of your baby is 1.2-1.6 cm.

Other studies have shown that people who have been abused and injured in early agewill have a smaller hippocampus than adults. It is interesting to note that this has also been found in people with chronic depression, and many people with depression have elevated cortisol levels. The work highlights the fact that when people with Cushing's disease are treated in brain education after effective therapy, the hippocampus began to reach its normal size. This has important implications, as it can mean that people with poor stress control, elevated level  sterol and hippocampal damage can regain its normal function if stress control is controlled.

7th week

According to the pregnancy development calendar, on the 7th week the embryo is already 1.6-2 cm long and weighs 4.5 g. This is due to the rapid development of the brain. But he is still bent, the head end tilted to the stomach, the tail lengthened and bent. Outwardly, he becomes like a small, peacefully sleeping animal.

Gradually, in the face of the head, the future features of the child begin to appear. The eyes have already appeared, the formation of the lens, the formation of the nose, the rudiments of the auricle and the organ of hearing, the ear bubble, begins. The first occipital and the last 5-7 tip somites will disappear somewhat later, and the rest will form an axial skeleton. The heart takes an S-shape. The right and left ventricles stand out in it, it contracts, and with the help of ultrasound you can hear the heartbeat. The esophagus, trachea, and anterior wall of the abdomen develop. The process of formation of the small intestine, the sternum. The cortical part of the adrenal glands is laid. The brain develops very quickly, and now, like in an adult, it has grooves and gyrus. The formation of muscles of the whole body occurs. The nose and mouth, lobar bronchi continue to develop. The primary circulatory system begins to function. The “commander-in-chief” in this process is the liver, from which the blood cells get to the right, then to the left parts of the heart,
About possible because of the large oval hole in the heart septum. But all this is a temporary phenomenon. With the formation of lymph nodes, immunity begins to form. The kidneys acquire their final form and permanent structures. The rudiments of the parathyroid glands are formed. In the pancreas, cells with characteristic endocrine properties appear. The lower part of the intestinal tube is divided into two sections, from which the small and large intestines will later form. The extremities of the future baby are lengthened, thinned, hands and feet appear on them, and you can even see 5 small rays - a type of fingers.

Amygdala, which is part of the limbic system of the brain, plays a big role in our emotional reactions. It is important both in fear and in pleasant emotions. An interesting fact is that people who were exposed to images of funny animals, delicious food and sex scenes, contribute to the amygdala activities similar to that caused by unpleasant, greyish images; But images with neutral scenes, such as chess games, did not seem to attract the amygdala.

The work of Cannon and other people showed that the initial response to stress or emotional situations depends on the sympathetic nervous system and its activation, and then on the hypothalamic pituitary pituitary system. The dynamics of the sympathetic and wandering nervous system is important for how we respond to emotional stimuli. In the study of young children, those who could better shut off the vagus nerve system, when appropriate, had the least behavioral problems, like three-year-old children.

8th week

The size of the embryo in accordance with the calendar of pregnancy at this period has already increased sufficiently - up to 2.2-2.4 cm, and weight - up to 23 g.

The upper and lower jaws form from the first branchial arch. You can already see the contours of the nose, the forehead develops, the outer contours of the eyes are outlined, which become more noticeable as pigment appears in the retinal cells. The head of the embryo is tilted to the heart protrusion, which gradually decreases due to the development of the chest, and by the end of the week the neck and torso begin to gradually straighten out. The volume of an abdominal cavity increases, the hepatic protrusion disappears. The stomach and intestines take final shape and take their permanent place. The primary intestinal loop is formed. The umbilical cord develops. The central lymphatic organ, the thymus gland (thymus gland) is laid, the first follicles appear in the tissue of the thyroid gland. There is a complication of the epidermis, since two layers of cells appear in the skin, the common arterial trunk is divided into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. A second septum appears in the heart, separating the left and right ventricles. Together with the atrial septum they create
   first valve. From this point on, blood can move only in one direction - from the right atrium to the left. Improves the message of the heart with large blood vessels. A large area is occupied by mesonephros (primary kidneys), the metanephros (secondary kidneys) begin to develop.

