After birth, oxytocin was prescribed. Why do you need oxytocin during pregnancy and after childbirth

Oxytocin is one of the most important hormones for the normal functioning of the human body. The pituitary gland is constantly working on its creation. Then he directly sends it into the bloodstream. Oxytocin with breastfeeding   and pregnancy in the female body is of great importance. That is why in some cases it needs to be supplied to the body in synthetic form.

Oxytocin value

This hormone affects the muscular system of the uterus. That is why the onset of the genera themselves is associated with oxytocin. Lactating mothers hormone helps to reduce the uterus and return it to its original size. Naturally   It is possible to increase the production of oxytocin with regular attachment of the baby to the breast.

When feeding in a woman’s body, not only oxytocin production, but also prolactin is active. Together, they are used to create a product of lactation and muscle contraction, which facilitate sucking babies.

Artificial oxytocin and features of its use

Oxytocin when breastfeeding in sufficient quantities should be released by the body of a woman automatically. Synthetic drugs are allowed to use in the following cases:

  • weakening is observed generic activity;
  • bleeding in the postpartum period;
  • lactostasis.

Milk is the perfect food for babies. Nature has provided all the features child's body. For parents it is important to do everything to continue breastfeeding. Our parents also tried to teach the baby to a certain diet, so they fed him strictly by the hour. This method is considered ineffective today. Also moms are not advised to give the baby a pacifier. Otherwise, increases the likelihood of failure of the breast.

The hormone is released by regularly putting the baby to the chest.

The baby should be fed on demand. In this case, the baby will grow and develop properly, because all the necessary vitamins and minerals will be ingested into his body. A woman does not have to specially prepare for feeding. Her body will do everything on their own. For her, the main thing is to keep a positive attitude and avoid serious mistakes. At first it will be difficult to understand the needs of the child. However, the process manages to be well tuned for a couple of months

Prolactin is a hormone that is directly involved in the production of breast milk in the body. He starts the processes in the cells. Scientists were able to establish that the amount of prolactin in the body increases dramatically at the moment when the baby begins to suck.

When HBV prolactin in the body of a woman is formed in sufficient quantities between 3-8 in the morning. That is why during this period it is important to organize breast sucking, which will stimulate this process. Mom should understand that when feeding a child consumes milk, which was produced by the previous portion of the hormone. Additionally, you should follow correct feeding. Proper nipple capture has a direct effect on the production of prolactin in the body. To increase its production should consider the following factors:

  • position during breastfeeding;
  • frequency of application;
  • mom must feed the baby at night.

Milk is excreted by the breast under the direct effects of oxytocin. The hormone begins to be produced within a few minutes after active sucking. It weakens smooth muscles. Due to this, it is possible to achieve easier milk discharge. It is easily through the ducts into the baby's mouth. Milk begins to flow precisely under the influence of oxytocin. A woman at the time of its manifestation may feel chest engorgement. The process is also known as tide. The hormone also has a direct effect on the mood and psycho-emotional state of a woman. Under its influence the appearance and smell of the breast changes, which makes it as attractive as possible for the child. If the process did not take place during the feeding period, then a flow of time can form at the mommy.

  Oxytocin is administered as an injection.

Oxytocin is produced during or before feeding. Its amount may be insufficient if a woman feels very tired or is under stress. In this case, the muscles can not relax until the end, so the baby becomes difficult to suck milk, and he can refuse to breast. The situation is dangerous, because in this case, the liquid can not be removed even with a breast pump. Most often in this case, Mommy begins to think that lactation has stopped due to stress. You can avoid the situation if a woman is in favorable conditions and does not worry about trifles. In this case, her body can relax well and give the baby the necessary food. Only good nutrition guarantees the correct growth and development of the crumbs.

Increase the volume of milk can be using properly selected hormones. Prolactin decreases in quantity, if the child cannot properly capture the nipple, Mommy does not feed him regularly and skips the night sessions. In this case, oxytocin depends only on the emotional state of mommy.

The effect of oxytocin on the female body after childbirth

It is advisable to prick the hormone in order to stimulate active contraction of the uterus. The hypothalamus is used to produce oxytocin. Further, it remains in the pituitary gland and only after a certain shock is released into the blood. The hormone is considered female because it is present in a small amount in the male body.

