How to consume in people: basic vision. The main needs of people For those that are needed

Lyudina is a socio-biological truth, vidpovidno and needs a different character, or rather equal. Need to find out the motives and special features. This is the basis of life as an individual, special features and individuality. From the statistics you know how they are consumed and why they are different, how the stench develops, what to lie and what to lie in them.

Consume - a mental state that manifests itself in discomfort, tension, dissatisfaction with any kind of trouble.

Consume buvayut usvіdomlyuvanimi and unsvіdomlyuvanimi:

  • Assuring the needs of people and groups become interests.
  • Nesvіdomlyuvani - let yourself know as emotions.

There is a situation of discomfort with additional satisfaction due to impossibility of satisfaction with additional strangulation of substitutes for similar, but available needs. Vaughn sponkaє to activity, poshukovoj diyalnostі, meta like - usunennya discomfort, tension.

For the needs of characteristic features:

  • dynamism;
  • sluggishness;
  • development of new needs in the early world;
  • zalezhnіst razvitku nebіvіd vіd іndivіda іndivіda up to different spheres ta vidi dialnosti;
  • turning the people on the front square of the rosette, as if the lower consumer would again become dissatisfied.

If you consume the structure of specialness, you can characterize it as “the activeness of living things, which indicates the availability of resources (both biological and sociocultural) necessary for the development of specialness” (A. N. Leontiev).

Rozvitok consume

Be it necessary, it develops in two stages:

  1. Blaming like internal, attached to mind activity, standing like an ideal. Lyudina reveals knowledge about the ideal and the real world, so that she can find ways to reach it.
  2. The need is concretized and objectified, destructive force activities. For example, a person can take a bite of the need at the kohanna, and then pick up the object of the kokhanny.

Consume to generate motives, and the nature of such vimals is meta. Vybіr zabіr zasobіv reach meti (consume) to deposit in the form of valuable orientations of people. Use that motive to form the directness of specialness.

The basic needs are molded up to 18-20 years and later do not know the actual changes. Vignatok - crisis situations.

Sometimes the system of demand and motives develops in a disharmonious way, which leads to mental damage and dysfunction of special features.

Vidi needs

You can clearly see the physical (biological), special (social) and spiritual (existential) needs:

  • Instincts, reflections, so everything is physiological, can be seen to the body. Seeing contentment to lie down, keeping life as it is.
  • Everything spiritual and social is brought up to the specialties. Those that allow people to be special, individual, and the subject of suspense.
  • Everything that is related to the support of the life of all mankind and the cosmos is brought to the existential ones. Here lie the need for self-development, development, new creation, knowledge, creativity.

In this rank, some of the needs are innate and the stench is identical in people, whether there are peoples or races. The other part is the nabutі consume, like to lie in the culture and history of a particular society, a group of people. To bring in your contribution to the life of a person.

Theory of A. Maslow

The most popular classification of needs (there is a hierarchy) is Maslow's pyramid. The American psychologist has expanded the consumption from the lower to the higher, or from the biological to the spiritual.

  1. Physiological needs (zhzha, water, sleep, everything, with the body and organism).
  2. The need for emotional and physical security (stability, order).
  3. The need for love and belonging (family, friendship), social needs.
  4. You need self-help (pozі, vyznannya), you need an assessment.
  5. The need for self-actualization (self-development, self-improvement, other "self").

The first two consumptions are brought to the lower ones, the reshta - to the higher ones. The lower consumption of the taman people is like an individual (biological identity), mostly - specialty and individuality (social identity). The development of the greater needs of the impossible without the satisfaction of the first. Prote after the satisfaction of spiritual needs develop like a leader.

Vishchi consume and exercise their realizations to rouse the freedom of the individuality of a person. The formation of spiritual needs is closely related to the culture of that valuable orientations suspіlstva, іstorichny dosvіd, what kind of step-by-step becomes the dosvіdom of specialness. You can see material and cultural needs at the link with cim.

