Colon cancer stage 1. Bowel cancer symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Intestinal cancer is characterized by the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the wall of its mucosa. Currently, oncological diseases in different parts of the intestine are diagnosed in 9-12 people for every 100 thousand people (general population) per year.

According to the statistics of intestinal cancer pathology, they occupy the third place among other cancers affecting Russians, and even a couple of decades ago they were the sixth. It is likely that after some time, it may take a leading position, as has already happened in the United States (in 1998).

The causes of the appearance of malignant tumors in the intestine

  • smoking comes first
  • on the second - nutritional features
  • on the third - family forms (heredity, Crohn's disease and)


  • The diet modern man rich in protein products (meat and meat products) and depleted in coarse fibers (whole grains, fresh plant foods), this contributes to the appearance of constipation and an overall increase in the presence of the food lump in the intestinal cavity.
  • Some products formed during the digestion of food of animal origin are carcinogens (skatole, indole); with prolonged contact with the intestinal mucosa, they provoke its metaplasia.
  • The abundance in the human diet of foods with preservatives, emulsifiers (see), dyes, flavor enhancers, fried foods (carcinogens), spices, fish (due to small bones) - for a long time also contributes to the development of oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastrointestinal diseases

  • (benign lesions) can become malignant (in 75% of cases), therefore they are considered stage zero oncology and are recommended to be removed.
  • Inflammation and ulcers in the mucous wall and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke the appearance of neoplasms.
  • is also one of the provocateurs of the development of oncology in the intestine.

The clinical picture of bowel cancer

It is important for oncologist patients to identify the disease on early stageso everyone needs to know the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer. The intensity of manifestations and the frequency of their occurrence varies depending on the location of the malignant tumor and the stage of intestinal cancer. The disease can occur in several types, the symptoms and manifestations of which are listed below:


The growing tumor narrows the intestinal lumen, and can completely block its cavity, creating a serious obstacle in the way of feces. Clinically, this is expressed in constant constipation, intestinal colic, increased gas production. The patient suffers from bloating and pain, which disappear after the act of defecation.


In the case of the location of the tumor focus on the left (in this area, excess fluid is removed from the feces), the intestinal contents are provoked and fermented. The patient complains of loose stools, periodic bouts of diarrhea, followed by prolonged constipation (see).


Early symptoms of bowel cancer can include a change in taste in the mouth (it can be bitter or sour), heartburn, and belching. Pain syndrome is absent or mild, but discomfort is felt, which indicates digestive disorders. ...


The reason for the development of anemia in bowel cancer is a decrease in the absorption of trace elements (namely, iron). Also, microbleeds that occur during the development of a tumor process are reduced. Anemia also occurs due to a malfunction of the immune system. The body tries to fight cancer on its own and tries various options, anemia is a consequence of one of them.


Symptoms of the inflammatory process appear, up to peritonitis: body temperature rises rapidly, chills begin, nausea may be felt or vomiting may occur. All this is associated with severe pain syndrome.


Often, the manifestations of bowel cancer can resemble pathology in the organs of the urinary system: the appearance or on underwear after urination.

Other symptoms

In the intestine, several divisions are distinguished: the rectum, the large intestine, the small intestine. The predominance of certain symptoms can tell the doctor where the cancer is located.

Rectal cancer signs

  • decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (see)
  • high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (see)
  • high rates
  • availability (see)
  • increased coagulation parameters (see and)
  • tumor markers (see)

Instrumental diagnostic methods

To clarify the diagnosis, all the possibilities of modern equipment are used. First of all, it is done:

  • Colonoscopy or retromanoscopy

Intra-intestinal sensors allow the doctor to "see" the state of the mucosa, and in the latter case, to take a sample of suspicious tissue for biopsy. This technique allows you to identify the very initial stages of the development of a malignant tumor. Routine research can significantly increase patients' chances of successful treatment, since the early stages of the disease do not manifest themselves in any way. It is possible to use an intrarectal sensor of an ultrasound machine for research (see).

  • Irrigoscopy

If it is impossible (more often for psychological reasons) to conduct an intraintestinal examination, barium X-ray or irrigoscopy can be used: a special solution sensitive to X-ray radiation (with a dye in the case of irrigoscopy) is introduced by enema, which allows detecting intestinal pathologies. The doctor can also use an ultrasound machine on the abdominal wall or do a virtual colonoscopy.

  • MRI, CT

It is possible to use MRI, PET-CT and CT for a more complete examination of the surrounding tissues for the presence of metastases.

Modern diagnostic measures make it possible to accurately determine the location of the tumor, the size and stage of its development, the degree of germination and other parameters that allow the doctor to determine the most effective treatment tactics.


Traditional methods of cancer treatment do not cure - everyone should know this. Such remedies can reduce the intensity of symptoms, but they do not affect the growth of malignant cells. It is much more prudent, if you suspect a pathology, to consult a doctor who, at the initial stages of cancer development, can get rid of it completely.

Modern medicine allows for the treatment of intestinal cancer, but one extremely important condition is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe disease must be detected at an early stage. When diagnosing mucosal pathology in the later stages, only half of the patients have a chance to get rid of the disease. This is unfortunate, since less than a quarter of patients now receive timely care, and more than 35,000 people in Russia die of bowel cancer each year.

Surgical methods

In the early stages of the development of a cancerous tumor in the intestine, it can be removed surgically with the restoration of its patency (by the method of fusion). After such treatment, the intestine fully fulfills its function and the possibility of a natural act of defecation remains. Thus, in the postoperative period, a person can live comfortably.

The location of some foci of malignant cells does not allow restoration of intestinal patency; in this case, the free end of the healthy intestine is brought out through the opening in the peritoneum (colostomy is applied). In the future, it is necessary to use disposable colostomy bags, this allows you to maintain a relatively comfortable existence.

