Why can’t you swim in standing water? It's not safe, the sea water is cloudy

Although most of the summer is already behind us, there is still a whole summer ahead, which will provide traditional summer excitement - a bath, water baths and barbecues.

Zhidno folk signs After Sunday (2nd sickle), you can no longer swim, but most of the time, the water in rivers and lakes gets so warm that it’s simply impossible not to skimp. It's just a matter of swimming.

What threatens swimsuits in deep water?

The beach is filled with people, happy children's cries and heads popping up here and there - this is the kind of picture you might see on a sunny day on a beach somewhere near Moscow or near Moscow. And it seems to us that so many people trust this place, including those with children, which means that the place’s water supply is safe. Only the number of waters that can be deposited is great - this is by no means an indication of the purity of the waters.

Most often, while standing in front of the sign “Swimming is blocked!”, swimming enthusiasts still swim in the water, not particularly concerned that it was installed for a reason. Of course, there is a risk of infection from a thin swimsuit that is ignored by early pregnancy.

Enterovirus infections. This is a group of acute infectious diseases caused by intestinal viruses. Perhaps the most widespread “infection” that can be acquired from drinking water. Viruses are absorbed into the human body directly from water. The best way to protect yourself is to wait until the water reaches your mouth before the hour of bathing. The main symptoms of infection are diarrhea, fever and boredom.

There are a lot of open resources on the Internet in the list you might get sick And the disease is as terrible as cholera. It seems that they clanged with it in childhood, most of all, so that the children would not draw water from the river every time. This is a dangerous intestinal infection, as it penetrates into the body through an open wound or the flow of contaminated water. In the hour of illness, a person can spend up to 40 liters of food for free, which can lead to a fatal fever. But there is no need to panic too much - according to the doctors, it is not possible to become infected with cholera from the original water body near Moscow.

When is it an hour until the doctor?

The doctors themselves say that for any illness after a stay in the water, there is no risk to health and they will immediately turn to death. Some serious infections of the kidney can occur very quickly and can be confused with a common cold.

“Each time it’s not a good idea to engage in self-care. If any symptoms appear - sore throat, fever or fatigue, you need to contact a doctor,” - the advocate of the head doctor from the medical part of the Infectious Clinical Medicine and No. 1 Sofia Rusanova.

These symptoms after bathing may indicate that an infection has entered the body:

  • High temperature;
  • Boredom, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Severe headache;
  • Itching on the skin;
  • Blackened eyes;
  • I have a stomach ache.

Signs of deep water

  • Lake, river and rates go down unpleasant smell, and take care of the swampy waters;
  • The river has been drained from the water, the creeks have been dug out, the pipe has been laid for an unknown purpose;
  • Jocks swimming near a body of water is a signal to get out of the way of swimming in this place;
  • The warts are placed with caution until there is no flow and lakes with warm water that have stagnated;
  • It accumulates on the birch tree - a sign that horses, cows and other things drink from water. The stench can be a carrier of even serious illnesses.

Where you can go swimming

For your health, you can take a bath at ten of the capital’s waterholes without any risk. This place is verified and controlled by the management of Russia at a glance:

  • "Great Monastery", "School Lake", "Black Lake" near Zelenograd;
  • "Troparevo" near the flood-exiting area;
  • "Meshcherske" near the outlying district;
  • "Sribny Bir-2", "Sribny Bir-3" near the Pivnichno-Zakhidny district.
In addition, the capital has 46 private zones, but without bathing.

The abnormally hot summer encourages St. Petersburg residents to cool off at the fountains, perhaps just in their clothes under the cold stream. City dwellers are unlikely to worry about the fact that such a bath is not at all safe for health.

U Under the hour of the rainy sun, the fountains of the bowl generate incredible magnetism. This summer, once in a while you can feel like your swimsuits are squelching in the cold water. Law enforcement officers have to vilovlyuvat and vichituvati non-turbo city residents.

Nowadays, the design of the fountains does not at all reflect what they are called a shower or a swimming pool. People can become stiff on a slimy day. And the bowl has a lot of elements that can cause injury. Right in front of us are the “peaks” of fountain nozzles.

Another contraindication against such baths. The water at the fountains becomes cloudy during heavy circulation and can lead to infection - for example, their lids are washed in and wash away the whiteness of the homeless.

The water at the fountain is tap water, not running. The water circulates in a closed cycle. It is no longer possible to have filters there to guarantee that the water is safe, says Natalia Ipatova, head of the information policy department of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal. - I drank a cup of flying, car vacancies, it happens, homeless people rush in there. A fountain is not a swimming pool; there is no special additional disinfection there that could avoid any inappropriateness. Because it’s too hot, swimming there is not the best solution for hygiene reasons.

