So also Ganoderma and de vona growth. Ganodermi mushroom in the wild: how can Ganodermi and De Vona encourage growth? Ganoderma against allergies

Chinese name mushroom Lingzhi. The oldest Chinese Pharmacopoeia "Shen Nong Herbal Classic" has a history of Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, a symbol of peace and a symbol of the great emperor. Taoism became the main item before the legend about the mushroom mushroom was renewed. The life and the possibility of the immortality of the people through the living of Ganoderma Lusidum became the main respect for the people of Taoism itself.

At the Gathering mushroom Ganoderma Lusidum vidomy yak “Reishi” from Japan, “Lingzhi” from China and “Youngzhi” from Korea. Win to trace up to the Ganodermov family. As early as 2100 years ago, since Emperor Han Wu Di ruled in China, the mushroom was known right next to his palace, and the very furnishings were attributed to the Emperor as his trip, as the emperor tucked into the heavens and the earth. And as soon as Ganoderma Lusidum is near the palace of growth, then the Emperor will ensure peace and prosperity for all the people to his rule. To that the mushroom Ganoderma Lusidum entered in such a way that I have mystical strength. For a long time, it was necessary to build a maximum of zusil, to know qiu roslin. People were led to be very high in the mountains, and even there, near the lisovy mountainous thicket, they often know Ganoderma.

So, as an interest before the growth of the growth of a growing line, and its share in the wild nature has significantly slowed down, there has been food about cultivation in laboratory minds. The first and last few days ended in success. Seasonal Ganoderma Lusidum wandering around on bagatokh plantations. For vyroshuvannya lykuvalnogo mushroom vicoristovuyt special іngredіonti: lushpinnya rice-padi, brown unpeeled rice and shavings of a rubber tree. There are no other chemical elements, pesticides and hormones in the amount of money. In addition, for the development of the necessary thoughts, you need to think about the following: a dream, a sense of the word. It is necessary to preserve all of this therapeutic power. The period of maturation is 3 months. Writing a lot of people to pick, sort and send to virobusiness.

How do I know about the political power of Ganodermi?

Ganoderma Lusidum has been victorious for a long time traditional medicine Immediately: at China, Japan, Korea. Christmas Ganoderma Lusidum vikoristovuyutsya at herbs medicinal yak kharchova supplement.

Why is this Ganoderma so necessary for our body?

Numerous reports have shown that there are more ailments due to an imbalance in the body, due to the accumulated toxins and decreases in the immune system of people. Ganoderma Lusidum supplements the development of toxins in the body and immune system of people. Licuval mushroom vicoristovyat yak zasib, which additional help in diseases such as arthritis, bronchitis, hepatitis, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hepatopathy, and oncological ailments.

In addition, Ganoderma is victorious in the traditional Chinese medicine for the improvement of the triviality of the life of the people. The last few days have shown good therapeutic power for the treatment of heart-and-bladder ailments, the creeping of the shlunk, sugar diabetes, bewilderment, the breakdown of the nervous system, sleeplessness and other ailments.

And, obviously, it is impossible not to mean the end of the day, as to spend the whole day in the fight against oncological ills. Among the tsikh doslidzhennyakh Ganoderma Lusidum is worth one of the most important ones. There are even higher indicators of the infusion of a common fungus on the trend of the most common establishments, which can be used for an unprecedented treatment of oncological ailments, in the case of leukemia, VIL and others.

Instead of Ganoderma, such words as: polysaccharides, triterpenes, nucleosides, fatty acids, sterols, proteins, peptides, essential amino acids, alkaloids and inorganic spheres are allowed to speak about the high biological value of our organic cells. And if they only talk about triterpenes and polysaccharides, then the very stink of the present and potentially important pharmaceutical authorities. I, of course, who found them, those who are Ganoderma, are safe and non-toxic, which are not allergic reactions.

Vernimosya to facts.
Ganoderma Lusidum (Reishi) power of cinnamon.

Carrying out preliminaries showed that the Ganoderma was biologically effective in preventing the growth of mushrooms, as well as to increase the hypoglycemic activity of the fungus and its prototype.
It is also found that polysaccharide, which can be used as 1,3-β-D-glucan, which can be found in Ganoderma, can, in most of the world, become cancerous and can be victorious in immunotherapy. And before the last meeting, held in China, Korea, Japan and the United States, they decided that Ganoderma could take revenge on bioactive speeches, which could help people with ailments, for example, arterial hypertension, diabetes, diabetes, hepatitis.

Triterpene / Triterpene.

Ganoderma reveals such words as: triterpene or triterpene. The very flesh of the mushroom is douzhe girka. Tsya girkota amalgamates the manifestation of the mushrooms. Chim more triterpene, thym girshiy relish and vischі yogo pharmaceutical power. Molecules of triterpenes are cyclic hydrophobic carbohydrates.

Smells of new bioactive powers, such as: antioxidants, hepatoprotectors, anti-allergens. Stink significantly lower the level of cholesterol, do not allow platelets to stick together for streaming such enzymes as: β-galactosidase, angiotension conversion enzyme and cholesterol synthesis.

The head components of triterpenes are ganoderic acids A, B, C and D, as well as lusidonic acid and ganodermanontrol. Ganoderic acid and thalucidonic acid showed cytotoxicity in relation to the rate of reduction to mishacic sarcoma and carcinoma clitin legeny in the test.

