The program for the first training at the gym. The best workout programs at the gym for beginners

Let's take a look at the program to take it from the hall, I'll be quiet, who's going to take yoga 3rd day of the week. The main tasks, which are not allowed to be reached, are the training of the main meat groups and the dry weight gain.

In order to achieve good results, it is necessary to work out regularly and excel in training at full strength.

Busy 3 times a day

The classic training program for professional athletes includes 3 groups of rights beaten on the days of the week. Training days of guilt are to be cherguvatsya with days of resignation. Tse zumovleno nebhіdnistyu hour for the restoration of the physical and psychological form.

The training program is given at the gym for people 3 times a day, it is scheduled for 1-1.5 months to take up more skin cycles (once a day), and after the end of the hard term, a correction is necessary, by way of a change or an addition to the right.

Do not use training programs, for which you can work out for more than 2 months, without changing it.

1 training day: training of chest muscles and triceps

  • Classic bench press: 4 reps, 8-12 reps.
  • Vіdzhimannya on the beams: 4 steps, 8-15 repetitions.
  • Standing Dumbbell French Press: 3 reps, 10-15 reps. Technics vikonannya at .
  • Zginannya that razginannya zap'yast sedentary: 3 pіdkhod, 10-15 rep. .

Day 2: back, abs, shoulders

  • Deadlift with a barbell: 4 reps, 6-10 reps. It is important to marvel at the variations and technique.
  • Seated upper block pull: 3 reps, rep 10 to 15.
  • Pullover with dumbbells in the supine position: 3 sets for 10-15 reps.
  • Arnold press: 4 sets for 8-12 reps - .
  • Standing barbell pull: 3 reps for 10-15 reps.
  • Maxi with dumbbells ubik: 3 go for 10-15 reps.
  • Twisting on the sick lava: 3 steps, 10-15 repetitions.
  • Pidyom nig lying down: 3 reps, 10-15 repetitions.

Day 3: legs and biceps

Do not forget about those who need to be good before training to prepare the body for work. After that, as you win, you are all right, to work. Sound newcomers do not attach respect to this food - understanding that how important it is to warm up and zatrimka, to come to them later. But you can start everything right from the very beginning by including the most important parts of your training program.

Vibir vaghi projectile

Just start to get busy, otherwise there was a big break, do not varto win the maximum vag. This person has a great chance to recover from injury.

In addition, as you have been busy for a while, you will need to improve the technique, and it’s even more difficult to work with bigger vagrants.

On the back of the m'yazi blame vivchiti the correct stereotype of the rush and call to the point of vanity. If so, you can build up the mass of tightness - even if in order to build up the m'yazi of growth, it is still necessary to practice with total care, and you can’t do without great vag.

How to increase the vag in the right, for example, in the bench press, read in.

If you go to the next stage, the weight of the projectile in the skin is right to be blamed for such a thing, so that for the need for a lot of repetition, you should have used a lot of dirt. Ideally, for example, skin approach, you are to blame, that you can’t work more than a regular repetition.

Look at the hour of vikonanny right

Under the hour of vikonanny it is right to think about concentrating on the robots of the whole world.

For example, as you work with the barbell on your chest, you are to blame for your respect for the chest and mind, as if you stink at your work, taking on the left part of the pressure for the hour of the pidjom and the proper controllable lowering of the projectile. Tse duzhe important moment, what kind of obov'yazkovo is necessary for the mother in the country, so that you can take a good result in the form of training.

As soon as you start to get busy, and m'yazi vykonuyut zvuyut for them an important work, the first stink of tyzhniv will be more ill. Tse is absolutely normal, ale zgodom more clearly pass.

In order to get away from the appearance of pain, or simply reduce yoga to a minimum, it is necessary to enter the training process as smoothly as possible - you can start from light training with minimal muscles, and then step by step increase the tightness.

Increased vanity

In order to progress quickly, it is necessary to regularly increase the vanity. Robiti can be done in 2-4 days after that, as you enter the training process and start to take care of these things, as they seem to be optimal for you. Dali in the 3-day program of training at the gym for people it is necessary to increase the arms at least once every 2 days.

As a result, the expansion of the tightness does not increase, the m'yazi chirps to work and reacts to it more and more every year, as a result of the growth of their composure. The transition to work with great vagrants is the main method of increasing the ambition, which will help you to achieve great results at the inspiring body of your mind.

3 100 osіb, yakі vyrіshuyut throw off the vag for additional training at home minds, reach the results of more than 10.

The first type is marked by relaxation, a large number of influencing factors, the ability to control and programs. Regular inspection of the sports complex of goiters is carried out to the point of compliance. That vikonuvaty right in the gym more efficiently, shards majestic number Inventory Allows Grobity optimal choice to take


For the cob, use your showpieces: vaga, volume of breasts, waist and stegon. Set a real meta. Choose terms for your weight loss - it’s miraculously motivating. І less than the last, proceed to implementation.

First of all, it is necessary to follow the rules of training.

