Stomach in the first weeks. Pregnancy first week sensations

1 week of pregnancy - is it possible to really talk about the term here? Or is this period conditional rather than real? Why is the concept of the first week so contradictory? All these questions are very important when planning a pregnancy. It will be interesting to those who already count the days in a special calendar and wonders: yes or no?

Terms of pregnancy: confusion or logic?

You can often hear the question: is there even a period like one week of pregnancy? And how is the counting done? Modern science offers two approaches. The first is obstetric, the second is embryonic.

  1. The obstetric approach suggests that exact term  Conception is very difficult to establish. Especially if a woman lives a regular sex life. Therefore, the beginning of pregnancy is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. The advantage of this approach is in its simplicity, a minus in the contradiction of the concept of the “first week”.
  2. With an embryonic approach, it is believed that pregnancy occurs in the middle of the cycle. It is during this period that most women ovulate, that is, the time of full readiness of the egg to fertilize. The plus of this method of calculation is in greater accuracy, the minus lies in the individual characteristics of the female body. After all, the definition of ovulation, even in our advanced time, is not easy.

Obstetric approach takes the full term of pregnancy at 40 weeks, fetal - at 38. One way or another, doctors will calculate all the terms using the obstetric method.

For those who are preparing

If the couple is planning a pregnancy, then the 1st week in this case is a more specific concept. Potential parents are especially important to check something.

Future mom

Pregnancy and childbirth is true work. A weak woman will be very hard to deal with. Therefore, you need to take care of your health before pregnancy. To cure a “forgotten” tooth, and if there are chronic diseases, visit specialists. Very good to do sports, which will help with pregnancy. Let it be swimming or yoga.

Future father

The ideas about the child and the child itself are sometimes very different entities. Especially when it comes to firstborn. Does the father of the future baby understand that soon almost everything will change? The financial situation of the family, the psychology of relationships, the beloved woman — much will be different. Preparing the future father is a moral and psychological question, but still very important..

Common actions

Ideally, both potential parents should stop smoking and give up any doses of alcohol at least three months before the intended conception. So the future baby will increase the chances of being born healthy. In addition, it is advisable to check the quality of food, do not make long trips with a sharp climate change and not overwork. This is especially important for women.

What does a woman feel?

From an obstetric point of view, the first week of pregnancy is the period of menstruation plus, perhaps, a couple of days after it. So that there are no special sensations - as usual. Painful periods, unfortunately, such will be. The lucky ones, whom the “critical days” are not unsettling, will also spend this week without features. Here are the most frequent feelings of women during menstruation:

  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • intestinal disturbances (flatulence, diarrhea, constipation);
  • change in blood pressure in one direction or another;
  • emotionally - mood swings, depression or increased aggressiveness.

If we talk about the embryonic period, then the first week after conception passes for the most part without any physical sensations. A woman who is planning a pregnancy may feel some recovery and at the same time anxiety. After all, her main question - was conceived or not? And if conception is allowed, but not specifically planned, the expectant mother may not feel anything special at all.

Changes in the female body

The uterus of the woman already "knows": fertilization has not happened yet. Therefore, in the uterine cavity, the endometrial layer is separated from the walls and leaves with some blood. At the same time, a new endometrium is being formed, which may receive a fertilized egg. In this case, there are often contractions and strains of the uterus muscles, and the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen. If pregnancy is planned, it is better to give up taking analgesics and just endure it. Even on the eve of conception, many medications  already harmful. All these observations relate to obstetric terms.

If the first week is in the embryonic plane, here the changes are already more pronounced.. Fertilization took place, the entire body of a woman has already received a lot of signals and began restructuring, first of all - hormonal. From now on, the activity of any internal organ or system will take into account the new state of the “hostess”.

Signs and manifestations

With the obstetric approach, there are no signs of pregnancy in the first week. After all, pregnancy is actually not yet come. If the gestation period of 1 week is considered in the embryonic plan, then this period can also be no different, and maybe a little “show itself”.

The main symptom is implant bleeding.. It marks the fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Most often this is a slightly noticeable pink discharge of a smearing character. A woman may not pay attention to them at all, so this manifestation of a new state will pass unnoticed.

Fetus at 1 week of pregnancy

And in the obstetric and fetal terms of the fetus itself is not yet. In the first case, the conception has not happened yet, in the second - the active division of the germ cells of the future baby is just beginning. In this case, the child already has half the hereditary traits of the mother and half of the father. But how and in what this manifests itself, parents will not know soon.

