Canapes on skewers with a hammer. Canape with ogirk: a good recipe with a photo

Canapes with sir - tse are the same as original, savory is the corisna of the country, and the golovniy Ingredіnt - tse sir, and the lively, caloric, vengeance of calcium, magnesium, selenium, vitamins A, E and D, also a little bit rich in coal. Canapes with sir are wonderful to go for anybody who is welcome, and when they are alive, do not overstep the figures and slides, and deprive them of changing the organism and reducing self-esteem.

It is not necessary to prepare canapes with sire of new pereichnyh navychikov, with a whole lot of vitriol to the minimum hour of that product. You can find your own recipe for canapés with sir, and the basic ingredition of the dish, for any kind of sir, you can choose the correct combination with other products.

Variation of canapes with sire can not help but delight in their savoring ensemble and aesthetic vikonanny for the simplicity of their creation. Sire is kindly to dine with hairs of mountains, grapes, worms that are rich in wine, you can endlessly pererakhovuvati.

Canapes with sire will be drechny z be-whatever the table, the stench will not cover you materially and bring satisfaction morally!

Yak prepares canapes with sire - 15 types

Noble sire Bri, wrapped in a train of sour and malty half-moon ... How can you be tastier?


  • Sir "Bri" - 200 g
  • Polunitsa - 20 pcs.
  • Skewers or toothpicks - 20 pcs.


Sire narizati on tricot girls, identical to the size of the midnight. Half a half, promity and see tails. String a half moon on a skewer, play the sire. Strava is wonderful to taste the Christy wines. Delicious!

Would it be that we didn’t have a childish licorice to replace the main reception of the child at that hour, as the father was bully the suppressed opponents of the whole? Through a rich rocky solution, it was known: canapés with sir and marmalade is a great snack, and then a meal is served by itself!


  • Sire hard - 100 g
  • Colorovia marmalade - 100 g
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Olives - 100 g
  • Canapé skewers


Sire diced with 1x2 centimeters cubes, lemon trimmed on thin trikutniks, from one cup of lemon, there are a lot of trikutniks. The marmalade is diced into cubes, identical to the cubes of sir.

Pick up canapes: put a slice of lemon, a square of marmalade and an olive on the sir. The whole composition is closed in advance with a prepared skewer. An appetizer on the flat plate can be served up to the table that will satisfy your appetite!

Grapes, hairy mountains, hard sire ... At the first glance, all kinds of food, be it a Christmas tree, can not be seen at all, but you can’t see it, as your relish receptors can be remembered as triumph of three.


  • Grapes - 200 g
  • Sire hard - 200 g
  • Hairline kernels - 100 g
  • Skewers or toothpicks


Sire diced 1x1 centimeter, grapes promiti and vidokremiti from gilochok. The kernels are cut into halves.

Pick up canapes: put a sire on a skewer, pour grapes and finish the snack with hairy peas. Strava is ready to serve, good for your appetite!

It’s sacred not to do without champagne, and it’s not so easy to take a snack until the next day. Ale vikhid is known to be an indispensable snack of canapés with two types of sir.


  • Siren sirniy from greenery - 1 pack.
  • Ser "Mozzarella" - 1 pack.
  • Dinner loaf - 1 pc.
  • Basilic chervoniy - 20 g
  • Parsley - 15 g
  • Pomidori "Cherri" - 200 g
  • Sil morska - for gusto
  • Black pepper - for gusto
  • Olivkova olia - 5 tbsp


In the vicinity olive olia and vychavlyuєmo lemon, reliably mixed. Perchimo and salty to relish and mix again. Dodamo drіbnorovlenie basilіk, mozzarella and іdstavlyaєmo ubіk.

From the loaf with a flask, I can see mugs and a selection of canapes: on the loaf, namazumo with a ball of sire, put on a toothpick, immobilize mozzarella and pick tomatoes in front of it, then insert it in the center into the bread. The appetizer is ready, you can serve it to the table!

For lovers of dairy delicacies, snacks are not brighter than snacks!


  • Sir "Bri" - 100 g
  • Sir "Dir blue" - 100 g
  • Sir "Tilziter" - 100 g
  • Chervonia grapes - 200 g
  • Canapé skewers


Usi siri narizati with a cube of 2x2 centimeters, grapes are grown across in two parts.

On a skewer, string grapes, dorblu, grapes, brie, grapes and tilsiter. Repeat the row. Prepare canapes of viclasta on the flat and serve them to the table. For bazhannyam, strava can be embellished with kernels of be-like mountains.

The skin of the lord is hungry to get over the team, how can you go through sacredly, organizing the master's hand? With a view of the canapes, you can be calm, decorate you pass "Hurray!"


  • Sire hard - 150 g
  • Khlib (be-yaky) - 100 g
  • Sire "Friendship" - 1 pack.
  • Mayonnaise - 30 g
  • Crip - 10 g.
  • Skewers or toothpicks


For a cob, it is necessary to add a mixture of skins, rozryzati on thin rectangulars 3x5 centimeters and obmazhiti from two sides to a golden skorinka.

A solid sire is drawn on the identical hlib of the shmatochka, and the melting is cut into a cube of an average size.

Crunch the details and mix with mayonnaise, then adjust the melting and grind it.

Formuєmo canape - on the bread namazuєmo sirnu masu, laid on top of the solid sire, well oiled in masoi, laid down on the top of the sire. An appetizer is punctured with a skewer, a Viklada is served on a flat plane and served to the table, with an appetite!

Remain for an hour subject Japanese cuisine became even more popular and lovers of sushi are able to appreciate the creative option of serving canapes.


  • Grinki - 2 pcs.
  • Sire "Fetaxu" - 1 pack.
  • Somga slightly salted porcіyna - 200 g
  • Іmbir pickles - 50 g
  • Cabbage "Nori" - 2 leaves
  • Olives - ½ can
  • Skewers or toothpicks


Crumbled on a plate 3 centimeters wide, cut into a 3x3 centimeters cube, cut cabbage on a plate, identical to ribbons from a strong side, soaked with water, sending a line of skin to the skin with a short side on the close side. Blackheads are seen as skins and cut the skin into 4 parts.

