The earliest determination of pregnancy. Calculating gestational age based on various parameters

In order to understand what a 1 week gestation means, it is necessary to figure out from what point the countdown is taking place.

1 obstetric week   of pregnancy   - This is the week that starts from the first day of the last menstruation of a woman in the cycle when conception occurred. From this week they count 40 weeks and get the date of birth of the baby. In fact, at this time a woman is not yet pregnant.

1 week from conception   - As a rule, this is the third obstetric week (it all depends on whether the woman has ovulated earlier or later).

1 week of delayed menstruation   - this is the fifth obstetric week. Usually, the first signs of pregnancy in expectant mothers appear during this period. We will talk about them.

The first signs of pregnancy in 1 week

All the variety of signs that tell a woman that she is pregnant, especially individually. Someone feels the whole "bouquet", but someone does not even guess about the role future mom.

However, most often the main signs of pregnancy at 1 week are:

Delay of menstruation (but let's not forget about women with two-horned uterus - they can go for periods during the period of carrying a child);

Nausea or even vomiting as an early manifestation of toxemia;

Feeling of weakness, lethargy, and drowsiness;

A sharp exacerbation of susceptibility to sharp smells (you may not like everything: from the toilet water of your husband, which you loved so much before, to the smell of meatballs);

Changing taste preferences (drawn to a particular product, or, conversely, there was an aversion to some kind of dish);

Unclear, slightly nagging pains in the abdomen, headaches or nagging pains in the lower back;

Breast augmentation or pain sensations   in it (more details in the article breast changes during pregnancy);

Emotional instability (sharp change of mood);

A pregnancy test (not always in the first week shows a true result, since the level of pregnancy hormone - hCG - in a woman may not reach the necessary minimum for the test to give a positive result).

Development of pregnancy in 1 week

Inside the mother grows an embryo. It is still extremely small - smaller than a pinhead. In fact, this is just a group of cells, however, they multiply extremely rapidly and grow.

From each of the parents, the crumb has already received 23 chromosomes. So now he is the perfect combination of mom and dad chromosomes.

At the time of fertilization, the sex of the baby was also determined. That was influenced by that father’s sperm that fertilized the egg. The carrier of the Y chromosome will bring you a wonderful boy, and the X chromosome will bring you a wonderful girl.

You, most likely, still do not notice any changes in yourself. Many at this stage and do not know about their pregnancy. Unless assume by some signs.

It happens that during the implantation of a fertilized cell a woman may notice a slight bleeding. Just a drop. But this is optional.

If you are planning your pregnancy or not planning, but the first signs have already appeared, you need to think not only about your health, but also about the health and safety of your future baby. Any future mother should:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. It is important to completely eliminate smoking: both passive and active. Breathe in fresh air as much as possible.

2. To take any medications with caution. For any treatment, consult a doctor. Most drugs, even the most innocuous, in the first weeks of pregnancy can cause irreparable harm to the child.

3. Take folic acid. This is the main vitamin for those who are just planning a child and already pregnant women. It protects the fetus from a huge number of birth defects. In addition to tablets, it is contained in such products: spinach, asparagus, carrots, egg yolk, apricots, pumpkin.

4. It is advisable to take a daily multivitamin preparation designed specifically for pregnant women. Eat fruits and vegetables every meal.

5. Avoid physical and mental stress and stress.

What day to consider pregnancy

  Sat, 08/28/2010 - 17:42 - Valentine
  • ovulation

Two strips on the test are not always a guarantee of the onset of pregnancy, but in 95% of cases are considered news of the onset of conception. At the moment when a woman sees the cherished dash of red color, she is overcome by mixed feelings, and the main thing at this time is to firmly realize: now you are responsible for the small life that will warm under your heart for nine months.

How to give birth to a healthy baby?

The first thing that the future mother will have to face is regular examinations. Traditionally, after taking a gynecologist tests are done, and then bypasses the doctors of various practices, in order to assess the overall health of a pregnant woman. If all is well, the lady will be given regular visits (usually every 2 weeks) to an obstetrician-gynecologist who will monitor the development of the baby in the womb.

Pregnant women are capricious and irritable. They find it difficult to get out of bed early in the morning, because they constantly tend to sleep, so many of the weaker sex believe that mandatory attendances can be skipped. This opinion is a great delusion, since only a doctor can determine adverse changes in the state of a pregnant woman or fetus, which the woman herself will not notice.

How is that? The fact is that it is difficult to call a pregnancy an easy time, and every lady wearing a baby under her heart constantly experiences a certain discomfort. The norm is considered to be a slight lowering of the abdomen, as well as moderate pain in the lower back, but each person has his own sensitivity threshold, therefore, when one woman seems suspicious that her stomach is too tight, the other may not notice the changes in her condition.

