Vegan sir recipe. Vegetarian sire: how do you like to vibrate and prepare yourself? Syru stem process

No problem! More precisely, the problem can be violated. Know how to buy a vegan sire via the Internet, or grow your own.

We will learn a lot of recipes for preparing a vegan sir.

One of the most popular is the sire of the mountains: cedar, kesh, Brazilian, macadamia, or migdalny.



water, in a small amount, ample, and brush the peas in a blender
three leaves of basil (for bazhannyam)
kharchovі drіzhі for syrupy relish and vіtamіnu B12
1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice (or more for bazhannyam)
1-2 cloves for an hour (for bazhannyam)
1/4 teaspoon salt (or more to relish)
a pinch of dry lavender (for bazhannyam)
black chalk pepper (for bazhannyam)
All the best at the blender. Bazhano sprobuvati masu pislya її rozmіshuvannya and vіdregulyuvati Ingredіonti to relish. The sire is ready, you can immediately live in the refrigerator near the refrigerator.


As soon as you pick up the macadamia peas, it’s not recommended to soak it in the first place;

Horihi macadamia ta
Try the photos of the preparation stages here. Mabut, vikhodit more liquorice soft creamy sir. The recipe for having a lot of positive messages


With fermented miso paste.

During the video, the obsession with the sir is a part of the process of preparing food (in this case, from the living growing components). Video of the lesson in preparing sir to take revenge on Russian subtitles: Piza z Elaina Love: vegan sire:

2 flasks of cashew kernels, soaked for a few years or for a night
water in a few, ample, and brush the peas in a blender
Art. a spoonful of fermented miso paste for syrupy gusto (light miso, Ingredian Japanese cuisine)
1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice (for relish)
1/4 teaspoon salt (for relish)
All the changes before the crazy madness of the masa will not become trifling. Change the blender from the plastic bag to the refrigerator. For storing in countries, add a small kut near the package and see the sire for pizza, pasta, rice, bobi, cracker, toast, etc. Div. video. Sire ready for implantation, or you can have rooms at the refrigerator on the zberigannya


You can find it in great stores in Europe, America, Japan, Australia, and also via the Internet. For example, the Goodness Direct online store delivers to Europe. The list includes Poland, Ugorshchyna, Slovenia. Russia is dumb. For bazhannyam you can call and make adjustments to the delivery. Zats_kavleni will be happy to drink for a vegan sire can become distributors, otherwise they will be able to see their own wines.

So, the Scottish vegan sire Sheese Sheese has been broken up by a group from Scotland:

From a small homemade vegan food primed on Malovny Island B'ut Island in Scotland, Sheez reimagined herself to what she saw on several continents as a company that produced a solid vegan syrup of 9 New Years and 5. Sire on a viglyad, relish and smell even as bad as a wicked sire to wind himself on his own. It is practically impossible for the countries to fail. Шиїз in 2008 won the game of the international gold in the Great Taste city for a soft creamy sir iz channik and herbs.

Let's go to Siri Chizli Cheezly. Also available from Great Britain, The Redwood Co.

Sirny Produkciya tsієї kompanії vklyuchaє 11 naymenuvan: Bіly Cheddar Chіzlі, Orange Cheddar Chіzlі, Cheddar Chіzlі of domіshkoyu veganskogo bacon, Chіzlі of chasnikom i herbs Chіzlі style Nacho Chіzlі of cranes, Narіzany Chіzlі style Chiіzlі Rock style of Especially zdatnіstyu plavitisya, Edamamі Chiіzlі , Chiizli Gretsky style.

One of the first vegan sires, savory and nasty sir, is the sire of the Follow Your Heart company, which was founded in 1970 on the place of coli meat cramnitsa. Follow Your Heart with a mix of vegan mayonnaise and імітацію chicken meat and the sire began to vipuskati rock_v 6-7 volumes. Company viroblyaє 4 types of hard sirіv, m'yaky vegan cream sir and vegan sour cream.

Effortless brands of commercial vegan syringes to replace non-transitional fats, non-GMOs.


In the last few years, there is a new kind of vegan sir on the market. Yogo vipusk is a young company called Dr. Kau Dr Cow.

There is a lot of roses about Dr. Kau. Bagato hto vvazhaє yo is not deprived of the most popular of vegan sirs, but of the most obvious traditional sirs, prepared from the milk used by tvarin-slaves.

Veronika Schwartz and Pablo Castro -

Immigranti from Argentini moved to New York. ЇKhnya Company Doctor Kau - Dr. Cow is based close to 4 times that. Have a stench from the sale of granola from the American grain culture: amaranth. Then they turned to sire.

