Steamed chicken cutlets in a saucepan. How many steamed cutlets can you cook from different types of meat? Steamed Ribi Straw Recipes

At once it is practical in the skin booth є pobutova tekhnіka, how to cope with folding tasks and to rob people's lives is significantly simpler. In rich kitchens, you can run combines, mixers, blenders, steamers and other "pomіchnіv". For example, for the help of a double boiler, you can cook a dietary one that is not less savory grass, lower it in a frying pan, shards of food are processed thermally with a high level of water. It’s a pity, not all the government gifts in the kitchen have such an attachment, and you’ll blame the food, how to cook for a couple without a double boiler? How much to cook a chicken in such a way? On the Internet, there are no known recipes for herbs, which can be prepared without such a buttress.

How to replace a steamer?

If the kitchen is full of butovy accessories, you are left with less to throw in new ingredients, set the cooking mode. Straws for a couple are not only suitable modern people, Previously, our grandmothers used to cook on steam lazne, taking care of their homeland, healthy, savory. And the stench managed without the usual appliances for cooking.

Instructions for self-propelled steamer attachment:

  1. We take a deep pan or a cauldron with a bowl. The vessels may be of the same diameter.
  2. We pour water into the pan halfway, and cover the beast with gauze, folded at the sprat of balls.
  3. Fixing gauze fabric thread for whiteness.
  4. On the gauze fabric we put small pieces of meat, whether or not they are other products, that are crooked to the beast with a krishko.

Important! Instead of gauze fabric, you can vicorate a drushlyak by curling it with a casserole lid. It is recommended to vicorate the enameling of dishes.

In this rank, you can cook a steamed grass without a slow cooker and a double boiler.

Hot principles for steaming cutlets

Regardless of those who have an appetizing crunchy taste on steam cutlets every day, the stench is even more savory, so richly curly for lubrication. Tim is bigger, it’s not so easy to cook, like in a frying pan, for someone who doesn’t need to stand for a stove, turn them over.

I don’t have a double boiler, but I really want to cook my favorite grass for a couple:

  • Vikoristovuyte zvichaynu pan with a sieve with a flat bottom.
  • Trivalіst preparedness to lie down in the form of cut meat, more likely to be prepared from chicken meat.
  • Minced meat for cooking cutlets is better to work independently, shards of cutlets from purchased minced meat can fall apart.

Important! At the meat, add vegetable products - cabbage, carrots, potatoes. The stinks give juices, help urinating the smakov din. Vegetable chops are prepared only for vegetables and cereals. Tse duzhe garniy option for those who are on a low-calorie diet

Steam cutlets in a frying pan

To prepare savory steam cutlets with minced chicken, follow the following recommendations:

Important! Cooked, the country does not look at anything for the relish of that familiar look like cooked in a steamer.

Steamed vegetable cutlets without a double boiler

Vegetable cutlets are a miracle option for vegetarians. Get ready for the same principle, how and m'yasnі Stravi.

Important! Cabbage cutlets are the most popular. The stench is more savory and fragrant. And for the help of semolina, the cutlets will take the form they need and will not fall apart.

In order to cook vegetables for a couple without a special accessory, you need a saucepan with water and a sieve or a flat masher. The recipe for cinnamon and savory stravia will be as follows:

  1. We trim the head of white cabbage.
  2. Triom on the other third of the two cibulini.
  3. Let's move the vegetables.
  4. Only one thing is added to the vegetable mass sire egg, three spoons of semolina and spices for relish.
  5. We mix the ingredients to a homogeneous vag.
  6. We give the cutlets a shape, put them on a frying pan and fill it with a glass of water.
  7. Curve with a lid.

Important! The process of cooking sheep herbs takes less than an hour, less cooking meat. Vegetable products are prepared with more than 20-25 quills.

Steamed ribeye

For a couple, start preparing fillet of red chi white ribi.

Important! Varto vrakhovuvati, scho cooking fish products in a loan for more than an hour, lower vegetables or meat, shards of fish are more sickly to the risk of getting sick and in deaky depressions є a carrier of rare ailments.

Before preparing її it is necessary to clean and clean it well. Cook fish in a frying pan with a small amount of water, or in a sieve over a saucepan with dill. Before the process of cooking the ribne fillet, smear it with your favorite spices and dekilcoma with drops of dewy or olive oil.

Important! Ready to serve fish with mashed potatoes or rice.