  1. Undergo medical obstezhennya, schob perekonatisya in the presence of serious illnesses, which could be contraindications for weight loss at the gym.
  2. Look over the information about all the sports centers of the city, choose the best one for training, and not the one that is in order.
  3. Another criterion for choosing a gym is a good special trainer. Yogo is better than shukati for tips and acquaintance.
  4. Fold the program to take it and follow it clearly.
  5. Skin training should be started with a warm-up for the preparation of m'yaziv, finished with a trick for the next relaxation and rejuvenation.
  6. Take a break and see the difference: aerobic and anaerobic.
  7. The first month is the right to win the right exclusively for pochatkivtsiv. Then we can increase the repetitions, thrive and train and improve the folding program for thin weight loss.
  8. Get the technique of skin care right.
  9. Do not drink water while exercising.

In a different way, you won’t see the results, so you don’t have to follow the rules of thinning posture in the gym.

  1. Correctly choose a diet, in which case the maximum amount of protein (for molding embossed m'yazyv) and minimum fat will be.
  2. Learn the principles of proper eating.
  3. hang out.
  4. Turn off stressful situations and nerve vision.
  5. Take care of physical activity: big money, walk to work, etc.
  6. Drink less than 1.5 liters a day.
  7. Yaknaybіshe dihati fresh povіtryam.

Leather krok is better than using a special coach. Vіn koshtuє vytrachenih pennies by her. As such, there is no such financial feasibility, to be inspired by the knowledge, as they have been training for a long time, otherwise look for feedback on the forums.

vidi right

Can't tell what cardio includes best right for weight loss. The stink of matimut the necessary effect is less in a harmonious match with the law enforcement officers. Protect different types of training in order to achieve good results.

  • Powerful

Forces have the right to rise to anaerobic: a robot with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, lifting, plank, press. Breathe in intensity and folding technique. However, the dress is for women and people. Even more effective in itself for losing weight, the shards increase the weight of the fat for the fat, and also develop strength. Burning energy, actively drinking in carbohydrates.

  • Cardio training

The basis of training for weight loss is formed by cardio right: haircuts, squatting, sick, turn, work on. Lie down to aerobic. Normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase vibrancy, effectively reduce vagus. Transfer bagatorazovy repeat spalyuvannya greater number of calories.

According to the coaches, for losing weight at the gym, it is necessary to use the following energy consumption:

  • skriping - haircuts on jump ropes;
  • sitting and vipadi;
  • interval training;
  • burpee;
  • the presence of Tabata;
  • іz silovih - strings with a barbell;
  • from simulators - comb and orbit track.

Zrazkov program

For the gym, the training program is obov'yazkovoy, so there is no trainer. In this way, take a smart plan, correct yoga according to your physical abilities and practice it smartly until the new.

For people

Peredbacha as a spitting fat, and the growth of m'yazovoi masi. To that її meta - not a lowering of the vag, but a shaping of the figure, pumping the main m'yazіv. There are more law enforcement powers, and the ambition is more important, lower for women.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

For women

The training program for women can be implemented not only in the gym, but also at the fitness room, attached especially for the big ones. He has more cardio-advantage. If you want the law enforcers, you can smell it, but you don’t need to be afraid: for the girls, the stench is not the unsafe build-up of m'yazovoi masi. Just make the figure more embossed.

The orientation program rightly allows you to understand, as if you will be skin busy. Training scheme: 3 times a week every other day (call to pick up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). Trivality: for beginners - no more than 45 quills. In a month: for people - close to 1.5 years, for women - for the average 1 year.

The complex is right

The program can be covered for those who can work on one problem area for 1 training session. And yet, more effectively, it’s a better complex, a kind of evenly spreading out the ambition.


Tse important element have any complexes. The warm-up prepares the body for future challenges.

  1. Zagalna: big foot, exercise bike (3 weights).
  2. Playing swags: flywheels and wraparound swings, sick, turn, squat, drop knee, 2-3 go to the press (3 hvilin).
  3. Right for stretching: hanging on the crossbar, vertical stand, crossover (3 strands).

For the stomach and sides

At the gym, it’s more convenient to work for the press, for which you have all the necessary equipment, which you don’t have at home. The stench is used to shrink the belly, change the waist in volume, remove the fat folds from the sides.

  • Good morning

Hang on the Swedish wall. Raise straightened legs in parallel to the fold. Fix the position - lower it correctly, without bending.

  • Bottom twist

Wrapping up on a horizontal lava. Lie down, take the handrails. Rhythmically raise and lower your legs.

  • Not twisted

On the sickly lava. So, as soon as I hit the corps, I made more than 180 °, to report to the chimalih zusil. The result is a retelling of the m'yazіv press.

  • Twisting on the top block

Stand up to the block with your back, open your legs, bend in your knees. Take the upper block, see it - heal the body forward.

Twisting on the top block, standing
  • "Drovosik" on the upper block

Stand sideways to the simulator, heal up to the far leg, try the trochs with bent arms and reach for it.

