Application of agricultural machinery. Application as a type of art activity for preschool children

Application- one of types applied artsused for decoration of various objects by attaching carved decorative or thematic forms to the main background.

The peculiarity of the application is in the nature of the image, and in the technique of its execution.

The image in the application has a great convention in comparison with other types of planar image - drawing, painting. The application is characterized by a more generalized form, with almost no details. Local color is used most often, without shades, and one color is sometimes very different from another.

As a decoration tool, the appliqué creates a peculiar decorative effect.

The simplicity and ease of execution of the application make it available for children's creativity. Children can both use ready-made forms, painted in certain colors, or create compositions, cutting out elements of patterns, subject images, etc.

Apprenticeships contribute toon the one hand, the formation of visual skills and onskills, on the other hand, the development of children's creative abilities.

In kindergarten, you can use the following classification of application work:

-on the materials used:   in kindergarten, applications can be from paper, fabric, from natural materials, collage.

The application of natural materials (dried grass, flowers, leaves, etc.) is called - floristry . Collage   - A creative genre, when a work is created from cut out various images.

- on technology of performance:mosaic ; tearing the edges of the paper ; cutout appliqué .

- by color: monochrome ;polychrome

- on how to fasten parts based on: with glue on plasticine

The sequence of the application:

1. thinking through the composition

2. paper selection

3. preparation of parts

4. image details are set against

5. sticking and drying the details of the image

Cutting methods

Cutting out of double folded paper (symmetrical cutting). Cutting out of paper, folded "accordion" (pair-symmetric ).

Silhouette cutting.

Receptions cutting: rectilinear, curvilinear.

10.Method of application management in groups of different ages.

Such features as Bogateeva Z.N., Gorunovich L.B., Komarova TS, Kosminskaya V.V, etc., were involved in the development of the preschool child in the application activity.

The youngest preschool age.   Taking into account the peculiarities of children of this age, the specifics of performing application work, they are not given scissors: all the parts or parts of them are prepared by children. Of great importance is the material for the work and organization of the learning process. Children of this group still cannot use the general material, as they do not know how to quickly distinguish shapes and colors.

When the teacher completes the explanation and distributes the forms, the children lay them out on a sheet in accordance with the task. The teacher checks the correct location of the elements. After that glue is put on the tables. Acquaintance with the elements (parts) of the application is recommended to begin with a circle and a square, since these figures, especially the circle, do not require children of a difficult spatial orientation on a piece of paper: just do not put a circle, it will still lie correctly.

Training in subject images begins with simple, consisting of 2 - 3 parts, gradually leading to more complex ones: from subject to decorative subject narrative.

Methods and techniques:   Detailed examination of the image object    The survey is accompanied by various surprise moments

The main methodical technique is show mode of action on the background of the game. Creating problematic situations.

The average preschool age.

Focus in medium group  The caregiver directs the children to learn the techniques of working with scissors: children are taught to hold the scissors correctly and use them, cut the paper in a straight line, make oblique cuts and cut round-shaped objects. Improving the technique of sticking.

Methods and techniques of training.

One of the leading teaching methods in the lesson is information-receptive, including review and analysis    subject to the image of the subject.

In the middle group, cutting is first introduced. Therefore, the focus is on the development of technology scissors , show tricks    cuttings (information-receptive method). It is carried out in two stages: 1 - display with verbal accompaniment, 2 - only visual.

In some cases, effective reproductive method - pack razhnenie    in one way or another.

Work techniques are demonstrated even when a new method of making applications is introduced. interruption methodpaper for the image of objects of uneven fluffy texture. The role is increasing lay va.    For transfer of figurativeness, expressiveness in work it is good to use artistic word .

Problem tasks    application can be aimed at mastering the process of building compositions with prepared forms, the method of cutting, clipping, etc.

Older preschool age.

At each lesson, the teacher draws attention to how children are carved and pasted on the whole image - the quality of work depends on it.

In addition, children perform various tasks according to the plan, learn to solve this or that topic on their own.

Methods and techniques.Older preschoolers already have a certain graphic experience, therefore, such teaching methods as study sample showing mode of action they are used in the management of the pictorial activities of children, but much less frequently - only in those cases when need to turn to brand new object images . However, we use: Observation We focus the attention of children on the characteristic features of the object being depicted, we learn to “peer” at it, analyze, compare, summarize. Reliance on past experience.

Problem-creative tasks and experimentation.    Methods aimed at the development of children's creative potential, cognitive and aesthetic interests; the formation of self-esteem.

