In Russia, people are illuminating the language of national minorities. European languages ​​have stood up for the protection of language education of national languages ​​in Russian schools Language education in national schools

Not in all 22 national regions, the process is painful, here Putin's hand-in-hand was unremarkable.

There are 22 national republics in Russia, but super-girls about the movies that nin_ tear Tatarstan apart, it’s not easy to go far. You can judge about the degree of disintegration of addictions from the search in the Internet search engine. For the occasion of the words “obov'yazkove vivchennya movi” there are important news from Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Komi. In all these regions, the wreathing of national state language was held obov'yazkovo and after Volodymyr Putin's instructed about the inadmissibility of zmushuvati vivchati neridnu mova, changes began at schools. Details - at the material of the "Real hour".

Tatarstan is experiencing at the same time those that Bashkiria 4 years ago

Praise, which accompanies the process of changing primary programs in the regions to lie down in the number of lessons of native language in schools. The leader in this plan was Tatarstan, de Tatar language and literature and Russian and literature were officially published in equal numbers - for 5-6 years. Under the influence of Russian language, literature was still less, lower in other regions of Russia.

Dosvid, what an infection Tatarstan is experiencing, near Bashkortostan, they survived 4 years ago. Until 2013, the Bashkir language was studied for 3 years for a day in a general language order, plus 2-3 years for native language - Tatar, Bashkir and Russian, and 1 year for a day was seen on the subject "Culture of Bashkortostan".

In 2013, before the laws of the republic, amendments were made and they voted that the Bashkir language turns to the choice of the fathers. In the ears, ZMI tse lunar. Radiant fathers began to write about those who would replace the Bashkir anniversary with Russian, mathematics, physics, English, but it wasn’t there! No one was really concerned about the Bashkir’s vengeance on the merit of other subjects. The maximum that you can do is to grow up - just commemorate the birth of the Bashkir mov, - rozpovida to "Real Hour" Ufa sack Lina Seregina, as if you stand for the right of your children to the voluntary commemoration of the Bashkir mov.

Behind the words of Seryogina, some rare schools gave the fathers the right to act in Bashkir education.

The activists of Komi yearned to fulfill the order of the regional Ministry of Education and to save the newspapers of the Komi mov as obov'yazkovoy at all schools and kindergartens. Photo

Putin's commemoration in the Republic of Komi was awarded

Modern scandals are shaking up and Komi. Requiring recognition that the language of the comis in schools was never taught in such a large number, like the Tatar in Tatarstan or the Bashkir in Bashkortostan. Obv'yazkove vyvchennya was carried out in 2011 roci, on the new one there were 1 or 2 lessons per day, the Russian language was taught at the obligatory obligations.

Ale mіstsevі osvіtnі standards, after procurator's revisions tezh began to lead from the vіdpovіdnіst to federal. Ministry of education of Komi vyrishiv tidy up the sovereign language of the republic from the obov'yazkovo part. From Batkiv, like in Tatarstan, they began to collect applications for the birth of native mov - Russian chi com.

Such a decision called out the protest of the national activists of the Komi, as if they demanded the order of the regional Ministry of Education and the preservation of the teaching of the Komi mov as obov'yazkovoy at all schools and children's kindergartens. The reaction of the head of the region did not bother the long-term check - in advance of the day, Sergiy Gaplikov issued a resonant decree on the introduction of obov'yazkovy vyvchennya mov and entrusted the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic to finalize the document with a new edition.

As IA "SeverInform" informs, after the organization of the voluntary party of the Communist Party, the republic split into two camps. Representatives of the Komi intelligentsia were sharply opposed. The other part of the population, for us, the residents of Vorkuta and other pivnichnyh municipalities, who live even a little, made a positive decision to transfer the comic language to the category of electives.

Mіstseviy Mіnobraz, going to deeds and pragnuchi to reduce the protest mood, recommends to establish a non-balance system of estimating the chuva's sovereign language. Photo

In Chuvashia, for a friend of the sovereign, stop putting marks

In Chuvashia, the sovereign language of the republic was spun around the tongue for 3 years for a day, at which, as officials appoint officers, not for Russian shkoda, as it was for 5-6 years.

The republic itself began to choose the fathers' statements about those, like a mov - a Russian dude, - these children will grow up like a native. Accordingly, according to the choice of fathers, children will be divided into two groups: for the cultivation of native (Chuvash) literature and native (Russian) literature.

