Yak gotuvati in multivariate vegetarian food. Vegan fruit cake at multivartsі

In the case of healthy eating of vegetarian food, the favorites are among the favorites. As soon as the multivarts have a minimum amount of olia, otherwise the indicator of brownness is becoming more visible. Schoodo relish, then і z cim in vegetarian cuisine a new order. Hurry up with awkward recipes for every day and change your mind.

The role of sheep grasses in children

Vegetarian cuisine is for a quiet, hto worse - a saint's reference: roslinnі products, wіll store її base, waste in their storehouse rich gruff fibers, cinnamon for intestinal microflora, so that there is a lot of slag and excess.

Vegetarian other strains (honey, stews, zapanki, porridge) actively eat in a big day (for a thinner, healthier, a set of meat oil), some rich green products, there are a lot of rice Carbohydrate-free diet includes herbs from soy and other legumes.

There is also a vegetarian Kremlin day for thinning, so that you can see the classic Kremlin version more often than not with meat on the menu. With the help of people to give in for 2 years, they will be worth 10 kilograms.

Options for skin day

People who are looking for young children, among other things, for thinning out, vvazhayut for beautifully gotuvati at home, to increase control over the warehouse. The schob grows with cinnamon, and the process of preparing the less laborious, you can speed up the slow cooker.

Soti with eggplant

  • eggplant and carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pomidori and bulgarian peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • small zucchini;
  • tsibulya r_pchasta - 1 pc .;
  • 3-4 cloves for an hourglass;
  • spice herbs.

The multivartsi soti will have 1 year 20 khvili in the regime "Gasinnya" or "Plov". Before the tsim, you need to grind the mustache of the vegetables.

  1. Look more beautiful from eggplants, for that it is necessary not only to clean out the skins and cut them into cubes, but, after having grown fat, put on a sprinkle of quilin, and then some more. Tse add a vegetable to an unnecessary girkoti.
  2. It’s like a young zucchini, dice it into cubes, not seeing the middle and not growing a skewer. As soon as the nasinnya was already formulated, and the skirka became firm, then the first slid was seen.
  3. Sertsevina is made from seeds and from Bulgarian pepper, then we cut the vegetable with straws. Dribbly rip cibulin and carrots.
  4. Tidy up the shkirka at the tombs. The yak axis can be done quickly: take care of it in a few moments, and then for 1-2 chilini lower the vegetable near the okrіp. It’s even easier to see the shkirka, and in addition, it will be necessary to be drawn with small shmotochki.
  5. The chasnik is rubbed on the other tertsi or passed through the press, and spicy herbs (fresh crunch, parsley, or whatever, to relish) need to be chopped.
  6. Efforts to prepare the Ingredient store near the multicooker bowl and turn it on into the robot.

Vikoristannya olії tsey recipe is not transferred.

Porridge with garmon

Necessary products:

  • harbuz (without skin and nut) - 350 g;
  • pshono - 100 g;
  • milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • olia - 30 g;
  • reed zukor - for gusto.

To cleanse and sprinkle on small pieces of garmon, grease with a multivariate 10-15 quilins from vershok oil. The recommended temperature is 160 ° C. The idea is to add to the bowl of the Ingredient Ingredients, mix and turn on the "Kashi" program for 50 khvili.

Specialty! As soon as an hour is permitted, you can take the strain on the pidigrіvische pіvgodini - you will become less and less risky.

Cabbage with mushrooms

The axis should be known for the whole situation:

  • cabbage - 400 g;
  • pecheritsi - 250 g;
  • tsibulya - 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • roslinna olia.

With a couple of laughs and grease, you will not be able to see, in the multicooker bowls in the "Speck" mode (15 gilin) ​​on olii. The cabbage is shaking and giving it to the tsibuli, so that it has been smeared with grease and has become a pulp. Pechery is sweet, laugh and hang by the bowl of the multicooker. Try to mix it up.

If the "Garka" program is completed, add tomato paste and water to the bowl, mix and turn on the "Gushinnya" mode for 15-30 quills, and then go to the food. At the moment, you can put a bay leaf, black peppercorns and sil at the bowl.

Specialty! For a bazhannyam recipe, you can take three snakes, adding, for example, carrots, bell pepper that dry mushrooms are dried beforehand.

Stew with beet

To prepare a stew, take:

  • beet and potatoes - 300 g each;
  • carrots and tsibula - 100 g each;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • roslinna olia.

Buriak, carrots and cartoons laugh with straws, tsibulya - pivkiltsy. Roslinna olia (enough 1 tbsp.) Pour the multicooker bowl, hang there and cook beetroots and carrots and turn on the “Speka” mode for 10 chilin. Putting it into the bowl is directed to the Ingredian's rush. I want to know that the country has gone to the hotel, put in specials. Vibrayut mode "Soup" or "Porridge" for 40 hilin.

Specialty! Gotuwati stew can be made not only from fresh vegetables, but from frozen vegetables.

Stewed kvass

With equal success, you can get a drink from green pod kvassol (frozen food), as well as from canned food.


  • kvassol - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 300-400 g;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cibulin;
  • tomato juice - 1 tbsp.

Yaksho vikoristovuyutsya kvassol, її needs to be taken out. Then you can also eat the cibula, pepper (with drinks) and cartoons (cubes). Hang the cooked vegetables near the multicooker bowl, stir. Pour in a bottle of tomato juice. Include the Gasinnya program for 40 hilin. Before serving, it is recommended to drink fresh greenery with a fresh cut.

Zapikanka with Brussels sprouts

The whole low-calorie vegetable is brown to people who are fighting from the occupation of the wagon - it helps to improve the process of etching, relieving the problems of constipation. At the recipe, a lot of little squirrels, oregano vikoristovuyutsya - spice, oil, which should be included before the list of recommendations for people who want to lose weight.

To prepare a meal plan, you need to know:

  • Brussels sprouts - 300 g;
  • low-fat milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • sir (be it from hard varieties) - 70 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • oregano.

Brussels cabbage can be combined with a small casserole for a short span of four years. Having chilled, the shackles are freezing and put in the bowl of the multicooker. Have a great misciy eat іnshi Ingredіonti: milk, eggs, sire (rubbed on the great tertsi), oregano. Salt the crumbs, and then beat them up.

Pour cabbage with masoya and turn on the "Vipichka" mode for 0.5 years. After the completion of the program, add the strain to "Pidogrivi" for 15 khvili. At the recipe, you can add some cherry, the stench doesn’t just add the relish, and the whole thing is viglyadatime apetitnish, like in the photo you can see it. Serve zapikanka with low-calorie sour cream and yogurt.

Specialty! You can use eggplants for a cim recipe (without adding vegetables beforehand), in the "Vipichka" mode, the country is prepared for 1 year.

Tim, who was the first to go to the vegetarian day to get thinner, to get a smooth two-step transition to a new one. Zrobiti tse is more beautiful than vlіtku, if on the shelves of stores there are fresh vegetables I grow for any kind of relish.

Vegetarian strains at the multivariate were very versatile, requiring special attention. Do not be deprived of savory, but cinnamon for thinning turmeric, fennel, anis, asafoetida, cardamom, cinnamon, barberry. Fakhіvtsі recommend to put in gravy not a little pepper, but a cayenne one - I will reduce metabolism (exchange of rechovin).

Even before the warehouse of vegetarian food, besides vegetables, rice should be included, it’s more beautiful to cook it in advance until the next meal is ready at the extraordinary castruli, it’s better to cook it in multivariate products, but you don’t need to consume three hours of heat.

To reduce the calorific value in other countries, you can replace sour cream with yogurt, semolina - wheat groats, a sonyashnikova olia- Olive. You can get along without the rest. The multicooker programs allow you to replace the oil and water.

Korisne video: gotumo sochevitsyu

Sochevitsa - duzhe cinnamon product... Vegetarian cuisine has a vicarious taste in Bagatykh countries. An easy and simple recipe for cooking in a multi-way, marvel at the video below.


Vegetarian flavors, prepared according to the recipe at the multivariate, garnishing for snidanok and obid, and for the evening, as it’s easy but not easy, vzalі nevіnnі. Reasonable technology helps to improve the quality of health and wellness. It is so important, that it is tasty and versatile, new recipes can be enjoyed at home cooking.

Yak vitrachati for more than an hour on yourself that seven, and not gotuvati years? A yak robiti of a beautiful and appetizing strain? How many kitchen attachments do you need? Miracle-nіzh 3in1 is a great and functional assistant in the kitchen. Try it with a low price.

Singingly, you have a multicooker in your kitchen, in which you can cook deliciously delicious and corny herbs. Infection is irrelevant, especially when it comes to preparing the Christmas tree for the table.
Try this delicious fruit vegan muffin for help from the tech diva. Such a dessert is traditionally cooked in England on Rizdvo chi Noviy Rik... It’s not marvelous, we will also taste the cupcake and we will taste it; before this warehouse there are such dried fruits, yak izum, dried apricots and prunes. We will add the recipe, but just prepare for a cake, and not just a victorious mixer. As a result, you will have a lower cupcake, with a delicious taste and a wonderful aroma.

Ingredієnti vegan fruit cake at the multivarts.

Boroshno - 1 tbsp.
Soda - 1 tsp
Sic lemon - 2 tablespoons
Brown zukor - 0.75 tbsp
Oliya - 5 tbsp.
Water - 160 ml
Yabluko (great) - 1 pc.
Dried fruits (moles, prunes, dried apricots) - 200 g
Sleepyhead (purified) - 1 zhmenya
Tsukrova powder - for posipannya (for bazhannyam)

Yak gotuwati vegan fruitcake at multivars.

1. Dried fruits will be soaked in front for a day by the water, and then we will add prunes and dried apricots for small pieces. From the apple I saw the core, cleaned up from the shkirka, and then dwindled to the little shmatochki.
2. Prepare an apple with water, add mashed potatoes using a blender. There is a brown tsukor, dried fruits and peeled seeds. Everything is good, but it’s just a bit of a change.
3. Kharchov soda can be extinguished with lemon juice and added to the previously cooked puree from apples. Here, the place is richly boring, sifted through another sieve, and then the mixture is mixed until a thick consistency is removed. Putting whatever the viclada is in the bowl of the multicooker, in front of it, having taken the olives.
4. A bowl of dough is placed in a multicooker and the "Cupcake" mode will be set, at which the temperature will be automatically set to 160 ° C, and I will hand it for an hour at 1 year after 1 year. If you hear a characteristic signal to indicate the end of the program, the cake is turned over to the first bik and additional 15 quills at 140 ° C. Moreover, in any case, the crock of the multicooker does not need to be closed. Ready cupcake trokhi ostudzhuєmo і for bazhannya sipєmo yo with a small amount of candied powder. Moreover, the powder can be made on its own, having finished the brown tsukor for the help of the kavomolki.