For the lowest and highest needs, the following characteristics are characteristic:

  • All consumers develop genetically late (the first days are blamed on the early age).
  • What else is needed, it’s simpler її for the next hour vіdsunuti.
  • Living on a high level of needs means good dream that appetite, the presence of sickness, that the quality of biological life is good.
  • Most needs are accepted by people as less essential.
  • Satisfaction with the needs of others to bring great joy and happiness, to ensure the development of specialty, to improve the inner world, to create prosperity.

It is from Maslow that the more people are guided by this pyramid, they are mentally healthier and more developed, as the specialty and individuality of yoga can be taken into account. The greater the need, the more people are ready for active activities.

Theory of K. Alderfer

  • reason (physiological need for safety for Maslow);
  • po'yazanist (social needs and ovnishnya assessment for Maslow);
  • development (internal assessment and self-actualization for Maslow).

The theory is supported by two more propositions:

  • one hour can buti zadіyanі kіlka needs;
  • what you consume less than satisfaction with something, then you will be more satisfied with something lower (to go about replacing the inaccessible with affordable, for example, love with licorice).

Theory of E. Fromm

In Fromm's concept, it is necessary to classify living beings from the unity of man and nature. The author sees the following needs:

  1. The need for interbreeding and inter-dividual ties (love, friendship).
  2. The need for creativity. Regardless of the type of concrete activity, a person creates the world for himself and prosperity.
  3. The need for a deep root, which guarantees prosperity and safety of the butt, to lead to the history of prosperity, sim'ї.
  4. Need a pragmatic imitation, for the sake of an ideal, so that the identification of a person is possible.
  5. Need to know that mastery of the world.

Varto signify that Fromm did not understand the concept of injecting the unfamiliar into the people that consume it, bringing it to its own end. Ale, from the understanding of Fromm's unseen - the attachment of the potential of specialness, spiritual strength, the introduction of the skin of a person on the back of the head. And the element of sleepiness, the unity of all people is also brought to the pіdsvidomogo. Ale pіdsvіdome, like i describіnі consumption, razbivaetsya about logic and rationality of the world, cliche and taboo, stereotypes. І zdebіlshoy consumption is being overwhelmed by unsold.

Theory of needs by D. McClelland

  • the need for the attainable;
  • need for human ties or at the arrival;
  • the need of the government.
  • if children want to control others for an hour, then the need for the authorities is formed;
  • with independence - the need for reach;
  • with the established friendship - the need for the arrival.

Need at reach

People pragmatically change others, see, reach the established standards, be successful, improve the folding tasks. Such people themselves rob situations, de not estimate the validity for all, but at the same time they uniqué something simple and something foldable.

Need for arrival

People are pragmatic mothers, friendly, close to each other, founded on a close psychological link, unique in conflicts. Such people are oriented to the situation of cooperation.

need vlady

A person to do good work, wash that power for the activity of other people, scold them, control them, cherish authority, vilify other people. The people take away their satisfaction, perebuvayuchi at the position vlivu that management. Such people rob situations of zmagan, competition. Їх turbuє status, and chi is not efficient.


Satisfaction with needs is important for an adequate development of specialty. When ignoring biological needs, a person can fall ill and die, but for unsatisfied your needs neuroses develop, blame other psychological problems.

It should be noted that the rules “first of all, satisfaction of some needs - then the development of others” are blamed. Go about the creators and warriors, like they can set themselves higher goals, regardless of dissatisfied physical needs, for example, hunger is not enough. But for an average statistical person, the following data is typical:

  • physiological needs satisfied by 85%;
  • for security and protection - by 70%;
  • for kohanni and affiliations - by 50%;
  • in self-made – by 40%;
  • for self-actualization - by 10%.

Take a close relationship with the social situation of the development of people and equal socialization. What a cicavo, what a link of mutual deliberations.

Lyudina is a whole world, it was only mostly spontaneous in a new noble.

The need is a camp, crying out to the need for singing minds of life and the development of people.