Cunning cooking їzhi without a double boiler

So that the hedgehog looked savory and fragrant, it is necessary to follow the singing recommendations:

  • Form cutlets with wet hands, periodically put them in cold water.
  • If the meat is dried out, you can dilute it with a trimmed vegetable sum, or we will soak it in the milk with white bread.
  • In order to preserve the juice, the prepared products should be lightly covered with foil.
  • At the process of preparation, you can add a small piece of butter | oil |. It gives tenderness to products.
  • The form of cutlets can be trimati yak manna groats, and th jams rice chi wheat.
  • As if the meat is too rough, beat it before fine-tuning.

Come in safe

All victorious attachments are to be handy and overhead, and it is also necessary to take care of safety techniques when working with steam attachments:

  1. Vikoristovyte special mittens;
  2. Fabric gauze can get wet and not less hot, lower pan. That is not varto chipati її with bare hands.
  3. It is not possible to vicorate a plastic sieve or a drushlyak, shards of dishes, made from such a material, which is not resistant to high temperatures.
  4. Fix the fabric gauze so that it doesn’t fall into the water and don’t have a chance to get out of the okrop.

Important! Dotrimannya tekhnіki bezpeki - one of the main vimog when preparing їzhi for a couple.


Chicken breast - 1 pc.

Long loaf with hangers - 2 slips

Chicken egg - 1 pc.

Seasoning for cutlets - to taste

Cibulya - 1 head

Oliya Vershkove - 30 g

Chasnik - to your liking

Boroshno - as required

  • 126 kcal

Cooking process

Dietichnі cutlets - Strava korisna and not only consumed in the jubilant eating, ale and todi, if the varto is well rozvantazhitisya after the saint. The recipe for cooking steamed cutlets without a double boiler is a great wand for gospodarok. Not everyone can make a pressure cooker, a double boiler or a slow cooker, a sieve or a drushlyak is practical in a skin booth.

Prepare the propon in the drushlyak of the best chicken cutlets. Our homeland, the variant of cooking steam cutlets without a double boiler, is already worthy of its simplicity and accessibility. Pomiti drushlyak showed up more quickly, lower fussing with "normal" outbuildings, which are used for steaming herbs.

The warehouse of cutlets is the simplest. We need a chicken breast without a shkіri, two skewers of viscous bread or a loaf, a cibula with a teapot, as well as strength, top butter and a few seasonings for cutlets - for relish. Boroshno take on the bugs.

On the back it is necessary to prepare the main products for twisting on meat cutters. The cock, the cibula and the loaf are cut into small pieces.

Prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder.

Minced meat, scho viishov, salted and seasoned with cutlet spices. Let's take a few spices.

Rozіb'ёmo minced chicken egg.

After that, the minced meat is already resolutely mixed into a uniform cutlet mass. The better you mix the minced chicken, the steam cutlets will look lower.

Round cutlets are formed from homogeneous minced meat. Shchob viscous chicken mince without sticking to the hands, soak them with water. The bottom of the colander is smeared in front with butter, and then we will need to spread the cutlets in the new one. A little too soon, rare cutlets are rolled in boroshni when they are baked. Drushlyak is installed on a pot with boiling water and covered with a lid. Vlasne, so our steamed cutlets are cooked without a double boiler.

Control the active process of boiling water in a saucepan and after 45-60 minutes steam cutlets will be ready. Try it! Like the taste of cutlets, I will rule you, carefully place the cutlets on a plate. Decorate the greenery and serve it like a brown one.

The double boiler is not so important, if “needless on the trick is cunning”, it seemed like it.

Steamed cutlets without a double boiler
Revisited recipe for steaming cutlets without a double boiler, step by step from photographs.

Lifestyle Zha

Lovers of delicious food sound heavenly to the most delicious speed, which is satisfied when lubricated and baked products. Ale among them are stunned and those to whom such an appetizing gold is given to the zavoi.

This does not mean that the opponents of crispy corns suffer from sloughing-intestinal disease, they are on a diet, or they are afraid of bad cholesterol. Possibly, the stinks are the right gourmets, as if they subtly taste the natural flavors of zhzhi, created in an ascetic way - for a couple.

Without skewers

Vegetables and harvests from minced meat, cooked in water, which are steamed, juiced, lower and literally sink in the mouth. Diya bet properly and step by step permeate the structure of the structure, helping to get prepared evenly.

Chudova strava - steam cutlets. Its smell, relish and color are thin and unobtrusive. The stench is maximally saving vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, like a natural product. Moreover, for its high livelihood, the stench is low in calories.

Get along without a steamer

There are obviously not so few lovers of cooking їzhi for a couple. Otherwise, the possession under the name "steamer" would not have become so popular. The whole unit is more brownish, but not on the skin of the kitchen.

