The baby is not sleeping what to do. The baby doesn’t sleep all day: the causes of disturbed sleep

Good sleep is very important for maintaining the physical and mental health of children and adults. It is especially important for babies of the first year of life, experiencing a period of adaptation to the outside world. During sleep, the child's body develops rapidly, restores strength, processes received impressions and information. Providing conditions for a normal baby’s sleep is one of the most important tasks. However, it should be borne in mind that the sleep of children under one year old, and even more so in the first months of life, is significantly different from the sleep of an adult person.

  • 0-2 months - 18 hours;
  • in 3-4 months - 17 hours;
  • in 5-6 months - 16 hours;
  • in 7-9 months - 14 hours;
  • in 10-12 months - 13 hours.

The kid divides this watch between day and night sleep: someone sleeps longer at night, and someone during the day. Newborns and babies of the first two months can sleep almost all the time for periods ranging from 40 minutes to 2 hours, waking up briefly for feeding or in case something bothers them.

With the development and maturation of the child, every month he needs more and more time to play, to learn about the world, to train the acquired skills. By 3–4 months, most babies sleep around 10 hours at night and 3–4 times for 2 hours during the day. From 5 to 9 months, many children sleep 3 times during the day, for example, 40 minutes in the morning and evening, and 2 in the afternoon -3 hours. After reaching 9 months, the number of daytime dreams is usually reduced to two with a duration of about 2 hours. Such a regimen can last up to a year, but some children aged 11–12 months sleep during the day only once for 3 hours.

Important:   Parents should not treat the above standards as absolute indicators. If a child does not sleep as much as “should”, but at the same time he feels well, then this does not mean that something is wrong with him. Every kid is different.

In the first months of life, a child’s sleep differs significantly from an adult’s sleep, not only in its duration, but also in its structure. Most of the time, the baby spends in a state of superficial sleep and only 20% in the deep state, while in adults it is the other way around. This feature explains that it wakes up very easily from the slightest discomfort, loud sound, touches.

But it is during superficial (fast) sleep that active brain development occurs, which is very important for young children, whose nervous system is still immature. Starting from 1–1.5 months, they gradually change the ratio of shallow and deep sleep, and by the age of 6 months, the share of the latter is already 60-70%, so the risk of accidentally waking the baby becomes less.

Possible causes of daytime sleep disorders in infants

Reasons why baby   Does not sleep at all or sleeps very little during the day, can be very different. Most often he is disturbed and prevented from falling asleep:

  • intestinal colic due to the formation of the digestive system (for infants up to 3-4 months);
  • pain and discomfort caused by teething (for babies 5 months and older);
  • feeling of hunger or thirst;
  • delicate skin irritation and discomfort due to a wet diaper;
  • uncomfortable temperature, humidity and bright lighting in the room where he sleeps;
  • harsh sounds (knock, noise, loud music);
  • the absence of a mother;
  • emotional overload, unfavorable atmosphere in the family.

Many babies can stay awake all day when they are in the apartment, but they fall asleep beautifully in a stroller while walking outside. Closer to the age of one year, the child does not want to sleep at lunch if he goes to bed early enough in the evening and wakes up late in the morning. In the daytime, such a kid prefers developing games instead of sleep, communication with parents, he actively learns the world.

How to help the baby sleep during the day

A small child who does not get enough sleep during the day or at night becomes moody, his mood deteriorates, his daily routine is disturbed. It is very important for the parents of a baby to find out the reason why he is awake and to try to eliminate it. First you need to start with the assessment and correction of sleep conditions that they organized for him:

  1. For a comfortable sleep, the temperature in the bedroom should be within 18–20 ° C, and the humidity - 50-70%. Before you start laying the baby, it is recommended to ventilate the room and close the windows with curtains. Fresh air, saturated with oxygen, will contribute to a better sleep.
  2. Many children, especially those who are breastfeeding, from birth, they used to sleep next to their mother, to feel her smell and heat, so they need to constantly feel her presence during sleep.
  3. To prevent the baby from feeling hungry or thirsty, it is necessary to plan the daily routine so that he goes to bed immediately after eating. This is especially important for children of the first months of life, the intervals between feedings which are quite small.
  4. It is necessary to put the child to sleep in a comfortable, not constraining the movement of clothes made of natural materials, after changing the diaper.
  5. The reason for the lack of sleep in the baby up to 4 months are often intestinal colic. To ease the condition, it is recommended to give him a light massage of the tummy and put a special heating pad on it before going to bed. This will help to relax a bit and quickly fall asleep. With colic, children sleep more calmly, lying on their stomachs.
  6. Putting the baby to sleep should be at the first sign of fatigue, when he begins to act up and rub his eyes. If you do not do it in time, the child will be too overworked, and it will be very difficult to put him to sleep in such a state.