Persons who have demonstrated a significant decrease in vagal tone, did not develop depressive, aggressive or social behavior. The key neurotransmitter in the function of the frontal brain is serotonin. Monkeys that are poorly nourished when they are young have low level  the remaining sterol, but higher in conditions of moderate stress and chronic deficiency in the metabolism of serotonin. These animals tend to show abnormal behavior, and some will be depressed. The genetic history of serotonin stress and metabolism has become much clearer.

As seen in the photo of the pregnancy calendar, this week the arms and legs are already well distinguished from each other:

On the handle you can see the cubital fossa and wrist, and on the hand (like a small children's shoulder blade) - future fingers. On the legs, changes occur much more slowly than on the hands. Very actively develop bones, and even joints. It is during this period that the skeleton ossification begins, which will continue after birth for many more years.

The promoter region of the serotonin carrier gene has been found to slow down the effects of stressful life events on depression in monkeys and humans. Individuals with one or two copies of the long-chain serotonin gene transporter show more symptoms of depression than homozygous long-chain individuals. A New Zealand cohort study found that child abuse during the first decade of life predicted adulthood depression among homozygous or heterozygous people during a short circuit.

This work shows that the expression of genes in the brain may depend on early life experiences, and the effects may not manifest as a behavioral problem — depression — in adulthood. Obviously, the experience of stressful events in early life can prepare biological pathways that affect behavior and mental health in adulthood. In the 1950s, when scientists gained a better understanding of the physiology of the brain, they began to establish links between emotions and diseases in relation to the brain's response to environmental stimuli.

If on the 8th week of fetal development the Y-chromosomes start to influence the fetus, then its sex glands form in the testicles, if not, then in the ovaries. In the first case, a boy will be born, in the second - a girl.

Week 9

The length of the embryo from head to tip is 2-3 cm, and weight - 34 g.

The main feature of this week in the calendar of pregnancy is that the embryo takes on a well-defined human-like form: it has a head, torso and limbs. The head has become even larger, due to the intensive development of the brain. Ears are starting to grow this week, and although they are still low enough, they will soon take shape and take their rightful place. Limbs are actively forming. The arms and legs are lengthened, the bones are strengthened. On the limbs stronger and lengthen the fingers. On the fingers, the fingers are separated by gaps, and on the feet - grooves. The body of the baby grows not only in length but also in width. The volume of the thoracic and abdominal cavities increases, which leads to the smoothing of the heart protrusion. In the small intestine appear proteolytic enzymes involved in the process of cleaving proteins to amino acids, which are well absorbed. Appear first, located on the palms and soles, sweat glands. Actively developing nervous system, in the intervertebral foramina there are nerve nodes (spinal ganglia), cranial and spinal nerves are clearly visible. By the end of the week, the formation of the cerebellum will begin; it is this part of the brain that is responsible for the coordination of movements. The cerebral part of the adrenal glands is laid (it produces adrenaline). And one more joyful event - it is from this week that the first spontaneous events, which are absolutely imperceptible for the mother, begin.

Today, using modern technology to study the functions of the brain, together with our better understanding, generated by work in the field of neuroscience and immunology, the relationship between these two biological paths becomes much clearer. Both the central nervous system and the immune system receive information from the environment and other parts of the body through various sensory pathways. Systems for communication use specific chemical messengers and messenger molecules. These messenger molecules, regardless of whether they are produced by neurons in the brain or by immune cells that request more resources, can act as signals not only for their own systems, but also between the two systems.

10th week

At this time of pregnancy according to the calendar, the length of the embryo from the crown to the buttocks is from 3.0 to 4.1 cm, and it weighs 45 g. This is the last week of the embryonic period of intrauterine development of a person. There are significant changes in the proportions of the body, they clearly take on a human appearance. The head is rounded and lifted. It is still very large and makes up almost half the length of the whole body. The skin is very thin, so the blood vessels of the skull appear. The neck appears. On the face you can see eyebrows and eyelids, which close by the end of the week. The eyes of the embryo are wide open at the beginning of the week. The mouth becomes smaller, and inside it is visible a small tongue. The development of milk teeth began. By the end of the week, the embryo is able to distinguish taste. The tail finally disappears. The arms and legs are almost the same size, all departments are clearly visible, with the arms bent at the elbows and the legs at the knee joints. The umbilical cord is reduced in diameter. Yolk sac, previously hematopoietic function, p
gradually dying off. Its remains are later found in the composition of the umbilical cord. With the advent of the placenta, blood circulation, nutrition, and metabolism are improved. In the embryo, the relative position of the organs changes, so the kidneys rise up and start gradually, in a very small amount, filter out substances harmful to the body from the blood and remove them, that is, form urine. The differentiation of the internal genital organs begins, in future boys this process has already begun, and the girls are not in a hurry. The cortex of the cerebral hemispheres is well defined. The bone marrow volume is 16 ml. The first lymphocytes appear in the blood, thymus gland, lymphatic follicles - the white blood cells responsible for immunity. Amount of amniotic fluid inside the fetal bladder is 20 ml. These are quite comfortable conditions for the life and development of the embryo.