For the capacity of the double boiler, I can alternatively fold the usual saucepan, drushlyak (bazhano with a flat bottom) and a plate or a lid, which is suitable for a rosemary, to cover it up.

Instead of a colander, you can speed it up with a special grate for preparing a steam bowl.

Acts of particularity

First, prepare steam cutlets without a double boiler, form cutlet masa. It’s created in a wonderful way, but it can be more open, lower it’s made for lubrication. Ridkuvata sumish for a couple of roses, the dish of viyde is unacceptable. For schіlnostі add panіruvalni croutons or soaked bun to minced meat.

Laying cutlets on the bottom of a colander abo ґrat, fill them with trochs of mіstsya, so that the stench does not stick.

It is not necessary to turn them over - do not burn the stench.

Steam cutlets from greens

  • minced pivkilogram
  • cibulina
  • third of a bottle of milk
  • 2-3 scoops of white bread
  • greenery
  • black pepper

Pour the skabochki of white bread with milk and leave the rosemary for a quarter of a year.

Grate the cibula on a third with coarse centers. Chop greens.

Stir the prepared ingredients. Beat the minced egg, salt, pepper. Mix everything well and put it in the fridge for a drink. Let the minced meat catch the troch.

Don't forget: minced meat can be big. Just before the brews show up without a hitch, what wines are rare, add a little bit of borosna or breadcrumbs, mix it up.

Pour three quarters of water into a saucepan and boil. The kastrulya itself is guilty of going for a rosemary to a grid or a drushlyak. The bottom of the rest is not guilty of hanging around.

Lay cutlets on the drushlyak in one row. Place yogo on a saucepan, lightly cover with a lid. Cook on water that is steaming. Don't flip. Cutlets without third-party help are prepared evenly. Take care only, so that all the water does not boil away.

M'yasnі virobi prepare close pіvgodini, ribnі - hvilin z twenty. Do not overcook, otherwise the cutlets will become dry.

Serve red or white sauces based on broths, sour cream or butter before steam cutlets. For garnish, choose rice or mashed potatoes.

How to cook steam cutlets?
Lovers of delicious food sound heavenly to the most delicious speed, which is satisfied when lubricated and baked products. Ale among them are chirping and those who are like that ...

A lot of people know about Skoda greased їzhi. Ale, with whom, no one is quick to look at cutlets, smashed, buttered potatoes, and others no more than brown, but sometimes more than savory grasses. Prote so їzhi tsіlkom you can know an alternative. And sometimes it’s just necessary, even if there are many damages, you’ll feel smeared under the best fence. We will lubricate the weeds with an unholy replacement, those who are getting ready for a couple. Let me tell you how to cook steam cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker without a double boiler, in a frying pan?

How to cook steamed cutlets in a slow cooker?

For the preparation of simple, savory and brown cutlets, it is necessary to stock up on pivkilogram minced meat(from a sum of pork and yalovichini), a quarter of a white loaf, a half of a bottle of milk, one egg, one middle cibule, a deaco kіlkіst of salt and pepper. Also, for the bajans, you can vicorate greens (parsley or krip).

Prepare minced meat ahead of us. Vіdrіzhte a piece of loaf and fill it with milk. Cover with cibulin (or refine it with a blender). Eat minced meat with egg and cibulia in a deep bowl. Mix well. Wiymіt from milk loaf, scho having soaked, vіdіzhmіt z nіgo sоrіdіnі and vіdpravte yogi in minced meat. Mix until smooth with your hands. Salt and pepper minced meat and mix. Shape into patties. Make a mold for steaming Sonyashnikova Oliya and put cutlets at her place. Pour water at the multicooker bowl, insert the steamer mold and close the lid. Activate the steam mode and set up an hour for twenty minutes. After ten minutes, you can turn the cutlets on the next side, but not obov'yazkovo.

Steam cutlets in multivarts with yalovichini and cheese

To prepare such the most delicious stravy it is necessary to prepare a pivkilogram of homemade yalovich minced meat, one large cibulin, a couple of eggs and a tablespoon of butter. Also beaten ten grams of fresh greens, one hundred grams of solid syrup and a deak of black pepper, oregano and salt (for relish).

Minced meat for such cutlets is best prepared independently - from young yalovichina. Turn it over on meat cutters, add to it a finely painted cibula, an egg and spices. Mix the minced meat by hand to uniformity and deprive it of five khvilin, to lie down.
On the terochtsi, add a firm sir.
Add | add | rozm'yakshene vershkov oil|mastilo| and stir again.
Form a bag of minced meat, press it with your finger and store three grated syrah at the grave. Burn the edges of minced meat and form a cutlet of the desired shape.
Put the cutlets in the double boiler room, smeared with a small amount of olive oil. Fill the bowl with water and activate the “steam” mode. Cook cutlets with a stretch of 20 strands.

