Hidny horoscope for days. Hidden horoscope behind the rocks: what is needed, a description of the signs

It is important that the similar horoscope is more accurate than the astrological one. With the help of yoga, you can find out about the proportion of that character of a skin person. In order to prepare ahead of time for the future of the future, it is proponable to remember the specialness of your similar Sign.

This horoscope is popular on the Skhodі, and in other corners of the world. It’s safe for him to pass under the intercession of one creature, and people, people in this period, mourn like a patron. Східні Signs inject into our share that character, that expert site will learn about the characteristics of your creature-patron behind the fate of the people.

Patsyuk (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

People, under the intercession of Shchur, are rejoicing with a bright callousness, to make them special and amiable. At first glance, the stench is calm and accommodating, although it is true that it is sharp to the point of sharp action and aggression. More eyes are straight, which often becomes the cause of conflicts with relatives, friends and colleagues. Be careful and know what the price is for pennies and other material values, so the stench is neat at the occasion of pennies. There comes a moment in the life of a skin kid, if you want to throw everything that was taken away with great difficulties, and get to your calmness. Sometimes this period drags on for a long time, and even then the patient can fall into an important depression. However, those who can take a hand in themselves easily survive the hour and continue to collapse to their goals.

The key to communication and natural charm of Shchur is easy to know spilnu mova with the opposite article. However, the union with them does not always become a long-term one. Patsyuk is easy to get along with Pivny, Pig, Mavpoya, Bik, Dragon and Patsyuk. Shlyub іz tsimi With the signs of a similar horoscope, we will not be less trivaly, but we will be happy.

Beak (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

If you talk about vibrancy, no one can beat the competition with Bik. This sign is ready to endure literally everything that helps you not to give up in important situations. However, if you bring Bika with you, then the good will not end. Tsey Znak has a strong character, poise and promotion. Biki can easily make contact with any kind of person who helps them make a lot of friends and brown acquaintances. Zgidno with a horoscope, the share of Biks is often happy. Ale їхній head horn - tse vrodzhena povitlnіst. The stench must always make the skin dry and do not praise the solution, without calling all the pros and cons. Often it becomes a transition, like a worker, and in a special sphere of life.

Biki can stay on their own for a long time, ale, having trained their other half, the stench will become for her the head support that support. This is already a true Sign, for the sake of it, they rarely go to the edge. At Bikiv ideal summіsnіst with Bik, Mavpoya, Pivny, Pig.

Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

People, like trying to intercede for the Tiger, are different. Acts of them are more importantly positive, and others - negative. If you talk about the first ones, then these people see a positive outlook on life, stickiness, special charm and ambition. Others emphasize the negative aspects of the character of the Tiger. Tse marnoslav, arrogant, harsh, aggressive people. Porozumіtisya with them mayzhe impossibly, shards of stench contrive to make enemies with friends. Purity, dominating all the Tigers, allowing them to reach their goals. By stretching your last life, you will try to gain prosperity and power and, most of all, successfully take everything you want.

Some people are comfortable with the Tiger, a protégé for singing minds whose Sign can become a great man and a turbo-burning father. Tigers are the most summaries of the Dragon, Horse, Dog, Pig.

Rabbit or Kit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Having succumbed to these creatures in people, they always blame only positive associations. The patron bestows such traits, like kindness, steadfastness, strength and courage. Like living a life to rob the Rabbit of an unacceptable surprise, you take it as a necessary test, you can rise to a greater high rіven. Zgіdno with a horoscope, in the life of Rabbits they can blame situations, like literally beat them out of a lot. But the stench can overcome the difficulties, if only an hour is needed for this.

If you are talking about a special sphere of life, then a hat from Rabbits can be eternal, but only in that situation, as a partner you can sharpen it with a necessary turbo. Rabbits can create cute hats from a Cat, a Goat, a Boar and a Dog.

Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1975, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Irrespective of those whose character in fairy tales most often shows less negative vibes, in fact, the creature-patron has no positive characteristics. People under the intercession of the Dragon people are more energetic and positive. Practicality and purposefulness help them to reach carcolomic career successes, and natural charm - to win the hearts of the relative status. The dragon has a lot of imagination, so you can easily realize yourself in the creative sphere and become famous.

Mavpa and Patsyuk are the most suitable candidates for the Dragon. With tsimi Signs of wines can easily establish contact and inspire your motherland.

Serpent (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1976, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Tsya creature looks cunning and approachable, bright and amiable callousness. People, as if they were trying to intercede under the intercession of the Serpent, have to plead power, but for an hour they cannot recognize themselves in whom they are. Serpents rightly manipulate people, so often bajans are taken away by proxy. However, the stench can reach the delivered meti and self-harm, and in this way they are helped by natural pracity and patience. Nature gave this Sign a harn of intuition, but if not to develop it, an inner voice can lead to be-like a mit.

Lyudina, as she tried to show her life to the Zmієyu, the strong character is to blame for the mother, and the smut is to be a showcase. For an hour, this Sign can strangle the strongest person, and at the same time, it’s almost impossible to wind a hat. Prote Bik and the Dragon can tidy up the Serpent, having made her act, through which the signs with these Signs can continue forever.

Kin (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1977, 1990, 2002, 2014)

People, people under the Sign of the Horse, are already talented and energetic. The stench is easily recognized by the choice of profession, and it can easily achieve success in their field. They can earn pennies and know the price of their work. To that horse, it’s rarely enough for a job, like, for a thought, they pay a little. If you set a goal, then obov'yazkovo is within reach of yoga. Zgіdno zіdnim horoscope, the life of the Horses is rich and gives impersonal good opportunities, and the horses do not waste their respectfulness.

Kіn love freedom, to create a mіtsny shlyub іz tsim It's already easy to know. Prote Tiger and Dog can taste robititse. If everything is vide, these stosunki will be straight-lined and pre-stringed.

Goat, or Vivtsya (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1978, 1991, 2003, 2015)

A goat is a very energetic and cheerful creature. People, who know under the intercession of this Sign, may feel a touch of humor and friend of comrades. Irrespective of the callous non-seriousness, these people are already strong enough to achieve career success. The goat makes good contacts with other people, through which it is possible to create good business with her. As the horoscope shows, in the life of these people there is a turning point, at the hour of which it is necessary for him to make a victorious choice. In this moment, the Goat should be protected, otherwise, at the price of a pardon, you can become a happy future.

The ideal partner for Kozi is Kin. If the Goat can win the heart of the Wind Sign, your hat will be happy. Krym tsgogo, the Goat can create an ideal union from the Cat, the Dog and the Pig.

Mavpa (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1979, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Mavpi is more sparse and vimili, but they are too chimerical. These people can achieve success literally in any sphere, and all are strong in their strong character and industriousness. Mavpi's head is always filled with thoughts and ideas, so people, who try to protect him, rarely run into financial difficulties and are deprived of work. And if you see it, the stench is easy to know out of the twisted camp.

Tsya creature can easily get confused with some kind of Sign, but Patsyuk and the Dragon are the most suitable for him. However, varto remember that Mavpa is not serious, and also, stosunki with her can be non-trivial.

Piven (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1980, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Most people, people on the river Pivnya, do not reach success at the car'er and, as a rule, do not occupy high plantations. Ale, it is not necessary through the presence of the need for skills, but simply for that which is not necessary. Їhnya golovna meta - create mіtsnu sim'yu, and in the special sphere of life you can realize yourself more richly, lower Signs. Share prepared a lot of surprises for these people - both kind and unacceptable. For goodness, Piven building podolat be-yaki difficult.

A piven can create an ideal hat from being a Sign of a similar horoscope, but the Bik that Zmiya is the most suitable for you. The creatures have a strong character, which means that the stench can become a strong support for Pivnya.

Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1981, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Irrespective of those that Dogs can gain a lot of positive traits, the lives of these people can be even more foldable. At times, it is important to know your own work, the shards of a long time cannot show their rightful recognition. Call the Dog to realize his own happiness in the sphere, to help other people. The share of the Dogs may not turn out the way the stench planned, but sometimes it’s not so bad. Such people are more likely to collapse to their goals, but as a result, everything is within their reach.

Dogs are a necessary partner, which will help you to open up and become inspired by yourself. Zgіdno z horoscope, zrobiti tse pіd the strength of only Koni. With the sign of the Dog, we can be happy in a right way and create a mimic union.

Signs of the zodiac for the fates are selected in the tables, you can easily know your zodiac, people by rotation and learn about the details of the similar calendar. Ale, let's try to get to know each other, why is the Chinese calendar like that, and how the signs are spread out, as we are widely known.

Zvіdki z'appeared understand - the signs of the zodiac behind the rocks?