In the beginning, it means that for making a cake you can be victorious if you would like to tell the metal mind (for example, cook or can). Of course, at the end of the day you can see a standard bowl of a multicooker for a cupcake, for cooking in the middle of a bowl for more than an hour. Until then, be it a cake with a fruit filling, like getting ready for the help of a multicooker;

Gentlemen, I’m thinking of a new smart casserole, I’m learning about vegetarian recipes for a slow cooker, I want to know not everything about the curmudgeon of vegetarianism, but the bagatom and post do not get overwhelmed by patience.

The corny nature of vegetarianism

  • Vegetarianism is lowering the cost of food and drink.
  • Tartaric wine is used to develop the disease of the cysts, to reduce the amount of calcium in the body.
  • Reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • The wine of food fat from the implantation of the land of the development of the crayfish disease.
  • Vegetarians have a wide range of immunity, and a number of heart-and-heart diseases are lower.
  • The products of the foodstuffs are located on the nagato more nitrates, anіzh roslinnі.
  • Vegetarian may be more beautiful than self-respect, the stench is more optimistic and bad'ori.

To improve your self-esteem, it is not necessary to quickly switch to vegetarian food in a multivariate, ale rozvanazhavalny days vlashtovuvati is possible. At the right time, if I’m going to twist some chilin, come to help the miracle of a casserole, yak in my gotuvati bezlich brown and light strains.

A couple of vegetarian recipes from the multivariate are available. I don’t think that meat should be perceived from a series of savory herbs.

Necessary components:

Poetapnot prepare

  1. Soak chickpeas and rice okremo in cold water.
  2. Soak the moles for a couple of years.
  3. Put the water in the water, put the rice and chickpeas by the bowl of the multicooker.
  4. Dodati narizanu straw carrots and chop tsibuly.
  5. Pour olive oil, salt, pepper, give izyum, ziru, but you can love it, you can add some kinzi. Gently mix, do not crack the moles.
  6. Chasnik zvіlniti іd a light white lushpinnya, rozlamati on teeth і, not cleanable, embed in rice.
  7. Carefully, do not ruin the beauty, pour 1 liter of water.
  8. Gotuwati in multi-cooker in "Gasinnya" mode 35 khilin.
  9. Serve to the table, sprinkle with green parsley and crop. You can vikoristovuvati yak garnir and yak self-styled strava.

The pilaf is ready. Now you can take on the finest vegetarian soup at the multivariate.

Soup-puree with zucchini at the multivariate

Necessary components:

  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Cartopl - 3 pcs.
  • Tsibulya r_pchasta - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Olya vershkove - 50 g
  • Parsley, basilik
  • Sir tertium - 100 g
  • Sil, pepper for gusto

Poetapnot prepare

  1. Zucchini and cartoons are diced, carrots - with circles, tsibulya - with pivkiltsy.
  2. Lay the vegetables on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, add the butter | mastic | The "Gasinnya" mode has 15 min.
  3. Add 1 liter of water, salt and pepper. The "Cooking" regime has got 20 hilin.
  4. For the help of a blender, we will add mashed potatoes to the soup. Pour it in portions, drink parsley greens and basil, drink grated sire. Serve with white croutons.

This light, savory soup will be suitable for children and grow up to members of the family. For others, you can pay vegetarian cutlets.

Kvassol kvassol in multivarts


  • Kvassol chervona - 1 bottle
  • Tsibulya r_pchasta - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Olya verskove - 30 g
  • Crackers panіrovochnі
  • Zukor - 1 tsp
  • Paprika - 2 tbsp.
  • Olivkova olia for obmazhuvannya - 50g

Hid preparatory

  1. Soak the kvassol in the cold water, so that it can be cooked on the ice. Zranka її be prepared until ready.
  2. I'm ready to pass the leaven through a meat grinder. Dodati sil, tsukor, otherwise add tsibulya, egg, vershok butter and kindly mix.
  3. Shape the cutlets, skewer the egg and roll in paniruvalny bread crumbs and paprika.
  4. Turn on the "Vipichka" mode for 30 khvili, pour into the bowl olive olia, grease the cutlets from two sides when the crunch is open.
  5. If you smack the cutlets, add tomato sauce. For a whole tomato mouth, dodati 4-5 style l. vodi, add straws of liquorice, trochas of salt and pour over the cutlets. The "Gasinnya" mode has 15 min.

You need to take care of your body and give you a chance to see important meat strains. Vegetarian flavors give you lightness, goodness and garnish mood.

Multicooker- This is a very universal pristіy, which will really forgive the process of preparing їzhі. Vona has a magnificent set of functions and allows you to cook, quench, steam, and also quickly rozіgrіvati be-yak strava. Besides, a slow cooker can be vikoristovuvati yak with a yogurt maker.

On the lookout, the multicooker is a nagadu zvichyinu casserole, it’s compact and doesn’t take a lot of time in the kitchen. However, on the vidminu from the castruli, vona maє microprocessor, temperature sensor, steam valve and timer It allows you to easily getuvati nayr_znoman_tnish_ stravi. It is just necessary to put the necessary information at the special views and add the attachments. About the end of the preparation process, a special sound signal will be generated, if you can cook food.

One of the supervised functions є line timer zavdyaki that you can plan an hour to prepare a fight. Whenever you put food in the multicooker in the evenings, then you can make a snack. The function is even more relevant for those who are quiet, who are in need of a robot, why is it wrong? And for the young, swearing is just a mess!
If you don’t want to cook the strava, then the slow cooker will automatically pіdіgrіvati yogo stretching twelve years.

Before the speech, same function for food allows you to get homemade yoghurt at the multivariate... It is enough to pour milk into the multicooker casserole, a mixture of sourdough, and turn on the food. After a few years you can enjoy the best natural yoghurt.

It's fun. Try making yoghurt with a multivariate made from pale milk.

Multicooker cassette It is non-stick and easy to wash. Tse duzhe lay down to look behind the attachment, especially at the time of the post-vikorystannya.

It's fun. Bathe a spare multicooker casserole at once. You can get a spare castruli to get a gravy of stravs. You are afraid of vikoristovuvati casters with teflon coatings, take ceramic or stainless steel.

Multicooker with automatic programs, the main ones are cooking, cooking and steaming. They can easily prepare be-yaki soups, cereals, vegetables, zapanki, muffins, charlottes, etc. If you vibrati the correct mode of preparation, then whether it is a country, it is guaranteed to come out with savory and cinnamon.

Cross-free, full-functional annex є th compactness, allowing you to spare a lot of space in the kitchen... Regardless of the number of members of the family, you can vibrate a multicooker of a sizeable volume - from 2.5 to 5 liters. A special steam valve does not allow wikipati the need for a permanent presence in the kitchen.

Besides, get ready to the multicooker to get the cookbook- a list of recipes for herbs, as you can getuwati for an additional annex. Tse additional help to getuvati be-like, to find a cob of coulinar, even a little simpler, not just for the recipe and check for the result.

The Redmond multicooker is suitable for all the modern standards, it also allows you to get rid of cinnamon and savory herbs, it has a great natural look, there are a lot of cooking modes. Vona allows you to get gotuvati soup, vegetable herbs, cereals, macaroni, drinks, desserts and specialty drinks. The process of preparing a їzhі in such an attachment to the increase in automation, which allows you to spare a lot of time. And the trivial heating of the bowls allows you to preserve the maximum number of brown words in products.

The Redmond store promotes multicooker, which is superbly simple at the victorian, I can hand the control panel of the Russian language, the recipe book, as well as special grates for cooking steamed herbs, which is also very important for a healthy cook.

Golovna multicooker reloading- Ponannya of the possibilities of the front kitchen outbuildings:

  • cook in the oven,
  • yoghurt makers,
  • steamers.

Three outbuildings in one!

For quietly, if you want, it’s worthy to be hungry, and also to spare the masu for an hour, such as a multi-cooker, with an ideal vibrating device, and even allowing you to rewrite the process for the last time.

In the case of healthy eating of vegetarian food, the favorites are among the favorites. As soon as the multivarts have a minimum amount of olia, otherwise the indicator of brownness is becoming more visible. Schoodo relish, then і z cim in vegetarian cuisine a new order. Hurry up with awkward recipes for every day and change your mind.

The role of sheep grasses in children

Vegetarian cuisine is for a quiet, hto worse - a saint's reference: roslinnі products, wіll store її base, waste in their storehouse rich gruff fibers, cinnamon for intestinal microflora, so that there is a lot of slag and excess.

Vegetarian other strains (honey, stews, zapanki, porridge) actively eat in a big day (for a thinner, healthier, a set of meat oil), some rich green products, there are a lot of rice Carbohydrate-free diet includes herbs from soy and other legumes.

There is also a vegetarian Kremlin day for thinning, so that you can see the classic Kremlin version more often than not with meat on the menu. With the help of people to give in for 2 years, they will be worth 10 kilograms.

Options for skin day

People who are looking for young children, among other things, for thinning out, vvazhayut for beautifully gotuvati at home, to increase control over the warehouse. The schob grows with cinnamon, and the process of preparing the less laborious, you can speed up the slow cooker.

Soti with eggplant

  • eggplant and carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pomidori and bulgarian peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • small zucchini;
  • tsibulya r_pchasta - 1 pc .;
  • 3-4 cloves for an hourglass;
  • spice herbs.

The multivartsi soti will have 1 year 20 khvili in the regime "Gasinnya" or "Plov". Before the tsim, you need to grind the mustache of the vegetables.

  1. Look more beautiful from eggplants, for that it is necessary not only to clean out the skins and cut them into cubes, but, after having grown fat, put on a sprinkle of quilin, and then some more. Tse add a vegetable to an unnecessary girkoti.
  2. It’s like a young zucchini, dice it into cubes, not seeing the middle and not growing a skewer. As soon as the nasinnya was already formulated, and the skirka became firm, then the first slid was seen.
  3. Sertsevina is made from seeds and from Bulgarian pepper, then we cut the vegetable with straws. Dribbly rip cibulin and carrots.
  4. Tidy up the shkirka at the tombs. The yak axis can be done quickly: take care of it in a few moments, and then for 1-2 chilini lower the vegetable near the okrіp. It’s even easier to see the shkirka, and in addition, it will be necessary to be drawn with small shmotochki.
  5. The chasnik is rubbed on the other tertsi or passed through the press, and spicy herbs (fresh crunch, parsley, or whatever, to relish) need to be chopped.
  6. Efforts to prepare the Ingredient store near the multicooker bowl and turn it on into the robot.