Pregnancy test: positive result or lack of it?

Even the most advanced tests from the pharmacy can show pregnancy no earlier than a few days before menstruation. Therefore, regardless of the method for determining the period, such a test in the first week is ineffective or useless at all. Better to wait a bit.

If you really can not wait, you can donate blood for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The content of this substance in the blood of a woman increases when pregnancy occurs. But this method of determining pregnancy will be effective only after the first embryonic week.

And what will the ultrasound show?

Scanning of the uterine cavity and ovaries are done if a woman has been planning pregnancy for a long time and carefully. The procedure will help clarify the timing of ovulation. Ultrasound will show the degree of maturity of the follicle, the general readiness of the uterine cavity. It is not necessary to wait for more information from the study on such a short period.

The nature of vaginal discharge

Before ovulation, most women see a clear and rather liquid discharge. They become thicker and more viscous, similar to egg white, when an egg cell matures. Then, the excretions are still thicker. So the female body protects the egg from external infections and adverse environments.

Time to go on a diet?

If a woman is serious about planning a pregnancy, you should worry about the diet in advance. It is important not to make one common mistake. For some reason, some potential mothers believe that they simply must absorb an increased amount of calories. But there is a need for just two. Excess weight future mother is not an assistant.

Even at the very early term  woman's diet should include:

  • only lean meat;
  • fish, on the contrary, is fat;
  • fresh vegetables (ideally - one third of the total diet);
  • dairy products;
  • fresh fruits.

It is desirable to exclude or at least limit the amount of sugar and animal fats in the diet.

The way of cooking also matters. All fried, smoked and spicy will have to limit. It is better not to drink strong coffee and / or tea.

Often there are disputes about alcohol. Some say that a glass of champagne or a good wine does not hurt at all. Others argue that "there will be nothing from beer." Nevertheless, such opinions are not professional and speak only about the misunderstanding of the harm of alcohol. It is not by chance that when planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to refuse it at least several months before the intended conception.

Alcohol is the undoubted enemy of a future baby at any time, and it is necessary to abandon it.

What else should be included in the diet? These are vitamins. There are special complexes for pregnant women or those planning to conceive. If a woman is seen by a doctor, she can prescribe folic acid (this can be done 2-3 months before the possible conception). This drug reduces hereditary problems, reduces the negative impact of various external factors, and also improves the condition of the fetus. Also, the future mother can be assigned antioxidants - for additional support and improve the condition of the whole body. All medicinal and vitamin preparations should be prescribed by a specialist doctor..   Tips from friends, online forums, or even a pharmacy employee may be wrong.

What else to pay attention to?

There is a lot of things that already in the first week (no matter what method) the expectant mother can do for her baby and for herself. The basic recommendations are simple:

  • positive emotions;
  • mood for motherhood (especially if the first pregnancy);
  • walks in the open air;
  • healthy and full sleep.

And a little about sad things. If there is a cat or dog at home, you will have to take some measures. These animals can be carriers of toxoplasmosis, which is very dangerous for the future baby. You can take the animals to the vet and make tests, and even the woman herself to be tested. It is also important to carefully observe the hygienic norms: do not try raw meat “on salt” (it can also be contaminated), do not feed them pets, clean the cat's toilet with gloves and wash hands thoroughly.

If pregnancy is planned or suspected, in no case should X-ray examinations be performed. Irradiation is extremely dangerous for the future baby, regardless of the period.

Avoid congestion, especially during the season of epidemics of cold and / or viral infections.

The first week of pregnancy in many respects determines what the overall expectation of the baby will be.  That is why it is important to pay special attention to conception issues. And then many problems simply do not arise, and waiting for the child will be a bright and joyful time.

Video guide: 1 week of pregnancy description, sensations, discharge, fetal development, photo and ultrasound in 1 week

There is an opinion that in the very first weeks of pregnancy a woman cannot yet know about her position. So say almost all gynecologists. However, the future mothers themselves say that it is possible to determine the pregnancy by some changes in the female body. For what? What happens in the body of a woman during this period?

Beginning of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy appear already at the first time after conception.

Emotional stress

The condition of a woman is similar to premenstrual syndrome. All, even negative emotions, for the most part have no reason. Appear due to hormonal failure.