The current calendar is available more than 2000 years and zgidno with a legend- The Buddha, having called to himself at the sanctuary of the creatures with the mind, that you are the first, who will go to the palace, will be brought forever into the memory of people. The rest of the passage for the creatures was formed from the river in front of the imperial palace - the first spill Bik, but on the yogo back, the squint was swept up and if the bik viyshov was on the shore and the soil was crushed, the squint was zkochiv from the yogic back and the first one hit the palaces istse, otrimav beak the other place, the third overflowing the Tiger, then the rabbit (whale), the dragon, the snake, the kin, the rest overflowed - the goat, the mavpa, the pig, the dog and the pig (boar). Vіdpovіdno up to tsgogo, for creatures i were fixed rocky, these are repeated from the period - skin twelve years.

Table of zodiac fates:

Now, if we know the history of the vintage - the zodiac behind the fates of the ancient Chinese (similar) calendar, we can more clearly look at the skin sign Okremo. To make it easier to navigate in this article, we have pointed a table to help you know your own people and assign a sign for a similar old horoscope, then go to the description and find out about yourself another horoscope:

Patsyuk 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
Bik 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Rabbit 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
The Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Kin 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
Goat 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
Mavpa 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
Piven 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
Dog 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

Astrologer's pleasure: Pose summarily guard that an individual horoscope from an astrologer gives maximum information, as it is impossible to understand outrageous characteristics. .

  • Zodiac river Shchur

    (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

The stench may bring innate charisma, laconic charm, bring out the familiar soundness, stench always call for a positive reaction from the otochyuchih. Beware of more practical creatures, always try to find out how to deal with any situation. It’s not unusual, stench is cunning, sparing, to earn money and save material resources. People, who were people in the river, Shchuri miraculously manage to save the taєmnitsі її can be trusted, be it secrets. Even more protective at your children, window dressing at the worker and the building viskonat to carry out specific work, like other zodiacs do not have power.

  • Rick of the zodiac - Bik

    (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Vrazhayucha mіtsі greatness, tse odnі s first slіv, like throwing when looking at Bikov. Insanely, natural vigor, like primordial creatures, allow them to show their arrogance and practicality better for others, so the stench occupies an important place and one of the first apples in a similar horoscope. Biki are self-reliant, feisty and stable, the firmness of their position always calls out the honor of people. On the whole zodiac, you will always be supported by an important period, and you will be helped by yoga. Individuals, people in the river Bika, more good-natured and therefore, with a open heart, go to hand over others. Difficulties can be blamed on the conservatism of the rulers, the stench is even more traditional, and you don’t want to go on like innovations and reforms.

  • Zodiac river of the Tiger:

    (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010,2022)

The main pluses of the Zodiac tiger are majestic masculinity, miraculous willpower and seething energy. The stench is even lower and reverently put to justice and for them, not an empty sound chi word, but
important part of life. The tiger is already a strong creature and always ready to throw a viklik - a mitten to anyone who encroaches on yoga territory. The people in the river of the Tigris always wake up with their wisdom and great intellect. At love notes- tigers are always emotional and even more addicted, for them the reaction of a partner’s partner is more important, in which the stench dies. The only difficulty for tigers is the exercise of panuvati and moments in life, if it is necessary to encourage, causing a negative reaction.

  • Rick of Rabbit and Cat

    (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

The rabbit occupies the fourth place in the Chinese calendar, so for the other version of the legend, it’s possible that the cat is a cat, so we’ll look at the signs for these creatures.

The rabbit itself is not overly aggressive and not too active, to finish intelligent and to induce here victories in his zvichka. Even a good sіm'yanin, zavzhdi dbailiviy and with trepidation put up to family traditions, close ones. A smut task for rabbits is to create a garnet and a warm atmosphere, to save a family fire. The people in this region, zealous for this, report the maximum of their efforts in order to realize the task of their life.

  • Zodiac river of the Dragon

    (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

The dragon zvichayno vybivaetsya іz zagalnogo series of the Chinese horoscope, Tim scho є vygadanim character - wanting to be a nobility, maybe buti and є in tsimu part of the truth. Basically
the symbolic meaning of the dragon in Chinese folklore is, obviously, the watchman, which protects people in the presence of shoddy and filthy spirits, and always protects people. People born in the Dragon zodiac, always have strong energy, good health, they are seen by great willpower and building to control their emotions. Honor and goodness are empty words, the stench does not discriminate given understanding as a special benefit. Weak months they have - tse transcendental dovira to people and tsi can be quickened by unkindness, then we should protect it and protect it at the choice of our stake of splintering.

  • River of the Serpent

    (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

People who were destined to be born under the sign of the zodiac are especially powerful intuition, wisdom and great penetration. At the first acquaintance, the stench can call out a little bit of trouble and threats, but you don’t need to be afraid, you can only see old signs, which I always confirm to the inner world of the Serpent, the stink of the first one does not attack. Majestic patience and vitrivality, building up quickly after important advances are one of the main qualities, like snakes. Building is unsightly, without looking back, to go to one's own goal is also one of the main and important pluses and allows you to do that which other Zodiacs cannot reach in the horoscope.

  • Rik zodiac Kin

    (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)

Cast as one of the most beautiful representatives of the middle zodiacs of the Chinese horoscope, there is a great number of advantages and main qualities
given to the zodiac like this:

Life is unimaginable, pragnennya rushes forward, freedom is unbounded. Optimism is a kind of attraction for people, as if they were people in this river, give not only to them an invisible force, but to people, as they enter into sharpening, this energy is also available.

In love and partner's bottles, the stench is also more emotional, sensitive, always smashed at the head of a woman, giving you to the end of your partner.

  • R_k Kozi (Vivtsi, Barana)

    (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027)

Behind the rock of Kozi (sheep, Vivtsі) you can come forward - the people in this river are important - you can create high artistic vibes, even more pleasant. If the share is accumulated in such a way that you don’t give in to realize yourself on the stage, then in any event in the everyday life of the creative life of this zodiac, you will not be left with incomprehensible things, all the sudden beasts will take on your respect, in any company and evening the stench will take haze is one of the best , first mist. It is also possible to mean such a quality as a good humor, a little tact, comradeship. On the negative side, it is possible to distinguish such specialness as - zavyatist, navit іnоdі navіrna, іnоdіt tse zavatima іn the reach аbоut goals.

Mavpi duzhe beshketnі, tsіkavі and comrades. The calls are even simpler, ale varto be surprised and suddenly realized that it’s not so. Gnuchkiy rozum and natural guilt to rob the sign of the duzhe tsikavim and intransigence. Mavpi is already talented, ambitious and may have great physical strength. The stench may be even better than the roses of the mind, the stench love to have fun with them, and don’t be bored. From the negative, you can see the minlivity and the building of bullshit - іnоdі.

Piven is an innovator and a revolutionary, from a new start today, he speaks about the demise of the sun with a cry. So in life people, people on the river Pivnya, are the initiators of new projects, the very stench of rozpochinayut guchnі come in and do it. We should be the leader in front and lead a line of people behind us. Zodiac pіven mаut vysokі yakosі: vіdpovidalnіst, pratsezdatnіst, nadіynіst i tіlespravovanіst. Zovnіshnіy, most of the stench is even more spicy and privablі sobistі, otochyuuchі people highly value pererahovanі more yakostі and easily give palm to people.

The zodiac dog is characterized by activity, vitriol, rudeness and generosity. The stench of the building will protect and protect their native house to the rest, and for them it is extremely important. Always fight to the end of your strength, against injustice, try to protect the weak, help the Germans. You can still have a good analytical mind, even more respectful listeners, always know the compromise and listen to the thoughts of people who will disenchant them. Great romantics, yak cherish their ideals and, most of all, divergence from real life, calling for a negative reaction.

  • Zodiac boar, pig

    (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)

The signs of the zodiac after the fates will end for the creatures of the Pig or the Boar. To people who were people in this region, the authorities and such characteristics as goodness and kindness, comradeship, stench to make good friends and always keep up the company. Gnuchka rozum, peacefulness, the stink of the soul of the company and the best companions. Another important characteristic that people think in pigs is generosity and compassion. The stench may already have a high potential for enriching and obtaining material resources. It can be said that if you love these people for a penny, you will be more happy in business.

Chinese fates and bad signs of the zodiac:

Signs of the zodiac for the fates of the Chinese horoscope in each of the western zodiacs by months, to give the characteristics of the zodiac.
for skin people. Interpretation of the characteristics of similar and western cultures allows us to more broadly and report more characterize the people of the world and especially ourselves. So I would like it to be significant such an important fact - all the same, all the characteristics are blatant And they can’t really open up the skin of a person perfectly. All things can add nuances to the individuality of a person and її idiosyncrasies, as they could form themselves in the її navkolishnym middle.