To adjust daytime sleep, it is important to ensure your child active leisure until bedding. It can be walks in the fresh air, games, physical activity. Then the child will be tired, needing a day rest.

Video: Children's sleep rules from the pediatrician Komarovsky E. O.

Pathological causes of lack of daytime sleep in infants

Disorders of daytime sleep in infants can be caused not only by external factors, but also be one of the symptoms of certain diseases of the nervous system that have arisen as a result of hypoxia during difficult childbirth. Usually, in this case, daytime sleep disturbances are accompanied by problems with sleep at night. They can be caused by:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • migraine;
  • disorders of the nervous regulation;
  • improper formation of the cerebral cortex.

Attempts to put a child to sleep in the presence of pathologies of the nervous system are accompanied by monotonous weeping, irritability, motor agitation, muscle tension, blue skin of the face in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. In this case, the child must be shown to a pediatric neurologist.

From the moment the baby is born, the life of the mother is changing dramatically. All her time will now take care of the baby, its upbringing and development. But at the same time, the newly-made mother does not cease to be a wife, mistress, and a woman in principle - in addition to taking care of the baby, she has many other things that no one has relieved her of doing. Therefore, the most frequent question asked by pediatricians while still in the hospital is: how much does a newborn baby sleep per day? What is the rate of his sleep? What to do, if newborn baby does not sleep during the day. The answers to these questions, we now consider in more detail.

Baby's sleep - the duration of daytime sleep

Newborn baby from birth and during the first three months of life must sleep per day an average of 18 hours. But since each child is individual, then the norm can be considered the amount of sleep in the range 16-20 hours a day .

Since the regime has baby   not yet, this number of hours is evenly distributed over the day and night. Here a lot depends on the state of health - this is the main indicator of the norm, or on the temperament of the baby. If a child feels well, he is not tormented by unpleasant symptoms that occur in the first months of life, such as increased intracranial pressure, abdominal cramps, then his sleep can last continuously for a couple of hours in a row. Then follows a period of wakefulness, and sleep again.

During sleep, the baby can wake up for feeding, and maybe skip the next intake of milk. If you do not wake up for feeding within four hours - this is an alarming symptom. Hunger in infants during the first months of life can be compensated by sleep. Therefore, after 3-4 hours of sleep, if the baby did not ask for food, wake him up and feed him. Feeding is preferable to offer the baby on demand, rather than by the hour. Then the duration of sleep will be longer, the child will sleep more calmly.

But the mother may be faced with such a phenomenon as a sleep disorder in a child. If you notice that a newborn baby does not sleep all day, then you should pay special attention to this and try to understand whether or not a baby has a sleep disorder.

Causes of sleep disorders in a newborn baby

Let's say right away - the opinion that the newborn should sleep the first weeks of life constantly, interrupting only on feeding and bathing, is wrong. From the first days of his life, the baby perceives the world, and in his waking periods he looks around with curiosity. although not all colors and perception of objects are yet completely different from those of an adult. But these periods are there, and they should be, so do not be surprised if every half hour or hour the baby wakes up and grunts, tosses and turns, opens his eyes. It is worth talking about problems with sleep when:

  • the total amount of sleep per day for a newborn baby is less than 15 hours ;
  • the child is awake 4-5 hours in a row   no sleep and sleep;
  • the baby is clearly overexcited, restless, falls asleep with difficulty and wakes up every 5-7 minutes .

Factors affecting the lack of sleep of the child

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Keywords: breastfeeding, sleep

The baby is sleeping sweetly in the crib ... This is the dream of every young mommy. How to make it a reality?

Traditions of wires in the "country of dreams" are very different. Much depends on the circumstances of the child’s life, on the capabilities of the mother, on ideas about the needs of the baby, on culture and nationality. But now is not about tradition. Let's try to look at what is offered to us by nature itself to help babies in their sleep. First, let's think about what we, adults, need in order to fall asleep? Probably a happy combination of several factors:

1. The desire to sleep (where do without him?);

2. Suitable sleeping conditions - comfortable safe place;

3. The ability of the nervous system to say "stop" the processes of excitation of the brain - in other words, the ability to "turn off" at the right time.