Deyaki facts.

In 1982, Kubota and their ancestors were able to see 2 types of triterpenes and ganoderic acids A and B, and over 130 triterpenes boules were seen from pulp, supercircuits and micelles of Ganodermi Lusidum. Ganoderma itself is a single dzherel of cich bioactive ganoderic acids, triterpene, such as in mushrooms, may have antioxidant power.


From the pulp, spore and mycelia of the fungus Ganoderma Lusidum bulo otrimano ponad 200 polysaccharides.
Polysaccharide itself plays an important role in the treatment of cancer patients. The stench will allow you to speed up the death of evil cells by the way of launching the mechanism of self-destruction or apoptosis. Polysaccharides cause growth of cancer cells in case of prostate disease or breast cancer.
Polysaccharides in Ganoderma are the head dzherels of biological activity and therapeutic powers of the Lykarsky mushroom. Previously, they showed the infusion of polysaccharides from Ganodermi on the rise of the pukhlin різні form allergy. And the stench is absolutely indispensable in the renewal and normalization of the robotic immune system and people for the development of lymphocytes and the appearance of new antibodies.

Ganoderma polysaccharide seedlings are meaningfully derived from polysaccharides, such as in rice or maple. At the same time, however, the so-called speech yak β-glucan, which additionally helps, fight with chublins, does not matter.

In Ganoderma, it is known such a speech yak Ganoderan A, B, C, yak accelerating glucose into organism. There is a decrease in plasma insulin in normal and glucose-entangled cells. Hypoglycemic activity of Ganoderma is manifested in the development of an increase in plasma insulin and an increase in glucose metabolism, which is caused not only in tissues, but in furnaces.

Proteins and amino acids.

Proteins LZP-1, LZP-2, LZP-3, known in Ganoderma, show mytogenetic power. The new protein of the immune system renewal, the appearance of the Ling Zhi-8, the vision from the mycelium of Ganoderma.
Only those actions of bioactive proteins have been seen from Ganoderma, for example, lectin and ribonuclease.

Harchovy fibers.

An hour will remain a great infusion on the organism of people, and they waste their grains of fibers. The high-molecular spheres do not appear and are glazed by the body, but are seen from the ny, the function of cleansing. And in Ganoderma, the fibers lay down to β-glucan spoluks, hіtinnih rechovins, polysaccharides. The very fact that there is a lot of talk to get away with in sufficient quantity in Ganoderma and the mushroom can be used for pharmaceutical organism. The smell is like a sponge, it scorches a lot of carcinogens, and makes them soaked in the intestines, and navpakyuyuyu see them on the body. Tomato fiber should be fed efficiently for preventing cancer of the rectum.
Also, for the sake of good health for the people, it is enough for us to take only 25-30 grams of grub fiber per day.

Organ_chny Nimechchina.

Organic germanium is an important component of Ganodermi. This is a necessary element of making a direct connection because of its effectiveness in the fight against cancer patients. It’s not like cancer, but because of the metabolism of the body, and for the sake of our body, our body itself starts to fight against ill health. Besides, organic germanium is a good adaptogen, which helps to cope with stress. Nemechchina associate with antimutagenic, immune-responsive, antioxidant and anti-swelling infusion.
Organic germanium from the author, two of them are good for transferring molecules of sour. In the organism of cancer cells, the organism can be controlled during the growth.


In Ganoderma, there is a lack of developmental enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase, lasozyme enzyme and protein enzyme. The stench of vikoristoyutsya organism in the fight with ailments, additionally help the accumulated energy and improved metabolism in the cells.
Lasozyme is an enzyme, which is a ruin of bactericidal cells in the hydrolysis of polysaccharide fluids, which can be entered to the store of bactericidal cells. An important component to get revenge is from Ganoderma Lusidum є Superoxide Dismutase. Win din yak antioxidant, which additionally helps to protect against high radicals.

Adenosine, nucleoside, nucleotide, RNA.

Adenosine is a cepurine nucleoside, which can be stored in adenine and ribose; tse component of RNA. Win is also pratsyuє as a cardio-depressant and vicarist as an antiarrhythmic one. A nucleoside is not one of the components, for which a nucleotide falls through a nucleosidase, either chemically, and it can be substituted for a zucor based on purine or pyrimidine. Nucleosidase is an enzyme that accelerates the decay of nucleotides to nucleoside and orthophosphate. Nucleotide - at least one of the components, which fall apart nucleic acid with diy nuclease. Adenosine Ganoderma induces platelet aggression.

Lyudina has 46 chromosomes, which makes 23 bets. Slump is transmitted in DNA at the boundaries of chromosomes. The gene is even a small part of the chemistry halfway, as it can get into the DNA molecule. RNA is the messenger of DNA at the boundaries of cells.
Form RNA to direct cells to induce the enzyme and other proteins.

Alkaloids, vitamins, vital minerals, steroids, sterol and fatty acids.
Many important elements can be found in the growing roses, which are abundant in the active pharmaceutical authorities and improve our health. Have Ganoderma know Ganodesterone i vin buv vision yak steroid. The most important hepatoprotective role is that it helps to promote cholesterol synthesis.