The hormone performs a number of important functions:

  • Regulates the muscular system of the uterus. Due to this, after a certain period, it can return to its former state. If the process is disrupted, the risk of developing inflammation of the cavity increases. The situation is dangerous omission, which may result in a fallout.
  • The hormone activates milk production. Sazu after birth activity in the female body produces colostrum. The process occurs only with a sufficient amount of oxytocin in the blood.
  • This substance is used by the body as an antidepressant. Thanks to him manages to get rid of the state of anxiety. A woman additionally feels confidence and complete security under his influence.

  Blood is analyzed for the purpose of analyzing the amount of hormones.

Non-natural analogue is prescribed if tests have confirmed an insufficient amount of oxytocin in the blood. The situation arises against the background of complications that may arise after childbirth. In this case, the woman is diagnosed with bleeding, stretching of some internal organs and other pathologies in the reproductive system.

How is oxytocin and lactation related?

For babies, breast milk is considered the perfect food. Oxytocin is needed for its production and contraction of the uterus. The situation also directly depends on the amount of prolactin in the blood. Hormones should be normal in order for breastfeeding to take place without unnecessary complications.

  • Oxytocin is used by the female body to actively stimulate the production of milk in the glands. During sucking from the nipple, a special signal is transmitted that gives the brain a boost in hormone production.
  • It reduces pain sensations   during sucking. Also, the hormone anesthetizes the process of decanting with the help of a breast pump.

To determine the amount of oxytocin in the blood, you must donate blood for analysis. The study is conducted on any given day.

An increase in the amount of oxytocin in the blood can be determined according to the following criteria:

  • Active milk secretion during crying baby.
  • Milk flows from one nipple when the baby eats from the opposite.
  • When breastfeeding, you can catch tingling in the chest.

Injections of synthetic oxytocin should be used if a woman has problems with feeding. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor on the basis of the obtained tests. Additionally, it should be noted that the drug often causes side effectstherefore, the feasibility of injections is assessed individually.

  Oxytocin improves the mood of the mother and child

Side effect

  • Synthetic drug delays the flow of urine, so a woman may have edema.
  • A decrease in the intensity of the heartbeat is observed only in the mother while taking the drug. If it is used during labor, the pathology can subsequently be detected in the child.
  • Oxytocin in large doses can lead to the creation of a strong muscle tone of the uterus. The situation in medical practice is known as tetany.
  • If a woman is allergic to this drug, then she may have a strong allergic reaction and even anaphylactic shock.
  • As a rule, immediately after the administration of a large dose of the drug, the woman may develop nausea and vomiting. During lactation, it is a natural reaction to the delivery of oxytocin into the blood.

If a woman has at least one of these negative manifestations, it will be necessary to immediately seek medical help. In this case, it is advisable to completely change the treatment strategy.

Two hormones are involved in breast milk production: prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is produced in response to breast sucking, but oxytocin depends on the mood of the nursing mother. Stress and anxiety negatively affect the production of the hormone, which impairs lactation. It becomes difficult for the child to suck milk, he does not receive the required amount of nutrition, and a woman may develop lactostasis.

If the baby is actively sucking milk and is not experiencing difficulty, everything is fine with the level of oxytocin. But what if breastfeeding is accompanied by problems? Today in medicine they use a special hormonal drug Oxytocin in ampoules for injections. Note that the drug can be taken only after consulting a doctor and only by prescription.

Drug action

Oxytocin is a hormonal drug that is associated with childbirth and breastfeeding. The tool is produced in the form of a solution for injection. Injections are made only in a specialized medical hospital under the strict supervision of a physician. Today, Oxytocin is used to enhance labor, reduce uterus and lactation. Injections are used only for medicinal purposes and for the following problems:

  • With prolonged pregnancy or premature rupture of amniotic fluid, with primary and secondary birth weakness stimulates and stimulates childbirth;
  • During cesarean section. How to adjust breastfeeding after cesarean section, read the link /;
  • After childbirth or abortion with the development of hypotension and atony of the uterus;
  • In the period of early lactostasis prevents the further development of the disease;
  • With hypolactation (lack of breast milk).