More detailed information for the signs of the Zodiac, like for the similar fates of the okremo, so for the months - Western astrology, You can look under different headings our site Signs of Zodiaku.ru.

Signs of the rotation of the European horoscope zodiac Aries, zodiac Taurus, zodiac Gemini, zodiac Cancer, zodiac Leo, zodiac Diva, zodiac Terezi, zodiac Scorpio, zodiac Sagittarius, zodiac Capricorn, zodiac Aquarius, zodiac Riba.

Horoscope of creatures - calendar of fates for creatures

SCUR- for the people of the rock - 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.

Being the first of the signs of the Chinese Zodiac, Shchur means an ear. The Chinese calendar has a month, which is designated by the sign of Shchur, includes the shortest day of light. In the old Chinese year of the year, opivnochi was signified by the image of Shchura, which meant the beginning of a new day. The year of "Shchuri", or, in fact, the subvintary year, trivaє from 23.00 to the first year of the night.

A long time ago, as the name of the creatures was stagnant, in China, for the recognition of the first sign, the image of silence was created, as if it were a creation, that generation of ideas and vchinkiv.

Vrahovyuchi, that the time of the year falls on the pіvnіch, that having been born under this sign, we can be vchenim, which at night we sit for a long time over books. This person is ready to sit at night over the versatility of complex problems or riddles until the correct conclusion is obtained. However, if you close your eyes and create folding projects on paper, then you will be forced to hide the practical side of the right, often making it difficult for others to bring the right side to full completion. So, even if it is more rude, people are unlikely to be able to change their nature.

All representatives of this sign are respected for the best, but on the cob, be it right, and not when it is completed. The stinks are communicable and give one to one pidtrim, building a wondrous rank to lead others and make garni zvyazki that allow you to realize your plans.

Through the filthy sense of humor, Shchur is often confused too literally and incorrectly, as a result, richly valuable arguments are not used, so Shchur is not able to put his point of view in a sly and sensible form. It's wonderful, but they have to be called out for those who can't catch the stench of irony, to the extent that others go into it.

If you manage your own budget, then people will praise other spontaneous decisions. Zrozumіlo, stench stained glass pennies with reason, but with their creative nature, sometimes the emotional cob takes the mountain over the rational. Some people of the city bring their family ship to the quiet harbor. Too early to go to those, Shchuri, nareshti, realized that hungry fates can come after these hours, and for that, make sure your mother has a supply of resources about every occasion.

Wanting family ultrasound and important for such people, the smell is not the first line. Mayuchi independent character, the stench is seen to the quiet members of the family, like they can create their home far away from that month, where earlier they were rooted. At the time of the blame for the domestic conflict, the thought of Shchur will be nayvagomishoy.

Patsyuki in the spirit of vibrati be-like a career and a profession, like allowing them to win their creative vibes. The stench is easy to establish contacts, to have the gift of reconciliation and, perhaps, the gift of manipulating other people. The stench is also attached to robots by teachers and lawyers. Shards of stench give the priority to freedom of transfer and giih abo regime frameworks.

If you want these people not to be praised by your own callousness (stink, you know what else is to blame and without whom you can keep your daily life), Shchuri, as it is necessary, can cope with the garne of your own callousness.

Ideal partner: Shchur's ideal partner would be either Dragon or Mavpa: insults make sense of the importance of novelty and exoticism. Deyaki Shchuri can be brown at home, on robots in a suspended life, but the fragments of the interests of Mavpit and the Dragon are even more similar, then the stench is not in your power to add new things to reach Shchur. Yakshcho Shchura bazhaє vikonati another role of tsikh vzaimovіdnosinakh (though not so much), either a dog or a tiger can appear as a suitable and stimulating partner.

BIC- for the people of the rock: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.

In ancient China, on the day of praise by astrologers, the emperor himself especially laid the first furrow on the rock on the rilli for the help of the beak. The Chinese almanac always started from the picture of a young man, how to stand in order from the spring beep, and choose different creatures can associate with the end of winter. Ale oskіlki Bik is the only sign, which corresponds to the sign of Bik of the zahodny Zodiac, as much as possible, that Chinese astrologers posited this symbol from Sunset.

People who were born in the rocks of Bik are the ones who will develop it, bringing everything to perfection. Before them, one can see such special features, like a gift of perseverance and patience, necessary, to plant an acorn and vihojuvati yogo until quiet feast, until the vine turns into an oak tree. The stench does not shy away from routine work and gives priority to the distorted and long-established, lower to the new and unimagined.

Such qualities, like arrogance and viability, won him a lot of shanuvalnikov from this restless world. Tse allow them to embrace high places and plant both in the administrative apparatus and in the political sphere. Zavdyaks of rіshuchostі in important situations, and of little ability for Bik to burn out of an already taken path, the stench can easily stand up to the most serious opponents and opponents. Zrozumilo, like innocence, singly, become the same reason for the appearance of enemies among them, but the rest are unlikely to be able to win and achieve significant success in whether or not there is a super-nation with Bik for power. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese order is used, as a sign that “one beak of the building fights with two tigers.” It’s completely immovable that it’s not safe for Bik to be blamed on the other side, the stars of the wine are not checked. A friend, for whom pardons did not give respect, you can be formed and be formed and become such an undesirable rank.

Bik to lie down to the trio - at once from Pivnem and Zmієyu, like in the same time by penetrating financiers and investors. Ale without these two Bik will take the money, and not invest it. Bik is naturally heavy to be a professional work, tied to the ground. Vіn bude tsіnnymi pribannyam for be-yakої organіzatsії, oskolki zavdyaki yogo to protect and systematically manage the financial camp of the company step by step pokraschitsya.

Wanting Bik can cope with the anger of a stately and formally state-owned person, his heart is alive with a traditionally romantic streak, it will only manifest itself in an intimate number of friends and relatives. Bik’s love for beautiful speeches in literature and mysticism is relatively attracted, but manifest it in other ways, splashes of internal culture often surprise people, as if they respected Bik’s character.

Bik tries to show that it’s not particularly chirping fashion, but if you wear clothes, it’s good enough to the moment, overriding the classical style, which is unlikely to show up in the same way.

Ideal partner:

Nayimovіrnіshe, Bik choose a partner, which is close to the middle of the middle, but only in another judicial department. Їm can show up the Pіven zі svіtu torgіvlі chi Zmіya z-pomіzh juristіv. Ignorantly look at them, Bik and Piven are attracted one to one like a magnet, and between them a mimic link is established; Bik acquires Pivnya’s stern look and his manner of treating himself, if Pivnya is worthy of, then Bik’s honesty and unsightlyness befits him. Similarly, the similarity of the intellectual and physical qualities of Bik and the Zmії also work as an ideal couple.

TIGR- for the people of the rock: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

On the forehead of the TIGER there is a Chinese character "wang" which means "king" and to bring, by any doubt, that the Tiger (in China) is the king of all wild creatures. Why, if the ancient Chinese astrologers were joking about the most important creature for the signification of the important first month of Chinese fate, they fell on the King Tiger.

The royal rank symbolizes the roar of that panuvannya, to that kind of people who were born under the sign of the Tiger, go out into the air. The stench is more strongly encouraged to accept the possibility of the one who can be the best for others. It dawned on them to understand that, as if they weren’t fighting against the filthy premonitions, as well as the unscrupulousness, their shoes are lying in the fact that they should take on the responsibility, become leaders and, in this role, win their shoes , what do you want did not vartuvalo - napoleglivostі. chi pratsi, pennies chi infusion. The tiger is right to occupy the graveyard. Navit calm and modest Tigers all the same pragnimut to get a privileged camp, as if to allow them to take their fate indefinitely, be they decisions - regardless of their significance. Greater Tigers were sued for greater posts. It dawned on me that there will be opponents and traces of remembrance that the success of the stench calls out zazdrіst and anger in others. At the pragmatic vibity at the upper echelon of the power of the Tiger, we can protect it, otherwise we can vibity from the stake.

Keep a check on the ticket for the Tigra, as if he is in order. In the Chinese calendar, Bik means the end of the old fate, the Tiger is the beginning of the new. Changes to stand in front of the Tiger are not blamed for the result of new victories, but for the impossibility of changing the colossal order of speeches. The tiger should not be afraid of the appearance of new people, even though they looked like some important and impressive stench. It is not safe for a new wine to be ignorant of the traditional values ​​​​and the order, as it symbolizes Bik, which may have a militant position. In such a situation, the Tiger cannot reach its mark.