In 1997, we analyzed a warehouse of vitamins, which is located in the super-streams of Ganoderma, behind the addition of a highly effective and efficient chromatography of vitamins C and E, as well as β-carotene. In addition, behind the additional ion-exchange chromatography, gel-filtration chromatography and electroporation, the presence of such important element yak selenium.
The word selene resembles the Greek word and means "goddess misyatsya". Win Buv was seen by Jakob Berzeleus in Sweden in 1817. Selenium is a valuable component antioxidant zachistu organizm of people.

Ganoderma Lusidum (Reishi) power of cinnamon.

Ganoderma is a mushroom unique for its powers. In Russia, it is called a mushroom of immortality, in Japan it is called a mushroom Reishi, in China it is called Linchzhi. This mushroom has been assigned a category of visch with a view of latitude. Bezperechno, the whole mushroom is a great one, you should assign it to this one year old rose.

Ganoderma (botanic name - varnishing tinder fungus) cultivated only in China and Japan, prote about yogo corny authorities oh, see, far beyond the boundaries of the country. As a rule, the mushroom stagnates in water and alcoholic infusions, but the rest of the hour with the addition of ganoderma, green kava is popular, and the pharmacological prominence of the croc is so far ahead, it’s not important to add capsules to the pharmacy. Who has the secret of the miraculous mushroom? Surely, at the yogh warehouse.

Licuval power of genoderm

At the warehouse of ganoderma there is a large number of polysaccharides, all essential amino acids and other minerals, peptides, triterpenes, including lipids, glucosides and alkaloids, calories of such vitamins (B3) magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, kaliy, zalizo, zinc. To take revenge in ganoderma and germanium, which, vlasne, and zoom in the greatness of the corny powers of the mushroom of immortality.

Warehouse ganodermi without a list of the corystic powers of the mushroom - just get a lot of nezrozumіlikh names. To that, it should become possible, if you should take the mushroom of immortality, then forget about the ailments.

Ganoderma - vіdminny protuchlinny zіb... An effective mushroom for be-like fluff, like good-natured, so bad-hearted. Most of the preparation with ganoderma is an easy-to-use rehabilitation method for chemotherapy.

Ganoderma cinnamon for diseases of the heart-vascular system. Regular intake of drugs, based on a mushroom, will reduce and according to the strength of the robot's heart, lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, rob the judgment with elasticity, normalize the arterial grip.

Ganoderma supplements for psychotic illnesses, including those for epilepsy. When sleep is damaged, it is effective to receive a mushroom of immortality in most ailments.

Liku ganoderma allergic and autoimmune illnesses.

In case of Legeny's illnesses, it will also be reasonable to stagnate ganoderma, to fix the mushroom protikashlyovu and vidharkuvalnuyu, spriyє vin the weakening of smooth muscles in the bronchi.

Vikoristovutsya ganoderma for the lіkuvannya pechіnki.(cirrhosis, liver dysfunction and illness). Efficiency in case of cych ailments will be explained by the fact that the fungus will reduce the exchange processes in cells of the body, the release of toxins, and the reduction of the toxic infusion of adult forms of hepatitis on the cells of the liver.

Krym ganoderma to make slags and change functions to organism, and also give a zapokilivu action, reduce appetite. It has been reported that the regular reception of the mushroom Reisha has renewed that memory, the mood, and the youthfulness.

To continue the list of the corny powers of the Ganodermi, you can finish it. However, it is more beautiful to try it once, and you see all the goodness of the mushroom on your own. However, it’s necessary to ask about it, but it’s not a matter of checking the flawed results in a couple of days. Well, we’re not interested in those, that the mushroom Reishi is not a bit bad, but we will not be interested in consulting with the fakhivts in front of the zasosuvanny.

Ganoderma is a mushroom Polypore of varnishes, for the sake of the power of the people who have been seen for a long time already, it is imperative that this infusion was drunk by that many people, to achieve immortality. A lot of people wanted to know, like Ganoderma, and de von growth, like, like a mushroom of extensions in Russia and in the provinces of China, Korea, Tibet and Japan. In the meantime, growth is possible in the new regions, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory. Knowing, that the growth of Ganoderma, people know that they want to get it and look for it, but it’s important to know it, because the mushroom is important for the beauty of growth in the inaccessible mysterious people. In addition, vibagliva growls and far from settling on all trees, in ancient China, there was a lot of shedding on a drain in ancient China, and only in 10 drops from 10,000 Ganoderms took root.

Seemingly, the Chinese citizens passed from generation to generation the mycelium ganoderma, like a mushroom watcher, from the nobility of all scholars. The droplet of a divine of nature is oval, flat, through a blinking shkirka, the whole type of mushroom is called varnish. Above, you can poke concentric cola, which is dark in the middle, and turn light beige to the edge. Ale, in the main color, the droplet is varied from yaskravo-chervony to violet. M'yakush of the mushroom is thick, porous, older than Ganoderm, tim is harder than old, in some ways, within the reach of wood's hardness. You can read from old friends how the growth of Ganoderma, in some places you can know, botanists are talking about how the lacquering tinder grows up for dyeing on dead, weakened trees, on the basis of the roots, or on the roots.