The price is not great, the enterprise is ideally clean,

Chinna on the basis of ecological principles. The stench of vikoristovuyut lichen organically viroscheni components, more animal free. Numerous conveyors and packaging lines. The robot will be carried out by hand. Just a blender that is used for showroom sir. The products are also packaged by hand. Hard siri packed in parchment papir

And the siri meat is in the plastic container, ale and corn.

What is Dr. How to see?

At the time of their successors, Pablo and Veronika turned to the traditional technology of preparing a sire. Oh tsіkavilo, how to savor sir with such rich facets. Seriously set to fermentation.

Ingridієнti Dr Cow is provided with a minimum of processing. The product is left alive, all the power of the components given by nature is to be lost in saving and not to be driven in high temperatures... Victory is a bit of acidophilus bacteria (fermentation is not possible, the food is not filled with a bouquet of lilac gourmands). Himalayan salt.

Firm Siri walk along the path of Siri's showroom stretching out three months.

In Danish hour, Dr.

Z gorіkhіv kesh'yu
z kesh'yu that nasinnya hemp
from the cache of the Brazilian mountains
z kesh that sea grass
s macadamia
from macadamia and today hemp.
Tsey sir tane at roti and with more malt for a gourmet.

Bagato hto dovgo is alive without sire and without a bar, having ceased thinking about new things. Then the focussed supporters appeared with a garnishing lilac relish, and vreshty-resht Dr. Only once innocent: for creatures, for the Planet it is for itself.

Veronika and Pablo have plans to expand the assortment: ni the stench of praise over the otrimannyam sira on chstalt parmezhan that swiss.


Recipes for self-prepared sir, donations on the cob of statistics, є recipes for "living" (syruh) sir. The components are taken from the cich recipes of their own brown power.

For quiet, hto namagatsya unique vzhivannya products of foodstuffs, vegan sire can be a listenable option. The whole product can also be cinnamon thymus, but there are no problems with lactose intolerance or allergies to the milk bottle.

Vegan sire: warehouse and type of dairy

What is the reason for being "spoken"? The natural sire is ready to go by the way of extra milk (casein) with calcium and combination for example). We will allow the acidity to increase for the additional special purpose, which will convert zucru (lactose) into acid. Consolidation of blocks (sir) is able to develop and heat, so that it can be accepted by vologians, in such a rank I can see a solid word from the child's phase. Sire, how to go, can be modified for an hour old, and as a result, textures and aromas, tied to the product visibility, are determined.

Zgіdno according to international standards, sir is a fresh, dosed solid or a hard product, in any form of sirovatkovy beetle / casein, it doesn’t change the formulation of discarded milk. Vidobuvatsya sir in a number of ways:

    coagulation (generally or partly) of the offensive syruvine: milk (whole or fatty), tops, syrovatovy cream or buttermilk, with the help of a fermented nut ferment, and other parts of the coagulation

    processing technologies, which include coagulation of milk and / or materials, diane product, scho maє podbnі physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics (so the title "lilac product").

Vegan sir - it's just a consolidation of the wine from the mountains, coconut, beans, etc. For the sake of acidity during preparation, it is also possible to pick up milk bacteria. For a more solid vegan serum, blame vikoristovuvatsya emulgatori, olii and zagusniki.

Consolidation at the same time - the price of nutritional support for bills and, on the basis of the normal service, the physical connection of the bills in the weekday option for the day. Sire is fed to the natural maturity, like a real product's weakness, it is not because of such a foldable relish and aroma. Evidently, it is a solid and such a product, and a vegan sir, that melts, and its texture, all one strongly evolves from dairy.

Yak tse pratsyuє?

The process is even simpler and includes the preparation of natural bacteria, as you can dissolve from the grains. In addition, you will know a dzherelo bilka, such a gorіkh or a bean base. One from themselves best optionsє kesh'yu.

Grains are given germination throughout the day, or close to that, and then they are fermented with natural microorganisms, like the stench to revenge. Approximately in 3 days you will have a gostra ridin with a natural milk bacterium, yak is ready to ferment a bottle, and a vegan sir is ready to eat.

As soon as you have a natural starter bacterium, you can prepare a sire from cash. Try to walk a path soaking cashews by the water for 6-8 years in order to make sure that you do it. As soon as you are going to be viconano, you need to adjust the bitches to one-sided mouth, then add a "starter", and put everything in a non-vented place at room temperature. Vitrimuvati the product is guilty for a stretch of 2-3 days, fallen asleep. Schob otrimaty sire of vegan melting, to know more additional olії on kshtalt coconut.