Vikoristannya olії tsey recipe is not transferred.

Porridge with garmon

Necessary products:

  • harbuz (without skin and nut) - 350 g;
  • pshono - 100 g;
  • milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • olia - 30 g;
  • reed zukor - for gusto.

To cleanse and sprinkle on small pieces of garmon, grease with a multivariate 10-15 quilins from vershok oil. The recommended temperature is 160 ° C. The idea is to add to the bowl of the Ingredient Ingredients, mix and turn on the "Kashi" program for 50 khvili.

Specialty! As soon as an hour is permitted, you can take the strain on the pidigrіvische pіvgodini - you will become less and less risky.

Cabbage with mushrooms

The axis should be known for the whole situation:

  • cabbage - 400 g;
  • pecheritsi - 250 g;
  • tsibulya - 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • roslinna olia.

With a couple of laughs and grease, you will not be able to see, in the multicooker bowls in the "Speck" mode (15 gilin) ​​on olii. The cabbage is shaking and giving it to the tsibuli, so that it has been smeared with grease and has become a pulp. Pechery is sweet, laugh and hang by the bowl of the multicooker. Try to mix it up.

If the "Garka" program is completed, add tomato paste and water to the bowl, mix and turn on the "Gushinnya" mode for 15-30 quills, and then go to the food. At the moment, you can put a bay leaf, black peppercorns and sil at the bowl.

Specialty! For the recipe, you can make three meals, adding, for example, carrots, bell peppers and other ingredients, before soaking dried mushrooms.

Stew with beet

To prepare a stew, take:

  • beet and potatoes - 300 g each;
  • carrots and tsibula - 100 g each;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • roslinna olia.

Buriak, carrots and cartoons laugh with straws, tsibulya - pivkiltsy. Roslinna olia (enough 1 tbsp.) Pour the multicooker bowl, hang there and cook beetroots and carrots and turn on the “Speka” mode for 10 chilin. Putting it into the bowl is directed to the Ingredian's rush. I want to know that the country has gone to the hotel, put in specials. Vibrayut mode "Soup" or "Porridge" for 40 hilin.

Specialty! Gotuwati stew can be made not only from fresh vegetables, but from frozen vegetables.

Stewed kvass

With equal success, you can get a drink from green pod kvassol (frozen food), as well as from canned food.


  • kvassol - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 300-400 g;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cibulin;
  • tomato juice - 1 tbsp.

Yaksho vikoristovuyutsya kvassol, її needs to be taken out. Then you can also eat the cibula, pepper (with drinks) and cartoons (cubes). Hang the cooked vegetables near the multicooker bowl, stir. Pour in a bottle of tomato juice. Include the Gasinnya program for 40 hilin. Before serving, it is recommended to drink fresh greenery with a fresh cut.

Zapikanka with Brussels sprouts

The whole low-calorie vegetable is brown to people who are fighting from the occupation of the wagon - it helps to improve the process of etching, relieving the problems of constipation. At the recipe, a lot of little squirrels, oregano vikoristovuyutsya - spice, oil, which should be included before the list of recommendations for people who want to lose weight.

To prepare a meal plan, you need to know:

  • Brussels sprouts - 300 g;
  • low-fat milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • sir (be it from hard varieties) - 70 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • oregano.

Brussels cabbage can be combined with a small casserole for a short span of four years. Having chilled, the shackles are freezing and put in the bowl of the multicooker. Have a great misciy eat іnshi Ingredіonti: milk, eggs, sire (rubbed on the great tertsi), oregano. Salt the crumbs, and then beat them up.

Pour cabbage with masoya and turn on the "Vipichka" mode for 0.5 years. After the completion of the program, add the strain to "Pidogrivi" for 15 khvili. At the recipe, you can add some cherry, the stench doesn’t just add the relish, and the whole thing is viglyadatime apetitnish, like in the photo you can see it. Serve zapikanka with low-calorie sour cream and yogurt.

Specialty! You can use eggplants for a cim recipe (without adding vegetables beforehand), in the "Vipichka" mode, the country is prepared for 1 year.

Tim, who was the first to go to the vegetarian day to get thinner, to get a smooth two-step transition to a new one. Zrobiti tse is more beautiful than vlіtku, if on the shelves of stores there are fresh vegetables I grow for any kind of relish.

Vegetarian strains at the multivariate were very versatile, requiring special attention. Do not be deprived of savory, but cinnamon for thinning turmeric, fennel, anis, asafoetida, cardamom, cinnamon, barberry. Fakhіvtsі recommend to put in gravy not a little pepper, but a cayenne one - I will reduce metabolism (exchange of rechovin).

Even before the warehouse of vegetarian food, besides vegetables, rice should be included, it’s more beautiful to cook it in advance until the next meal is ready at the extraordinary castruli, it’s better to cook it in multivariate products, but you don’t need to consume three hours of heat.

To reduce the calorific value in rural areas, you can replace sour cream with yogurt, semolina - with wheat groats, and olia - with olive. You can get along without the rest. The multicooker programs allow you to replace the oil and water.

Korisne video: gotumo sochevitsyu

Sochevitsa is a dushee cinnamon product. Vegetarian cuisine has a vicarious taste in Bagatykh countries. An easy and simple recipe for cooking in a multi-way, marvel at the video below.


Vegetarian flavors, prepared according to the recipe at the multivariate, garnishing for snidanok and obid, and for the evening, as it’s easy but not easy, vzalі nevіnnі. Reasonable technology helps to improve the quality of health and wellness. It is so important, that it is tasty and versatile, new recipes can be enjoyed at home cooking.

Priuschennya, scho eggs є one of the main Ingredients, be it vipichka - pomilkov. You can cook a lot of dough without any component. You will know both simple and non-customary recipes for pies without eggs for a multicooker.

There are a lot of recipes for absolutely no food products, so the dish is vegan. Until then, dried fruits and apples will turn the dessert into cinnamon. Dodatkovu pіkantnіst bring to the smallest sleepyheads, as far as harmoniously in tse stravі with other components. A vegan pie without eggs from a multi-cooker is prepared from the following Ingredients:

  • bile borosno - 180 g;
  • reed tsukor - ¾ flasks;
  • rafinovana kukurudzyana olia - 5 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • apple - 150 g;
  • dried fruits (fig, prunes, moles, figs, dried apricots) - 250 g;
  • sonyashnik's nasinya cleared - 2 tbsp.

Zamіshuєmo tisto і gotuєmo vegan pie without eggs in a multi-cooker:

  1. Dried vikladaєmo fruits in a bowl and filled with warm water for 20 quilins. If the stench of trocha swells, the water is pissed off and rinsed with dried fruit with a tap. Dried apricots, fіnіki, prunes and іnzhir іzhemo shmatochki.
  2. Cleanly apple from today and from shkirki. Rіzhemo yogo for 4-8 parts, stored in a blender bowl, added water and re-cooked Ingredіonti in one-sided puree.
  3. Pouring the masu into glyboky dishes і і, dried fruits and corn olives. Vimishuєmo masu with a spoon.
  4. Soda is extinguished with lemon juice and dodamo in a bowl. Introduced boldly, very promising, and knowingly everything is changed until a dense, important mass is established.
  5. The mix of the multicooker is quite small in size and it is shifted in it. Pozrіvnyuєmo yogo with a spoon or a spatula, curled up the cry that vibrates the program. Also, the multicooker is equipped with an optional Keks, a vipykaєmo pie in the program with a stretch of 70 quills, for which it is turned over with a revolving side and baked with a pull of 10 quills. Also, the device doesn’t have a similar function, so I’ll set the “Vipichka” mode on the panel and get a pie without eggs in a multi-cooker with a stretch of 50 chilines. Then we turn it upside down and burn 10 minutes.

Pie without eggs iz green and sirom at multivartsi

Zakritiy pirіg, fillings with a salty sire that great greens, go neymovіrno juicy and fragrant. Yak greens can be vikoristovuvati be-scho: krip, parsley, green tsibulya, cynzu, spinach or sorrel. Vibrate іngredієnti on the power rassud, take it and find out the tastes and smells. To prepare a pie without eggs in a multicooker, you need to use the following products:

  • water - 250-300 ml;
  • boronno - 650 g;
  • dry drіzhі - 10 g;
  • zukor - 2 tsp;
  • sil - 0.5 tsp;
  • sonyashnikova olia - 100 ml;
  • be-like a rosilny sir - 300 g;
  • greens - 1 great bunch.

Fix mo gotuwati pie without yats at the multivariate:

  1. Pidіgrіvaєmo water on the stove to a warm camp, given in it tsukor and dry others, change and add up to 10 hilin.
  2. Okremo pros_yuєmo flour | borosno | і zmіshuєmo її z silly. The water is poured into a bowl, squeezed into a bowl; With a fork, a little bit of growth, and if it’s getting tough, the process is going on with your hands. The result is a little more flexible, but rather one-sided and elastic, when the hands are extended.
  3. The bowl is covered with a crockery or a towel and put in a warm place for 1 year. A year later, it’s just a little bit, I know it’s crooked and yes, it’s okay to go with a stretch of pvgodini.
  4. Rinse a bunch of green under running water, crumbling, put on a slab and shaky. Iakshcho in the recipe is spinach or sorrel, but it needs more. Green tsibulya, krіp, parsley, kіnzu can be pokrishiti drіbno.
  5. The rosilny sire is transferred to a glyboku bowl and rosemino to krykhta. Dodajmo greens and mix the filling.
  6. Tisto, scho came, I know, I put it on the stew, the raspberry. Vidokremlyuєmo half and rocking with a rocking chair, until 1 cm. Zbiraєmo vіlnі kraї tіsta in the center, roaring mіshechok. Glue it together, take it out of the water, and the little one, scho viyshov, grows into a spike.
  7. I will put the pie at the bowl. The program "Vipichka" is included and a gotumo pie without eggs at the multivariate is 30 khviliin. Then turn it upside down and burn 10 minutes.
  8. If the pie is baked and it will be hot, I will cover it with a piece of top-of-the-top butter.
  9. Three products that have been overloaded, one more pie.

