What should be able to 10 month old baby. Your child is ten months old: what he already knows and what he should be able to do at this age.

Each age of a newborn is characterized by its own developmental characteristics and new skills and abilities, and for each child they manifest themselves in their own way, and a slight deviation from generally accepted norms is considered normal. For 10 months, the rapid development of the locomotor apparatus and conversational skills, as well as a vivid manifestation of such character traits as stubbornness and independence, are characteristic.

Physiological development of a child in 10 months

Acceleration of growth and weight gain of the baby by 10 months decreases slightly, the proportions of the body are already fully formed, and the addition of additional cm and kg occurs proportionally, so you especially do not notice any external changes.

The average height of a ten-month crumb is 70-80 cm, with a weight of from 7 to 11 kg. These indicators depend on the initial height and weight at birth, the parents' parameters also have a significant effect, that is, if mom and dad are low and thin, you should not expect the baby to be a giant, and vice versa.

At 10 months, the formation of the motor apparatus is almost completed - the crumb sits confidently, is able to rise independently from the lying position on the legs, sits down itself and sits quite a long time. At this point, it is important to monitor the child’s posture, if you teach him to hold the backrest right now, in the future, most likely, the problem of scoliosis and osteochondrosis will not disturb him.

For many babies, 10 months is a turning point, at which time they can take their first independent steps. For several months now, a child has been moving along a support or by the arm, but few people want to walk without help before 10 months. Parents can stimulate the baby to show independence, but you should not be too zealous, because you can generally discourage the walk and the process will be delayed for a long time. If the crumb already starts to walk, it is necessary to provide it with comfortable shoes to protect small legs from the cold and small objects.

In 10 months, the sleep and nutrition patterns change - now the pussy will sleep during the day only once, therefore it is necessary to prepare for the night’s rest a little earlier than usual, and the kids also start to wake up earlier in the morning. Adhering to this regime from 10 months, it will be easy for you to accustom your child to the kindergarten regime.

Concerning breast feedingthen you can gradually, leaving only breakfast and feeding before bedtime. This will allow the child to be transferred to adult food without unnecessary whims, a variety of children's menu will also contribute to this, since at this age the child can offer meat delights, fish and any kinds of fruits and vegetables.

Psychological changes characteristic of 10 months of life

Closer to the year, the child actively begins to talk, some already utter whole phrases, and maybe full words, and some babies babble in their own way, but in any case, the kid tends to actively communicate. The task of adults at this time is to help the child talk, for this, try to engage him more often in the dialogue, ask questions, read and tell a lot, visit crowded places and be sure to encourage the baby’s contact with other children.

In 10 months, a useful skill is manifested - the ability to squeeze and unclench fingers on their own initiative. The development of fine motor skills has not yet been completed, but now the crumb can take and give objects, toys, is able to cling tenaciously to the support, which will help to keep in a stable position. The grasping reflex manifested itself in the child during the first months of life, but it was not easy to take away what was fixed in the small fingers, now the baby will give you everything you ask for. This fact will also help teach the crumb important words: “thank you”, “please”, etc.

The fourth trimester of the first year is considered the beginning of the independent activity of the baby, because at this time the baby is interested in all new things and phenomena.   The children, who started walking, try to climb the elevations and overcome obstacles in the form of pillows, chairs and large toys. It is especially important to provide a "safe apartment", i.e. protect the child from possible injuries by strengthening the drawers, insulating electrical cords and hiding other dangerous items.

What to do with a child in 10 months?

For the age of 10 months, almost all types of activities, both active and quiet developing, are suitable. If you want to free some time for doing your own business, try to captivate the child with one of the useful fun:

  • drawing - suitable finger paints; get a children's table for the crumbs, it is useful for other activities, for example, creating applications, etc .;
  • cartoons - choose educational videos, they will help your child learn to talk, show new places and answer many children's questions;
  • moving toys - cars that ride on a rope, clockwork dolls and all kinds of sets - railroad, auto track, garage, etc. - will certainly interest both boys and girls;
  • musical subjects   - suitable children's phone, posters and musical instruments, pressing the buttons, the baby will listen to songs, learn letters and find out what sounds animals make;
  • bright books - cardboard models are quite suitable for this age, bright pictures will lure the child, and the density of paper will not allow breaking them;
  • soft cubes and other parts of the designer will also be useful in 10 months, the child will be able to build various combinations and learn to distinguish the shapes and structure of different objects.

Any of these classes will give you 15-20 minutes of free time, and the regular use of such 20 minutes will gradually teach your child to play for a while on their own.