Pislya ts'go gor_khovy sir matima accept hospitality gusto for a rakhunok of fermented candies, which is seen from kesh'yu. In such a rank, there can be preparations, whether it is a bit of a mountain or to bring us to a day. So, in the middle of the Syroïdiv there is a popular sire from the day of the sleepyhead. Navigate as well for options with cashews, and in all cases, you can add new views.

Vegan can be used to make sure that you can create one of the options, you can prepare a base for the “sirn”. Yak zgaduvalosya vishche, the vegan siri has no real chemistry consolidation. They put in a variety of products, proteas, and add olіy, zagusnikіv and other additives to improve the texture and characteristics of the fair sir.

How to prepare the main vegan syru

If you are unique in implanting food products, then you can easily forget about milk and sychug for preparing sir. Besides, because you are a vegan option, see if you can start growing your own "starting" bacterial culture. Tse is similar to the "starter" for natural pickle or sauerkraut.

You know:

  • 2 bottles of sirih unsalted cashews;
  • approximately 1-1.5 flasks of some kind of grains (old to germination);
  • sil - one pinch.

Vegan sire: recipe for cooking

Before we need to pay respect to the tsukrovy warehouse cash'yu that plan of wandering tsukr_v. That you need the same mature mountains.

Then, if you are guilty, set up the middle ground for the development of bacteria. For a whole lot of grain, be it - mustache varieties of wheat, barley is too thin. The skin of cultures is to take revenge on its own population of natural bacteria.

You can correct access to the microorganisms, the trochas of grain changes: go over them and fill them with water. You can spend several days working out the little steams to fix the shape. There is a natural process in all grains / roslin, and if it is added - the starch in them is transformed into more accessible food for bacteria.

Also, grain can be found at the sale of large shops, healthy and for city dwellers. As soon as it sprouts sooner, blame it for putting it in a jar of water and taking it at room temperature for 2-3 days.

You punch, how on the surface doyak bulbashki appear, and also see ryzka zmіna smell. This is the result of the fermentation of grains and the propagation of lactic acid bacteria. The result you have will be a sourdough for fermentation of candies from kesh'yu, yak I will open that reception gastry gusto, like є from siru. We are guilty of kushtuvati tsyu masu for relish.

Yak tilki ridina will become trokhi hostess, put the jar in the refrigerator, so that the process can be assured. Tse allow the leaven to become active by stretching a few teaspoons.

Syru stem process

Soak 2 cashew bottles in cold water for 6-8 years. Let you dry the peas and put them in a blender bowl.

Give close 1/4 or 1/2 flask "starter" and beat until the single mouth is set. There is no need to add some extra water - top up only in the same amount, in which case it will be necessary for one-sided consistency. Transfer the ready-made pasta to the cooked area.

Fermentation process

Now, everything you need is just an hour in the month, you can't sell it. It is also important to take approximately one room temperature (18-22 degrees).

You will read about it, and in about 2 days the aroma of the malty mouth will become deceptive. Tse vіdbuvatsya through lactic bacteria, like virostili in the "starter", the odd odor to transform zukra into a paste with a cache of lactic acid. The price of wandering can go on to a quiet feast, as long as you do not get the taste of the smell of the product. Good people look like a balanced acid, that is, they will do it.

Completed preparation process

In other words, like a vegan sire, you see it as "right" for a relish, put it in the refrigerator. As soon as you build yourself up, if the wine is dry, you can do it until it gets cold. Besides, lemon juice can give a fresh aroma.

In addition, as a sire from cashews will be ready, you can put it in the misci at the viglyadi "spreads" or download it into the required form. In addition, it is possible to add to it, be it herbs or specials. Schob vibrate is a consumable gusto, it is recommended to use the vegan Volko Molko. The sale has a great number of types and options with different specials. The process of the residual "dozing" is trivial to the refrigerator. Simply wrap the product in a translucent plastic and keep it in a closed plastic container.

Veganism is a cardinal change to the race in all kinds of food products. To go straight to the point from other reasons, I will increase the perception of all these principles. But it doesn’t mean that you will come across your favorite products. Є the best soups, salads and shawarma. And if earlier they loved all siri, then here for vegans Vigadan is a wonderful alternative.

Vegan sir is a unique product with low relish and a pleasant aroma. It’s not deprived of the followers of the vegetarian current, but the one who is inaccessible to the milk bottle due to medical indicators. Would you like to know the lecture? Hang out with us.

