National Preslidnitsky Nuclear University Mif. No myth

The authority of the IMO NIAU MIFI in Russia 1. High quality of illumination. 2. Relevant competencies of graduates that help the market to practice. 3. The building of graduates quickly adapts to new virobnicheskih and scientific tasks, independently master new directions. 4.Analytical fluctuations. 3

The authority of the IMO NINU MIFІ in Russia (Social rating of the Ministry of Education 2011/2012, Specialty "International Blues") 4 Local University Middle passing ball 1 Higher School of Economics93.0/91 2MGU91.7/92 2.7 VDU/8

The Heads of the Sovereign Attestation Commissions pratsyuyut vydatnі vchenі i soverzhnі dіyachі, among them: Honorary Doctor of MIFІ, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Primakov E.M. .A. 5

The authority of IMO NINU MIFІ in Russia IMB students win at Russian and international competitions, actively participate in scientific robotic departments - a lot of graduates of the institute can publish publications, graduating qualifications work - win on actual science topics. 6

IMO graduates abroad IMO Brazil Trade Mission Mexico Trade Mission India Trade Mission England International Corporations Germany Private Business IAEA CERN Switzerland Japan Graduate School China Consulate, Postgraduate School, Internship United States International Canada Corporate Embassy Trade

P.P. c) Clause 2 of the order of the President of the Russian Federation for the bags of the meeting of the Commission under the Presidents of the Russian Federation for modernization technological development economy of Russia "to take Russian nuclear technologies behind the cordon, including the formation of the institute of representative office of DC "Rosatom" at the embassies of the Russian Federation in the countries - the key technological partners in this direct"; Regulations of the Corporate Strategy of the Atomic Room Russian Federation that strategic goal of DC "Rosatom" - ensuring the geopolitical interests of the country and reaching the leading positions of Russian companies in the world market of nuclear technologies and services; Speech by the Director General of State Corporation "Rosatom" S.V. Kirєєnko within the framework of the Days of the Carriage of the State Corporation "Rosatom" at the National Nuclear University MIFHI - "... the need for foreigners for all types of activities of the corporation beyond the cordon to become close to a thousand osib on the river ..."; Mіzhuryadova favor of the Mіzh Russian Federation and IAEA “On the training of young professional personnel”, signed by Moscow; Spector of the General Director of the Magate Yu. Amano on the Press Conferences in Nіau Mіfі - "... Dosvіd Nіuu Mіfі z pіddyvaki zіvtsіv-mі i enterprise_v zi knowledge of the foundations of nuclear technologies in the art of the Perspective for ~ Vicaristannya at the Magate of the All-Russia International Organizatsiyi ...» Project "Kadrovza DC Rosatom 9

Moscow Serpen 2010 2010: Establishment of an innovative training center for representatives of the State Corporation "Rosatom" at the embassies of the Russian Federation in the country - the key technological partners (Concept for the implementation of the project)

Laying of international rights science and technology proektіv Monіtoring competitive field svіtovogo market analysis (marketing) Project upravlіnnya in the Branch ZED Mіzhnarodne right that pravovі problemi ZED Rozumіnnya tendentsії rozvitku novih tehnologіchnih platforms, Naukova that tehnologіchnih problems the Branch Culture fіnansovo-ekonomіchnogo analіzu gravtsіv market analysis that okremih mіzhnarodnih proektіv Lіngvіstichna pіdgotovka Pobudova prognostichnoї modelі on osnovі Interdisciplinary Expert Analysis

Organіzatsіyno - strategіchna model (spіlny project DK Rosatom - NDYAU MІFІ) system predstavnitstv DK Rosatom behind a cordon Derzhkorporatsіya ROSATOM DUP LCA Pіdrozdіli DK Rosatom, scho take fate in proektі INSHI pіdrozdіli at neobhіdnostі that rozvitku project INSHI pіdrozdіli at neobhіdnostі that rozvitku project pіdgotovki personnel reserve ACE TCE TVEL ARMZ INSHI Organіzatsії Rosatom, SSMSC take an active part in mіzhnarodnіy dіyalnostі "garjachego" personnel reserve EXPERT-analіtiki Atestatsіyna front fee The frame that іnformatsіyno-analіtichna pіdtrimka Zabezpechennya personnel reserve, vklyuchayuchi perepіdgotovku spіvrobіtnikіv CC Ros Zastosuvannya іnnovatsіynih IT tehnologіy, mіzhdistsiplіnarnih metodіv ekspertnogo analіzu that predictive modeling; Implementation of the principle of personnel rotation; Through personnel, the implementation of a single corporate strategy of the State Corporation "Rosatom" in the light market; Instrumental and methodological support / analytical base 12