We have learned that white blood cells produce small proteins known as cytokines, which directly coordinate the response of other parts of the immune system to pathogens to fight viruses and other allergic reactions. Cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and interleukin-2, also act as chemical signals between immune cells and other types of cells and organs, including parts of the brain.

In addition to activating cortisol production, the hypothalamic cortical neurons release also reach brain areas that regulate the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system innervates many immune organs in the body, such as the thalamus, lymph nodes and spleen.

From the end of the 10th week on the calendar of pregnancy, the fetal period of fetal development of a person ends, the fetal (fetal) period begins. Now the organism developing in the uterus we can call the fetus.

The exact calendar of pregnancy in the period from 11 to 15 week

Week 11

The development of the fetus on the calendar of pregnancy on this period continues very quickly. Its length is 7 cm, and its weight is about 50 g. The appearance of the fruit is very unusual, its head is almost half the length of its entire body. The arms look longer than the legs, as they develop faster. The development of fingers and toes continues, nails begin to form. This week, the first manifestations of facial expressions are detected, the facial musculature of the face begins to work: the fruit opens and closes the mouth, wrinkles the forehead, turns its head. The formation of the iris occurs - that part of the eyeball, by which we judge the color of the human eye. The pituitary gland - a multifunctional endocrine gland of the brain, located in the so-called Turkish saddle, begins to work in full force.

This can lead to hyperactivity of the immune system and cause inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. On the other hand, excessive release of cortisol can "turn off" the immune system before it clears the foreign invader, which can lead to increased susceptibility to infection.

Constant stress affects the immune system. Most people can remember some time when they were under significant stress and during which they often had a cold. When the body is suddenly exposed to acute stress, the immune system functions to prepare it to cope with the injury. However, in conditions of chronic stress, the immune system may be less sensitive. This last effect depends on how chronic stress is.

The thymus, the central immune organ, continues its work - the blood formation, cells (thymocytes) produced by it begin to spread throughout the body of the fetus.

This week appears the first significant lymphatic vessels in the roots of the lungs. In blood vessels, immature blood contains primitive hemoglobin, which is gradually replaced by fetal.

During the investigation, volunteers were asked who was asked about most of the stressful events that occurred in their lives, and then they were infected with a common cold virus to analyze which of them got sick. Those who fell ill were those who reported stressful situations that lasted a month or much longer, usually associated with unemployment or constant difficulties with family or friends.

Doctors have known for centuries that physical and emotional stress can undermine the defenses against a disease. There have been several demonstrations of the pathways of the immune system in people. The children were instructed to prepare in five minutes a short speech, which they were to present, in front of a group of judges dressed in white and with a stern face. After the oral presentation, each child was given a mental arithmetic problem. For most people, these two tests are powerful psychological stressors that consistently cause an increase in heart rate and cortisol levels in the blood.

After the 12th week of intrauterine development, new organs in the fetus are no longer formed, and the existing ones continue to grow and develop. This week, he has the first reflexes.

12th week

Development is in full swing. The length of the fetus from the crown to the buttocks is 7-8 cm, and the weight is 68 g. All organs are already formed and continue to develop. Fetal development according to the pregnancy calendar this week is characterized by the fact that a bone substance begins to form in the fetus. The fingers on the hands and feet are divided, the nails continue to grow. In the gums are formed the beginnings of permanent teeth. The development of the brain continues. The pituitary gland produces many hormones. The liver of the fetus begins to produce bile - a substance essential for the digestion of dietary fats. In the intestine appear periodic contractions, which are called peristaltic. It is with their help that food moves along the intestines. The internal genital organs of the fetus are already developing in the female or male type. By ultrasound, an experienced specialist can determine the sex of the child at this time. But do not rush, wait until these differences become more clear. The fruit starts to move, but you still do not feel it. He can squint and move his fingers and toes.