Radiation and chemotherapy

The use of ionizing radiation and chemotherapy can prevent metastasis and stop the growth of tumors for a long time. The techniques are used in the postoperative period and when it is impossible to perform a surgical intervention.

Life expectancy after treatment

How long do you live after colon cancer treatment? In medicine, the term "five-year survival" is accepted, this is statistical data indicating the number of patients who have lived more than 5 years after treatment with a positive result. The indicator depends on many factors, primarily on the stage of cancer at which treatment began:

  • First stage - about 95% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • Second stage - about 75% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • Third stage - about 50% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • The fourth stage (with the presence of metastases) - about 5% of patients live more than 5 years.

The age of the patient himself, the general level of immunity, concomitant diseases, the depth of penetration of pathogenic cells, relapses of the disease, the size of the tumor and other factors also have an impact.

Do not despair if, in your case, cancer was found at the last stage - hope that you will be among the coveted 5% of patients (a negative attitude may not change the prognosis for the better). Medicine does not stand still, scientists are looking for new treatment methods that can significantly extend the life of patients.

Bowel cancer refers to cancers that form in the colon and small intestine. It occurs in both men and women. Signs of intestinal oncology are rather minor at the initial stage.

A malignant tumor forms on the mucous surfaces of the intestine, and more often the neoplasm appears in the large intestine, there are cases when it is found in the sigmoid, rectum, colon or cecum. The prognosis for the survival of patients with any cancer depends on the stage at which it was detected. The sooner a tumor can be detected, the more chances the patient has for complete healing.

Why intestinal cancer develops, what are the first signs of the disease and what methods of prevention exist - we will consider further in the article.

Colon cancer

Bowel cancer is a malignant transformation of the epithelium that can affect any of the segments of the intestine.

The most susceptible to this disease are people in age group after 45 years, men and women to the same extent, every 10 years the incidence increases by 10%. Bowel cancer differs in histological structure, in 96% of cases it develops from the glandular cells of the mucous membrane (adenocarcinoma).

Depending on the location of the tumor, there are:

  • Small intestine cancer. It is quite rare, in about 1-1.5% of cases of all cancers of the digestive tract. Mainly people of elderly and senile age are ill, men the disease affects more often than women. Of all parts of the small intestine, tumors prefer to be localized in the duodenum, less often in the jejunum and ileum.
  • Colon cancer. The predominant number of tumors in this area are located in the sigmoid and rectum. Among people who prefer meat, pathology is observed more often than among vegetarians.

It takes about 5-10 years for colon cancer to develop from a polyp, such as in the colon. An intestinal tumor grows from a small polyp, the symptoms of which in the early stages are characterized by sluggish symptoms.

It can manifest itself, for example, by an upset gastrointestinal tract, which distracts from primary cancer, since many do not pay attention to the discomfort in the intestine with a disorder, not knowing what pains in bowel cancer can occur, and therefore diarrhea is treated.

Causes of occurrence

Reasons for the development of bowel cancer:

  1. Elderly age. Here an important role is played by how old a person is. According to statistics, intestinal diseases affect people aged 50 and over.
  2. Intestinal diseases. Most of all, people suffering from inflammatory bowel pathologies are exposed to this ailment.
  3. Wrong way of life. If you visit a medical forum, then these factors can be attributed to unhealthy diet, including a large percentage of the consumption of fats and animal products, smoking, drinking alcohol.
  4. Hereditary factor. A person is at increased risk when his relatives have had various forms of intestinal diseases.

In men, according to statistics, this is the second most common cancer after lung cancer, and in women it is the third. The risk of developing cancer increases with age. In medicine, there is such a definition of bowel cancer - colorectal cancer.

First signs

With the specified diagnosis, cancer cells form and grow in the body, their presence causes the appearance of a malignant tumor. It is almost impossible to determine their presence at an early stage, since the first symptoms and signs of bowel cancer in women and men are similar to classic indigestion, digestive problems.

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, you should take a closer look at the following signs:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, not associated with food intake;
  • poor appetite, sudden weight loss;
  • aversion to fried fatty foods;
  • signs of dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea alternating with prolonged constipation;
  • signs;
  • blood during bowel movements and in feces.

The main problem with cancerous tumors is the absence of specific symptoms in the early stages, therefore, patients consult a doctor at stages 3-4, when the possibilities of treating intestinal cancer are already limited.

Development stages

There are five distinct stages in the development of bowel cancer. The complete absence or weak severity of manifestations is observed up to the second (in rare cases, even up to the third) stage. In the third and fourth stages, the patient develops severe painforcing him to seek medical help.

Stages of bowel cancer:

  • Stage 0 is characterized by the presence of a small accumulation of atypical cells that are distinguished by their ability to divide rapidly and can be reborn into cancerous ones. The pathological process is limited to the limits of the mucous membranes.
  • Stage 1 - a rather rapid growth of a cancerous tumor begins, it does not go beyond the walls of the intestine until metastases can form. Of the symptoms, there may be disorders of the digestive tract, to which the patient does not pay due attention. At this stage, when examining the patient using colonoscopy, it is already possible to detect the appearance of neoplasia.
  • At stage 2, the tumor grows to 2-5 cm and begins to penetrate the intestinal walls.
  • Stage 3 is characterized by an increase in the activity of cancer cells. The tumor rapidly increases in size, penetrates the intestinal wall. Cancer cells invade the lymph nodes. Neighboring organs and tissues are also affected: regional lesions appear in them.
  • At stage 4, the tumor reaches its maximum size, gives metastases to distant organs. There is a toxic damage to the body by the waste products of a malignant neoplasm. As a result, the operation of all systems is disrupted.