The tiger is a wonderful partner. Tigris, yakі not educated to physical culture, compensate tse, taking part in rose games, including in discussions and competitions, enjoying subtle humor and good-natured jarring.

For smaller people, the Tiger is kind and merciful, which needs to do something new, not showing any indulgence, building with a clique to listen and propagate constructively. Tigers pragnate buti in the course of the rest of the novelties, starting from international conflicts and finishing with worldly tiles.

With financial support, the Tiger is the best at coping, as if it were a goal: to turn people on the way to do good. Reasonably helping others, the Tiger can achieve outstanding results.

family life the new one will have a stable and disciplined, as if to prevent the manifestation of rudeness and humiliation. Yogo sіm'ya be friendly, all її members are bound by tight ties, especially brothers and sisters. And if the Tiger appears youngest in a family, then a child may show up in disobedience, which, naturally, will embarrass the fathers.

Bagato Tigrіv vdddayat the preeminence of state service, oskolki love to wear a uniform and maintain discipline. The axis of why the Tigers often chime in among the nurses, policemen, firefighters, and, wisely, military servicemen. In other words, they are drawn to professions, where it is possible to grow by service gatherings.

As soon as the clothes are worn, then the Tigers make a subtle relish and drink the beans. Most of all, they give priority to clothes for the rest of the fashion, dear and vishukans.

An ideal partner: Oskilki the Tiger is a strong human symbol, then in the past, the Chinese-fathers were reluctant to allow their sons to make friends with the girls who were born in the Tigris River. "Don't bring Tigress into the house," the fathers guarded their blues, afraid that a woman with a strong character would be a future man. Ale, if you offended father Tigris, then such a problem is not to blame. The Tiger can sleep well with the Dog and the Horse, and for that, the reason will become a good basis for partnership with one of these signs.

RABBIT- for the people of the rock: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

M'YAKIY FOR THE CHARACTER RABBIT kindly go with the zhorstok Tiger. Qi signs look contrastingly and є opposite sides of one and the same medal: The Tiger conquered its own space for help in exposing aggression and its own life. And the Rabbit is reachable for the help of tact and diplomacy. Here is an important lesson to be learned: those who cannot be taken away by force can be played with thin, wise and cunning.

It is easy for astrologers of the past to praise the decision about the choice of the Rabbit as the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Vіn symbolizes the departure of the sun, that is the hour, if the rabbits vipovzayut zі their nіr. The Month of the Rabbit always includes the period of the spring eve. In this order, the sign of the Rabbit is directly associated with spring and all joys, with a sweater and new clothes, freshness, inspiration of forces, and rebirth of hope on a better future.

To the rabbits of power, the whole set of evils of people, loving children and creature: tse, first for everything, lower and building to see others. They also like to love the apartments and the roslini and love to be engaged in gardening. But stinks rarely take on the management of the great rural farms, the shards of this kind of activity do not bring them aesthetic satisfaction. Other associations between the sign of the Rabbit, and with a glance behind the roslins, you can watch the Chinese Kazakhs. They tell about the Rabbit, who arrived from the month, de vin, how he cares, he lives to this day and stirs the cauldron with magical brews, preparing the elixir of immortality. If Chinese children marvel at the last month, then replace the people for a month to stink the Rabbit, busy with his work. In this rank, the Rabbit is also associated with the mysticism of healing for ailments and preparations for healing. The people under the sign of the people are drawn to them, be it a profession, tied up with watchfulness for those sick people. Pennies are less important to them, lower bulky clothes.

The rabbit needs to splurge with people, and you can tie friendly friendships. Imovirno, it’s less of a Rabbit to say the least of it especially prosperous: you win for the better uniqueness of conflict situations, but you show legal wrath, if you control the pain of a harmless people.

Ring out to love the rabbit at the sim's: by nature itself, it has been laid down by nature to help the fathers and the young members of the sim's. Vin rarely bothers with his other problems.

Gostriy zіr, which the rabbit has come across from nature, transforms into the whole sign of the zodiac to the building of the air of the true.

Typical Rabbit vvazhaє for the better to get up early in the morning, ale zahoplennya active public life, nayimovіrnіshe, vyklkaє nіgo pіzichnі navantazhennia. It will be important for the Rabbit to successfully cope with his professional shoes

In style, the Rabbit shows the advantage of natural colors and national color, willfully fit into the navkolyshne otochennya.

Ideal partner: The Rabbit can make a perfect couple for practical representatives of all signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Who else can be the ideal partner for the Rabbit?

Zrozmilo, mіtsnі uzi z іnshiy Rabbits, z yakimi yogo svіlnі іnteresi. But in terms of love to children and in terms of family life, Rabbits are close to a pig, who loves comfort, and it’s not easy to live in Vivtsya. Shards of a strong Tiger - Yang, as a partner to the Rabbit - Yin, the stench can put together a miracle, a miracle pair. However, the Rabbit should be able to make claims from the side of the enchanting Dragon, whose enchantment is quickly known.

THE DRAGON- for the people of the rock: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

THE DRAGON IS THE SINGLE ASTROLOGICAL SIGN, which is an unknown creature. As the ancient Chinese astrologers respected, a part of the skyscraper was built under the name Dragon. Tse suzir'ya was clearly visible on the sky on the sky for the month of the Dragon. Yogo mystical adventure means that the Dragon and yoga zodiacal sign-partner of the Serpent are associated with supernatural forces.

At the sight of the western dragons, Chinese dragons do not make wings, wanting to often depict them in the sky to fly. The most important place of residence of the Chinese dragon is the middle of the water, and you can know about its presence from the seething streams and vir.

In China, a thousand-year-old dragon is a symbol of imperial power and might, far away. In its depictions, the dragon trimmed its mouth with pearls, and gold coins fell to the ground from the lower part of the belly.

The person who was born under the sign of the Dragon, shows a truly fantastic character, slender to the point of exoticism. It is extraordinary, supra-linguistically extraverted specialty, chimeric, eccentric and often crazy. The character of the Dragon is such that the heads of the wandering souls turn up to a new level before they open the company. If it seems to be wrong, then do not allow the slightest summation - just make a rich pause. If the Dragon punishes you, then everyone is guilty of it, not through fear or arrogance, but through destruction in front of the obvious impudence on the side of the Dragon.

The dragon is always ready to show off his wealth. Vіnіkoli do not marry pennies, wanting to stink and do not start є in a new one in the intestines. In fact, the greatest inconvenience for the Dragon is the need to work extravagant tin, and it is contrary to what the names of the risks call to bring a decent income.

People who were born under the sign of the Dragon, have a lively mind, and in their conversations, the reaction is not only hypnotizing, but also beating. The stinks turn to themselves a lot of friends and shanuvalniks, but the naiveries of them are often scattered through the obvious stability and consistency in the Dragon's veins. Third-party people know that the decision of the Dragon is equal in style, it takes an hour for this voice. There is also an enmity that you can change your mind through a whim, if you want to call out to the fact that it is important for the Dragon to make the least changes to the essential plans. Vіn at such a time of will throw їх зовсім, lower koriguvati independently in the case of possible important naslіdkіv.

With Sim'ї Dragon, you can have a super-cheerful look at the quiet of other current problems. For the new one, there is no special meaning, which stinks are accepted, which are thrown out, shards of wine have already been crushed on their right.

Because of the fact that the Dragon loves forests and pragmatic recognition of his professionalism and the plans he propagates, wines are ideally suited for being like a car, like a public character. The ideal place for the Dragons is the theater, wanting to stink the stench of the dawn in the field, just to start exercising their charisma. You can also get to work at financial institutions, shards of gold gleam and jewelry pieces - the spiritual hedgehog of Dragons.

The dragon, which leads to poor intelligence, does not hesitate to wear those that are most suitable for you, regardless of the fact that you are shocked by people who are shocked by it.

The ideal partner: Especially the quality of the Dragon is the best way to evaluate the diligent and sly squint or the sly and cunning Mavpa. Ale, for the occasional furnishing, the Dragon does not want to fall in order with a quiet rabbit. "When the Rabbit appears, all the wealth of the Dragon will be lost," the Chinese proverb says. The other important companions of the Dragon's life will be the Tiger and the Kin. At the same hour, Yogo's sign-companion - the Snake - will also be a partner for him, such a mind and always give a support.

serpent- for the people of the rock: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

PARTNER OF THE DRAGON ZMIYA - also a sign of mystical valor, good luck and courage, but for a more modest expression. There, de Dragon is a charmer who calls out evil spirits, the Serpent is more able to establish spiritual contact for additional meditation. According to the Chinese calendar, the month of the Serpent is the first month of the year.