At the same time, the school order can send the subject “Sovereign Dude Mova” to the so-called “shkіlny component”, rozrahovoyuchi, so that schools harden yoga at the layout in obov'yazkovom order. At the same time, the ministry of education, going to the deeds of that pragnuchi to reduce the protest mood, recommends introducing a non-balance system of estimating the Chuvash sovereign my.

Tse, vtim, vyklikalo reaction in vіdpovіd - prikhilinik ob'yazkovy vyvchennya chuvaskoї movi, wrote a sheet to Putin. You know that in schools, like before, a dude can grow up in a “sufficient for the development of a child”. Tim, who does not want to teach a sovereign language to a friend, or does not have the ability to use language, it is necessary to ensure the education of the disciplines of local knowledge.

In Chechnya, sovereign language is taught from the 1st to the 11th class in the general language order. Vtіm, looking at those that 95% of the population of the republic has a titular ethnos, there were no protests against the drive of the birth of a non-native language. Photo

Quiet there, de good

Russia has 22 national republics, and super-girls about movies can't go far. Quietly in Udmurtia. There, another sovereign language was by no means included in the obov'yazkovy order. Vіn є less in a few schools and as an elective - the rest of the lesson. A lot of community workers are respected, that with a great oversight and they stand up for obligatory education.

Our problem is that for the introduction of the Udmurt language, a program and assistants are needed. You will need pennies for the distribution, there are none. Natomista we have a short three-month free course of the Udmurt language commemoration, as if to conduct the Ministry of National Policy of Udmurtia. With skin rock, more and more people are enrolling in courses, taking styles of people as many as they can, - Zhanna Nikolaeva, a bag-woman from Izhevsk, tells the "Real Hour".

In Mordovia, Yerzyansk and Moksha language began to turn in the obligatory order in 2006 rotations from the 2nd to the 6th grade for 2 years for a week. Under whom could one convert one of the two. On Tuesday, 2010, the prosecutor's office of the republic sharply reacted to the supply of shoes for the Mordovian language. “The law of the Republic of Mordovia “On the sovereign movement in the Republic of Mordovia” establishes that the Mordovian language is a sovereign order from the Russian one. All of the principal foundations of the republic may have a Mordovian language. However, the right to choose the mother of the children's education belongs to the fathers or to the persons, as they replace them.

In Chechnya, sovereign language is taught from the 1st to the 11th class in the general language order. Vtіm, looking at those that 95% of the population of the republic has a titular ethnos, there were no protests against the drive of the birth of a non-native language. Ale, on Putin’s hand in hand, they also reacted there. The portal "Chechnya Today" informs that the Minister of Education Ismayil Baykhanov is on the ceremony consecrating the dedication of the Chechen language at schools, telling that representatives of the Russian population teach the subject on a voluntary basis.

In Yakutia, the wedding of the Sakha bov was obov'yazkovim and the Russians were married in a voluntary manner, like the Mari mov in Mari El.

Dar'ya Turtseva

1. Do Russian Federation the well-being of enlightenment is guaranteed by my sovereign Russian Federation, as well as the choice of movi navchannya in the boundaries of opportunities, which are hoped for by the system of enlightenment.

2. In lighting organizations, lighting activities are organized by the sovereign my Russian Federation, as this article has not been established otherwise. The promotion and promotion of the state education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the education programs, which may be the state accreditation, are in line with the federal state education standards, education standards.

3. In the sovereign and municipal organizations that are spread on the territory of the Republic of the Russian Federation, a reckoning and a celebration of the sovereign mov of the republics of the Russian Federation may be introduced until the legislation of the Republic of the Russian Federation. The competition and the promotion of the sovereign mov of the republics of the Russian Federation within the framework of educational programs, which may be state accreditation, are up to the federal state educational standards, educational standards. The anniversary and celebration of the sovereign movement of the republics of the Russian Federation are not guilty of violating the ceremony and celebration of the sovereign movement of the Russian Federation.