In addition to timely visits to the doctor, a pregnant woman needs to monitor her own health. Usually, experts advise at home to measure the pressure, as it is often unstable in a woman in a position.

It is very important to observe the daily regimen and a special diet, the best option for which each expectant mother is selected by her leading obstetrician-gynecologist.

Alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs are strictly prohibited during childbearing, as their use is the most common cause   the development of fetal malformations in the baby.

Causes of Miscarriage

Miscarriage can be called a scourge modern world. Despite the high-tech equipment of medical equipment and the high qualifications of doctors, compared with the past century, the percentage of miscarriages in our time has increased several times, and this is due not only to the environment, but also to the attitude of young women towards pregnancy.

  • Modern life dictates us to be constantly in motion, and the future mother simply needs physical and emotional peace. That is why one of the first causes of spontaneous miscarriage is the failure to follow the proper regimen of the day and the negligence of future mothers in relation to their condition.
  • Another cause of miscarriage is venereal diseases, which were transferred before conception, which are usually accompanied by an inflammatory process in the reproductive system. The girl, still at a young age, needs to think about the rules of protection against various sexually transmitted diseases, because the state of her female health can affect both the development future pregnancy, and on the development of the child in the womb.

It often happens that a prevented miscarriage does not protect the fetus from defects, and the child is born inferior.

How to calculate the date of conceiving a child?

Pregnancy in the life of every woman is not only a beautiful, but also a crucial period, which will require a lot of strength, attention and patience from her. Therefore, it is very important for a girl to know from which day the pregnancy is counted in order to be ready for the changes that will take place in her body as early as possible.

Doctors consider the beginning of pregnancy the first day of the last menstruation, although fertilization of the female egg usually occurs on the days of ovulation. With a standard menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, and it is at this time that conception occurs most often.

The medical duration of pregnancy, starting from the first day of the last menstrual period, is calculated in this way in order to avoid confusion associated with the use of different reference dates. If a woman knows for sure the day of conception, then she will not have a question from which day to consider the pregnancy, but the doctor will still set the period for two weeks more - this will be the medical term of pregnancy.

The key to the health of the future baby is strict adherence to the rules established by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The responsibility imposed on a woman during pregnancy is large enough, but it is not comparable with the happiness that a born child can bring to the life of any family.

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  Posted by Ellykot on Mon, 03/31/2014 - 13: 08.24 August 2012 - 16:00 | Xanarrr-Paunchy Fallow Deer in Pregnancy

What question is most often asked to pregnant? “At what time are you?” It turns out that answering it correctly is a whole science. Let's try to master it.

Terms - obstetric and fetal term

When registering for pregnancy in the antenatal clinic, the doctor will determine and use obstetric term. Its counting begins from the first day of the last menstrual period, and the calculation is conducted in weeks. The average full-term pregnancy according to this calculation lasts 40 weeks (280 days). Previously, such a period was considered in months - all known 9 months (in fact, 9 months and 7 days). At the present time, the question “What month are you?” Can drive a pregnant woman into a stupor - she is much more willing to tell you what week she is!

Interesting that when determining pregnancy duration by monthly   in the first 2 weeks of such a period of pregnancy itself as such is not yet, because conception has not yet taken place.

Another method for calculating the term is conception. It is also called embryonic term   or true. Most often it is difficult to say exactly when the conception took place - the connection of the egg cell and the sperm cell - rather, one can speak of a certain date of ovulation or intimacy, as a result of which a new life was born. Such periods may be indicated in the ultrasound protocol or on the form of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) analysis results. Clarify this point to avoid confusion and unnecessary experiences.

Correction of obstetric time for late and early ovulation

The obstetric period is calculated based on the “ideal” 28-day female cycle with ovulation on day 14. If it is known that ovulation occurred later or earlier, it would be logical to correct such a period. To do this, we need to determine the notional date for the start of the “correct” menstruation - subtract 14 days from the known date of ovulation. From this day, consider the “legitimate” 40 weeks. Accordingly, the real gestational age with late ovulation   will be less than calculated just from the date of the beginning of the month.

Determination of pregnancy by ultrasound

A good help in determining and clarifying the timing of pregnancy is ultrasound diagnosis.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, when you may not even be sure about it, measurements are carried out with the help of ultrasound studies gestational egg. Unfortunately, the average internal diameter (SVD) of a gestational egg can be very approximate to the gestational age, since the possible fluctuations in terms for this parameter can be up to 1.5 weeks in both the larger and the smaller side.

When the embryo begins to be visualized in the fetal egg, the coccyx-parietal size (CTE) is measured. This is the maximum distance from the head end (temechka) to the tailbone. Measurements are taken at the time of maximum extension of the embryo. If you have an irregular cycle, or you are not sure when ovulation occurred, it is this size that will best help you determine the fetal age of your baby. This indicator is used for determine the duration of pregnancy with   Ultrasound during the first trimester.

