Methods of education in Dow. Methods of education and training. Methods of training and education

Department of Education Administration of Novocherkassk

Methodical office

School of improvement of pedagogical skills

Theme of the lesson: “Methods of education and training in pre-school pedagogy”

The process of training and education is a focused and organized process of formation:

Knowledge, skills, abilities

Talking about teaching children codes has become fashionable. He moves to the mainstream. Creating opportunities for teaching coding to children has become a “classroom” task in education. Coding is indeed a new type of literacy. As computers continue to become a more integral part of our daily life, it will become as important to teach our children how to code as to teach them to read. We think of writing code as computer science. Science is logical and has a method. Encoding is also logical, and it also has a method, but when we encode, we can use logic and method to create.

Fostering relationships, skills and behaviors.

This process is based on the principles of didactics, has a clear program, proceeds in specially created conditions, in certain forms of organization, using special methods and techniques.

KD Ushinsky psychologically substantiated and developed the didactic principles of teaching children in the classroom, stressing that already at preschool age it is necessary to separate the serious teaching from the game “you cannot teach children by playing, teaching is labor”. Therefore tasks preschool education, according to KD Ushinsky is the development of mental powers (the development of active attention and conscious memory) and the gift of words of children, preparation for school. However, the scientist put forward the thesis of the dual unity of teaching and raising children preschool age.

Upbringing every minute

We can create games, videos, websites, art and in fact almost anything. Moreover, we can teach this younger kind of creative literacy to our younger children. Just as there are developmentally acceptable ways of identifying young children in reading and writing, there are developmentally acceptable ways of introducing young children to coding. This application is ideal for teaching our younger students coding. The best part is that it requires absolutely no reading skills.

Attempts to develop a system of didactic principles in the works of researchers of the new time are numerous. Their analysis makes it possible to single out the following principles as fundamental, generally recognized:


Activity and independence;

Systematic and consistent;

Accounting age and individual characteristics of children;

Children move the little fluffy balls through the maze using various commands that the application enters during the game. Many of them have worked every level available in the free version. The only drawback of this application is the fact that it requires students to read or have an adult to periodically read basic instructions for them. Honestly, if developers could only add tiny code to this application that would read directions out loud, it would be ideal for my students to use on their own.


During preschool childhood, a child must learn a certain amount of knowledge and skills. Knowledge is the result of cognitive activity, and therefore their character is determined by the nature of the knowledge of preschoolers. The development of children of preschool age involves their constant interaction with the outside world. This interaction should be as diverse as possible in order for a preschooler to realize his abilities and creativity as successfully as possible.

The site is now running. In principle, children organize blocks containing commands. When combined, these blocks, respectively, create code for what they want to create. By now, we know that children learn in different ways, so it makes sense that numerous pedagogical theories and methods can be learned in their classes.

One of the popular ways of teaching young children, and sometimes older children, is the Montessori method. The Montessori method was developed by Dr. This is special child methodchild-friendly, which includes activities carried out by children, classrooms with children different ages  and teachers who promote the independence of their students.

It is important for educators and educators working with children of preschool age to know that their main task is not to “fit” children to master learning skills, but to create favorable conditions for the development of their abilities and even talents.

An essential feature of the preschool children cognitive activity is its visual-effective and visual-figurative character. Therefore, knowledge of preschoolers exist in the form of representations, images that reflect known objects, phenomena, some of their features, actions of a child with them. In this regard, the child’s knowledge is characterized as fragmentary, incomplete, fragmentary, weakly generalized, not related to each other.

Just like the choice preschool  It’s not easy for your child, determining which educational philosophy you want to adhere to can be difficult, and it’s important to consider all the factors. Weighing the pros and cons can be an ideal place to start, because you know exactly what Montessori entails.

What is the Montessori method?

Montessori believed that children learn better when they choose what to learn, and that philosophy is present in Montessori classes today. The Montessori class is most likely different from what you are used to. Things that make it unique include. Various activities for children to choose from during the day. Up to 30 students of different ages interact. Teachers guide children through activities instead of facing classroom instruction. Nontraditional classification system. . The Montessori structure means that some educators like it, while others don’t.

Knowledge, skills, abilities and habits are rather closely intertwined; Sometimes it is not always possible to categorically attribute one or another quality of a person to one of these four categories.