AT older group  caregiver uses verbal methods    learning, since children already have enough experience in making applications.

The teacher takes care of children less, stimulates their individual creative abilities more, develops independence, tries to indirectly lead children to the right decision.

Analysis of applications is carried out with the active participation of children. As before, the teacher draws attention to the expressiveness of the work, pictorial features, the quality of cutting, making higher demands in comparison with the middle group; Teaches you to critically evaluate your work, compare it with others.

After discharge from the maternity hospital of the parents and the baby attends nursing sister and doctor. Medical workers monitor the general condition of the child, monitor the healing of the umbilical wound, assess the condition of the skin. Starting from the first month, parents should independently bring their child to the clinic every month. This raises many questions from moms and dads: when to come, what to take with you, what to consult with a doctor and how they will be examined.
  Polyclinics have a special day. healthy babythis is usually tuesday. Ask your doctor about this, as each clinic has its own traditions. You can not come with the baby on other days. This is the risk of catching a virus. If the child is unwell, it is better to call the doctor at home. Pediatricians take small patients on coupons and on the general queue. It is much more convenient to come with a ticket for a specific time, the ticket can be ordered online, by phone or at the reception. It is necessary to postpone a visit to the clinic, if the child has a fever, cough or you notice that his general condition has worsened.

Everybody has intracranial pressure: both adults and children, but its increase is considered a deviation from the norm.

Signs of increased intracranial pressure can be detected not only with the help of equipment.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

Parents should be alerted if the baby:
  - throws back his head or sleeps with his head thrown back;
  - at the age of several days, he confidently holds his head (normally this skill comes in 1-1.5 months);

That the child grew up healthy

In order for a child to grow up healthy, the room where he is located must be aired as often as possible. About once an hour. This disinfects the air and moisturizes it, and the baby receives the necessary dose of oxygen. Because of this, he is less sick. Bedroom crumbs air the whole hour before bedtime.
  Every day you need to walk outside in any weather. The exception is severe frost. But if the rain drizzles or the wind blows, still go for a walk. Length of stay on the street - at least an hour. Do not wear the baby too warm. He should not bathe on a walk.

Mom's food after childbirth

Thanks to a special diet after childbirth, you can quickly restore the body, and not to gain extra pounds, which are so afraid of women.
  - From the first days after birth, and better during pregnancy, the food from wheat should be replaced with rye and corn bread. This will help the woman not to gain excess weight, and also to avoid constipation for both her and the baby.
  - The amount of consumed meat should be reduced, fatty varieties should be excluded from the diet altogether.
  - Milk must be replaced with cheese, cottage cheese or other dairy products. They contain enough calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the child’s skeleton and the restoration of the loss of the mother.

Methods of teaching visual activity

Decorative application in dets com garden.

1. The influence of folk art on children's creativity in decorative applications.

2. The use of folk ornament in educational work kindergarten.

Means of expression, ways of cutting:

Methods and techniques (by age group)

4. Make one sample for each age group and make a brief summary of its use in the application lesson.

1. The influence of folk art on children's creativity in decorative applications.

Folk art in the national culture of the country occupies a special place.It reflects the originality, artistic genius of the people: its poetry, fantasy, imaginative thinking, wise simplicity of views and feelings; praises the best traits of the national character - courage, humanity, devotion to civic duty, Motherland, honesty, heroic strength, optimism.

For centuries, people have sought to express in artistic form their attitude to life, love of nature, and their understanding of beauty. Products of arts and crafts that are seen by children, open before them the richness of the culture of the people, help them learn customs passed from generation to generation, teach them to understand and love the beautiful, they are introduced to work according to the laws of beauty.

Decorative applique is a type of ornamental activity, during which children master the ability to cut and combine various decoration elements (geometric, plant forms, generalized figures of birds, animals, humans) according to the laws of rhythm, symmetry, using bright color comparisons. In these classes, the child learns to stylize, decoratively transform real objects, generalize their structure, and endow the samples with new qualities.

Bright and clear colors of patterns, symmetry and rhythm alternation of forms attract children, make them want to reproduce what they see. This requires the teacher to more thoroughly study the creative experience of folk artists, master the skills of depicting folk ornament, organize appropriate work with children to familiarize themselves with folk art and teach them the ability to create patterns based on the decoration of household items, costumes, etc.

In the work with children, products of decorative and applied art with a floral pattern (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo, lace, etc.) are used. The task of the teacher is to show the diversity and traditions of the species: the characteristics, the originality of the elements of the pattern, the combination of colors, composition.

