Taoist practice of rejuvenation "light of Tao". Human Rejuvenation

Taoist techniques for rejuvenation and hatha yoga are different from each other. But they are based on a different understanding of the disease from the West. And both paths are designed to maintain health in the human body.

To maintain vigor and excellent appearance until venerable years is the dream of all people. In Eastern countries, thousands of years ago, healthy longevity became the goal of monks-scientists. The wellness practices of Ayurveda, the Taoist path of rejuvenation, or everyday qigong techniques allow the people of Asia and Japan to achieve active aging. Combining these methods with the successes of Western medicine and cosmetology is not so difficult.

Traditional Chinese Medicine takes a holistic (holistic) approach to human health. It is based on the Taoist theory of life energy - qi, which circulates through the imaginary channels of the body. Violation of her movement, stagnation in one place or excess in another lead to disease. The reasons for this can be not only the wrong lifestyle, but also behavioral factors:

  • stressful situations, bad mood;
  • excessive emotions, negative thinking;
  • violation of moral norms.

Such views overlap with the European science of psychosomatics, which establishes a link between the psycho-emotional state of a person and his health. The Taoist model for achieving longevity of qi-gong includes the following complex measures.

  1. Ethical - a balanced life without fuss, in accordance with conscience, accepted religious and moral rules.
  2. Spiritual - meditations and other ways of developing the spirit.
  3. Breathing techniques - as another way to control the spirit, body energies.
  4. Eating is a no-nonsense diet with lots of plant foods.
  5. Physical activity is a special gymnastics, useful for the body and bringing the soul into balance.

Medicinal herbs and everyday foods are also used as a way to normalize qi movement and cultivate. In the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, the causes of aging of the body are associated with a long-term disorder of the mind and body. It is the harmony of physical, energetic and spiritual components that ensures longevity and health.

It seems difficult to combine the methods of a Taoist or Buddhist monastery with the hectic city life. But there are many books that popularize this knowledge. For example, Zheng Fuzhong and other authors explain the ways of influencing energy points for the health of the body.

Qigong and yoga

Taoist qigong practices are multifunctional. It is a sophisticated system for strengthening both body and spirit. From a spiritual point of view, they teach you how to manage your own life energy. On the physiological side, smooth movements strengthen the body, promote healthy longevity, and have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, nervous system.

A variety of techniques allows you to create a complex that does not require special physical training, and, therefore, is accessible to people with various diseases of all ages. Here is an example of a simple Taoist exercise that Zheng Fuzhong cites in his book The Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg:

Stand up straight, lower your arms and straighten your back. Raise one leg and close your eyes. Without opening them, hold the pose as long as possible.

There is no need to be deceived by the seeming simplicity of the method - it is difficult to maintain balance. You can spread your arms to the side, raise your leg forward, and not take it back. The exercise trains coordination well, puts in order the blood circulation of the internal organs, raises the body's resistance to diseases, and develops the correct posture. Even stroke survivors report an improvement in well-being and mental clarity after doing this Taoist stance regularly.

The yogic system of longevity is also aimed at harmonizing the bodily and spiritual. It consists of several schools that are interconnected. In the Western community, yoga practices are used as a form of gymnastics. They regulate the metabolism, increase the flexibility of joints, put in order the circulatory and endocrine systems, and help to cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

These methods are enough to rejuvenate the body. But the ability to move away from worry, a simple attitude to life, proper nutrition and timely cleansing of the body gives the best results.

Food of oriental centenarians

Depending on the structure of the monastery and its location, the diet of Taoist or Buddhist monks changed. But counting on the longevity of the body, they ate according to a similar pattern. Even those of them who did not completely abandon meat, reduced their use to 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, their diet can be correlated with the so-called Mediterranean diet.

  1. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, several times a week - eggs, fish.
  2. Legumes and cereals become a source of vegetable protein: rice, oats, beans, soybeans.
  3. Cabbage, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, rich in vitamin C and useful microelements, enjoy authority.
  4. Seafood and soy have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, and strengthen bones.
  5. Cottage cheese, cheese or other dairy products are recommended every other day (this is especially important for people over 50).

Every meal should be leisurely and enjoyable without overeating. Drinks - green tea or black pu-erh - are chosen depending on the time of day and the general condition of the body.

Acupuncture and self-massage

The energy channels that permeate the entire human body can be influenced if you know the correct points of influence. This is the basis of acupuncture (acupuncture) or acupressure (acupressure) - the Taoist method of restoring the balance of qi in the body. Chinese medicine uses this method of therapy along with traditional herbal preparations and modern methods of treating diseases.