Table 1. Copcy-parietal size of the embryo / fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy

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  • on the first stirring of the fetus;
  • by measuring the length of the uterus.

Only an experienced gynecologist can calculate a more accurate gestational age, but you can independently try to find out the gestational age online on the Internet at sites for pregnant women and then compare your results with the calculation of the doctor.

The first method: by the date of ovulation.   Recall that ovulation - this is the period of menstruation, in which a mature egg becomes ready for fertilization. That is, this is the most optimal day for conception.

To determine ovulation, you can measure daily basal temperature, you can buy special tests at a pharmacy, and some women can determine ovulation according to their state of health: abdominal pain, abundant discharge from the vagina, increased libido.

According to statistics, ovulation in most women occurs in the middle of menstruation. If you have a menstruation cycle of 28 days, then ovulation will occur on the 14th day, if the cycle is 35 days, then on the 17-18 day. The term of pregnancy at conception begins to count from the day of ovulation.

The second way:gestational age   by monthly .   A fairly simple way, this method we discussed above, it is used by obstetricians to determine how long the pregnancy is. If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, this method cannot be considered reliable. The third way: by inspection at the gynecologist.   Calculate the pregnancy by weeks is much easier in the early stages. If your pregnancy is up to 4 weeks, an experienced gynecologist will be able to most accurately determine your period, it is based on the size of the uterus. For example, in week 4, the size of the uterus will be with a chicken egg, on the 8th, with a goose.

Up to 8 weeks, the gynecologist can determine the duration of pregnancy with high accuracy, even up to one day.

After 12 weeks, it will be more difficult to do, since all babies develop differently, and in women with the same age, the size of the uterus will be different. The fourth method: by ultrasound.   To determine the duration of pregnancy with an ultrasound, it also matters how many weeks the pregnancy already lasts: before the 12th week, it is possible to determine more accurately the time. Further, there may be failures.

In later periods, the error of the ultrasound specialist increases due to the fact that each baby develops individually: some kids are bigger, others are more miniature.

Fifth way: on the first stir.   It is believed that women nursing under the heart of the first child, feel the stirring at 20 weeks, with the following birth - at 18 weeks.

But, this method does not always give the correct result, because the expectant mother may confuse perturbations with the "work" of the intestine. As you know, during the period of pregnancy women tend to increase gas formation.

The sixth method: by measuring the length of the uterus.   This method can only be used by a gynecologist. The doctor measures the length of the uterus with a measuring tape. The gestational age of the woman will be equal to the length of the uterus.

For example, the length of the uterus turned out to be equal to 25 cm, which means a pregnancy of 25 weeks. It is important to empty the measurements, otherwise there may be an error in the measurements.

Here we are with you and considered some methods of how to find out the duration of pregnancy. Once again, it is very rarely possible to determine the exact date of birth and the period of pregnancy.

The baby will be born when he is ready, regardless of our calculations. Good luck in determining the duration of pregnancy. Take care of yourself and the future of the crumb.

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Gestational age

At your first visit to a maternity clinic for registering for pregnancy, the doctor’s attention will be paid to the issue of determining the duration of pregnancy. Knowing the duration of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to establish the expected date of delivery, as well as monitor the course of pregnancy throughout its duration, conducting the necessary examinations in time and determining possible problems   at discrepancy of any indicators to the current term of pregnancy.

The determination of the duration of a pregnancy is made more than once: throughout the entire pregnancy, its duration may be specified several times. There are several ways to determine the duration of pregnancy. Some are based on the results of surveys, others are a specific method, using which a woman can calculate the duration of pregnancy independently.

First of all, some information about the day from which the pregnancy period begins. Obstetric gestational age, the total duration of which is 40 weeks, is calculated not from the moment of conception, but from the first day of the last menstruation. With a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, the probability of conception is highest on day 14 after the start of menstruation. Thus, upon the occurrence of pregnancy, the duration of pregnancy at the date of conception will already be considered equal to two weeks.

The determination of the gestational age by the date of the last menstruation is used as the initial method of calculating the gestational age. However, this method may have significant errors in establishing exact date   pregnancy, especially if the menstrual cycle is irregular or shorter or longer than 28 days. To clarify the duration of pregnancy are also used the following methods: measuring the uterus, determining the level of hCG, ultrasound.

Measuring the length of the uterus will show how long the woman’s gestation is at any given moment, with sufficient accuracy: the gestational period in weeks is approximately equal to the length of the uterus in centimeters. Measurements of the uterus are made every time you visit the gynecologist using a conventional centimeter.