Consume - dzherelo activity and diyalnosti people. Molding is required in the process of forging and self-forging - accommodating to the world of human culture.

Consume can be different, uninformed, in the form of sips. A person is only aware that he is married, or else he becomes aware of tension and restlessness. Awareness of needs is shown in the form of behavioral motives.

You need to sign special features and direct your behavior.

The need is to ascertain the psychological and physiological deficiency of what is seen in the adopted people.

The main needs of people: mother, buti, robit, love, grow. The motive for the activity of people is to serve as a bazhannya to satisfy their needs.

Matishowing consumption on two equals:

1st - people want a mother of speech, necessary for living (living, eating, clothes), for themselves and their families and support of equal life, pleasant for themselves. The main source of motivation in any situation is the ability to earn pennies;

2nd - people create prestige accessories (create art, antiques).

Buti- Most people conceive, often supposedly, the image of a person, like a stench they want to be and look in the eyes of others (famous, mighty).

Robiti- skin people want to, її tsіnuvali, live like life (professional success, children's education).

Kohachi- skin people want to love and be kohanoy, bazhanoy.

Zrostati- The realization of possibilities is coming for the growth of the sky. little kid kazhe: "The axis of growth and ...", the elder kazhe: "I myself ...". Tsya need reaches its peak in a mature life and determines the range of a person's abilities.

This perelіk needs to be based on the glances of Abraham Maslow. In 1943, the American psychophysiologist of the Russian campaign, A. Maslow, carried out a study of the spontaneous motives of a person's behavior and developed one of the theories of the needs of a person's behavior. Vіn klassifіkuvav consumed by ієrarchіchnuyu system - vіd fіzіologichnyh ( lower rіven) to the needs of self-expression (great rіven). Maslow depicted the equal needs of the pyramid. Pіdstava pіramіdі (and tse foundation) - physiological needs - the basis of life.

Possibility to satisfy one's needs among people is different and lie in the coming hot factors: vіk, navkolishnі middle, knowledge, vminnya, bazhannya and zdіbnostі samoї people.

Hierarchy of human needs for A. Maslow

1st rіven- Physiological needs - ensure the survival of people. This rіven is absolutely primitive.

1 - dihati,

2 - є,

3 - drink,

4 - see,

5 - sleep, sleep

2nd day- Consume safety and protection - turbota about the support of life equal, exercising to material wealth.

6 - buti clean,

7 - dress up, loosen up

8 - trim body temperature

9 - be healthy

10 - unikati nebezpeki, ailment, stress

11 - collapse

A lot of people spend all their time satisfying the needs of the first two equals.

3rd day- Social needs - search for your place in life - use more people, a person cannot "live in a wasteland."

12 - splintering

4th day- Consume in a vase of otochyuchih. A. Maslow maw on uvazі neuhilne samoskonalennya people.

13 - reach success

5 - th rіven - the top of the pyramid - consume self-expression, self-actualization - expression of oneself, service, realization of the potential abilities of a person.

14 - Grati, read, pratsyuvati,

Maslow made his own theory: be like a human being, like a lower consumer, but a thing. Tsі consumption people are self-satisfied with the protyag of the whole life.

The power of special people

3 - knowledge

M - skygazer

A - social activity

3 + A - M = car'erism

M + A - 3 = fanaticism

Z + M - A \u003d "rotten intelligence"

A person can be moved only in activity, giving knowledge.

theory McClelland - 3 types of needs:

1 type- The need for power is that success (otherwise, it’s a blessing to pour in) - the power to pour in on other people; good speakers, organizers, openers, energetics, stand on the ground, stand up to tyranny and adventurism, show your smut.

type 2- the need for success (chi dosyagnennyah) - pragnennya vikonati svoєї robots with the highest rank, ce "robots". In front of such people, it is necessary to put a song of responsibility, and after reaching the obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to make you want.