Life expectancy is determined by the size of the neoplasm and its ability to localize. Tumor cells that have spread in the surface layer of the epithelium allow 85% of patients to survive. With the affected muscle layer, the situation is aggravated - the survival rate does not exceed 67%.

In accordance with the International classification, there are:

  • Adenocarcinoma;
  • Colloidal cancer;
  • Ring-shaped cell;
  • Squamous;
  • Undifferentiated and unclassified forms.

Most often (about 80% of cases), adenocarcinoma is diagnosed - a glandular cancer that originates from the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa. Such tumors are highly moderately and poorly differentiated, which determines the prognosis. Cricoid cell carcinoma often affects young people, and squamous cell carcinoma is often localized in the rectum.

Bowel cancer symptoms: manifestation in adults

Signs of bowel cancer appear late in the course of the disease. The symptoms of intestinal oncology in the early stages are sluggish, almost invisible. But you should pay attention to them in order to exclude irreversible consequences.

Colon cancer symptoms depending on the type:

  1. With stenotic oncology, constipation and colic appear due to a narrowed lumen. At the same time, at the first stage of cancer, a person suffers from flatulence with relief after a bowel movement.
  2. Signs of intestinal cancer of the enterocolitis type are constantly changing stools from diarrhea to constipation and vice versa.
  3. Dyspeptic appearance is characterized by constant belching with heartburn and the appearance of bitterness in the mouth.
  4. Pseudo-inflammatory oncology brings nausea with vomiting, chills, fever, and intolerable pain.
  5. Symptoms of cystitis-type intestinal cancer are the appearance of blood when urinating with pain.

Other symptoms:

  • quite often, with the development of a malignant tumor in the intestine, patients experience fullness, even after a successful trip to the toilet;
  • some have a sharp unexplained weight loss, despite the fact that the usual regimen and diet are observed;
  • the presence of blood impurities in the feces may also indicate the development of an oncological process in the intestine;
  • the first signs of intestinal oncology are usually mild, so they can be mistaken for general malaise (drowsiness, general weakness, fatigue) or digestive disorders. However, with the aggravation of the process, they become more pronounced and supplemented.

The signs of bowel cancer are determined by the concentration of the tumor and the stage of its development. If the tumor has struck the right part of the organ, then the following symptoms occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • anemia.

The development of a tumor in the left side of the intestine:

  • The patient complains of persistent constipation, difficulty in excreting feces, and abdominal distention.
  • Frequent alternation is observed loose stools with constipation, through narrowing and relaxation of the lumen of the colon, this is often a symptom of cancer.
  • Excretion of feces occurs with great difficulty, often with blood and mucus, accompanied by painful sensations.
Symptoms and manifestations
fat Signs of colon cancer in men and women:
  • Constipation, diarrhea;
  • Digestive problems - bloating, rumbling;
  • The presence of blood in the stool;
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss;
  • False urge or tenesmus;

With complications in the form:

  • fistula
  • inflammation,
  • abscesses

a number of other symptoms are added.

thin Specific symptoms of small bowel cancer:
  • recurrent abdominal pain accompanied by a "coppery taste";
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia;
  • liver dysfunction.
sigmoid colon The predominant characteristic symptoms may be as follows:
  • the appearance in the feces of impurities of blood, pus, mucus;
  • false urge to empty;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • flatulence;
  • sharp pain during bowel movements.

Bowel cancer symptoms in women and men

Signs of bowel cancer in men and women with this course are practically the same. Later, if the tumor progresses and spreads to neighboring organs, then the prostate is affected first in men, and the vagina in women, the rectal space and the anal canal are also affected.

At the same time, the patient begins to worry severe pain in the anus, tailbone, sacrum, lumbar region, men feel difficulty urinating.

If it is oncology, the clinical outcome is not always favorable. A malignant neoplasm manifests itself in women after 35 years, with the primary form it does not spread metastases to the uterus. First, the patient experiences general weakness throughout the body and classic signs of dyspepsia, then specific signs of intestinal tumor appear. It:

  • recurrent pain during bowel movements;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • blood in the feces;
  • impaired urination;
  • drastic weight loss, lack of appetite;
  • blood impurities in the daily portion of urine;
  • aversion to fried, fatty foods.

Late stages of bowel cancer are characterized by the addition of general symptoms to local ones. There are signs of intestinal oncology:

  • The skin becomes dry and pale.
  • Frequent dizziness and headaches.
  • Weakness and fatigue of the patient.
  • Unreasonable weight loss and wasting.
  • Lesions of other systems and organs of the body.
  • Low presence of blood in the body, low level of protein in it.

The appearance of metastases

Bowel cancer most often metastases to the liver, there are frequent cases of damage to the lymph nodes of the retroperitoneal space, the peritoneum itself, abdominal organs, ovaries, lungs, adrenal glands, pancreas, pelvic organs and bladder.

The following circumstances become unfavorable factors for the forecast:

  • a tumor that grows into adipose tissue;
  • cancer cells with a low degree of differentiation;
  • colon with perforation;
  • the transition of primary cancer to organs and tissues "in the neighborhood" and to large veins, closing their lumen;
  • high concentration of cancer-embryonic antigen in plasma before surgery. It has been linked to an increased risk of recurrence regardless of the stage of cancer.

Patients with metastases are divided into two groups:

  • patients with single metastases;
  • patients with multiple metastases (more than 3).


The diagnostic search begins with a detailed clarification of the nature of the complaints, clarification of the presence of patients with colonorectal cancer among close relatives. Particular attention is paid to patients with previous inflammatory bowel processes, polyps.

In the early stages, any even mild discomfort in the abdomen, which is complemented by changes in the blood test and the patient's age over 50, can speak of the presence of intestinal cancer.