During the 10th month, the baby gains up to 450 grams of weight. And its growth is a little slower than before - up to 1.5 cm. On average, a baby in 10 months can reach 9500, and growth - up to 76 cm.

If your baby is growing faster or slower, do not worry. Each has its own characteristics of growth and development. But if the height and weight of the baby during these 10 months was spasmodic - the child grew and got better, it remained in place, you should definitely discuss it with the pediatrician. These may be symptoms of various diseases, sometimes hidden.

Baby's sleep at 10 months

At night, a child in 10 months sleeps almost without waking up - up to 12 hours in a row. And on the day of his sleep, too, must be mandatory at least 2 times - lasting up to 2 hours at a time. This is very important for the height and weight of the child, who must get enough sleep. If the child is not getting enough sleep, he grows and recovers not so quickly and well.

If the child is not getting enough sleep during the day, then most likely. At night, he, too, will wake up and keep his parents awake. Therefore, it is very important to observe the mode of sleep and rest of the baby in 10 months. This schedule is important to adhere as long as possible - about one and a half years old. Then the baby will be sick and less than his peers, and will develop better.

Child's speech development at 10 months

Babbling at 10 months is just like real words. The kid is interested in what he has to say and will continue to “talk” if he is praised for it or engaged in a conversation. When he tries to say a few words, such as "an eye" on a sock, the child will really like it if you praise him: "Yes, these are your socks."

If the child only crawled before, now he is trying to walk and stand. The child will cling to the furniture (or your legs!) To learn to stand.

When will the baby start walking at 10 months?

A child in 10 months can already crawl on his hands and knees. The child tried to crawl before, but now he is crawling more and more confidently and gaining speed. Your child can even sit quite confidently, not leaning on the handles.

The child can also stand on their own from a sitting position. He can even start walking, holding the furniture, letting go of the furniture for a moment, and standing without support.

Now the child very carefully and with great curiosity will begin to study the house. He may try to crawl up the stairs or steps, so always be near for support.

Your child can move as he pleases even when you hold his hands. He may even try to get down and grab the toy when you hold his hand. Magical first steps to independence for a child in 10 months are not far off. And you have to spend much more time raising your baby and ensuring his safety as soon as your child can walk!

Child's communication at 10 months

The personality of the child in 10 months is rapidly developing. His social skills are improving, and he may well give wide smiles to everyone he meets. A child at this age may already be a little shy, hiding his face when he sees other people's uncles and aunts.

The child is more and more eager to repeat the sounds and gestures of adults; he already knows how to wave his hand when he sees that you are leaving. He very quickly understands what is possible and what is not, but already expresses his own opinion when he does not want something. For example, if you want to carry it on a car seat or put it in a carriage.

Why is a 10-month-old baby upset about not having bothered him before?

A child in 10 months may be frightened by things that have not previously disturbed him, for example, when someone rings the doorbell or by telephone. When this happens, parents are better off reassuring the baby. Tell him that you are near, and he will understand this perfectly. Over time, the child's fear will pass. The child just needs additional hugs and words of comfort from adults, until he calms down because of the sounds and images that upset him.

Does a child in 10 months understand the words and phrases of adults?

Your child is just beginning to understand many simple words and phrases, so now it is more important than ever to talk to him. You will help your child learn new words by repeating his attempts to pronounce them as it should. For example, if a child points to his bottle of milk and says: "Bout", you can also show the bottle and answer: "Yes, this is your bottle."

Although we sometimes can sometimes feel stupid talking to your child in his language, but this is a great way to encourage his speech and listening skills. He always answers as he can. Your child can smile a lot and babble more than you can stand. But soon, instead of incomprehensible babble, you will hear individual words or gestures from a baby that you already understand. Besides words, other forms of communication are also available to the child, such as individual syllables, sounds and gestures.

Explaining to a child in 10 months step by step what you are doing with a description of colors, sizes, actions is also a very good move for the development of his speech. When you put the baby in the stroller to go for a walk, tell him something like this: "Now you will walk in your blue stroller. I will dress you in your favorite blue coat so that you will not freeze. Now we will go to the park."

You can also tell him nursery rhymes, accompanying them with gestures. Which illustrate your words. Play with the child in games that are accompanied by children's rhymes and counting. This very well develops the child's vocabulary.

He will quickly associate words with people and actions.

What if a child at 10 months does not develop normally?

Each child is unique and corresponds to physical development at their own pace. What you read on the Internet are just guidelines for how your child should develop, if not now, then soon.