3 type- the need for respectability - the most common - human mutual, it is important for them not to reach, but to lie down, to get on well with the soothing, to unique the key posts.

In order to live in harmony with the navkolyshnym middle, people need to satisfy their needs:

Dorimuvatisya healthy image life;

To live in harmony with social and cultural honours, by oneself;

Promote material and spiritual values. The nurse is responsible for helping the patient and the members of this family until the satisfaction of the need for introspection, to help preserve independence and independence.

The basis of the theory of W. Henderson is to understand the living needs of people. Ascertaining their needs and helping them in their satisfaction - change their minds for the nurse, as if they would take care of the patients' health, dressing up or dying of death.

W. Henderson direct 14 fundamental needs:

1 - normally dihati;

2 - to live in a sufficient amount of native land and їzhi;

3 - See the products of life for the body;

4 - collapse and improve the situation;

5 - sleep and sleep;

6 - independently dress up and dress up, choose clothes;

7 - Keep the temperature of the body in normal ranges;

8 - dotremuvatsya special hygiene, pikluvatisya about the outward appearance;

9 - Take care of your safety and do not create harm for other people;

10 - Support communication with other people;

11 — to rule religious rites according to one’s own faith;

12 - engage in a favorite robot;

13 - V_dpochivati, take the fate of the roses, ig-rah;

14 - Satisfy your satiation, which helps to develop normally.

A healthy person, as a rule, does not face difficulties when his needs are satisfied.

I will be promoted to Vіdmіn Vіd Mas-Lowe, V. Henderson Vіddaє Ієєrkhіyu і іважає ієєрхію і і вважає, Сео и пацієнт (abo-sest of sister) Visnachaє Pr_oritetniy by handmakers, ripple: It's not enough for Hamchuvnya Abo anemnia sleep, def_citant special hygiene, read / practice chi v_pochivati.

Looking back at the peculiarities of the Russian health care, the patriarchs S.A. Mukhina and I.I. Tarnovsky was encouraged to help sisters with 10 fundamental human needs:

1) normal breathing;

3) physiological management;

4) ruh;

6) special hygiene and change of clothes;

7) maintenance of normal body temperature;

8) support for the safety of dovkill;

9) interrogation;

10) practice and repair.

According to the theory of D. Orem, “watching oneself” is pure, purposefulness of an individual’s activity either on oneself, or on one’s own sharpening in one’s life, that one is healthy. The skin of a person may sing, take care of your life.

D. Orem sees three groups of needs for introspection:

1) universal - power to all people protyazh life:

Sufficient respite every now and then;

Sufficient comfort of the driver;

Sufficient comfort їzhi;

Sufficient opportunity to see and consume, connected with the cym process;

Saving the balance between activity and recovery;

The danger of insecurity for life, normal life, self-consciousness;

Stimulation of the bazhannya in support of a single social group in a viable way to individual needs and obmezhen;

The hour of self-balancing the life of the support of other people.

The riven of skin satisfaction from eight needs for a skin person is individual.

Officials who pour in their needs: century, become, stage of development, health camp, culture rіven, social environment, financial opportunity;

2) consume, connected with the development phase, - people are satisfied with their needs at different life stages;

3) consume, treat broken health - see broken:

Anatomical changes (pressure sores, swellings, wounds);

Functional physiological changes (butt, contracture, paralysis);

Changing the behavior of everyday life sounds (apathy, depression, fear, restlessness).

The skin of a person can be individualized and able to satisfy his needs. The main needs of the guilty are satisfied with the people themselves, and in any case a person feels self-sufficient.

As a patient, his relatives and close relatives cannot save the jealousy between him with the needs and the ability of introspection and the need for introspection to outweigh the ability of the person herself, blame the need for the sister's hand.