Increased appetite

During the growth and development of the child, a woman needs a balanced diet. It includes a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. A woman's body takes care to produce healthy offspring. Increased appetite, he reports that it is time to take care of changing the diet. However, you should not consider this sign a signal of what you need to eat immediately for two.

Unusual eating habits

Everyone has their favorite food. Some people prefer pastries and sweets, others prefer meat dishes. Someone likes fruits and vegetables. Changing eating habits is one of the signs of pregnancy. At this time, those dishes that liked, can become nasty, or that which has never attracted, will become truly desirable. This symptom appears already in 1-2 weeks.


In most cases, it starts 1-2 weeks after conception has occurred. This phenomenon is called toxicosis. According to popular belief, toxemia occurs in all expectant mothers. However, this is not the case - many women have gone through pregnancy even without the slightest sign of toxicosis.

Nausea occurs in the morning, before the woman has breakfast. According to the symptoms, the condition is similar to poisoning by stale products.

If toxicosis is expressed slightly, you can get rid of it thanks to tea with a slice of lemon, mint decoction. Someone helps ordinary mint chewing gum.

Almost always toxicosis goes to the second trimester of pregnancy. If he did not pass within the allotted time, it is worth consulting with a specialist. The doctor may prescribe medication.

Frequent urination

This is the very first sign of an "interesting position." Appears about a week after conception. It is important not to confuse the normal course of the process with pathology. If acute pain joins with frequent urination, it is not pregnancy, but cystitis. This sign of pregnancy does not disappear during all 9 months. In the third trimester, the uterus presses heavily on the bladder, causing unpleasant sensations.

Breast swelling

Someone complains of pain in the chest already in. Chest hurts more than before menstruation. The state of the mammary glands allows you to determine whether pregnancy is developing correctly. If one day the breast becomes soft, you can make an assumption about missed abortion.

They are similar to those that appear a few days before the onset of menstruation. Only in this case there is pain, but there is no menstruation.

If a pain sensations  do not pass, but only amplify, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. This is often a symptom of a miscarriage. It is worth remembering that any, even the most insignificant pain, threatens the life of the baby and requires expert advice.

Increased basal temperature

Basal temperature is measured in the anus. It rises only in two cases:

  • first weeks of pregnancy;
  • start of ovulation.

The temperature should be measured in the morning. If conception occurs, it will rise to about 37 ° C or higher. Basal temperature is a relative symptom of pregnancy.

This is a short-term increase in body temperature to 37-37.3 ° C. The phenomenon takes place immediately after conception.

It is explained quite simply. In the body future mom  metabolism is accelerated, the process of heat regulation is disturbed. A woman can throw it in the cold, then in the heat. Over time, these symptoms will pass.

Pressure reduction

Signs - constant drowsiness, too fast fatigue, headaches. Eliminated by walking in the fresh air or a cup of weak coffee or tea.

Pregnancy test with a positive result

With each test, the second strip will become brighter and brighter. This is due to the fact that in the mother’s body the level of hCG is increasing every day ( human chorionic gonadotropin  person).

Enlarged uterus

This can be seen when viewed from a gynecologist. However, this symptom does not give unequivocal reasons to talk about pregnancy, because the uterus may be enlarged before the onset of menstruation.

Folk omens

In addition to the listed signs of pregnancy, there are those that are not widely spread.

However, they all in one way or another report that a woman will soon become a mother:

  1. Veins appear on the chest and shoulders. They seem to swell and become more visible. This phenomenon is a consequence of increased blood circulation. After a while, the condition of the woman returns to normal, and the veins return to their original condition.
  2. Runny nose, frequent sneezing or even snoring. Sometimes nasal bleeding appears. These symptoms are hardly convincing. They can talk about SARS or allergies.
  3. The taste of metal in the mouth. In the body of a woman during pregnancy proceeds a lot of various reactions. Metallic flavor - the result of some of them.
  4. The appearance of constipation and heartburn, bloating.
  5. Increased salivation.
  6. Cramps in calf. Appear in most cases at night. Caused by a lack of calcium.
  7. Pigmented spots may appear on the face. A distinctive dividing line is drawn along the entire abdomen. The space around the nipples darkens.

The most original sign of pregnancy - problems with artificial nails. They start to break off. In the body, the level of substances that react with acrylics is growing.

Possible pathologies

At first, after conception, a woman needs to carefully monitor her body. Perhaps the development of pathologies.