How do these four concepts relate to each other: knowledge, skills, abilities and habits? It’s best to start by looking at an example. Suppose one citizen decided to become a car enthusiast. For this, he first decided to get right. First of all, he received knowledge: he studied the theory of driving, the rules of the road, read various useful and not-so articles on the Internet. Then, gradually, skills began to form in him, a citizen, for example, learned how to start a car and get under way, perform some maneuvers, etc. Gradually, as experience increased, skills began to transform into skills: the citizen began to start the car and perform maneuvers in such a way that he consciously controlled these processes to a much lesser extent, he began to do many things already on a full “machine gun”. Thus, skills, honed in practice, began to turn (compile) into skills. When the motorist was just starting to drive, book knowledge gradually moved from the category of theory to the category of practice. Over time, all book knowledge found its test in reality, the most optimal (or close to it) methods of performing certain operations were found.

The same applies to parents in that some believe that their children thrive in the environment, while others do not. Let's look at the various pros and cons. Each education system has pros and cons for both teachers and students, and Montessori is no different.

Shalva Amonashvili - humane pedagogy

Children are often more pleased to learn, because they learn about things in which they are interested.

  • Children learn independence.
  • Children learn at their own pace.
She says that the Montessori personal approach is one of the important advantages. “One child can study his own sounds, while another child is already writing a story,” she says. "We can meet the child, where they are in the process of development, and use the interests of the child to redeem their studies."

The main difference between skills and skills is that mastering a skill implies perfect or just well-honed performance of certain actions. You can have the skill of shooting a rifle or the ability to ride on ice, but you can not have the skill of managing the state or the skill of writing monographs.

In a sense, knowledge is also skills, also skills. Only these abilities and skills relate to the verbal and general mental activity of a person. The main difference between knowledge and skills is that the specific knowledge of a person about a particular object, phenomenon is the place of this object or phenomenon in the picture of the person’s world. Any new knowledge of a person cannot be compared to a new file on a computer’s hard disk. Any new knowledge is a changed picture of the human world. If the picture of the world does not change, then this is a skill or skill.

Features of parenting in kindergarten

Teachers may have difficulty allowing students to choose their own activities. Some students may not cope well with the lack of a traditional classroom. The term "Montessori" can be used by anyone, whether the school is really Montessori or not. Students may have difficulty moving to a traditional class later. . Argyro found that his son had no trouble setting up after Montessori left and still a great student. “I really can say that we have no reason for our decision to send our son Montessori, although we initially suffered where to send him,” he says.

Knowledge, skills and abilities are all manifestations of purposeful activity, purposeful actions, constructive understanding of reality. But in humans, like many animals, however, not every action can be meaningful, purposeful and constructive. The fact is that there is such a thing as a habit. It is important to understand that the habit is not only and not so much the need to do something, as the automatic behavior, sometimes simple, sometimes complex.

Yark says that the Montessori structure may be difficult for some teachers and students. “Freedom in the classroom can be difficult for certain students and teachers,” she says. Montessori firmly believed in a continuous, three-hour period of working with children. This means that the child chooses what they want to work on, all over again, all morning. Some children and teachers need a more complex structure and struggle with this aspect.

Tags: early childhood education, career in education. This advertising content was created by Rasmussen College to support its educational programs. Rasmussen College cannot prepare students for all positions presented in this content. Rasmussen College is a regional accredited private college and a Public Charity Corporation.

Knowledge  - it is a system of concepts about objects and phenomena learned as a result of perceptions, analytical-synthetic thinking, memorization and practical activity.

Skill  - is the ability of a person to productively, with due quality and at the appropriate time to perform work in new conditions.

Skill  as a property of an individual, his ability, in the process of purposeful activity, to perform the private actions that comprise it, automatically, without attention directed at them, but under the control of consciousness. Skills can be mental (thinking and memory), sensory (perceptual skills), motor (psychomotor) and volitional. Each skill passes a series of stages in the process of its formation. This process is called skill automation.

Elizabeth is a freelance writer for the education of Colleagues, who writes student-oriented articles on behalf of Rasmussen College. She enjoys writing compelling content to help former, current, and future students on the path to useful education.

For Montessori, education is an integral part of the growth of a child. At the same time, it is important to note that philosophy is not limited to education. It is not easy to identify the teacher in the classroom. There are no adult facts on the front. But if you take a closer look, you will notice that someone is moving among the students, gently setting out the sentences, helping the children to train themselves.

Skills and skills are formed only in practical activities carried out by the methods of exercise and training. Outside of purposeful activity, neither the skills nor the components of their skills can be formed.