Beautifully selected color scheme of the pattern is the most important means of aesthetic education of the child, the development of his ability to perceive color and its harmony. Consequently, it is necessary to purposefully form in the child a sense of color, the ability to select a bright and soft color, using not only spectral colors, but also a variety of semitones and shades, smoothness of color transitions.

2.The use of folk ornament in the educational work of the kindergarten.

Folk arts and crafts introduces the child to the rich world of objects and images that are characterized by a riot of colors, a variety of forms, and bright ornamental constructions. This causes a lively emotional response and activates the creative activity of children, the desire to display what they see in a drawing or application in their own way, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of personality, nurturing a child’s interest and love for the art of his people and people of other nationalities. The full implementation of this task depends on the skillful, purposeful organization of educational work in preschool institutions. Such work should be aimed at familiarizing children with folk ornamental art, teaching them to reproduce the motifs of the ornament in various types of graphic activities, including applications, in class, as well as in independent artistic and design activities. In this case, the teacher develops the ability of preschoolers to see, understand and appreciate the beauty of works of decorative art, to perceive the content of the ornament, especially its visual and expressive means, functional connection with the form of the decorated object, the traditions of folk art. In children, a sense of rhythm, symmetry, harmony is also formed, the ability to convey the relationship between elements in form, size, spatial arrangement on paper, color is improved, which is an indicator of the development of the visual abilities of each child.

The successful conduct of educational work on the material of folk ornament is largely determined by the degree of artistic education of the teacher, his knowledge and understanding of various types and forms of folk art, the laws and characteristics of its development. In this regard, the tutor has the following tasks:

To get acquainted with the artistic experience of folk craftsmen, learn to think creatively about it, create new things, distinguish genuine works from stylistic fakes, souvenirs;

To study the forms of modern folk art, folk arts and crafts, to identify the artistic traditions of other peoples' art;

Do not follow the formal methods of folk art, which leads to stylization, external imitation, stamp;

Learn to select samples of folk art, tested by the artistic taste of the people, meet the objectives of preschool education, rely on the didactic principle "from close to far" when children are familiar with the closest art of their people, then other nationalities living in a given area (as they master knowledge You can expand the scope of this study);

Master practical skills in creating visual aids for classes with children based on folk samples in different technique  drawing and application;

To be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in organizing work with children in the classroom and in their independent artistic activities;

To plan the sequence of classes to familiarize children with samples of the decorative and applied art of a given people and to display the motifs of folk ornaments in applications;

Search for ways of practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills on application in other forms and types of graphic activity.

The composition of the pattern and its color structure are subject to aesthetic patterns that are gradually becoming available to children. In this regard, the lessons of decorative painting and application contribute to the development of artistic taste. At the beginning, at 3.5-4 years old, children master the simplest skills of decorative activity: rhythmic repetition of elements (decorated with a napkin, mitten, doll dress), then alternation of simple elements (petals - luring the entire pile of the brush to paper, dots, stripes, and so on. . P.).

In the appliqué class, children place ready-made images in a certain order, uniform in shape, and then different in shape, size, and color.

With age, the tasks are complicated. Children 4-5 years of age reinforce the skills of the rhythmic arrangement of the elements of the pattern, learn the symmetrical arrangement of the pattern on paper, having the shape of a square (napkin, handkerchief), a circle (plate, saucer). To perform such a pattern, the child must be able to cover the entire sheet of paper, find the corners, edges, middle, and for this you need to know what the corners, the middle, etc. In the process of creating a pattern you need to teach the child to match the same parts. Complicated and the elements from which the pattern is built: include berries, flowers, leaves. These are not any particular flowers and berries, but invented by the children themselves or taken from the works of decorative and applied arts,

In the middle and senior groups, the shape of the objects on which children are taught to make a pattern, and the elements from which it is composed are complicated. The arcs are turned on, flowers, leaves become more varied, the pattern is performed not only with the whole brush, but also with the tip of the pile. All the patterns that make up the children of the older group, as a rule, are symmetrical.

In the preparatory for school group of children are taught to make symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns. Significantly complicated elements of the pattern. Spirals, curls, wavy lines are introduced. The color scheme of the pattern is enriched. At the same time, the task is to teach children to carry out the pattern in a certain color range characteristic of a particular type of folk decorative art: Dymkovo, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, in warm or cold colors, etc. Getting to know children in different colors and learning how to get shades allows them to use. When drawing up patterns, not only primary colors, but also shades. From composing rhythmic patterns with repeating elements of children are transferred to the compilation of symmetrical, and then asymmetrical compositions.