If any of these conditions is not met, the dream will never become our guest. However, all people have their own ideas about the second point - which conditions are suitable for sleeping. Some may even doze off in transport, others suffer from insomnia and in a warm bed, when neighbors rustle behind the wall. The third generally need to eat well before bedtime, and the fourth, for example, are not able to fall asleep without light in the corridor. Why do we mention this? To inform: babies also have their own idea of ​​a comfortable and safe sleep! Sometimes it can be very different from our ideas, but on the other hand, it fully corresponds to the genetic program of behavior given to the child by nature.

Important condition

It is natural for a baby to fall asleep during the ... meal. Alas, the recommendations of the last century on the severe restriction of the access of the baby to the milk have caused significant confusion in the need of the child to sleep at the time of feeding. If you look at the six-time attachment mode per day, you will find that you need to feed the crumbs at all in the hours when it’s time to sleep. So our grandmother’s mothers suffered, not knowing how to lull a child: you can't give a breast, but he cries and cannot fall asleep at all! So they woke the slumbering crumb if he began to nod while feeding, calling him a "lazy sucker"! Or used soother-nipples. So they came up with a dream on the street, where a child from a long ride in a carriage finally sank into slumber. But nature is much wiser than us. Her way to lull a baby is very simple and explicable from the point of view of medicine and psychology: falling asleep during feeding is the union of three factors necessary for the “process”!

Desire to sleep

When the baby wants to sleep, he begins to show all sorts of discomfort. Sniffs, loses interest in the environment, builds dissatisfied grimaces. It can happen at the most different times. And 15 minutes after the previous dream, and in an hour, and in two. If we breastfeed the baby in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization and follow the rules of successful breastfeeding, we know that when anxiety arises from the baby, you need to give him breast. At any time, in any place and for as much time as the baby needs. If he had a desire to fall asleep, attachment to his chest will help him in this.

Suitable sleeping conditions

Nine months, the baby spent in the belly of the mother. He had already formed certain habits, each cell of his body imprinted an intrauterine existence as a state of comfort and safety. Staying in my mother's arms while breastfeeding is the perfect analogue of a lost “paradise”. Here everything is familiar to the baby: smells, heartbeat rhythms, voice, warmth, taste of milk. He is really good and comfortable. Only in this way can he relax and chase away fear. This is the only way for him to fall asleep.

Remember, we said that babies' perceptions of comfort and safety may differ from ours? We no longer want to mother in the tummy. But we know that adults, too, when falling asleep, want to get into conditions close to the intrauterine devices: to be warm, sometimes to take a position like an embryonic (curl up), to cover something, to snuggle up to someone. If there is no one nearby - create the appearance of a person's presence: turn on the light, leave the radio or TV to sound.

And do adults want to fall asleep in the cold on the balcony? Or spend every night on the train, surrounded by noise and continuous movement? Maybe Dad, who spent the day in a stuffy office, wants to sleep in the frosty air? So why do we think that kids, much more fragile and sensitive creatures, want all this? Why are we sure that during the day they should sleep on the street in a carriage? Let's try to return to tradition and put the baby to sleep in the house, and organize walks while he is awake. It is not difficult at all:

While the baby is sleeping at home, there is an opportunity to relax with it or complete household chores;

The amount of milk does not decrease, because applying to the breast while the baby is falling asleep is the most useful for producing a large amount of milk;

The kid develops better: during wakefulness, he actively learns not only the furnishings of the apartment, but also the outside world;

The process of dressing does not give the baby any discomfort: he woke up, ate milk, is full of energy and is ready for any interaction with his mother.

To organize such a walk is simple: in the first half hour after waking up, you need to have time to get together (first to mother, then to baby) and go out. While the child is very small, it would be good to carry him on the handles. At an older age, it is more convenient to use the stroller. On the street we are developing! We sit on a bench, feed the birds, look at the leaves or snowball, communicate with the children, swing with the mother on a swing, travel to the "kangaroo" or sling. The duration of the walk is until the next sleep. It is necessary to have time to come, change clothes, have a bite and sleep peacefully, having fed on the breast.

The ability of the nervous system to "turn off"

Until a certain age, the processes of excitement in children prevail over the processes of inhibition - this is how the functional immaturity of the nervous system manifests itself. It is precisely to correct this temporary situation that nature “added” to breast milk the substances that help the baby calm down or fall asleep. It is a pity that many mothers underestimate the unique role of their milk and believe that falling asleep at the breast of a child is just a bad habit that requires eradication!