The activation of the points not only relieves the severity of symptoms, but also promotes longevity. Self-massage or acupuncture at the first suspicion of a malfunction in one or another internal organ helps to prevent the development of the disease.

Such practices are included in the Taoist path of rejuvenation, and Zheng Fuzhong in his works clearly explains the location of these points. Regular exposure to them raises the protective functions of the body, prevents possible energy imbalances, stimulates the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.

Breathing techniques and meditation

Breathing control during qigong or hatha yoga is necessary as an increase in the impact on the body, which helps longevity. By themselves, breathing exercises can replenish energy at the end of the working day, calm down in an anxious situation, and stimulate one or another organ. Meditation is part of yoga practice, Taoist qigong. Skill on short term giving up the hustle and bustle is a healthy way to relax. But the development of these methods should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Chinese medicine, the Taoist qigong system and other eastern practices of body rejuvenation have their own contraindications. Care should be taken when choosing exercises and methods for achieving longevity. There are no special prohibitions for the massage of energy points. But the choice of a source of information or an acupuncturist must be very strict.

If you are a woman and take care of yourself and your face, love to take care of yourself, follow new trends in the beauty industry, you have already seen and paid attention to new techniquewhich is gaining popularity among women different ages... This technique involves applying anti-aging techniques at home for a youthful and beautiful face.

The technique consists of 5 parts:

  • Diagnostics of the types of age-related changes.
  • Home rejuvenating facial skin care.
  • Author's gymnastics for the face.
  • Self-massage to eliminate edema and improve facial skin tone.
  • Rejuvenating breathing technique.

And I want to draw your attention, this technique is designed for home use. Every woman, having mastered these techniques, applies them at home herself. She takes care of her own face and gets wonderful results. Do you think it's long and boring? My answer is no. It is very pleasant, exciting, because we ourselves can make ourselves pleasant and useful. Improve your mood and set yourself up to be positive. This becomes easy when positive changes are visible in the mirror every day. When you can see how the color and tone of the skin of the face improves, when swelling and dark circles around the eyes disappear, when creases and wrinkles become less pronounced and noticeable, the eyes shine and, more often, a charming smile appears on the face. Agree how pleasant it is to look at such a woman. And how nice it is to hear compliments addressed to you, I'll tell you.

I'll tell you more about face gymnastics and why it helps to tighten and improve the face of every woman.

Facial gymnastics is a set of exercises for all facial muscles.

Our face, as well as the whole body, consists of a bone frame, muscles, subcutaneous fat and skin, which packs and protects all of this (the main function of the skin as an organ of our body).

I'll tell you a little about the muscles of the face, see photo.

There are many of them, and they are all intertwined with each other, and if any of the muscles begins to lose tone and sag, then it inevitably begins to pull other muscles along with it. And there is also a feature, the muscles of our cheeks are fixed in a special way. At one end they are attached to the skull near the auricle, and at the other end are woven into the nasolabial fold, which is why this fold manifests itself in all of us over time and becomes very noticeable.

And this is not at all because of a smile and laughter, laughing is very useful! Emotions and facial expressions are both gymnastics and training. But to prevent wrinkles from forming, you need to use the entire daily complex of facial care.

Facial gymnastics consists of basic exercises and additional exercises for a specific muscle group or problem. By doing the exercises, we train the muscles, this is exactly the same as pumping the press, for example. If you do it regularly, every day 25-30 times each exercise, at a good pace and rhythm, if you need to tighten and adjust, then it takes about 5-10 minutes. If you need volume, then we do it slowly. Necessarily! there should be a cream or serum on the face, you cannot do exercises on a "naked" face, otherwise we will harm, ie increase or provoke new wrinkles.

For a pronounced result, you can do the complex 2 and 3 times a day, this is at your discretion or desire. And to supplement the care with a lifting mask, the skin will thank us for our attention and care.

Facial gymnastics is an effective and simple way to preserve youthfulness and beauty of the face at any age. What tasks do face exercises solve?

  • Modeling the oval of the face,
  • shaping young facial contours,
  • maintaining the tone of the neck and chin,
  • creating voluminous lips and smoothing wrinkles around the lips,
  • smoothing of nasolabial folds,
  • modeling the shape of the nose,
  • creation of young rounded cheeks,
  • strengthening the eyelids, enlarging the eyes.