In training decorative art  works of decorative art are widely used. When examining their children's attention is drawn to the beauty, grace, taste with which they are performed. Children are taught to identify the elements in the pattern (elements, to mark their location, combinations of colors and composition features, that is, they are taught to see and highlight the expressive means of decorative art.

Means of expression.

The means of expression used by children are quite diverse: color, shape, composition. They help to convey the characteristic features of the image, attitude to it. The degree of expressiveness depends primarily on the development of the child’s imaginative vision, the store of impressions and on the level of development of visual abilities. Children almost always put their attitude into the work, transferring it to visual or other means. This allows you to call the child's work original, expressive.

Color emotionally affects the baby, captivating him with color, brightness. Therefore, it is important to deliberately develop a sense of color as the most accessible idea of ​​the beauty of the surrounding world and works of art.

Ways cut out

Cutting out image details

Cut out the details and images need to accurately, without distorting the shape. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the cutting line is clear, without chipping. When cutting, you should try not to pinch the paper. (Most often this happens from blunt scissors.) It is more convenient to cut straight lines with scissors with straight ends. When cutting paper in a straight line, lower it down while pushing the scissors up. When cutting round and other shapes, the scissors in the right hand remain almost immobile, and with the left hand the paper is guided along the intended lines of the image (fig.). Very small parts that complement the appliqué should be cut with small scissors.

In order to cut a hole in the paper, you must first pierce a small hole with the sharp end of the scissors, and then cut the desired image. This can be done in a different way: first, cut the paper, and then cut out the middle. After sticking the cut line will not be visible.

Fig. Straight and circular lines can be cut t, k. Shown.

Cutting images of a symmetrical single-color paper structure.

Everything around us has a symmetrical or asymmetrical structure. Symmetry is a regular arrangement of forms and colors, while one side is a mirror image of the other.

Symmetrical forms include leaves, flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, berries, silhouettes of butterflies, vases, dishes, dresses, etc. This definition is rather arbitrary, since in nature there is not a single tree, not one half of it repeats exactly the other. This simplification is called styling. Initially, it is advisable to perform several tasks in which the transfer of individual images having a symmetrical structure from one-color paper is provided. Such images will be a silhouette character. Despite this, they give an idea of ​​the method of pictorial technology, develop the ability to see and convey the shape of an image, the ratio of height and width, the similarity and difference of images that are close in shape, and correctly determine the proportions by eye.

Cut from paper, folded several times.

From paper folded several times, or, as it is conventionally called an accordion, interesting and useful clippings are obtained. They can be used as decoration of kindergarten rooms, costumes. The method of cutting out paper that has been folded several times is used when it is necessary to obtain many identical images, for example, for different ornaments, visual aids, didactic games, attributes for moving or creative games.

If the images are symmetrical, draw half the images from the fold line. For example, on one fold line they draw a half of the image of a Christmas tree - you get a whole spruce forest (Fig. 2).

Fig.3 Folding paper accordion, you can cut the "dance" of the Christmas trees.

Cutting from the image of the part and gluing the lining under it.

This cutting technique will give appliqués expressiveness and picturesque. Do it as follows. Prepare the shape of any image (flower, leaflet, vase, etc.), cut out a certain particle from this shape and glue the lining under it, thus emphasizing the shape of the image itself.

M methods and techniques (by age group).

Younger group.

In determining the teaching methods, there are two main areas of work for the educator: preparation for the upcoming lesson and training in the lesson.

In the process of preparation, it is necessary to use the information-receptive (familiarization with the objects to be depicted) and the reproductive method, when children practice the distinction between the shape and color of objects.

In preparation for the lesson, it is important to develop the perception of children, to teach them the ability to see the subject, to make a tactile and visual analysis. Therefore, a special role is given to the process of examining an object, when children become acquainted with those qualities that are important for the application image.

Before class, illustrations and pictures can also be viewed with children. Especially good are those images where the form is extremely generalized, close to the silhouette. When viewing illustrations, the attention of children should be directed to what is required in the process of work.

At the lesson the teacher must organize the direct perception of the toy, the object. Children examine the object, determine the shape of its parts, size, color, clarify the structure. The teacher asks the children questions, directing their attention to certain qualities of the subject, uses a figurative word depicting a gesture.