Have a cube tint the cube with the side of the cabbage in the middle and put it on the little piece of the grain. Verhivka cherguvati - one snack with olive, іnsha with іmbir. Pierce the prepared canapés with skewers. Delicious!

Especially relevant is the view of canapes in the warm season of the rock, since in the priority of fresh fruit and Russian vegetables is not a large part of the skin table.


  • Apple (be-yaki) - 2 pcs.
  • Sire hard - 200 g
  • Great chervonia grapes - 200 g
  • Lettuce leaves - 70 g
  • Skewers or toothpicks for canapes


Pomite the apple and cut it into a cube with a size of 1x1 centimeter; Leaves the salad until it is narvati so that its size is approximately suitable for apples and sir. Grapes are promiti and vidokremiti vіd hіlki.

Pick up canapes: put an apple on the sire, lettuce and grapes, cover the appetizer with a skewer. Serve snack on a flat dish, decorated with lettuce and fruits.

An appetizer miraculously pidijde for an unimpressed hour spent in a divine company.


  • Olives - ½ can
  • Sire hard - 150 g
  • Canned pineapple - 3 kilts
  • Skewers or toothpicks for canapes


Sire and pineapple cut into a 1.5x1.5 cm cube. Put a pineapple on a skewer, then some olive and sir. The strava is ready!

If the guests are on a porridge, and in the refrigerator there is a minimal set of products, then this really is an indispensable snack.


  • Kovbasa varena - 15 g
  • Cervelat - 15 g
  • Sire hard - 15 g
  • Bread for toasts - 2 pcs.
  • Skewers or toothpicks for canapes


Sir narizaymo on cubes with a size of 1.5 x1, 5 centimeters, and for a cowbas on a thin spiral, about 0.7 cm as a wrap around the board for an hour while a cowbass is free to play, if the cowboys are guilty about 17-20 centimeters.

Chlib for toasts for obscuration, for making skins and for distributing leathers into 9 parts.

Pick-up canapes: wrapped around the cowbass near the sire at the bow's viglyad, physical with a skewer and on the bottom with a rozzy shmatochek of khlib. Strava is ready, enjoy your appetite!

Asymmetrically, and at the same hour, it is common to add an assortment of associations to the famous kam'yan-metal equipment. Guests for an extra price for a snack to assess the efficiency of the gentleman and wine.


  • Ківі - 1 pc.
  • Sir "Parmesan" - 100 g
  • Sir "Marmuroviy" - 100 g
  • Grapes - 100 g
  • M'yati leaf - 10 g
  • Skewers or toothpicks for canapes


With a size of 2x4 centimeters with a cube, add insult to injury. Grapes are promiti, vidokremiti in gilochok and razrizati across. Kivi narizati on squares 1x4 centimeters.

String on a skewer: a leaf of m'yati, grapes, marmuroviy sir, kivi parmesan. The appetizer is ready, enjoy your appetite!

Sitna, shvidka at the viconanna, that budget appetizer has taken its name from a crunchy skorinka, as it can be served for an hour when you grease canapés.


  • Sire hard - 300 g
  • Bacon abo shinka - 200 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Paniruvalny biscuits - for gusto
  • Borosno - for gusto
  • Oliya - 300 ml
  • Lettuce leaves - 70 g
  • Skewers or toothpicks


Sir narizati into cubes 2x2 centimeters. Bacon chi shredded on thin smuzhki.

Bacon or chop a shank in a sire, roll the squares in a forest. Then lower the demand in the trocha, beat the egg and roll it in paniruvalny bread crumbs.

Ozmazhit cubes in deep-fried about 5 khvili, viklasta on a flat gravy, wedged into lettuce leaves. Serve with a warm viglyadі, taking your appetite!

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Canape (in French canape - "small") is a whole lot of small sandwiches with a size of 0.5-0.8 cm, width or diameter 3-4 cm, prepared on any bread or baked with small ingredients. Call the canapes є mini-sandwiches, put on skewers. The stench of light in the preparation and in the middle of the strains is always visible.

Mi in site I will propose to you a small number of ideas, how to prepare canapes, as it is reasonable to make your friends and loved ones good.

Canape with sirom

Foldable canapes without siru, mayzhe so it is, like and without a hlibnoy basis. And all that, with him, you can draw a great number of young Ingredients.

  • The easiest and the easiest option... Sire, vegetables and fruits. Robiti is simple, but superb! Naykraschi poєdnannya - tse sir, grapes; olives, parsley, hard sir; pomidori cheri, basilik, sire.
  • Grease sire. The price is unviable that is even more delicious. Sire (bazhano suluguni) is diced in 2-2.5 cm cubes, rolled in wheat grass. Okremo zbyvaєmo 2 eggs from 2 tbsp. l. milk. A curdling lilac cube in eggnog, then a lilac in a corn berry. Grease sire at a stewpan with a great amount of olії until a garnished brown skins are set. Viimaєmo and pidsushuєmo on a paper towel. Otrimanі cubes can be strung on skewers.
  • Sirni roles. In thinly nibbled skibochki, the siru can be tucked into the filling and pierced the top with a skewer.
  • Lilac cream. One or two vidi sira zbyaєmo with yoghurt (not liquorice) to cream, you can add greens, an orach of gorіhi. Otriman pasta vikladaєmo on skibochka khliba on canapes.
  • Sirny bags. Viglyadaє duzhe Svyatkovo, and robiti is not so neat, as you can get up. Zmezhireny sir zmіshuєmo with myako brinza in spіvvіdnoshennі 1: 2. Fancy pouches, crumbled in solid siri, grated on dribn_y grated, or in a ruby ​​green crop, or in an egg grub (an egg!). Another option: 100 g of a hard sir and 1 boiled egg, grate on a grater, add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. Download the bags. Roll the yak at the first option.