To know the wonder of the mushroom, the lack of nobility, the area of ​​their residence, it is necessary to grow smart, on some trees the growth of Ganoderm, and you will see it over to the angry, serat, pasonia, and the growths are guilty of being old, rotten. Mycelium is far from getting accustomed to the skin tree, ignorant of all botany's suspicions, as well as not being smart, as if you need to set it up for the common dewy dewline. A lot of people are infected with common medicine, in which Ganoderma is widely vicarious, describe the fungus to revenge the name of the droplet, the lower part and the lower part. The upper part may not be just a red cherry, but lie in a nascent plant and a vine. One droplet can be beige or brown, but one can be dark brown, firm, up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

In Japan and America, biologists have more than 25 years of experience in the power of Ganoderma, a growing mushroom, and as a virostity in individual minds. Roslin to finish off the whimsical і navіt in the even more friendly minds it is important to її ї ї rst. The whole mushroom needs vologue and warm foils, a singular type of trees. Vvazhaєtsya, how best to get accustomed to plums, or success is not guaranteed. Vcheni so zealously grab a mushroom to the fact that in a new way there will be words, as normalization of the exchange of words and trust in the old. If a lyudin has repaired the capsule with spores of ganoderma, then a lot of nothing can be found, the roslina vivcha organism has been consumed by it. After two preparations, it will start working, harmonizing all the processes, which makes it difficult for the sickness and the patient to feel more beautifully.

In the Danish hour, the all-round popularity of Ganoderma is growing, it grows and looks like a mushroom, I know a lot of likars, but I don't know who it is all the same to finish it importantly, more timidly, properly cut and save. You buy capsules with spores, or dried parts of the roselin, then fight against the incompetent post-owners. Aje mushroom is similar to the tinder fungus, which is abundant in the forests of the middle smog. Chinese citizens are willing to take drugs from ganoderma in their youth, then it is possible to become not immortal, but definitely a co-inhabitant. A few thousand rockies in that emperor lived in the infusion, prepared for a special recipe, and until the most important time they got sick of mint.

Schob emaciates, dvchata vikoristovuyut without any means - to starve, to work for years at the gyms, now it’s not enough to consume. At the same time, ganoderma can regulate the organism and normalize the exchange of words, as a result of losing fat cells of prostitution, it’s overflowing with a beautiful figure. At the same time, ganoderma in capsules will help to reduce the blood supply to the blood, for the sutta taken on the course of the drug will increase the memory. Quite a biological supplement will please athletes and people who are engaged in an important physical exercise for renewal of strength. Deyakі tsіliteli іvorzhuyut, so Ganoderma additional help to get in іf cancer.

Syn .: tinder fungus modrin, tinder fungus lacquering, mushroom reishi, lin-chzhi, linchi, reis, reishi, manentake, sacred mushroom, dovgolittya mushroom.

Ganoderma, or a tinder fungus, is an even more valuable targeting mushroom, which can be victorious among the common traditions of medicine for two thousand rockies.

Supply power to experts

In medical

The fungus Ganoderma lucidum stagnates with the indigestion of the peoples of the Holy Asia in case of malignant diseases, including bronchial asthma, neurasthenia, gastritis, liver ailments.

It is also the talk about taking revenge in ganoderma (activator of chlorogenic acid) vicoristy as an ideal drug for thinning. Add the mushroom rechovini to the chi kawi tea. The most common addition is vikoristovuєtsya green kava.

Prototype of the secondary events

The Ganoderma fungus cannot be accepted by vaginous, year-old, children and children up to 18 years old. Likewise, a mushroom cannot be implanted for individual intolerance to components.


Polypore lacquering, or Ganoderma lacquered (lat.Ganoderma lucidum) - a mushroom to the genus Ganoderma (lat.Ganoderma), family Ganodermovі (lat.Ganodermataceae).

Botanical description

Ganoderma lacquered is a saprophyte mushroom, which lives on a vidmerl_y village, mostly leafy (oak, beech, wilkha, birch) and even more rare conifers.

Ganoderma maє kіlka rіznovidіv. The name of the mushroom, the chemical warehouse and the therapeutic power to lie on whatever substratum the mushroom is. For an hour, the fruit can be grown until the ganodermi can be sucked into a drop of chi leaf.

Ganoderma is varnished with a glossy surface. The mushroom has a rough structure. MA form of kvasolini. Yogo color can be from red to brown-violet or black from zhovtuvatiem.

When dry, the mushroom does not go into the mass, but will grow in a healthy, cob shape.

Fruits are single-grown, 2-3 years old, droplets. The droplet is flat, nirk-like or egg-like. The skirting is smooth, blinking, wobbly, broken up into non-lingual concentric dusts to growth, which may appear differently. Hymenophore of tubular parts with dibny and rounded pores. The tubes are short, ocher.

Myakush is a collection of spirits, while the world of growth becomes shy and woody. Colir myacoty - ocher. Come with a bunch of biluvates, with all the news and storms. The color of spore powder is brown.

Low from 5 to 25 cm at the height, 1-3 cm at the diameter, bichna, dovga, cylindrical, nervous and even stiff.


Ganoderma is lacquered to be planted in the best lands of the world. The most frequent growth is the basis of weakened trees, which are sick, as well as on dead leaves of leaves. On the dereviny of coniferous trees there is a lot of trampoline. A mushroom can be grown on live trees, most often Ganoderma grows on stumps. One of the fruits of the fungus can be found on the ground, while the protector can be found on the ground root trees. In Russia, the lacquered ganoderma is widened, especially in the private at the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, as well as in the Pivnichny Caucasus. In the lower latitudes of the Ganoderma, there is more growth, lower in the subtropics.