The exercises are simple and affordable. They do not take long, and the results will not be long in coming. Checked by me!

Dear women, pay attention to yourself, if you no longer like your reflection in the mirror, then start to act urgently. Start with home facials. But just do it regularly and consciously. And let your reflection in the mirror only make you happy.

Take care of yourself with love!

The Taoist practice "Returning the appearance of youth" is intended mainly for facial rejuvenation, but it has an effect on the entire body as a whole. Prolonged regular practice will leave the skin soft, tender and smooth. Reduce wrinkles, remove age spots and prevent acne.

It is advisable to perform Taoist practice for facial rejuvenation at the same time every day (for example, in the morning or before bedtime).

Taoist complex "Returning the appearance of youth" consists of 14 exercises. It is recommended that you do all 14 exercises of this Taoist practice, observing specified order... Despite the large amount of exercise, the entire practice takes only 10 minutes. No special physical training is required to perform this Taoist facial rejuvenation practice.

During the practice for face rejuvenation, it is advisable to smile and present yourself as young. Smiling affects the nerve endings on your face, which send a signal to your brain that you are doing well. So the smile changes emotional condition... By smiling and imagining ourselves young, we amplify the rejuvenating effects of Taoist practice.

Taoist practice of rejuvenation:

1. Taoist practice: "To the three stars".

  1. Take the starting position standing: legs together, hands freely lower on the sides. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly (Fig. 1).
  2. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up, to a position above your head (Fig. 2). Raise your arms and breathe in as much fresh air as possible.
  3. Turn palms up, fingers towards each other, as shown in fig. 3, and raise your heels slightly.
  4. Return your palms to their previous position and slowly lower your hands (Fig. 4). Lowering your hands, exhale.

Repeat this exercise 3 times. The first raise of hands is called "to the star of Happiness", the second - "to the star of well-being", and the third - "to the star of Longevity."

The effect of Taoist practice: When the palms are directed downward, the energy of the earth (Yin) is absorbed through the biologically active points in the centers of the palms. When the palms are facing up, the energy of the sky (Yang) is absorbed. This practice increases vital energy and balances the yin and yang energies. Strengthens blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition is improved, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: "Sharpening the eagle's claw".

Raise and lower each heel 8 times (total 16 movements - rubbing the palms).

The effect of Taoist practice: This is the key exercise in this practice. 4 biologically active points on the palms and 9 points on the legs are stimulated. The nerve endings of the spine are stimulated. As a result of the complex effect on several biologically active points at once (when rubbing the palms and when raising and lowering the heels), the condition and rejuvenation of the whole body are improved. In particular, this practice stimulates the secretion of sex hormones and improves the elasticity of the joints. The regenerative processes in the skin are activated, which, as a result, takes on a fresh and youthful appearance.

This practice is especially useful for women with gynecological diseases and men with prostatitis. With these diseases, as well as pain or cramps in the legs, it is recommended to do this Taoist practice more often.

3. Taoist practice: "Slide of the three phoenixes".

  1. Raise your palms to your face at the level of your nose and cover your eyes (Fig. 8). After the previous exercise, the palms should be warm.
  2. Press lightly with your palms 8 times on your closed eyes.
  3. Move your palms slightly and open your eyes (Fig. 9).
  4. Rotate your eyes 8 times counterclockwise, 8 times rotate clockwise.
    Attention! Rotations should be performed slowly, carefully ensuring that the gaze alternately turns out to be at all extreme points - we look up, to the upper right corner, to the right, to the lower right corner, down, to the lower left corner, to the left, to the upper left corner. Don't cut corners!
  5. Perform 8 eye movements up and down.
  6. Perform 8 eye movements to the right and left.

The effect of Taoist practice: Pressing on the eyes stimulates biologically active points, and movements train the eye muscles. This practice is beneficial for eye health and improves vision. In combination with the following exercise () - removes eye swelling.

4. Taoist practice: "Moving heaven".

  1. With the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows ("third eye") to the temples.
  2. Also massage the forehead 8 times (Fig. 10).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates age wrinkles. This practice also helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, and nervous eye tics.

5. Taoist practice: "Drawing the tail of the phoenix."

8 times draw the bumps on the palms from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples (Fig. 11).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates crow's feet and tones the entire face. Helps with migraines. Complements the practice for eye health.