Canapes with shrimps

Canapes with shrimps viglyadayut douzhe svyatkovo, yaskravo, and the stench is not less savory. Until then, come in by velmi tsikavimi, if you want to switch on the fantasy.

  • Marinated shrimps. In an okremomu dish zmishuєmo 2 tbsp. l. olii, 2 tbsp. l. wine otstu, podrіbnyuєmo clove to the chaplain, dodaєmo sil, black chalk pepper. At the top of the cooked shrimp, you have to lie down for 30-40 minutes. Prikolyuєmo skewer to skibochka ogіrka abo seleri.
  • Canapes with shrimps, bacon and pickled peppers. Warehouse canapés in this order: a small piece of white bread, a roll of bacon, a piece of salted pickled pepper, a thin piece of siru, shrimp. Before serving 3 chilini pomititi in the oven.
  • Canapes with shrimps on a pillow cream. Option for the cream: in an okremovy dish zrobiti sumish from 200 g of natural yoghurt, 1 fresh round and 1 clove to an orach (add everything else as usual), salt with relish.

Canapes with chicken, rocking chi indichkoy

  • Kurka z pomіdorіv cherі. At rosіgrіtіy frying pans obmazumo razchalivaniye a clove to an hour, Vikladaєmo narіzane on cubes smoked file. Pidsmazhuumo to readiness, solimo, pepper, yes oholonuti. In a whole lot of oil, 1 chilin obmazhumo tsіlі vіdori cherі. Drawn on a skewer, before serving the rose from the spirit.
  • Canape with kachina breast. Kachin breast is sprinkled with pepper and sprinkled in the spirit until ready. Narizaєmo thin skibochki deprived of a complete cooling. Zagortaєmo skibochku stigloi persimmons in kachin meat. Embellish with a berry (pigeon, crane, raspberry) and a leaf of m'yati. Everything is pierced with a skewer.
  • Ingredinti for canapes from salmon ogirka and olives:

    • Three little pieces of living hlib
    • 1 PC. - fresh ogirok
    • 6 pcs. - olives
    • 50 gr. - Somgi (іnshiy chervonoi ribi)
    • 30 gr. - sir myakogo
    • Greens - to relish
    • skewers

    Canapes with ogirk and olives - the best, the original and the duzhe garna skewer snack how to embellish be-like svyatkovy style. Tsі little ones, yaskravі mini sandwiches obov'yazkovo fall to the savor of your guests!

    Canapes on skewers with salmon and avocado

    Ingredinti for canapes with salmon and avocado:

    • Smoked salmon
    • Avocado
    • Lemon zest
    • Sour cream
    • Biliy Khlib
    • Tsibulya-shnitt
    • Black pepper meleniy, olia

    Preparing canapes on skewers with salmon:

    Lay the bread on cubes with 3 cm sides. Brush the bread until golden brown. Add salmon to thin skibos. Avocado grow navpil, pick a brush. Myakush go and open with a fork. Next to a bowl of avocados, add sour cream, lemon zest and chalk pepper. Vimiyte that nrіzhte tsibulyu. Bring 2/3 of each until sour cream. All the best to make up your mind. Place a bunch of avocado there. Cover the bowl with a bowl of pudding. Yak only hlib oholone, put on a new one for 1 tsp. sumіshі, and above - a smudge of salmon. Pepper it again, paint over the tsibula with a squeegee and pin it on a skewer.

    Canapes on skewers with chink and olives

    Ingredinti for canapes from chinki and olives

    • 150 g - Sheet leaf
    • 200 gr. - smoked-boiled shinki
    • 15 pcs. - olives without sprinkles
    • One egg block
    • Half a bunch of green parsley
    • Skewers or toothpicks

    Snack on skewers from shanks and olives will become an original flavor on your Christmas table, as it will delight and welcome your dear guests.

    Canapes with red ribbons miraculously go to whatever home-made office, svyatkovy style, buffet table. Such small sandwiches are easy to cook and fall down to relish, skewers to help your guests do not bother their hands.

    Ingredinti for canapes with red ribbons:

    • Wheat bread
    • Chervona riba (trout chi syomga)
    • Mozzarila in bags
    • Vershkov oil
    • Dry or fresh crunch


    Khlib is narrated in a square, crumbs are fed on a dry frying pan, covered with pebbled butter and plainly sprinkled with a crop.

    Mozzarela is guilty for a whole canapé, but it’s a small bag, but if one was eating a large one, then it’s not scary, just go for small pieces.

    Ribbon can be bought narizanu or independently narizati thin men, which need to be rolled up. Put a roll of ribbons on a small piece of bread with oil, put a bag of mozzarels on top, pierce all the ingredinti with a skewer or a toothpick. Canapes with red ribbons and mozzarella are ready, serve up to the table on a great tariltsi.

    Canape with shrimp and shrimp

    Ingredinti for canapes on skewers:

    • Chorniy Khlib - 4 pieces (square form)
    • Shank - 250 gr.
    • Shrimps - 8 pcs. (Not small, cleansed)
    • Quail egg - 8 pcs
    • Olives without brushes - 8 pcs.
    • Skewers

    Svyatkova appetizer with shrimp and shrimp on a skewer, the original meal and seafood. Such canapes are even more beautiful to look at, letting you embellish the Christmas style and give your loved ones a snack with original relish.

    Canapes with ogir and quail eggs

    Canapes with a large, quail with an egg and a scarlet I cover the middle of the grass. Nіzhne quail egg with lilac sire is wonderful to enjoy the relish.


    • Fresh quail eggs
    • Ogirok fresh
    • Lilac vershkovy sire
    • Ikra chervona
    • Canapé skewers or toothpicks.