: pilot part of the project - retraining: pilot part of the project - retraining of engineers and specialists of foreign representatives of DC "Rosatom" on the basis of IMO NIAU MIFІ re-preparation of ceramics and spіvrobіtnik zakordonnitstv in the country and international organizations: USA, Great Britain, China (2), Argentina, France, Nіmechchina, Japan, V'etnam, Turechchina (2), Ugorshchina, ІІran, Kazakhstan, MAGATER (2) . thirteen

2013: Retail preparation 2013: Rosatomnikіv Department of Speedovnikіvіv DK ROSATOM STADІYA REALIZATSIYA: UZNAZHNYA SMITHNYY ROALIZATSI MODE - DKP - Corporate Bank Akademіya - Nduau Mіfі - Diacademia Region Department of Personnel Polіtika: 15 1. Deergetics. History of the development of nuclear technology and energy in the USSR and the Russian Federation. Modern nuclear power plant in Russia. 2.History of the development of nuclear technology and energy in the USSR and the Russian Federation. Modern nuclear power plant in Russia. 3. Current state of the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in the world. Perspective technological platforms. 4. Nuclear energy in Europe. 5.Dії ionizuyuchih vipromіuvan. Radiation safety of nuclear technologies.

The main directives of the specialist's activity: Development of international spivrobnitstva in the gallery of science, engineering and technology; Analysis of international competition and competition among high-tech galleries; Work with federal and non-state organizations for direct international spy work; Analysis of activities of international organizations and associations; Representative of the robot in international organizations; Management of international business projects, connected with science-based and innovative technologies; Analysis of national technological and information security; Analysis of the prospects for the development of strategic technologies in Russia and other powers. sixteen

: ADVENNEY MINSTERSTENCE SMITTING IS OF SCIENCE ROSІYSKO ROBOTSHIKI NAUKOVO-DOSELІDNA Robot: "Methods of that Іnformazіin-analiytichny Supovіd Mizhnovy SPI_TERCITINITS OF NOVICH MEGAPROETING ROSІYSKOZO DIRENTS" (for a portion of Studentіv Іnstitut M_Intniki Vіdnosin Niyau MIFI) 17

2013: Assistant MINSTECTIONS SMITTING IS Sciences of Rosіyskoi of the Robot: "Analiz Mozdlivostі Vikristannya Ishnichih Tom Logging Special Invilitory Program for Rosіyski Studentіv Tu Aspіrantіv" (for the student's student's representative of the M_IFI International

Science Business Sovereign Service of the Russian Federation International Civil Service Sphere of Employment Nuclear Gallery Aviation Space Gallery Military Industry Complex International Airways Project Management Information and Analytical Research Competitive Analysis

Development of IMO Human Resources The management of graduation department 55 "International Vidnosyns" was updated: LISENKO Mikhail Mikolayovich was appointed head of the department, Ph.D. twenty

The ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates of the IMB MIFI Primakov, - Russian Ambassador to the USA S.I. Kislyak (MIPhI graduate student), - Rector of the MDIMV Academician O.V. Torkunov - Assistant to the clerk of the administration of the President Popov Y.V. - MIFI Rector M.M. Strikhanov, - MIFI President B.M. Onikiy, - Director of IMV MIFI B.M. Tuliniv. 23 25 RECEPTION IN IMO MIFI Zagalne number students who are accepted to the bachelor's degree directly for "International Blueprints": 50 months, which are financed for the cost of the federal budget: competitions. Mіstsya, recognized for students, yakі navchayutsya on a contract (paid) basis: competitive mіstsya. Out-of-town residents are expected to receive a family home. 27