In the second younger group  Samples are sometimes used. Most often in decorative applications. For example, children are shown a bookmark for a book. Samples can also be used when it is not possible to show the object itself to children (provided that it is familiar to children). But using a sample is not always obligatory and does not mean that children should copy it.

An important point in teaching children in class is to show ways of laying out and sticking. The laying out process must be demonstrated so that it is clearly visible to all children.

The sticking process consists of several successive stages that children should learn: hold the brush correctly in their right hands and take a sufficient amount of glue, put each element on the oilcloth upside down with a non-colored side, brush the entire surface well with glue and, putting the brush on the stand, carefully turn the greased element , put glue down in a certain place on a sheet of paper, cover it with a napkin on top, press it with a palm, blot excess glue.

In subsequent sessions, instead of the caregiver, the child can be shown showing sticking techniques, which were brought to the easel. This increases the interest of children in the stages of work and in the quality of performance, contributes to the active learning of techniques. In cases where most children have learned the techniques of sticking, it is advisable to omit the visual display, replacing it with a verbal reminder or, even better, a question for the children.

In working with children of this age, we must not forget about playing techniques. Children react emotionally to the emergence of new toys, willingly participate in the proposed game situation. This increases the interest of children in the lesson, stimulates their activity.

Middle group

The main attention in the middle group should be given to clarify the ideas of children about objects. This is served by a survey with the inclusion of hand movements along the contour of the subject, the use of various didactic games, viewing pictures, illustrations, postcards, and observing the surrounding reality.

The teaching methods used in the classroom are closely related not only to the topic, program content, but also to what and how children learned earlier.

One of the leading teaching methods in the lesson is information-receptive, including the examination and analysis of the subject to be portrayed. The teacher activates the children, giving them the opportunity to tell themselves about the subject, its qualities and ways of imaging. Composing a subject image from separate parts, children learn to cut out the form, transfer the structure of the object, while maintaining the value of the ratio (from a large paper blank cut out a large part, from the smaller - small).

When children perform decorative works or similar subject images in classes and they need to show versions from designs, color solutions, various locations, it is advisable to use variant samples, for example, to show what different subject images can be obtained. different in color, size and location of elements: beads, fun toy, rattle. In the middle group, cutting is first introduced. Therefore, the focus is on mastering the technique of working with scissors, using the display of cutting techniques (information-receptive method).

The tutor should accompany all the actions shown with clear verbal explanations, instructions, sometimes resorting to figurative comparisons: “I will begin to cut an oval from the middle of the small side of the rectangle, I will smoothly round the corner to the middle of its large side, so that the corner is no longer ...”

In some cases, the reproductive method is effective - exercise in one way or another. For example, after showing a teacher, you can offer all children to take scissors correctly and make light movements several times in the air: open, close blades. In the process of training, various methods and techniques are applied in unity and interrelation. The role of the word educator, which, based on the knowledge of children, their skills, explains the task, without resorting to visual action. It is necessary to frequently ask children questions about how to perform an application, from which paper blank to cut one or another image, and what objects. For transfer of figurativeness, expressiveness in work it is good to use a word of art (riddles, poems, sayings, etc.).

Senior group

As before, it is necessary to pay great attention in everyday life to the examination of objects to be depicted, the examination of illustrative material, and the observations of the surrounding.

In the classroom an important place is given to the perception and analysis of subjects. But if in the previous group the tutor activated children with questions, now it is necessary to provide more independence to the children themselves. You can offer children a plan for analyzing the subject or asking what you need to talk about when considering the subject. In case of difficulty, the educator may ask what is missing in the process of analyzing the subject. In this age group, more attention should be paid to comparing the signs and qualities of objects, to teach children to see differences in size, proportions, and to continue to improve the formative movements. Considering with children works of arts and crafts, it is necessary to learn to notice the beauty of color combinations, the harmony of forms, the expressiveness of the composition.

The teacher uses the images in the older group in certain cases when it is necessary to show the children the end result of a new, complex work. Variable samples may be used.

Demonstrating cutting techniques in each session should not be. It is necessary to rely more often on the children themselves, attracting some of them to show the most difficult moments of work, to explain how to perform the application, what to use cutting technique. In cases where a new cutting technique is introduced, the stages and methods of work are shown by the tutor himself.