4. Muyutni Rosіyskoy Majuta Right to Refaman Doszhlіlish, Catheric, Zagalnoji, Basic Maja Move People Rosіyskoi Movy, and Torzor Rosіyski Movy Movy Movy Move People Rosіysko Movie, In addition to the borders of possibilities, which rely on the system of illumination, in the order established by the legislation on illumination. The implementation of the assigned rights is ensured by the creation of the necessary number of leading lighting organizations, classes, groups, as well as the minds of their functioning. Exhibition and promotion of native language from among the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian language as a native language, within the framework of educational programs, which may be state accreditation, are upgraded to federal state standard, standard educational institutions.

5. Education can be obtained on my foreign according to the procedure established by the legislation on education and local regulatory acts of the organization, as a result of lighting activities.

6. Mova, movi osvіti are determined by local normative acts of the organization, scho zdіysnyuє svіtnyu svіalnіє dіyalnіst realіzovanіm іsvіtnіm programs, vidpovіdno pіdpovіdno pіdpovidno pіdpovіdno pіdpovіdno pіdpovіdno pіdpozdavstvo Rosіyskoїї Federatsії. Vіlny vibіr MTIE osvіti scho vivchayutsya rіdnoyu movoyu of number mov narodіv Rosіyskoї Federatsії, in addition chislі rosіyskoї MTIE yak rіdnoї MTIE, DERZHAVNAYA mov respublіk Rosіyskoї Federatsії zdіysnyuєtsya of Claim batkіv (Act predstavnikіv) nepovnolіtnіh uchnіv at priyomі (perekladі) on navchannya for osvіtnіmi programe pre-school education, which can be state accreditation of education programs of primary education and basic education.

(Div. text at the front edition)

The logic of “tug-of-war”, if the center of that region competes for its own borders, puts a rational emphasis on the current problem. And you can stimulate the revival of the movie not in obov'azkovym, but in real formats

After the President's order to reconsider the principle of goodwill and nationalism in the Russian republics, the discussions about the nationality of the problem sharply intensified and quickly took on a political character. In Tatarstan - we are in front, but not less.

Adherents to the presence of another sovereign movement and obov'yazkovnosti її vvchennya stverdzhuyut, scho under vіdmovі vіd tsієї vomogi the very status of the national republic loses its sense. Opponents vvazhayut that obov'yazkovy dvomovnіst little does not promote the unity of the Russian Federation. І tі, аnd іnshі imply a residual, single correct solution.

Tim, for an hour here we enter to finish hitki ґrunti, de rest and unity right decision just no. Nutrition about the expansion of the rights of the subject of the federation and the rights of the individual, about the consolidation of unity and diversity within the framework of a federative state cannot be a universal solution, but only changes and conflicts in the balance, accepted for all problems on a particular side of the country. And what is less for the accepted decision to compromise, what is more “getting into power”, then there is more dissatisfaction and instability in the society.

Russia, which has not yet learned the art of compromise, wonders if the balance is rich in why it is replaced by the “tug of war” principle with a zero sum: what one gets up, another spends. Moreover, the subjects of "pulling" is the center of that region, the people in this process may have less right to vote. Zovsіm recently tse duzhe nachno vyavilos in іstorії z nіnіm, de those scho started as a struggle for the constitutional rights of the people, the result was given to the regional authorities. Here the situation is rather similar in some respects.

Who is against?

Let's try, prote, having watched the movies of unrealistic rhymes and predicting horror stories, to look at the fact that the balance of the moment was beaten up at times.

I think that the problem is not in the threat of separatism and the disintegration of the country through obov'yazkove vykladannya natsionalnyh mov. But simply in the fact that in the middle of the republics there is no consensus among the majority of modern nutrition. Irrespective of the ritual declarations of the authorities, for the sake of the essential order, they will be called out with nothing more than a few votive offerings.

Two groups of meshkants are opposed to the obligation of language education of national language. In the first place, a significant part of the Russian population, as they are guided by the development of Russian culture, are far from being able to raise their own children on the territory of the republic itself, and they will immediately accept the obov'yazkovy vyvchennya natsionalnoy movi like the world. In another way, the representatives of the so-called "titular nation", as if they take part global world I would like to live according to the rules of the whole world, to add more respect not to national language, but, for example, to English. The results of a recently conducted sociological survey show that in Kazan 23-27% of the Tatars are admitted, that their children could not learn native language within the framework of the school program. Shvidshe for everything, the stench is seen by itself to the appointed group. I, like Bachimo, they are not enough.