Ultrasound imaging (US) is one of the most accurate ways to determine the duration of pregnancy at an early stage. Calculate the duration of pregnancy on the basis of ultrasound readings, preferably up to 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, then the calculation will be very accurate. In the future, the use of ultrasound to determine the duration of pregnancy can give all the big errors. The fact is that it is possible to determine how long the pregnancy is with the help of an ultrasound, based on data on the size of the fetus. Up to 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, this indicator is almost the same for all, and then the size of the fetus in different women at one gestational age may already differ significantly.

You can also find out the gestational age by the level of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman, each hcg level has been established for each gestational age. However, the apparent inconsistency between hCG levels and gestational age may indicate significant problems, such as missed abortion or ectopic pregnancy, which makes this study even more meaningful.

Previously, in order to determine the duration of pregnancy, data were used on when the woman began to sense the first movements of the child. It is believed that primiparous women begin to feel the movements of the baby about the 20th week of pregnancy, the second ones - about the 18th. However, all this is quite individual, and some of the baby’s movements may be somewhat earlier, others later, so the determination of the duration of pregnancy in this way is currently not carried out, since there are already other, modern methods for determining the duration of pregnancy that give greater accuracy.

Reliably determine the duration of pregnancy - the duty of every woman who wants to give birth healthy baby. Accurate determination of the date of birth allows you to identify complications and the lag in the development of the embryo, which can be corrected in a timely manner.

Term of pregnancy: the need to determine in terms of prenatal diagnosis

Every woman should determine the duration of pregnancy promptly and reliably. Early diagnosis of this physiological state is not only important for effective solution   obstetrics problems. It will determine the degree of hormonal and anatomical changes that can affect the course of ailments of a pregnant woman.

Date of delivery is calculated as:

  • 38 weeks after fertilization (fetal gestation);
  • 40 weeks from the 1st day of the last menstruation (obstetric gestational age).

The calculation of the obstetric period in order to determine the moment of departure on the decree has found wider distribution in medical practice, since it is not easy to establish the time of fertilization reliably. occurs at 28 weeks (in the case of multiple births) or at 30 weeks (with a single fetus).

It is important to correctly determine the duration of pregnancy and for the effective conduct of prenatal diagnosis of embryo developmental pathologies, which should be performed in several stages at strictly defined points in time. Screening studies, including biochemical analysis and ultrasound monitoring, are conducted in the following periods:

  • 10-13 weeks - identification of risks of Down and Edwards syndromes;
  • 16-18 weeks - determination of the risks of the Edwards, Down syndrome, and neural tube lesions.

At weeks 20-24, the correctness of the development of various organs of the embryo is carried out. At week 24, doplerometry of the placental blood flows is performed in order to eliminate their insufficiency. At week 26, the female body is tested for glucose tolerance to rule out the development of GDM (gestational diabetes). At weeks 30-34, ultrasound monitoring is performed to examine the placental blood flow and the state of the embryo.

Determining the gestational age is also necessary for correct determination of the moment of delivery, which comes at the end of the 40th week. Pregnancy is considered premature before the 37-week period, after 42 weeks - post-term.

Establishing the duration of pregnancy at the time of fertilization

This method of determining embryonic gestational age is recognized as one of the most reliable. However, it can only be used at the planning stage.

This method is based on the fact that, on average, a healthy, from a reproductive point of view, a woman under 35 years of age has 8-10 ovulations per year. As a rule, ovulation occurs 10-15 days before the end of the monthly cycle (for any duration). In order to reliably establish the fact of ovulation, the following steps are required:

  • maintain a basal temperature chart and examine the vaginal discharge throughout the entire menstrual cycle. The measurement procedure for a woman must be performed daily for 10 minutes, at the same morning time, without getting out of bed. The high content of the hormone estrogen in the first phase of the menstrual cycle causes a decrease in the basal temperature to 36.0-36.6 0 C. At the time of ovulation, the basal temperature decreases by another 0.2-0.5 0 C. A significant rise in ovulation indicates the occurrence of ovulation basal temperature, which occurs the day after the "ovulation zapadeniya." In addition, 3-5 days before ovulation often increases the amount of vaginal discharge (they take the form of "egg white"), increased libido. In the second phase of the cycle, the basal temperature can reach 36.8- 37.7 0 C. As practice shows, the measurement of the basal temperature does not give a 100% guarantee of the reliability of the fact of ovulation, therefore in this case it is necessary to perform additional studies (testing, ultrasound monitoring);
  • test for ovulation using a special test system. Its action is based on determining the increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone in a woman’s body, which starts the process of ovulation. The use of even very high-quality tests does not give a 100% guarantee that ovulation has occurred, since the testing procedure rules are often violated by women;
  • perform folliculometry   - dynamic ultrasound monitoring of changes in the reproductive system throughout the entire monthly cycle in order to determine ovulation. This technique is subjective, because it depends on the quality of the equipment, the competence of the specialist, the state of the woman’s intestines.