It is most difficult for children to master the cutting of symmetrical forms, since it is difficult for them to imagine the end result. In this case, the use of the display of work techniques is undeniable. It is advisable, teaching children this technique, to resort to training action, and in some cases use the “drawing” the contour line with a finger on a sheet of paper folded in half. Gradually, mastering the concept of "half of the subject," children move to the conscious use of this technique. During the examination of the object of a symmetrical shape, it is important to focus the attention of children on the outline of half of its contour, covering the other half with a sheet of paper.

The tutor appeals to the demonstration of work methods not only with the introduction of a new mode of operation with scissors, but also with the introduction of a new image mode. For example, in the older group, a method of making appliqués using the method of cutting paper is introduced, which is used to depict objects of uneven fluffy texture, some landscapes, and decorative works. When displaying work methods, the educator emphasizes that the application is performed without scissors, only with the fingers.

This method causes great interest in children, and they are happy to learn how to perform applications for them.

When working with children of the sixth year of life, the teacher should ask them more often not only how to cut out an object of one form or another, but also get an expressive application: find a successful composition, convey a simple movement by changing the position of individual parts, and pick up a suitable paper. It is often necessary to give children the opportunity to choose the color of the paper themselves, giving them more options.

The teacher uses verbal teaching methods, as children already have enough experience in making applications. In addition to questions, instructions and reminders, the educator applies advice aimed at developing children's creative activity. For example, to perform a decorative application, an educator advises children to first choose the paper of the most appropriate color, think about what elements to decorate the work, how to cut and arrange them so that it is beautiful.

The teacher takes care of children less, stimulates their individual creative abilities more, develops independence. Without haste with a hint, the teacher tries to indirectly lead the child to the right decision.

Preparatory group

In everyday work, the educator should organize a survey of various objects, toys, works of decorative and applied arts, products of folk crafts, viewing illustrations. In the process of examination, examination, he emphasizes the characteristic, figurative, expressive.

In the classroom, where necessary, use of objects, toys, illustrations, products of folk art of appliqué is used. Children learn to analyze what they perceive. Special attention should be paid to the contour line of objects. Children are invited to trace the contour line from right to left, since in this direction it is easier to cut (this is especially important in silhouette cutting). Touch analysis helps figurative verbal explanation.

Drawing the children's attention to the pictorial and expressive characteristics of objects, it is necessary to encourage them to simultaneously think about ways of cutting, about the stages of work in general. It is important to activate children more, to develop their independence.

The display of cutting techniques should generally be partial. Familiar techniques can remind children themselves. In silhouette cutting, the caregiver, resorting to the show, draws the attention of the children to the contour line, to the spatial position and value relationships, to the movement of the scissors. The resulting image of the teacher can be attached to the flanograph so that children can see it.

Word in class in preparatory group  plays a leading role. The teacher, asking children questions, teaches them to think, reason, find independent solutions. If necessary, you can use verbal reminders, instructions, tips. Tutor tips can relate to achieving greater imagery, expressiveness, finding a successful composition, as well as the order of work.

Individual work in the preparatory group is slightly different in character than in the previous groups. According to the cutting technique, children need less care of the teacher, therefore all his attention is directed to the development of the independence of creativity, to the achievement of expressiveness.

It is advisable to develop mutual aid for children in the classroom. Sometimes it is necessary to seat the children according to their skills so that the child, who has good cutting skills, helps those sitting next to him with advice and effective demonstration (in this case it is necessary to give paper for training actions).

In individual work, the teacher, instead of direct instructions, should use advice more often, express wishes, ask indirect questions stimulating the child’s independence.

When performing collective applications, it is necessary to organize mutual assistance of children, give advice to each creative group of children, stimulate their independence, encourage individuality.

4. Make one sample for each age group and make a brief summary of its use in the application lesson. .

Summary of classes in decorative applications younger group.

« A bouquet of flowers for mommy»   (based on the paper folklore).


To introduce paper folklore as a kind of decorative arts and crafts. To arouse interest in the creation of beautiful flower arrangements based on the folk appliqués (bouquet, flowerpot, garland). Learn to compose a composition of prefabricated elements (flowers) on a complex shape (silhouette of a bouquet or a flowerpot), choose and glue a vase (from textured paper) and make a bouquet of paper flowers. The development of a sense of color and shape.

Vocabulary worksbut:vase, flowerpot.

Preliminary work.

Reading the story of D. Gabe "Mama".

Silhouettes of bouquets (green shapes) and vases of different shapes from textured paper (children’s choice), silhouettes of colors (5-7 for each child), glue, glue brushes, tissue and paper napkins. Variants of compositions for showing to children.

The teacher reads the children a poem by V. Shipunova “Bouquet”.