Give up without spending

What are the consequences of such a situation? The most important thing is that the obov'azkovistnost navchannya natsionalnoї mov is equivalent to the knowledge of tsієї mov. Such a story is guessing. I came to one of the Tatar places. I was thrashed about by that young woman from the city administration - insults from Russia. On the way, I energized, as if shifting from the Tatar name of the central square. Joden from them did not know me. Wanting to stink, of course, they wove the Tatar language at the school.

And so the falls are not alone. Vivchennya be-yakoy movi will require serious zusil. For example, for whom there are no incentives for a schoolboy, nor for him a father - more than that, he calls for trade, to spodіvatisya on the subject of volatility is not brought up. And to drink for a good reason and try to zhorstko pov'yazati osvitnі posvitnostі dіtinі z її znani natіonalї mov means viklikati such destabilizatsіyu that protest, yakі zhodna adequate republican power is not pіde.

That's all right? In these national republics, where there is no official duality, they would like to send Tatarstan for the butt, they explained to me that otherwise there is a constant threat of forgetting the national movement. Children from nursery roam Russian, get accustomed to think Russian and can no longer organically accept their native language. I don’t presume to judge, the scales are still wound up. But in the logic of the "tug of war" the stench is entirely natural: if we give up, then we will definitely program it.

Wanting to really get out of the logic of hell with a zero sum, it’s not obov'yazkovo so. On be-yakіy territory everything ethnic groups It is the duty of the mother to develop their own national cultures, and the fathers of those children themselves are the mother of the ability to invest in the nature of the education, moving out of promising life trajectories. Since there is no universal solution, why not provide for the diversity of school programs, de transferring a variety of comprehension of national and Russian education? Indeed, it is so. And you can stimulate the development of a movie not with a stupid obov'yazkovistyu, but with really slick formats. In Tatarstan, for example, there is a miraculous system of children's camps, where only the Tatar my own and cultivating the Tatar culture are functioning. There їzdyat and Russians. Dosvid, good old supporter.

Ponad 70 scientists, academicians of universities and specialists scientific organizations from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Estonia, Denmark, Austria, prepared a banter to the State Duma of Russia, perhaps not to praise the law on the voluntary marriage of native mov. About 24 lime trees were included in the initiative group of linguists.

The initiative group voted for signatures against the draft law on voluntary education of relatives after the fact that the State Duma adopted the 19th chervnia at the first reading. Vcheni care that new law do not press the "necessary visits of the defenders of the indigenous peoples."

“The bill is to include the obov'yazkovoї part of the main program of the mov, in order to understand the Russian official status and other forms of legal defense in some republics and regions, and to name the mov, which is how the majority of the population in the oblasts of the regions can be said. This bill will further reduce the status of the minority mov of Russia, as if they are so rebuffed at the interim, ”says the animal.

At the thought of European scientists, as they signed a document, national movements in Russia do not take sufficient encouragement, weakening the current state in school education is “a poor blow to the common people of the minorities of the country”. The authors of the atrocities aim at the butt of the Finno-Ugric regions, so that it is impossible to sanctify it as my mother (movies are displayed only as subjects at school, the subject lines are exclusively Russian).

“The adherents of this bill base their thoughts on a super-sharply firm statement about those that no one (in this case, the language is mainly about the Russian language) can not be slandered by other (non-yoma) language. Irrespective of the significant shortcomings of that problem with the high-school children of the peoples of Russia, the system of payment of the native language, which was saved until this day, insanely, was one of the most important factors that supported the saving of language. The media with minority language and other means of current communications can continue to exist, only as new generations of minority language have taken away the basic school education for their animals, it is important to be with them.

The linguists, as they signed the letter, called out to the deputies of the State Duma not to adopt the law, referring to the positive influx of education on the support of life.

At the end of April 2018, before the Derzhdumi, a bill was introduced, for which education in the schools of national languages ​​will become neobov'yazkovim. On the thought of the retailers, the fathers may have the right to rob the thoughts of the child, who live in the national mov region, in the yakіy out there alive.

A month ago, the law was adopted at the first reading, the deputies of the Derzhdumi were elected to significantly supplement yoga. On 24 chernya the parliament praised the law from another reader. Head of the committee of the State Duma for the development of science V'yacheslav Nikonov At the hour of the presentation of the draft law, having said that the native language will be saved in the obligatory part of the program in the oral form, however, the optionality of the academic subject will not be provided, having opened the Business ONLINE portal.

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