At the same time, the city dwellers should not get foot fungus, nor anything worse: children and adults whine under the flow of water, scurrying from the sand. The most popular are the fountains near the Kazan Cathedral, on Manezhnaya Square, the Oleksandrivsky Garden, the Jubilee Sports Palace, as well as the magnificent fountain complexes on Moskovsky Square and near the Finnish Station.

Fortunately, this season the Moscow fountains have not yet given in to any foam shows. For hooligans, pouring shampoo and other personal items into a bowl is a joy, and for the Vodokanal spiv workers it is a headache. Shampoos interfere with the pumping system. The pumps do not use water, but water from the stumps, through which they soon wear out and become useless. Before that, the big “bath bath” needs to be poured, the fountain stopped, and all the filling washed out. And the tradition of throwing coins into the bowl of the fountain is not to harm.

It’s a pity that there aren’t any drinking fountains in the area, which would have been so popular in the past. According to the words of Natalia Ipatova, if the decision to create such fountains is praised, then special documentation for drinking water control may be developed, and even in accordance with the regulations for the extraction of street spores for drinking water. The place has only one fountain with flowing water - near the Voronikhinskaya Gate square. Having previously served as a bait for horses and people, it is not suitable for drinking.

What about the stench?
- Tory the snail in France was extremely secretive. In several areas, thermometers showed a temperature of +40° C. Vlada Parisa helped the city residents endure the speck. In the French capital, special fountains were installed under the Eiffel Tower so that people could cool off for a little while.

Until 2007, in New York's Central Park, law enforcement officers did not allow passers-by to swim at the fountains. Some fathers specially brought the children to the emergency room so that they could splash around in the cold water to their heart’s content. And then Viyshov new law prevents residents from putting their feet down at the fountain. The fine that is imposed for violating the law is 50 dollars. A representative of the Department of Moscow Parks stated that the water at the fountains is not treated with chlorine, so it can contain bacteria, which are carriers of illness. In addition, fountains contain a large number of sharp objects that can hurt your feet. .

Even water reservoirs with stagnant water carry significant dangers, and most likely infect people with various infectious diseases. Olena KONCHENKOVA, an infectious disease doctor with a high qualification category at the regional center of specialized species, spoke about the dangers that lurk in the water. medical assistance.

– Fresh water, especially when it is dry, is an ideal medium for the propagation of rich microorganisms: causes of enterovirus infections, dysentery, leptospirosis, legionellosis, salmonellosis, viral hepatitis A, E, mycobacteria. In the wake of a massive outbreak of people falling ill with cholera and typhus after bathing in water bodies contaminated with undisinfected wastewater, which prevented the emergence of infectious diseases. Bathing is also unsafe due to chemical contamination with excess minerals and pesticides, as well as their products, which can lead to allergic reactions, skin diseases, and illness. internal organs, – Rozpovila Olena Oleksandrivna.

Often, at the water reservoirs located near villages, cows, horses, and other animals come to drink. In this season, the water is contaminated with emptied animals and there is a high risk of contracting an intestinal infection or helminthiasis.

It is not only the fresh water that is unsafe, but also the sand at a depth of 5-6 cm. It is not advisable to bury yourself in the sand on the beach and allow children to play sand castles, since the purity of the water and the banks deprives them of the best quality.

– The main reason for infection when swimming in water bodies is ignorance of the most obvious hygiene rules. People often want to know that the bathing area in this body of water is fenced off, but they don’t mind. If you do enter such water, make sure not to wrap it up at all times, and take a shower after bathing. “Don’t live on the beaches after swimming in cold waters,” the expert concluded.

Varto is unique among the top beaches. The more people there are, the greater the risk of infection. It is best to swim there, where there are specially designated beaches, and the water is sanitary.

I get so hot in the summer that I want to soak in the cold water; few people have any respect for the cleanliness of water. However, swimming in contaminated water can lead to serious consequences.

We took the 10th sign of the fact that swimming in the lakes is not good.

1. Presence of waterfowl

The first signs of cercariae may be visiping, similar to coma bites. Then the bulbs appear on the surface, and the skin begins to itch very much. Without rejoicing, the flames of Beshikhov may escalate. Particularly dangerous areas in terms of contamination are the shores, which warm up well and are overgrown with algae.

2. Kvitucha water

Near the tvan, on the surface of water weeds, the carriers of cercariae, called rawls, multiply. Such reservoirs are different, the water in them warms up well and is teeming with various bacteria, including those causing enterovirus infections, salmonellosis, polio, dysentery, leptospirosis, hepatitis A and other contagious diseases.