This is a phenomenon in which the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but outside, in the fallopian tubes or even in the ovary.

A fruit egg cannot live for more than two months. Its intensive growth will lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and bleeding.

About uterine pregnancy say pain in the abdomen, discharge with blood, dizziness. If the fallopian tubes have already ruptured, the skin becomes pale, nausea and fainting appear. Treatment - surgery to remove the ovum.

Cyst in the ovary

In some cases, its size reaches 8 cm. The cyst can pass over time and without interference from the outside. But sometimes it can burst. Then you will need surgery, which will not affect the course of pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

It occurs during the first trimester for several reasons - stress, weight lifting, abnormal development of the uterus, medication, hot baths, etc. If a woman feels weakness, pain in the lower abdomen or cramps, she should immediately consult a doctor, and it is better to call an ambulance. Complete rest for a period of time and the help of specialists will help prevent miscarriage.

First aid

Reducing the risk of pathologies and help the embryo to develop properly will help the proper diet. What it should include:

It is quite possible to determine the onset of pregnancy in the first weeks after conception.  You need to carefully listen to the signals that the body gives at this time. The main signs of the onset of pregnancy are breast swelling, abdominal pain, changes in behavior, changes in eating habits. Also changes blood pressure and body temperature, including basal.

The first week of pregnancy is taken for a theoretical obstetric calculation as a stable unit, but at this stage the woman is menstruating. It is worth remembering that at 1 week the fetus is not, and the woman's body is only prepared for conception.

Obstetric and fetal life: what is it and how to calculate it?

Accurately calculate the date of conception is virtually impossible, so in obstetric practice, it is counted from the date of the last menstruation. Days of ovulation - an individual process that can occur on any day in the middle of the cycle. 1 obstetric week is a normal condition of the female body, which happens in a mature woman every month during menstruation.

If the pregnancy comes, the first embryonic week is considered the time when fertilization took place.

How to choose the best day for conception?

During 1 week of gestation, a follicle matures in the ovary, from which an egg will come out on a certain day. It is impossible to calculate the onset of this phase, so the method of measuring basal temperature is used. The temperature is measured rectally in the morning, without getting out of bed, and if it is +37 ° C, then the body is ready for conception. If the pregnancy is planned for a long time, but does not occur due to an irregular cycle, then you can try using special tests. They show the level of a hormone that rises 1-2 days before the intended ovulation. This period will be most favorable for conception, and if there is no pregnancy in the plans, then these days it is worthwhile to be protected.

The optimal time for using the dough is from 11:00 am until the evening. But in the morning the results will be incorrect, since the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the morning urine is the highest.

What does a woman feel?

The mythical first week is no different from the usual course of menstruation. The woman can ache and pull the lower abdomen, she feels nauseous and hurts her chest. Her body, which occurs every month, is preparing for conception, which may or may not occur. These sensations are familiar to all mature girls, and the level of hCG in the blood is equal to a norm of 5 mU / ml.

What changes are happening?

  The third week is considered the first embryonic, and it is during this period that the fertilized egg moves to the uterus. Here comes the most important stage, because the egg may not be fixed in the uterus. In this case, all the excess will be released during the subsequent menstruation.

Doctors say that from the moment of fertilization to implantation, an average of 7-10 days passes.

And the immediate implantation time is 40 hours, and it occurs already by 4 obstetric or 2 embryonic week.

What secretions can be, and what is considered the norm?

This week, the woman observes the standard discharge characteristic of menstruation. After completion of menstruation, the discharge of leucorrhoea, which may have unpleasant smell  at non-observance of individual hygiene. Also after attachment of the embryo, which will occur in 2-3 weeks, there is a scant one-time discharge of brown or red color. He will testify about the safe fixation of the embryo in the uterus.

What changes occur in the uterus?

In determining the onset of pregnancy in the early stages of embryonic conception, vaginal examination is important. The fact is that after conception, the cervix changes, which the doctor will notice when visually examined. In the normal period, the size of the cervix is ​​4 cm in length and about 2.5 in width, and during pregnancy such changes are observed:
  • Cyanotic hue due to increased blood circulation.
  • Changes in the consistency of tissues and their density.

Changes occur due to an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone and are the norm.

How to prepare the body?

  During this period, if you are planning a pregnancy, you should be attentive to your health, following a number of recommendations:
  • Stop smoking and alcohol.
  • Start taking folic acid tablets.
  • If you have a cold or other illness during which you were taking antibiotics and medications, then do not forget to tell about it at the gynecologist's first examination.