Midnight pie without eggs at the multivariate

Early summer is the hour of midnight ripening. For a whole hour on the markets and in the cities there are lifeless juicy, zapashnyh, lower and so beloved berries. The moon is accepted by a fresh viglyad, and the vip with her is simply miraculous. The recipe for a midnight pie without eggs has a multi-cooker with a head Ingredient for picking up berries, and a thin dough is practically insensitive to the dough here. For a cob, a list of products is provided for a dessert:

  • boronno - 200 g;
  • water - 30-50 ml;
  • verskovo butter - 100 g;
  • midnight - 0.5 kg;
  • zukor - 150 g;
  • vanilin - pinch;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons

Details for the process of preparing a midnight cake without eggs in the multivar are described below:

  1. It is colder than three ounces of butter on a great grater in a large bowl. Leave it in such a view, it is bright in the surroundings of the Umnist. All flour flour | in a bowl with butter and grind the product with your hands into a one-sided krykhta. 1 tbsp. cold water is injected and it is stifling, just as it goes into the breast, does not dissipate. Nakryvaєmo tisto plovka and hovaєmo at the cold chilin for 30.
  2. The midnight berries are promptly picked up by the tap, the green tails are seen, and the ubik product is cleaned up for an hour.
  3. Gotumo filling for pie with sour cream, zukru and starch. At the glibok_y misci z'єdnuєmo cіngredіonti, before the trocha vanіlіnu that change. You can substitute the starch for cornstuffs at such a small quantity.
  4. Wiymaєmo just from the refrigerator and rocking chair. Put it in a dry multi-cooker form and spread it along the bottom and on the walls, a free cat with 4 cm sides.
  5. Rivnim ball vikladaєmo on just midnight and bayєmo berries with sour cream sum.
  6. Active mode "Vipichka" and a hot midnight meal without eggs at the multivartsi 40 chilin.

Dustavati dessert from a lot can be deprived of that, as there is still a lot of wine left.

Pear-Migdal Pie without eggs at the multi-cooker

It’s tasty for a pie to shy away from it, that filling doesn’t become anything foldable. Through those in the recipe vikoristovutsya jam or jam, dessert vyhod vyhodyu even licorice. Taku strava is acceptable to give to your relatives and friends before tea.

Just for a pie without eggs, a multivariate is prepared from the following components:

  • borosno - 1 bottle;
  • verskovo butter - 100 g;
  • sil - 0.5 tsp;
  • zukor - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 3-4 tbsp.

For the pear-blinker filling, use the following:

  • pears - 2 pcs.;
  • meleniy migdal - 3 tbsp.
  • apple jam chi pear jam - 50 g;
  • zukor - 4 tbsp.

The algorithm for making a pie without eggs for a multivar is described:

  1. Vershkov's butter is crispy with diced cubes or rubbed on a grater. Dodaєmo flour | borosno | and roztiraєmo products in a single crisp by hand. Vsipaєmo tsukor, trohi salt and mix. 1 tbsp. cold water is introduced and quickly, as long as it does not get stuck in the breast. We put it in a plastic bag and take it into the refrigerator.
  2. Cleanse the pears from the shkirki and the sacking, shaky thin skibochki.
  3. Approximately through the vityagaєmo just from the refrigerator, put it on the sticky glass and rocking with a rocking chair, melt the cakes into the form of cola.
  4. It can be transferred easily to a slow cooker, it can be easily grown from the edges of the country.
  5. The bottom of the cat, scho viyshov, namazuєmo with a ball of jam or jam. We use a pair of small pieces of glass and beautifully arranged pears in the chandeliers.
  6. Clearly sticky dessert tsukrom and included program "Vipichka". Gotuєmo pear pie without eggs, multivarsi 45-50 chilines.

Yaksho є bazhannya, you can decorate the dessert with migdale dusts.

A quick corn pie without eggs at a multivariate

It’s just for a picant pie to get ready for a little chili, and for a drink, it’s not more than a pint of wine. Licorice grains of corn, and also gostry pepper are delivered to the storehouse. A list of Ingredients for a pie without eggs in a multi-cooker is displayed:

  • wheat bile borosno - 1.5 flasks;
  • kukurudzyans borosno - 1 bottle;
  • sil - 1 tsp;
  • extinguished soda - 1 tsp;
  • verskovo butter - 100 g;
  • milk - 1 bottle;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • greens chili pepper (rotten) - 2 tsp.

Let's borrow corn pie without eggs from a multi-cooker:

  1. Z'є wheat and corn dwellers are rich in a big misci. Dodaєmo sіl, rіzane shmatochkami vershok butter | mastic |, extinguished soda. Grind the masu with your hands until it is uniform.
  2. Poured into milk that is mixed. Then we add a little flavor to the gostry chili and corn licorice, in front of which it pisses me off from her age.
  3. The multicooker is made with rose oil and is transferred in a simple way.
  4. Razrivnyuumo masu on the basis of the active option "Vipichka".
  5. Gotuumo corn pie without eggs at multivars 25-30 chilines.

Pislya vityagamo vipichku from bowls. Now you can eat and serve it to the table. Kukurudzany pirіg kindly add soups, stews and meat stravi.

Lively apple pie without eggs at the multivartsi

A feast, preparations on a meal of lively boroshna, served up to fresh grasses, sprinkles in new German milk, ni yauts, ni buttermilk. The filling of the whole dessert is sokovita, splinters are made from fresh fruits. The aroma of the vipichka is incredible, the odor in it is just added to such a specialty, such as chalk іmbir and cinnamon. Before the speech, some of the tsukru from the filling can be regulated independently.

Just for a life cake without eggs, the multivarts are prepared for the following products:

  • zhitnє borosno - 2 flasks;
  • bile borosno - 2 flasks;
  • raffinovana sonyashnikova olia - 200 ml;
  • zukor - 2 tbsp.
  • sil - 0.5 tsp;
  • rozpushuvach - 2 tsp;
  • cold water.

For the filling, the scho axis is known:

  • apricots - 200 g;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • plum - 200 g;
  • zukor - 2-3 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp.
  • meleniy іmbir - 1 tsp

It is described how to prepare a delicious life cake without eggs in a multivariate for stages:

  1. Apricots, drain that apple for good, you can see the brush, the apple is also known as a shkirku. Rіzhemo fruits in small pieces of approximately the same size.
  2. Mix fruits in glyboky misci, dodaamo tsukor and specials: meleniy іmbir and cinnamon. I know for a fact that the stuffing is too great for an hour to prepare the pastry.
  3. The offense is vidi borosna z'єnuєmo in a large vessel. Vsipaєmo tudi tsukor, sil and rozpushuvach. Change masu and pour in refined oliyu. We produce products with our hands, as a result of which we can produce one-size-fits-all krykhta.
  4. Now cold water is poured into qiu krykhta. Gotuєmo elastic, ale tsupke tisto, as seen from the hands.
  5. Form tista kulu і dіlimo її navpіl. One part is shifted to the rusty flour with steel, rocked with a rocking chair in a colo.
  6. A bowl of a multicooker trocha is given to olієyu and transferred to it in a few minutes from a syrupy taste. Robimo for the cake, the sides are well enough. Such a cat can have a filling, and the wilderness will come from the top sheet of the paste.
  7. Rozpodіlyaєmo on a fruit pie filling.
  8. The other half of the dough is also rocked with a rocking chair; The land is good and good. Nagory robimo nadrizi we go with a knife, through yak viparovat there is a vologue.
  9. Installed on the panel with the option "Vipichka". Chekaymo, if it’s okay to play, і got a life feast without eggs at the multivartsi 50 chilin.

Chicken pie without eggs at the multivartsi

Just in the whole recipe, it is even simpler, and the filling is sieve, sokovita, fragrant and nutty. The filling is stored not only from chicken, but also from the cartope of the stock chanterelles. Such a pie without eggs, preparations at the multivariate, it's just wonderful hunger. From ingredієntіv to know the following:

  • boronno - 400 g;
  • cold water - 3-4 tbsp.
  • sil - 0.5 tsp;
  • verskovo butter - 100 g;
  • black pepper - on a knife;
  • turmeric - pinch;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • chanterelles - 300 g;
  • chicken - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • tops - 100 g;
  • olia - 3-4 tablespoons

A pie without eggs in a multi-cooker is prepared in the following way:

  1. A collection of mushrooms. You need to soak it in cold water for an hour. Let's get away from the moment of anger, and the mushroom has been developed by a crane.
  2. Introduced chanterelles for a small amount of money. Prosіyuєmo flour | borosno | in a bowl, zmіshuєmo її z silly, rubbed on a grated wedge of butter | and roztiraєmo products until I become krihti. Dodaimo also specials: black pepper and turmeric. The giblets are poured in cold water and vimishuєmo just, as soon as you can get into the breast. Zagortaєmo yogo in a swim і hovaєmo in the cold at pіvgodini.
  3. Chicken meat is made from kistok, ryzhemo cubes. Dribno narіzaєmo tsibulyu and chanterelles. The pot is cleaned, rіzhemo cubes and ready-made in salt water until ready.
  4. We take a frying pan and put it on the fire. Poured oliyu and transferred to her chicken. Obsmazhuєmo meat hilin 10.
  5. In the іnshіy glibokіy frying pan it is passerєmo in olії tsibula with chanterelles. Seasoned with sily with pepper, poured in tops and extinguished 20-25 khilins.
  6. Ready just distaєmo from the refrigerator, vіdrіzaєmo from 1/3 part, and the sieve rokachuєmo rocking in a colo. It is lowered into a multicooker form, robustly the sides are like a pie with filling. Razrivnyuєmo її shovel.
  7. Menshu part of the past is also roasted in a mill, virizaimo about a bowl in diameter and a curved pie. Z'є that pinched the edge.
  8. The "Vipichka" mode is installed and the pie without eggs is 40-50 hvili in the multi-cooker.