The rest of the hour, Ganoderma began to show up in Altai, in the regions of hyzhatsky viruboks of lisiv.

Regional development on the map of Russia.

Procurement of syrovin

Natural reserves of ganoderma are even smaller (for example, from 100 thousand apricot or peach trees, the mushroom can be grown in a wild viglyad lichen on 2-3 trees), and in the 70s, in Japan, the mushroom appeared to grow on a piece livestock substratum.

Ganoderma is lacquered - to finish off a primitive mushroom. It is necessary to pick a mushroom cleanly for an hour of ripening that quickly crumbles, and it’s quick to eat that guinea during frosts.

For the removal of lykarskoy syruvina, the vikorist fruit of the fungus, the vegetative mycelia stagnates on the way. The season for the collection of ganoderma from linden until late autumn.

Chemistry warehouse

In the warehouse of the fungus Ganoderma, there is a place in carbohydrates (sucri and polysaccharides), amino acids, peptides, proteins, triterpenes, including steroids, lipids, alkaloids, glucosides, summer olives, vitamins, bagas sirka, Nimechchina).

Naybіlsh important and cinnamon speeches, visions of a mushroom, є polysaccharide and triterpene. Even all the prophylactic and therapeutic powers of the lacquered tinder fungus are made in two groups.

Pharmacological authorities

The medicinal and prophylactic action of the Ganoderma fungus has been stocked up with a warehouse. Newer has a lot of polysaccharides, triterpenoids and germany.

The increase in concentration in fungi of organic germanium activates metabolic processes, anti-inflammatory diseases, anti-inflammatory activity In addition, Germany is similar to hemoglobin (blood erythrocytes), which will take an active part in the transport of blood from the whole organism of the people and the development of hypoxia on the tissue ryvnia.

Vyavleni in ganoderma lacquered polysaccharide may be very vividly protypuhlinna and immunomodulatory. It is even more effective to fight against pathogenic bacteria, and also to reduce arterial pressure and reduce blood pressure.

Ganoderma mushroom can also be found in the warehouse of triterpenoids (ganoderm acids), which are similar in molecular weight to steroid hormones. These words can be anti-allergic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-hypochondriac and anti-disease, reduce the rheological power of the blood and overwhelm thrombosis.

Stagnation in folk medicine

Ganoderma vikoristovuyutsya at the traditional medical school of two thousand rock. The whole mushroom will love a wide range of liquid infusions. Earlier, they were deprived of the emperors and the rich aristocrats through their nature and the road. The drug from the fungus Ganoderma is an even more effective immunomodulator and anti-bacterial and antibacterial effect, reducing the concentration of liver enzymes in the blood.

Ganoderma is lacquered to become stagnant in cases of infection with immunodeficiency, with chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, and frequent stinging illnesses. Likewise, the fungus treatment showed high efficiency in chronic pyelonephritis, chronic prostatitis, in complex treatment of chlamydian and trichomonas urethritis.

The ganoderma fungus is stagnant in drugs for the diagnosis of symptoms of heart block, with angina and arrhythmia. It is recommended to use short-term treatment for ganoderma in case of sleeplessness and swelling of the stomach. Likewise, preparations from Ganoderma mushrooms are good for the strength of the spirit, for the development of a positive and emotional mood.

Historical statement

Lіnchzhі for the first time won the guesswork of a well-known 2000 years old Chinese medical treatise "The Sacred Book about the miraculous lykarskі roslini" as unique expensive lіki, "gifts from heaven from out of ailments." On the lists of brown lykarsky roselin in Chinese treatises, the mushroom Reishi viperjak ginseng.

In the ancient treatise "Shinnoh Honsohkyo", the Ganoderma mushroom is lacquered to describe how "gifts from heaven" are given from all ailments, which will give the gift of youth and the fullness of the "roselin of God".

A piece of viroshuvati mushroom appeared in 1972 rotsi, in Japan. In that hour, Ganoderma was cultivated not only in China and Japan, but in the other regions of the Great Patriotic Asia on special plantations, and then on the basis of sirovini they were able to produce lucrative herbs and knots.

In the early days of the release of the unique authorities and the biochemical warehouse of the Ganodermi mushroom, it will continue to grow.

Ganoderma lacquered is included before the "Chervona Book of the Kamchatka Territory 2007" as a rare species of roslin, which require protection.


1. Stamets P. Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms. - Oxford, 1993 .-- 552 p.

2. Wasser S., Weis A. Medicinal Mushrooms. Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis: Fr.) P. Karst). - Haifa, 1997 .-- 39 p.

3. Willard T. Reishi mushroom: herb of spiritual potency and medical wonder. - Issaquah, Washington: Sylvan Press. 1990 .-- 167 p.

Mushroom Ganoderma (Ganoderma Lusidum) , Reishi mushroom(Reishi is called in Japan) vidomy yak ganoderma lucidum, yogo is called mushroom Linchzhi(in China) abo "Mushroom of immortality", varnishing tinder fungus abo Chaga mushroom(in Russia). In the traditional Chinese medical reysh, it is assigned a "look" category from the view of the latitude of the day and of the daytime side effects. Ganoderma should be brought up to the class of best mushrooms. The value of this mushroom for the life of the people is even greater.