Week 13

The exact pregnancy calendar symbolizes the 13th week as the second trimester of pregnancy. One third of the way is passed. At the end of the previous trimester, the fetal period of development began. It is characterized by the rapid growth of the organs and tissues of the child, but a gradual slowdown in the growth rate of the head. The body begins to grow much faster. And the second feature of this period - congenital defects, as a rule, are no longer formed. This week, fetal growth reaches 9-10 cm, and weight - 80 g

Look at the photo - according to the calendar of pregnancy development on the 13th week, the fetus acquires a human form, eyes come together, ears are located on the sides of the head:

He has the first hair, soft guns, which are called lanugo, located on the brow ridges, lip and chin. The baby has formed all 20 milk teeth. The intestine is laid in the abdominal cavity. Villi begin to form in it, which play an important role in food digestion. The pancreas produces insulin.

14th week

The length of the fetus is already 10-11 cm, and the weight is 90 g, the size of the head in diameter is 28 mm, the body continues to be rounded. The active growth of the spine and muscular system continues. Muscle fibers begin to cluster and form muscles in which transverse striation prevails. Day by day they are becoming more and more. The neck continues to stretch. The pancreas begins to produce more insulin, which is necessary for metabolism and growth. Sexual differences are becoming more apparent. Improved coordination of movements. The fetus begins to learn to breathe, draws the amniotic fluid into the lungs and pushes them back. He can open his mouth and even smile. At the same time, it can emit droplets of urine.

15th week

To be precise, according to the pregnancy calendar this week, the length of the fetus is 12-13 cm, weight - 100 g. More and more, it becomes like a person. The ears are almost in place, the eyes are in the middle of the face, although they are still wide apart.

His skin is very thin, blood vessels appear through it, and the color is more reddish than pink. Body covered with downy hair. The heart pumps about 2-3 liters of blood per day. The fetus periodically empties its bladder, and urine enters the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is updated 8-10 times per day, which helps to maintain their sterility with a constant chemical composition: the ratio of water, mineral elements and organic substances. This is the very first habitat of the future child. He studies her, exchanges information with her and chemicals.

Baby pregnancy calendar with a description of the development of the fetus from 16 to 20 week

16th week

The fruit has grown and recovered, weighs 110-118 g and works hard on its improvement. A nice downy hair appeared on the head (you will not have time to look back and you will braid the pigtails). Ears are located almost in place, a little closer to the neck. The peculiarity of the baby calendar of pregnancy at this period is the end of the formation of nails in the future baby. His movements are becoming more and more coordinated.

Week 17

The mass of the fetus is 160-180 g, length - 18 cm. New structures did not appear, but as everything that the fetus already has is progressing in its development. The stage of enhanced brain growth has begun, its volume is increasing. From this moment begins the formation of subcutaneous fat, which is involved in energy production and in the process of metabolism.

18th week

The length of the fetus - 20-22 cm, weight - 200-250 g. Keep in mind that the growth rate by this time is a little slow. That is how it should be. The formation of adipose tissue, strengthening the bones of the fetus.

Pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar - the phalanges of the fingers and toes have already fully formed in the fetus, and a pattern has appeared on the skin of the fingers, strictly individual, unique:

The baby moves in its spacious "dwelling".

19th week

The length of the fetus - 22-24 cm, weight - 280-300 g. His lungs develop, bronchioles grow, blood flow increases. Eyes closed, but he knows how to distinguish light from darkness. In the ovaries of the girl appeared primitive eggs. Now on the whole body of the fetus there is fluff hair. They will disappear shortly before birth, but sometimes their remnants may persist in newborns on the ears, face, shoulder blades.