Features of the blood test:

  • a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and the number of erythrocytes;
  • level up ;
  • high ESR;
  • presence of blood impurities (occult blood) in the feces;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tumor markers.

The diagnosis is made after conducting the following studies:

  • X-ray diagnostics of the intestine (irrigoscopy). It is an X-ray examination of the intestinal walls after the introduction of a radiopaque substance by means of an enema, for which a barium suspension is used.
  • Retromanoscopy. The study of the intestinal area from the anus to a depth of 30 cm is carried out with a special device that allows the doctor to see the intestinal wall.
  • Colonoscopy. Examination of the intestinal area from the anus to a depth of 100 cm.
  • Laboratory examination of feces for occult blood.
  • CT, MRI can determine the localization of the tumor, as well as the presence or absence of metastases.

How are people with bowel cancer treated?

To get rid of cancer, different methods are used: surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Treatment of rectal cancer, like any other malignant tumor, is a very difficult and lengthy process. The best results are obtained with a surgical operation, during which the tumor and surrounding tissues are removed.

With the timely diagnosis of the disease, surgical intervention is performed with a retromanoscope, which is inserted into the rectum through the anus. At the last stage of the course of the disease, an extensive surgical entry is used. Sometimes with intestinal oncology, patients are partially cut off this organ.

After surgery, the two parts of the intestine are stitched together. If it is impossible to connect them, one of the parts of the intestine is removed to the peritoneum.

Treatment also includes:

  • Radiation therapy, when X-rays are used to inhibit tumor growth and cause cancer cells to die.
  • Radiotherapy - as a preparatory stage for surgical treatment. It is shown in the postoperative period.
  • Chemotherapy - involves the introduction of cytostatic drugs that have a detrimental effect on tumors. Unfortunately, these drugs also have a negative effect on healthy cells in the body, so chemotherapy has a lot of unpleasant side effects: hair loss, indomitable nausea and vomiting.

Chemotherapy is used systemically, before or after surgery. In some cases, local administration to the blood vessels feeding the metastases is indicated. The main drug used for chemotherapy is 5-fluorouracil. In addition to it, other cytostatics are used - capecitabine, oxaliplastin, irinotecan and others. To enhance their action, immunocorrectors are prescribed (interferogens, stimulants of humoral and cellular immunity).


The prognosis for bowel cancer depends on the stage at which the disease was detected. So, with the initial forms of the tumor, patients live long, and the five-year survival rate reaches 90%, while in the presence of metastases, it leaves no more than 50%. The most unfavorable prognosis in advanced cases, as well as with significant lesions of the rectum, especially in the distal part.

How many people live in different stages of bowel cancer?

  1. The initial stage (difficult to diagnose) is a guarantee that a positive result will reach 90-95% survival rate, if, of course, the surgical intervention was successful.
  2. At the second stage the progression of the neoplasm and its spread to neighboring organs leaves a chance of survival for 75% of patients. That is, those patients who have successfully undergone surgery and radiation therapy.
  3. At the third stage, the size of the tumor is critical; moreover, it grows into regional lymph nodes. In this case, 50% of patients manage to survive.
  4. The fourth stage practically does not guarantee a successful outcome. Only 5% manage to survive with a malignant neoplasm that has grown into individual organs and bone tissues, which has formed extensive metastases.


Oncological diseases are insidious and unpredictable. Prevention should be considered for people who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer, or have established diseases that can transform into cancer, as well as all people over the age of 40.

  • Increased physical activity;
  • Fortification of the diet with foods containing fiber;
  • Refusal from bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

Bowel cancer is a dangerous disease that can be prevented by observing preventive measures and carry out a full diagnosis of the body 1-2 times a year. If you or your loved ones have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and get diagnosed.

Cancer diseases are very common and occupy one of the first places among other diseases. These include bowel cancer. In older people, the incidence of the disease increases, but it also occurs in children and young people. Bowel cancer symptoms: abdominal pain of different nature, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, stools mixed with blood. This disease is life-threatening and therefore, at the first symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

Bowel cancer is a dangerous disease, so it is important to know the first symptoms of this disease.

What it is?

Intestinal cancer (microbial code 10 - C17-20) is an oncological disease characterized by the presence of a malignant tumor on the intestinal mucosa. It is located in any part of the intestine and begins to develop slowly. Cancer begins with a polyp and slowly degenerates into a malignant process. Then it continues its growth, and cancer cells penetrate into the lymphatic and circulatory system, oncology spreads throughout the body and causes metastases. 95% of tumors of the colon and small intestine are adenocarcinomas.

The following types of intestinal cancer are also distinguished:

  • exophytic;
  • endophytic;
  • mixed.

Development factors

The following factors and causes of bowel cancer are distinguished:

Bowel cancer develops against a background of healthy way life, aging, trauma, diseases of other organs.

  • bad habits;
  • the presence of H. pylori bacteria;
  • age;
  • eating junk food;
  • the use of a large amount of animal fats, preservatives, smoked meats and pickles;
  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
  • excess weight;
  • genetic factor;
  • frequent inflammatory bowel disease;
  • stool disorder (constipation).

Disease stages

There are such stages of development and course:

It is important to know the symptoms of intestinal oncologists. identified in later stages this disease ends in death.

In the early stages, most neoplasms manifest themselves in the same way: asymptomatic. The clinical symptoms of cancer and its severity depend on the size, stage of development, form of growth and localization of the neoplasm. With the progression of growth and a large number of metastases, the symptoms are varied and strongly pronounced.