COMPETITION (2012) on budgetary area Without a wedding dress – 7 With a wedding dress – 25 rublіv semester 29 ADMISSION TO IMO MIFI

I graduated from VNZ in 2004. Faculty F (Matmethod).
I can fix MIFI, tk. from that hour on the lecterns at the bagatioh VNZ. I will tell the truth (+ please).
1. They didn’t take khabari vyklad and they didn’t take it in principle (and don’t take it at once for advice and don’t demand it). In our country, some students paid pennies on a ticket, then they didn’t take them, they put 2 and after that the students were immediately rewarded.
2. From the cob group up to 32 osіb, graduated from VNZ less than 13. І tse without a row of students, yakі before us were transferred, or inspired.
3. Really don’t start speaking, but ask for more suvoro (є blame). On what principle do we stand and stand for MIFI. To learn and know the subject is brought up by oneself. The principles in practice (MATAN, Statistics, Physics and others) have nothing coherent. Folding old theory, tk. the won is wide and folded at the rose. Zachchit її impossibly and do not make yourself better. If you have practiced on the Dobra (Control Lab, Head of the ticket) or otherwise), then Viklady should sound condescendingly when you are doing the theory. So the emphasis is on practice. Practice develops the mind and then it becomes easy to read, tk. whether theoretical nutrition is easy to bring to practice.
4. If you are not shy and not stupid, then it is easy to read it. At any time, it is impossible to miss Laby and Control. Netsikavі Lektsії and Seminars can be safely skipped, and at the same time you can start or study (before getting ready for labs or control).
5. MIFI administrations don't give a damn about you. From them, no hints, no information can be reached. So bulo, є i zavzhdi will be. Chomu has a whole plus. ce real practice and getting ready for the Russian realities after VNZ. More independent and ready to Russian realities
6. Mythical brotherhood is not a myth, but a reality. Without friends and mutual hands, it may be impossible to complete the VNZ. Nav_t nerds roam, as if trimming apart. There are no more cheerful and communicative students, less Myths.

Now for the facts after MIFI
1. It is easy to know a robot, as you really learned from MIFI.
2. Mythists should always love robots, and always respect colleagues (like stink from MDU or MFTI).
3. MIFI to know from the world. Be on the vіdpochinku in Іtalії, navit there to know about МІФІ (because to give in, what to know? but everything is one and the same).
4. Be more angry at MIFІ, and bark out with the rest of the words. After Vipuska was aware that they had not learned anything. It seemed to go away by itself, if it started to work. Understanding that I’m more than a head for my colleagues, as for praceszdatnistyu and for solutions to non-standard (new) tasks.
At the same time, I am a kerіvnik of IT projects. (This is not an advertisement - this is a fact).
I’ll say it again, that all DZ, LABI, UIR, Diploma robiv himself. Having written a diploma from scratch, I didn’t take anything from anyone. So why do you say everything on the side, and then come to the work and can’t win the simplest work - light not MIFI, but light yourself.

Nedoliki МІФІ(МІФІstіv)
1. It is impossible to read it in parallel to practice. Having studied for the 3rd course myself, as a result, the tails and few failed. Enter the camp (work for the specialty) nі Administratsіya nі Viklady Don't want to. As a result, in the cob experience, the program is available for other graduates.
2. МІФІ privchaє people to linoschiv, and to the sake of solving problems (often wrong). Zvіdsi often shlyub have robots that nevikonannya every hour. With classmates talking to everyone like that, I don’t know why. It’s not clear how long it’s been for the night, why it’s like MIFHI, what self-confidence I’ll grow everything quickly and sweat, to that I’m MIFIST. Poor quality and even mischief robots.
3. If I have learned 20% of the finals are completely inadequate. Ninі їх became bigger.
4. Little is left for an hour for a special life. 50% of the subjects could be used without any light.

Until the 1990s, during the whole year at all VNZs, preparing personnel for nuclear work, at the same time, the robot was carried out under the auspices of Rosatom. Show yourself the faculties of Theoretical and experimental physics, Chemical physics and others. About the graduates of the MIFI, they are buried, not less good - about the theoretical and technical training of students.