3. Stay thin

Even very often, to small ponds that have been developed near villages, cows, horses, and other thin things are brought to drink. In such places, the shore is covered with traces of accumulations, and the water is cluttered with emptied creatures and there is a high likelihood of intestinal infections and helminths. A similar risik is used for bathing in ponds, which are located near animal farms.

4. Detection of industrial enterprises and sewage pipes nearby

5. Proximity to Smith's landfill

This, perhaps, is the most unsafe place. Before the hour of rain great quantity The breast water drains from the water, and in addition, the mixture is lost in the water. When bathing, you may experience not just a banal disorder of the shank, but a serious one. infection and illness.

6. Water washes or cars wash

On the birch of the village or the lake you can meet people who wash their clothes, clean their cars or wash their cars. And here the water is contaminated with bacteria and chemical pollutants. It is easy to develop an intestinal infection or maternal allergic dermatitis.

7. Wells to wash with water and cramps

If you wash cramps or clubs in water, it’s not safe to go into it. Under water, it is easy to run into a cramp and remove a laceration, and sometimes a fracture. Also, be careful of the trail, as if the growth of a tree or bush has stuck to the shore. There may be roots or trunks near the water that have sunk, which creates a risk of injury.

8. Guchny companies with chovny

On the birch, water reservoirs are often favored by happy company. In wild waters, where there is no adjacent area for swimming and services that keep order, they can preferably ride on motor boats or boats in the windy camp. Their disrespect and mercy in management lead to injury to people who swim.

9. Sign “The bath is fenced!”

It’s just that no one can put up a sign like that. This means that the water here is heavily polluted and there is a risk of intestinal infection. The blockage may be due to other reasons: the accumulation of waste during the day, the place where boats are cruising, a strong underwater current, etc. At any time, swimming in white signs is not safe for your health, and sometimes for your life. You can find out more about the list of water bodies where swimming is allowed on the website of Rosspozhivnaglyad.

10. Fontani – it’s definitely not a good idea to swim

A fountain is not at all a place for bathing; the water is far from clean, since it circulates behind a closed system. Just from the fountain to the reservoir and back to the fountain without any cleaning. Moreover, drinks are often thrown out at the fountain, and ownerless creatures rush about in them.

Basic safety rules for swimming in water bodies

  • Standing water is always not safe, but it is not flowing. In the river, the water is constantly changing, and there is no room for bacteria to multiply and accumulate. And in stagnant bodies of water, the risk of illness is very high.
  • With this , it’s not just the water that’s unsafe, it’s the sand– at a depth of 5-6 centimeters, a wonderful microclimate for microorganisms is created, and even there it is warm and dry. It’s not a good idea to get into the sand on the beach, or there will be sand castles for children, since the purity of the water and the shores deprive them of the best.
  • When swimming in visually clean water, soak up the water do not splash water or allow it to enter your nose, and after flooding, rinse with clean water, or if you want to wipe the skin with a fleece cloth.
  • Cost unique beaches: the more people there are, the greater the risk of infection. It is best to swim there, where there are specially designated beaches, and the water meets sanitary standards.

Katerina Kushnir, medical specialist

Illustrations: Yulia Prososova

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With the help of summer sinter, the food chain becomes relevant again for the rich

On the one hand, bathing in the river and especially in the sea has a positive effect on health. And the axis of the other - can bring a lot of danger and illness, since the fragments of the Nishny plant with water are muddying the body of the beautiful, to say the least.

How dangerous is cold water?

Swimming in the river on a sunny summer day is really fun. Let the sun burn, and at this hour we are thrown into cold water - and the axle already feels less painful. Life is wonderful! Only a few would have had the opportunity to pay much more for the treasure of bliss. Spilling from nature today is almost always associated with unsafety. Water is mainly a source of troubles; it poses a number of threats.

For the body that is not active before active water procedures, cold water can lead to serious testing. If you suffer from illness of the cardiovascular system, a sharp change in temperature is completely unacceptable. For this type, it is recommended to gradually immerse the body in cold water, and do not rush into it every time.

Other concerns are related to the temperature of the water. Sudoma paralyzes any part of the body, as it seems, in the most vulnerable areas. You will earn a great penalty if you panic and rush to the shore - fear and stress will only be strengthened by the courts. It’s better to call someone for help and try to get out of the mess. Stay calm and get out of the water as soon as possible.

In the lower regions, water reservoirs do not have time to warm up well during the day, and the water in them is filled with cold water. If you wear it for more than twenty minutes, you can get very cold.

The legacy of a rotten ecology

Today, due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the swimming pools in many reservoirs have been blocked. The only people who don’t care about the fence are those who bathe in them and continue to bathe.