In 40–60 years, a person is rooted in their minds, which are psychologically resurrected in large numbers: they gain a rich life and a professional reputation; children grow older and the little ones change with them; old fathers, yakim need help. In organisms, people begin to undergo physiological changes: they become more violently self-conscious, zir, develop reactions, weaker sexual potency in humans, women experience a period of menopause. There is a decrease in indications of psychophysical functions. Pratsezdatnіst zalishaetsya on the same equal and allows you to save labor and creative activity, the development of zdіbnosti continues, connected with professional and everyday activity. Golovnym reach I will become wiser now: a person can evaluate this information in a larger context, lower earlier, better cope with the insignificance of that information. Emotional sphere this time it develops unevenly. Pratsya takes the head position and becomes the most important neck of human feelings. The structure is changing motivation , So, as a person has a dream of a child without a call, and immediately take the result, so that she will immediately satisfy her needs. basic needsє realization of one's creative potential, the need to pass on one's good fortune to the next generation, correcting the duties, taking care of saving loved ones from relatives and friends, preparing for a calm and safe life in old age. "I-concept" is enriched with new "I-images" with the improvement of constantly changing situational factors and variations of self-esteem. Conducting the type of activity become a practice, successful professional activity, which ensures self-actualization of specialty. The problems of helping children come to the fore, babies with a child, with a person, are stabilizing. During the whole period, so ranks are guarded "mid-life crisis" (40-45 years). A person reevaluates his own reach and critically evaluates himself. The bagatiohs blame it on the fact that "life has gone without a hitch, and an hour has already been spent."

Psychology of the frail age.

Many scholars call the period older than 60 years gerontogenesis, and the old period. Old age is the final stage of life. People who have reached their age, divided into three groups : 1) people of a frail age; 2) people of a frail age; 3) longevity. Summer Vic vvazhaetsya transitional camp from maturity to old age. Its main feature is old, which is genetically programmed. They suffer the most on intellectual functions. Memory Gruntuetsya on logical connections, as it is closely tied to the thoughts, the thoughts of the summer people are more than guilty. At emotional sphere there is an uncontrollable increase in affective reactions (stronger nervous arousal) from schilnistyu to causeless confusion and tearfulness. The person becomes his centered, less chuynoy, zanuryuetsya in itself; the ability to cope with important situations is decreasing. It matters that men become passive, and women become aggressive, practical, and mastery.

Retirement is changing the position of the role of a person in the household, which is indicated on її motivational sphere . The motivation of the 60-year-old people is the need for self-realization, creativity and the transfer of spiritual decay. After 70 years, another problem has become topical: maintaining health on the right side of the river. Golovny for the summer people flock family blue, as if to give you a sense of protection, stability and prosperity, signifying your joy and bribe. Officials who sign the behavior, summer people є: decrease in psychophysical abilities, become, type of specialness, steps in an active social life, material well-being, loss of loved ones and self-esteem, death of life that is coming. Leading development factors in old age, the self-actualization of the “I” and the orientation towards creative activity become less.

The main needs of people are stability and comfort

I already guessed in my articles about the needs of people and about the importance of their recognition, both in myself and in people with whom I am in contact. Tse give us the opportunity to better understand our power of purpose, and also learn to understand the behavior and behavior of other people.

Let's try to learn from the needs of people to report. Everything that we work in life, all our activities are directed towards the satisfaction of our needs.

Stability and comfort

Look at physiological needs. Everything that is necessary for us was taken here in order to live physically. We can’t live without life, lead, without a breath over our heads, without help, without sleep; we will need health, statuary inhalation, and so on. A skin man, Kim bi won’t be a bum, a homeless person or a millionaire, you can yourself need to survive. The presence of pennies creates only greater comfort of living. Ale and the bum, and the millionaire want to eat, only one sees shoes, roaming at the containers for smite, and the millionaire eats in the restaurant. The difference is that the homeless man is embarrassed to work to satisfy his needs, and the millionaire, who is better for everything, does not take care of his own respect.

Ale varto our millionaire to spend one by one on a deserted island, he is unsatisfied with the need for їzhi vipovzaє to the foreground, he won’t give him peace, we can’t think about anything else, all other problems go into the background, until then don't be real.