Depending on the pathogenesis, the following clinical symptoms are distinguished:

  • local symptoms - signs of a mass in the intestine;
  • secondary - due to an increase in neoplasm, the patency and functioning of the intestine is disrupted;
  • manifestations of pathology, due to the penetration of the tumor into the organs and the formation of complications and metastases;
  • general - due to influence cancer on the body.

Syndromes at an early stage of development

The initial stages of bowel cancer are manifested by local symptoms. It occurs periodically, is little expressed and does not focus the attention of the patient and the attending physician on them. The first signs of bowel cancer are feces with blood and mucus. At the initial stage, blood in the stool is streaked. As the growth progresses, more blood is released. It turns black and mixes with the stool, causing the color of the stool to change. In advanced stages of fecal disease unpleasant odor and in the form of a blood clot. Pure mucus is rare. In the early stages, it is excreted with blood, and later with pus.

There are also symptoms of bowel cancer at an early stage, which are manifested in a child and an adult:

  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia appears;
  • taste preferences change and there is an aversion to certain types of food;
  • stool changes (constipation or diarrhea in cancer).

Secondary signs of the disease

Symptoms begin to manifest when the malignant tumor grows large and narrows the bowel lumen. At the same time, the rigidity of its wall is also revealed. If the cancer is located in the upper part of the rectum, symptoms of intestinal obstruction of varying strength of manifestation begin to appear. It begins with symptoms of impaired movement of stool through the intestine.

These symptoms include:

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • the appearance of rumbling;
  • increased peristalsis;
  • i have a stomachache.

Intestinal cancer, when sprouting into other organs, provokes fistulas, abscesses, perforations.

Symptoms when sprouting into adjacent organs

If the malignant form is spread in the lower parts of the rectum, it leads to the defeat of the anal opening, causing pain. The tumor also spreads to the prostate and vagina. The symptoms of bowel cancer in women and men will be different. Men will have difficulty urinating. If the cancer has affected the upper and middle parts of the intestine, then the neoplasm will grow into the bladder. As a result, a fistula forms between the intestine and the bladder, urinary tract infection and fever develops.

When the neoplasm grows into the uterus, the manifestation does not occur. If the tumor grows into the vagina, the patient develops a recto-vaginal fistulous passage and feces and gases will begin to be released through the vagina. A common symptom in patients: severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen. The course of the disease and temperature in bowel cancer in women looks like an infectious fever.

In the rectum, the neoplasm is injured by feces, as a result of which it becomes inflamed. Further, this inflammation spreads to nearby tissues. In such cases, a pelvic abscess develops, perforation of the intestinal wall may occur, which will lead to peritonitis. These are all considered complications of the disease.

Colon cancer metastasis most often occurs in the liver. Symptoms of metastases appear only with severe damage to the internal organ. When a tumor is placed near the gate of the liver, the patient will have yellowness of the skin. Due to purulent fusion of metastases, the patient manifests clinical symptoms of liver abscess.

Bowel cancer causes problems with stool, appetite, and well-being.

General manifestations of the disease

Identify the main symptoms:

  • upset stool (constipation is replaced by diarrhea in bowel cancer);
  • the presence of blood clots in the stool;
  • discomfort, heaviness and pain in the abdomen (right and left);
  • the appearance of aversion to meat;
  • decreased appetite and body weight;
  • the appearance of anemia.

Diagnostic methods

If the first symptoms appear or there is a suspicion of an ailment, you need to contact a proctologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon and oncologist. The task of doctors is to identify and recognize a serious illness. They will take a medical history, conduct an objective examination, palpation, abdominal percussion and rectal examination. Also, specialists will carry out differential diagnostics with other ailments (stomach cancer, Crohn's disease, the presence of benign polyps, etc.) and make a preliminary diagnosis. The following diagnostic procedures are required:

  1. analysis of feces for the presence of occult blood;
  2. irrigoscopy;
  3. sigmoidoscopy;
  4. colonoscopy (helps to find out the lesion);
  5. biopsy of the intestinal lining;
  6. CT and MRI.

Treatment and its types

Colon cancer treatment must be undertaken from the onset of oncology. When the patient shows early signs diseases, he feels bad, you need to quickly contact a specialist. Doctors should examine the patient, check the tests and determine at what stage the deviation is and, according to this, will prescribe treatment. For treatment, radiation therapy for cancer is used along with surgery and chemotherapy. An antibiotic is also prescribed to prevent the development of infection, and a laxative for constipation. Also, each patient is prescribed a diet and therapy is selected at home.

Bowel cancer is a pathological condition characterized by malignant transformation of the upper glandular layer of the epithelium. Such tumors are localized mainly in the straight, colonic and sigmoid parts of the intestine.

A special risk group for developing such neoplasms includes people over 50 years old. Young patients (under 25) account for no more than 7% of cases. This type of oncology ranks 2nd in the statistics of the prevalence of this type of pathology. Bowel cancer is characterized by an unfavorable course.


Depending on the morphological structure and the degree of differentiation of malignant degenerated tissues, the following types of oncological intestinal pathologies are distinguished:

  • adenocarcinoma;
  • signet ring cancer;
  • colloidal tumor;
  • squamous cell carcinoma;
  • lymphoma;
  • sarcomas;
  • undifferentiated tumors.

These morphological types of tumors are more common in women. How bowel cancer proceeds depends on the nature of the growth of the malignant formation. According to this parameter, all types of tumors are divided into:

  • endophytic;
  • exophytic;
  • mixed.

Colon Cancer Photos

Malignant formations of the blind and right membranes of the intestine are distinguished by an exophytic type of growth, in which the tumor is directed into the lumen of this organ. In old age, this variant of the course of cancer occurs most often.

In most cases, the left half of the large intestine is affected by tumors that differ in the endophytic type of growth. Education in this case penetrates the intestinal wall.