But milk is not only a natural sleeping pill created by nature. It also contains substances to develop your own abilities healthy sleep: helps to ripen nervous system   and the brain, creates mechanisms of hormonal regulation of stress, supports the individual biorhythms of the infant's body.

How does the baby sleep during the day?

Sometimes nursing mothers complain: "He is not sleeping at all!". Upon closer inspection, it turns out that the baby is asleep, even very much. Just during sleep, he does not let the breast out of his mouth, occasionally continuing to perform sucking movements. The main thing that I want to say: this behavior of the baby is normal and useful for the amount of milk in the mother, and for a good increase in the weight of the crumbs (drops that fall into his mouth during sleep, have increased calorie and fat content).

Other mothers are wondering why the baby, only asleep, wakes up a few minutes after the mother leaves the room. Maybe a little milk and baby is not full? Or does he have any pain? No, most likely, the matter is different! For babies - repeat! - the dream in gentle mum's embraces is the most comfortable, therefore attempt of mothers to shift the crumb after falling asleep in a cold bed he, most likely, will perceive in bayonets. The baby begins to whimper and wake up, the mother again gives a breast, he falls asleep again for a long time, then the next attempt to shift into the crib - and everything is in a circle again!

What to do? We offer at least three options.

To feed the baby in a sling and not to postpone after falling asleep, but to carry on yourself.

Freely swaddle and learn to skillfully shift the crumbs in the crib to something not cold and smelling like breast milk (for example, put a pad of bra near the baby’s head).

Put the baby to sleep on the big bed, feed in the prone position and after falling asleep gently leave the place without moving the child (it is important to think about how to prevent him falling from the bed).

Sleeping (or dozing) while applying to the chest is especially characteristic of the first three months of life, when the infant has not yet developed a clear rhythm of daytime dreams. During this period, the duration of each sleep can vary from 5-15 minutes to 1-3 hours. Depending on how long the baby slept, the need for the next dream may occur in 15-40 minutes. Thus, from birth to three months, the total number of daytime dreams can fluctuate about five times. By three months, the children can have a clear four-day nap. And many sleep a couple of times for a long time, and a couple of times - literally half an hour. By six months, babies go to sleep three times a day. The peculiarity of this age is attachment to the chest in the middle of sleep (about an hour after falling asleep) and its long sucking before waking up. At about nine months, the baby begins to sleep in the afternoon only two times. After a year, the children are gradually rearranged for a one-time daytime sleep, after which they do not forget to ask for attachment to the chest.

How do they sleep at night?

One of the advantages of on-demand feeding is a long-term nighttime sleep for an infant. On average, it is 12 hours. The baby is applied to the chest when falling asleep and during the night sucks several more times during the superficial sleep phase. The main applications occur in the period before midnight and in the predawn hours. It is important for the child to sleep next to the mother: only this way she can hear him crying and prevent the awakening of the sleeping baby by giving him a breast. If mother takes him to bed in the morning, she has chances to sleep for a long time: the baby will suck milk and then sink into deep dream. The need for night feedings due to the peculiarities of production breast milk: the hormone responsible for its quantity, in the greatest quantities is produced in response to night sucking. If you want to breastfeed for a long time and do not know the problems with a lack of milk, apply the crumb to the breast at night!

Oh, mode, mode ...

During the first year of life, the child rapidly grows and develops. Parents only have time to get used to one sleep mode, and the crumb is already rebuilt to another! And still the rhythms of sleep can stray when teething, at the time of mastering new motor skills, in case of physical indisposition of the baby or nervous overstrain. Children are especially sensitive to moving and changing the situation - the so-called adaptation takes place in a regressive form, when an already grown up child “hangs” on its chest, like a newborn, does not let the mother away from himself when falling asleep, day or night! We will be ready for this in order to plan life with a baby more realistically.

Only mom - and everything?

Of course, any other person who is well known to him can put the baby to sleep. To do this, there are many ways: motion sickness, songs, fairy tales, special bedtime rituals. But our conversation is about the uniqueness of her mother's role in the life of the baby. While she is breastfeeding him, most often she puts him to sleep ... with the help of her milk. After the completion of natural feeding (and during it), you can sing tender lullabies in the process, compose stories about crumbs or fairy-tale characters, get confidential conversations with your husband, answer important and so deep questions in the night silence. Sleeping time is special. Why not use this amazing chance and not fill your baby’s soul with warmth and love, just as you fill his tummy with tasty and healing milk. Sweet and colorful dreams to your baby!