How to cook cutlets in a frying pan?

Since you don’t have steamers and multicookers at your fingertips, steam cutlets can be cooked in a frying pan. For this, it is necessary to prepare one chicken breast, five skewers of a white loaf, one carrot, a couple of cibulins and a couple of tea leaves. Also, beat one egg, a couple of tablespoons of borosna, which you ask for a day, a lot of salt and spices in the fallow like their savory likes.

Remove the fat and skin from the breast, wash the meat and decorate it with small pieces. Cut the cibula into quarters, and clean the clockwork. Likewise, cut carrots quite well. Skip the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. Pour the pulp of the loaf with boiling milk or boiling water, then sip with a fork. Mix such bread with minced meat. Add to sumisha borosno, egg and spices, then stir until uniform.

Form cutlets from minced meat. Put them on a hot frying pan, smeared with olive oil, and fill with a bottle of hot water. Cover the frying pan with a lid and fill it on the fire with minimal tension until the cutlets are ready.

Steam cutlets in a frying pan

To prepare such a savory stew, it is necessary to cook three hundred grams of veal or low-fat yalovichini, a zhovk of one egg, middle cibulin, boiled carrots. Also, beat a tablespoon of thick sour cream, a sprat of green cibuli, season it with salt, like your relish like.

Turn the minced meat through a meat grinder. Grate the cibula on a terochtsi or grind it with a blender, add the yogo to the stuffing. Grate boiled carrots or cut into small cubes. So paint a green cibula. Add these ingredients to minced meat. Then, right away, zhovtok and a spoonful of thick sour cream. Season and salt the minced meat and stir in the yoga until smooth. Take away the finished masa in the refrigerator, covering it with a grub plіvka approximately in the first year.

З|із| prepared minced meat, form cutlets, moistening your hands with cold water. Put them on a frying pan, smeared with olive oil, and fill with dill. Close the container with a lid and cook the cutlets until cooked.

How to cook cutlets without a double boiler? How to replace a steamer?

Instead of a double boiler, you can beat a large saucepan with a sufficient diameter - just cover it with gauze, folded into a bowl of balls. Nadiyano to close її kintsі, for example, with a gum for whiteness, and shove them in the middle of the pan. Surely, before tsim, it is necessary to pour water into the pan. Bring the water to a boil, then put the cutlets on gauze and cover with a lid or a basin. So you can cook meatballs, vegetables and other steamed vegetables.

How to cook steamed cutlets in a slow cooker without a double boiler in a frying pan?
A lot of people know about Skoda greased їzhi. Ale, with whom, none of them hasten to look at cutlets, beaten, greased potatoes, and others no more than brown, but sometimes more than savory grasses. Tim

Krok 1: We prepare the ingredients.

The basis of minced meat for our cutlets is meat. You can buy ready-made minced meat, or you can make it yourself, choosing for it a good piece of meat, cleaning it out of plіvok and fat. When preparing minced meat, you will definitely need a meat grinder or a blender. Cutlets can be prepared like pork, chicken, lamb and yalovichi, so they are sumish.
To bring out the taste of meat and give it some aroma, we take a shit or a great cibulin, we clean it like a lushpinnya and it’s shaky. You can beat the blender, just don't trim the cibula in the puree. So we fix it with a watchmaker. To close the minced meat in such a way that we cut it into the shape of cutlets, we will need potato syrup, as we will clean it from the skin and soak it on a fine third, or finely in a blender, even finely. Now everything is ready to cook.

Krok 2: Prepare minced meat for steam cauldrons.

At the deep bowl, minced meat is minced, I trim potatoes, cibula and chasnik, then we break eggs, salt and pepper to taste. To give the cutlets juice, add a tablespoon of milk to the minced meat. Otriman Masu needs to go over really well, so that the ingredients are evenly divided. You can mix the minced meat with a spoon, or you can use a blender - so on the chain there is less strength for that hour.

Krok 3: Sticky and ready steamed cutlets.

We put the steamer closer and fix the cutlets. Hands should be soaked with cold water, so that the minced meat does not stick to them and is well molded. We scoop minced meat with a tablespoon, skip between the bottoms, give it the shape of a cutlet and put it into a double boiler. Make sure to put the patties on not too hard, so that the stench does not stick. Close the steamer and install the "steam cooking" mode. The hour of cooking steam cutlets is pіvgodini. After the end of the hour, turn off the steamer, and let the cutlets rest. Tsikh 10 quills to stitch in order to make steel.