Orange pie without eggs at the multivariate

Orange pie is not a revenge on the products of the food, so the dessert can be delicious. Citrus fruits, which can be added to this place, infuse a vip with a wonderful aroma. Until then, oranges and lemons add a sour taste to the strain. A list of products for a pie is displayed:

A fresh orange pie without eggs in a multivariate is prepared for the offensive rank:

  1. Prosіyane gloriously z'єdnuєmo іf sіllu, extinguished soda that tsukrom. Water zmіshuєmo with olієu and pouring in qiu sumіsh at boroshno. Gotuєmo is more elastic. Yakshcho vono nadto steep, pіdlivєmo 1-2 tbsp. cold water. Vidokremlyuєmo 1/3 part of that hovaєmo її in the freezer.
  2. Cleanly oranges and lemons from a shkirka, vichischaєmo brushes, particles are put into a blender bowl and filled.
  3. Dodaamo to oranges zukor and starch, good mix.
  4. A large portion of the dough is covered with a multicooker form and it is rosinized with hands, molding the cat from the sides. Viklada's filling.
  5. It’s just, it’s frozen, there’s a distance from the freezing chamber and a quick rubbing on the great tertsi. Visipaєmo qiu krykhta on a banquet with a ball.
  6. The "Vipichka" mode is included and the timer is set for 30 minutes. I will put a vipykaєmo orange pie without eggs at the multi-cooker for the designated hour.

Ostudzhuєmo dessert near the bowl, neatly viymaєmo, embellished for a vlasniy approval.

Kavovy pie without eggs at the multi-cooker

An even more original and unremarkable vipychka recipe, for which it is not so rich in Ingrediantiv to be known. There are no yak fillings for the whole pirizi, ale to the dough the dough will be served with prunes. Chi varto say, it’s the very same, prepared on the basis of motsnoy black kavi, to the delight of being a great nobleman. Also, the axis is a list of what we need for a kava cake without eggs from a multivar:

  1. For a cob, cook mitsnu chornu kava. Poki wine hot, razchinyaєmo in new zukor і 2 tbsp. honey. Poki kava ostigau, taking care of the preparation of the first Ingredients.
  2. Soak prunes in warm water for 20 quilins. Pissed off on the spot and promptly drain it with a tap. Let's turn it into quarters.
  3. Prosіyane borosno, extinguished soda, іmbir, cinnamon and sіl zmіshuєmo in okremіy glibokі misci.
  4. Pour the kava into a bowl of borosh and mix it with a little bit of wine. It’s just a little bit sweet, ale not even worse, for the consistency of sour cream won nagaduvatime.
  5. Visipaєmo in the same place prune and change.
  6. The multicooker dishes are made with olive oil and poured into it. The shape of this is put on the panel with the option "Vipichka".
  7. Gotuumo kavovy pie without eggs at the multivartsi 30 chilines.

This dessert is more beautiful, as if sprinkled with white or chocolate icing.

Pie without eggs at the multivarts. Video

Vegetarian strains are low-calorie, so they are rightfully vvazhayutsya for health and postati. And for those who are pod_bna vidmova vid meat products- the whole life position is important. For any kind of vegetarian recipes in a multivariate, you can allow to remove aromatic, savory herbs and at the same time as much as possible to save your money. Qia cuisine to finish the rіznomanіtna. Vona transferє prepare peppers, other herbs and desserts. For additional vegetarian recipes, you can choose from both a traditional and a svyatkovo menu. The stench will be correct for the quiet, who do not touch the system of grabbing. The whole thing can be victorious as an upgrade to the main race, which is meaningful to urinate. And the multicooker can make the preparation procedure shvidkoy and easy.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: pickled asparagus

The multivariate is brown savory country To get ready is just that smart. The main process in the preparation of the blanching is to lay down the taste of the sweetness and the final appearance of the ready-made asparagus. For vikonannya Tsієї procedures follow the rules. Blanching the transfer of vegetables in a stretch of 2 minutes, for which the asparagus is covered with cold water. Such processing allows you to preserve all the cinnamon elements in the finished dish and yaskraviy kolіr.


  • asparagus (can be frozen by the way) - 200 g;
  • greens - ½ bunch;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • water - 1 l;
  • gostry pepper - 1 pc.;
  • ocet - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • sil - 5 tbsp. l.

How to prepare:

  1. The process of preparing the repair from the green filings. It is necessary for promity, for food and for other reasons.
  2. Pepper ryzhetsya great shmotochki.
  3. Drink asparagus in the multicooker range. Well, the water is poured, so the schob has covered the vegetable and 2 chilini is cooked. Slid brutal respect for those, o'clock to start at the moment of boiling.
  4. When cooking asparagus, it needs to be cooled. For a lot of people to sit by the cold water. We need to drink water.
  5. Then go to prepare the marinade. Filtered water is poured into the bowl near the annex, until a bay leaf, oset and silt is added. Use the Ingredient Slide to cook 20 chilins in the "Soup" mode.
  6. Asparagus is deposited at the sterilized banks in front of the front. At the same time, it’s possible to remember half of it.
  7. Above, there is a sprinkle of greens, for which everything is ripe with an hour and a host of pepper.
  8. Let's put another ball of asparagus at the jar, above which I know greens and specialties.
  9. Asparagus is poured with marinade, which is good oholonuti.
  10. Then you need to shut up the crack and put the jar in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  11. The asparagus meal will be ready, before serving the herb it is recommended to season with a small amount of olive oil.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: soup with asparagus

Vegetarian recipes in multivars are often used to prepare the first delicious herbs. And one of the most popular є cream soup. For yogo pregotuvannya pіdіyde svіzhiy and frozen product. Tops, which can also be entered before the transition of necessary products, bazhano vikoristovuvati average fat. Add lemon juice and seasoning to the flavor of the strain. The process of preparing in more detail is clear.


  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • asparagus - 300 g;
  • tops - 200 ml;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • season that sil - for gusto.

How to prepare:

  1. The cybulin is cut into small cubes and turned over to the multicooker. Actively attach to the cooking program "Frying" that pass with a stretch of 3-4 chilines.
  2. If the tsibulya nabude has a golden color, add asparagus and grease the vegetables with 5 quilines.
  3. After pouring in 100 ml of vershoks, the "Multicooker" mode will be set and ready for 10 minutes.
  4. Delayed into the bowl of the tops, which are overflowing, strong, season and lemon juice. The soup is cooked up to 7 khvili.
  5. Send a sound signal to the multicooker slid vimknuti. Cream soup is guilty of a mother of golden color and a thick consistency.
  6. If the dish is trocha oholone, it will need to be placed in a blender and trimmed on high wraps.
  7. Ready soup will be thick and one-sided. The country is ready for a whole lot. Serve up to the table, warm, embellishing the greenery.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: buckwheat with vegetables

Qiu strava can be called a smilim experiment. Vegetarian recipes from multi-cookers will be transferred in the next few weeks. Ale vikoristannya in one dish of buckwheat and buryaks for unconventional culinary solutions. For the reason that the vegetables in the process of preparing are not smeared, the country is easy and childish. And the sokovitiy beetle gives grechtsi an appetizing smell. Otzhe, the recipe for preparation is more detailed. Ingredinti:

  • Greek groats - 240 g;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • small beet - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • paprika, sil - to taste;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • verskovo butter - 20 g.

How to prepare:

  1. Preparing the repair from the processing of vegetables. The cybula is clean, it is drawn at the sight of small cubes and viclades in the multicooker range.
  2. Carrots are cleaned, rubbed on a great grater and sent to the bowl.
  3. The beetle is cleaned, rubbed like that, like a carrot and a place in a bowl I will attach.
  4. Dalі to vegetables dodaєmo buckwheat. Ingredієnti reliably change.
  5. Orієntuyuchis on svіy relish, dodaamo verskov oil, specials and sil.
  6. Filled with water.
  7. The multicooker will be set to the Gasinnya mode or Krupa and porridge with a stretch of 30 ghilin.
  8. Vegetarian recipes in multivars allow you to use vikoristovuvat butter, so you can put a small piece of butter on it before serving it.
  9. The country is ready for a whole lot. Served to the table hot, garnished with fresh vegetables.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: rice in Indian

Vegetarian recipes in multivars allow you to get a taste of the traditional cuisine. A special feature of this poisoning is victorian kuminu, which gives rice a unique aroma of the same brewing. In the process of preparing a memory, the cousin can open up his savor of power in the whole world, as it can be rubbed or smashed. Rice go out to the public and do not get angry. The classic option for preparing stale melted olive oil is far from the skin gentleman. This can be used to pick butter 82% fat. Otzhe, the recipe for the lecture is available.

Preparing food is required:

  • kumin - 2 tsp;
  • rice groats - 300 g;
  • verskovo butter - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • dribble of salt.

How to prepare:

  1. Beforehand, I will put into the multi-cooker “Speka” mode and put it in the bowl of oliyu. Chekaєmo, the docks will be flooded.
  2. There is a need for cumin and grease it is close to wine, without interruption. The availability of specialties can be attributed to a light, perceptible aroma.
  3. If the cousin is ready, the Umnist will give you some cereals.
  4. Ingredієnti mixes up і dodamo to relish sіl.
  5. Give the bowl a poured water. I’ll take a little more rice.
  6. The multicooker switches to the "Groats" mode.
  7. Gotumo rice, when it’s not enough to absorb all the water, with a lot of wine, I’m undercooked.
  8. In addition, as the water has been taken up, it is necessary to activate the mode of cooking, and with such a rank, the rice is guilty but we cook with a stretch of 20 gilins.
  9. Mix the groats once. Often, the procedure is not recommended, because the country does not see it often.
  10. Whole rice with kumin according to Indian classic recipe ready.

Vegetarian recipes for a multivariate: baked potatoes in soy sauce

The qia to finish is simple, the order of the preparation of the transmission is two stages: the introduction and the recording. Zavdyaki presence of soy sauce potato nabuv thin caramel sauce. However, the sauce has leaked well, all the ingredients in the cooking process need to be regularly poured. The methodology of preparing reports is discernible.

It is necessary to add the following:

  • medium sized potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • olia roslinna - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 200 ml;
  • sil for relish;
  • an hour-maker - 1 head;
  • season - to relish.

How to prepare:

  1. The cartopline needs to be processed and cleaned from the shkirki.
  2. Let's break the leather cartoplin into 4 parts.
  3. Viklada vegetables in the multicooker range, filled with water, salt, add seasoning.
  4. Vibiraєmo mode "Cooking" і Gotuєmo potatoes 15-20 hvili.
  5. Let's drink some angry water and yes youmu oholonuti.
  6. On the offensive stage, the chaplain, in front of the front, has refined yogo, sauce, seasoning, oliyu, sil.
  7. Otrimanu sumіsh dodamo to cartoplі. Vibiraєmo mode "Vipichka" and gotuєmo with a stretch of 30-45 khilin.
  8. Strava needs to be changed periodically. Willingness can be made for a caramel skorinka, as you can appear on the maple.
  9. Vegetarian recipes in multivars may be based on the abundance of green and vegetables, so before serving, we season our herbs and decorate them with salad.