The very same serpents for the first time are vipovzayut zі their nіr, sob bask in the warm exchanges of the sun. As soon as the snakes appear on the surface earlier, sound lower, if possible, be ahead of the future earthworm. On the right, in what, perebovayuchy in burrows, snakes mittevoly watch insignificant underground posts. At the rocks of the Serpent, earthquakes were often seen, the deacons of them had a small ruinous character.

Likewise, like the Dragon is associated with gold and the mineral jade, the Snake, like a hardening, is the custodian of valuables buried in the earth. It is possible, it is explained to them, that the evildoers stole good from the earth, and the place becomes a nest, so the snake is able to know its own shelters. If you want to see the fear of a snake swinging through a possible deadly bite, associations with honored values ​​mean that the Chinese are richly able to look at the Serpent as a savior in the distance.

For the Chinese, the Serpent creates a mystery and intrigue. Listening, sighting and spying are associated with the Zmієyu, and the Zmії, who were born on the river, are the best pickers of information. Intrigues, cunning, cunning and scandals are rarely left behind by the pose of respect from the side of the Serpent, as if they are guarding for the sake of future vigodi. At the sight of their balaky and balakuchy susіdіv, yakі born under the sign of the Zmії, pragmatically throw away at yourselves a little piece of secrets and tiles, adding urivki information to a more pleasant moment, if the stench can show itself in the shortest light.

Carefully manipulating the surroundings, so that people can occupy a high camp in the corridors of power, but not for the sake of the open air, I will show my ambitions that self-existence, but for the reason of the smartness, I will settle down in the required area at the moment, if I have the best strength of the greatest demand uvani. Zmії zdatnі zastavlyat facts and figures and become glaring contributors and analysts.

People under the sign of the Serpent are protected by strict moral principles and ethical norms. The stench of the truthful, if only they were to reveal a secret, the stench is quickened by verbal strife and thoughts, in order to reveal the facts in the shortest light, going into a cosmetic koriguvannya. The stench can also cope with the enemy, knowing more about it, lower the truth - the value of quality, especially during the hour of collaborative trade negotiations.

The snake is the ideal type of a scrupulous and penetrating financier, who always wins to the last cent.

The serpent sees the victory of self, and її budinok is unlikely to be a wake-up call for all the buggers. A booth can have valuables, for example, expensive paintings, which are not recognized for third-party eyes. The serpent is exceptionally sensitive and often finds itself roaring, as, at a glance, it is not guilty of anyone to hang around.

Snakes love expensive clothes, but not commemorated, shards of stink are dressed not to strike others, but to get rid of, as much as possible, modest and hateful.

Ideal partner: The snake resolutely approaches the choice of a partner, who is guilty of proponing those that he himself does not reach in life: earthly spirituality, or forces of exotic beauty, with which there is no meaning. Bik will give pershu quality, and Piven chi will bring the Dragon to defeat the Snake with an illegal, algarine intrigue. The Chinese order adds one more promising partner: "If the Serpent and the Rabbit are snarling, then you will be happy."

HORSE- for the people of the rocky: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

In the CHINESE CALENDAR, the month of the Horse means the middle of fate. Vin includes the one who found a bright day, if the sun - Great Jan - shine the most strongly in the rotation. Apparently, the year of the Horse falls in the middle of the day (independently in the future), if the sun is at its zenith. Astrologers of the past robbed the sign of the Horse in order to represent the Great Yang, which is associated with the people of those occupations behind the walls of the booth.

In such a rank, Kіn is associated with a person's status, as in a behavioral plan, and so with characteristic rice. Typical signs of the sign of the Horse on the quiet, who was born under him, - choked with huge visits, sports and rude fires. For reasons of reason, the Chinese fathers, among the fools, named for the son, jumped the unique pretender, as she was born under the sign of the Horse, the shards were afraid of winning such a hat.

The person who was born under the sign of the Horse, vvazha for better, that offending the statis is guilty to lead a daily life in a different way to traditional functions: a person works in the field and bring home a harvest; the woman is employed in the home state and raises children. From the other side, the woman, who was born under the sign of the Horse, is the leader of her sharpened. You will try to take other glances: offending partners from your partner’s fault, distributing the same obligations to respect the domestic dominance and for the same reason to take away the same wine from the city and knowing it fallowly in your contribution.

The character of the person who was born under the sign of the Horse is vinjatkovo comradely and competitive. Throw a will to act like a team, not one by one. You can be a fanatic or a bearer of revolutionary ideas, or better yet, think that others will be like that. At one time, as a leader and building, speak directly and out of the door, without regard for individuals, do not call out the difficulties of the attendants and the successors, and do it. It is unlikely that you can easily change the thought of the Horse from various problems, vrakhovuyuchi principality and the obviousness of firm glances. Negative bik the character of a typical Horse - vin can be ahead of the curve and ahead of it.

Horses and credit bank cards are not good enough. Vvazhayuchi, scho smut - to cope with friendly hostility, Kin most often accepts quicker decisions in financial matters. You should not go beyond the budget, if you want to spend more time on such items, as if they were found to be the most necessary.

Women, who were born under the sign of the Horse, are ready to practice for the benefit of the welfare in various committees and be trusted by the organizers. Whether it’s directly to the team’s work from the city to the village, a trade conference or a family trip, the wife of Kin is the right choice to please everyone who is busy with this type of activity.

Wanting to look at first glance, people will be able to sport that other activity, tied to another practice, prote analysis of their attachments shows that the stink is to achieve a reasonable understanding in the intellectual plan. They also take satisfaction in the company of lovers of crossword puzzles and often take the lead in such games, like bridge, quizzes, etc.

If Kocha does not want to blindly follow the fashion in clothes, they don’t want to look old-fashioned, they give priority to the style that follows the rest of the fashion, but not memorable.

The ideal partner: Vіvtsya is the best way to go as a partner for all life; The other partners for understanding, so that the stench does not get across the road, will be the Tiger, especially as a woman, as well as a Dog, as a way to spread out the flirty before holding a permit in the fresh air and to sports. To partners, such a trace of uniqueness, lie Shchur or Rabbit, then Piven, in return for the respect of the Horse, to the yogi great prikrost. It is common for Chinese to say: "Bik and Kin cannot be in the same style."

VOVTSIA (GOAT)- for the people of the rock: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

PARTNER for the human sign of the Horse - Yang є Vivtsya - Yin. Qi two signs є two aspects of the tribal booth. The Buddhist sages chose Vivtsia in order to mark this sign woman's cob, the shards of a flock of sheep are folded together from the females. In the Chinese language, the word "vіvtsya" is signified by the very same hieroglyph, which means "goat", although it can sometimes be translated as "ram".

Vіvtsya represents a wide range of symbolic qualities, as you know your own signs in the characters of rich people. Tse, first for everything, the powerful herd feel that blindly following the NATO. Other representatives of this sign are less likely to go to the herd creature, willingly in the company of one or two friends. Ale has a lot of good qualities, like the authorities of all who were born under the sign of Vivtsi. One of them is the chanting of such types of mysticism, like singing and dancing, in some victories it can be like a solo, so in a warehouse of a choir and an ensemble. What is the cost exemplary views art, then V_vtsya, better for everything, voddast win for the little ones, vikonanim in pastel and muted colors, and not in yaskravih neo-modernist farbs. The decoration of the booth is also displayed in quiet tones.

In special mutual relations, Vivtsya is careful to establish permanent links more quickly, especially in the case of a slave. However, it is not the skin of the building that sets up ideal stosunki with other people. Okrema Vivtsya can be self-sufficient and philosophically fit to her share, but she doesn’t look at her own self-foundation as a blessing. Family life plays an important role for this sign of the Chinese zodiac, the same viddana Vivtsya, nayimovirnishche, mother of a strong family son.

With a glance, car'eri Vivtsu is the best way to please the robot at the team. Life is connected with music and dances, it can be taєmnoy and bazhanoy the honor of a representative of this sign, but a profession, as it may be in relation to people, such as a robot with personnel, it will be a more natural and impudent choice of Vіvtsі.

The spirit of collectivism and camaraderie is strong in people of this sign, which, unfortunately, develops in them, almost by the way, to the manifestation of individuality in other people. Vіvtsya, for which everyone is on the same guise similar to other vivtsіv, they believe in those that colleagues and friends do not share the relish of that zvichok, do not cheer for the very team and do not take away the joy of eating the same pie. And if in the past it sticks with the fact that everything in life is not so, then you can look at the girka rozcharuvannya, and what better it becomes, it’s better than the understanding of people with a tight family stake.

