Sourdough on kefir fungi use. Is it possible to give kefir to children up to a year? Recipes for making yogurt for kids at home

Mommies always wish their child all the best, so they watch over his health and development day and night. They try to feed the baby with exceptionally healthy food, which would not only harm the health of the child, but, on the contrary, would help him to develop harmoniously. Now there are many controversial opinions, reviews about the benefits, as well as about the dangers of using yogurt by children under one year old. Is it possible to use it in the diet of a child, or is it a rather allergenic product containing alcohol? Does the work of the digestive system normalize, or, on the contrary, is it poorly absorbed by the body?

Kefir - fermented milk drink obtained from whole or skimmed cow's milk by fermented and alcoholic fermentation using kefir fungi, a symbiosis of several microorganisms: lactic streptococci and sticks, acetic acid bacteria and yeast (only about two dozen). Uniform, white color, perhaps small release of carbonic acid.

The word "kefir" in translation from the Caucasian means "health." Is there any benefit in it, or are these all myths.

Benefit / Harm

Consider the positive properties of kefir:

  • During the use of kefir, the intestinal microflora is able to recover as well as be cleansed of various toxins, this has a beneficial effect on the work of the organism as a whole;
  • Thanks to kefir, the absorption of substances such as calcium, iron and vitamin D, which must be taken by children under 2 years old;
  • Promotes immunity strengthening;
  • Helps improve appetite;
  • Contains amino acids and vitamins, rich in calcium;
  • It has an effect on the nervous system of the child. He restores the strength of the baby, gives him vivacity for the whole day, removes the first signs of fatigue;
  • Useful for children with various developmental problems (, anemia).
  • Kefir acts as an antiseptic, as it contains lactic acid, which has a therapeutic effect on stomach disorders and infections;
  • Able to restore the body of the baby after illness.

And now the negative ones:

  • The presence of milk protein "casein". For the body of an adult does not pose any danger, but for the baby there are certain risks. "Casein" is poorly broken down by enzymes of a small organism, besides it can penetrate through the intestinal wall, thereby causing;
  • Kefiric acids, various mineral salts that are included in its composition, have a detrimental effect on the kidneys, digestion, they act as the strongest stimuli.

We conclude that there are much more benefits from taking kefir, so its benefits are obvious! The main thing to observe, then no negative properties will have on you and your toddler its detrimental effect.

From what age to give?

There is a difference between children who are breastfeeding  () and the children of the artifacts (). The first can begin to receive this fermented milk product from 8 months, the second slightly earlier from 7. What is the reason for this, though not significant, but the difference? The needs for food in infants differ. He needs completely different mineral, protein components, so the child is able to cope with the intake of this drink, only after the introduction of cereals into his diet, vegetable puree, fruit. This most often occurs to the achievement of a crumble of 8 months.

Do not forget that the baby has his own opinion, the baby may refuse to drink kefir, because he does not match his taste preferences, because kefir has a sour taste. To somehow solve this problem, pediatricians are allowed to slightly sweeten it with an apple or a banana. Sugar for these purposes is not recommended because sugar dramatically reduces the benefits of this product.

How to give?

With the introduction of kefir in the diet of the child, it is necessary to be guided by exactly the same rules as when entering any other dish. Starting lure is gradually. You begin to give a teaspoon, and then increase the dose, bringing it to a volume equal to 200 ml per day.

READ ALSO: rules for the introduction of the first complementary foods -

Cooking yogurt themselves

Below is one of the recipes. home made  kefir. Preparing it is not so difficult, so do not think that you may not be able to do something.

You will need:

  • pasteurized, baked or skimmed milk;
  • the basis (yeast) may be kefir itself, sour cream, or sourdoughs from the pharmacy (the most common are Narine and bifidobacteria. On sourdough, instructions for making kefir).

A liter of milk is boiled for 5–10 minutes, then poured into sterile glassware. Add one or two tablespoons of sourdough, wrap up and set in a warm place for 8-10 hours. Then give walk in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Kefir can be stored at 2–4 C for no more than 3 days. Giving his crumbs is slightly warm.