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It often happens that children sleep peacefully for a long time during the day, to the joy of their mother. But then there is a problem with a night's sleep, after sleeping, the child requires attention. Bring back to normal night sleep is not difficult, the main thing is to understand what affects the duration of sleep.

Why does a baby sleep all day?

Many mommies dream of a quiet and long-lasting baby sleep. But, according to doctors, when the baby sleeps too much, he is not all right. To avoid health problems, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

The baby sleeps all day reasons:

1. Problems with breastfeeding. Rare feeds affect the well-being of the infant, it does not have enough strength, lethargy, apathy, and dehydration occur. This is due to the fact that few nutrients are supplied to the mother's milk. Such a diet is very dangerous for the newborn, so it is necessary to apply it to the breast as often as possible. Incorrect attachment to the chest, can also result in a long sleep of the baby. He is trying to take the breast correctly, but he does not succeed and tired and hungry falls asleep.

2. Difficult childbirth. Drowsiness and lethargy of the newborn can cause a difficult and prolonged labor process using drugs. Medicines have a negative effect and the child sleeps all day.

3. Mixed up day and night.   This happens very often, if the newborn cried, slept badly at night, and sleeps well during the day, then there is no cause for concern. Change the situation will help the transition to the correct mode of the day.

4. After illness. When a child is sick, he loses a lot of strength, immunity is weakened. To restore you need a dream and it takes a lot of time. Then the mode is gradually restored.

5. After vaccination, the child sleeps all day.   Vaccination affects all children differently, someone becomes sleepy, someone has a fever. So the drugs act on the immune system.

6. Dangerous situations.   There are cases when you need immediate medical intervention. Mom should call an ambulance if the child sleeps for the second day, does not wake up more than 5 hours, and cannot wake him up.

The baby is breathing heavily and the body temperature has increased. The alarm should be raised if the baby’s skin turns blue. Only a pediatrician will help with the appearance of such symptoms, because they are harbingers of serious diseases.

Most of the reasons for a long day of sleep are not terrible, and they can be eliminated on their own. But it is better to play it safe and seek the advice of a doctor in order to rule out and prevent serious illness.

The child confused day with night, what to do?

Just like that, the baby cannot mix up day and night, most often the parents or the child’s poor health are to blame.

The main reason is the wrong organization of the day regimen. Mom, doing household chores, allows a long day's sleep. It is not necessary to do this, because then it will take less time to sleep at night. A sedentary lifestyle accumulates energy that can find a way out at night.

The child confuses the day with the night with the wrong organization of sleep and wakefulness.

Not comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom prevents the child from sleeping. This is a bright light, stale air, heat or coolness. Anxious and uncomfortable clothing. Probably indented seams or material does not allow air.

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Sleep bag

For older children, you can use cotton pajamas. up to 1 - 2 years is recommended to use pajamas - body, from 3 and older - tunic and pants.

For parents whose children have confused day to night, recommendations have been made to bring the daily regimen back to normal. Do not immediately give children sedatives, it does not completely solve the problem. Strict adherence to the rules will help calmly and quickly establish a child's night sleep.

  1. Reduce the time of daytime sleep. In periods of wakefulness, play with the baby, do gymnastics, sing songs, read poems. Emotional and exercise stress   will help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer at night. But before bed, calm the little one. board gamesreading fairy tales.
  2. Do not feed your baby before bathing. Feed a little, bathe, and then feed them completely. Having eaten well, the child will quietly fall asleep all night.
  3. Ensure comfortable air temperature in the bedroom. Air the room before putting the baby down. The most optimal temperature is about 22 degrees.
  4. No need to react instantly if the child is awake. Listen to how he will behave, if everything is in order, the child will fall asleep on his own.
  5. Turn off or dim the lights in the room. Perhaps the baby is hampered by the lighting, then it needs to be eliminated. See if the light of the lantern falls into the window.
  6. Laying should be turned into a ritual that must be followed every day. The sequence of actions adjusts the child to sleep. The decor in the bedroom should correspond to sleep, no games and toys. The first time, let the child puts the same person.

Monthly baby confused day with night

When returning home from the maternity hospital, parents face the problem of a baby’s night sleep. The baby sleeps well during the day, and awakes at night. Moms panic and do not know what to do. This happens when a newborn baby is confused day by night. There is nothing wrong, you just need to retrain the baby. You need to develop your daily routine and adhere to it clearly.