Habit - This is an action whose fulfillment has become a need, causing unpleasant feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety when it is not performed. Individual words and movements, phrases and actions, acts and behaviors, and even complex and lengthy activities can be familiar. Habits are useful, facilitating accurate and timely performance of work, making even hard work pleasant; may be inappropriate, causing useless and unnecessary in these conditions of action; there are also unhealthy and dangerous to life, threatening troubles and even great dangers. Appearing in the wrong place at the wrong time, inappropriate and bad habits may be useful in other conditions.

Montessori believed that another person could not teach people; that you have to learn for yourself, or that does not mean what it means. In the classroom, the children get up and move, and let curiosity be their guide. “We do not respect children,” Dr. Montessori’s handbook. We are trying to get them to follow us without considering them. Therefore, we will treat them with all the kindness that we would like to help in their development.

Children in school learn at their own pace and how they want to learn - teachers do not direct students to certain things, but allow students to choose their own options with additional support. Schools separate children from three-year age groups to create where older children share their knowledge with younger students.

Many household and labor habits are formed in childhood, in the process of educating and accumulating life experience - for example, the habit of behaving properly during meals, the habit of cleanliness and neatness in clothes and premises, the habit of productive work or artistic or technical creativity and invention

How does the Montessori method work

If you plan to send your child to a Montessori school, it is important to carefully examine each school to ensure that it is properly accredited. The Patent Office stated that this name is a descriptor for the type of training - any educational institution can use this name.

Montessori Makeup

Free use of the name can lead to small or extreme variations in learning methods. If you are, then the following concepts will play a role in teaching children and their interaction with teachers. Montessori advocated the rights of children and believed that if children were treated with great respect, they would help shape the world as adults, which would be the best place to live for everyone. Philosophy, similar and, oddly enough, uses the concept of performance evaluation with numbers or letters. The development of the teacher and student dynamics can be described as a transition from “help me help myself” to “help me do it myself” and ultimately “help me think about me”. Children are susceptible to "sensitive periods." Properly understood and used, these periods can be of great benefit to children if these bursts are not left ignored or lost in accordance with the tough experience in the classroom.

  • The philosophy is based on the idea that children are noticeably different from adults.
  • Children should talk more about what they are learning.
  • In fact, they are capable of self-directed learning.
The International Montessori Index provides specific information about a method that does not cost anything.

In most cases, habits are formed spontaneously, not deliberately on the part of educators, and especially pupils. Nevertheless, experienced tutors form useful habits of their pupils and eradicate harmful ones by influencing the pupils' consciousness and feelings.

Parenting methods  - science-based pedagogical methods

There are two three-hour, uninterrupted working periods each day for students aged six and under most. Older children schedule meetings or study groups, when necessary, either with a teacher or with other students. Adults and children respect concentration and do not interrupt the one who is busy with the task. Groups are formed spontaneously or are organized in advance for a special purpose, and it rarely happens that this will have priority over independent work.

Teachers teach students, not correct them. The work submitted by the students is not marked with corrections and red inks, but is respected because they are presented. Using the supervision of each student, teachers plan projects for each child to help them know what they may need to improve. Subjects do not learn in isolation, but are woven together, and the child can work for anything he wants at any time.

appropriate interaction between the teacher and pupils,

contributing to the organization of life of pupils, their activities,

relationships that stimulate their activity and regulate behavior.

Teaching methods  - these are methods of interrelated activities of a teacher and pupils, in which children learn skills, knowledge and skills,

With the exception of those established in the provincial rules, the ratio of teaching in some schools is one teacher and one assistant for up to 30-odd children. A teacher is trained to teach one child at a time and monitor thirty or more children working on a wide range of tasks.

The teacher is a half-experiment in basic lessons. Pedagogy is understood as the doctrine of full education, i.e. children are encouraged to develop motor skills, language development, as well as in the emotional and social sectors. Children are stimulated and motivated by the spatial design, support and behavior of the teacher. Motivation is active listening, success, praise, or punishment. Social behavior and conflict resolution play a central role in pedagogy.

their worldview is being formed, the inherent abilities are developing.

In each method, internal and external aspects are distinguished: on the one hand, mental cognitive processes underlying the modes of action, on the other, the system of modes of action and the child.

Each method is a set of techniques that serve to solve didactic tasks (familiarize with the new, consolidate the ability or skill, creatively rework learned). Reception is an element of the method.