Methodical techniques: verbal, examination, information-receptive.

The teacher shows the children the options of compositions "Beautiful bouquet" on different forms and we offer to make wonderful bouquets for the mothers for the holiday of March 8th. He draws attention to the prepared materials: different forms of bouquets (“caps” and “twigs”), silhouettes of textured paper vases, beautiful bright flowers. It offers to choose as you wish and make bouquets - stick it on sheets of paper in blue or white.

Children choose materials, first glue the silhouettes of vases (at the bottom of the sheet), on top of the form of bouquets (put a bouquet in a vase), then lay out paper flowers on the bouquets, admire and glue.

After class.

Exhibition designki, presenting gifts to moms. Reading a poem by V. Shipunova "Mom".

Analysis of the work.

View children's work, with children. Assessment: adherence correctness, adherence accuracy, correctness of the arrangement of elements.

Summary of classes  decorative application medium  Group.

« Striped cat rug» .


To teach children to make a harmonious composition "Striped Rug" of paper strips, alternating in color. Continue learning cutting techniques with scissors in a straight line. To introduce a new way - cutting paper along the fold lines. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. To cultivate an interest in folk arts and crafts.

Vocabulary work: carpet weaving, Siberian cat (breed).

Preliminary work.

Holdteaching classes on the sculpture "Licking paw Siberian cat", design of the exhibition. Examining images of cats in various types of visual and decorative arts. Familiarity with carpet weaving as a type of decorative arts and crafts. Didactic games on the Rainbow color model for the purpose of an exercise in the selection of harmonious color combinations. Mastering cutting technique with scissors in a straight line. Conversation on the content of the poem by V. Shipunova “What does a Siberian cat dream of?”

Reading the story of KD Ushinsky "Vaska".

Materials, tools, equipment.

Paper squares or rectanglesnicknames as the basis for the applicative mat — one for each child (side length 12–20 cm), paper rectangles of different colors — three or four for each child: for cutting into strips; scissors for child labor, glue, glue brushes, tissue paper napkins, oilcloths. Three-four rugs prepared by the tutor to show children the options for decor.

Methodical techniques:  verbal examination, information-receptive, reproductive.

Before class, children look at the compositions that they created in the modeling session “What the Siberian cat dreams of,” the teacher reminds that today in the application class children can make beautiful striped rugs for their cats.

At the beginning of the lesson, the caregiver shows the children options for striped rugs, offers to look at, find similarities and differences (all are striped, but the stripes differ in width and color, moreover, alternate in the pattern in different ways).

Now we will also make beautiful striped rugs for our cats. You already know how to cut the paper into strips. Remember how we made the railway - rails and sleepers for the train? For the rug, we need strips of the same width, so let's try to cut the paper in a new way:

We take a square, bend it in half, then in half again;

Smooth fold lines - from the middle in both directions;

We unfold and cut with scissors exactly along the fold lines - we have four stripes;

We take a square of a different color and in the same way cut it into strips;

We take a rectangle, the color of which does not coincide with the color of our stripes, and draw up a beautiful pattern on it - a strip of one color, a strip of another, etc.

The teacher once again shows the children options for striped rugs and offers to choose paper blanks that are beautifully combined in color.

Children choose the material and start preparing mats for their plasticine cats. The teacher helps to determine the color combinations, resembles the method of adding a square twice in half.

If one of the children could not master the new method, the teacher advises to fold the square in half, cut along the fold line, and the resulting rectangles, in turn, fold in half along the length and cut along the fold lines.

At the end of the lesson, the children complement their plastic compositions “Siberian Cat Licking His Paw” with striped rugs.

After class.

Reading a poem by V. Stoyanov "Cat".

Guessing riddles G. Lagzdyn

Exhibition design

Work analysis:

View children's work, with children. Assessment: adherence correctness, adherence accuracy, cutting accuracy, accuracy and symmetry of the arrangement of elements.

Summary of classes   decorative application senior  Group.

« Sweetheart smile!»


Arouse children's interest in creating solar images in the application technique. To teach children to cut the sun out of paper squares, folded twice on a diagonal, and to make of them multi-color (polychrome) images, superimposing the cut out shapes on each other. Show the variations of the rays (straight, wavy, curls, trefoils, triangles, trapeziums, teeth) and methods for their manufacture. Develop a sense of color, shape and composition.

Dictionary work:  red is beautiful.

Preliminary work.