Vegetarian recipes from a multivariate: sirna zapikanka with oranges

Zapikanka on a syrupy basis has already long borrowed the leading positions in the middle of desserts of vegetarian recipes from multivars. Ale in the traditional option is to get ready for additional birthmarks. An easy-to-understand way of preparing orange puree. The recipe for cich lasoschiv is allowed to vary and in the summer period can be experimented with cherries, raspberries, midnuts, sweet cherries. Otzhe, the recipe for the lecture is available.

Schob trim the fragrant and savory orange-sirn zapіkanka slіd pіdgotuvati:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • sir - 500 g;
  • zukor - 150 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • starch - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • Vershkovo butter - for gusto.

How to prepare:

  1. It is necessary to beat the library for an additional window of the mixer.
  2. It is necessary to change it over time. The department has sir, sour cream, 100 g of zukru, oliyu and zhovtki. Everything is changeable.
  3. Dalі in masu dodaєmo starch and orange zest. Dodaamo beat bіlki.
  4. For oranges it is necessary to take a shkirku, vityagti brush.
  5. With the help of a blender robimo we use orange puree, adding 50 g of zucra, which is overflowing, and a spoonful of starch.
  6. The mix of the multicooker needs to be made with olive oil, with the first ball of sirnu masu, and orange puree on top.
  7. The mode "Vipichka" and vipikamo will be restored with a stretch of 60 chilins.
  8. On a whole appetizing zapіkanka is ready.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: lemon jam

With the help of a multicooker, you can make boiled jams from limonivs. Tsі savory lasoschі, which are also є even cinnamon, because yogo implantation allows colds... Until then, we will make the boiled dumplings delicious. Nasicheniy kolіr yomu to give orange jelly. Gotuvati is a versatile vegetarian recipe for a multivariate next to shkirkoy, which means a number of vitamins and brown elements. Otzhe, it is clear how to prepare in more detail.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • zukor - 300 g;
  • dry jelly "Orange" - 1 sachet;
  • lemon - 500 g.

How to prepare:

  1. A sprinkle of lemons. Oh, it is necessary to wash it, pour it over with sprinkles and pour it over.
  2. Shmatochki fit into a blender and be refined. Lemon masa maє nagaduvati porridge.
  3. Pour citrus fruits into a bowl, until jelly is added to them. Masa is kind to change.
  4. For something to get lemon-jelly madness to add zukor and change again.
  5. Otrimanu sumіsh slіd poured into the multicooker unit.
  6. Vibrating "Soup" mode. If you boil the masa, you need to take a drink and cook it with a stretch of 20 chilines.
  7. Then you need to sterilize the jars. For all, I will put boiled boiled dumplings on top of them.
  8. For preparing lemon oil, pour it into cans and twist it all the way.
  9. Ready to cook the boiled potatoes. Take the last 6 months from the refrigerator.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: a variant of pisky pilaf:

Vegetarian recipes from multivars

A multicooker is an indispensable help for those who are quiet, but they do not need to spend evenings in the kitchen. In addition, the development of culinary masterpieces does not require special efforts, and 70% pass without the participation of the cook - preparing and transforming into satisfaction. And Tim, who will be able to change a healthy way of living, if I learn about vegetarian recipes in a multi-cooker - just savory and brown herbs.

Wide range of recipes from Russian Ingredients

The decision to adapt to the implantation of meat can be taken for other reasons. If it’s vibrating, then it’s better to think about those like the urgency of the race. Navigate from the list of products listed, you can prepare a selection of products, vicorist and other products as soon as possible. The first functional attachment, in every available mode, prepares it, seemingly in other ways.

Most often for the community of victors:

  • Vipichka
  • Frying
  • Gasinnya
  • For a couple.

The decision to move to roslinnu is not often made; The multicooker has a wide range of optimal solutions, even in the bowl you can drink it without adding all the fat and oils. First, the problem of a loving vagi is no longer a problem on the horizon - it is possible to enjoy savory countries without fear for the beauty of a figuri.

Vegetarian stravi in ​​a multivariate - easy and fast

In a fair way, you can estimate the crossing of the annex if you can't get enough of an hour to get ready for it. As pasta has long become the main racial, as it is bought on the basis of manufactured products, then it can be used for practically all kinds of possibilities.

Gotuwati for the help of a multicooker is much simpler - the standard process consists of several basic steps:

  1. Preparation - vimiti, if necessary, peel vegetables and fruits
  2. Vibrate mode - only one needs last time
  3. The final stage is to add everything at once and add sauce, greenery or sir.

And as a result, the food is savory and cinnamon, and the smut, the smut, is just plain. On the website, a collection of recipes has been selected, leather products have been modified by hundreds of readers - it will be worthwhile to ask for a vibrating menu. You can get a gotuvati novі stravi today, enjoy it with a different aroma and a taste for it.

Vegetarian recipes for a multicooker are a way to reimagine a recipe for a cultural masterpiece. And the staff of the func- tionality is of the utmost importance, and it is even easier to find the growth for the coolers.

Vegetarian recipes for a multicooker

You will know vegetarian recipes for the multicooker. Nini are more likely to be the financiers of vegetarianism. It's not wonderful. Adzhe gravy, prepared according to vegetarian recipes in a multi-cooker, not only savory, but even brown. We select the most delicious recipes for you from the herbs of vegetarian cuisine. Good luck!


Vegetarian stravi at the multivariate

vidgukiv: 5

spaghetti, hard sir, vershok butter

Based on 2 views.

tomato, eggplant, Bulgarian pepper, tsibulya, chasnik

Based on 2 views.

potatoes, bakers, tsibulya

Based on 2 views. 1 vidguk.

cabbage, egg, sir, pan rusks

Відгуків: ні

rice, tsibulya rіpchasta, wine bіle, olіya, sir, mushrooms

Tim, who's been thinking about meat and ribbons, it's not easy to know the recipe for tasty, silky and simple food. At the top of the rubric, you will generally know those who were joking.

Coating recipes preparing vegetarian herbs for report descriptionіngredієнтів, stageіv gotuvannya, photos and vіdgukami. Our recipes are universal and suitable for large multicooker Redmond, Polaris, Philips, Panasonic, Moulinex and other virobniks.

In the case of healthy eating of vegetarian food, the favorites are among the favorites. As soon as the multivarts have a minimum amount of olia, otherwise the indicator of brownness is becoming more visible. Schoodo relish, then і z cim in vegetarian cuisine a new order. Hurry up with awkward recipes for every day and change your mind.

The role of sheep grasses in children

Vegetarian cuisine is for a quiet, hto worse - a saint's reference: roslinnі products, wіll store її base, waste in their storehouse rich gruff fibers, cinnamon for intestinal microflora, so that there is a lot of slag and excess.

Vegetarian other strains (honey, stews, zapanki, porridge) actively eat in a big day (for a thinner, healthier, a set of meat oil), some rich green products, there are a lot of rice Carbohydrate-free diet includes herbs from soy and other legumes.

There is also a vegetarian Kremlin day for thinning, so that you can see the classic Kremlin version more often than not with meat on the menu. With the help of people to give in for 2 years, they will be worth 10 kilograms.

Options for skin day

People who are looking for young children, among other things, for thinning out, vvazhayut for beautifully gotuvati at home, to increase control over the warehouse. The schob grows with cinnamon, and the process of preparing the less laborious, you can speed up the slow cooker.

Soti with eggplant

  • eggplant and carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pomidori and bulgarian peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • small zucchini;
  • tsibulya r_pchasta - 1 pc .;
  • 3-4 cloves for an hourglass;
  • spice herbs.

The multivartsi soti will have 1 year 20 khvili in the regime "Gasinnya" or "Plov". Before the tsim, you need to grind the mustache of the vegetables.

  1. Look more beautiful from eggplants, for that it is necessary not only to clean out the skins and cut them into cubes, but, after having grown fat, put on a sprinkle of quilin, and then some more. Tse add a vegetable to an unnecessary girkoti.
  2. It’s like a young zucchini, dice it into cubes, not seeing the middle and not growing a skewer. As soon as the nasinnya was already formulated, and the skirka became firm, then the first slid was seen.
  3. Sertsevina is made from seeds and from Bulgarian pepper, then we cut the vegetable with straws. Dribbly rip cibulin and carrots.
  4. Tidy up the shkirka at the tombs. The yak axis can be done quickly: take care of it in a few moments, and then for 1-2 chilini lower the vegetable near the okrіp. It’s even easier to see the shkirka, and in addition, it will be necessary to be drawn with small shmotochki.
  5. The chasnik is rubbed on the other tertsi or passed through the press, and spicy herbs (fresh crunch, parsley, or whatever, to relish) need to be chopped.
  6. Efforts to prepare the Ingredient store near the multicooker bowl and turn it on into the robot.

Vikoristannya olії tsey recipe is not transferred.

Porridge with garmon

Necessary products:

  • harbuz (without skin and nut) - 350 g;
  • pshono - 100 g;
  • milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • olia - 30 g;
  • reed zukor - for gusto.

To cleanse and sprinkle on small pieces of garmon, grease with a multivariate 10-15 quilins from vershok oil. The recommended temperature is 160 ° C. The idea is to add to the bowl of the Ingredient Ingredients, mix and turn on the "Kashi" program for 50 khvili.

Specialty! As soon as an hour is permitted, you can take the strain on the pidigrіvische pіvgodini - you will become less and less risky.

Cabbage with mushrooms

The axis should be known for the whole situation:

  • cabbage - 400 g;
  • pecheritsi - 250 g;
  • tsibulya - 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • roslinna olia.

With a couple of laughs and grease, you will not be able to see, in the multicooker bowls in the "Speck" mode (15 gilin) ​​on olii. The cabbage is shaking and giving it to the tsibuli, so that it has been smeared with grease and has become a pulp. Pechery is sweet, laugh and hang by the bowl of the multicooker. Try to mix it up.

If the "Garka" program is completed, add tomato paste and water to the bowl, mix and turn on the "Gushinnya" mode for 15-30 quills, and then go to the food. At the moment, you can put a bay leaf, black peppercorns and sil at the bowl.

Specialty! For the recipe, you can make three meals, adding, for example, carrots, bell peppers and other ingredients, before soaking dried mushrooms.

Stew with beet

To prepare a stew, take:

  • beet and potatoes - 300 g each;
  • carrots and tsibula - 100 g each;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • roslinna olia.