A female egg is capable of fertilization within 12-48 hours after ovulation. Spermatozoa have this ability for 72 hours from the moment they enter the female genital tract. Medical statistics show that the maximum probability of conception is observed during sexual intercourse:

  • 2 days before ovulation (26%);
  • 1 day before ovulation (30%);
  • on the day of ovulation (34%).

Thus, in order to accurately determine the time of fertilization and, as a consequence, the gestational age, it is necessary to establish the date of ovulation (using the simultaneous application of all the listed techniques), and also correlate with this date the time of sexual intercourse.

The determination of the duration of pregnancy on the dates of the last menstruation

The error when using this method of determining the duration of pregnancy can reach 2 weeks. As you know, conception can happen only in the presence of ovulation. For any length of the monthly cycle, ovulation occurs 10-15 days before it ends. Thus, if the standard for a particular woman cycle is 29 days, then she could ovulate between his 14-19 days. The results of this method will be more reliable for a young woman with a fairly regular menstrual cycle.

Determination of pregnancy by the first fetal movements

Using this method, quite popular with gynecologists, becomes available only in the second half of pregnancy. According to the medical statistics, the multiparous women feel the first movements of the baby at the age of 16-18 weeks. Women who have a first pregnancy begin to feel the movements of the child at week 20. The error in the application of this method can reach 2-3 weeks.

Establishing the duration of pregnancy in terms of hCG in the blood

This method of determining the duration of pregnancy is based on the results of a woman’s blood analysis for HCG (chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced from the first hours of pregnancy by the placenta). In order to correctly interpret the results of this analysis, serious diseases that cause an increase in hCG (tumor formations) and factors contributing to its decrease (ectopic pregnancy, fetal death, placental insufficiency) must first be excluded.

The following levels of hCG correspond to the following periods of normally developing pregnancy:

  • 25-157 IU / ml - 1 week;
  • 100-4870 mU / ml - 2 weeks;
  • 1111-31500 mU / ml - 3 weeks;
  • 2561-82300 IU / ml - 4 weeks;
  • 23101-151000 mU / ml - 5 weeks;
  • 27301-233000 mU / ml - 6 weeks;
  • 20901-291000 mU / ml - 7-11 weeks;
  • 6141-103000 mU / ml - 12-16 weeks;
  • 4721-80100 IU / ml - 17-21 weeks;
  • 2701-78100 mU / ml - 22-39 weeks.

How to determine the duration of pregnancy in the size of the uterus?

This method is actively used by modern gynecologists. It is believed that a certain value and location of the uterus correspond to the following duration of pregnancy:

  • size "chicken egg" - 4 weeks;
  • size “female fist” - 8 weeks;
  • the size of the "head of a newborn," when the bottom of the uterus is at the upper edge of the womb, is 12 weeks.

If the bottom of the uterus is located above the womb, then we can talk about the following periods of pregnancy:

  • 6-7 cm - 16 weeks;
  • 12 cm - 20 weeks;
  • 20 cm - 24 weeks;
  • 24 cm - 28 weeks;
  • 29-30 cm - 32 weeks;
  • 35-36 cm - 36 weeks;
  • 29-30 cm - 40 weeks.

According to ultrasound studies, it is absolutely possible to determine the duration of pregnancy only in the early stages (up to about 7 weeks), since all embryos in this period develop at approximately the same rate. In the future, the development acquires an individual character.

In certain situations, the question of whether a pregnancy has occurred or not, for many women, becomes quite relevant in the very early stages. If a woman had unprotected sexual intercourse. then she, naturally, wants to find out as soon as possible whether it had any consequences for her, including pregnancy. If a woman has long sought to become pregnant, then she wants to be even more informed about her condition even before a menstruation is delayed.

The early definition of pregnancy is rather subjective. Determine pregnancy on early stages best done by women who constantly monitor basal temperature. If conception took place, then, having risen during ovulation, the basal temperature will remain high, and will not decrease, as in a normal cycle. But this method of determining pregnancy in the early stages is not sufficiently reliable. Since the basal temperature can be affected by such factors as the use of spicy food, alcohol, high physical exertion.

Subjective factors of early pregnancy determination before delay

The signs of pregnancy at its very beginning are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, since in both cases there is a high level of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the safety of the embryo.

Some women determine pregnancy by the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, or morning sickness and vomiting, or a change in the state of the breast. Every woman has his own signs. It is best to determine pregnancy in the early stages of a woman who do not have premenstrual syndrome or those for whom this pregnancy is not the first.

The main signs of pregnancy in the early stages:

  1. The earliest definition of pregnancy is possible by the appearance of a feeling of pain in the chest, its enlargement and engorgement.
  2. The emergence of bloody discharge 2-7 days before menstruation, which occur during implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus.
  3. Especially sensitive to smells and aversion to ordinary food.
  4. Unclear premonitions, increased drowsiness, excessive fatigue, confusion, irritability, which previously were not inherent in a woman.
  5. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, frequent urination. These symptoms are associated primarily with increased innervation of the pelvic organs.