If your child is born prematurely, it may take a little longer before he can do the same thing as other children of his age. That is why the majority of children born prematurely, doctors evaluate:

The chronological age, which is calculated from the date of birth of the child

The adjustment for age, which is calculated based on the term of carrying the child.

You must pay attention to the development of a premature baby against its adjusted age, and not its actual date of birth. And doctors will help you assess the development of the child in 10 months and his skills and give the necessary recommendations.

A child can understand simple words and phrases at 10 months. You need a ten-month baby expressively repeat his words several times. If a baby asks for “let-let”, for example, gently reinforce the correct pronunciation by asking, “Do you want a bottle?”

What should be able to child in 10 months

By 10 months, the baby already understands a lot and is able to become more independent. The child likes communication with new people. The baby happily tries to fulfill the instructions and requests of the parents.

Character traits are developing: perseverance or pliability, goodwill or hostility are revealed. At ten months, the child begins to use one hand more often than the other. It becomes visible on the baby that he is right-handed or left-handed.

By 10 months, children can:

  • independently drink from a mug and eat with a spoon;
  • walk, holding the support;
  • sit long;
  • get up without help;
  • climb on a sofa or bed;

A child in 10 months remembers where his toys are. The kid makes a choice in favor of the book that he wants to watch or listen to. Now the crumb not only scatters everything, but also collects items in the box. The baby can roll the machine, put the dolls to sleep, collect the pyramid, make a house of cubes.

Both the boy and the girl at 10 months speak short words, understanding their meaning. Realize the meaning of the words "no" and "no". Babbling, inventing their own language.

Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents that the child must independently want to walk. Excessive load of 10 months on the spine leads to its deformation later. Let the baby crawl one more month. Till one year it is not necessary to specially train the kid in walking.

Child development at 10 months

At this stage of the game, it is better to try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk, it's fun, but hearing the right words at 10 months is more important for the development of the child. You may feel silly talking to your baby, but this is a great way to encourage language skills.

Soon you will notice that some words and gestures, you actually understand, as well as other forms of communication, such as audition and grunting. Call the items to which the child has independently indicated. Play with the baby, describing what you are doing - whether it is cutting an onion for dinner or folding laundry.

When you put him in a pram, say, "We are going to the park." You can also sing songs by demonstrating the actions that come out with the words: saying goodbye and waving your arms. In the near future, he will clap his hands when you drive, and may begin to say "mom", looking at mom and "dad", bringing dad into the room, although at the moment he is still more likely to use two words without parsing.

Motility hands

Baby's fingers become more flexible at 10 months. Using them as claws, he can pick up small objects between the thumb and forefinger. The kid can take solid food with his hands and throw it at his feet. He is intrigued by tiny things and still tries them on the tongue. It is beautiful, as long as they are edible and not so small that it can suffocate. A good rule to avoid aspiration is not to let a child take something that will not dissolve in water, raw carrots, whole grapes. Cooked vegetarian sprats, cheese, peeled and sliced ​​fruit are great products for fingers.

More mobility

By 10 months, the baby should be able to crawl well. Many children try to crawl before, but only now master skills. Some kids love to crawl down the stairs. At 9 months, the baby managed to sit confidently and even walk, holding on to the furniture, perhaps letting go for a moment and stand without support. The baby will try to go himself with support. These magical first steps to independence and much more are a test for you !. Most babies take their first steps somewhere between nine and twelve months, walking well for 14 or 15 months.

What can baby in 10 months

The child still needs plenty of care and support, but his growing independence is manifested in the ability to stand. The kid can walk, holding hands, will hold his hand or foot to help you dress him.

While eating, the baby can take a cup and drink from it on her own. The child will also intentionally throw the necessary items, probably so that you take them away. If you are tired of this game, take the item for a few minutes and try to distract the child with something as tempting, such as playing cuckoo.

Child social skills

The child is established among his brothers and sisters in the tenth month and begins to engage in a parallel game. Informal children's play meetings are a great way to encourage your kid to develop social skills.

Children of this age do not understand what friends are. The child will receive new game ideas from their first buddies. Bonus: Mom will get some help and support from parents of other babies.

  The age of your baby is approaching a regular round date - ten months is a serious and binding figure. The child is developing rapidly mentally, and parents need to be patient.

At this age, the baby shows interest in the whole world, which requires increased attention and care. It is now that future initiative, activity or a feeling of insecurity and helplessness is emerging; therefore, manifestations of independence cannot be suppressed in any case, but must be skillfully steered in the necessary direction and encouraged.