20th week

The length of the fetus - 24-25 cm, weight - 300-350 g. He already knows how to suck a finger. This week, the skin begins to produce original lubricant. It is formed from exfoliating downy hairs, superficial skin cells and secretion of the sebaceous glands - white-cream color. It is a paste-forming substance that covers the folds and other parts of the body. Its function is to protect the very delicate skin of the fetus from the effects of harmful microorganisms and mechanical damage. Sometimes the original lubricant persists after birth. During this period, the fetus is very actively moving. If we take the clock, we get a stunning result - in half an hour he makes up to 60 pushes, and by the degree of this activity we can already judge whether he is sleeping or awake.

The newest pregnancy calendar from 21 to 25 weeks

21st week

According to the newest calendar of pregnancy, on the 21st week the fetus has already grown to 26 cm and weighs 400-420 g. His organs and systems continue to develop. First of all it concerns the nervous and endocrine systems. The nervous system is already sufficiently developed so that the fetus without effort could swallow the amniotic fluid. The chemical composition, and hence the taste of amniotic fluid, largely depends on what a pregnant woman eats. Due to this, food cravings begin to form in the fetus, which persist even after birth. He behaves very actively, turns, as he wants, turns over with his head down, now up, then down again. He will be calmer only at the end of the second trimester.

22nd week

The fruit continues to grow and reaches a length of 27-28 cm and a weight of 500 g. All organs have already been laid, but continue to actively develop, adapt to perform their functions. The brain has actually completed its growth. In the detailed pregnancy calendar, it is noted that the hair of a fetus becomes darker. The kid leads an active life, and when he sleeps, he sees dreams.

23rd week

The fruit grows to 28-29 cm, its weight increases to 600 g. In the intestine, the original cal meconium appears. This week is very actively developing the cardiovascular system.

24th week

According to the pregnancy calendar, the length of the fetus at this time is already 30 cm, and its weight is over 600-650 g. The kid continues to increase the brown adipose tissue under the skin. This fat has a high energy value. In describing the calendar of pregnancy, week 24 is characterized as the period of active development of the nervous system of the fetus. The brain volume increases, the central and lateral grooves appear on the surface of the cerebral cortex. The spinal cord grows much slower. The growth of muscle fibers occurs due to an increase in the diameter of already existing fibers. The amount of amniotic fluid is increasing. Baby begins to make breathing movements. At the same time a small amount of amniotic fluid gets into the lungs, but is immediately absorbed by the lung tissue.

25th week

The length of the fetus is 32 cm, and the weight is 650-750 g. Organs and tissues continue to develop intensively, especially the respiratory system. Hematopoietic function is performed by the bone marrow. This week, in accordance with the full calendar of pregnancy, is dedicated to strengthening the osteo-articular apparatus, the fetus begins to move more actively.

26th week

The fetus weighs already 800-900 g, its length is 34-38 cm. What happens to the pregnancy calendar with the fetus at this time? Now he hears not only the heartbeat of his mother, but also music from the outside, as he developed an auditory analyzer. All the organs and tissues continue to develop, the alveoli of the lungs are finally formed. The lungs have occupied their usual position.

27th week

The weight of the fetus in this period is 900-1000 g, length - 33-34 cm. His skin is wrinkled due to being in the aquatic environment, but do not worry, it will pass several weeks before the birth. Significant event - the kid's eyelids rise. The formation of the retina of the eye is fully completed this week, so the child can perceive light and color.

The fruit has a length of 35-36 cm, weight - a little more than 1 kg. The grooves and convolutions are clearly visible on the surface of the brain, but there are still not very many of them, but the mass of the brain has increased.

As can be seen in the photo of the fetus according to the pregnancy calendar at the 27th week, there are already eyebrows and eyelashes on the face of the future baby, and small hairs on the head:

Baby opens and closes eyes. Formed reflex arc of taste buds. Until this week, the boy's testicles were in the abdominal cavity, and now they are beginning to gradually descend into the scrotum. If it happens that the baby is born prematurely, then he has every chance of survival, of course, with appropriate care.

Last trimester pregnancy calendar

29th week

From the 29th week begins the last trimester of pregnancy. The length of the fetus is already 36-37 cm, and the weight is 1200-1300 g. During this period, the immune system begins to work, blood cells are formed in the spleen. Enamel appears on the teeth.