Consume safety- A friend for the significance of the group of consumers is everything that ensures our safe life, that protects us from various threats, and relieves various fears. We pragnemo protection, stability, stability, correctness, to those who want to be inspired, nothing, and nothing does not threaten our life. We don’t want a tsegla to fall on our heads, we don’t want terrorists to bury our little one without landing, we don’t want to be left without a salary, and we’re worried, as if they didn’t put us overhead. We need reassurance that the doctors rejoice in us rightly, and the readers are right to teach our children that rich, rich other.

The instability of the current world often even negatively influences our attitude to life and gives rise to impersonal fears in us. That is why we are afraid of insignificance and we are afraid of the stability (stagnation) of new and unreasonable changes in life.

Kokhannya and stosunki

Kokhannya and stosunki

Ce need vodchuvati kokhannya that install see other people. I will need love for our best life from the very moment we are born. We don't need to worry about the love of our fathers, otherwise we just can't live in our world - we just can't live alone. Sweat with a skin day, more and more new features are emerging in our life, with which we have such a hundred years.

Itself through contacts with these people we know life, we know that the world is different and people are different. We begin to form our own order to the whole world, as it manifests itself in our behavior. Let's sweat a kindergarten, a school, an institute, a robot - we already become a part of such a team. I pragnemo become a part of this team, we do not want to be excluded from it. More than that, we need good stosunkiv from other people. So our lives have friends and enemies, friends that just know.

And, nareshti, a person is being made in our life, as we become dear to us for all, closer and dear - a romantic kohanna enters our life. The skin of a person, navitya navіt namagaєtsya zaperechuvati tse, vіdchuvaє need in splkuvanni, and all people pragnate one to one in hope for love, povag and exile.



Ce need feel important, skin people want to be respectful, necessary. Tse, in a way, is necessary for self-sufficiency. We, obviously, want to be inspired by ourselves, want to feel competent, write with our mastery and our achievements, our independence and freedom. From the other side, for us, no less important is the need for assessments from the other side.

We don’t know how to evaluate us, how our prestige and reputation are known, how our achievements are recognized, how we are accepted by the court, how we are given signs of respect. Significance is our litmus papriets, for the help of which we re-verify our purposefulness and the correctness of our directness. Significance is manifested if we compare ourselves with others. We can consider ourselves significant, that we have reached something, we have been prompted, we have achieved success in some way, but, on the contrary, we can achieve respectability, ruining everything in our own way and asking everyone else.

And to inspire our homeless zovsim nebaydzhe, as if they were reacting to yogo "colleagues for misfortune", as if they were going to get richer products.



Tse need for sustenance, the Bazhanna recognizes and understands something new for itself. Іnshey aspect of consumer demand - tse introducing diversity have their own everyday life. Our life will become monotonous and tedious, as if for the time being, one of you yourself will be victorious. If I’m giving a supper for the supper, I’ll smear potatoes, then I wouldn’t have any appetizing won, literally on the 3rd-4th day our homeland will have a supper. Here we see the need for periodic changes as our activities.

As if for a long time we’ve been violating that same robot for a long time, it’s turning into a routine, and in us we know the need to viconate, our efficiency is falling, and we switch to taking it for ourselves, urging our butt. You can also take a break for a filizhanka kawi, watch a TV show, or maybe a pass on the Cote d'Azur or a walk along the streets in Paris. To raznomanіtnostі vіdnositsya і our pragnennya podolannya reshkod і vyrіshennya folded situatsіy. We all require satisfaction of all these needs, but we value them in a different way. If for us the greater value is the need for stability, then in our life everything will be supported by this need. We practice in one place richly rocky, live in the walls dear to our hearts, we don’t forget friends, like mittens, we don’t forget to make friends, but be it cardinal changes in life lead us out of the zone of comfort and bring heartache.