Analyzes and testing

  Also during this period, it is useful to pass the first tests in the project of preparation for carrying a baby:
  • Urinalysis and unfolded blood.
  • Vaginal swabs to assess the state of microflora and detect infections.
  • Blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.
  • Determination of the blood type of the future fathers and mothers, as well as analysis of the production of antibodies to the Rh factor.

The field of completion of menstruation should be visited by a general practitioner, gynecologist, oculist and dentist. If you identify problems with your teeth, they should be treated, because during pregnancy such an intervention will be problematic.

When can you do the test?

Of course, it is pointless to do a test during the first week of obstetric, because it is too early to talk about conception and whether the test will show the right amount of strips. No modern test can show pregnancy up to 3-4 obstetric weeks or 1-2 embryonic weeks.

You can do the test after 5-7 days of delay during the subsequent menstrual cycle.

But in such an early period, the second strip will be barely noticeable.

Do I need to do an ultrasound this week?

Ultrasound examination is necessary to identify diseases and assess the ability of the body to conceive:
  • Checking the uterine cavity.
  • The presence / absence of cysts, fibroids.
  • Endometrial examination.
Ultrasonography is also necessary when a woman’s ovaries are not able to produce an egg independently, which means that ovulation does not occur. In this case, doctors prescribe a number of medicines that help the body produce a mature egg. Then it can be fertilized naturally or artificially, depending on the state of the woman's body.

What symptoms appear in 1 week?

No signs or symptoms yet, because conception has not yet come. And if during the next cycle menstruation will be absent, then we can already speak about the onset of pregnancy. The period of 1-2 weeks is the preparation of the organism for conception, the choice of an egg cell, which will then be fertilized. And only at week 3, if we are talking about women with a cycle of 22-24 days, conception will come, for girls with a cycle of 28 days, it is about to happen. During 1 obstetric week there are symptoms inherent in PMS. But at the end of 1 and the beginning of 2 embryonic weeks a woman may already notice some signs. The first of these is a small amount of bloody, brown discharge that indicates implantation of the embryo. Their number is so meager that a woman can even not pay attention to them.
  During the implantation period is observed:
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • During implantation, you can notice a slight increase in temperature.
  • Pulling pains in lower abdomen.
  After conception, the symptoms become pronounced:
  • Delayed menstruation. On the day when menstruation should come, they are absent or a small amount of scarlet discharge appears. Note that in 20% of cases, pregnancy can be colored: menstruation occurs up to 3-4 months of carrying a baby.
  • At 5-7 days after the accomplished conception, toxicosis can begin, which will accompany the woman up to 8-12 weeks.
  • Intestinal and digestive tract problems. It is constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, heartburn.
  • Dizziness and changes in blood pressure can be observed already on day 3 after conception, which is associated with hormonal changes in the mother's body.
  • Edema, back pain.
  • Nervousness and fatigue.

But these symptoms of pregnancy appear in women only by 3-4 obstetric weeks, so do not expect them during 1 week, when fertilization has not yet occurred.

Why are animals at home dangerous this week?

If you decide to have a puppy or kitten, then this venture should be postponed. The fact is that animals are carriers of a dangerous toxoplasmosis infection, the infection of which can lead to fetal malformations.

Nutrition and limitations

First obstetric weeks  belong to the planning period of the child, so you need to seriously review not only your lifestyle, but also the diet. Many women make the mistake of believing that before and after pregnancy they should eat for two, gaining strength. But the extra weight is not an assistant in the period of carrying a baby, and if you gain 0.5 kg a week, you can harm yourself and the child.

Food future mom should be balanced, but not heavy. Proper nutrition before conception can alleviate the condition in the first weeks of gestation of the baby.

In the diet of the future mom should be such products:

  • Vegetables and fruits. These are beetroot, which improves intestinal function, pomegranate, which contains iron and vitamin C, carrots, improves the protein digestion process, and other fruits and vegetables.
  • Legumes and beans, which contain a record amount of folic acid. Also, this vitamin is in the composition of dark greens, nuts and seeds, avocados, corn. For example, in corn contains 20% of the recommended daily intake of folic acid, in carrots 5%, and in beets about 34%.
  • Dairy products and fermented milk drinks that give the body protein, calcium and improve the intestinal microflora.
  • River and sea fish to obtain fatty acids and phosphorus.
  Note that if you decide to get part of folic acid from products, it is better to choose vegetables and fruits. The fact is that the beneficial vitamin is destroyed by heat treatment, and you need to get it from fresh foods and drinks.