The mixed type of cancer growth is characterized by a strong narrowing of the lumen and deformation of the affected area. The tumor grows both into the intestinal lumen and into the walls.

Common symptoms

The clinical manifestations of intestinal oncology are variable. The signs of the disease largely depend on the location and size of the formation. The first symptoms of bowel cancer are nonspecific, that is, they cannot accurately determine the presence of oncological pathology.

First, toxic-anemic signs appear, which are considered symptoms of damage to the intestinal mucous membranes. This becomes the cause of the formation of organ defects through which the infection penetrates, and harmful substances enter the blood through damaged capillaries, which leads to general intoxication of the body, expressed by such manifestations as:

  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • aches and pains in the joints;
  • anemia;
  • decreased appetite;
  • decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • thickening of the blood;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • oozing blood into feces.

Because of this set of symptoms, this disease can be easily confused with the manifestations of poisoning, pathologies of the joints and upper respiratory tract.

In the future, as the malignant tumor increases in the large intestine, symptoms of inflammatory lesions of large areas of the mucous membranes of the organ may appear. In this case, the symptoms of general intoxication are supplemented by various disorders of intestinal function, including the following:

  • increased body temperature (more than 38 ° C);
  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • impurities of pus, blood or mucus in the stool.

When the tumor grows into the lumen, symptoms of intestinal obstruction begin to appear. Bowel cancer can be indicated by stool disorders. Constipation cannot be relieved even by the use of enemas and laxatives. The patient complains of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and rumbling in the intestines with the progression of cancer.

Symptoms of the pathology are aggravated after eating, especially if it is difficult to digest. In the later stages of the pathological process, dyspeptic disorders increase. Constipation and diarrhea are becoming common, which indicates a violation of intestinal motility. In the later stages of intestinal oncology, persistent abdominal pains appear, which are aching in nature without clear localization.

First signs

It is not possible to independently determine cancer even before the onset of pronounced symptoms. This is due to the fact that the signs of pathology are nonspecific and may indicate a number of other disorders. To determine the first symptoms of intestinal oncology at an early stage, it is advisable to use instrumental methods for visualizing the walls of the organ through probing or irradiation. The doctor suspects the development of the oncological process if the patient has such first signs of intestinal cancer at an early stage, such as:

  • change in the color of feces to dark;
  • general weakness;
  • a slight but persistent increase in body temperature;
  • progressive loss of body weight;
  • pallor of the skin.

Cancer is often suspected when a patient has complaints of diarrhea or frequent constipation. In women, the formation of a tumor in the intestine can be accompanied by damage to the bladder and the occurrence of pathological communication between the rectum and the vagina. This process is not accompanied by vivid symptoms. In men, the appearance of a tumor in the intestine is indicated by difficulty in urinating and signs of damage to the representative gland.

Causes of occurrence

The etiology of cancer development has not yet been fully established. All the reasons for the appearance of this oncological disease can be conditionally divided into external and internal. The first category includes dietary habits.

Raises the risk of cancer if you eat a diet low in plant fiber and high in protein, fat and digestible carbohydrates. In addition, the use of foods with a high content of foods adversely affects the condition of the digestive tract:

  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • emulsifiers;
  • carcinogens, etc.

With the development of intestinal cancer, the causes of the pathology can be rooted in inflammatory tissue lesions and trauma to the mucous membranes during the consumption of fish with small bones.

Violation of intestinal motility, which increases the duration of contact of harmful substances from products with mucous membranes, is often observed in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Long-term exposure to the walls of carcinogens and toxins leads to malignant tissue degeneration.

External factors that contribute to the development of intestinal oncology include:

  • bad ecology;
  • smoking;
  • frequent alcohol intake;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • being in a state of emotional stress;
  • physical overload.

There are also a number of internal factors that can create conditions for the appearance of such tumors. People with a family history of cancer or polyposis are at particular risk. More often, the appearance of malignant tumors in the digestive tract is observed in people who suffer from such genetic diseases as:

  • gardner's syndrome;
  • lynch disease;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • adenomatous polyposis.

Internal factors that increase the risk of developing intestinal oncology include various chronic inflammatory bowel pathologies, including:

  • crohn's disease;
  • celiac disease;
  • chronic ulcerative colitis;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus.

In rare cases, lymphedema, that is, lymph stagnation as a result of damage to the elements of the lymphatic system, contributes to the malignant transformation of intestinal tissues.


In bowel cancer, the stages of the pathological process are determined based on several parameters, including the intensity of growth of the primary tumor, the severity of symptoms and the presence of metastases to distant organs. In medical practice, the most commonly used classification takes into account 4 stages of the oncological process. Some clinicians also distinguish stage 0, which is characterized by the presence of an accumulation of cells with an atypical structure and the ability to divide quickly.

At stage 1 of the pathological process, the malignant degeneration of the existing tumor begins, which is accompanied by its rapid increase in size. The formation has not yet left the walls of the affected intestinal area. Metastases to regional lymph nodes and any pain are not observed. During this period of cancer development, patients may periodically develop signs of a mild eating disorder. Colonoscopy at this stage of tumor formation allows you to identify it.

At stage 2, the malignant formation reaches a size of 2–5 cm. It grows to the entire depth of the intestinal wall. Signs of the onset of tumor metastasis are still absent. The severity of disorders of the digestive system is aggravated. Any instrumental research methods can identify a neoplasm.

At stage 3 of the oncological process, an increase in the activity of cells with atypical structure occurs. This leads to a rapid increase in the size of the existing tumor. It begins to spread outside the intestines, affecting nearby lymph nodes and internal organs. Symptoms of damage to the digestive tract become pronounced.