What can baby in 10 months

Your child already crawls well, sits on his own, sits up and stands, holding the support, steps over the support. Some babies are already trying to move away from the support, trying to keep balance. The ability to be upright is a real achievement, of which children are very proud and it is absolutely necessary that parents also emotionally perceive the small victory of their child.

Now the game activity is born, first of all in girls: they feed the dolls, wash them, imitating mom. There is a rapid speech development: the baby listens attentively to the speech of adults, understands some words and tries to reproduce combinations of sounds.

At the age of 10 months, the child has developed the following skills:

Ability to sit without support, crawl behind a toy, rise, leaning on the arms extended to him, walk near the support, holding on to it
   knows your name and responds to it, knows the names of loved ones, the names of surrounding objects, can show in the picture called animals, show parts of their body, at the request of adults
   understands and fulfills simple requests: "give", "go", etc.
   repeats adult syllables and combinations of sounds
   uses in communication several "words" that are understandable situationally, at least 1-2 "words", for example: lala, mom, give
   perceives jokes addressed to him and laughs in response
   sings songs
   takes small objects with two fingers: thumb and forefinger and performs meaningful actions with them
   rolls cars, pushes a ball, throws toys
   plays the first musical instruments: drum, xylophone
   trying to build from cubes
   inserts or inserts one item into another
   can drink from a mug, use a spoon
shows interest and curiosity to other children, to their games
   calmly refers to planting on the pot.

Physical development

After the ninth month of physical growth slows down a bit, now there is an emphasis on the mastery of the body, control over the movements. On average, in the tenth month the child adds 400-450 grams of weight and grows 1.5 cm. Thus, its weight by the end of 10 months is 9000 - 9500 g, and an increase of about 70-75 cm.

There is nothing terrible if the baby is gaining height or weight a little faster or slower, but you need to be alert if he is drastically out of the normative height or weight corridor.

Do not worry if you see a clear difference between motor development   children of this age. Someone is already walking, while others prefer only to crawl. "Sliders" do not rush, they just crawl more comfortable than walking. They will go, only a little later. Some babies start walking at the age of 15 months.


The mode of the day may vary individually: the time of feeding, falling asleep and the amount of sleep. Adjust to your baby, but be sure to keep a constant schedule. Feed and pack at the same time, breaking the usual mode or a sliding schedule will cause only fatigue, moods and bad mood.


At the age of 10 months, children usually sleep at night from 10 to 12 hours. And two more daytime sleep   about 2 hours. Calm babies sleep more, stronger and when waking up for a long time can move away from sleep, not showing activity. With hyperactive kids, the situation is exactly the opposite: they spend more energy, they sleep less and are much more restless, they get tired faster and more capricious. In such cases, you can put the baby in bed early for an hour or two.

A good night’s sleep is promoted by bathing before bedtime, and while bathing - airing the room, then melodic lullabies and feeding - mother’s presence, voice and milk will give pleasure to the baby, calm and act like a sleeping pill.


Despite the fact that now the child is interesting and at home, do not forget about the daily walks. Staying away from home is becoming more fun. The kid enjoys watching people, children, studying the world. Continue to show him something new: take it with you to the store, go with him to visit or to the entertainment center for the little ones.

In the summer of a huge developmental function performs a romp in the sandbox. Usually there are many children in the sandbox and the baby can carefully study the general rules of the game, imitate and learn the most simple actions : put sand in a bucket, build castles, dig a shovel, etc.

In the summer you can walk for a long time, optimally twice a day for 2 hours. In winter, the number and duration of walks is reduced. On a frosty day, you can go out for 30 minutes, this time will be enough for the apartment to be aired and the baby breathe fresh air.


Breastfeeding is still the main one (like artificial mixtures   for feeding), but by the end of the last decade of the first year is no longer able to provide good nutrition. In breast milk, there is not enough protein, potassium, copper, zinc and other substances, in the quantity necessary for the grown-up baby. Therefore, the necessary substances get from products that have been entered up to 10 months.

There are practically no new products in the diet, the menu is expanding only due to new versions of dishes from the existing set. At the age of 10 months, the baby should eat meat every day and, if there is no diathesis, then once a week lean fish is boiled. Daily required portion of these products is about 50 grams.

Feed your baby 4-5 times a day, alternate meals, offer a variety of vegetable puree, soups, cereals, cottage cheese and fruits, which are not allergic.