In places unsuitable for bathing, you can experience the pain of being deprived of “sustainable” liquids and splashes of gasoline in places where you park your car (most often, in the middle of the water itself). This approach will lead to a catastrophic deterioration in the sanitary and epidemiological situation and an increase in infection. Swimming in such polluted places is not only wet, but also unsafe. Water procedures in contaminated water bodies can lead to various inconveniences. The axis is the widest of them.

* Allergies and chemical reactions;

* intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonella, typhus, and in some cases - cholera and viral hepatitis A.);

* inflammation of the vulva and nose in girls and women;

* vertebral fractures and other types of injuries that can be repaired when injured in untreated areas.

Bacteria and parasites

Everyone knows that water is full of bacteria that can lead to infection and illness. Only if we are worried and want to get lost in the water more than anything else in the world, we respectfully forget about it. And at this hour you need to be ready! Cholera and dysentery, etching disorders, skin irritations, inflammation of the inner ear - all these ailments can be cured through water. Therefore, you can’t wait until the hour of bathing, and after the new obligation, you need to take a shower.

Illness, which is especially often transmitted when swimming in water bodies, includes listeriosis, leptospirosis and various contact dermatitis. And when the water is shackled, contaminated with sewage and feces, you can pick out a whole bouquet intestinal infections and helminitis (chrobakiv).

Listeriosis is an infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. It is characterized by changes in the lymphoid tissue and nervous system, the development of specific processes in organs, mainly in the liver.

Leptospirosis is manifested by symptoms of gas intoxication, disorders of the nervous system. In case of severe episodes, beware of fever, hemorrhagic syndrome, hypothyroidism and meningitis.

Be also careful so that after active swimming and splashing the river in your ears does not lose water - this droplet can lead to serious consequences: suppuration, wild pain and meningitis. It is recommended to use special earplugs before bathing. If your ear still hurts, it is necessary, not willingly, to go to the otolaryngologist.

A carefree swimsuit can be discarded if there are any inconveniences in the sun. You need to protect yourself from heatstroke and avoid drying out in the sun - spots, like lenses, are worn out, and your skin may end up covered in painful pustules. Therefore, after bathing, immediately dry yourself with a towel. Be especially careful to ensure that children follow these rules.

About the pluses of rozvagi

And yet, no matter what in the world, it would be fair to say that bathing can be beneficial for your health. Ale only – have specially designated for this place and with the same rules!

Since childhood, we have all heard about the bark of cured food. This is a natural exercise of the blood vessels and capillaries of the body, and an increase in hydrofiltration on the surface of the skin. Bathing, especially by the sea, increases durability to colds, stimulates blood circulation, the activity of the heart muscle, improves speech metabolism and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. It is appreciated that the sea baths are brown, the fragments of sea water contain an additional complex of healing authorities.

It is recommended to start bathing in 3 stages at a water temperature of 16-17 ° C; with natural warming of the water, the procedure will gradually increase in severity. If the water temperature near the pond rises to 22-23 ° C, then the bathing temperature can be increased to 15 minutes. Even though the bath brought bark, it was time to follow the singing rules.

1. Do not swim in cold water immediately after active physical activity;

2. rinse the slid in cold water step by step;

3. in water you need to actively roll, swim and swim;

4. After completing the procedure, you must wipe yourself dry with a towel and rub yourself with it.

After water procedures, which are necessary, especially after a swim in the river or sea, it is necessary to be active - running, haircuts, and the exercise of some simple rights. This way the body quickly warms up. After 2-3 years of preparation, healthy people may think about looking for a form of preparation - a whole bath.

Swimming area is fenced in!

If you don't care about passing by when bathing, the stench is easy to bear. However, in populated areas, swimming is only possible in quiet water bodies, as recommended by sanitary and epidemiological services. It is also important to ensure that such verification is carried out shortly before the start of the swimming season. One and the same pond may in one season be found suitable for bathing, and when fate comes, the bathing area there will already be fenced off.

For bodies of water “in nature” - bets, rivers and lakes that are located far from populated areas, the following rules can be established: if the body of water is not flowing, make sure that there are no birds on it. Because there is a stench, this is a clear sign that swimming is still not a good idea. As soon as there is a river, we will not at all know about those that burn up along the flow - which do not vibrate there from the outlets of industrial production.

The main reason for infection while swimming in water reservoirs is ignorance of the most obvious hygiene rules. It often happens that everyone needs to know: the swimming pool near the pond is fenced off. Ale tse їх does not miss. If you end up in such water, make sure not to wrap it in chains every time, and then, when you decide, take a shower as soon as possible. And even better - choose specialized beaches and safe swimming pools for water treatments and swimming.