Analyze the reasons why the night had gone astray. This may be the consequences of the use of drugs for difficult childbirth. The baby becomes sluggish, and for a long time is immersed in sleep. This state will gradually pass and the sleep mode is normalized.

With improper breastfeeding, the baby does not receive all the nutrients from the mother's milk and dehydration occurs. To prevent this, often put the baby to the chest and see if he is fed to the full.

2 months baby sleeps all day

The reason that two month child   sluggish and sleeps all day, maybe a disease. A cold, nasal congestion, temperature bothers the baby and the body fights off the disease through sleep.

In the dream, the little one accumulates strength to overcome the disease. If at night the child was disturbed by colic and he did not sleep well, then in the daytime he needs to sleep off. The disease will pass and the child will sleep again at night.

Urgent measures should be taken if a 2 month old baby sleeps all day and cannot wake up. Only a doctor can diagnose and prevent a serious illness.

3-4 months old baby sleeps all day

Long daytime sleep may be caused by the fact that the child confused the day with night. This often happens, and bring the mode in compliance is not difficult. If the baby sleeps a long time during the day, wake him up and engage in vigorous activity, talk, play. Come up with a ritual of laying at night. A warm bath and massage will relax the baby. Ventilate the room before bedtime so that you can sleep comfortably.

How to organize a bedtime, if a child in 3-4 months sleeps all day video:

After vaccination, a little can be sleepy, lethargic and sleep all day, often the temperature rises. Thus, vaccinations act on the child's body. The sleepy state will gradually pass, the next or every other day. So there is no cause for concern.

Child 1-2 years old sleeps all day

At this age, children are active enough during the daytime, but it happens that instead of playing, they sleep all day. If such cases very rarely occur in your family, then do not worry. Remember what events preceded the night's sleep and the baby slept very badly, and now it just sleeps. So that in the future, there were no failures, follow the daily routine.

But if the baby sleeps for more than 5 hours, without a break and you cannot wake him up, then you need to take urgent measures. Be sure to take the child to the hospital, this condition can be a sign of a serious illness. Only a pediatrician can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Child 5 years old sleeps all day

5 year old children are actively exploring the world, their curiosity is very developed, Mom should be alerted if her child always wants to sleep.

The causes of this behavior are diseases:

  • infectious and immune diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • disruption of the heart.

If time to pay attention to the condition of the child, it is possible to prevent complications.

The excited state before bedtime does not allow you to sleep at night, and during the day you really want to sleep, because the child did not get enough sleep. Adhere to the daily regimen and limit the activity of children before laying down at night. Then the problem of daytime sleepiness will recede.

How to teach a child to sleep all night?

To teach a newborn to sleep at night is not easy, it will require systematic actions and perseverance of parents. Before you begin to do this, you need to understand why the baby wakes up at night. The main reason for awakening is hunger. The baby needs to eat every 3-4 hours and it is inevitable, gradually the time between feedings will increase.

How to teach a child to sleep all night Komarovsky video:

A full diaper brings discomfort and sleep is interrupted. Interfere with a peaceful sleep is not comfortable temperature in the bedroom, feeling unwell, overexcitement or fatigue. Eliminating the factors of night awakening, the child will sleep for a long time.

How to teach a baby to sleep all night:

  • gradually reduce the amount of milk when feeding at night, but during the day feed the baby as it should be. So he will unlearn at night;
  • teach your newborn to fall asleep by yourself. Put him in a crib, sing a lullaby, stay nearby for a while, and then leave and let the baby sleep;
  • do not immediately take the baby in your arms if it woke up at night. Try to rock him in the crib;

  • To achieve a successful outcome, parents must have patience. The sequence of actions will form the correct mode of life that will positively affect the development of the child.

    How to teach a newborn to sleep at night longer?   To teach a baby to sleep all night is difficult, but possible. It will take parental patience and time. Never go to bed hungry baby, he will quickly wake up and demand food.

    In the bedroom create a comfortable atmosphere:

    • night light with subdued light;
    • fresh air before bedtime;
    • comfortable clothes.

    Teach the newborn to fall asleep on their own, without motion sickness on their hands or near. At bedtime, bathe the baby in a warm bath, get a massage.

    Careful attention of parents to their baby will help to avoid many problems, including those associated with sleep. Have patience and good luck in all your endeavors.