“I do this: I take 0.5 liters. fresh milk, I heat it, but I do not boil it! Add 2-3 tables to warm milk. spoon fresh sour cream, and at night in a warm place! "

“In our village, women shared kefir fungi with each other, 1/4 of a spoonful of fungi pour a glass of milk for 12 hours or a day (I don’t remember exactly) and it turns out children's kefir. Now there is a lot of everything for children of sour-milk in children's pier. kitchens, 3-40 grams pour a glass of milk - and there will be kefir, this lactic acid bacteria multiply. ”

Sourdough sour cream:  Pasteurized and whole milk can be used. The latter must be boiled for 5–7 minutes. We take a glass of milk (200 ml), boil, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and set to sour at room temperature for 10 hours. Then you can add sugar to the resulting kefir to taste the baby. Keep refrigerated.

Sourdough kefir:  It is necessary to cook directly the starter itself. In 100 ml of boiled milk at room temperature, add 1 tbsp. spoon of one-day kefir. Infuse for 12 hours. Ferment time ferment can be increased in the cold season to 24 hours. Keep the leaven in the refrigerator. The preparation of kefir itself: in 200 ml of boiled warm milk add 100-150 ml of yeast. Infuse for 10–12 hours, add sugar to taste.

Sourdough Narine:  Kefir, prepared with the help of the sourdough of Narine, is not only tasty, but also useful. This kefir can stabilize the intestinal microflora, it will also be better to absorb calcium, reduce the allergic alertness of the body (and in some cases, food allergies disappear). And only it can be given to children from birth. With such kefir will have to tinker, but it's worth it. Preparing the main starter: Boil 500 ml of milk for 10–15 minutes, then cool to 39–40 C. In a previously prepared sterilized glass container, mix 1 bottle of yeast (0.3 l) and milk. Close tightly, wrap and put in a warm place for 10-16 hours. The color of the finished starter is light cream (maybe white), the texture is viscous. Then cool in the refrigerator to a temperature of 2-6 C. Store the leaven in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 C.

Sourdough bifidobacteria:Such kefir is often recommended by pediatricians. First, prepare the leaven: in boiled milk (40 C, 200 ml) add 1 bottle of bifidobacteria (5 doses) and 30 g of sour cream. Insist 2-3 hours in a warm place. Cooking kefir: 200 ml of boiled milk at room temperature, 1 tablespoon of sourdough. Mix and infuse for 12 hours at room temperature. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator.

And the easiest way:  Mix boiled milk and kefir in the proportion of 3: 1, insist at room temperature for 12 hours. The finished product is placed in the refrigerator.

Watch the video how to make home-made kefir (yogurt):

And another recipe:

What is the difference between kefir for "children" and for "adults"? Is there a difference?

Baby has a much lower fat content, namely 2.5%. It is enriched with various vitamins and minerals. Milk and sourdough, which are used for its manufacture, has the highest quality. Products designed for children are subject to more stringent testing. However, do not forget to independently verify the storage conditions of kefir and its shelf life, since the poisoning carries a great danger. Also view the composition. There should not be any dyes, preservatives, starch, fillers and additives with the letter E. Exceptionally milk, yeast on fungi. Seeing in the store kefir packaging that meets all the above requirements, feel free to buy it, in this case, you can not worry about the health of your baby. Popular brands of baby kefir: Agusha and Tema.

Dr. Komarovsky about the dangers of kefir

Fermented milk products, undoubtedly, are very useful for the human body, experts consider kefir to be especially valuable. When should I add this drink to the diet? How to make a full and useful kefir itself at home?