Daily rate   food is about 1 liter, excluding breast milk. Perhaps the child will eat at one time a little more or a little less than 200-250 grams, it depends on the individual physiological features. Do not try to feed the baby forcibly or leave unsatisfied, let me develop my own sense of proportion.

Breast failure

Between 9 and 12 months, many children no longer need sucking, they become more independent in everything, less stubborn and rather calmly weaned, than at a younger or older age. Termination Decision breastfeeding   in some women, it is taken easily and simply; in others, it causes great mental fluctuations. But, whenever a weaning occurs, this event is always important for both the mother and the child, not only physically, but also emotionally, so take this step seriously.

Games and toys

In 10 months for the full development of the child the following toys are needed:

Toys on wheels: animals, cars that can be rolled
   rubber and plastic balls
sets of jars, bowls and boxes with lids that can be removed and folded, opened and closed
   various pyramids with donning rings
   musical and clockwork toys
   rubber animals
   dolls and soft toys.
  In the role of toys, ordinary household things, dishes and clothes can sometimes be: do not limit the child, just make sure that the object and manipulations with it are safe.

Useful games   and classes with a 10-month baby on the development of fine motor skills:

Shifting, transferring small items: beads, beans, cereals, pasta from one container to another
   finger drawing: paints on paper, as well as drawing on sand, flour, small grains
   finger games, such as "Ladushki" or "Forty Crow"
   games with ribbons, laces, knots
   playing in the sandbox with a shovel, rake, building castles, filling and playing with molds.

Be sure to play with your child, show him a variety of actions with objects, encourage him to repeat after you, master more and more complex manipulations. Take care that the child is surrounded by a variety of toys and objects: in size, color, shape, texture. The rich natural environment at this age contributes to the accelerated intellectual development of the baby.

Speech development

In games, develop baby speech. Name the objects, images of animals, utter sounds that imitate the speech of animals. For example: "This is a mouse, it beeps: pee-pee-pee". Such speech games contribute not only to the development of speech, but also speech hearing and memory. Over time, the baby will not only remember how the mouse “speaks”, but will also be able to answer such a question.

Do not forget about reading books, fairy tales, poems, viewing pictures. The kid himself can already show where the fish is drawn, and where the bird is. In his head, an active process of combining an image and a word takes place. Listen to his babble, encourage any attempt to speak.

Pay maximum attention to the safety of your baby.

The kid is no longer enough dedicated playground, it's time to actively explore the territory.Secure the space available:

Get plugs for outlets
   check what happens if the child pulls the edge of the tablecloth or wire from the floor lamp
   play with small details only together, for the rest of the time, make sure that no screws, which can be quickly sent to the mouth, are not in the way of the baby
Watch out for sharp, cutting objects, do not leave them in sight, and also do not leave hot porridge or a cup of tea within reach.
   keep medicines away from children
   on the street as well as at home, pay attention to any sources of danger. Even in sandboxes, glass fragments, debris or iron can often be found.

Paradox, but the more independent the crumb becomes, the more time it takes. If the first three months the baby only slept and ate,now he is tireless: creeps, reaches out to any accessible surfaces and objects, opens all the closets, pulls out all their contents, pulls you on the clothes, constantly says something in its own way, requires games and attention. It is advisable that someone help you with the child and at least once a week to exempt from supervision and training with him. The rhythm that the kids set is exhausting very quickly, do not allow the accumulation of irritation and, even more so, dislodging it on the crumbs.

What can a child in 10 months?

The most important thing is to do everything “as big”. The child has already mastered enough and movements of the hands, hands and fingers, and facial expressions to repeat all adults. Be careful - your casual gesture may be so pleasing to your child, that later you will disaccustom him for months. Imitating mom, dad or older brother, the baby will beat the drum, press the buttons, swing the bear, poke the spoon of the doll, rub the handles under water ...

However, although it may seem strange to you, the crumb is not yet capable of transferring these actions to other objects. Those. shaking a bear, he will not swing a dog until you show that it can be done. Consequently, the "repertoire" of kid games directly depends on your imagination, desire to teach and show. Load cubes in a dump truck and a box on a string, feed the animals in your house, put them to bed, take them for a walk ...

Baby begin to occupy the connection between objects. If you let him talk on the phone with his grandmother, he will then carefully examine the phone, as if trying to look inside and find out where the grandmother was hiding there.

A similar interest provokes the child to "break" toys. In fact, the baby does not break them on purpose, he is interested to know how they act and what they consist of. In addition, often he simply can not calculate the force applied to the fragile thing.