Krok 4: Serve steamed cutlets.

Steamed cutlets will be paired with some sort of side dish, for example, mashed potatoes or boiled rice. Kindly go to them also salads with fresh vegetables or just salty. Try to prepare a sauce for steam cutlets, which adds an incredible relish to the cinnamon gravy. Savory!

If you don’t have a double boiler, don’t worry - take a large saucepan, fill it with water approximately on the tretina, place a crusher with cutlets for the beast, which you put in a new one, and cover the saucepan with a lid. The self-propelled steamer is ready. Ale cook in nіy cutlets more appropriately, about 40 khvilin.

Add some chopped greens to the minced meat, to add more flavor to the cutlets.

Deputy of grated Syrian potatoes To fix the form of cutlets, you can add minced trohi of soft white bread, soaked in milk or fat tops.

The cutlets are not guilty of being flat, so give them the shape of a kuli, not a cake. So the stench will get better drunk and be juiced.

A lot of people know about Skoda greased їzhi. Ale, with whom, no one is quick to look at cutlets, smashed, buttered potatoes, and others no more than brown, but sometimes more than savory grasses. Prote so їzhi tsіlkom you can know an alternative. And sometimes it’s just necessary, even if there are many damages, you’ll feel smeared under the best fence. We will lubricate the weeds with an unholy replacement, those who are getting ready for a couple. Let me tell you how to cook steam cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker without a double boiler, in a frying pan?

How to cook steamed cutlets in a slow cooker?

For the preparation of simple, savory and brown-colored cutlets, it is necessary to stock up on a kilo of minced meat (from the sum of pork and yalovichini), a quarter of a white loaf, half a bottle of milk, one egg, one middle cibule, and one ounce of salt and pepper. Also, for the bajans, you can vicorate greens (parsley or krip).

Prepare minced meat ahead of us. Vіdrіzhte a piece of loaf and fill it with milk. Cover with cibulin (or refine it with a blender). Eat minced meat with egg and cibulia in a deep bowl. Mix well. Wiymіt from milk loaf, scho having soaked, vіdіzhmіt z nіgo sоrіdіnі and vіdpravte yogi in minced meat. Mix until smooth with your hands. Salt and pepper minced meat and mix. Shape into patties. Make a mold for baking a couple of olives and put cutlets on it. Pour water at the multicooker bowl, insert the steamer mold and close the lid. Activate the steam mode and set up an hour for twenty minutes. After ten minutes, you can turn the cutlets on the next side, but not obov'yazkovo.

Steam cutlets in multivarts with yalovichini and cheese

To prepare such a savory stew, it is necessary to prepare a pivkilogram of homemade yawl minced meat, one large cibulin, a couple of eggs and a tablespoon of butter. Also beaten ten grams of fresh greens, one hundred grams of solid syrup and a deak of a quantity of ground black pepper, oregano and salt (for relish).

Minced meat for such cutlets is best prepared independently - from young yalovichina. Turn it over on meat cutters, add to it a finely painted cibula, an egg and spices. Mix the minced meat by hand to uniformity and deprive it of five khvilin, to lie down.
On the terochtsi, add a firm sir.
Add | add | rozm'yakshene vershkov oil|mastilo| and stir again.
Form a bag of minced meat, press it with your finger and store three grated syrah at the grave. Burn the edges of minced meat and form a cutlet of the desired shape.
Put the cutlets in the double boiler room, smeared with a small amount of olive oil. Fill the bowl with water and activate the “steam” mode. Cook cutlets with a stretch of 20 strands.

How to cook cutlets in a frying pan?

Since you don’t have steamers and multicookers at your fingertips, steam cutlets can be cooked in a frying pan. For this, it is necessary to prepare one chicken breast, five skewers of a white loaf, one carrot, a couple of cibulins and a couple of tea leaves. Also, beat one egg, a couple of tablespoons of borosna, which you ask for a day, a lot of salt and spices in the fallow like their savory likes.

Remove the fat and skin from the breast, wash the meat and decorate it with small pieces. Cut the cibula into quarters, and clean the clockwork. Likewise, cut carrots quite well. Skip the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. Pour the pulp of the loaf with boiling milk or boiling water, then sip with a fork. Mix such bread with minced meat. Add to sumisha borosno, egg and spices, then stir until uniform.

Form cutlets from minced meat. Put them on a hot frying pan, smeared with olive oil, and fill with a bottle of hot water. Cover the frying pan with a lid and fill it on the fire with minimal tension until the cutlets are ready.