The benefits of kefir

The timely introduction of fermented milk products into the baby’s diet is very important because this drink helps to solve a lot of problems that practically every baby has, and it also has a preventive positive effect on the operation of the systems:

  • because kefir is made from milk, it is a valuable source of calcium that serves building material  for bones, cartilage and teeth;
  • the bacteria contained in the drink help to normalize the work of the digestive system, and the young kefir helps soften the stool, and the two-day, on the contrary, strengthens; using fermented milk product different terms manufacturing, you can gently adjust the child’s chair;
  • kefir is very useful for muscles and soft tissues, as the easily digestible protein contained in it is a “building material” for them;
  • populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria, kefir enhances the body's defenses;
  • sour-milk products effectively and quickly increase the appetite in children, which will be very useful for one-year-old malnutrition.

The introduction of kefir in feed

Despite the obvious benefits of fermented milk product, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of infants with great care and strictly after the baby has mastered vegetables, cereals and fruits. Kefir is quite difficult to assimilate, especially heavy for the unstable intestine of a baby. To avoid risks, pediatricians recommend introducing dairy products only from 7-8 months.

Before their peers, artificial babies get acquainted with kefir, as well as toddlers with anemia and rickets. So children give a drink from 7 months. Infants on HB kefir are offered later - at 8-8.5 months.

In order to avoid allergies, as well as to allow the digestive system to "get acquainted" with the new product smoothly, introducing kefir into the diet of the crumbs should be gradually.

  • For the first time, a child can be given 2-4 teaspoons of a drink, and then fed with usual food;
  • since rashes and diarrhea can appear within a few days, it is better to wait 2-3 days before the next meal with kefir;
  • if a rash or diarrhea does not appear, you can increase the amount of yogurt in the diet by 2-3 spoons;
  • at first, it is necessary to introduce kefir into supplements, taking breaks of 2-3 days, and when the baby gets used to the fermented milk product, you can eat it daily;
  • to make it easier to control the condition of the baby, as well as to “use” the fact that kefir stimulates the appetite, it is better to give him a fermented milk product in the first half of the day at first;
  • you can not sweeten kefir with sugar, because the latter will cause fermentation in the intestine, which will give the crumbs strong discomfort;
  • if the baby doesn’t like the sour taste of kefir, you can slightly sweeten it with baby fruit puree.

Buy or make yourself?

Many parents, before the introduction of kefir in supplements, ask themselves what kind of drink should the baby drink — purchased or homemade? Opinions experienced moms  and experts disagree on this, some are convinced of the usefulness and quality of products of industrial production, others trust only special ferments.

The only thing in which both parties agree is to give the child an “adult” kefir, which is not adapted for feeding children under one year old, is impossible. Such a product is too heavy for the intestines of the baby and causes digestive problems.

  1. Purchased kefir should be labeled "children", indicating that the product has been adapted for baby food.
  2. There should be no preservatives in the composition, and the shelf life should be minimal.
  3. When buying a drink in a bottle or tetrapack, check the expiration dates and package integrity.
  4. Some babies may be allergic to the purchased product of different brands: if the crumb has reacted negatively, try another for feeding. Gradually, you will discover which product the child has no allergies.
  5. To give your child a constantly fresh drink, you have to go to the stores almost every other day and calculate in advance how much to take, which is definitely tedious.

To avoid the risk of buying expired products or kefir, which has compromised the integrity of the package, many mothers decide to make a fermented milk drink at home on their own. It is not so expensive, in addition, such a kefir can drink all family members.

Cooking methods

The right home-made kefir is made from whole, baked or pasteurized milk. Store bags and tetrapacks with skimmed milk drink are not suitable for fermented milk product, specific taste is obtained from kefir from goat milk.

For preparing kefir, you use the amount of milk you need, to which you add the starter, and then in a warm place, withstand a fermented milk drink, which you will give to a child of infancy.

Sour cream

Soft pleasant taste to home-made kefir for babies will provide sourdough on ordinary sour cream. Bacteria contained in it rather quickly multiply in any volume of milk that you allocate to create a fermented milk product.

Fresh milk before cooking the fermented milk product should be boiled for about 6 minutes and then cooled at room temperature. Experience home "kefirodelov" says that the rapid cooling of milk leads to a change in the taste of the resulting product, so that the drink turned out pleasant, you need to wait until the milk is cooled at room temperature itself.