Right "Drovosik"

Dani can be given to the girls very importantly. And yet, for normal physical training, the stink in a short term is to crush the waist with an aspen. Especially recommended are twisting on a soft lava. The pumping of the press also successfully cleans up the fats from the problem area.

For hands

Do not forget to include in the complex right for the hands, for weight loss like in the gyms - all mind. Whisk dumbbells, barbell, expanders.

  • Zginannya for biceps

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder width apart. Doloni turn forward. Lightly bend your elbows, raise your hands to your chest. Lower it.

  • hammer grip

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder width apart. Lіkti bend slightly. Doloni marvel one on one. Povilno lift the right dumbbell to the shoulder - lower it. Repeat this way on the left. It is not possible to break the corps, helping yourself. Lіktі vinni buti schіlno prizhnіtі to the body.

  • Zginannya with an expander

Get on the expander. Take up yoga lessons. Strіchki stretch as much as possible. Bend the letters. Pull the handles up to your shoulders. Lower it. Trimati lіktі schіlno pressed to the body. Hands razginati povіlno, without rivkіv and sharp rіzkih ruhіv.

  • Rear view of lava

Sist on lava. Keep your hands on the її edges on the offending sides. Pull your legs forward. Bend the letters. Gradually stoop to the pidlog. Turn around until the hands are completely extended. Sob to ease the vikonannya right, trochs to bend your legs.

4-5 similar rights allow the sagging complex to avoid fatty sagging, like shaking with skin rash, like jelly: women's hands become thinner, men's embossed m'yazi appear.

For nіg

To lose weight in the form of aerobic fitness, choose a big track, an exercise bike, or a stepper. Do not forget to expand them with anaerobic rights with tightness: squats, deadlifts, dumbbell swings and a barbell.

  1. Complex right: 25 swings with the skin leg, 20 squats, 15 drops with the skin leg forward. Three approaches with an interval for 1 quill.
  2. Sit down and bench press while lying on the HACK-simulator.
  3. Deep seat.
  4. Sit down, bench press and lying down, pidjomi on shkarpetki, vipadi on Smith's simulators.
  5. Rope.
  6. Right on the power frame.

HACK simulator

Change your money, so that you can get better results.

For the back

At the gym, you can and need to pick up special ones, like scorch fat prosharki and spray the molding of the honey carcass:

  1. Plank with deadlift (dumbbells, kettlebell).
  2. Right on the orbiters.
  3. Twisting at the T-pose.
  4. Work with a rowing machine.
  5. The craving is that vigimannya.
  6. Right "swimming".
  7. Standing traction.

"Plank" on kettlebells with pulls to the stomach

Protect mayut buti ti, who may have problems with the ridge. I’d rather take the back of my head and let the doctor go to training.


  1. Hang on the horizontal bar.
  2. Chilled on straight legs.
  3. Mahi hands.
  4. Body rotation.
  5. Mlyn.
  6. Vipadi.
  7. Presidency.

Even more often people look at pіvdorozі, to that which they succeed, that there are no results. It is really important to evaluate the effectiveness objectively. Come and check for more than 1 month, so that you can write by yourself - with your easy-going character and beautiful body.

The main point of dropping off the gains in kilograms and the set of m'yazovoi mass is the training program at the gym. For cholovіkіv vydbiraєtsya z urakhuvannya type of life body, equal preparation and take it. About those, how tse robiti, rozpovimo at the stat.

Naskіlki really put together a practical training program without the coach's joy

Vidpovid - real. But for whom you need good theoretical knowledge, which is supported by evidence. It is necessary to know the human anatomy, the biomechanics of the human body, the anatomy of the right training cycle. It is not good to read a school course in the biology of the human body. Krіm tsgogo, obov'yazkovo slid nobility and vmіti vikonuvat all right with the correct technique, so as to avoid injuries. If you have doubts about yourself - consult with sports doctors and informed trainers.

Knowledge є - yaku metu vibrati

For the choice of the optimal one, it is necessary to recognize, what type of life of the body.

Є 3 tips:

  • endromorph (rich in fat and rich in m'yazіv, shchіlny, siliceous type);
  • mesomorph (to milk a small amount of fat, but the musculature is well stretched);
  • ectomorph (minimum fat, little meat, thin).

The ectomorph is already easy to gain m'yazovu mass, then they have a weakness to spitting fat. Such people are suitable for training programs for mass and strength. Mesomorphs are the most beautiful people. They have an optimal life. For the people, it is not a problem for them to gain m'yazova mass, that strength, to lose weight, and to increase vibrancy. Endromorphy is shy to fat, so the optimal training for them is fat-burning, with minimal consumption of m'yaziv and strength.

Don’t varto always be of some type to accentuate on some kind of one thing, shards can become stagnant (a grain of progress). I will add that it is ideal to fit descriptions of other types of people, they can’t be, maybe all zmishani, for example, ecdomorph and at the same time mesomorph; mesomorph and endomorph.

Now, if you are familiar with the theory, choose the cob method:

  • zbіlshennya masi;
  • increased strength;
  • pumping of vitrivality (like m'azovoy, so і heart-suds);
  • burning fat.