Oxytocin stimulates smooth muscles and increases the contractile activity of the uterus, reduces urination. Hormonal injections have a relaxing effect on vascular smooth muscle, leading to a temporary increase in pulse rate and an increase in blood pressure.

Contraindications and side effects

Oxytocin can not be drunk with high blood pressure, severe heart and vascular diseases, hypersensitivity to the drug and in the presence of postoperative scars on the uterus.

Also, the tool has limitations in application for pregnant women. It has a negative effect if the future woman in labor has a discrepancy in the size of the fetus and pelvis of the woman, threatening uterine rupture, transverse or oblique location of the fetus. In addition, the instruction does not recommend taking a hormone for pregnant women with a narrow pelvis.

The drug has the following side effects:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Heart rhythm disorder;
  • Increasing the tone of the uterus;
  • Strong labor and increase the risk of uterine rupture;
  • Urinary retention;
  • Bleeding;
  • Jaundice.

Before taking the drug during breastfeeding or pregnancy, it is obligatory to consult a doctor! The use of Oxytocin is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

After delivery, the doctor prescribes Oxytocin for lactostasis to reduce the risk of breast lumps. Injections during breastfeeding help the exit of milk at the initial stage of education. Reception and dosage is prescribed only by a doctor! When using the product, the composition penetrates the milk in small amounts, but it can have a negative effect on your well-being. baby   and moms.

For the successful production of oxytocin, it is necessary to provide a favorable emotional background for a nursing mother. Then breastfeeding will not cause problems. Breastfeeding should be pleasant and comfortable. A woman needs to worry less and avoid stressful situations. What will help nursing mom with stress and which sedatives can be taken, read.

In the process of breastfeeding, two human hormones are most involved: prolactin and oxytocin. Under the action of prolactin in the mother's body is produced breast milk. In this article, we will analyze what role is played oxytocin with.

In the majority of modern literature there is information that you need to often put the child to the chest. This woman increases the amount of milk produced. But, for successful breastfeeding, a calm psychological situation is necessary. Prolactin is produced in response to breast sucking (best during the early hours). Oxytocin begins to be produced in the body at the time of application, and maybe before. But the hormone oxytocin is very dependent on the mood of the mother. If mother worries a lot, is nervous, then problems with feeding can arise. You can have a lot of milk, but getting it out of your baby’s chest is hard. For this reason lactostasis may develop.

When oxytocin is produced, the mammary glands contract and milk flows more easily from the breast. Therefore, to facilitate breast sucking to feed the baby should be in a relaxed atmosphere.

In addition, oxytocin is very useful for mom. This hormone causes uterine contractions after childbirth. Therefore, in the first weeks during feeding, a woman may feel pain in the uterus.

Synthesized oxytocin can be used for labor induction or to enhance labor activity. Often, oxytocin injections are prescribed after a cesarean section. The fact is that the pituitary gland can fail in the production of oxytocin due to "incorrect" delivery. After birth, oxytocin is used to prevent or reduce uterine bleeding, improve uterine contractility. If a woman has a tendency to lactostasis, in this case, the doctor may also prescribe oxytocin.

Until now, there is no consensus among doctors about the benefits of using oxytocin during labor and the postpartum period. As with the use of any medication it is important to comply with the measure. An excessive amount of the synthesized hormone in a woman’s body can lead to problems with blood pressure, nausea and vomiting. However, if the doctor recommends the injection of oxytocin, in no case should not neglect his opinion. After all, with a lack of oxytocin, problems may arise with the restoration of the body after childbirth. If problems affect the uterus, then this is fraught with serious complications.

Is oxytocin produced by breastfeeding in sufficient quantities?

  • A woman feels a rush of milk (during application or between feedings). Tides are accompanied by tingling sensations in the chest or filling the breast.
  • Milk can leak from the breast while the baby sucks the other breast.
  • In some women, milk can leak only at the thought of the baby or the sound of it crying.
  • The main criterion for assessing the adequacy of oxytocin is the active sucking of the breast. As a rule, children are worried if problems occur with the "extraction" of milk.

We found out that oxytocin when breastfeeding   It is very necessary not only for the baby, but also for his mother. After all, the breastfeeding period is the time of such an important and necessary connection between mother and her baby.