First of all, the share of vibovuvatime Vivtsyu, as if it were to lean in the hands of impertinent colleagues, especially quiet, who hugged the posts. Such people can see Vivtsyu as naїvnu and talkative nature, accepting її accommodating character as well. Why is it important that the underestimation of the wholesome nature of Vivtsy can become the cause of dashing, splintering, tempted to drink on the extreme rocks, m'yaka and pokirna Vivtsya transform into a fortune-teller, a building-like roki with ruinous nasl idkami.

Vіvtsі more authoritatively not delve deeply into the essence of speeches, but marvel at them superficially, respecting the details, not delving into them like they don’t, appearing on their own. In business, people are successful there, they can be right with people with those speeches. In quiet moods, if Vіvtsya does not recognize his call, she will lose the finer things in the hands of successful and literate fakhіvtsіv. Zovnіshnіy vіglyad Vіvtsі vіvtsі vіvtsі maє in your order, vpevneniy and good-natured: vіn zavzhdi vіddaє vіdnaє vіdnaє vіdnaє vіdnaє vіdgaє vіdnaє vіdnaє vіdnaє vіvtsі zruchіvіm, in yakom іѕ саn саn саn саn tаt calmly after a business day for the party feast ohm.

The ideal partner: The primacy of Vivtsі to sіm'ї shows that the ideal partner is a domestic Pig or a dbailiviy Rabbit. Leather from them can bring you happiness in partnership, like a sign of dreams in the depths of the soul. Likewise, Vivtsya, in his mutual relations with partners, is satisfied with a different role, even though the sharp Kin for her is a wonderful partner of style. Piven, and also the Serpent can be added to the singing world for Vivtsi, but Bik as a partner will become the cause of headache and pain.

Mavpa- for the people of the rock: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

NAMES OF ZODIACAL SIGNS of creatures and Mavpi and Pivnya may be a little sleepy with their old signs, but the stench is based on their astrological interpretation. The number two signs at once unite in that technology: Yang's quality represents everything related to technology and important machine-building, and Yin's versatility is the design of the hand-made robot.

On the Chinese year of the year of Mavpi - the rest of the year of a bright day, which ends without a hitch before sunset. An ancient symbol, which reflects this sign, showing a skin stretched on a frame, which means that it is important to stretch.

Mavpa is a popular character in Chinese legends, unheard of and beshketny in classical kazci, a kind of supporter of Xuan Tsang’s chance for an hour of unsafe and risky is more expensive for a visit. In the epic poems, the mavpa captures the essence of human nature, її frivolity and moral inconsistency, yak, prote, maybe the veils of kindness have been repaired on the right, that nonchalant robot.

The astrological symbolism of Mavpi speaks in lightness, which manifests itself just like in words, so in right. Vaughn is built up to work on metal, starting from the most important details when working with jewelry mills that year to majestic spores, so like a machine of such a bridge. Lyudina, yak was born under the sign of Mavpi and not with golden hands, even balakuch and may gostra mov, which allows him to successfully win the role of a lawyer in court.

Ale, such a quality of Mavpi, like a gift of Krasnomovstvo and building to dotik, next victorious for good. From one side, carrying hands zodiacal sign zdatnі vykonuvati folded surgical operations; From the other side, your hands can successfully open a bank safe. Mavpa, who has leaned on the lava of courts, can strike the lawyers and protect himself, nicely standing up for her position. If you talk about someone who is guilty of guilt, like Mavpa, then such a person should be placed with great care until the vchinkіv. Those who can start like a normal person to improve their lives, in fact, will turn into a new catastrophe for the new one, if the building sign is wrongly built up to guiltiness. Financial situation Mavp is often unstable, protests best hours it is possible to navit pov'yazan with wealth. The secret of the building of this sign is to win whether there is a chance for achieving success.

If Mavpa is the head of the family, then in such a booth it is important to maintain a calm atmosphere, the shards of the young members of the family of the family inherit the overworldly active father - the bearer of this sign. Ale, always one of the members of this family in a twisted situation is guilty of being a support and a defender.

Mayuchi good partners, yakі mayut enough resources and yut nevnu meta, Mavpa zdatna show itself to be in order with them in the most creative activity, going head over heels in the development of its ambitious projects, which calls out the shoaling of otochyuyuchih. If Mavpa is wise as a result of life's knowledge, then it will not be allowed, so that the camp and wealth would reach the mountain over the day of nature. Navpaki, I’ll start planning projects again, building to bring misfortune to us.

However, among the team of Mavpa, one can behave very inconspicuously, outperforming the insignificant and such, which is not so thrown into the eyes, uniquely manifesting itself in odyaz. You won’t love small embellishments or embroidery on toilet items, as well as thinned jewelry pieces. Mustache vydbivaє risi її collapsible character.

Ideal partner: With such partners, like Patsyuk and the Dragon, one of them is like a companion of life, and the other is like a relative or friend, Mavpa can reach great special success and reach the heights of human happiness. The axis of why Mavpi's task is to search for two partners. For a more modest life, friendship, comfort, and security for all life, secure Kіn, and fun days of wine and mіg mother from the Dog. If you are a Tiger, then you are unlikely to become a hearing and pliable partner.

PIVNIK- for the people of the rock: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

WHAT FOLDING CHARACTER Pivnya has! This is often seen from the super-clear symbols of Pivnya: if you want to associate with the signal of early sun, the prote on the Chinese year of wine means the hour of sunset, if the birds turn into nests on the ground.

Axis to which Piven itself is associated with be-what kind of activity at the evening hour. Under the infusion of Pivnya, there are such hallucinations of creativity, like music, painting, recitation, theater, and concert activity.

If you want to put Pіven before Ін - a woman's sign, vіn vvazhaєtsya overworldly napoleglivym and naynapoleglivіshim z usіh znіv Іn і to that singing world vodіє rich with Yang's yakos, nastіlki domineering to the authoritative and significant Tiger. Pivni are sooner good orators and lovers of indulgence, anіzh tsіkavі svіvrozmovniki, moreover, do not stink the svіdomih zusil, in order to help the character of the sharp vislovluvans. The open air and the direct manner of expressing one's thoughts can come across as harsh and often taken as obvious rudeness.

In domestic minds, a similar manner of behavior does not leave doubts about who is the right ruler. Maybe it’s better to blow the person, whose behavior has trumpeted dissatisfaction on the side of Pivnya. Under the circumstances, Piven is not obov'yazkovo can be the actual head of this, but be it any other time, the significance should not be put under doubt.

In the astrological sense of understanding "Piven" and "pennies" - mayzhe identical. Wanting to Pivni may be more sensitive to business people and boldly laying bones in reserve, prote stink hour after hour, destroying the deeds of budgetary spending, demonstrating once and for all the waste of money. A woman, born under the sign of Pivnya, is more able to carry pennies in the house, lower Piven-cholovik, which is more squandering than they are.

Tі, hto pragne to be the first middle of the quiet, hto you can feel it new or pass on the rest of the news, Pivnі volodіyut usіma nebhіdnymi kaknosti, scho allow them to become good newspapermen and spіvrobіtnik zhurnalіv. Ale, even though bi yak kar'єra were robbed of Pivni, those aspects of labor activity, like a primal woman's character, will be far away for them.

Like silski pіvnі, people who were born under this astrological sign, vvazhayut for the better to get up early vrantsі, to proceed to indulgence, and not to sleep long before, like throwing other members of this family. As a rule, they need less sleep to restore strength to other people. The stench can spit out anxiety from that drive, vvazhuchi tse broken activities of your body. But you won’t become a problem if you have the right mindset for your work order of the day. Tim is not less, there is one factor in their behavior, for which there is a trace in everyday life. The prototype of this sign is not a gift for the ancient symbol of a wine dance. One Piven in a new horoscope is not respected by an unfriendly sign. If there is another or a third day, with such signs, to understand how the year, the day and the month, then we can give evidence about the danger of poisoning with alcoholic drinks, drugs and medicinal preparations.

People who were born under the sign of Pivnya are proud and always love to deal with friendly hostility to the lonely. It is necessary to be dressed in modern clothes for the rest of the fashion. At the same time, the stench of the stench will be like a shouting robe at the door. It is fitting that they express their suffocation to them, but not at the same time not zdivuvannya. These people turn out to be richly and arbitrarily to the point of obsession with the one who is worthy of їhnyoї zvnіshnostі, clothes and cosmetics. If you remember even the smallest disorder in your likeness, you smell like rubbish, and fear, which is even more important to understand less sensitive people.

The ideal partner: Who can be vouchsafed such an unapproachable and at the same time specialty? Tim, who cultivates such a vibіr, is guilty of not vistachata quiet yakos, with which the stench is most choked by Pivn, although other people can respect the authoritative nature of Pivn the least privablivim. Vpevneniy, nadіyny Bik and calm and streamer Snake є good partners for Pivnya. Vіvtsya or Pig zdatnі become partners and create a homely atmosphere. As soon as the Tiger, the Horse and the other Pivnya stand, then they check the supernity one with one, and not one is not known, who is the right leader from them.