Varto explain what makes the m'yazov and the heart-vessel vitrivality (among the people - dichal). Dikhal vitrivality may be on the verge of a robot with small arms, but on a large scale repetition. In such a time of strength, show-offs mayzhe not stick out uphill. It’s time to walk a cycle (more time to run too soon).

M'yazova is also straightened out by increasing the number of repetitions, but with a vag, close to the maximum. The axis of the butt of m'yazovoi vitrivality: with a maximum vase in the bench press of 100 kg, an athlete can work 6 lifts with a weight of 90 kg for 5-6 times in the skin approach.

Now varto clarify the actual nuances of losing weight. Most people put food near the deaf kutnya “You lost weight. And what the hell did you spend: fat chi m'yaziv? Adje you can lose weight either by burning fat, or by destroying m'yazi. Abo combines and options.

You can, obviously, spit fat without spending expensive m'azovoy masi, but for this you need to increase a heavy sleep/life regimen, plus to get more protein and amino acids from depleted lances (bcaa). Such a nuance, ale navpaki, when typing masi. Tobto masu can be gained for the rahunok fat or m'yazіv. For a set of dry meats, it is necessary to follow the same reasons as described above: take sports food and eat it properly.

Who has training plans for mass, strength, fat burning

First, the number of training days per week. For a set of masi, it is better to train for 3 days per day, with breaks every other day for renewal of the muscles. One training day varto accentuate respect for two or three meat groups. For fat burning - 4-5 days per week, 2 days per day. Check for two to four meat groups (chotiri - tse already for athletes).

For masi - two days a day. Recovery 2-3 days. What is the best - it’s not safe for progress to surround yourself with all the right barbells lying down, squatting classic, deadlift and bench press standing barbells.

Tse - the "legendary four", the basic rich-angled right, which problyat practically the whole body: chest, triceps, anterior deltoid (bench press), quadriceps, biceps stegon, side (squat), m'yazi-stabilizers across, lower part of the back, trapezium , in front of the biceps stegon, quadriceps ( deadlift), all three bundles of shoulder muscles, triceps, front shoulders (standing bench press).

Krym tsgogo, at squats, for example, like m'yazi-stabilizers, practice іkri, pres, biceps (so-so!), at stands - pres and biceps, at bench press lying down - legs and back (powerlifter technique). To that it is not necessary to show off like that, that respect for small m'yazovі groups is not appropriate.

Now specifically about those yakі groups of m'yazіv combine, skіlki vykonuvati networks that repetition.

For a weightlifting program, go 3-4 times 6-10 reps (often) if you don't want to go powerlifting. Break - up to 3 quills. For fat burning: five to ten approaches in one right, 15-30 repetitions. Pererva - hvilina-pіtori.

Yakshcho tsіl - strength, slid two right to two groups of m'yazіv (powerlifting) or 3-4 right to two or three groups of m'yazіv (bodybuilding,). The number of departures - from 4 to 7, the number of repetitions - from two to five. A break between approaches is at least 5 minutes (necessary for filling the cretin-phosphate cycle).

Combine groups of m'yazіv treba, vykhodyachi z infusion of basic rights of rich-and-global, yakі it is necessary to win on the cob of training. For example, chest and triceps, to that in the bench press the lying bar takes the fate of insulting the group of m'yaziv.

The legs are more likely to be combined with the press, so as the squats practice the press and all m'yazi nig (want the least). Back - with biceps, even develop the back, and biceps, as well as at standing tyazi with different grips (one hand trims the barbell from below, the other hand - to the top) works the back and biceps.

Features to borrow for beginners

For the newest and most unfamiliar people, as if they were on the righteous path, such a program, like a fullbody (fullbody). Vaughn is spurred to master the technique of vikonnannya right. On one training day, they go right to the right, so that the stench zvikli to the navantage. Training - a maximum of 2 years, 3 days per week.

Danih pіdhіd priyає small progress in the set of masi and strength, or spitting on fat, to that in the first days of training m'yazi zvikayut to new ruhіv and navantazhen. This is a kind of “shock therapy” (training pidhіd, in which the type of ambition changes sharply). Suitable for beginners and athletes, for they have reached stagnation. Walk 3 times, 10 repetitions from a break at the second-two hvilin.

The program is vykonuetsya every one to two months for a wild zmіtsnennya frame m'yaziv. They gave us the opportunity to change the program to more details, on the same training day, one large group of men and 1-2 small ones will be used, which will help the great group in basic rights.

For example:

  • Monday you train the chest and triceps: on the back - a deep warm-up, then a bench press, a dumbbell bench press in the arm, lying down dumbbells, after them - an arm extension on a blot.
  • Wednesday- legs that pres: classic squatting, frontal squatting, vipadi, pidjomi on the scarpets, sitting and standing, vistribuvannya, nahili to the sides with a vaga, plank, vacuum.
  • Friday- back, biceps and shoulders: deadlift, pull-up, (barbells, dumbbells, on blots), shrugs with a vag, direct grip, dumbbell biceps on the biceps, standing barbell press, dumbbell pulls in front of you, to the sides, in a frail, . Kіlkіst pіdkhodіv that repetition you signify, vihodyachi z delivered meti.