The earliest definition of pregnancy

The earliest way to determine pregnancy is a blood test for its content. human chorionic gonadotropin. It must be taken on an empty stomach, in the morning. Most early term   for determining pregnancy by this method - these are ten days after sexual intercourse, when conception could presumably occur. But it must be remembered that hCG sometimes rises even in non-pregnant women while taking certain drugs, with oncological diseases.

Somewhat later, but still before the delay of critical days,   You can use the home pregnancy test. But at the same time for the early determination of pregnancy it is necessary to acquire a test with the highest sensitivity.

It is possible to carry out such a test two or three days before the date of the beginning of the month. Be sure to do it in the morning. The highest concentration of hCG is achieved if you do not urinate for 6 hours.

If the test is negative or with a weak second strip, then after a few days you can do retesting. But in any case, a barely noticeable second strip increases the chances of a positive result and the presence of pregnancy.

Articles Health How long can you determine pregnancy

How long can a pregnancy be determined?

For every woman who is expecting a baby, it is very important to determine the exact timing of the pregnancy, and as soon as possible. This is especially true of those future moms who are expecting their first child or are trying to get pregnant for a very long time. At what time and which method is the most reliable to determine early pregnancy?

1. Basal method

It’s good that you don’t have to go anywhere, buy anything and calculate it. It is enough just for 2-3 days in the morning, without getting out of bed, to measure the basal temperature (in the rectum) with a thermometer for 5-6 minutes. If the temperature stably exceeds 37 degrees, there is a high probability that you are pregnant. However, this method does not determine the timing of pregnancy and often gives errors.

2. Pregnancy test

The most common and generally reliable method. The test responds to the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which is produced only during pregnancy. The first strip on the test appears in any case and confirms that everything is normal with the test itself. If there is a second - then you are in position. If the second strip is very pale, this may indicate both a very early gestational period and an incorrect test.

When is the best time to conduct a test? Gynecologists say that it is safer to do a test after 1 day of menstruation in the morning. But since chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced by the body as early as the 10th day after conception, and conception, as is known, is possible only on the day of ovulation (with a 30-day cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on the 15th day) even a few days before the monthly delay.

3. Visit to the gynecologist

On examination, even without an ultrasound, any more or less experienced doctor will determine the pregnancy and its duration with an accuracy of one week, based on the size of the uterus and the height of its bottom. But this method works only from the 3rd to the 20th week of pregnancy. In the future, for different women, the size of the uterus at different stages of pregnancy may differ significantly.

It is easy to determine pregnancy with the help of ultrasound since the fertilized egg penetrated the wall of the uterus. But this will determine the embryonic duration of pregnancy, and not obstetric. What is the difference? Obstetric term - these are the dates and numbers that are entered in the pregnancy calendar. By the 1st day of the last menstruation, 40 weeks is added, and thus the periods of pregnancy are determined and the date of birth is established. The embryonic period is calculated based on the development of the fetus. And since each woman has her own cycle, and future children develop individually, not submitting to any deadlines, obstetric and gynecological periods can vary up to 2 weeks.

5. Blood test method

The most reliable way to establish pregnancy by examining the level of hormones in the blood. However, you will have to wait several days for the test result, and this method does not allow you to establish whether you have a uterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.

Folk methods for determining pregnancy

Our grandmothers had neither tests nor ultrasound, but they wanted to know the dates of pregnancy and childbirth no less than ours. How did they establish future motherhood? In the absence of menstruation, of course, bouts of nausea and vomiting. But the date of delivery was calculated by the first movement of the fetus. It is believed that the first movement of the child in the stomach of a woman (especially primipara) feels exactly at half of the pregnancy, that is, at the 20th week. Consequently, another 20 weeks were added to the significant day - and an approximate term of delivery was received.

And in ancient Egypt, women were asked to urinate on two sacks of grain: one with barley, the other with wheat. If barley germinated, there will be a boy, if wheat is a girl, if nothing has germinated, a woman, alas, will not be a mother yet.

Pregnancy is one of the most vivid and desirable events in a woman’s life. Someone long and hard to prepare for this period, and someone leaves everything to chance and fate. However, whatever the planning of pregnancy, the first signs remain almost the same. It is the first signs at an early term that will help you to make sure that soon you will become parents.

The first signs of pregnancy can appear as early as a week after conception: hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, which are manifested in a sharp change of mood, anxiety, and propensity to cry. But the characteristics of each woman’s body are individual: for some, signs of pregnancy associated with a change in mood and behavior are very obvious, while for others, pregnancy is almost not observed.