The main task of the fetus at the moment - is preparing for childbirth. He learns to regulate his temperature. The bone marrow produces red blood cells. The nature of the movements varies - the fruit is pushed by elbows and lower limbs.

30th week

According to the Monday calendar of pregnancy, the fetus has already grown to 39 cm, and weighs 1400-1500 g. He is familiar with the sensations of light and heat. His mother with great certainty can determine when the baby is asleep and when awake. The hair on the head of the fetus continues to grow. The chest is very active, it rises and falls.

Week 31

The length of the fetus - 40-41 cm, and weight - 1700-1750 g. White adipose tissue is deposited under the skin. The skin begins to take a pink color.

The nails almost reach the tips of the fingers. The pupils of the eyes begin to react to light and darkness almost as much as in an adult.

32nd week

The length of the fetus is 42 cm, and the weight is 1800-1900 g. Most wrinkles disappear from the face. On the head a lot of hair. The nervous system continues to develop successfully. The head has become more proportional to the body. The brain of the fetus cut gyrus. If the light through the stomach falls on the face, the pupils of the eyes begin to narrow.

33rd week

The length of the fetus - 42-43 cm, weight - 2000-2200 g. A special substance appeared in the lungs - surfactant. It helps the child to breathe independently after birth, because it does not allow the lungs to subside during expiration. Premature babies now have far fewer breathing problems.

34th week

Fetal growth - 44-44.5 cm, weight - 2300-2400 g. The future child is developing intensively. He can already breathe independently in case of premature birth, but cannot maintain body temperature. Fetal movements are becoming more active.

The length of the fetus is about 45 cm, and weight - 2400-2600 g. From this week it will add 220 g weekly. Soon he will begin to lower his head into the lower segment of the uterus. His legs are long and he can scratch.

36th week

The length of the fetus - 46-47 cm, and weight - 2700 g. He is preparing for feeding.

Below are the photos of the fetus from the pregnancy calendar for weeks - you can clearly see how the baby sucks a finger on the hand, then a finger on the leg:

The fruit is not moving so actively, but you should not be afraid of it - it should be so.

37th week

The length of the fetus - 48-49 cm, weight - 2800-2900 g. The nervous system continues to develop, a protective sheath is created around the nerves. This process begins this week with intrauterine development, and ends by the end of the first year of a child's life. This shell allows you to better coordinate movement. Lungs. Babies are working actively, he is breathing with might and main. During inhalation, amniotic fluid enters his lungs, which is expelled during exhalation. Sometimes he is attacked by hiccups. Now the baby should normally be in the uterus head down.

38th week

The baby continues to gain weight, now it weighs about 3 kg, and its length is 49-50 cm. But these figures at the moment may be different. This largely depends on the height and weight of the parents themselves. The hair that covered him disappeared from the body of the child, and the original lubricant became smaller.

The baby weighs 3000-3100 g, its length is 50 cm. All organs and systems are already fully formed and continue to be improved. The most recent developing respiratory system.

40th week

The development of the child on the calendar of pregnancy is completed on this, he is already quite ready for extrauterine life. Its length is -51-54 cm, weight - 3200 g and more. His movements are becoming slower, he is preparing for birth. The intestine is filled with black and green original feces. Both girls and boys have protruding nipples due to the high estrogen levels in the mother’s blood. A few weeks after birth, it will pass. The same reason can cause small vaginal discharge in girls.

Now that you have read the full description of the pregnancy calendar for weeks, you can better imagine how your baby is formed in the womb.

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Good afternoon, dear readers!

It seems that there is no such feminine consciousness that would not strike the thought of how a new man is born. As from a pair of tiny particles, a complete, self-sufficient organism is created, thinking and acting. Just think how many transformations and changes in the development of the child inside the mother account for the prenatal period! Any woman who is expecting a baby will find it incredibly exciting journey into the inner world, where you can see how the child develops in the womb.

The birth of a new life

It is believed that pregnancy begins to develop from the moment when the sperm overtakes the egg and fertilizes it. This is how a zygote is formed - a single-cell embryo that stores 46 chromosomes (23 father's and as many as my mother's). A day later, the zygote begins to divide into cells, and by the fourth day of life consists of about 10 cells. Then this tiny little ball reaches the uterus. From this moment on, cell division accelerates noticeably, and the embryo grows significantly. It consists of about a hundred cells at the time of implantation - attachment to one of the walls of the uterus.