    To prepare canapes with ogir and quail eggs, we need a handful of preparatory inputs. First, you need to make cool quail eggs. Carefully wash a handful of them with cold water, wash a small casserole with cold water, the water is to blame for the goodness of the egg and put it on the fire. Yak only boil water, change the fire and cook 5 chilin eggs. Cool eggs need to be cooled, for which you need to put a casserole with cold water. The eggs are cooled cleanly, polished with cold water and put on a paper towel. We will go out with a knife navpil.

    A fresh line is drawn in circles, spreading across the skin, but you can put the ruba.

    On the spr_z of the skin egg, we put trochas of the top of the siren. Having looked at the eggs beautifully, you will need to put a confectionery in a syringe with a nozzle and look at the eggs. Wiide is a beautiful, appetizing Trojan horse from the siren sire. Give a pink egg on a skewer or a toothpick, screw it up to the limit. Finish the canapes with red ikorkoy.

    Canapes with low and cinnamon quail eggs, fragrant ogir ready, serve up to the table.

    Svyatkovy canapes with sire, shinky and olives

    Ingredinti on canapes with sirom shinky and olives:

    • 4 pieces of hlib (for toasts)
    • 50 gr. - top oil
    • 50 gr. - Solid sir (nariznoy, square form)
    • 50 gr. - shinki
    • 2 tbsp. - Mayonnaise
    • green olives and black olives - a few pieces
    • oven molds
    • skewers

    Canape with sirom Singingly popular, the stench is quick to play and there is a great number of species. Taka appetizer on skewers іf sirom it is important to update your Christmas style.

    Simple canapés for settling, cartoons with a small amount.

    Ingredinti on canapes oseledtsya:

    • Cartophyla in uniforms has been introduced
    • Weakly salted oseledets
    • fresh ogirok

    I made a cartoplike in uniforms, cleaned and narrated, with small little shmotochki for growing ogirkiv and oseledtsya. The host of the cleansing is back from the small bottles. Ogirki miєmo і narіzaєmo in circles, up to 2 cm in size. Ingredієnti lastly, like a little one skewered on a bamboo skewer, ready!

    Canapé snack with oseledets and beetle

    Ingredinti for canapes with beetle and oseledets

    • beet of jam - 1-2 pcs.
    • hourly - 1 tooth (it is possible without a new one)
    • Chorny khlib shmatochki, croutons or biliy khlib, grease from a toaster or on a dry frying pan,
    • shmatochki fіle oseledtsya,
    • krip, sil,
    • trocha mayonnaise,
    • Green tsibula.

    Preparing canapes with a beetle that a settler

    Rub the beet on a drip of terts, adding chopping crumbs, chasnik and mayonnaise. Chorniy khlib narіzaєmo into squares.
    There is a bead on top of the little pieces, the piece is on top. Posipaєmo green cibulea. Skewer snack ready.

    Svyatkovy canapes with sir and olives

    Ingredinti for canapes with mozzarella and olives:

    • Sir mozzarella - 150-200g
    • Olives
    • Pomidori cheri
    • Motherboard leaves (oregano)

    Sirne canapés with olives fit to relish spontaneous gourmets. Serve Seru mozzarella with olives for a delicious canapé.

    Canapes on skewers with grapes ta sir

    Ingredinti for canapes with sir and grapes:

    • 2 bunches of styled grapes without pink colorah (blue, bili)
    • Feta chi brinza - 100 g
    • Sire food - 100 g
    • Sir maasdam - 100 g
    • Sir camembert abo bri - 100 g
    • Skewers

    Canape with sire and grapes Ideally go for a light buffet table and a Christmas tree. The taste is sour-malty and so original. Such canapes will be worthy of lovers of all that is unique, and, of course, it’s just that і.

    Canapes with pineapple sir and olives

    Ingredinti for a snack:

    • 250 g - solid sira
    • 1 can of pineapples
    • 1 can of olives without sprinkles
    • Skewers

    Sire, olives and pineapple vіdmіnno add and add relish one one. These canapes urge your Christmas style and allow you to welcome your guests with a delicious and delicious snack.

    Canape with siru feta, liquorice and olives

    Ingredinti on canapes:

    • 200 gr. - sira (feta, brinza)
    • 200 gr. - fresh stiglich pomidoriv
    • 200 gr. - new ogirkiv
    • 150 g - Malt Bulgarian pepper
    • 1 can of olives
    • Olivkova olia bilya one tablespoon
    • Black pepper
    • Skewers

    The one for the snack is easier and less expensive. Canape іf siru feta, malt pepper and olives - yakraz і tsya savory і non-vineyard country. Having cooked it once, you will love it for ever.

    Fruit canapes with midnight, kiv and pineapple.

    For preparing canapes, you need fruits: midnight, kivi, pineapple (fresh or canned), dinya. Skewers for business.

    Kivi, pineapple and dynu, peel and dice, half-cut into cubes. Nanizuєmo in the offensive order: dinya-pineapple-dinya-kivi-polnitsya.

    Fruit canapes with banana, midnight, kivi and tangerine.

    For preparing fruit canapes, we know: half-moon, banana, kivi and tangerine (you can substitute an orange).

    Pomit the half moon, as the half moon is great - make it big. Peel the banana, cut it into 1.5 cm cups. Cleanse, pererizati vdovzh that skin part pererizati into three parts.

    Clean the tangerine. Rozdіliti into small pieces. Whenever you take an orange, you also need to peel it, divide it into small pieces, and make sure you take it from the skin. Vikoristovuvati can be done just a little bit of navpil development. Take a few skewers and take advantage of an investment.

    Fruit and berry canapes with raspberries, tangerines, pineapple, kivi, lochina and grapes.

    Schob prigotuvati fruit canapes Take a look at fragrant raspberries. The berries are big and big. Wash the berries, put them on a paper towel, let them hang.