In the first week after conception, a pregnant woman may experience an increase in body temperature, and this change is considered normal. In that case, if the total temperature remains within the normal range, the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature) always rises. In order to correctly measure it and avoid inaccuracies between the thermometer and the actual temperature, the basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after sleep, being in a horizontal position. If the woman is pregnant, the temperature in the rectum will be 37-37.5.

Depending on the characteristics of the body, the first signs of pregnancy appear in the period from one week to a month. The earliest and most common messengers of pregnancy include:

  • slight yellowish, brown or pinkish tint;
  • minor cramps;
  • increased basal temperature;
  • an increase in breast size, which is accompanied by unpleasant, even painful sensations. This is explained by the fact that at the hormonal level changes occur in the body - the human chorion gonadotropin (the so-called pregnancy hormone) begins to be produced. This hormone causes changes in the breast. increase in size, swelling and darkening of the nipples, painful sensations.
  • relatively frequent urination, which subsequently arise the work of the above hormone (chorion gonadotropin). It is important to know that increased urination is often the first sign of pregnancy, but in almost all cases it is mistakenly perceived as a normal reaction of the body to certain products;
  • general mild malaise, fatigue, which are also explained by hormonal alterations in the body. Fortunately, over time, the body adapts to these changes and these signs disappear;
  • the absence of menstruation is the most obvious sign of pregnancy, which often alarms women, even if they are not pregnant. In the absence of menstruation in certain time you should check your condition with a pregnancy test. Sometimes, for complete reliability, you can use two tests, as often one can give the wrong result;
  • nausea, especially in the morning, which is another of the most popular signs of pregnancy;
  • toxicosis - a painful reaction to various odors, which often become the cause of vomiting. Toxicosis can appear both in the first week after conception, and one month after it;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially on days when menstruation should occur.

The fact that you have discovered one or even two of these signs does not mean at all that you will soon have a baby. Perhaps these changes in the body are caused by completely different reasons. If you are not sure whether you are pregnant or not, do not wait for the onset of manifestations of the following signs of pregnancy - develop your doubts by purchasing a pregnancy test or going to a doctor.

Diagnosis of pregnancy is to establish the fact of pregnancy and its duration. The presence of pregnancy is ascertained on the basis of doubtful, probable and reliable signs.

Doubtful signs appear during pregnancy, but they are not associated with changes in the genitals and mammary glands. These are such subjective symptoms as change in taste and olfactory sensations, changes in appetite, and also objective - changes on the part of nervous system   (irritability, drowsiness, vegetative reactions), the appearance of pigmentation on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, on the nipples and in the okolososkovoy region, nausea, vomiting in the morning, etc.

How to determine the duration of pregnancy?

Probable signs reflect objective changes associated with the genitals and mammary glands:

  • cessation of menstruation;
  • an increase in the mammary glands and the excretion of them when the colostrum is pressed;
  • loosening and cyanosis of the vestibule of the vagina and cervix (a sign of Skrobansky);
  • the comb-like protrusion on the anterior surface of the uterus is a sign of Genter;
  • enlargement and changes of the uterus (asymmetry) - sign Piscachek;
  • softening of the isthmus of the uterus — a sign of Horwitz — Gegar;
  • increased uterine contractility - a sign of Snegirev;
  • positive biological and immunological reactions to the presence of chorionic gonadotropin (HGT) in the urine.

Methods of diagnosis of pregnancy

Biological and immunological methods for the diagnosis of early pregnancy are based on the detection in the urine of the metabolite HGT that appears during pregnancy. The introduction of the urine of pregnant women to immature animals causes certain changes in them due to hormonal effects. Such biological reactions are known in mice (the reaction of Aschheim - Condeka), rabbits (Friedman reaction) and in male frogs on the activation of spermatogenesis (the Galli – Mainini reaction). Later, an immunological method was used to inhibit the hemagglutination reaction of sheep erythrocytes treated with HGT with an appropriate antiserum supplemented with the urine of pregnant women. Currently, standard kits are used, based on this principle, with the help of which it is possible to formulate a reaction to the presence of pregnancy within a few minutes.

Reliable signs are determined by palpation and registration of movements of the fetus, listening to its heartbeat, probing large and small parts. An important place in the diagnosis of pregnancy belongs to additional research methods (ultrasound, electro- and phonocardiography of the fetus).

Diagnosis of early pregnancy is based on a combination of likely signs, including immunological reactions to CHT. It is possible to confirm pregnancy with a follow-up examination after 2 weeks for compliance with an increase in uterus gestational age. In doubtful cases, the presence of pregnancy is determined by ultrasound (registration of the embryo and its heartbeat).

Diagnosis of late pregnancy (from 18–20 weeks) is based on the identification of reliable signs. In doubtful cases, use additional methods of examination.