Steam cutlets in a frying pan

To prepare such a savory stew, it is necessary to cook three hundred grams of veal or low-fat yalovichini, a zhovk of one egg, middle cibulin, boiled carrots. Also, beat a tablespoon of thick sour cream, a sprat of green cibuli, season it with salt, like your relish like.

Turn the minced meat through a meat grinder. Grate the cibula on a terochtsi or grind it with a blender, add the yogo to the stuffing. Grate boiled carrots or cut into small cubes. So paint a green cibula. Add these ingredients to minced meat. Then, right away, zhovtok and a spoonful of thick sour cream. Season and salt the minced meat and stir in the yoga until smooth. Take away the finished masa in the refrigerator, covering it with a grub plіvka approximately in the first year.

З|із| prepared minced meat, form cutlets, moistening your hands with cold water. Put them on a frying pan, smeared with olive oil, and fill with dill. Close the container with a lid and cook the cutlets until cooked.

How to cook cutlets without a double boiler? How to replace a steamer?

Instead of a double boiler, you can beat a large saucepan with a sufficient diameter - just cover it with gauze, folded into a bowl of balls. Nadiyano to close її kintsі, for example, with a gum for whiteness, and shove them in the middle of the pan. Surely, before tsim, it is necessary to pour water into the pan. Bring the water to a boil, then put the cutlets on gauze and cover with a lid or a basin. So you can cook meatballs, vegetables and other steamed vegetables.

Why is that yak ready for a couple.

If you don’t have a double boiler, but if you need a healthy diet, hurry up in inconvenient ways to cook steamed herbs.

  1. Method. The simplest attachment for cooking for a couple- a saucepan with water poured into it and rotting upland sieves, drushlyak abo grats, it is closed with a lid and for an additional indentation it is burnt along the edge of the lid with a towel. The water in the pot boils - and steam, which is steamed, warmed up, enliven and brought to readiness.
  2. Method. MO ZAGOVO MODERPHIRATORIVITIES OF STAYLY ABO ALUMUNIA DRUTH ART RECORROSKY RMIMIRA, SCHO Spirals around the perimeter on the bottom of CastoRu і pіdnіmіv over Rivan Nalito- 4 cm honey!). With this method, you should choose to finish a high enameled saucepan with non-eared enamel (so that the galvanic couple does not settle due to the heterogeneity of the metal in the saucepan and the lattice). Nadali bazhano vikoristovuvati I will pick up a pan only for steam cooking and no more.
  3. Method. Cover the casserole with bavovnyanoy fabric so that the fabric sags, and securely fasten it along the edge of the casserole with a skewer. Pour some okrop through the fabric behind the back of the bed so that the water does not reach the fabric 2-4 cm. This way is possible add a lot of products for a couple including baby steam cutlets.
  4. Method. You can place the products in a linen bag and move them in a saucepan or a bowl over a sprinkle under a tightly closed lid.
    For a long time, a lot of peoples have been prepared in this way by various strategists.

Steamed vegetable recipes.

Garbuz v_dvarieny.

  • 400 g of garbuza (zucchini);
  • 1 tsp inches of butter;
  • 1 st. l. sukhariv.

Peel the garmelon from the skin, bleed the nasinnya. Cut the pulp with skewers and steam until ready. Lay the pieces of ready-made garmelon with a girka on a plate and pour over with melted butter, mix with crushed breadcrumbs.

Tsikavo nobility.

Usi dietologists of the world speak with one voice about the greed of living in a hedgehog products, steam cooking. There are no carcinogens in this way of cooking, and they are soothed if you grease the meat in a frying pan. Products prepared using this technology are well acquired by the body, they save a lot of lively speeches, which, when cooked or smeared, are ruined. For people who suffer from illness duct-intestinal tract, stravi, steamed living needs.

  • Colored chi zvichayna white cabbage - quite a quantity.

If you have chosen white cabbage for cooking, then you need to shake it, clean it from grated and wilting leaves and cut into small pieces. Like a cabbage, it is necessary to clean the leaves and divide them into succulents. Boil the cabbage for a couple, the docks will not become soft. Let's sweat, give a glass of water and put it on a dish or in another dish. Serve on the table, pouring oil on the animal or sauces, for example, rusk, milk, sour cream. You can also sip grated syrup and trimmed greenery.

Gentlemen, take note

For a couple, you can cook be-like vegetables. Warto only remember that young or frozen vegetables cook better and come out juicy and succulent, lower, that they overwintered.

Steam cutlet recipe.

Steam cutlets with veal.

  • 300 g fillet of veal and chicken;
  • 50 g white bread;
  • little cibulina;
  • sil.