The skin program is covered for up to two months. Then let's change the callousness right, their intensity and quantity. Until what hour you can signify, like m'yazi, and work on them with an aiming emphasis.

However, no matter how professional your program would be, training to become less than 30 years of success. Інші 70 - tse i sleep mode.

How to eat properly

  • First, follow in small portions, 6-7 times a day. Tspriya zhivuyu naschennyu organіzmu, nemozhlivlyuє reїdannya, podtrimuє maximally long-term energy, necessary for training.
  • In a different way include in the diet shkidlivu and fat zhu. It will destroy the flora of the intestines, blocking the production of testosterone (hormone, which is responsible for the growth of inflammation) and increase cholesterol, which will help build up fat.
  • Thirdly, share food with more and more savory carbohydrates. Products that contain carbohydrates have the least amount of additives. Folding carbohydrates in the body are over-etched to make up for a long time, which will give you a taste of sourness and vibrated energy. Apply these products: Greek porridge, uncleaned rice, pasta from durum wheat, legumes, fruits, berries, vegetables, greens. Swedish carbohydrates give energy and a little satiety for a short period, that often wants to eat.
  • Fourthly take food with more protein. Tse - m'yaso. The largest amount of protein is found in chicken breasts, ribs, yalovichi and pork, chicken eggs.
  • At five, Live in. Please consult with sports doctors and coaches for a report.

This simple complex is right for the gym, I recommend it, as if you only came to the gym and don’t know what it’s like to work.

Classes with this varto complex are carried out 2-3 times per week.

Correct from one approach to the skin right. First week to work 1 pidkhid. On the other, go 2. Starting from the third day, work 3 times in the skin right.

Complex of rights for the gym

  1. Work on cardio. Tse i .
  2. Lifting the knee up to the breasts, sitting. Right for m'yaziv press.
  3. Sitting with a barbell. Basic training of the whole body, especially no.
  4. Bench press. Training of muscles of the breasts, shoulder girdle, triceps.
  5. Vertical traction at the simulator. Exercising the widest muscles of the back and biceps.
  6. Standing barbell press. Training of delta-like m'yaziv.
  7. The bending of hands with a barbell. Training of biceps and m'yazіv in front of them.
  8. Abdominal retraction. Training of m'yazіv press. Especially corisno for the fact that you should be alive.

And now the report from the skin is right.

Work on cardio

Tse mozhe buti elіptichny simulator, stationary bike or simulator for vesluvannya. Start with 3-5 wheezes and step by step bring it up to 20. The pulse rate step by step (for a month) can be brought up to 130-140 beats per wheeze. Be healthy and active while working on cardio. Do not hang on yoga handrails, do not break the roar lazily and properly. Do not open up for an hour of work. All these uncommon speeches mean that you practice inappropriately and cannot rely on the root result: a decrease in the vagi and exercise of the cardiovascular and dichal systems.

For another month, you can take a try and spend it right in style.

Lifting the knee up to the breasts sitting

Sit on a gymnastic lava or on a great stool. Move the body back and lean on the hands bent in the elbows. Stretch your legs in front, stretching them on the vase.

Gently pull the knee up to the chest, bending the legs in the knees. At once, move the body forward to speed up the m'yazi press as much as possible. Stay in such a fast-paced position for a second, and then smoothly turn around at the exit position. Forget the necessary number of repetitions. Often, the quantity can be 50-100.

The world has an increasing level of fitness. You can chіplyat until nіg dodatkovі vantage.

Right trenuє straight abdominal m'yazi (pres) and oblique belly m'yazi. Navantazhennya otrimuyut so m'yazi stegon. Such a lift of the knee to the breasts, a miraculous warm-up on the cob of training.

Breathing: When pulling up the knees to the breasts, work visible, when lowering, inhale.

Right options:

It is right to often slacken at an accelerated pace.

Squatting with a barbell

Even more often, sitting with a barbell can be the basis for the power and masonry complex of rights. Qiu has the right to work better with victories of special positions or law enforcement officers. The barbell is to be roztashovuvatisya on the racks a little lower for the riven of your shoulders. Put on a special important athletic belt on the waist of the obov'yazkovo.

Outside position: Recognize the barbell from st_yok. It is guilty of lying on your trapezium-like m'yazah. Open the windows, raise your head, looking straight up at the mountain. A good look will help you keep your back straight. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

Gently bend your legs in knees and sit as low as you can. Follow along so that the back does not round. Zhorstko fix it in a straight position. It is most recommended to bend the legs to such a position, if the laces are parallel to the foot. If you are going to sit on the maximum depth and your legs bend as much as possible, then do not allow a spring ruha (vidbiwa) below.