Gestational age is calculated taking into account the data of anamnesis, information of female consultation and objective examination. Determine the first day of the last menstruation, the date of the first movement of the fetus (for primiparous - 20 weeks, and for multiparous - 18 weeks), calculate the period for the day of the alleged ovulation, taking into account the duration of the menstrual cycle, according to ultrasound, and the first early (up to 10 -12 weeks) attend a doctor.

How is the date of delivery assigned?

Date of delivery is determined as follows. A normal pregnancy lasts 280 days, i.e. 40 weeks, or 10 obstetric months (should be counted from the first day of the last menstruation). However, for some women, pregnancy may last more or less than this period (fluctuations within 2 weeks are considered normal). The day of the upcoming delivery can be determined by adding 280 days to the first day of the last menstruation. For convenience, it is accepted from the first day of the last menstruation to count back 3 months and add 7 days. The term of labor can also be determined by the first movement of the fetus: by the date of the first movement of the fetus, 5 obstetric months, or 140 days, are added to the first pregnant women, or 5.5 days, for multiparous women, or 154 days.

For the correct determination of the gestational age and the date of the upcoming delivery, objective examination data are of great importance. In the first months of pregnancy, her term is determined by the size of the uterus, as determined by vaginal examination (in the first trimester). In the future, the necessary information is obtained by measuring the height of the bottom of the uterus above the fold, comparing it with the abdominal circumference and the size of the fetus.

When medical examination of pregnant women, it is important to consider the size of the uterus and the height of its bottom in different periods of pregnancy:

month of pregnancy - the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg;

months (8 weeks) - the uterus has the dimensions of a goose egg, the bottom of its external methods is not determined;

month (12 weeks) - the uterus reaches the size of the head of the newborn, its bottom is determined at the upper edge of the pubic arch;

months - the bottom of the uterus 3 cm above the pubic symphysis;

months - the bottom of the uterus 2 cm below the navel;

months - the bottom of the uterus at the navel;

months - the bottom of the uterus 2 to 3 cm above the navel;

months - the bottom of the uterus in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process, abdominal circumference - 80 - 85 cm;

A woman notes shortness of breath at 9 months of pregnancy, when the head of the fetus (the bottom of the uterus) props up the diaphragm, and at 10 months of pregnancy, when the bottom of the uterus falls, breathing becomes more free ("easier to breathe"). With the same standing of the bottom of the uterus at the 8th and 10th months of pregnancy, the abdominal circumference is different - 80 - 85 cm and 90 - 100 cm, respectively.

With the help of a tazomer, it is possible to measure both the length of the fetus from the buttocks to the head, and the frontal-occipital size of the head (9.5 - 10 cm at 8 months and 10.5 - 11 cm at 9 months of pregnancy).

To determine the duration of pregnancy, you can use the formula I. F. Zhordania:

where X is the desired duration of pregnancy, L is the length of the fetus (cm) in the uterus and C is the frontal-occipital head size (cm). For example, when L = 22 cm and C = 10 cm, X = 22 + 10 = 32, i.e., the desired gestational age is 32 weeks.

Currently, many difficulties associated with accurate determination of the gestational age are eliminated due to the possibility of obtaining accurate biophysical indicators of the fetus by ultrasound diagnostics. With this method, taking into account the indicators of objective research and anamnesis data, the term of labor is determined, which is important for timely use of benefits relying pregnant woman.

The duration of pregnancy should be considered correctly from the moment of fertilization to the term of normal delivery. However, taking into account the difficulties of determining the moment of fertilization, it is customary to calculate the duration of pregnancy in connection with the periods of menstruation (a clinically obvious manifestation of cyclical changes in the reproductive system). In most cases (up to 80%), the pregnancy lasts 10 lunar months (40 weeks, or 280 days) from the first day of the last menstruation and is considered full-term from 38 full weeks to 41 full weeks. Premature pregnancy - at childbirth in earlier periods, postponed - in later; respectively, the delivery is premature and late.

Criteria for life and death of the embryo and fetus are established according to the complaints, anamnesis, objective and special studies. In the early stages of pregnancy, the main ones are progression or lack of it in the size of the uterus, as well as hormone levels, especially human chorionic gonadotropin; at a later date - movement of the fetus and its heartbeat. Recently, however, the fact of development or death is easily established using the ultrasound method from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Signs of former birth

Signs of former labor often have to be determined in forensic practice. Some of them, allowing to distinguish the woman who gave birth from the birthless woman, remain for the rest of her life:

  • whitish scars on the skin of the anterior abdominal wall (striaegravidarum);
  • lowering its tone and, often, flabbiness;
  • scars in the perineum at its ruptures and gaping genital slit;
  • wider vagina with reduced folding of its mucous membranes;
  • deep ruptures of the hymen;
  • slit-like shape of the external osma of the cervix (in those who have not given birth, it is punctate);
  • often ruptures of the cervix;
  • change in the size and shape of the mammary glands.