Chemistry warehouse.

Proteins to take revenge on the needless and substitute amino acids and amid.
Fat revenge on non-saturated fatty acids.
Mushroom bagati on vitamins (head rank VZ, B5, C and D) and mineral (zokrem, calcium, phosphorus and zalizo).
Ganoderma to take revenge on the most active polysaccharides in the middle of Likarsk roslin. This is the only type of mushroom є dzherelom group of triterpenoids, a kind of ganoderic acid.

Mechanism of the arts.
Polysaccharides and ergosterines at once stimulate the natural immune function. The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and extravagant polypsychiatric immune responses in the disease.
The stench doesn’t smell toxic from a medical point of view. The stage of renewal of the immune system, including when you fall ill on the SNID, is the opposite of the activity to lie down during the triviality of the Ganoderma vicarious.
Ganoderic acids and may anti-allergic effect and paint the art of painting.
Ganoderma is used instantly as a tonic and adaptogenic drug. Yak tonizuyuchiy zіb vіn zmіtsnyuє sili organism, and yak adaptogen dopomagay addicted to stress.

Klinichni viprobuvannya:
Modern laboratory and clinical studies have shown anti-fiery, anti-Russian, anti-microbial, anti-allergic and anti-spiritual power of ganoderma.
Clinical tests showed that in 65% and more patients the fungus Ganoderma normalized the arterial vise, it was also effective for symptoms of cardiac blockage and those who were sick, including angina pectoris, heart disease,
Reishi or Ganoderma is a useful adaptogen that will improve health and normal functioning of the body. It is due to the fact that the components of the immune system are susceptible to cancer, as well as pathological changes in the immune systems with such autoimmune diseases, such as severe myasthenia.
There are drops, if Ganoderma has decreased its history of histamine, associated with allergic reactions, and when it has become susceptible to anaphylactic reactions. In 2000 people with chronic bronchitis, it was indicated that the level of immunoglobulin A.
The Ganodermi mushroom is especially therapeutic value in case of illnesses of the upper dichny nobles. In one of them there was a disease on chronic bronchitis in a stretch of two tendencies. 60-90% of them have a higher degree of self-esteem.
Mayzhe mystical power of the Ganoderma є yo build up the strength of the spirit, bring about a positive emotional mood.
Two thousand years ago, in Japan, a worthless book "Shinnoh Honsohkyo" was written, as a cob handler of general medical science. There are 365 types of herbs and mushrooms, which are not deprived of classification, but explanations. Likarski zasobi to be classified, in the main, for three categories:
120 - "overwhelming" lines, more than 120 - "middle", and 125 - up to the "fair" category.
To the "fair" category, grass and mushrooms have gone, which may be the power to get sick.
Ganoderma is number one in the middle of the "overwhelming" leaks, included in the list in the text. Since then, Ganoderma, they respected the eskulapi, the bully, which could preserve the everlasting youth of that long life.
Todi f is sturdzhuvalosya, so the best for the crayfish be it species. Be the head of new relatives of oncological ailments, as doctors blamed the deaths of virok, whispered to ganoderma, splintered tse buv diniy shlyah poryatunka.
In Japan and China, the extract of Ganodermi (Reishi) is very practical for getting sick, but for skin getting sick, there is a method of supplementation.

The brown power of the mushroom:

Persha - strong anti-hygiene(If you take the drug with ganoderma, then there will be regressions of some fluffs - both good and bad).

The other - lіkuvati hearty-sudinnі zvoryuvannya. I, moreover, it’s all over the place, it’s not only not to sacrifice the shiitake, but I’m changing the way by an order of magnitude.

Tretu - ganoderma lіku psychіchnі zvoryuvannya... Tsya rіdkіsna power for the first time was determined in the XVII century, if, behind the additional Ganoderma, there was a fall at the fall of Mikado.

Quarter - Likuvati Allergic Poor... When the chemist warehouse of Ganoderma was last seen in the American Institute of Cancer, a devastating view of the message was broken: a word was found, called "Lanostan", as a galm of antibodies. Infectious bronchial asthma, atonic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations successfully follow (and become vile!) For additional ganoderma.

P'yate - lіkuvannya be-yak legeny ailments.
Zrozumіlo, lіkuvannya for the help of ganoderma - the processes are trivial (borrowing for an hour one - two rock), ale deviations, and not victories of other side effects!

Dovіdka for fakhіvtsya:
Polysaccharides and fungal ergosterines Reisha may stimulate action on natural and immune functions. At the moment of opening in 1972 by the Japanese Sigeaki Mori in the way of growing Ganodermi, it ceases to be a natural mushroom and becomes accessible to more sick people. In addition, the availability of a sufficient amount of cultivated mushroom for experiments and shipments for serious scientific doslіdzhen in medicine and pharmacology.
The mushroom grows in natural climatic minds, which are maximally friendly for the cultivation of all six types of mushrooms, which are similar to 6 internal organs people - nirki, pechinka, spleenka, heart, legend and brain, from more than 200 species of ganoderma. For the preparation of health-improving preparations, a mushroom should be picked up from a 3-month-old age, which carries in itself the maximum number of active elements (up to 200) and the maximum maximum energy and therapeutic potential. With the preparation of health-improving preparations, the vicorisation is made of both the fungus and the mycelia.