6. Taoist practice: "Outlining the cheeks".

Run your hands 8 times on your cheeks - from the cheekbones down (Fig. 12).

The effect of Taoist practice: Moisturizes skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

7. Taoist practice: "Pressure on the Yin storeroom."

  1. Bend your left arm at the elbow and raise it up. Cover your mouth with the center of your left palm, and with a pad thumb clamp the left nostril. The other 4 fingers should be on the right cheek. Press the right hand to the chin, cupping the palm of the hand (Fig. 13).
  2. Move your hands 8 times clockwise, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of the nose (breathe with the right nostril). Simultaneously make 8 circular movements with the tongue in the same direction.
  3. Repeat on the other side (fig. 14).

The effect of Taoist practice: Improves lip contour, lip fullness, anti-wrinkle around lips.

8. Taoist practice: "Showing the tongue."

  1. Cover your mouth and nose with your hands, index fingers, press on the notches on both sides of the nose. Press lightly on the cheeks with your thumbs, and put the remaining 3 fingers on the nose, leaving a small space for the mouth (Fig. 15).
  2. Opening your mouth, stick out your tongue 8 times, twist your tongue 8 times.
  3. Tap your teeth 8 times with your tongue.

The effect of Taoist practice: Rejuvenates facial skin and improves dental health.

9. Taoist practice: "Soaking up the jade fluid."

The effect of Taoist practice: The main effect of this practice is to stimulate the salivary glands to improve digestion and therefore skin condition. Moreover, this practice improves the fullness of the lips.

10. Taoist practice: "Beats of the dragon in the face."

Tap the entire face with your fingertips for one minute (Fig. 17).

The effect of Taoist practice: Revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation by acting on nerve endings, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face, the impact on which in the process of this practice contributes to the improvement of the functioning and rejuvenation of the whole organism.

The practices are aimed at returning youth, even if a person has become what society calls "old man", "grandmother", "old man", etc. I am sure, and I have always told you, that a person can and should live as long as he wants. Moreover, with all the physical data inherent in a young person, corresponding to the age of 25-30 years. Those. and at 70 and at 120 years old, a person can feel and look great, as at 25 years old.

However, you can live for 150 or 300 years. Modern medicine will not explain to you the reason why people die. They name some kind of disease from which someone died. But then, logically, if you don't have a single disease, then you don't have to die.

All processes can be reversed. I have told you more than once that old age is a disease. And how you can cure any disease - so you can heal from old age by curing yourself of it. It sounds strange, because for some reason, office. In general, medicine has never told you this, only instilling the fact that everyone is obliged to grow old.

Yes, how can a person, for example, be cured of psoriasis, flat feet, stomach ulcers, etc. - just as you can cure a person from old age. And this disease is treatable. There are yogis who have secret techniques and have rejuvenated themselves many times. History knows such personalities. For instance . From time to time he went alone to the Himalayas, from where he descended younger.

Despite the fact that I am already giving you a large-scale practice "Immortality and Eternal Youth". I decided to create a separate section on the Your Yoga website anyway, where I will give you practices for rejuvenation. Why do I consider this practice different? Because here we are NOT talking about preserving youth or prolonging youth (although this will be the same, but these practices are directed beyond that). Here we will talk about the option when you take a person, for example, at the age of 60, he does anti-aging practices and really starts to get younger. Do you understand? Don't look younger, look good, or be in good shape. This is real physical rejuvenation, turn back time.

On the site Your Yoga, I gave different practices that serve the same purpose. For example, practice "". Nevertheless, here and now I will give everything in a complex. Imagine that you came to a secret ashram in the Himalayas, appeared before its abbot, who asks you: "What do you want, why did you come here?" And you answer: "I want to lose a couple of decades ...". And you hear the answer: "Okay. Tomorrow I will give you the practices that you should do." And you start doing these practices.

Click to enlarge

Therefore, despite the fact that I have already given you many of my author's practices and techniques, I will not refer you to them, but I will single out the most important thing, the essence, so that you can use only the most important.