    Peel the tangerine and pick it into small pieces. Peel the pineapple, cut into cubes, not small. Bazhano grapes, schob bouv without sprinkles, wash, pluck the berries. Wash the berries of the fuckers, the stinks are guilty but they are tsil and shchilny.
    Take a few skewers and take advantage of an investment. Raspberry, tangerine, pineapple, kivi, lochina, grapes.

    Canapes on skewers - a miracle of addition to the Christmas tree table - beautiful, deliciously simple. Most often it is possible to get ready for buffets, drinks, saints, appetizers in the role of snacks.

    Besides, the appetizer of the viglyad is aesthetically pleasing, it is really savory that it is lively. I have a lot of recipes for preparing canapes. Below we will tell you about them.


    When decorated with such svyatkovo snacks, varto will come with respect to all dribbers, especially skewers. The very stink of vyshukany viglyad French sandwiches. Varto does not linuvatsya and poshukati original skewers in specialty stores. Vypevnena, you know a lot of tsikavogo.

    Nemaє savory and beautiful water, less French canapes. As a rule, the stench is stored from cinnamon products, which is important for quiet people who follow the rules of healthy eating. On svyatkovy table obov'yazkovo maє buti takі. More, as soon as there will be a few more species.

    Fruit canapes are the easiest to cook. Determine the function of the dessert. Viglyadayut is even more appetizing. You can experiment with small fruits add the berries.

    If there are fresh fruits, you can put them on a skewer without finishing the base. The micro-structure and the strength of fresh fruits can be easily put on a skewer.

    With victorian canned Ingredients, the basis for all the construction is known. At the viglyad, the basis for vicorisation is crackers, bread, tartlets.

    Recipe for fresh fruits

    Vibrati fruit varto for sv_y gusto, enough three - chotiroh. Narizati on shmatochki of the same size, viclast on a tarilochka. Place on skewers. Above it is recommended to add some powder.

    Canapes for Noviy Rik

    An original country for the New Year's Christmas table. For the preparation of varto, vibrate the love of fruit. So itself, like in the front recipe - put on a skewer. Above - ready-made savory things can be watered with glaze.

    Glaze painting - the country is ready before serving on the Christmas tree.

    When preparing canapés from fruits, it’s a bit crazy: you can eat fruits, but you cannot. Tse important moment, like varto brutal respect.

    Canapes on skewers with riba, shrimps and seafood

    The most delicious of original small snacks. Recipes with ribbons are shown below.

    Simple, easy, smart recipe.


    • Zhitn_y Khlib;
    • Oseledets (file);
    • Chasnik, krіp;
    • Mayonnaise;
    • Buriak.

    The number of products in a certain type of canapes can be stored in order that you need it, so it can be insured on its own.

    How to prepare:

    1. Buryak v_dvarity and wipe on other tertsi;
    2. Wipe down the hour;
    3. Add mayonnaise to buryakova masu, chasnik and krіp;
    4. Small shmotochki por_zati zhytn_y hlib and file. Shmatochki may be of the same size;
    5. On hlibnі shmatochka - zmastiti beetle, on top of the poklasta shmatochka oseledtsya;
    6. I'm ready to pierce the appetizer with a skewer. You can vikoristovuvati toothpicks.

    For the Christmas tree table, skewers are ideal. The stench is nadayut stravі finished, aesthetic looking. Varto stock up on skewers in advance.

    Є Trochi is the first version of the recipe for the recipe, from the list of cibuli. Win is strung on a skewer on top of other products. Vikhodit vіtrilo, and zvychane canapes - by the boat.

    The staff of the presence of beams at the warehouse, thus positively infused into the organism as a whole. Likewise, as a chaplain, that tsibulya is also brown.

    Another Christmas tree recipe. Vin is called "Ships". Gotuєt is just that smart.

    • A couple of pieces of fіle oseledtsya;
    • 5 quail eggs;
    • Zhitn_y Khlib;
    • Mayonnaise.

    A simple recipe for cooking:

    1. Arrive from a file of a brush and add one size with shmatochki;
    2. Prigotuvati hlib yak basis for gravy: add the same skibochki. Trochi with mayonnaise;
    3. Vіdvarity eggs, clean from shkaralyupi, rozrіzati on two parts;
    4. Halves of eggs for laying and spreading on shmatochki khlіba;
    5. On the ready skewers, tighten the ribna file, fixing the offense on the skewer. Viyshov vіtrilo;
    6. Put yogo on sandwiches, sprinkled with fresh greenery on top.

    You can decorate yak to lure you. Replace the settler on the go.

    Canapes with red ribbons

    Chervona Riba is a miraculous vibe for a new-born chi and a Christmas tree table. For others, I drew a salmon. Canapes are simply miracles. You can vibrate whether it is the only variety of chervonoi ribi.


    • 100-150 grams of salmon;
    • Tosti;
    • 100 or 150 grams of syrup;
    • 2 pieces of fresh medium size.

    Yak prepares canapes on skewers from a red ribbon:

    1. Dice for the base of the dish varto rozr_zati on the same shmatochki. The crusts are not vikoristovuvati. You can experiment with the shape, for example, make them round;
    2. Ogirok is prone to the same thin skibbochki and imposed on chlib. Good, if you make a toast, that little bit will grow. Tse nadaє stravі garnogo viglyadu;
    3. Sjomgu narіzati with dovgim, thin shmatochki, zmastiti sirom sirom і zagornuti in rolls;
    4. Put on the limit.

    Krim a wonderful relish, such canapes look aesthetically, embellish the Christmas style.

    Skewers vikoristovuvati unnecessarily: on your bazhannya. Ribbon roll trimatime masa siru siru vseredin. Varto just put the skewers on the side of the dish, for lightness. Who needs to speed up with them.

    Above "tvir mystestva" you can embellish the greenery for your approval. From green to good luck parsley, basil, celera.

    It is savory to go, the country is lively. A wonderful snack before the main meal.