The road to vchenih

The Institute of Atomic Energy is located in Obninsk. Over five dozen years of wines, having prepared a rich thousand fakhivtsiv for those who live in the country, like in Russia, and beyond the cordon. The spectrum of direct learning is already wide: atomic physics, cybernetics, mathematical modeling, highly productive calculations, materials science, management, finance on the right is just that. Not less than tsіkavimi є th іnshі filії МІФІ.

Software engineering

Recommendations about the faculty of KiB can also be obtained numerically, which will help applicants, as they chose the area of ​​enumeration technology, as well as programming, especially, information security. It is necessary to know that this faculty, judging by the observations, does not relocate analogous faculties of other universities, although the MIFI brand itself plays a role.

At the faculty, there are special education departments, the middle sector "K", which is awarded for the training of specialists in control systems of important critical objects. In this sector, there are direct methods, which are studied at departments 28, 17, 33, 68 and 22. One of the most important specializations of MIFI is software engineering. Advice about the 22nd department, for graduating bachelors in their specialty, they are good.


Since 2006, the Institute of Financial and Economic Security has been created by Rosfinmonitoring to resist the legalization of malice income and the financing of terrorists. Preparation of academic facsimiles from the primary study is based on the MIFI.

Economical security (negotiation of specialty due to various reasons is not numerous) means that students have no less than great and stable basic knowledge. The stench is practiced by the central apparatus of the MRU, by the national departments of the financial research of the deiah powers of the EAR.

МІФІ vdaєtsya vrahuvat specifics and features of vzaєmodії vzіh specіlії tsіgo podrozdіl, іѕ ensuring a single standard for training. Graduates work in Rosfinmonitoring, and at the FSB of Russia, as well as in the prosecutor's office and the Senior Committee, in the offices of leading banks, government corporations and IT companies.


A number of federal ministries initiated the creation of the Institute of International Studies in 1999 for the improvement of MIFI. International blues, videos are played only by MDIMV (and that, it seems, for tradition, what has been formed), is directly popular. Graduates are engaged in political affairs and social aspects international cooperation in science, technology and technology, analysis of the activities of international associations and organizations, support of international projects in science and technology, competitive and financial and economic analysis of international technological markets in products and services.

Faculty of Humanities

Starting until 2009, after which it was renamed to the Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies MIFD. Economics, tips about how to get different money, - the main subject in the preparation of fakhivtsya in international businesses, shards of wines to take accounting form, financial management, jurisprudence, economic and financial security

At МІФІ at the faculty "U", for the guidance of students, international students prepared the best, lower for all other vishas, ​​for a little more MDIMV. You can marvel at the statistics, the distribution of spivrobnitstva assets, ratings. МІФІ for bagatma ostentatious viperedzhaє to inspire fortune-telling vish. A great plus, few people marvel at the ratings, and in the MIFI on the International Vydnosini make it real, lower at the MDIMV, on a budgetary basis.

Correspondence school

МІФІ, notes about such a number, the growth of talented students for a salary is already over forty years of correspondence school, de schoolers from the sixth to the eleventh grade take distance lessons and take courses in physics, mathematics, chemistry and other subjects.

The helpers of that head of the office are forced to send parcels, they gave the vikladachi to communicate with the children - an electronic letter of paper, then they choose a school. In such a rank, the servants of the Correspondence School can become a schoolboy, de b vіn is not alive.

Gurtozhitok ta gotel

There is no short student's butt, lower at МІФІ. Gurtozhitok, vodguki about which filled the student forums, to know for a quarter of the year a pishki in the city of education is already handy. Two 24-overhead doors - two buildings, plus two 5-overhead. At the skyscrapers, 3000 houses can settle, another 500 - on the first surfaces, buffets and culinary items are laid out, gyms, telephones. Throughout the territory - the Internet, radio and television, security and video surveillance, automated fire protection. Є for what students of MIFІ love gurtozhitok, write zahoplenі vіdguki. Here they live comfortably. That's why an hour doesn't show up on the problem, it's time to learn.

Gurtozhitki - apartment type, where the apartment is provided with all kinds of furniture for the storage of speeches, repairs, robots, refrigerators and electric stoves in the kitchens, spacious bathrooms and toilets, screened balconies. On the territory of this complex for students' success, there are cash registers, passport style, accounting.