I also understand that there are people on my site who are waiting for my new practices to take them and make money on it. For example, make money from advertising on their websites or in groups like Vkontakte, attract clients at trainings, etc. Do not think that the banners, ads that you see on other sites are just that; they make big money on this, and also quickly lose their conscience. Therefore, I have lowered the placement of many of my practices. Because I am against making money on them, against making money on people, i.e. on you. I wrote about this in the article -. Someone probably thinks: when will he start giving the practice of rejuvenation, stop writing "off topic", "let's practice!" ... However, I want to repeat once again that you are no one, neither in the Himalayas, nor in India will not give outright practices of rejuvenation. And I won't. The century is very dirty, so you have to be careful. You agree that you are being used to make money for you, but at least - I disagree with that.
Therefore, you see that you are everywhere shoved with different creams that need to be smeared and nothing else. People themselves deserve that they are not given any knowledge at all. Because there will be craftsmen who will start making money on it. When I created the Your Yoga website, I did not sign my practices at all. Until I noticed that there were "smart" people who found a feeder here for their greed. Therefore, you should see a direct relationship between how you value Knowledge and how it is given to you. If you do not appreciate them, then they are not given to you.
My site has long turned into a School, like in any school - people study on it, I teach gradually, giving assignments and lessons. And now I'm starting my new lesson ...

This is one of the most important rejuvenation practices. A young, healthy spine is a young and healthy root that nourishes the whole body with youth. Do not even try to get younger by "jumping" over the stage of spine rejuvenation, ignoring its poor condition. Smearing bags under the eyes with some kind of "rejuvenating" creams in the hope that you will be so young - this is the highest nonsense. Rejuvenation should come from the foundation of Man, from his depths.

Just a miraculous practice. There are no analogues at all. And at the same time it is very simple and you practically don't need to buy anything for it - you just need a simple tool for work, which you can do yourself.

Of course, everyone looks at the face, so a young face is important for many. It is not uncommon to see people aged in good athletic shape, and with a good physique, but at the same time with a very old face. And all because they did not pay attention to him. It is much better when you do not run your body and your health and, in addition to this, take care of your face. Therefore, the next practice is about facial rejuvenation.

Most likely, most expected this practice from me in the first place, tk. it is she who gives the feeling that now - rejuvenation has begun. Yes, everyone looks at the face, not at the body covered by clothing. It is the younger face that can hide your real age.Hormones of youth and old age.

The exercises for longevity and health that Bian Zhizhong describes are part of a Taoist system designed to maintain health and strengthen the body. They are smooth, calm movements that people have practiced since ancient times. Taoist practices are especially good for those who are weak after illness and the elderly. You don't need good weather outside or a lot of space to do them. You can do Taoist practices at any time of the day. That being said, you will get good results soon after you start.

Taoist sexual practices, for example, are highly effective. Thus, a case was recorded with one man who, at the age of about 70, lost sexual activity. He performed these exercises regularly for two months, and the potency returned. This proves that Taoist sexual practices really work. Now this old man notes that he feels as if youth is returning to him.

A little about Bian Zhizhong

Bian Zhizhong, the exercise author, is now in his seventh decade. He has been practicing Taoist practices for over 40 years. This man is now as strong as a healthy middle-aged man. We bring to your attention the most popular and interesting Taoist practices included in the system called "10 golden exercises".

"Restorative source"

The purpose of this exercise is to help the body absorb fresh elements as well as get rid of used ones. You will also learn how to manage your internal organswill be able to stimulate blood circulation and energy, which will increase vitality. This exercise is the basis for the following. It is also indispensable for diseases of the shoulder joints and spine, painful menstruation and stomach disorders. It can be especially advised for those who want to strengthen the tone of the body, as well as change weight, improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Taoist practice does not reveal the secrets of love, but it really helps to feel young for many years. Beginners should be very careful about this exercise. It should be repeated 2 times a day, each time for 3-5 minutes.

Exercise Description

You need to stand up straight, freely lower your arms along the body, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Look straight ahead, relax. At the same time, the mind should be free from thoughts.

Now breathe in deeply, while straightening your shoulders and lifting up on your toes. It is best for beginners to breathe only through the nose. With regular exercise, after a while, you will be able to do it both with your mouth and nose, and also use the lower abdomen for this. As you exhale, try to pull in slightly on your heels, bending your knees. Take 16 of these breaths.

Now hold your breath for a minute, and then shake your whole body. Relax your muscles while standing straight. The knees are slightly bent, the arms hang freely along the body. Start shaking, vibrating every joint and muscle in your body. In this case, men should slightly wiggle their testicles in the perineum, and women should keep the vagina ajar (Taoist female practices sometimes differ slightly from male ones). Bend your fingers slightly. As you straighten them, you should feel that they are swelling. You need to shake for about a minute, that is, make about 4 vibrations.