What vitamins can you drink at this stage?

If you plan to conceive, then take the vitamins should begin in 2-3 months. Both partners should drink vitamins, choosing the appropriate complexes. Proper nutrition and intake of multivitamins improve the quality of sperm, strengthen the woman's body and increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby. Also, vitamins facilitate the process of pregnancy, replenishing all that the fetus takes from the body of a woman. To prepare for conception, a man can take such complexes:
  • Complivit, which consists of more than 8 vitamins and minerals, including zinc. This trace element is needed to stimulate the production of male hormones.
  • Duovit.
  • SpermActive.
In addition to folic acid, women can take multivitamins Elevit Prenatal, Maternity Alphabet, Materna. These complexes have everything you need to support the body, so it is recommended to continue taking after pregnancy.

Intimate life this week

This week, the woman continues to menstruate, so intimate life is reduced to a minimum. After the completion of menstruation, intimate life should be renewed, so as not to miss the day of ovulation and increase the chances of conception.

  • Protect yourself from stress, avoid colds and viral diseases, in case of infection the conception will have to be postponed.
  • Minimize bad habits. Smoking and alcohol in the planning period of the baby are unacceptable.
  • Avoid hypothermia of the pelvic organs, because inflammation can slow down the process of pregnancy.
  • At the planning stage, you should avoid crowded places, visiting the sauna or swimming pool, where you can get SARS, chickenpox, rubella, etc.
  • To get the right amount of folic acid only from products is almost impossible, so do not neglect the intake of this vitamin in pills.

Pregnancy is an interesting phenomenon. The young mother can not guess that the plan of the new man was born under her heart. The chest, fatigue, nausea and vomiting hurts, it is considered to be that it is pregnancy signs. One hundred percent can give a positive test, blood test for hCG and the results of ultrasound. Consider some of the symptoms that appear with the onset of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy in the first weeks

In the first weeks of pregnancy appear bloody discharge. They may be in the form of a small bleeding, or a small smear on toilet paper. In some cases, the discharge may not be at all. The first weeks there is an increase in temperature up to 37 degrees, fatigue, many girls at this moment may think that they have caught a cold.

Newly pregnant women may have diarrhea or vice versa constipation. This is due to the work of the intestine, which became lazy with the appearance of the fetus, and performs its functions more slowly than in the normal state, which contributes to the appearance of excessive gas and bloating.

The appearance of drowsiness and lack of coherence is also a sign of pregnancy. Many become irritable due to the release of progesterone into the bloodstream.

One of the main symptoms is nausea, aversion to strong odors and increased salivation. More than half of pregnant women face disgust in the first trimester.

First Trimester Features

When the woman finally realized about the upcoming role of the mother, the physical structure of the baby was already formed, the appearance was determined.

The first trimester of pregnancy is called the first 13 weeks. During this period, the fertilized egg turns into an embryo, then the embryo becomes a fetus.

At this time, the future mom should try to be especially careful and attentive to himself and the future crumbs.

The first trimester of pregnancy is usually indicated by the symptoms listed above. It is not difficult to notice them. They will be able to confirm your conjecture that soon you are destined to become a mother.

Since the uterus, which reaches the size of a tangerine during the marriage age of a woman, increases during pregnancy, you may notice that you began to urinate more often - this is one of the first signs of a pregnancy that came close to you.

By changing the habitual rhythm of the life of the future mother, pregnancy eventually changes her appearance. But the most important change, to the knocks of which you need to listen from the very first days of the term and follow certain rules, is food.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, follow the right nutrition, make sure that it is systematic, healthy, healthy and varied. Calorie - important element  power during this time period. Try to eat more hot dishes: soup, borscht, sauces, moderately salty and mild. Preference should be given to homemade dishes, fast foods they should not be replaced.

Do not limit yourself: occasionally eaten a stack of chips or a hamburger will not cause much harm. And remember: it is better to eat something that falls under the arm than to remain hungry, if you can not eat normal food. Another point - the more you eat, the bigger your baby will be, and the more difficult you will be able to restore your figure after giving birth.

It would be more correct to plan your diet and weight control together with the gynecologist. He undoubtedly knows better when and how much you should type.