Buriak, carrots and cartoons laugh with straws, tsibulya - pivkiltsy. Roslinna olia (enough 1 tbsp.) Pour the multicooker bowl, hang there and cook beetroots and carrots and turn on the “Speka” mode for 10 chilin. Putting it into the bowl is directed to the Ingredian's rush. I want to know that the country has gone to the hotel, put in specials. Vibrayut mode "Soup" or "Porridge" for 40 hilin.

Specialty! Gotuwati stew can be made not only from fresh vegetables, but from frozen vegetables.

Stewed kvass

With equal success, you can get a drink from green pod kvassol (frozen food), as well as from canned food.


  • kvassol - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 300-400 g;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cibulin;
  • tomato juice - 1 tbsp.

Yaksho vikoristovuyutsya kvassol, її needs to be taken out. Then you can also eat the cibula, pepper (with drinks) and cartoons (cubes). Hang the cooked vegetables near the multicooker bowl, stir. Pour in a bottle of tomato juice. Include the Gasinnya program for 40 hilin. Before serving, it is recommended to drink fresh greenery with a fresh cut.

Zapikanka with Brussels sprouts

The whole low-calorie vegetable is brown to people who are fighting from the occupation of the wagon - it helps to improve the process of etching, relieving the problems of constipation. At the recipe, a lot of little squirrels, oregano vikoristovuyutsya - spice, oil, which should be included before the list of recommendations for people who want to lose weight.

To prepare a meal plan, you need to know:

  • Brussels sprouts - 300 g;
  • low-fat milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • sir (be it from hard varieties) - 70 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • oregano.

Brussels cabbage can be combined with a small casserole for a short span of four years. Having chilled, the shackles are freezing and put in the bowl of the multicooker. Have a great misciy eat іnshi Ingredіonti: milk, eggs, sire (rubbed on the great tertsi), oregano. Salt the crumbs, and then beat them up.

Pour cabbage with masoya and turn on the "Vipichka" mode for 0.5 years. After the completion of the program, add the strain to "Pidogrivi" for 15 khvili. At the recipe, you can add some cherry, the stench doesn’t just add the relish, and the whole thing is viglyadatime apetitnish, like in the photo you can see it. Serve zapikanka with low-calorie sour cream and yogurt.

Specialty! You can use eggplants for a cim recipe (without adding vegetables beforehand), in the "Vipichka" mode, the country is prepared for 1 year.

Tim, who was the first to go to the vegetarian day to get thinner, to get a smooth two-step transition to a new one. Zrobiti tse is more beautiful than vlіtku, if on the shelves of stores there are fresh vegetables I grow for any kind of relish.

Vegetarian strains at the multivariate were very versatile, requiring special attention. Do not be deprived of savory, but cinnamon for thinning turmeric, fennel, anis, asafoetida, cardamom, cinnamon, barberry. Fakhіvtsі recommend to put in gravy not a little pepper, but a cayenne one - I will reduce metabolism (exchange of rechovin).

Even before the warehouse of vegetarian food, besides vegetables, rice should be included, it’s more beautiful to cook it in advance until the next meal is ready at the extraordinary castruli, it’s better to cook it in multivariate products, but you don’t need to consume three hours of heat.

To reduce the calorific value in rural areas, you can replace sour cream with yogurt, semolina - with wheat groats, and olia - with olive. You can get along without the rest. The multicooker programs allow you to replace the oil and water.

Korisne video: gotumo sochevitsyu

Sochevitsa is a dushee cinnamon product. Vegetarian cuisine has a vicarious taste in Bagatykh countries. An easy and simple recipe for cooking in a multi-way, marvel at the video below.


Vegetarian flavors, prepared according to the recipe at the multivariate, garnishing for snidanok and obid, and for the evening, as it’s easy but not easy, vzalі nevіnnі. Reasonable technology helps to improve the quality of health and wellness. It is so important, that it is tasty and versatile, new recipes can be enjoyed at home cooking.

Being a vegetarian - tse zovsim does not mean do not cut off satisfaction from the skin. If you don’t believe that without meat “life isn’t”, then it is recommended to visit the most beautiful vegetarian cafes in Moscow, you can eat food cooked according to the most beautiful vegan recipes. Ruchaєmosya, how you change your thought, and often you will spoil your household with such strains.

Mi proponmo you get to know the miracles vegan recipes for a multicooker. It's no secret that the "miracle casserole" has already become an indispensable kitchen pompous for a long time;

Simple seaweed soup

Tsei recipe for adaptations pіd model "Panasonic-10". Pour a little tsibulin, a dash of bell pepper (red, licorice), great pomidorі a tooth for an hour. Rub a little carrot. Put the vegetables in the multicooker bowl, set the "Vipichka" mode for 20 gilins. Then give the narizan cartoplin and porridge 4 peppers, a couple of bay leaves and about half of the package dry seaweed at 12 p. Add some water to the top mark, add spices, salt and pepper to your relish. Now, on the second day, set the shutdown mode.

Vershkovy zucchini

Take 3 young zucchini and eat them in rounds. Set the "Frying" mode at the multivar, pour trochi olії ghі, add zucchini and grease them with a stretch of 6-7 quilins.

Give a third of a two-hundred-gram bottle of milk (or more), turn the "Gasinnya" mode and stew the vegetables with a stretch of 20 quilins. After 15 chilines from a cob of extinguishing, add some spice and spice (asafoetida, black pepper, turmeric, nutmeg), 80 g of hard sir, grated on grated. Already naprikіntsі prepare a sip of zucchini with greenery.

Orange bisque

Mix 170 g of boroshna in one misci, half a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of rozpushuvach. Take 100 g of kefir, olії and tsukru in one dish. Zbyte for the help of a mixer, and then pour 150 orange juice, and also drink 2 teaspoons of grated orange zest - fresh.

Take two vessels for an extra spoon or a vine, and the axis of the mixer is not possible for the whole family. It is not recommended to you for a long time;

Threesomes to make a multicooker bowl with butter and pour it into it, put "Vipichka" on 45 chilins, but do not go to the finished meal. Don't let it stand up to 10 hilin when the crunch is closed, then you need to see it and date it right at the form. By the way, dessert is possible without any problems - with the help of a double boiler.

To prepare the icing, mix a tablespoon of milk with 3 large tablespoons of zukru and a teaspoon of orange zest. After razchinennya zukru, give a tablespoon of sour cream. Do not forget to keep on talking, then give 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil and cook until zagusannya.

Cover the cake with warm frosting and decorate.

Vegetarian strains are low-calorie, so they are rightfully vvazhayutsya for health and postati. And for those who like to see meat products - the whole life position is very important. For any kind of vegetarian recipes in a multivariate, you can allow to remove aromatic, savory herbs and at the same time as much as possible to save your money. Qia cuisine to finish the rіznomanіtna. Vona transferє prepare peppers, other herbs and desserts. For additional vegetarian recipes, you can choose from both a traditional and a svyatkovo menu. The stench will be correct for the quiet, who do not touch the system of grabbing. The whole thing can be victorious as an upgrade to the main race, which is meaningful to urinate. And the multicooker can make the preparation procedure shvidkoy and easy.

The multivartsi tsya is cinnamon and savory, and it is just as simple as that. The main process in the preparation of the blanching is to lay down the taste of the sweetness and the final appearance of the ready-made asparagus. For vikonannya Tsієї procedures follow the rules. Blanching the transfer of vegetables in a stretch of 2 minutes, for which the asparagus is covered with cold water. Such processing allows you to preserve all the cinnamon elements in the finished dish and yaskraviy kolіr.


  • asparagus (can be frozen by the way) - 200 g;
  • greens - ½ bunch;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • water - 1 l;
  • gostry pepper - 1 pc.;
  • ocet - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • sil - 5 tbsp. l.

How to prepare:

  1. The process of preparing the repair from the green filings. It is necessary for promity, for food and for other reasons.
  2. Pepper ryzhetsya great shmotochki.
  3. Drink asparagus in the multicooker range. Well, the water is poured, so the schob has covered the vegetable and 2 chilini is cooked. Slid brutal respect for those, o'clock to start at the moment of boiling.
  4. When cooking asparagus, it needs to be cooled. For a lot of people to sit by the cold water. We need to drink water.
  5. Then go to prepare the marinade. Filtered water is poured into the bowl near the annex, until a bay leaf, oset and silt is added. Use the Ingredient Slide to cook 20 chilins in the "Soup" mode.
  6. Asparagus is deposited at the sterilized banks in front of the front. At the same time, it’s possible to remember half of it.
  7. Above, there is a sprinkle of greens, for which everything is ripe with an hour and a host of pepper.
  8. Let's put another ball of asparagus at the jar, above which I know greens and specialties.
  9. Asparagus is poured with marinade, which is good oholonuti.
  10. Then you need to shut up the crack and put the jar in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  11. The asparagus meal will be ready, before serving the herb it is recommended to season with a small amount of olive oil.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: soup with asparagus

Vegetarian recipes in multivars are often used to prepare the first delicious herbs. And one of the most popular є cream soup. For yogo pregotuvannya pіdіyde svіzhiy and frozen product. Tops, which can also be entered before the transition of necessary products, bazhano vikoristovuvati average fat. Add lemon juice and seasoning to the flavor of the strain. The process of preparing in more detail is clear.


  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • asparagus - 300 g;
  • tops - 200 ml;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • season that sil - for gusto.

How to prepare:

  1. The cybulin is cut into small cubes and turned over to the multicooker. Actively attach to the cooking program "Frying" that pass with a stretch of 3-4 chilines.
  2. If the tsibulya nabude has a golden color, add asparagus and grease the vegetables with 5 quilines.
  3. After pouring in 100 ml of vershoks, the "Multicooker" mode will be set and ready for 10 minutes.
  4. Delayed into the bowl of the tops, which are overflowing, strong, season and lemon juice. The soup is cooked up to 7 khvili.
  5. Send a sound signal to the multicooker slid vimknuti. Cream soup is guilty of a mother of golden color and a thick consistency.
  6. If the dish is trocha oholone, it will need to be placed in a blender and trimmed on high wraps.
  7. Ready soup will be thick and one-sided. The country is ready for a whole lot. Serve up to the table, warm, embellishing the greenery.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: buckwheat with vegetables

Qiu strava can be called a smilim experiment. Vegetarian recipes from multi-cookers will be transferred in the next few weeks. Ale vikoristannya in one dish of buckwheat and buryaks for unconventional culinary solutions. For the reason that the vegetables in the process of preparing are not smeared, the country is easy and childish. And the sokovitiy beetle gives grechtsi an appetizing smell. Otzhe, the recipe for preparation is more detailed.