DOG- for the people of the rock: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

In ancient Chinese treatises, the astrological sign, which is known to us like a Dog, appears at the looking hand, which is written off. Vіn vkazuvav hour doby, if the house on the night was safe, and the watchman stood up to draw. Zavdyaki his rіshuchostі, smilіvnostі, sіlі spirit і stіykostі Dog becoming a natural zabezpechennya zakhistu and safety.

The dog and the Pig become a couple of signs of partners, like to manage the booth and the government's rights. The dog vouches for safety beyond the walls of the booth, just like the Pig guarantees a homely calm. Ale Sobaka is occupied not only with the problems of security and the security of the house, but also with the life of the life itself. The wealthy people of the rivers of the Dog show interest in everyday life, and not in the profession as such, but in the financial connected with it, and the contribution of some ideas to the entire process. The dog will have the will of the mother to live well, to constantly improve the yogo rosemir, like that comfort.

To this sign of authority, be a keeper, and to that the dog is given the work of donation, as if the zavdyak to whom it is possible to reach. Napolegliv in pratsi, scho zvukla vidobuvati all the best of what є, The dog is able to endure such a thing that zmushuє іnshih gasp.

Vminnya protect your budinok and desperate to rob the Dog as a trusted friend. To such people, on a genetic level, wariness is transmitted to the point of unknowingness, and even though friendly stoks have already established themselves, then the stench is overwhelmed, unfazed by the difficulties that change. Dogs must lend a helping hand, and absolutely bezkorislo. It is necessary for us to voluntarily give up our services for whatever you do, directed for the good of the people. It is not surprising that it is easy for them to start making friends, but the stench may be a little short, for an hour the dogs become even more trusting. You know bad things, and inspire members of this family to be evil with their good luck and strange character. If you keep the dog ahead of the uncertainties of people who are not respected by relatives, then such a joy will be seen with a new baiduzhistyu.

Dogs love. schob In this case, people always look after everyone, but when you have a connection between fathers and children, they don’t cry.

People who were born under the sign of the Dog love to spend free hour in the fresh air, helping out the village or doing sports. It’s important for the Dog to choose such a partner, who will share his love with a fresh face, or such a one, who is ready to allow the dog to spend an hour on the authority’s judgement, according to his hobby.

When choosing a professional career, the success is hoped for by the military service, or by robots in the field of protection and security. The nature of the dog is suitable for such a busy operation as an operation for non-violent work, as well as work for everyday life and restoration of a life. With this, the Dog is forever to blame for the mother's ability to practice the posture, the shards of the robot in a closed room will inevitably lead to depression. An old-fashioned-looking dog has at once a vision of prudence and practicality. Women give priority to style, which reinforces their advantages, and men, on the other hand, give pride to a gracious manner in dress. I tі, y іnshі pragnat look like smart people and at the same time become sociable.

IDEAL PARTNER: The dog has been ripped to a close alliance with the Tiger and the Horse, and the stink shards may have a lot of common interests, the stink insults will create trivals and mіtsnі vidnosini with the Dog. A pig can be seen as a more suitable home partner for which sign, so you don’t spend an hour at home. Ale offended by the stink of guilt, learn to understand and protect the interests of one alone. When Bika is in a hurry, we’ll get gloomy, quarrelsome and gloomy, and the Dragon can run into a penny of the Dog.

pig- for the people of the rock: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

The Chinese sign, which previously depicted the sign of the Pig before the introduction of the names of the creatures, as if they were stupefying, two people in a bed under a house. The pig symbolized the rest of the year chinese day, if sim'ya was lying in a lizhko, and it was less easy to chrop_nnya sleeping households, that they were talking about themselves in the world.

People who were born under the sign of the Pig lie down to the most accepted features, which only one can learn in this life. The stench is friendly, warm to other people, generous, cheerful and comrades.

The house of a man, born under the sign of the Pig, is always comfortable, often luxurious, and at the same time it is warm and welcoming for guests. Wanting Pig, for his character, does not seem to be close to the arrogant and inveterate people, and is easily satisfied with the easy role in the family, but the household will always recognize the prevailing of the home calm in the food.

The way of life, until the sound of the Pig, vimagaє napolozhnoї pratsі. Those who do not enter before the stake of those close to the Pig, can decide what to have luck with the financial plan. І at tsomu, dovkola Pork situation - tse result, first for everything, її praciovitostі, diligence and diligence. I how the Pig opinated in required hour and in the required place, not in the fall of the situation, but in the relay planning, analysis and forecasting of the situation.

Ale friendly character Pig and ovnishn without a turbot setting up to life to mourn their shortfalls. Pragnennya to please everyone, as well as the accommodating nature of the Pig, are looked at witheringly, as if it were self-evident. Swine follows the memory of the old prisliv'ya about those that it is important to be merciful and strange, and even more important not to be like that. A pig can often be deceived, especially for financial reasons.

The most appropriate profession for the Pig, the service sector, including the design of interiors, the work of the hotel, and all other areas, de needing high quality services. Good social workers go to the River Pig people.

To love a pig is fashionably dressed, but the flooring, the slippers allow її pributki. And wanting to be on the foreground, clarity and practicality hang in the air, in the clothes, bring in the present elements, like shouting in others, and mimicking the style of the Pig.

IDEAL PARTNER: It's a pity, Pigs are not powerfully guilty of correct judgments about the nature of people, so it is often not necessary to enter at the wrong place with not right people. An ideal partner for the Pig could be the Rabbit, or Vivtsya, which is powerful, such is the authority of the house of that Sim'ї. For a woman who was born in the river Pig, the ideal person would be a person who shares his interest until the home fire is reduced. The whole Pig can get Yaskravy Piven. Ale varto remember that the extravagant relish of Pivnya is expensive for you and the family budget can simply not show such a waste of money.

(According to the book by Derek Walters "Secrets of Chinese Astrology")

The first riddles about the Hidden horoscope were more than a thousand years old. Chinese abo Східный horoscope for the fate of the people, to help you grow up with your individuality and know yourself, revealing in yourself earlier unknown talents and ability. How to celebrate Chinese wisdom - “A person, as she knew herself, can scrutinize her Share on her own, earning a gift from life, success, prosperity.” Zgіdno with a long-standing legend, yak rozpovida, that the Buddha, walking from this world, calling out for the farewell of all the animals.

Of all the requested animals, only twelve came, for the sake of wine, giving the skin of them the reign of justice on Earth, making a new cycle for twelve lives. From that hour, the beasts “come” to the people in the suvoriy succession, guarding for their shares. The skin is a representative of rock, endowing people, like they were born in their river, with singing talents and talents. The signs of the Hidden calendar are always depicted according to the stake, all the creatures are stashed in singing order, one against the other. It is important, what signs, what to lie, more protilezhnosti, the stench is not summed up one by one.

In the wake of a new fate, another youngster is being conducted, which comes after the winter Solstice - 22 breasts. All in the wake of the Skhidny fate monthly calendar, and the skin of a new month, at the Hidden calendar, begins with a young man.

Chinese astrologers add the signs of the zodiac to the chotiri groups (triads), they stink that people who were born in the same triad can easily know and sleep with each other. For the sake of caution, it was noted that the partnerships and the blues, placed between representatives of the same group, are nayvdalish.


* Chinese horoscope behind the rocks of the people table

The Dragon

Zodiac signs from the Chinese horoscope

  1. Persha group - Patsyuk, Mavpa, Dragon. Energetic, diyalni, їm powerfully go to extremes. To love rіshuchi dії and supernice. Shchuri demand the brilliance and self-satisfaction of the Dragon, from his line to you marriage of the cunning mind of Mavpi and the guilty shrewdness of Shchur. Mavpi value Shchurakh's high intellect and enthusiasm of the Dragon.
  2. The other group is Zmiya, Piven, Bik. Pratsiovity, rozvozhlivі, mayut high intellectual, self-singing, purposeful directing. Bik’s incensions are a diplomatic Snake, helping to inflame Pivnya’s ardor. The brightness of Pivnya and the serenity of the Zmії are safely poured onto the newly-born Bik, and the Zmії in his line help to reach the great heights of Bik and Pіven, zavdyaks to their positive qualities.
  3. The third group - Kіn, Dog, Tiger. Impulsive, friendly, able to easily make friends. For the implementation of their strategic plans, the horses will help - the daring of the Dog and the ignorance of the Tiger. The dog, in his line, is at the time of the Tiger, in the form of transcendent rudeness and zhorstkost.
  4. Fourth group - Rabbit (Kіt), Goat (Vіvtsya), Boar. Modest, strange, simple, lower and dbaylivy. Rabbit gives Goats a sense of protection and generosity. The Boar complements the Goat with his gentle sensitive character, and the Rabbit with his strategic thoughts.