For what kind of ailment, can Ganoderma Lusidum be stuck?

1. Oncology (lykuvannya evil poohliny).
Vnaslіdok spіvpratsі mіzh National center z vivchennya crayfish get sick the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Sizuoka (Japan) at 1980 p. buv one of the strongest? - Glucans Ganodermi. Win buv names GL-I-2a-beta, which means Ganoderma Lucidum - Immunomodulator.
A healthy body is constantly struggling with cells, but it is muddy - the body does not allow new atypical cells to get along and make a big chill. Qiu borotbu vede sov. Prototype immune visualization - three types of cells: Macrophages, Natural Cycles (NK-cells) and Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL). The macrophage poidaє that overtravels the malignant clitin; CTL, having found out її, wikidah bile-polymers "perforini", like to hinder the evil cells at the last membrane of the evil cells, open the whole osmotic grip of the middle cells and call them, so the result of the yakin’s dying. bilki- "granzimi" Natural Killer is a special cell, one of the strongest anti-hygienic, there are no changes in cells that have not been developed by Macrophages and CTL.
In oncological patients, three types of cells are used by the imported camp: there are more young people, immature elements, those who are not old enough to be active, and moreover, the speed of maturity is low in the region. Life term tsikh klitin maliy, and smut - їkhnya antiuchlinna activity is at a low level. It is possible, then, to bring up the cich factors before the ruin of the anti-swelling shield to the organism.
What is the mechanism of Ganoderm's anti-hypochlinous development?
Beta-glucans of Ganodermi will accelerate the dosage of cychcrystals, so that great quantities of mature large forms appear;
increase the life of the term Macrophages, CTL and NK-klin at a few times;
And most importantly - to carry out the activation of Macrophages, CTL and NK-clitin, because of such a stench, not only will the atypical malignant clines grow old, but rather cytotoxic activity will appear before any snakes.
Also polysaccharides Ganoderma wick 10-30 times the increase in the Necrosis Factor Pukhlin - Beta (FNP-Beta) and Interleukin 1 and 6. Moreover, it was installed that the triterpenoids of Ganoderma could be directly suppressed.
Clinical presenters have shown that the patients who take Ganoderma are better able to endure the course of chemotherapy and optimization. They have a mute incidence of leukocytes and immunological indicators.

2. Infection of the heart-vascular system .
From the archives we saw that Chinese doctors of the Min dynasty (1368-1644 RR
For the last ten years, in China, Japan, Korea and Canada, taking in the last days a positive injection of Ganoderma on the heart-sudin system, they spent a great time, a meeting for food, and for a volunteer.
Infusion of Ganoderma on the loss of fat metabolism of dressings from the growth of triterpenic ganoderic acids Ganoderma (Reishi) reduce the level of triglycerides and lipoproteins of blood plasma of low blood% in people of the group.
Decrease of the arterial vise - the triterion of Ganodermi reliably reduce the arterial vise.
- Zmenshennya sour hunger myocardium. A number of cardiological effects of Ganoderma will mate with a lot of pure organic germanium. Tsei element wiklikav interest in the medical community 1950 r. It is transferred, as in the blood, organic germanium behaves similarly to hemoglobin, but also carries a negative charge in it and, similarly, to the hemoglobin takes the fate of the process of transferring sourness in the tissues to the organism. If a molecule of a certain element has been consumed by the fabric, then I will “stretch out” a number of molecules of sourness. Tim himself will become aware of the development of sour deficiency (hypoxia) on the tissue rivn.
- First and foremost - Reduction of heart failure: the presence of adenosine nucleotide in the storage of fruit cells of Ganoderma increases the low positive effects:
- a decrease in the aggregation (gluing) of thrombocytes in the blood, to increase the blood flow and increase the blood supply to the tissue and decrease the risk of development of the insult and myocardial infarction.
- adenosine increases the frequency of the heart is very fast and as a result of the reduction in the heart rate, as well as the reduction of myocardium during the period of sour hunger for the development of coronary arteries and reduction of the reduction of life.
- Ganoderma is able to reconcile cardio-tonic dyu, to change the manifestation of heart failure. Due to the given admission of ganoderma, special cardiologic clinics appeared to be effective in 81.8% of ailments with a marked duration of a month and in 93.3% of patients with a drug intake of up to 4 months.

3. Allergic illnesses.
It will stay for an hour with an unprecedented growth of a number of allergic ailments in the industrialized lands. The knowledge of the fact that the mushroom ganoderma vikoristovuvavsya for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and allergies with a stretch of table, sponted Japanese pharmacologists to see the active components in the hope of knowing the most beautiful for the fight against the price. In the 1970s, a number of large-scale studies were carried out in China for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and other types of allergies. Bulo dslіdzheno ponad 2000 vypadkіv cich illnesses in children and children. Mushroom extract of Ganodermi (Reishi) for preparation for testing at likarnyakh uprodovzh 1973-1974 years. Vіn appeared effective in 60-91.6% of vypadkіv.