  • Greek groats - 240 g;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • small beet - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • paprika, sil - to taste;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • verskovo butter - 20 g.

How to prepare:

  1. Preparing the repair from the processing of vegetables. The cybula is clean, it is drawn at the sight of small cubes and viclades in the multicooker range.
  2. Carrots are cleaned, rubbed on a great grater and sent to the bowl.
  3. The beetle is cleaned, rubbed like that, like a carrot and a place in a bowl I will attach.
  4. Dalі to vegetables dodaєmo buckwheat. Ingredієnti reliably change.
  5. Orієntuyuchis on svіy relish, dodaamo verskov oil, specials and sil.
  6. Filled with water.
  7. The multicooker will be set to the Gasinnya mode or Krupa and porridge with a stretch of 30 ghilin.
  8. Vegetarian recipes in multivars allow you to use vikoristovuvat butter, so you can put a small piece of butter on it before serving it.
  9. The country is ready for a whole lot. Served to the table hot, garnished with fresh vegetables.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: rice in Indian

Vegetarian recipes in multivars allow you to get a taste of the traditional cuisine. A special feature of this poisoning is victorian kuminu, which gives rice a unique aroma of the same brewing. In the process of preparing a memory, the cousin can open up his savor of power in the whole world, as it can be rubbed or smashed. Rice go out to the public and do not get angry. The classic option for preparing stale melted olive oil is far from the skin gentleman. This can be used to pick butter 82% fat. Otzhe, the recipe for the lecture is available.

Preparing food is required:

  • kumin - 2 tsp;
  • rice groats - 300 g;
  • verskovo butter - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • dribble of salt.

How to prepare:

  1. Beforehand, I will put into the multi-cooker “Speka” mode and put it in the bowl of oliyu. Chekaєmo, the docks will be flooded.
  2. There is a need for cumin and grease it is close to wine, without interruption. The availability of specialties can be attributed to a light, perceptible aroma.
  3. If the cousin is ready, the Umnist will give you some cereals.
  4. Ingredієnti mixes up і dodamo to relish sіl.
  5. Give the bowl a poured water. I’ll take a little more rice.
  6. The multicooker switches to the "Groats" mode.
  7. Gotumo rice, when it’s not enough to absorb all the water, with a lot of wine, I’m undercooked.
  8. In addition, as the water has been taken up, it is necessary to activate the mode of cooking, and with such a rank, the rice is guilty but we cook with a stretch of 20 gilins.
  9. Mix the groats once. Often, the procedure is not recommended, because the country does not see it often.
  10. For a whole lot of rice with a cousin for an Indian classic recipe ready.

Vegetarian recipes for a multivariate: baked potatoes in soy sauce

The qia to finish is simple, the order of the preparation of the transmission is two stages: the introduction and the recording. Zavdyaki presence of soy sauce potato nabuv thin caramel sauce. However, the sauce has leaked well, all the ingredients in the cooking process need to be regularly poured. The methodology of preparing reports is discernible.

It is necessary to add the following:

  • medium sized potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • olia roslinna - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 200 ml;
  • sil for relish;
  • an hour-maker - 1 head;
  • season - to relish.

How to prepare:

  1. The cartopline needs to be processed and cleaned from the shkirki.
  2. Let's break the leather cartoplin into 4 parts.
  3. Viklada vegetables in the multicooker range, filled with water, salt, add seasoning.
  4. Vibiraєmo mode "Cooking" і Gotuєmo potatoes 15-20 hvili.
  5. Let's drink some angry water and yes youmu oholonuti.
  6. On the offensive stage, the chaplain, in front of the front, has refined yogo, sauce, seasoning, oliyu, sil.
  7. Otrimanu sumіsh dodamo to cartoplі. Vibiraєmo mode "Vipichka" and gotuєmo with a stretch of 30-45 khilin.
  8. Strava needs to be changed periodically. Willingness can be made for a caramel skorinka, as you can appear on the maple.
  9. Vegetarian recipes in multivars may be based on the abundance of green and vegetables, so before serving, we season our herbs and decorate them with salad.

Vegetarian recipes from a multivariate: sirna zapikanka with oranges

Zapikanka on a syrupy basis has already long borrowed the leading positions in the middle of desserts of vegetarian recipes from multivars. Ale in the traditional option is to get ready for additional birthmarks. An easy-to-understand way of preparing orange puree. The recipe for cich lasoschiv is allowed to vary and in the summer period can be experimented with cherries, raspberries, midnuts, sweet cherries. Otzhe, the recipe for the lecture is available.

Schob trim the fragrant and savory orange-sirn zapіkanka slіd pіdgotuvati:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • sir - 500 g;
  • zukor - 150 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • starch - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • Vershkovo butter - for gusto.

How to prepare:

  1. It is necessary to beat the library for an additional window of the mixer.
  2. It is necessary to change it over time. The department has sir, sour cream, 100 g of zukru, oliyu and zhovtki. Everything is changeable.
  3. Dalі in masu dodaєmo starch and orange zest. Dodaamo beat bіlki.
  4. For oranges it is necessary to take a shkirku, vityagti brush.
  5. With the help of a blender robimo we use orange puree, adding 50 g of zucra, which is overflowing, and a spoonful of starch.
  6. The mix of the multicooker needs to be made with olive oil, with the first ball of sirnu masu, and orange puree on top.
  7. The mode "Vipichka" and vipikamo will be restored with a stretch of 60 chilins.
  8. On a whole appetizing zapіkanka is ready.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: lemon jam

With the help of a multicooker, you can make boiled jams from limonivs. Tsі savory lasoschі, which are also є even cinnamon, because yogo vzhivannya allows you to catch the development of colds. Until then, we will make the boiled dumplings delicious. Nasicheniy kolіr yomu to give orange jelly. Gotuvati is a versatile vegetarian recipe for a multivariate next to shkirkoy, which means a number of vitamins and brown elements. Otzhe, it is clear how to prepare in more detail.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • zukor - 300 g;
  • dry jelly "Orange" - 1 sachet;
  • lemon - 500 g.

How to prepare:

  1. A sprinkle of lemons. Oh, it is necessary to wash it, pour it over with sprinkles and pour it over.
  2. Shmatochki fit into a blender and be refined. Lemon masa maє nagaduvati porridge.
  3. Pour citrus fruits into a bowl, until jelly is added to them. Masa is kind to change.
  4. For something to get lemon-jelly madness to add zukor and change again.
  5. Otrimanu sumіsh slіd poured into the multicooker unit.
  6. Vibrating "Soup" mode. If you boil the masa, you need to take a drink and cook it with a stretch of 20 chilines.
  7. Then you need to sterilize the jars. For all, I will put boiled boiled dumplings on top of them.
  8. For preparing lemon oil, pour it into cans and twist it all the way.
  9. Ready to cook the boiled potatoes. Take the last 6 months from the refrigerator.

Vegetarian recipes for multivars: a variant of pisky pilaf:

The multicooker is an aggregate, for the bagatyokh it is new and unaware, for that, in deyaky masters, there is no prediction against it. And in the meantime, the multicooker is even more functional and miraculously you can replace the casserole, frying pan, cauldron, oven, double boiler, yoghurt maker, and a sterilizer for baby dances.

Besides, it’s not necessary to use a multi-cooker in a multi-cooker, because it’s not necessary to constantly push and pull something, but it’s not burned or wikipedia. Specifically, the program is set to set the required temperature regime for that hour of preparation. The bagato multicooker is equipped with the function of interlinear preparation - you can add products to them in the evening, and the program will be used, and until the end of the day, a hot country will be ready.

I, melodiously, find the quality of the multicooker - let them taste deliciously. For rakhunok high temperature, the hermetically sealed crush of that languor, the effect of "Russian rude" emerges in them, which is poured onto the Kintsevian relish of ready-made herbs.

Otzhe, with multivars, you can get everything - you can fix it from simple cereals and end it with pies and baked goods. The great popularity of vegetarians is creepy, and a lot of people lead healthy image life and mamagayutsya correctly.

Meat will be replaced by the white wine of the roselinnogo - and new, tsikavi and easy recipes. The multicooker will cope wonderfully with the preparation of vegetarian dishes. It’s not just to spoil them with even more savory ones, but such countries have a maximum of words that are corny for the body. In addition, the stench of nagato shvidshe is prepared for meat food, and it means saving an hour.

Recipes for the most beautiful vegetarian herbs at multivars

Peas - 2.5 flasks,
- water - 5 flasks,
- Sil,
- Pepper,
- broccoli - 5-7 days,
- colored cabbage - 5-7 days.

Peas from greenery in multivarts. Gorokhova porridge, for a pea is an ideal country for cooking in a multi-cooker. Itself, with such a preparation, you go out with a low and tasty one. A little podbati about the preparation of such a poison is necessary in advance - in the evening, soak peas near cold water (2.5 flasks). Vrantzі retelno promiti yogo, zmіnyuchi water kіlka razіv. Pluck into a multicooker and pour 5 flasks of water. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Above, in the steamer, there is a sprinkle of broccoli and flowering cabbage. Then close the cry and vibrate the program "Gasinnya" (or "Soup", as "Gasinnya" is on the day). Send a signal about the end of cooking the butter into porridge | and serve to the table at once from | steamed greens.

  • Vegetarianth pilaf

Rice - 1 bottle,
- Carrots - 1 pc,
- Cybula - 1 piece,
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece,
- tomato - 1 piece,
- Greenery,
- A watchmaker.

Vegetarian pilaf at the multivariate. Rice (1 flask) promiti. Add carrots, shatkuvati tsibulyu and grease in the "Vipichka" mode until ready. Add bulgarian pepper in large straws, tomato in great cubes. Before carrots and tsibuli, pour rice and vegetables, pour two fingers over them with water. Vistaviti mode "Pilaf", gotuwati before the signal. Let's try the ready-made pilaf for greenery and add the addiction of the chaser, mix it up.

  • Vegetarian borsch

Tsibulya - 1 piece,
- Carrots - 1 pc,
- Cartridge - 4-5 pieces,
- Buriak - 1-2 pcs,
- Cabbage.

Vegetarian borscht. Finish the tsibulu and carrots, smear them on the "Speck" mode with a drop of khviliin. Let us give them a cartopean that beetle, a stripped cabbage. Fill with water, add salt and seasoning, add Soup and Gotuvati until you hear a beep.