There are the following educational methods and techniques:

Methods of formation of personality consciousness

Story, explanation, explanation, conversation, ethical conversation, analysis of situations, exhortation, etc.

Methods of organizing life and behavior of pupils

Assignment, exercise, creating educational situations, pedagogical requirements, etc.

Methods to stimulate activity and behavior

Requirement, competition, encouragement, punishment, method of natural consequences, etc.

Control methods

Pedagogical observation, conversation, pedagogical consultation, survey, analysis of the results of the activities of students, etc.

The choice of training method will depend on the purpose and content of the upcoming lesson.

1. Visual methods:

a) observation - the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, highlighting in them the main ones, to notice the changes, establish the reason, draw conclusions;

b) demonstration - gives the child a visual image of familiar and unfamiliar objects;

2. Practical methods:

a) exercise - repeated repetition of mental and practical actions of a given content;

b) experiments and experimentation - aimed at assisting in the acquisition of knowledge about a particular subject;

c) modeling - a visual-practical method (globe, map, site plan, etc.);

3. Game methods and techniques:

but) didactic game  - improvement and consolidation of knowledge, learning new knowledge and skills of different content;

b) an imaginary situation in expanded form - for the assimilation of certain knowledge ("Flower Shop" - knowledge about plants, speech development, etc.);

4. Verbal methods:

a) teacher's story - the study of educational material;

b) conversation - when children have knowledge about the subject;

c) reading fiction - a source of knowledge about the world, fosters feelings, develops thinking, imagination, memory.

In one lesson, a complex of techniques is usually used. For example, the comparison of objects or illustrations is accompanied by a naming (sample of a word), an explanation, a word of art, appeals to children. The teacher must first not only think over the general course of the lesson, but also carefully outline the teaching methods (accuracy and brevity of formulations, the compatibility of individual techniques).

In preschool the visual and game methods in combination with verbal prevail. For example, E.I. Tiheeva believed that to build the process of teaching children in kindergarten  should be based on visibility in learning. She argued that in this special organization of the environment contributes to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas.


Preschool Pedagogy  (Edited by V.I. Loginova and PG Samorukova). -

M .: Enlightenment, 1988

Platonov K.K., Golubev G.G. Psychology. - M., 1977

Ponomarev Ya. A. Knowledge, thinking and mental development. - M., 1967

Shaporinsky S. A. Training and scientific knowledge. - M., 1981



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Methods of education and training in preschool pedagogy Prepared by the deputy head of educational and methodical work MBDU d / s number 62 O.N. Bachurina Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Novocherkassk Methodical study School for the improvement of pedagogical skills

The process of training and education is a focused and organized process of formation: knowledge, skills, abilities, education of relationships, skills and behavior habits. It is built on the basis of the principles of didactics, it has a clear program, it proceeds in specially created conditions, in certain forms of organization, using special methods and techniques.

Principles of preschool didactics

Knowledge, skills, abilities Knowledge, skills, abilities are manifestations of purposeful activity, purposeful actions, constructive understanding of reality. Knowledge is a system of concepts about objects and phenomena acquired as a result of perceptions, analytical-synthetic thinking, memorization and practical activity. Skills are the ability of a person to be productive, with proper quality and at the appropriate time to perform work in new conditions. Skill is the ability to perform components in the process of purposeful activity. her private actions are automated, without special attention directed towards them, but under the control of consciousness. Habit is an action that has become a necessity. causing unpleasant feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety when it is not performed


Methods of education and training Methods of education Methods of training are scientifically based methods of pedagogically expedient interaction between a teacher and pupils, promoting the organization of pupils' life, their activities, relationships, stimulating their activity and behavioral methods regulating the activities of the teacher and pupils, in which children learn skills and knowledge and skills, their worldview is being formed, inherent abilities are developing