    • 8 quail eggs;
    • 80-100 g of salmon or trout with a small part of salt;
    • 70 g of syrup "Almette";
    • 4 small pieces of life bread;
    • A couple of gilok cropp.
    1. Learn more about krіp, siren siren. Re-mix for a good green rose;
    2. Bid the egg, stretching 7 quills | minuti | at the moment of boiling, cleanse;
    3. I will need a number of ribbons. Usi skibochki - of the same size;
    4. Chlib varto porizati at the viglyadi thin skibochek at the shape of the square and pidshiti at the spirit. The crusts are not vikoristovuvati;
    5. Ribu is ready to go. Above the Viklast sirnu masu iz greenery, an egg (vicoristovuatsya tsilim);
    6. I am ready to pierce the composition with a skewer.

    Do not hesitate, how will all guests be honored.

    Shrimp appetizer - 5 delicious canapes - simple video recipe

    Sandwiches Canapes on skewers with cowbass on Christmastide style

    An offensive, not less tasty option for canapes, with a cowbass. Kovbas is a permanent guest of the skin Christmas tree table.

    With ogіrk and olives

    Indulge in lovers of salted, smoked.


    • Loaf baguette;
    • Kovbasa sirokopchena;
    • Vershkov oil;
    • Fresh ogirok;
    • Olives (only without flowers);
    • Spinach.

    Recipe for cooking:

    1. The baguette must be drawn for the middle class skibochki. Spread on top with peck butter and lay a spinach leaf;
    2. Ogіrok ryzhetsya thin-thin shmotochki;
    3. Similar to narizati kovbas;
    4. Put the olive on the back of the prepared skewer;
    5. Shmatok kovbasi, ogirka zgornuti okremo in rolls that poklasta on a loaf;
    6. A skewer with olive oil is placed on top.

    Succeed to the supply of food, which is spirited by a wide variety of populations. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovuvati leaves lettuce. Greenery with a short over-etching that is used for food.

    Simple that living canapé recipe.

    • 1 loaf;
    • 100 g dried, syroa kovbasi;
    • A pair of medium size ogirkiv;
    • 2-3 small pomidori;
    • 50 g solid sir;
    • 10 olives (without pouches).

    Yak prigotuvati:

    1. Baguette narizati and pidsushiti in the spirit. Guilty of taking possession of the land. Cool down;
    2. Olives are rostered on the doors of the first part, and the end is on the thin late skibochki;
    3. Tomato shatkuєmo in thin circles. For an aesthetic look, it is recommended to use a baguette for size;
    4. Half of the olive oil is put on a skewer;
    5. Pislya ogirka strung a cowbass, burnt into a roll:
    6. Place on a baguette.

    Canapes with cherry tomatoes

    For lovers of tomatoes - a wonderful recipe for canapes with cherry tomatoes. The appetizer is savory, lively. And it’s garnished, which is important for the Christmastide table.


    • Varena kovbasa "Doktorska";
    • Tomati "Cherry";
    • Leaf spinach;
    • Parsley;
    • Bread from wheat boros.


    1. Khlib is required to be drawn with even thin shmatochki in the form of cola;
    2. Top rostashuvati spinach, ale in nyogo - kovbaska;
    3. Dali - pomidor that gillet of parsley;
    4. Close the culinary composition with a skewer.

    Svyatkov's canapes on skewers are ready!

    Canapes for Noviy Rik

    Canapes on skewers іf sirom

    One of the most common products to cook canapés is sir. Below are the recipes, the basis of which is to include the love of a product.

    Includes 4 types of appetizers, including the recipe and the names of "Aces". Gotuwati yogo is easy and simple.


    • 80 grams of hlib;
    • 100 g shinki;
    • 50 g of solid serum;
    • A cup of canned pineapple;
    • Khlib zhitniy - 75-80 g;
    • Shank 100 g;
    • Ogirk pickles;
    • Sire hard - 50 g;
    • Canned pineapple - 1 ring;
    • 3 pieces of cherry tomatoes and olives.

    How to prepare:

    1. Narizati khlib with the same little pieces, tidy up the skorinka. Put the skibochki on the chotiri parts and put them in the oven;
    2. Sir and shinka - in the form of squares. Skibochki are responsible for the average size;
    3. Ogіrok laughs in thin skibochki, diagonally;
    4. Ser і shinka are victorious on skibochki khliba. Tse basis for canapes;
    5. For the first kind of snacks, it’s worth it to lose a little shmotochok and to close it with a skewer;
    6. Another type is stored on the basis of those tomatoes, which can also be pushed with a skewer;
    7. The third turn on a piece of pineapple. Close similar to the first two types;
    8. For the fourth, olives are frozen. It’s mіtsno fіxuyut with a skewer.

    Canape "Assorty" is ready. It’s beautifully for the Viclast to pay a tart and a tribute to the Christmastide table.

    One of the easiest canapé options.


    • Olives;
    • Sire mozzarella;
    • Parsley;
    • Kovbas salami.

    It is necessary to change the size of the olives with the help of skibochki for the size of the olives. The basis is salami, greens are put on it (parsley is in this vypadku), mozzarella is put on it, and olive is put on the left side of the cherry.

    The composition is fisted with a toothpick and a skewer.


    • Mozzarella;
    • Tomati cheri;
    • Gilochki basilika.

    I'll try to prepare it:

    It's also a simple yak in front. Zrobiti cubes at the size of tomatoes, maybe three less. At the heart of the canapes is rostashuvati pomidor, pislya nyogo - sir, and in the rest of the cherga - gilochka basilika.

    Viglyadaє vitonceno, wonderful gusto!

    Canape sire at shintsi

    The French snack does not get hungry: one ball for one. Another Tsikaviy Variant if everything ends up in rolls, close behind the helper skewers. The offensive recipe is such an option.

    • Shinka;
    • Greenery;
    • Hlibnі toasts.

    How to prepare:

    1. Shinku and sir narіzati with thin, dovgy skibochki;
    2. Bitten the little sire with a chinch;
    3. Zakrіpiti with a toothpick and a skewer.