Let the bread soak by the water, then we will wedge it. Meat meat, dry it, pass the meat through a meat grinder, eat it with bread, salt it to taste and thoroughly mix it.
From the minced meat, sho viyshov, shape the cutlets, put them in one row in a drushlyak or on the grati, close the pan with a lid and cook for a couple no less than pivgodini. Qibulya in cutlets can not be added. Recommended for virazkovy ailment, cholecystitis.

Gentlemen, take note

  1. panuvati is not accepted. When you make a bet, the panuvannya is getting wet, which pogirshu relish and zvnishnіy looking viroba.
  2. For cooking steam cutlets rather, take the minced meat of a dribble cream, or else pass the meat through the meat grinder. Meat can be fresh, important and low-fat varieties: chicken, veal, young yalovichina and low-fat pork.
  3. Cutlets, what to cook for a couple, stacked at the double boiler in one row.
  4. Can you cook cutlets in a water bath. For this, put the cutlets in a small saucepan without handles, pour over the broth, cover with a lid, put in another saucepan, half filled with sprinkles. Trimati in a strongly rosigree oven, 25-30 min.

  • 500g minced meat;
  • 200-300g garbuza (zucchini);
  • Tsibulina;
  • 3 eggs;
  • sil.

Grate the pumpkin on the great third, trim the cibula, add eggs, salt, minced meat and form cutlets. Prepare for sprat 35-40 quills.


Smeared cutlets for children can be given only after 1 fate, because when they are smeared, a sour taste is established on them, as it is important to overdo it. Vzagali, for children up to 3 years old, it is better to cook steamed cutlets. Nezaminnі so stravi and for the quiet, who suffer diseases of the mucosal-intestinal tract.

Steamed ribeye recipes.

Steamed rib cutlets.

  • 500 g ribi;
  • 60 g white bread;
  • 0.5 bottles of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. top oil.

Fish cut into shmatochki. Take the shkir, beat the brushes and pass it through the meat grinder. Suddenly skip the minced meat at once from bread, soak it in milk. Potim salt, add | add | sire egg and beat to the end of the food homogeneous mass. Spread її at the sight of cutlets, put on the grate of a steam pan, smeared with olive oil (or soaked in water), close with a lid and bring the cutlets to readiness.
Serve with puree. It is recommended for chronic diseases of shluka, liver and mikhur.

Ribne puree steamed.

  • 300 g ribi fillet.

Clean the fish from the brushes and shkiri. Place in a saucepan with dill. Prepare, having crooked the lid over boiling water, about 5 mins until ready. Mix with ribeye puree in blenders and mixers, mix with a small amount of milk, salt. Serve with vegetable puree. Call for such mashed potatoes to take triska. It is recommended for small children and in case of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the liver.

Steamed fish.

  • 200 g of ribeye (zander, cod and pike);
  • 250 ml of chi vodi vegetable broth;
  • krip, parsley, sil.

Pore ​​the fish on shmatki, wipe dry, rub the sill and put a hand on the insert, sprinkle with crop and parsley. Boil in a saucepan until the steam insert, vegetable broth or water comes up. Place the insert in a saucepan, cover with a lid and simmer the ribs until ready, turning once in an hour.
Approximately 10-15 quills are prepared. Serve with milk sauce.

Culinary tricks

The only minus is the steamed meat and ribi - a strange, outward looking look. Ale cei is not enough to be easily podolat, so that it is ready to be watered with a savory sauce, sip greens, trimmed with boiled vegetables or grated with syrup.

  • For 1 st. l. borosna;
  • 1.5 bottles of milk;
  • 1 st. l. Olii.

1 st. l. borosna zmіshati z|іz| oil | oil | and three strokes lubricate. Slowly, step by step, stirring slowly, pour in hot milk. Boil off the sauce, constantly stirring, 7-10 quills and salt to taste.

Steam dumplings.

  • 2 bottles of wheat boar;
  • 0.5 bottles of vodi chi milk,;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Strength;
  • 2 whites for smearing the dough.

Mix dough for dumplings. For whom flour | borosno | sip with hot water, bury it in the grave and pour water or milk. Let's add some eggs later, strong to relish and good vimishati. Let the finished dough stand in a cold place for 20-30 minutes.
P_slya t_sto rozkotiti in a thin layer, vir_zati z|іz| a new mug, brush the skin with whipped white and put about 1 teaspoon of the filling. The edges of the mugs are pinched. It is necessary to cook dumplings just before serving on the table, because the stench is more delicious in a hot (warm) look. For their preparation, it is necessary to speed up with a double boiler, but if not, stretch gauze over a saucepan with dill and fasten gauze, and put dumplings on it. It is necessary to turn it over if one side is ready (it will be visible behind the color and the dough camp).