"Eight diagrams"

This exercise affects our entire body. Hand movements very well activate the neck, shoulder joints and shoulder blades. It is useful in the treatment of cerebral thrombosis, headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, and helps prevent and treat pleurisy, as well as myocardial infarction. Among other things, these movements improve coordination and increase concentration.

Stand straight with your arms hanging loosely along your torso, feet shoulder-width apart. Look in front of you, freeing your mind from thoughts.

Raise both arms slowly up to shoulder level. In doing so, imagine that you are holding a basketball in front of you. Bend your knees slowly. Continue moving your left hand up until it is above your head. The right hand moves to the right and down. Rotate 45 degrees so that your upper body is straight. Bend your left leg fully and only half your right.

Now describe the symbol called "Eight Diagrams" with your right hand in front of you in the air (that is, on the right side). For this it is necessary to do the following. The right hand, which is now at the bottom right, must be raised up and forward until it is above the head. Now unfold your palm back, describe the circle with your hand. Now, from the bottom, describe an S-shaped figure upwards, doing this along an imaginary circle, its vertical diameter. Now the right hand should be above the head. Expand it forward and downward to make another circle. Step forward with your right foot, bend it fully, and only half with your left. After having described the circle, the right hand is above the head, the left one begins to move left and down, describing the symbol of the "Eight Diagrams" in the air, but now from the left side. These movements are identical to those that were done with the right, except that they should be performed in the opposite direction.

After the left hand is above the head, make the right movement from the right down. The right foot takes a step back. Bend the left one completely, the right half. This is the end of the exercise, you can do it again. You need to perform it without stopping, alternately with different hands (both - 16, 8 movements each). Execution time is about a minute.

"Flight of the Roc"

The following exercise will help you lose weight, which is why it is included especially often in Taoist women's practices. All movements in it resemble the flight of a bird: hands in the air describe a figure like an eight, lying on its side.

Stand up straight. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Stand still with your belly drawn in and your chest out. Bend your knees a little.

Now raise both arms to chest level, while describing a "lying figure eight" with them. At the same time, the left one, when you describe this figure on the left side of the chest, should be on top, and the right one seems to follow it. When both hands are right in front of your chest, swap them. The left is now at the bottom, at the top is the right. Describe the eight on the right. Do this 16 times, alternately changing the position of the hands. Then do the following exercises. Taoist practices are not limited to this.

"The turtle retracts its head"

With this exercise, you can strengthen the nervous system, get rid of excess weight and diabetes. In it, the basic movement resembles the behavior of a turtle, hiding its head under the shell.

Stand up straight and straighten your chest. Bend your knees slightly, placing your arms along the torso.

Palms down, raise both arms in front of your chest parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows slightly. With your left hand, slide down a semicircle to the level of your abdomen, then turn it up with your palm as if you were holding a ball. Transfer your body weight to your right leg. Lean forward, turn the body slightly to the left. Now move your left leg half a step in the same direction, bend your knee. The right leg should be extended. The foot is completely on the ground. Extend your left hand forward at the same time, bend it in the hands. In this case, the fingers should be horizontal to the ground. Lower your right hand until it touches the thigh. This pose resembles a man galloping on a horse.

Turn your left hand outward with your palm, extend it, while the left shoulder should describe a circle - the shoulder joint first moves up, then back, then down. Press your left hand to the same part of the chest as close as possible, describe the right semicircle. After that, press the right one as close as possible to the chest (to its right side), lean back with the upper part of your torso, bend your back, pull in your stomach and neck, like a turtle hiding under a shell.

Now return the shoulders to their normal position (first make a rotational movement back, then forward). With both hands, draw a circle in front of the chest: first down, then forward and up. The shoulder joints move backward and then forward during this movement, returning to their original position. With both hands, now draw another circle. Draw it this time first up, then back and forth. When they are at the level of the abdomen of the hands, make a rotational movement of the shoulder joints first backward, then forward, returning them to their original position. After that, repeat the circular movements.

When they are at the level of the abdomen, the shoulders return to their original position, you should turn to the right with the upper body. Place your hands in front of your chest as if you were holding the ball in front of you. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, lift your right leg and move it forward half a step so that your posture resembles a person galloping on a horse. From this position, you can begin to perform the exercise to the right side. All movements are exactly the same as described above. However, they should be performed in the opposite direction. 4 times in each side do this exercise, alternating the directions (only 8 times). Unroll to the left, finishing it. This will return you to the starting position.