After cooling the milk, you can start adding a starter. To prepare kefir in a glass of drink, just add a tablespoon of plain sour cream and leave it to sour for about 10 hours.

If it seems to you that kefir is not thick enough, increase the amount of starter in the milk. Over time, you will find out how much prefabricated you need to make the perfect drink.

It is convenient to knead the ingredients for a fermented milk product overnight, and in the morning you will have fully prepared fresh and non-sour kefir, which can be given to a baby of infancy.

Children's adapted kefir

You can make a homemade sour milk drink based on baby yogurt. The bacteria from which the fermented milk product is prepared are suitable for the immature intestines of your baby and are ideal for complementary foods in 7-8 months. But before you make a homemade drink, you need to find out which manufacturer of yogurt is suitable for the baby - it is pleasant to taste and does not lead to allergies.

  1. To create a drink, you must first prepare the starter. Buy in the store baby kefirchik and 2 tbsp. product add in a glass of prepared milk.
  2. When the leaven is infused (it takes from 12 hours to a day), you can use it directly to prepare a fermented milk product for the baby. About 100 ml of the billet should be added to a glass of boiled and cooled milk.
  3. After 10 hours, you can give the crumbs useful and pleasant to taste drink.

Sourdough Narine

In the pharmacy, you can purchase a special powder with bacteria, from which you can also prepare kefir for infants - the sourdough Narine. The composition of this tool allows you to make a fermented milk drink, with the help of which the composition of the intestinal microflora is effectively stabilized. bacteria in the powder are selected in such a way as to reduce the allergenicity of the resulting product. If the body of your child did not take the purchased and other home-made kefirs, the homemade sour dough drink Narine will be a real salvation for you.

Making kefir for children up to a year based on this starter culture is quite easy, but time consuming.

  1. Half a liter of milk should be boiled for 10 minutes and then cooled to 35-40 degrees. The liquid must not be too hot, otherwise the bacteria will die, but not too cold. The warmer the milk is, the faster the leaven will be cooked.
  2. Sterilize the starter container, cool and pour warm milk into it. Gently pour the powder with bacteria into the liquid, stir a little. The container with the future leaven should be tightly corked, wrapped in a blanket and put away in a darker and warmer place. In such conditions, lactic acid bacteria act better.
  3. After 10-14 hours, the billet will be ready for a healthy and tasty drink. It is possible to determine whether ferment is ready by its consistency and color: as a rule, the propagated bacteria give the milk a creamy shade and a viscous smetanic consistency.
  4. Cooked sourdough should be stored in the refrigerator with the same container in which it was prepared. Consumption of concentrated "billet" is not very large, so half a liter of semi-finished product will be enough for you for a long time.
  5. Boil a liter of milk, cool and pour it into a sterile container. In the liquid, add 1-2 tablespoons of the prepared starter and mix gently.
  6. A closed container should be wrapped and put away in heat for 9-10 hours, and when this time has expired, place it in the cold for a couple of hours so that the drink “reaches”.
  7. A liter of healthy fermented milk product for babies and adults is ready. Despite the fact that Narine ferment drink does not have a consumer age limit, it should still be given to a child no earlier than 7 months.


For the preparation of yogurt for babies based on bifidobacteria is also required to prepare in advance the leaven. In 200 ml of boiled and cooled milk, pour the contents of one bottle of Bifidumbacterin and add 3 teaspoons of sour cream. Sourdough enough to insist only 2-3 hours in the heat.

Nobody needs to talk about the benefits of kefir. In many diseases, doctors recommend to use this valuable and tasty drink.

However, the most useful kefir is not factory-made, but home-made, made with a ferment from live bifidobacteria or lactobacilli. It colonizes the intestines with certain strains of microorganisms and effectively fights against putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestines.

Do we trust 100% to mass producers of fermented milk products? Unfortunately, today to buy real kefir is not an easy task, as manufacturers tend to pass off imitation as kefir, adding to it many ingredients that contribute to improving the taste or shelf life of the product.