    Sitna is a small skewer snack ready!

    You can add more options for cold snacks:

    1. Filled tartlets on Christmastide style

    Canapes on skewers without bread

    Canapes can be robbed without bread. A decal of such recipes is shown below.

    Savory canapes with olives and sir

    It takes a minimum of an hour to prepare a canapé. The result is to turn everything around.


    • Canned pineapple;
    • Olives without brush;
    • Ser of hard varieties;
    • Bulgarian pepper.
    1. Sire, pepper, pineapple shrimps, add great cubes;
    2. Pidgotuvati olives;
    3. Put on a skewer in the offensive order: olive, pineapple, peppercorn. Sire in the whole recipe є the basis.

    Snack with sir and olives

    Another option for canapes with a base without bread.


    • Olives;
    • Syrah smoked kovbasa;
    • "Philadelphia" sire;
    • Ogirok, krіp;
    • Tartlets.

    How to prepare:

    1. Sire, narizati kovbas with dovgy and thin skibochki. Ogirok virizati in the form of cups;
    2. Have a dodati sir tartlet;
    3. Above - add an ogirok;
    4. Finish the “masterpiece” with a roll from the cowbass;
    5. Add a crop top from the top;
    6. Zafiksuvati with a skewer.

    Canapes with chervona іkroi

    Roskishny recipe for the Christmas tree table. In a whole recipe, you can easily get by without pickling skewers. Nothing is needed fiksuvati.


    • Tartlets;
    • Ikra chervona;
    • Sire "Philadelphia";
    • Crip for parsley.

    How to prepare:

    1. Sire re-mixing іf greenery;
    2. For an additional teaspoon of otrimanoy masi, store the tartlets;
    3. On top of the sir, lay the chervona іkra.

    Cinnamon, savory and beautiful country is ready! Your guests will remember the price of the day.

    Vegetarian canapes - "Sirne assorty"

    Infection is a lot of people who started to fix the principles of healthy eating. This recipe is specially designed for vegetarians. Zvychayno, tse does not mean, well, it is not easy to try it out. Tse savory, easy recipe.


    • 2 siri soft varieties;
    • 1 sire of solid ґatunka;
    • Grapes (bazhano without flowers).

    How to prepare:

    1. Try to see the syringes on the middle size cubes - with 3 sides 1 cm;
    2. Grapes are needed for good, hanging and distributed in two parts of the same. Kistochki vidalyiti;
    3. It is necessary to put on a skewer;

    Canapes for children on skewers for national day

    Svyatkov's canapes for children are not often seen as grown-ups. One vision is an unprecedented call of a viglyad, for example, in a viglyad of cartoon characters, or a ship that sonechok. Gentlemen are brought to life, so you can set such a form.

    Original canapes for a child's table, prepared in the form of penguins.


    • 10 olives without bristles;
    • 30 grams of serum vershok;
    • 1 medium size carrot;
    • 10 skewers.

    How to prepare:

    1. Vіdkriti olives, promiti, cut nodriz from one side;
    2. Nafarshiruvati great olives with sirom - tse tulub pingvina, on the other hand - toss in a colossal viglyad;
    3. Peel the carrots, add yak dough. Importantly, trim the diameter of 2 cm;
    4. 3 carrot mug virizati tricutnik for dziobik, two reshti - for paws;
    5. One tricycle prikrіpiti in the line of the menshoi olive tree. The head came out;
    6. A head is nailed on a skewer, then - an olive stuffed with sire at the last moment, two tricytniks from carrots - nizhki.

    Cheerfully ovocheve child canapes are ready! Wono obov'yazkovo worthy of ditlakhs!

    It's no secret: kids love marmalade, and that canapé canapé be worthy of it. Before that, yakisnyy marmalade is cinnamon for health.


    • 200 g of rose-colored marmalade;
    • Lemon;
    • 200 g canned pineapple abo siru.


    1. Lemon dobre promiti and narazati thin slices;
    2. Pineapple chi sir varto cut in diced dice;
    3. On a skewer, skewer in the following way: a slice of lemon, marmalade, pineapple. For bazhannya, the last can be changed.

    Tsіkaviy, moist and simple recipe.


    • Kilogram of kavuna;
    • 2 medium-sized bananas;
    • 2 mango steagles.

    How to prepare:

    1. Fruit promity, clean it from the shkirki and dice it with cubes of the same size. You can use a cola form. There are no suvorikh rules here. Rob at the authorities' resolution. Your creativity;
    2. Take a skewer and pull it off from the be-yaky last. Optimal lasting: banana, kavun, mango, kavun, banana. Tobto mіzh mango and banana slіd put kavun, not to allow the addition of more tsіkaviy, nasichenniy relish.

    You can pick up some fruits.

    Duzhe tsikave, kumedne canapes z unseen viglyad... Children will definitely be honored. Until then, the country is tasty and light.

    Fruit yazhachok without perebuvatime in the center of all svyatkovy table.


    • Orange;
    • Yabluko;
    • 50 g durum sir;
    • 200 g grapes.


    1. Pomite orange, cut from one side;
    2. Put on the dish with the edged side;
    3. Promity apple, grapes;
    4. See the apple with a heart;
    5. Yabluko, turn the sire into the same cubes of medium size;
    6. On a skewer put a spatula cube of sir, drink a grape, in the rest of a cherry, an apple. One golochka came out of the house. Similarly to the development of the іnshі;
    7. I am preparing a composition to be embedded in an orange.

    Pidvodimo pidsuchki: Small sandwiches - that original snack is popular before the Christmastide table!

    Canape - adornment of any table. The managers of the innovative options prepare, fantasies and discoveries, you can create the reference "masterpieces" of the culinary art.

    When you cook a little bit of canapes up to the Christmastide table, you can play whatever you like, so all you need to do is love small French sandwiches.