4. Autoimmune disease.
The individual immune system of the people has ceased to learn the power of the people and have begun to take pity. At the end of the day, the clientele - zhisniki - mend attacks on the health of the clitine's organisms and pockozhuvati їkh. Such a principle for the development of autoimmune diseases: developmental symptoms of allergies, bronchial asthma, systemic chervonia, vascular sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and many others. In addition, it is a lot of sickness in the virus and bacterial nature, so the title of an autoimmune component. With a whole reaction of the immune system to a virus, either bacteria become insecure, there are no infectious factors.
Traditionally, the manifestation of autoimmune disease is contraindicated before the treatment of immunostimulating drugs. The price is tied to this, which stimulates the immune system and produces it to the strength of the luscious infusion on the cotton fabric. The uniqueness of Ganoderma is in the fact that it does not stimulate its extracts, but regulates the action, increases its functions and streams superficially active indicators. Therefore, preparations with ganoderma are ideally suited for complex drug-preventive programs in people with ailments with autoimmune diseases.

5. Correction of deterioration in carbohydrate exchange.
Until the end of the rocky show, how to achieve a stable normal level of blood in the blood, with an important mind for the prevention of non-human ailments, including diabetics, heartbroken troublemakers, obese
Ganoderma vikorystovuєtsya as an additional antidiabetic zasіb. In case of trivial reception of the disease, there is a decrease in the level of sugar, stabilization of the overdose of diabetes and a decrease in the dose of hypoglycemic drugs.
For a child with diabetes, stabilization of blood sugar is important in case of immunodeficiency, frequent colds, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertensive ailments and minor ailments

6. Fuse into the central nervous system.
Tsia power for a long time, vikoristvuyasya Buddhist Chents to reach the point of becoming "close to nature."
Ganoderma injects the activity of the central nervous system with a path onto the regulatory molecule (endorphin) of that receptor. Ganoderma will calm down the "overwhelmed" nervous system, rather than wickle sleepiness. The secret lies in the fact that the components of Ganodermi do not adjust and regulate, but regulate. By such a rank, the serpent may not be of great character, but of a yakish character. The result of such a harmonious action is the normalization of sleep, and activity during the hour of sleep.

7. Antioxidant activity.
The breeders instead of the complex of antioxidants and vitamins, preparations from Reisha may have a vigorous antioxidant activity. Ale the most valuable is the health of mushrooms injected into the improvement of moisture antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase). Enzyme systems increase their activity in all organs and tissues, but the most significant deterioration in the setting of the liver. It is designated as especially important to increase the resistance of the organism to a wide range of infusions, to streamline the processes of old. The antioxidant activity itself is the basis for the cosmetic effect of Ganoderma Lusidum.

8.Protisapalnu diyu.

Among the kings of Likarsky mushrooms (Shiitake, Korditsepsa, Maitake) Ganoderma is able to turn over the fire. Preparations Ganodermi change the amount of dressing, dressings and burns. Ganoderous acids A, B, G, H and substance C6, seen from the extract of Ganoderma lucidum, may have a pronounced antinociceptive activity and reduce the pain of a child's walking.

9. Chronic obstructive illnesses (COPD).
COPD - a whole group of sickness, which is manifested by chronic expiratory zadishkoy, which is accompanied by impaired bronchial passages; before COPD, chronic obstructive bronchitis and emphysema are diagnosed (also mucoviscidosis, bronchiectasis and obliterated bronchitis).
Sagging sickness is characterized by a veneered secretory mucus, which leads to the loss of bronchial progression, the weakness becomes weak, there may be a weakness. It is most often to direct the infection and the lowered immunity before the fire. Preparations Ganodermi (Reishi) color the parameters of immunity and allow you to achieve better results in standard therapy, reduce the dose of toxic drugs, change side effects that paint the quality of the life of the children. During the period of remission, Ganodermi (Reishi) allows for the development of sharpening.

10. Diffuse stove disease.
The qia group is one of a great many ailments of nature, which is supervised by the weaving of stoves.
In case of all liver diseases, it is necessary to have a hepatoprotectors. Hepatoprotector - the whole group of rechovins is clearly visible, one of the effects of which is the adjustment of the hepatocytes' stiffness to the later exogenous infusions.
Taking drugs in Reisha can be used as an alcoholic with anti-tartar drugs, as well as for taking drugs, but also allowing you to take Ganodermi in your minds?

First of all, change the level of activity. Polysaccharides of Ganoderma are used to color the parameters of the immune system, which protects against the multiplication of the virus.
In a different way, paint the biochemical indicators, how to represent the steps of the liver's ear.
In the third place, the therapy with lykarsky mushrooms is supervised to reduce the quality of life, as it is difficult to reach it by the same methods. On the right, there is a weakness and a decrease in the rate of birth, the most frequent manifestation of chronic hepatitis. There are a lot of people who are inspired to work hard, they are seen as a loving robot. The effect is from the reception of Ganodermi (Reishi) on the bends, so that the deyaki paciєnti are able to feel the uncompromising self-esteem and surge of strength. In addition, the trivial therapy with mushrooms is a change in the shkiri sverblya, a change in bile and a little bit of hardness in the heart, pain in the area of ​​the young loam.
Quarterly, lykarsky mushrooms gallow the processes of fibrosis and development of the cyrotic stage. At a cyrotic stage, the growth of fungal therapy is quite large, which is why in a large number of cases it is considered as a type of disease.

Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine

Buy Ganoderma You can turn to our office in Moscow, as well as at any other place in Russia. Get in touch with help by the pleasure of that consultation. Chekaєmo you!