"Swimming dragon"

Taoist practices for women and men include the following exercise. It improves kidney function, strengthens the spine. In it, the movements resemble a dragon's tail playing in the water (Taoist practices of the "10 Golden Exercises", as you may have already noticed, often imitate various animals). You should describe three circles with your hands in front of you.

How do you do this exercise?

Squeeze your thighs tightly, the feet should be close to each other, and the ankles should touch. Hang your arms loosely along your torso, squeeze your fingers. Now pull your chin in, then smile and think that you are still young (Taoist practice "inner smile").

Press your arms tightly to your sides, bend them, folding your palms in front of your chest, as if in prayer. The hands now move to the left so that the right palm is on the left. Raise your right elbow now. At the same time, the head moves to the left, and the right hip moves to the right. Stretch your arms up and to the left, pressing your palms together. They need to be held above the head, and then lowered to the right of the head. When they are in front of the neck, you will complete a circle. Now the left palm is on top, fingers point forward. While making a circle with your hands, swing your hips from right to left, then return to the center position. Sit down slightly, bending your knees so that the center of gravity moves slightly lower.

Now describe a semicircle to the right and downward with closed palms. As a result, the hands should be in front of the chest (covers the left palm with the right one). Fingers point forward. Swing your hips to the right as your arms form a semicircle. Then return them to their original position. Sitting down, complete the second lower semicircle.

Then continue to the right and down, the left palm should be above the right. Fingers point forward. After describing a semicircle with your hands, swing your hips to the left, then return them to their original position. The center of gravity moves below. You should now sit halfway down, completing the third semicircle.

All the movements described above go from top to bottom. Now let's start moving in the opposite direction - from bottom to top. Complete the exercise in the same way. Now repeat it 4 times. In the final part, when the third circle is described by the hands and are at the left side of your chest, continue to the left and upward movement. Lower them freely when they are directly overhead.

"Swimming frog"

The 10 Golden Exercises Taoist practices include the following, which heals the thyroid gland. It imitates the movements of a frog swimming in water.

Squeeze your thighs tightly, placing your feet close, your ankles should touch. Lower your arms loosely along your torso, squeeze your fingers on both. Smile with your chin drawn in.

Now raise your bent arms so that your palms are at your chest. You need to close your fingers, bend your knees, draw in your neck and stomach. You are now half-crouched. Raise your heels a little. Stretch your arms forward at chest level, describe two circles with both hands at the same time, and then return them back to the position in front of the chest. Remember, making movements with your hands, like a frog swims.

Remember to stick out your buttocks and stretch your neck while you are making circles. With both hands, make 8 circular movements forward, and then to the sides and towards you. After that - 8 times on the contrary, from myself. When your palms are at your chest, begin in a circular motion. Circling in a clockwise direction, push your upper abdomen and chest forward, straighten your legs, and stick out your buttocks and stretch your neck. A total of 16 movements are recommended.

"Phoenix spreads its wings"

The main Taoist practices for men and women (this complex) is completed by the following exercise. With the help of it, we restore calmness, increase vital energy. The flaps of the phoenix's wings resemble hand movements.

By doing this exercise, you will get rid of the excitement that arose after the previous ones. Therefore, it ends a cycle that completes both Taoist female practices and male ones.

The legs are now shoulder width apart, and the arms hang freely along the torso. The muscles are relaxed, the fingers are slightly bent.

Now raise your hands as if they had a ball (above the left hand - right). Turn your hands back to each other. Now lift the left one as far as possible to the left and up, palm down. At this time, take the right one down and to the right as much as possible, palm up. At the same time, take a half step to the left with your left foot, assuming the pose of an archer. Transfer your body weight to the left, turn your head (look like a phoenix spreading its wings).

Return your arms to the starting position. Lift the right one as far as possible to the right and up, palm down. At the same time, take the left one as far as possible to the left and down, palm up. At the same time, take a half step to the right with your right foot, taking the pose of an archer.

Transfer your body weight to your right, look down, turning your head, like a phoenix spreading its wings. Repeat the exercise 4 times in both directions, a total of 8 times.

These are the basic Taoist practices of the 10 Golden Exercises. It is better to perform them in combination, but you can also separately. Try it and you will feel for yourself what the Taoist practices of rejuvenation are. Others are also very interesting. For example, Taoist practices to improve vision will help those who have vision problems. Today, such exercises are especially relevant for many. Taoist love practices are also gaining in popularity.