Popular types of vegan sira

Seasonal assortment of products at stores zaznav suttєvich changes. Excited about the popularization of the vegan trend, there was a majestic number of naymenuvans, which are very important for their followers. I didn’t miss the sire, like performances in the police a majestic circle sorts. Among the most popular:

  • Mozzarella. An option for vegans is to prepare from sprouted rice, whole-grain cereals, or navi lushpinnya (a special variety of sirovini is taken). At the warehouse of the finished product, there is a large number of cells, which positively infuse into the intestinal peristalsis. It's not necessary to talk about gusto - it's a miracle.
  • Parmesan. Tsey vegan sir can accept spicy relish and low aroma. Vikoristovuyutsya for the preparation of great kilkosti strav, mending from the mouth, salads, ending with soups.
  • Feta. The product is made from the basis of soy milk. On the markets, in supermarkets, the popularity of spicy feta is most popular with the addition of aromatic specialties.
  • Melting sire. Wyrobniks use it on the basis of fruit trees and nutmeg. Likewise, before the warehouse, the cashew nuts are switched on obov'yazkovo. The product should be sold very quickly, we will be korisnіshim for sir from cow's milk.

Zvychayno, you can add the finished product, ale yaksho є great hour varto vitratiti yogo on the preparation of the vlasny sira. And to that, there are simple and easy-to-use recipes.

  • Cashews - 2 bottles.
  • Powder for an hourglass - 1 tablespoon.
  • Dry drіzhі - 1 teaspoon.
  • Water - 1 bottle.
  • Roslinna olia - 2 tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
  • Pepper, silt - to taste.
  • The gorikhi will soak up approximately for doba.
  • Put cashew nuts in a blender bowl, pour in room temperature water, olive olia, citrus juice, others. Solimo and pepper for relish. With a stretch of decilkoh chilin blender until an acceptable, low consistency is established.
  • Gotuumo shmatok of gauze, folds near a ball of balls. Vikladaєmo in a new and schіlno zagortamo gorіkhovu masu, molding colo.
  • Put it in a bowl, press it with a vantage, and send it to the refrigerator on the water. It is necessary to showcase the Maybutny sire for 5-6 years.
  • For embellishment, we take krіp, otherwise shaky yogo. The ready-made sire will bring greenery, trochie vtiskuchi її into the product.
  • The sire is ready. Can be served to the table.

Korisna is delighted. It’s even an hour, even if it’s around, it’s possible to show the mountains for 2 years on the sprinkles. Ale varto, it means that the gusto will not be so versatile, as with the trivial feeling of the cold water.

  • Cabbage - 3 cups
  • Chasnik - 1 piece.
  • Roslinna olia - 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Sove milk -1/4 cup.
  • An hourglass in granules - ½ teaspoon.
  • Dry drіzhі - 3 tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.
  • Miso-paste - 1 teaspoon.
  • Paprika and girchytsya - ¾ teaspoon each.
  • Borosna - 1 tablespoon.
  • Starch - 2 tablespoons.
  • Agar-agar - 2 teaspoons.
  • We take a small casserole, pour in one spoonful of olive oil. Programmatic, and kidaimo I will add a little bit to the chaplain. Slightly obscene, because of the preparation of the sutsvittya of flowering cabbage. Water is poured in, salted with relish and extinguished until vegetables are ready.
  • For that, yak cabbage will be ready, water is pissed off.
  • Zakidaєmo to vegetables in a sasht of Ingredіntіv, krym starch and natural gelatin.
  • Good, everything is mixed and passed through a blender. As the masa goes back and forth thickly, it is possible to add a trocha of water, which is overflowing with the sprinkling of the flowering cabbage.
  • Dodaamo soli, when there is a mishap.
  • Use a blender to add starch and gelatin to the mixture.
  • Castrule is put on the fire and cooks about five khilin, do not fizzle out over and over again. As a result, the sirna sumish becomes thick.
  • Ostudzhuimo, laid out at the form, behind the scenes with olive olives.
  • Fridge-free.

Korisna is delighted. Vegan sir for cim is the best recipe for making sandwiches, sandwiches and vegetarian food.


Dairy-free sirny alternatives, prepared from mountains, soy beans or plastic giblets from police supermarkets.

Sire is priceless and ethically ill-conceived for bagatyokh people. Vegan is introduced to the world, ale vegetarians are allowed to go without a vagan. Deyak siri navit not vegetarian. One hour for souring milk for an hour to prepare a large number of sorts of sichugs (the first part of the slunk of calves, including lambs, slaughtered until the month of birth).

Yak і all ssavtsі, the cow is guilty of playing the baby for milk. For a whole lot of pieces, there is a little bitchoroku. For people, the calves come out of their mothers for many years, some milk is reserved for the living of people. Tsey dosvid є traumatic and painful for creatures. Often moms call out over a span of several days to take them away.