The most dangerous stage 4 is intestinal cancer. It is characterized by the rapid growth of tumor tissue and metastasis to distant organs. The severity of the symptomatic manifestations of the pathological process becomes critical. In addition, the human body is poisoned by toxic substances that are secreted by the tumor. Disruptions in the work of all body systems are increasing.

Metastases to other organs

In most cases, the liver is affected by the first metastases. The patient develops signs of liver failure. The sclera of the eyes and skin acquire a yellow tint, and the general condition worsens due to a violation of the process of removing harmful substances from the body. Tissues can be affected by metastases:

  • peritoneum;
  • lymph nodes;
  • ovaries;
  • adrenal glands;
  • lungs;
  • pancreas;
  • bladder.

Often, cancer cells from the intestines are carried by the bloodstream into the pelvic bones. This leads to the destruction of the latter. Such an unfavorable manifestation of cancer is most often observed in the later stages of the pathological process. In addition, the bones of the spine can be affected.


Malignant degeneration of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is an extremely dangerous disease, since it is rarely detected in the early stages of development. The prognosis for bowel cancer survival depends on many facts, including:

  • on the timeliness of diagnosis;
  • from the individual characteristics of the organism;
  • from age;
  • from the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • on living conditions;
  • from the presence of bad habits;
  • from stress, etc.

It is believed that a positive patient attitude improves the prognosis of survival and makes it easier to progress through all stages of treatment.

Diagnostic methods

Even specialists are not always able to recognize bowel cancer only by the existing symptomatic manifestations. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient needs a consultation with a proctologist and an oncologist. First of all, an external examination, physiological tests and anamnesis are carried out. If the tumor is close to the anus, a digital rectal examination may be required.

In addition, blood tests are often used to make an accurate diagnosis. When a tumor is found in the rectum or sigmoid colon, sigmoidoscopy is most commonly used. This research method involves the introduction of a special flexible tube into the anus, with the help of which the mucous membrane is examined. In addition, irrigoscopy is often prescribed - the introduction of a contrast agent and an X-ray examination of the intestine.

Colonoscopy is another informative way to diagnose cancer. During the procedure, the doctor can immediately take samples for further biopsy of the tumor tissue. To determine the localization of metastases, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, chest x-ray and MRI are often prescribed. These studies make it possible to identify secondary tumors in distant organs. An examination of the vagina using a speculum may be required to make a diagnosis. In the presence of manifestations of bladder damage, cystoscopy is performed.


The main method of cancer therapy is radical excision of the affected area and surrounding healthy tissues, regional lymph nodes and metastases. Bowel cancer surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia through small incisions in the abdominal cavity using a high-frequency knife. Traditional resection of the affected intestinal segment may be indicated. The choice of the option of surgical intervention remains with the specialist.

Chemotherapy for bowel cancer is used as an adjunct therapy. It is used systemically before and after the operation. To eliminate the manifestations of this disease, cytostatic drugs are used. These include:

  • 5-fluorouracil;
  • Oxaliplatin;
  • Capecitabine;
  • Irinotecan, etc.

Local injections of these drugs into the vessels feeding the metastases may be indicated. To enhance the effect of chemotherapy, immunocorrectors are often used, including interferons, stimulants of cellular and humoral immunity.

Colon cancer treatment with radiation therapy can be used before and after surgery. The use of ionizing radiation can stop the growth of tumors and metastases. Often this method of treatment helps to achieve a pronounced remission in patients who are contraindicated in the use of surgical methods of therapy. In addition, vitamins and dietary supplements are introduced into the treatment regimen.

During the entire period of treatment, patients are advised to follow a special diet. It is necessary to avoid eating spicy and fried foods, as well as food that can provoke bloating. The diet should include foods high in protein, vitamins and minerals. Dishes are steamed or boiled. Food should be taken in a grated form. The portions should be small. The number of meals should be 5-6 times a day. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

How long do they live after surgery

The exact life expectancy of patients after surgery cannot be indicated by any specialist, since it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. When performing a resection, which involves cutting the abdomen, live less after surgery. This is associated with a high risk of complications.

Minimally invasive bowel cancer surgeries are better tolerated by the patient's body. Despite the fact that no specialist can accurately determine the patient's life expectancy after complex treatment, statistical data can still be cited.

If the pathology was detected at the 1st stage of development during a routine examination, then after complex therapy, complete recovery can be achieved in 90% of cases. This largely depends on the location of the tumor.

When pathology is detected at stage 2 of development, when there is no lesion of distant organs with metastases, the chances of a complete recovery after surgery are 60-80%. In the future, there is a high risk of recurrence of the disease.

When pathology is detected at 3 stages of development, the chances of a 5-year survival rate are about 55%. This is due to the rapid growth of the tumor and the onset of metastasis.

If stage 4 colon cancer is confirmed, the chances of 5-year survival after surgery are no more than 10%. Due to the appearance of many metastases in distant organs, multiple organ failure often develops.

Possible complications and consequences

Any surgical intervention is dangerous for its complications, and such cancer therapy is no exception. The first sign of the development of postoperative complications is considered to be blood leaks into the abdominal cavity.

In the early period after surgical therapy, poor wound healing and damage to its bacterial microflora can be observed. All this worsens the patient's condition. When such complications appear, the consequences can be most unfavorable. A weakened body may not be able to cope with the additional stress, which can lead to blood poisoning and death.

In the list of dangerous complications of surgery and the consequences that can lead to death after an intervention on the intestine, there is an insufficient anastomosis. This term hides the unsatisfactory fastening of the two segments as a result of the elimination of the affected area. If the seams are incorrectly applied, the joint may become thinner and torn. In this case, the contents of the intestine are poured into the abdominal cavity, provoking the development of peritonitis, an extremely dangerous condition that often causes the death of the patient.