A new skill appears - with the help of one object a child can get another: with a spatula, move a cube to itself, bring a cracker with a spoon. Of course, with this opportunity, the toddler must first be introduced, although some children “reach” this themselves, through an unexpected and successful experiment.

The kid with delight grabs the smallest crumbs found on the floor or anywhere else. In fact, it will be much better if the crumb satisfies his interest in the little things, playing with harmless grains under your supervision.

If you are engaged in modeling and drawing with a child, he is already confidently leading the paper with crayons, felt-tip pens or paints, and when working with dough he learns to tear small pieces from a large piece and can stick them on the plank, pressing it down with a finger.

Descents and ascents

Out of motor skills, the baby continues to train his skill. Now he moves around the apartment like a little meteor. Many children tear their knees off the floor and run on four legs like monkeys. A child of 10 months can already sit straight for a long time without leaning to the sides, stands confidently, steps over the support.

It's time to master the ascent and descent. It is very convenient to do it on a not high couch or, if you have your own house, a small ladder with two or three steps - more than a child can not do it yet. Teach the baby to climb on the sofa, pulling on the handles and pushing with legs from the floor. And it is necessary to go down the ass forward - so the baby will never break the nose!

By 10 months, babies usually form and stand out “loved” type of activity. Some people draw with pleasure, others step over and squat rhythmically to the music, others can put a cube on the cube for an hour, do not tear the fourth from watching the cars through the window, the fifth freeze with a book in their hands, the sixth need nothing but a couple of cups and a bowl with with water, the seventh requires a constant society of other children ... Pay close attention to the permanent interests of your child and try to meet them daily.

At 10 months of life, after constant clinging to the mother, finally, there comes a time when the baby turns its attention to other people. That is why this age is good both for (if you do not intend to feed up to two years), and to start visiting developing groups or clubs “mother + baby”.

From the moment the child gets up, go for a walk - at least 15-20 minutes a day to the playground, where your child can wander around the sandpit, swing on a swing, and most importantly, see how other children play and take on feasible participation.

Play small pens

Games that a baby can master at 10-12 months:

  • shuffling, pouring from one container to another beads, buttons, cereals, nuts;
  • laying out matches, toothpicks, beans, nuts, cotton swabs, curly pasta, pebbles;
  • unscrewing the caps - large ones (from plastic bottles) and small ones (from cream tubes);
  • drawing fingers over flour, sand, small grains;
  •   with rhymes (like "Magpie-thieves");
  • games with laces, knots, ribbons;
  • use of spoons of different sizes for food;
  • digging or pouring sand or snow with a shovel, rake, shovel, stick. tins.

Try to have the child do everything with both hands. not just the right one. Indeed, at this age, the right hemisphere of the brain develops much more actively, for which the left hand “answers”. And the action of two hands at the same time (especially when they perform different movements) leads to the development of inter-hemispheric connections.

We play with friends!

Playing round dance is very simple. First, the mother sings a song and performs the dance herself or with the doll, while the baby sits and watches. If the baby liked it, ask him to change places with the doll: "Let us dance and Lala will look." Take the kid by the arm or on the arms and slowly begin the dance, performing all the movements with his hands, legs, and head.

Well, if all this happens in front of a large mirror, in which the child will be able to see your and his reflection, he will quickly understand what is required of him. Of course, at first the baby will be able to perform only the most simple movements: clap his hands, perhaps, stamp the foot. Having mastered the movement with your mother, your child will dance beautifully with other children.

Fuck the king
  • The king went through the forest
  • Through the forest, through the forest
  • Find yourself a princess
  • The princess, the princess (walk my circle one after another).
  • Let's jump with you,
  • And we kick up legs,
  • And clap handles,
  • And feet we sink,
  • Head leave -
  • And we start again (And no longer play - to end the game).

Round dance exercises will help your child learn to perform simple movements, develop coordination of the whole body and tiny fingers. For improvement, you do not need a large number of people - you and crumbs are enough

  • Mill, mill grinds flour (perform circular movements with his hands).
  • The wind, the wind blows harder - oo-oo-oo (we blow like the wind).
  • Even faster, the mill grinds flour (accelerates movement).
  • We have flour
  • Here are taku-ushch bags - (we show volume, having raised hands above the head).
  • We will make pies.
  • From flour, from flour we will bake pies, (with our palms we make pies).
  • Carcasses, make cheesecakes, (draw a circle with your finger on the other palm).
  • Ladushki, ladies, bake pancakes (produce cotton).