The entire period of growth of the fetus inside the mother's body in obstetrics can be divided into three functional stages:

  • blastogenesis  (first two weeks), when the zygote turns into an embryo due to rapid cell division.
  • organogenesis (2-12 weeks), when the embryo of all important organ systems of the future organism forms in a tiny embryo, and the embryo acquires the characteristics of a person. This is the most significant and dangerous period, because right now the presence or absence of fetal abnormalities compatible or incompatible with its life is determined.
  • fetal period  (Start fourth month  - the moment of birth) when all the organs and systems of the little man already intensively grow and develop.

Specialists obstetrician-gynecologists divide pregnancy by month into three equal parts - trimesters, each of which is equal to three obstetric (28 days) months.
In the picture you can see the approximate process of growth and development of the fetus by week:

First trimester of pregnancy

The first three months of the baby’s development in the womb are the most important. The way the organs are laid out correctly depends on the way of life of the mother and her health directly. In each specific week of pregnancy, certain systems, internal and external organs are formed:

  • 2 week - the neural tube is laid;
  • 3 week - there is a laying of systems - respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous and circulatory. The heart begins to beat.
  • 4 week - body folds are determined, and a chord is formed - the future spine.
  • 5 week - separate organs of the digestive, respiratory, nervous system - the larynx and lungs, liver, parts of the brain.
  • 6 week - improved upper limbs, palms and fingers are formed.
  • 7 week - the eyes reach an almost perfect shape, and the nasal crease gives the prerequisites for future auricles.
  • 8th week - the face of a child acquires real human features, the bones inside cultivating upper and lower extremities get stronger.
  • Week 9 - endocrine organs are created.
  • Week 10 - the nervous system continues to develop, and the sucking reflex appears, the child reacts to external stimuli.
  • Week 11 - the iris of the eye is determined, which in the future will determine the color of the eye of the newborn.
  • 12 week - the genitals of the baby acquire the characteristic male or female differences, the intestine takes the form of an adult. If you're lucky, you can already see the sex of the baby on the ultrasound.

The development of the baby in the middle of pregnancy

The period from the fourth to the seventh month of pregnancy is considered the most stable and calm for a woman. The development of the placenta is completed, which helps to ensure the proper functioning of the child inside my mother's tummy. And the baby continues to actively develop. Various systems and organs of his small organism are brought to perfection and begin to function independently. Nails appear on the fingers, the teeth system is laid inside the gums. The skin of the child is being improved, a unique pattern of prints will appear on the pads of the fingers.

The child shows active mobility, as he grows up, Mommy herself can feel and follow the movements of her crumbs. Depending on the mood of the child can grimace - smile or frown, improved facial expressions. There is a very intensive growth of the fetus. If at the beginning of the trimester the child weighed about 350 grams, by the end of the weight will step over a whole kilogram with proper development. The baby already sees and hears well, reacts with movements to various stimuli around the mother - for example, loud noise, bright light.

Last three months: preparation for the birth

By the third semester, the child is almost ready for independent living outside of her mother's tummy. And in the case of preterm birth there is a high probability that he will survive in a hospital setting. The fetus reaches a large size, it becomes harder for mother to bear it.

The grown-up baby occupies the entire cavity of the uterus, so the nature of his movements varies. There are no longer those sharp and sudden shocks when he jumped from one wall to another. Now mom feels soft but strong touches from the inside. As a rule, the child chooses the favorite position head down. Achieve full development of the genitals of the baby. Improving the brain. Appear gyrus on the cortex of the small brain. The skin becomes less wrinkled due to an increase in subcutaneous fat. The respiratory system has reached its apogee in development, which means that the baby is ready to be born!

With the help of modern 3D and 4D ultrasound, you can see the child’s facial features, and even think about what the baby looks like. Most medical centers can please future parents with the very first intrauterine crumbs.

And this video details the prenatal development of a child:

The path of development of the baby from the embryo to the newborn is huge and difficult. In just nine months or 40 weeks, an incredible transformation takes place. For us women, the real reward is to see and feel this mystery inside us.

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