Elements of the signs of the zodiac from the Chinese horoscope

The skin sign of the Hidden horoscope is characterized as creatures, which is known as river, and one of the five elements - Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. Chinese philosophy vvazha, skin of these elements perebuvat under the core of its own planet: Water - Mercury, Metal - Venus, Fire - Mars, Wood - Jupiter, Earth - Saturn.

The skin of these elements can have its own positive and negative qualities, like a person’s energy under their infusion. Also, the power of the infusion of the skin element is signified differently in different hours fate. The strongest infusion of Water is a charge, Metal is an autumn, Fire is an inlet, Trees are hinged, The Earth takes its infusion with a stretch of a mustache fate.

  • Element of Water. Softness, generosity, penetrability, intelligence, spontaneity, mood swings, depression, lightness. Infallible intuition, calm - drawings of the verse. Representatives of the tsієї stії vlastіvo mother great hands, frizzy hair, downy ruin, varto increase respect for your own vaga, fatness can lead to bezpіddy. Tsya element keruє nirkami and vukhami. People, like perebuvayut under the power of the elements, are mostly businessmen, artists, poets. The color of the elements of Water is dark blue, white, black, turquoise, black.
  • Metal element. Richness, stability, romanticism, success, boldness, straightforwardness, hardness. Calm and mature representatives of the verse miraculously manifest themselves in the role of doctors, accountants, engineers, designers. Lovers of justice are always rejoicing in their vrіvnovennosti and natural kindness. Element Metalu keruє light and shkiroy. The typical rices of representatives of the Metalu verse are vuzki forks, thin straight nis, thin lips. The colors of the elements of Metal are white, gray, black.
  • Element of fire. Vіddanіst, predilection, rіshuchіst і activіtіn іn reaching іt's goals, optіmіzm, flamboyance, stubbornness, impertinence. The struggle for justice is the representative of the signs of rice, like a splash of the elements. The representatives of the tsієї stії have a clearly pronounced fortitude and nis, thick hair and stand wide. Element Fire governs - blood and heart. Representatives of this verse miraculously manifest themselves in the role of lawyers, politicians, orators, and readers. The color of the elements of Fire is red, white, orange, yellow.
  • Tree Element. Comrade, guilt, tolerance, forgetfulness, pessimism, sensibility, good nature. The most elegant, the strongest, the most successful of all elements. Representatives of this element may be even more out of the blue. In people who seem to perebuvayut under the influx of the elements of the Tree, they can have a scrawny stature, striking eyes, thin hands. The tree is the most important of the elements, the signs, which seem to peresbuvayut under yoga in a burst, always remember the set marks. Representatives of the elements The tree is miraculously felt in the role of farmers, artists, writers, guides. Element The tree is cherished by the liver of that eye. The color of the elements Wood - brown, green.
  • Earth element. peacefulness, practicality, steadfastness, vitrivality, logicality, isolation, vpertist, conservatism. People, like perebuvayut under the influx of the elements, are able to realize their ideas, may be strategically minded and diligent. People of high moral values ​​have a look. Among the representatives of the natural world there are brilliant architects, designers, businessmen, lawyers. The representatives of the elements of the Earth have brightly expressed wide eyebrows, flat life, high cholo. The element of the Earth is guarded by the spleen and the mouth. The color of the elements of the Earth is yellow, brown, black.

The skin element adds to the characteristics of the sign, giving it individuality and originality. Likewise, Chinese philosophers see six pairs of signs, in which they always suspect the development of an astrological conflict. The reason for these conflicts is manifested in the fact that the representatives of these signs react differently to navkolishniy svit. Bet chi axis:

Patsyuk (Water) – Kin (Wogon)

Bik (Earth) – Goat (Earth)

Tiger (Wood) – Mavpa (Metal)

Dragon (Earth) – Dog (Earth)

Snake (Wogon) – Boar (Water)

Prote not varto fall into the vіdchay, as the results of the analysis, for the Skhidny horoscope turned out to be undesirable. Chinese philosophers affirm that the human lot and luck is in the hands of the people themselves.

The injection of money Yin and Yang on the characteristics of the sign

It is also important, as the energy pours in the characteristics of the sign. Zgіdno z Old Chinese philosophy - it is expressed through the energy of two cobwebs, two cobs, which always perebuvayut at the uninterrupted mutual modality - Yin and Yang. These two energies are proliferating, always complement one another, and do not establish one without one. In order to understand what type of energy is experienced in people, it is necessary to show respect, as signs of energy appear more.

  • Yin is a symbol of a woman. Thin stature, not high growth, chuynist, non-material warehouse of reason, individualism, quick-wittedness, melancholyness.
  • Yang is a symbol of a person. Mitsna statura, middle and high growth, comradeship, optimism, material warehouse of mind, self-sense, energy.

Yin and Yang are two different energies, which harmoniously unite in a human being, regardless of the status.

The characteristic of the skin sign is given in a certain way until the birth of the people, by the date and hour the yakі people were born. Lyudina is gaining the strength of her sign, her character, her share. A similar horoscope tells about the peculiar character of a person, their special talents, ability, the specifics of intercourse with other people. Also, for additional characteristics, for the Hidden horoscope, it is possible, to recognize some spheres of activity, people are more likely to engage in. At the characteristics of the horoscope, the main parts of the share of the people are shown, on which you can gain respect and what you can hide.

The Skhidny horoscope describes not the life of a person, but the character and attitudes of people. The characteristic of the sign of the Zodiac gives us a high-precision tool, for the help of such a skin we can understand our potential, set life priorities for ourselves and directly.

For the help of this tool, the skin can understand us, if they can be brown in return, and if they can be brown, and if they should be curly, or be aware. According to the Skhidny horoscope, you can understand the character yourself and in common with other people, so that you can understand what kind of pidkhid and style of communication will be the most productive.

Patsyuk is the first sign in the Skhidny horoscope. Representatives of this sign - mayut high pracity, practical and comrade vdacha. Shchuri - hospitable and hospitable, always leaving unforgettable hostility in the memory of the restless, wanting not to regret it yourself ...

Bik is another sign in the Skhidny horoscope. People, people in the river Bika - tse potik positive energy, strength and patience. characteristic rice for Bik, steadfastness and vitrivality, which allows Bik to stand up against all life, to test and s...

The tiger is the third sign in the Hidden horoscope. 1950 rіk after the Skhidny calendar - the rіk of the Metal Tiger People, people who live in the rіk of the Metal Tiger - may have a charismatic specialty. Tigers create a militant character, wisdom and masculinity. ...

1951 according to the Skhidny calendar - the river of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) 1951 according to the Skhidny calendar - the river of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) In this article you know: 1951 is for the similar calendar Features of the sign of the Metal Rabbit ...

The dragon is the fifth sign of the Hidden horoscope. 1952 r_k according to the Skhіdnim calendar - r_k of the Water Dragon From these stats you know: 1952 r_k according to the skhіdnim calendar Features of the sign of the Water Dragon for the Chinese calendar The advantages of this ...

The snake is the sixth sign of the Hidden horoscope. 1953 rіk following the Skhіdniy calendar - rіk Water serpent From these stats you know: 1953 rіk following the skhіdniy calendar Features of the sign Water serpent according to the Chinese calendar The advantages are not enough ...

Kіn is the somy sign of the Hidden horoscope. 1954 according to the Skhіdnim calendar - the sign of the Wooden horse From these stats you know: 1954 what rіk according to the skhіdnim calendar Features of the sign of the Wooden horse according to the Chinese calendar Perevagi and...

The goat is the seventh sign of the Hidden horoscope. 1955 rіk according to the Skhіdniy calendar - rіk Sinyoї Derev'yanoї Kozi (Vіvtsі) From these stats you know: 1955 rіk according to the skhіdny calendar Features of the sign Sinyoї Derev'yanoї Kozi (Vіvtsі) behind the Chinese...

Mavpa is the eighth sign of the Hidden horoscope. 1956 according to the Skhіdniy calendar - the river of Vognyanoї Mavpi From these stats you know: 1956 what kind of rіk according to the shіdny calendar Features of the sign of Vognyanoї Mavpi according to the Chinese calendar Perevagi...

Piven is the tenth sign behind the face of the Hidden horoscope. 1957 r_k for the Skhidniy calendar - r_k Fire Pivnya From this article you know: 1957 what kind of rіk for a similar calendar Features of the Fire Pivnya sign for the Chinese calendar ...