Having sank down, I will immediately repair the tight turnaround. Upovіlnyuyte ruh in the upper position, so that the bar does not start springing on your shoulders. Clearly fix the vertical position. Let's start again to sit down smoothly. And so far. Forget the necessary number of repetitions.

Always be sure to help the insurer.

Dihannya: under an hour downhill - inhale, under an hour uphill - I saw.

Bench press

The complex of rights for the gym cannot be done without important rights. Exterior position: lying on a horizontal lava. The feet are strongly pressed to the foot, the seats are to the lava. Raise the barbell from the rack and increase it on in bent hands. Grip width approximately 80 div.

Gently lower the bar to the bottom, bending your arms. The vulture is guilty of bumping breasts approximately on the level of nipples. As soon as the torso starts moving the barbell uphill. Focus on short-lived breast meats. When pulling the barbells, do not stretch the elbows to the waist. Tse direct path of injury. Hold the barbell at the top point for a minute, thinking about the tension in the chest. I am slowly lowering the bar on my chest. And so far.

Don't let it beat. The bar of the bar is not guilty of hitting the chest with a method of springiness and ease of bending. Obov'yazkovo ask someone to take care of you, docks You have the right to do so. Especially as victorious important vags. Fix mlints with locks.

Vertical traction at the simulator

It is right to follow the tests of a special simulator, which imitates training.

Exit position: grab the bar of the simulator with a burrowing grip (palms forward). The grip width is to be no less than 70 cm. Forgive me, so that the grip is equal, symmetrical. Rotate your back and lift your torso a trio back.

Gently pull the bar up to the upper part of the breasts. See how the broadest m'yazi of the back shrunk, and how the shoulder blades of the ribs of the trapezium-like m'yaziv drew near. Take off in this position for a second, and then smoothly turn around at the exit position. Again, I pull the bar up to the chest. Vicone with such a rank a necessary number of repetitions.

Dihannya: when pulling the bar up to the breasts - see, when turning at the exit position - inhale.

Variations right: You can work right, lifting the bar behind your head (up to shi). However, in view of this option, it seems to call out the rejection at the shoulders.

There may also be variations in the width of the grip and the rotation of the hands. You can twist the supination grip (up to yourself), so that you can include the biceps in the work more strongly. Sound the supination grip vicorist with the width of the grip equal to the width of the shoulders, or with the grip.

It is also possible to vikonnannya to the right, from strongly retracted back by the torso. Tse allows you to opratsyuvati m'yazi back under the invisible kut.

Standing barbell press - army bench press

Posture position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The bar is pulled down on the chest with bent arms. The barbell is guilty of roztashovuvatisya on the level of the delta-like m'yaziv and the troch is brought forward, so that when pidyomy does not catch the guise. Dosit pronovations (dolonі marvel forward). Grip width is approximately 10 cm wider behind the shoulders. The knee is slightly bent. Win a special important athletic belt at the waist.

In order to take a break position, you can either take the barbell from the underlays and throw it on the chest, or take the barbell from the high risers (approximately on the level of the breasts). Obov'yazkovo fasten the mlints on the pants with special locks.

Gently wiggle the bar uphill. Do not open your hands to the end. Likti guilty will be left with trochs bent. Take care of each position and smoothly lower the barbell on your chest. I will once again begin to repair it. The number of repetitions that are recommended is 10. The number of repetitions that are recommended is 3-5.

Dihannya: move uphill - see, move down - inhale.

On the right, the anterior and lateral parts of the delta-like masses, triceps develop.

Hand bending with a barbell

Exit position: stand straight, barbell in lowered hands. The grip of supinovaniya. Lіkti schіlno pressed to the body.

Gently bend your hands at the elbows. Maximally squeeze the biceps at the top position. Smoothly open your hands and immediately repair them. And so far.

Build up respect, so that the voices do not collapse forward. Tse is important for full biceps contraction. The criterion for the right vikonanny is the impossibility of relaxing the biceps, if the arms are bent like a barbell.

Do not help yourself with the help of the body. Even if you can’t work without this Wie, you will need a lot of repetitions, which means that the weight of the bar is too big.

Dihannya: when the hands are folded, they are seen, when the hands are folded, they are inhaled.

You can change the width of the grip on the dermal grip, so as to increase the width of the grip on the biceps. It is important that the wider grip is used on the inner parts of the biceps (closer to the body), and the upper one is the outer one.

Abdominal retraction standing upright or sitting

For whom, you have the right to stand straight, stoop forward and huddle with your knees in the knees of your bowed legs. Trim your back straight. Look ahead. In the photo on the right, they are sitting on knees. The difference between these options is not great.

Inflate your life in the air, pull yoga in as much as possible in the video.
Whack with this rank no less than 100 repetitions. The frequency of retraction is determined by yourself. Sound out for 1-2 seconds to draw in the abdomen, 1-2 seconds to trim at the retracted position, 1-2 seconds to inhale and inflate the stomach.

Tsya has the right to win in one approach. Allowing you to kindly stretch your life for the ribs of the transverse abdominal mass and the training of the diaphragm.