Cognitive Processes for Preschool Children

Methods and techniques

Methods and techniques of education

Methods and techniques of learning. METHODS OF RECEPTIONS A VISUAL observation - the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, highlighting the main things in them, notice the changes, establish the cause, draw conclusions; demonstration - gives the child a visual image of familiar and unfamiliar objects; viewing pictures - the formation of ideas about the environment (present, past, future), familiarity with the works, the ability to distinguish between genres of painting; demonstration of video films, electronic presentations - expansion of knowledge, development of speech, education of a cultural viewer, capable of deep perception; WORD teacher's story - the study of educational material; child's story - the exchange of impressions, to create in the child vivid and accurate ideas about events and phenomena, the development of speech; conversation - when children have knowledge about the subject; reading fiction - a source of knowledge about the world around us, fosters feelings, develops thinking, memory, imagination PRACTICAL exercise - repeated repetition of mental and practical actions of a given content; experiments and experimentation - aimed at helping to acquire knowledge about a particular subject; modeling - visual-practical method (globe, map, group plan, plot, etc.) GAME didactic game - improving and consolidating knowledge, learning new knowledge and skills of different content; games-drama, outdoor games, riddles, exercises, imitation; imaginary situation in expanded form - for the assimilation of certain knowledge (“Flower shop” - knowledge about plants, speech development, etc.); combination with other tricks

In one lesson, a complex of techniques is usually used. For example, the comparison of objects or illustrations is accompanied by a naming (sample of a word), an explanation, a word of art, appeals to children. The teacher must first not only think over the general course of the lesson, but also carefully outline the teaching methods (accuracy and brevity of formulations, the compatibility of individual techniques). In preschool the visual and game methods in combination with verbal prevail. For example, E.I. Tiheeva believed that the process of teaching children in kindergarten should be built on the basis of clarity in teaching. She argued that in this special organization of the environment contributes to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas.

Literature Preschool Pedagogy (edited by VI Loginova and PG Samorukova). - M .: Enlightenment, 1988 Platonov KK, Golubev G.G. Psychology. - M., 1977 Ponomarev Ya. A. Knowledge, thinking and mental development. - M., 1967 Shaporinsky S. A. Training and scientific knowledge. - M., 1981

Thanks for attention!

Scientists have more than five hundred different methods that can be used in raising children, so they needed ways to organize them into a certain system, which indicates where, in what area, and for what purpose these methods can be used by the teacher.

In the process of transferring knowledge to preschool children, the most common classification of educational methods is used, consisting of three groups:

1. Verbal methods - when education is based on verbal forms: conversation, story, explanation, clarification, instruction. These methods are used in the education of preschool children briefly, clearly. The word carries an emotional component. Thus, the prohibition of action should be colored by the emotion of fear for the child, have a categorical prohibition and should not be used often to avoid becoming ordinary.

2. Practical methods are games, exercises, trainings with the help of which the material studied is consolidated. Older children become capable of competitive activity, which is of great importance in upbringing, upbringing is achieved by a child independently, with minimal support from an adult.

3. Visual methods. When a pattern of behavior is demonstrated by an adult or with the help of an illustration, film, analysis of the behavior of another child. The lesson uses pictures, audio recordings, presentations, excerpts from cartoons, illustrations for the works. The peculiarity of visual work with preschoolers is to avoid showing the wrong behavior, because children tend to repeat everything after an adult, without consciously appreciating the correctness or incorrectness of an act.

This classification of methods of education in kindergartens is used with the priority of using visual methods, because they are most common in working with younger preschoolers due to the fact that their thinking is visual-effective, and they assimilate the demands of the world around them only on the basis of demonstration and verbal confirmation. The older the children become, the more often the caregiver applies practical methods, training the skills of the children or a positive habit.

Another classification of methods of education, which is used, has a division according to the components of a person, because For the formation of socially significant behavior, a group of methods should influence all personality structures:

1. Methods of development of consciousness - this is the basis of the outlook of the child, his intellectual base, knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in society. The richer and more varied this area is, the more opportunities for the child to make choices for socially correct behavior. This group includes all verbal and visual methods from the previous classification.

2. Methods of formation of preschoolers - is the use of knowledge not only in games and in the classroom, but also their application in practice, repetition in different situations. Initially this is done under the guidance of an adult, and then the children train the skill on their own.

3. Methods of stimulation (or the formation of feelings) - is the impetus for a more rapid assimilation of the action by influencing the feelings of the child. Therefore, praise, blame, approval are used, situations of success are created. Children react even to slight disapproval of a significant person: mom or dad, beloved educator or grandmother. Forms are used a variety of, because stimulation methods are used in combination with the methods of development of consciousness and the formation of behavior. The emotional reaction of parents to the actions of the child is an effective method of education.

This classification of upbringing methods is most often used in kindergartens, and is best promoted in the education of preschoolers. Emotional sphere of preschool children is still unstable, labile, characterized by differences in the mood of children, therefore, it is often recommended to use positive feelings of preschool children, because having experienced the pleasure of acting once, the baby will want to repeat it again.