Digestive disorders are a frequent complication after surgery. Many patients complain of the development of flatulence and defecation disorders that occur after eating. This leads to the fact that patients have to completely change their taste preferences, giving preference to monotonous food, which does not cause the appearance of such effects and is well tolerated by the body.

After the surgery, adhesive disease may develop. In this case, the fibrous tissue, as it were, glues the intestines and abdominal organs together. This violation can cause poor bowel permeability, provoke the appearance of pain and defecation disorders. The adhesion process poses a danger not only to health, but also to the patient's life and often requires additional surgical interventions.


People who are at risk need to know how the development of intestinal oncological diseases can be prevented, how they prevent (not only the occurrence of pathology, but also its transition to the next stages) the appearance of cancer can be prevented.

To prevent the development of a pathological condition, you need to try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. First of all, this concerns bad habits, which it is desirable to get rid of completely, since toxins from tobacco and tobacco smoke enter the intestines with saliva, creating the prerequisites for cancerous degeneration of cells, and alcohol directly negatively affects the state of all organs of the gastrointestinal path.

To prevent the development of bowel cancer, you need to make sure that up to 80% of the diet comes from vegetables and fruits. They do not need to be consumed only fresh. If desired, they can be baked in the oven or boiled. In addition, it is necessary to add lean fish and meat to the menu. It is advisable to completely exclude semi-finished products, fast food, sugary carbonated drinks and various types of preservation from the diet, since the content of harmful additives in these products is high, which can trigger the process of malignant degeneration of tissues.

To prevent the development of cancer, it is imperative to lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity improves intestinal motility and the elimination of harmful substances from the mucous membranes. This reduces the risk of developing cancer. It is imperative to undergo routine examinations, since the first symptoms of this pathological condition are not considered indicative.

With regular visits to doctors, the chances of timely detection of precancerous conditions increase. Their treatment can reduce the risk of developing cancer. Preventive examinations are especially important for people who have a family history of oncology.

Patients who have undergone cancer treatment and achieved remission should focus on preventing relapse. Avoiding alcohol and smoking is mandatory. If you are overweight, you should follow a special diet to stabilize your body weight. To reduce the risk of re-development of malignant neoplasm in the intestine, you need to follow all the doctor's recommendations for normal recovery in the postoperative period.

After being discharged from the hospital, the patient should follow a sparing diet and perform special exercises that reduce the risk of adhesions and recurrence of a malignant tumor. People who have managed to achieve remission after complex therapy for gastrointestinal cancer should be examined by narrowly focused specialists every 3-6 months. If neoplasms are detected in such patients, repeated surgery is performed.

This disease, like a stomach tumor, significantly reduces a person's quality of life. More often, the process affects the intestines in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hepatic and splenic bends, where feces are retained for a long time. In 40% of cases, cancer affects the cecum, in 25% - the sigmoid colon. Background diseases such as chronic constipation and polyposis contribute to the development of pathology.

The first signs of cancer

If the tumor is localized in the ampullar section of the intestine, then the pathology will manifest itself as the only symptom: impurities in the feces. When the process spreads to the rectosigmoid region, the patient will complain of progressive constipation and bloating on the left.

The symptoms of rectal cancer are similar to those of hemorrhoids, so it is important to differentiate between the two diseases. When there is no mucous discharge, the blood is located on the surface of the feces, the feces do not lose their shape, and the temperature does not exceed normal numbers.

Large intestine

Early symptoms of colon cancer may not be present.

As the carcinoma progresses, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the abdomen of a whining character in a certain position of the body;
  • bloating;
  • upset stool;
  • blood and mucus in the stool;
  • signs (repeated vomiting, aversion to food, absence of stool and gas discharge);
  • lack of appetite.

Small intestine

At the beginning, a tumor of the small intestine is manifested by dyspeptic disorders:

  • bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the epigastric region, spastic in nature. At the moment of development of pain syndrome, the patient feels the taste of a "copper coin".

Also, the first signs of carcinoma of this localization include:

  • alternation of constipation and diarrhea;
  • tenesmus;
  • signs of intestinal obstruction;
  • pain during bowel movements.

Sigmoid colon

In this case, the pathological process is localized above the rectum. The first signs of the disease are acute dyspeptic disorders. Also, carcinoma of this area is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • tenesmus;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • altered structure of feces, the appearance of pus, mucus and blood in them;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • fecal incontinence;
  • violation of the formation of gases;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor.

The first symptoms in women

What are the early signs of bowel cancer in women? The first signs of bowel cancer in women include:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • the presence of blood in the urine and feces;
  • violation of urination;
  • aversion to fried and fatty foods.

However, one of the main manifestations that allow suspecting bowel cancer at an early stage in women is a symptom of feces and gas through the urethra. It is caused by a tumor in the bladder.

If a tumor grows into the bladder, a message appears between it and the vagina. This leads to the discharge of feces and gas into the vagina. In this case, there is a risk of infection of the bladder, which leads to pyelonephritis.

The first symptoms in men

Symptoms of early bowel cancer in men are:

  • difficulty urinating due to tumor invasion into the prostate gland;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • subfebrile body temperature;
  • admixture of mucus and blood in the feces;
  • pain syndrome in the stomach;
  • violation of reproductive function;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

Bowel cancer is a common and dangerous pathology. At the initial stages of the disease, symptoms are represented only by general signs. The patient comes to the doctor only when pain or other changes in the gastrointestinal tract appear, when the process has reached stage 2 or 3.

It is important to diagnose the disease in time in order to improve the prognosis of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to know the first symptoms of a bowel tumor. More often they are represented by abdominal pain, dyspeptic symptoms and impurities in the feces. At the first appearance of these signs, you should visit a specialist as early as possible.

Helpful video on early signs of bowel cancer