Methodology to borrow from the right complex

Vikonuyuchi tsey complex is right, dotrimuytes tsikh rules.

1. Keep working all right at a reasonable pace, unless otherwise specified. Spend 1-2 seconds on the rise of the vag, 2-3 seconds on the lowering.

2. A chain scheme for all rights, except that it is not assigned a limit: 3 approaches up to 12-15 repetitions.

3. Choose the right barbell and dumbbell! Vaga vvazhaetsya correct, as in another approach for the exact technique You can not win over the necessary number of repetitions. For example, when bending arms with a barbell, you need to work 3 sets of 10 repetitions. The other one can come up with less than 8 hours 9 repetitions. Ale tse rule next vikoristovuvaty less from the third tyzhnya to take. Until then, deal with light shells.

4. Warm up the obov'yazkovo and work just right for stretching.

5. In front of the cutaneous right, add one rosemary pidkhid from the vag 50% of the worker for 12-15 repetitions.

6. Apply 30 strands of stretch after training to have a snack. For those who want to lose weight, you can use a banana, an orange, or a bottle of any fruit juice (div.). For those who need to gain kilograms to reject, I recommend a high-calorie protein shake (for example,). I especially took care to borrow a lot of money for them.

7. Don't forget to keep moving your work. Ale, don’t hurry up so you don’t get hurt. Tse is called.

If you have done something to improve the physical state of your body, then go to the gym for people. There is everything you need to think for the realization of your idea. For the cob, choose your entry complex right, sob to accustom the body to forcefulness. Then (after a few days) you can go to the completed program. For whomever you think - before your service at the fitness club, whether it be exercise equipment and sports equipment. The training program at the gym ohoplyuє and problems of fighting against weight loss in people.

For the introductory course, the program for the course is right for beginners and further away from it completely. The first part of the complex is insured for 1-3 months, after which you can step by step switch to another more flexible program.

Right for the gym for people (part 1)

Before you begin to complete the complex, learn to follow the simple rules:

  • respectfully get acquainted with the description, it is right and try to vikonate correctly;
  • Try to choose for yourself a lot of sports equipment, or install the need for training on the simulators so that when you get right, you don’t feel pain, but you don’t feel bad;
  • you have the right to stop for training programs for weight loss for people;
  • by the introductory course, bring your body to sports advantages, and then, step by step, increase the weight of the equipment (the advantage on the simulators) and the intensity is right, improve your reach;
  • the first part is covered for training for 2-3 months.

Before the cob, take a piece of photographs of your body in front of a bare-chested look (smut, so that you can see your legs, arms and torso). After the completion of the introductory course, repeat the procedure and correct the offending photographs.

Do not try to repeat those that other people work in the gym - you will only damage your health. More of them are right, you can vikonate less for training.

Let's start with some light training. At the new one, it’s easy to enter right with shells, for those who need to pick them up so that when the vikonann ruhіv doesn’t turn out - everything can be wound up beautifully and smoothly.

The complex itself (training plan) was broken up for 2-3 days, yakі go one by one.

Complex 1 - for pochatkіvtsіv (Monday, Wednesday, Friday):

  1. Zagalne razminannya m'yazіv tіla. Vikoristovuyemo big path (simulator), hour of vikonannya 8-10 minutes.
  2. Goydanny press: lower part - 2 approaches 15 times, upper m'yazi - 3 approaches 6-10 times.
  3. Lifting: 2 runs 8-10 times.
  4. Bench press (on the simulator, and then with a barbell): 2 sets of 8 times.
  5. Those same right, but kicking with their feet: 2 go 8 times.
  6. Stretching on warm m'yazi.
  7. Take in carbohydrates after taking.

The number of income starts from 2 and then progressively grows up to 3-4 per 1 right.

Right at the gym for people (part 2)

After the correct setting of the vikonanny technique, you can proceed to strength training for a set of masi m'yaz_v program training at the gym ohoplyuє usі grupi m'yazіv chelovіka.

Complex 2 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday):

  • Warm-up on the big road for 8 minutes.
  • Vіdpratsyuvannya presa: obrazvі groups m'yazіv (upper and lower) vymagayut 2 times 12-15 times. Start your work properly. Not all of you will see it - sound weak at the press-pochatkіvtsіv.
  • Deadlift (with a neck): the number of lifts is started from 2 and gradually increased to 4. I have the right to shake 6-8 times. Don't bother yourself for the first time to raise a great vag, you can't do good.
  • Bench press: 2 sets of 10 times. You can ur_znomanіtnіt tsyu right zastosuvannyam raznih variantіv.
  • Attendance: 3 times, 12 times.
  • Stretching on warm m'yazi.
  • Intake of carbohydrates.

After training for the help of the first 2 complexes, after 3 months, move on to the right special training program to improve the beauty of the human body.