Zarah vlasny health'ya svozhivaniya siru maє buti look again. In front of, the growth and solidity of the world looks like a slug, like it negatively flows into acid-water balance tila. Presidents from the University of Paris-Court at Vilyuife have shown that dietic acidity is positively linked to type 2 diabetics. Especially for the development of osteoporosis є there are clear signs of an acid-puddle balance.

Salvation to sir and meat is so shkidlive, yak kurinnya

Presented to the University of the Pivdennaya California, I will show you how the meat is brought to the world as it is very shkidlive as it is. The behavior of the population was spontaneous for more than 6,000 adults in every 50 years. Imovirnist development of the crayfish was four times the middle, hto surviving a large part of created bilkiv. The whole risk factor of death is similar to that of cigarettes.

10 popular sirens without ingredіntіv іz tvarin

It has become a lot of vegan rock on the market. Vegan sir has become increasingly popular and is now part of the standard repertoire in Bagatio supermarkets. There are no lousy alternative herbal alternatives.


Vegan mozzarella is based on sprouted rice, whole grain or lushpinnya. The price of nasinnєvi roselin shells "Plantago ovata". The smell may be high instead of klitkovini, and even fewer calories. You can also visit large organic markets and health food stores, as well as vegan supermarkets.


Wine for gusto is even more spicy and can be a vicoristany yak substitute for sir for preparing pasta grasses, salads and casseroles. Ingredients can be found at large supermarkets, organic markets and health shops. Vegan Parmesan can also be bought ready-made, cooked on organic markets and in health and wellness stores in many supermarkets.


Tempeh is an alternative to Camembert. Tempeh is an Indonesian product. Living and superbly valuable, he is characterized by a very high amount of wine and klitkovini. Store from fermented soybeans, like boules chipped with a mushroom, let's take it to a camamber. You can also pickle pickles and grease.

Sire feta

Vegan feta can be easily prepared on the basis of soy milk. At organic markets, health shops and vegan supermarkets, you can also add spicy vegan feta.

Melting sire

Vegan melting sir is made on the basis of fruit and nutmeg. It’s important to cook vicorist mingdal or cashews. To that, be encouraged to turn on healthy fats, to rob the substitute for healthy ones, not just cow's milk.

Rob the vegan sire yourself

When choosing alternative options to the vegan sir, you can use lactic acid bacteria. It smells like fermentation (bacterioplast zukor) from high-sugar carbohydrates, such as cereals. Pharmacies and shops are healthy and are the best places to try vegetarian starter cultures. Protect growing culture є absolutely necessary alternatives to growing. Vegetable sir can be easily removed without lactic acid bacteria.

Varshkovy sire iz kesh'yu

Cashew nuts are universal and especially good for vegetarian recipes, which does not allow gluten soy.


  • 150 g - kesh'yu kernels;
  • 100 ml - vodi;
  • 2 dried tomatoes;
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon chilli
  • 1 teaspoon paprika powder
  • 3 pinches of salt;
  • kharchovі others.

"Mommy!" - Luiji, my colleague, vividly wrapped in the great Italian ochima - Ty vegan ?! And why would we be happy to come to our Italian business lunch? Sir ti hocha b isi? Yak is pasta without parmesan?

Oh, for the unforgettable glimpses of the mountainous savor the notes of the wine and the spirit. Chim senior parmesan, and that means “expensive”, it is more intensely bitter.

Legend to svidchit, scho regional bank Credito Emiliano type of credit for the outpost of heads of parmesan Harvard Business School has introduced the phenomenon to its own people. The king of sirs, as he is called in Italy, is guilty of being old in a special store for 36 months. For 1 kg of siru yde, 13 liters of milk from cows. Dovgo, it is expensive that it is not ecologic!

And why is it not simpler to take away the bitter relish at once from the mountains? The same energy (calories) and lively speech (fat and fat) plus klitkovina. Do you have calcium, kaliy, zalizo, vitamini plus omega 6 and omega 3?

Vegan sticking from bitter parmesan is wonderful for both pasta and salads. That’s right there for everything: for filling, risotto, sheep's bread, lasagne, soups and navit to fruit, for example, pear with parmesan.



Gorikhi kesh'yu - 80 g

Kharchovі dіzhdzhі (no need to cheat with bakeries dіzhdzhі) - 3 tbsp. spoons

Sil (gimalaiska) - 1/2 year of a spoon

Chalk powder (or an hour of drying in granules) - 1/2 year of a spoon

How to prepare:

Use a food processor or a blender to save money from a single food processor.

Take it in the refrigerator, in a glassy, ​​sealed container.

Cashew peas can be substituted for cedar peas.