Gentlemen, take note

The steamed dumplings are beautiful, they don’t fall apart, they don’t fall apart, as if they were trampled, as if they were taken by the water.

Cabbage stuffing for dumplings:

  • 600 g cabbage;
  • 4 cibulini;
  • 1/3 bottle of olive oil;
  • sіl that pepper for relish.

Thinly shredded cabbage should be boiled or brushed on an olive with a cibulia.

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 1 bottle of sour cream;
  • 2 bottles of wheat boar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tsukru;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Olii.

Pass the sir through a meat grinder, add zukor, 1 zhovtok, 1 spoonful of melted olives. Mix everything relatively. Even thinly spread it out, with a flask or a metal vimkoy virizat mugs, smear with whipped white and put on the skin circle about 1 tsp. cheese mass. The edges of the z'єdnati and pinch.
For 10-15 minutes before serving on the table, place dumplings in a double boiler or over a saucepan with dill on gauze or sieve. Ready dumplings can be poured with melted butter, served with sour cream or fruit syrup.

Recipes in a water bath.

Vlastuvannya water laznі.

Culinary processing will require different cooking of the product in a water bath. For the power of the water hole, you need two pans, one less for a small one, so that the smaller one can be put in the middle of the big one, on the bottom, on an overturned saucer, or a piece of dart. Put products near the pan, as you need to cook. Between the walls of both pans, pour water with such a rose, so that the water does not reach the edge of the smaller pot by five centimeters. Then we hurt the pots, close the lid and put it on the fire. At the world's wiki, water should be topped up. So cook the products until ready. It is most common to cook porridge and all kinds of stewed stews in such a water bath.

  • Young dried potatoes;
  • Strength;
  • Vershkov oil;
  • crop greens.

Put prepared potatoes in a saucepan, beast - a tablespoon
butter | oil |, sipati dribno | chopped green croup and parsley, sill | salt |; close the lid and put the dishes in a water bath (in the other dishes of great rosemary with dill).

  • 1 kg syrah;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1.5 bottles of tsukru;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g sour cream

Wipe the sir until the mass is uniform. Whisk butter, sour cream, and eggs into a new rosemary. Cook the masu in a water bath, do not allow the water to boil. If the mass becomes scalable, mix it up, cool it down a bit. Lay gauze on the volog in the form, put a vantage, keep it in the cold for 10 years.

Recipe for pudding with cheese.

  • 20 g olive oil
  • 2 chewing gums;
  • 40 g syrah;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 30 g of shank or cooked vegetables;
  • sil.

Crush oil | oil | with zhovtkami, wipe with syrup, sour cream, sіllu | salt | and beat with beaten whites. Put in a smeared olive form for pudding, cook, do not thicken the docks, in a water bath, put on a dish, sip with chopped shank tatters or boiled vegetables.

Soufflé recipe for water bath.

Souffle sirne parove

  • 200 g syrah;
  • 3 tbsp. boiled and mashed rice;
  • 1 bottle of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 tbsp. tsukru;
  • 1 st. l. inches of butter;
  • 2-3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • Vanilin.

Pass the sir through a meat grinder, grind with zucr, rice, vanilin, milk, egg yolk, mix it up and take it into the otriman masu, carefully introduce the beatings into the pina of the squirrels. Weak the masu in the form, smeared with olive oil, boil it in a water bath and give it with sour cream.

Soufflé carrots with cheese.

  • 6 carrots;
  • 100 g low-fat syrah;
  • 0.5 bottles of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. l. cukrovy squeak;
  • 1 st. l. rose oil.

Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into pieces, let them cook until ready and rub through a sieve. Add milk, bring to a boil, zasipati manna groats, boil 10 minutes, cool. To the chilled carrots, add the sour pisok, zhovtok, sir, good vimishati. Let's beat the protein and introduce masu. Put the pudding in a saucepan, smeared with olive oil and cook in a water bath. Recommended for chronic diseases of the liver.

Soufflé with zucchini.

  • 800 g of peeled skin and core of zucchini;
  • 0.5 bottles of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 tsp blood powder;
  • 1 st. l. inches of butter;
  • 1 st. l. rosemary oil;
  • sil.

Cut zucchini into cubes, put in a small amount of water until cooked. Look at the drushlyak, let the water drain. Boil milk, add utensils with zucchini, boil semolina and cook until thickened, cool. Add tsukrovu powder, strength, top oil | butter |, chewing gum, good vimish and add whipped proteins.
Put the masa in a saucepan and boil it in a water bath. It is recommended for chronic diseases of the liver, nirok, shlunk.