In addition, kefir must be fresh, because young children can be given a maximum of three-day kefir. It is fresh kefir that remarkably stimulates digestion, intestinal peristalsis, and helps cleanse, return slimness and get rid of extra pounds. However, kefir often falls on store shelves when it is already 2-3 days old from the date of production. In this situation, people who care about their health and the health of their children are beginning to wonder how to make yogurt at home.

Kefir fermentation with liquid bifidumbacterin / lactobacterin

For the production of kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, it is better to use liquid lactobacterin as a starter, since the taste of the final product will be softer, and the leaven is faster. When using bifidumbacterin, kefir may turn out to be sour (pronounced taste of bifidumbacterin), especially when fermenting skim milk. To avoid this effect, it is necessary to constantly check the readiness of the product.

Production process:

  1. Milk (any fat content) must be boiled. Cool to 37-38 degrees. If bacteria gets into high temperatures, they may die.
  2. The fermentation tank is covered with a lid and left at 37 degrees until ripe (normal temperature for the growth of bacteria). At home it is possible to leave kefir next to the battery. The best way to use a yogurt maker or a thermos. To ferment such a product simply at room temperature will not succeed, because bacteria grow more slowly, and in the cold they generally fall into anabiosis and, accordingly, the ferment of milk becomes impossible.

To ferment kefir at room temperature, you must add kefir fungus which is quite easy to buy!

The process of producing bifidogamis with fungus:

  1. Milk (any fat content) must be boiled. Cool to 37-38 degrees. At hit of bacteria to the big temperature, their death is possible.
  2. Bacteria are added to milk at the rate of: per 1 l of milk - 10 ml of starter. Shuffled.
  3. When milk cools to 22 degrees (room temperature), kefir fungus ~ 20 ml per 1 l of milk is added. Shuffled.
  4. The fermentation tank is covered with a lid and left at room temperature until ripening (8-12 hours).
  5. Matured kefir move in the fridge, cool.

Thus, you will always have on your table a fresh, maximally useful product enriched with live bacteria that contribute to the treatment and prophylaxis of many intestinal diseases and improve metabolism.

Dosage Form

dry powder - bacterial starter "Squask" for making KEFIR at home

Sourdough is a white-cream powder.


Live mesophilic lactobacillus Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. biovar diacetylactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris and Sacharomyces cerevisae yeast, with a concentration of at least 10 9 CFU / g.

100% natural product, does not contain allergenic components, gluten, GMO / GMM

pharmachologic effect

Live Sourdough Squask ™ for the preparation of fresh and healthy yogurt at home. Cooking without the use of yogurt maker or multicooker.

  “Squash” is a sourdough - with the help of which natural milk products with a traditionally rich taste can be prepared on the basis of milk, baked milk or cream.

Dairy products cooked at home are always fresh. Thanks to the Squash starter, your loved ones will eat quality products, the actual cooking times you know.

It is economically advantageous to prepare a fermented milk product with “Squash” ferment at home, because from one bag you can make from 1 to 3 liters of a fermented milk product.

Experiment! Cook what you want, not what is offered in stores. Cooked dairy products can be supplemented to your taste with fresh berries, nuts, cereals, fruits, vegetables, herbs and other things. In the assortment of “Squask” sourdoughs, the traditional line of dairy products: Yogurt, Kefir, Ryazhenka, Sour milk, Sour cream, Cottage cheese.

Cooking with squash starter does not take much of your time and energy. Simply add the Squash starter to your favorite milk or cream and let it sour.

Sales features

Without a license

Special conditions

The product is suitable for vegetarians and vegetarians.

Consume the finished product within 3 days after preparation.

Detailed cooking instructions inside the package.

Shelf life in the refrigerator (from +2 to +6 ° C) is 12 months. Shelf life in the freezer (from -18 to -12 ° C) - 18 months and 6 months - at temperatures up to +25 ° C (warm shelf). We would like to note that long-term observations have shown high starter resistance to temperature deviations during storage and transportation.


for making fresh and healthy kefir at home