Considerphotos, postcards, calendars with the image of the sun and rosettes flowers (asters, dahlias, golden balls); didactic games  on color perception. Preparation of windows as a basis for compositions. Examination of the shape of flowers cut out of cardboard. Examination of book illustrations in collections of songs, pisheshek, folk tales in order to enrich the impressions and ideas about the options for the image of the sun; consideration of Dymkovo toys, having solar signs in their design; conversation about the sun as a source of life on earth and as one of the main images of folk art; comparison of solar elements in various types of decorative arts and crafts (weaving, embroidery, ceramics).

Materials, tools, equipment.

Colored and textured paper, paper napkins white and blue; finished paper forms - colored squares of various sizes and colors; paper wrappers, scissors, pencils, paper and cloth napkins, glue, glue brushes, glue sockets, oilcloths.

Preparing for the lesson.

Posters "Spring", "Dymkovo Toyska ”,“ Easter Eggs ”,“ Spoons and Matryoshka ”,“ Golden Khokhloma ”.

Album for children's creativity "Spoons and dolls".

Table with options for solar (solar) decorative elements.

Methodical techniques:game, visual, verbal, examination.

The teacher invites the children to remember the cues, songs, poems, riddles about the sun. He asks what words the sun is usually described for, why it is called red (red means beautiful). The teacher tells the children the verses and poems about the sun.

The teacher reminds children that in the products of folk arts and crafts you can “find” the sun and how it looks differently: in the form of a point, a circle, several circles, a circle with curl rays, rays-wavy lines, a ray of mi points, flowers, buds, etc. Shows a pysanka (miniature on an egg) with solar elements from a Vyatka (Dymkovo) turkey. Directs the attention of children to search for the image of the sun in this folk toy. Children find the image of the sun both in the bird figure (tail, wing) and in the decoration elements (points, stacked circles ...).

Then the teacher offers children withto make our suns-bell-bears cut out from colored paper just as we cut out flowers in the fall, and in winter snowflakes, i.e. from paper squares or candy wrappers, folded twice in half. In addition, you can combine pictorial techniques (paint the rays and the “face” with felt-tip pens or gouache paints). Once again draws attention to the options of the rays: points, circles, lines, straight, wavy, curls and combinations of elements.

The educator resembles the method of cutting out rosette shapes from paper squares, folded in half, and shows a diagram with variations of the rays. He advises to portray the sun, which will look out from behind clouds, and invites children to invent their own ways of registering clouds. He comments on the various proposals of children and, if necessary, suggests the method of the abrupt application and design of crumpled clumps of paper (paper napkin). Children choose “windows” as a background for the composition, according to the background color they select the color of paper squares or candy wrappers for cutting out the sun, and paper napkins for decorating clouds from which the sun will look.

In the course of the lesson, the teacher provides children with individual assistance in choosing the composition and method of cutting out rays of various shapes; reads to children the verses and poems about the sun.

After class.Children complement the portraits of the sun with graphic elements, draw up an exhibition, compare the stucco and applicative portraits of the sun.

Reading the story of G. R. Lagzdyn, "Tatyankina Chant".

After class.

Exhibition designki

Work analysis:

View children's work, with children. Assessment: adherence correctness, adherence accuracy, cutting accuracy, accuracy and symmetry of the arrangement of elements.

Summary of classes   decorative application of the preparatory group.

"Our flower bed."

To teach children to cut flowers from paper squares that are folded twice on a diagonal and make one of them multicolored (polychrome) halos of flowers, superimposing the cut out shapes on each other; show variants of petals (rounded, pointed, with teeth); to develop compositional abilities - to create patterns from flowers on flowerbeds of various shapes.

Dictionary work:columbarium.

Preliminary work.

Considerknowledge of photographs, cards, calendars with the image of flowers; didactic color perception games. Preparing the “beds” of different shapes from cardboard or green thick paper (the artist cuts the beds of different shapes from green paper or cardboard, children at the edge “spread” curbs from the “pebbles” - pieces of torn textured paper). Inspection of the shape of the cut out beds. Examination of flower beds at the site of the kindergarten. Talk about flower beds, flower beds, the need to care for flowers, the importance of flowering plants in human life.

Materials, tools, equipmentni

Colored paper, ready-made paper forms - colored squares of different sizes.grades and colors; paper wrappers, scissors, pencils, paper and cloth napkins, glue, glue brushes, glue sockets, oilcloths. For the background - “flower beds” in the form of a circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, hexagon.

Posters "Flower Bed", "Our meadow", "Kindergarten".