    Knowing the likeness of the skin to the guests, you can create a popular snack with the tsikh likeness. For example, vegans - enjoy fruit snacks, seafood lovers - ribnim canapes. For lovers of meat, there are also options for snacks.

    For a child's table, also ісnuє majestic quantity recipes for canapes, which are common in non-viable forms. You can experiment with be-chim, substitute one Ingredіnt іnshim.

    Children love everything yaskravae that are not accustomed. Canapes in the eyes of cartoon characters, sounds and objects, fall to the gusto of both babies and older children.

    Prepare canapes for the birthday boy short version please winuvattsya podії. Knowing the beloved characters, varto try to kill the strava, I'm going to look like the beloved cartoon hero. Pingvіnchiki, Sonechki, boats, turtles - everything will be brought to the table.

    The more good the canapes are, the more the corny of the output products. With such a rank, it is important to know where I will replace the French compact sandwich.

    Yak for help simple recipes Prepare the original canapes to the saint!

    Yake sacredly cannot do without savoring that vishukuvan? We always want to please our loved ones and pragmatically, we will get new things. Kozhen chuv about small sandwiches on skewers with the name canapes. The stench is simple at the preparation, savory and delighting the eye with its original viglyad.

    IMPORTANT: Often guests are on the porous and grabbed by the head, shvidku hand... And here, like nikoli, come to help the canapes. A couple of skiboski kovbasi, siru, olives and tomatoes and are ready to welcome your guests!

    Christmas canapes on skewers recipes

    Svyatkovy canapes are made from the most popular retailers and designs. Here do not go out of the tree skewers. More beautifully vibrate yaskravi, suitable for the style of the holy and the design of the Christmas tree table.

    • For yogo prepare a circle of white bread and lowered on a skewer.
    • The distance is neatly laid out in thin ovals, and the edge is flushed at the top of the circle.
    • In the middle, you can lay your hands on trocha soft sir and insert shrimp with such a rank, the construction was fastened with a skewer.

    Recipe 2. Canape Thai

    • For cooking sir on shmatochki, top with parsley leaves,
    • a little bit of a fresh ochr and above it is complete shrimp.
    • All the tse is closed with a skewer and the easy canapes are ready.
    • On a dream, we’ll have a supper!
    • Bachit, everything is easy and accessible. It’s enough to come with respect to others and also a practical chef.

    Children svyatkovy canapes recipes

    Why should children love canapes so much? That which is like everything is new and yaskrava. And besides, scho active child You can have a quick bite of savory small sandwiches, and do not eat out of the out-of-the-way fun with friends.

    Recipe 1. Fun pingvini

    • Narіzhte zhitnіy hlіb on shmatochki tse will be the basis.
    • With boiled carrots, see the circle and see a small sector - so you can see the paws.
    • Now, it is necessary to rozrіzat black olives without brushes until the middle, but they could get thrown up, and like її m'yakim sir (philadelphia or melting.) Tsia olive will become a tulub.
      The hand pick of our penguin on a skewer.
    • With our heads we take the whole olive tree, in which it is broken for the eyes. Їх mi is also remembered as a sire.
    • And in the hole for the nose, a tricycle from carrots is inserted. 15 hilin that your masterpiece is ready!

    Recipe 2. Canape sirnі vіtrila

    • It is necessary to cut the blanks from the black hlib, the ochr and the doctor's cowbass from the form.
    • Dalі narіzaєmo rectangulars from sira - tse will be our vitrila.
    • One rectangle is guilty of but three of the smaller ones.
    • Nanizumo all the beauty on a skewer and will complete the exposition with a tricycle from carrots, which will become the ensign of the vіtrilnik.

    Voila, and your children have captured!

    Recipe 3. Bisquite malt

    • Tse canapes are the most pleasing to your little one, which is just a crumb of cake.
    • Virіzhte a piece of small cake with the side 4 by 4 cm and insert a stick, on top of which, decorate with raspberries and blackberries.

    Such a child of yours has never before!

    Canapes for svyatkovy style iz syomgoyu

    Somga itself is not just savory, but it is not really tasty cinnamon product zm_stu zavdyaki Omega 3 fatty acids.

    To that, gotuvati stravi from syomgi tse is the joy of that feeling of natural satisfaction.

    Recipe 1. Canape Atlantis

    For the whole recipe, we need to know: syomga, soft sir philadelphia, greens, egg, baked goods.

    • Virizaimo from a hlib base at a square viglyad and obmazhumo in an olive olive.
    • Above, there is a piece of slightly salted syomga.
    • Sire zmіshuєmo from the greenery and carefully put a spoon on top of the ribi.
    • Skewer everything on a skewer and from the top we finish boiling it with an egg.

    Deliciously so slick and dusky.

    Recipe 2. Olive oil

    We know whether it is a solid sire, syomga, bread, greens, green olive.

    • Narizaymo on squares hlib,
    • tear of obsmazuєmo in olive olii.
    • Dal with such shmotochki the mode of somgu, sir ta
    • everything is strung on a garn skewer.
    • The top is embellished with olive and green sprinkles.

    Canapes for svyatkovy style z oseledtsya

    Oh, tsey oseledets. Kami її is beloved in its native forms and namagaєmosya zastosuvati up to the skin of the Christmas tree table. There is a sea of ​​recipes from the beginning of the week. And now we have picked up some of the finest recipes for canapés with great ribs that will delight you and your loved ones.

    • For a whole sandwich, it is necessary to cut the blanks from the lush leafy paste at the viglyad zirka,
    • having overshadowed in the middle a small amount of filling.
    • The filling of gotuєmo zi shmatochki kovbasi, shabby sir, green tsibuli, mayonnaise and bacon.
    • Everything is arranged in the middle of the test and it is stored in the spirit of 20 chilines.

    Canapes of simplicity have become an affordable dish at the skin booth for a long time. And as long as you haven't been eating it, just skim our recipes and take it away with satisfaction!

    VIDEO: recipes for canapes