Complex 3

Day 1:

  1. Warm-up: big pidtyups - 5-8 quills.
  2. Right on the press: the amount of money to go 2 to 4 for the maximum possible number of victories. Gradually bring the number of vigiman to 30-40.
  3. Sitting with a barbell: win 3 times 10 times. Є see different tsієї right. Choose the one that is more like you.
  4. Dumbbell bench press (sitting on a sick lava): 2-4 sets of 10 reps.
  5. Right on the simulator with a block: 3 walks 12 times. If you don’t know how to fix the device, turn to the service personnel, otherwise you can harm your health;
  6. Walk on socks (sitting or standing) 2 walks 20 times;
  7. Stretch marks and intake of carbohydrates.

Day 2:

  1. Big pidtyuptsy stretching 8 strands.
  2. Hyperextension for straight back rubs: 2 times 12 times. Qiu can rightly replace the viconannnym or the "scorpion" element, but the effect will be much smaller.
  3. Vertical block pull on simulators: win 3 times, 10 times. Follow all the instructions for the device and don't bother yourself with the right words.
  4. Bench press (lying down): 4 sets of 10 times. Do not try to raise a great vag right away - you can get overwhelmed.
  5. Lifting the bar for biceps: 3 approaches 10 times.
  6. Stretch marks and intake of carbohydrates.

For self-control, keep a record of your workouts. Mіzh pіdkhodami obov'yazkovo robіt break for 2-6 hvilin for law enforcement officers. Stretch marks for groups of m'yazіv, yakі most vikoristovuvalis at the whole day, the hour of vikonanny - 6-12 hvilin.
At the first stage, deadlifts can be replaced by squats with a barbell on the shoulders, docks do not hurt the back. 1 time for 15 days you need to have a steam room (Russian bath and sauna).

Another human complex is right at the gym for weight loss

For some reason, the above description was not worthy of the right, you can win another complex to take. Do not forget that for a beginner there is a regular workout (you can’t skip and line). Otherwise, all your attempts will not lead to a bad result. If you want to beat the propionation complex right for losing weight, then you should consult with a dietitian and your neighbor at your diet.

Tsey complex is right at the gym and is also intended for pochatkіvtsіv. The term yoga voicing is the first 2-3 months to take. Before training, it is necessary to do a warm-up.

The complex itself (training plan for weight loss) at the gym is folded from the advancing rights at the gym:

  • assignment of different types;
  • deadlift one nose;
  • barbell bench press (lying down in a few swings);
  • in the sitting position, pulling the block to the waist;
  • different lifting on the horizontal bar;
  • power bench press and pidyom on biceps;
  • right for nіg on simulators;
  • right "bar".

How to improve the program of the complex (right for weight loss)?

At the beginning of the month, training must be done for 2-3 times, 10 times. Tse help the body call to physical ambition. The coming month will increase the number of sports equipment, and the number of arrivals will increase up to 8, and the number of times - up to 10 times. I’ll just stop right to slacken for the next hour - 2 times a day, stretching 30-60 seconds.

A complex of foundations on the fact that all elements of the training program are based on the need and in pairs, for example, 1st and 2nd right, then 3rd and 4th and so on. Only the rest of the element is left to be saved. After the skin approach, it is approximately thin, and then we continue until the appointed amount of the approach is reached. Vinyatkom є to the right "bar".

Description of the elements of the training program for weight loss

Sit down to beat a kettlebell out of dumbbells. It is possible to work them with a barbell, but step by step, so that the back of the head is to blame for the hummocks of the legs, pelvis, shoulders and chest ridge of the ridge.

Deadlift on one leg can be used for an additional barbell or dumbbell. On the back of the head, it’s better to vicorate small vags, and then after 2-3 days, switch to their bigger ones. It is right to develop the back surface of the quilting and the seats, as well as m'yazi nig.

For pochatkіvtsіv korisno robiti and so simple right, like a mіstok.

Bench press (lying down) sound on the bridge, but there are other options. Golovna, shchobi did not suffer from shoulder swamps.

Training on simulators (pulling the block up to the waist in a sitting position) is a good substitute for newcomers to the barbell and generally safely.

Differently see the rise on the horizontal bar - start to vibrate from the camp of a free weight, but if you don’t have enough strength, then you can beat the gumov jguti. With the right training, a person can easily reach the top for 1 day 40-50 days, stretching for 3-4 months.

The barbell press wins in different variations. This is the most important lifting of the barbell on the well-knitted arms, and the same, but with the widening of the knees. Those same, scho and z pіdyomom on biceps.

Plank and її variations - right for m'yazіv bark. Vono vykonuєtsya zamіst rights to the press.

Be it a program of training for weight loss before a diet. Vaughn can be uzgodzhena z fahivets.

After training at the gym, you need to take a carbohydrate drink. Bazhano drink in the pool or want to be remembered by the soul. You need to work in a year after the confinement of the complex, otherwise you can catch a cold.

Possessing the order that wins for the training program

  • big track;
  • simulator іz block;
  • barbell;
  • dumbbells mixed;
  • kilimok;
  • towel;
  • sporty form that vzutya.
In any case, you can’t seem to get faster than the training complexes described above in the gym, you can beat all the recommendations, put in the article to improve your sports form. Train, and you won't waste a stained hour!