And, on the other hand, because we value diversity more, we matimemo call a different style of life and other goals. We are easy on the pidyom, we have a lot of professions, we don’t like everything that binds our children, we get caught up in the old hundred, we love to rise in price. If, for example, in a friend's couple - one person loves stability, and the other loves roaming, they naturally blame the situation that does not change. A simple butt - one wants to have a dacha, but other people are afraid to spend all their holidays in the garden, and in every possible way opir such a house. But discomfort can be blamed in the middle of the person herself, as if at once there is a great need for stability, so I will need for versatility. We don’t know a person, if we need to please us in front of us, then we’ll be dumb in the field.

The need for significance is also filthy summed up with the need for people. It is hard to love someone who constantly respects himself. That is why there are a lot of successful people, yakі satisfying their need for significance, to find problems in special vodnosinah and often realize that they themselves love stink and not very much. Like only we are significant, like ourselves important needs we are pleased, we can clearly talk, that it is necessary to change the advancement of the happiness of our life and a little satisfaction with our waters.

need- this is a marriage that is indispensable, which is considered by a person.

It can be divided into:
  • Physical - hedgehog, clothes, safety
  • Social - the need for splkuvanni and frailty
  • Individual - the need for knowledge and self-expression


need- tse need, yak nabula specific form vіdpovіdno up to cultural parity and individuality of the person.

So, for example, an American who feels hunger thinks about a hamburger, a Russian about dumplings, and a Muscovite about sushi.

Consume people practically not obmezhenі. Leather buyer vvazhaє for the best choice, yakі mаyut vishchu pozhivch tsіnіst і zdatnі secure maximum satisfaction for the sum, yakkupets can pay. Consume, increase the purchasing power, go to the category of drinks.

For example, on the basis of their purchasing power, the buyer buys such a car, which satisfies his needs to the maximum with safety, prestige and comfort.


ask- consume people, support її purchasing power.

The companies that are serious about getting ahead of themselves use the magnitude of the susilla on the revealed needs, the consumption of their customers. The stench is carried out to find out about the fortunes of clients. Analyze scargs. The sellers are trained to help the buyers and, in turn, please them.

As a respectful surprise, you can remember that great companies know almost everything about us. The stench put in big money for an hour it was given without a head. You drink kava sitting in front of the monitor, and you know the stench, they put some spoons of tsukra in a bottle.

As much as possible outside the understanding of needs, consumption and consumption of the necessary development of a marketing strategy.

Consume people and economic benefits

Consume- The objective need of a person or a group of people in chomus, necessary for the support of life and the development of an organism and specialness.

Good- tse rich, zasib, all those who satisfy people's needs and support the goals and aspirations of people.

Let's expand the most and expand the benefits on the tangible and intangible. Material Benefits include: natural gifts of nature (land, weather, climate), products of production (life, machines, products), benefits of material goods (patents, copyrights). Intangible blessings - all the blessings that infuse the development of the human being's vitality are created in the non-productive sphere: health protection, lighting, art, cinema, theater, museum.

Benefits are shared by boundlessі obmezhenі (economical).

Non-economic benefits (bezmezhnі) are given by nature without the report of the people. Prior to economic benefits lie those benefits, as an object of economic activity, so that you can take in the same amount of money equal to the needs, like you can satisfy the stench.

Economic benefits are divided into:
  • Spozhivchi good - without intermediary satisfaction of the consumption of people (zha, life)
  • Zasobi vyrobnitstva - the benefits of a virobny character

Distinguish the benefits: interchangeable(mayutnіst zadatnіst satisfied consume for rahunok one of one. eg: margarine and butter) i mutually complementary(satisfied with consumption less at the complex with each other, for example: car and gasoline).

Most economic benefits are created by the process.

Accordingly, up to the theory of consumption, people develop from the lowest to the highest, and the individual is responsible for satisfying the needs of the lowest order in order to make the winickly consume the highest equal.

With all the varying needs, sleep for them is є їх bezbezhnіst i impossibility of total satisfaction due to obmezhennostі.