Card file constructive games. Cheat Sheet on Preschool Pedagogy - file n1.doc

8.4. Construction and constructive games for preschoolers

Features of construction and constructive games. Educational and developmental impact of construction and constructive games for the child. Conditions for games with building materials. Management of construction and construction games with building material. Guide construction and constructive games with natural material.

In the history of the pedagogy of the game with building material are presented in many systems of parenting preschool age   (F.Frebel's system, walfdorf pedagogy, LK Schleger system, etc.). This type of game is well studied in Russian preschool pedagogy (VG Nechaev, ZV Lishtvan, AN Davidchuk, LA Paramonova, and others). The term “constructional and constructive game” appeared relatively recently (PG Samorukov, V.R. Lisin). One of the main features of this game is that it is based on constructive skills and abilities, as a result of which, more than any other types of children's games, it approaches the creative practice of the child, in particular, to design.

Construction and constructive games belong to the group of creative games. They are somewhat similar to the role-playing game and are considered by some researchers as its variety. For example, in programs for preschool institutions they are assigned to the section of role-playing games. And, indeed, they have one source - the life around them, and children are united on the basis of common interests, joint activities, and both types of games are collective in nature.

However, there are significant differences between building constructive and role-playing games: in the role-playing game, first of all, various phenomena are reflected and relationships between people are mastered, and in building construction games, children's constructive creativity and interest in technology are basic.

The teacher is important to take into account the relationship of games with building materials with other types of games (role-playing, dramatized, mobile, didactic). Thus, construction often arises in the process of a role-playing game and is caused by it. It seems to set the goal of the construction game. For example, children conceived of playing sailors, so it became necessary to build a ship. However, a construction game can arise as an independent one, and this or that game develops on its basis. For example, children build a theater, and then play artists.

In the older groups, children for a long time build rather complex structures, including using constructors, practically comprehending the simplest laws of physics. In this case, the child is fascinated by the process of creation and construction. In the construction of the building, the manufacture of toys and the game lies: the children conspire to build, in what ways, assign roles (construction manager, architect, drivers, bricklayers, etc.).

The creative nature of the game determines the presence of the game plan, its free development, the variability of solving a creative task, children's interest in the process of activity, the presence of an imaginary situation. Mastering the design features of the material encourages children to create new objects, change their properties: put a brick on a wide edge - you can build a walkway, a bench, put the same brick on a narrow short edge - you can build a high fence, etc. The ability to build on the same topic in different ways also activates the imagination. Borrowing samples from the surrounding life requires the ability to single out the main thing, to distract from particulars, to accept the convention of one’s own creation, for example, to use a cylinder as a column, to replace the roof with a triangular prism, etc.

A feature of games with building materials is that in order to master constructive skills, special training in the classroom is necessary. Without consistent formation of constructive skills of the game remain at the level of manipulation.

Thus, the basis of the construction-constructive game is the activity of children, where they reflect the surrounding life in various buildings with the help of various materials and play actions with them. Like any creative game, it has structural elements - motive, game design, roles, rules, game actions, result.

Building constructive games contribute to the development of a child's creativity, thinking, spatial imagination, which are the basis of design activity, which has been convincingly proved in the studies of N.N. Poddyakova, LA Paramonova et al.

In the process of these games is the formation of positive relationships between peers. Usually, construction and constructive games are group or collective in nature and therefore contribute to the development of mutual understanding, they are taught to be attentive to other children, to communicate with peers and adults. In addition, children develop a noticeable interest in technology, they learn to bring the job started to the end, to see the result of collective work, its benefit.

In the concept, the content of the construction games is one or another mental task, the solution of which requires preliminary thinking: what to do, what material is needed, in what sequence the construction should go. This contributes to the development of constructive thinking, the ability to create different models, expands children's knowledge about color, size, shape.

In the process of building constructive games, an educator teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, memorize, and reproduce construction techniques, focusing attention on the sequence of actions. Children learn how to build a building, learn to plan work, presenting it as a whole, analyze and synthesize the building, show imagination.

Under the guidance of adults, preschoolers master an exact vocabulary (speech is enriched) expressing the names geometric bodies, spatial relationships: high - low, right - left, up and down, long - short, etc.

The teacher on excursions, during the targeted walks acquaints children with new buildings, architectural features of buildings, which combine the expediency, convenience, beauty. It gives children material for a creative display of the surrounding life in the game. The teacher encourages beautiful and sturdy buildings, the desire to make decorating details, thereby bringing up the artistic taste of children.

It should be noted that in the construction and constructive games manifested a variety of physical activity of the child, develops coordination of movements. Of particular importance is the development of small muscles of the hand, the eye. Constructing buildings from large parts, children make physical efforts available to them, show endurance and endurance.

Thus, construction and constructive games significantly influence the development of a preschooler child.

In preschool for special building games, special conditions are created. One of the main conditions is organization of the subject environment   those. availability of the necessary building material in accordance with the objectives of the development of the constructive activity of children of this age. The following types of building material are distinguished:

* specially created (floor, table construction material, sets such as "Young Architect", "Old Castle", "Lego" and other design sets);

* natural (sand, snow, clay, stones, etc.);

* ancillary (boards, boxes, boxes, etc.).

The material should be diverse, attractively decorated, fairly stable, consistent with the age of children. So, for children of 2–3 years of age, a set of material includes cubes, bricks, prisms, plates for the purpose of building simple objects (a bed, a chair, a sofa, etc.).

Necessary to provide in every age group time in day mode   and a place   for these games. Small building materials and constructors are best kept in a closet or on a rack accessible to children; large building material is located away from the tables at which chess players, book lovers, and lotto sit, because construction games require more space, in addition, young builders often unite in groups of several people, talk, consult, transfer details, make changes to buildings.

Usually in the group for the storage of building material is assigned a permanent place - the construction area. Parts are folded neatly, steadily, in order to comply with safety regulations. Children of younger groups take the material and put it after the game with the help of an educator, and older preschoolers do it all themselves.

The teacher must acquaint children with the order of storage of building material, require careful handling.

In the older groups you should have for independent buildings models, drawings, photographs, drawings of various items for the development of children's design skills. In this case, they have the opportunity to transfer a planar image to a three-dimensional building, thereby displaying analytical activity.

Preschoolers should be taught to respect the buildings, structures made by their peers. Usually the child likes to return to their buildings, to make changes to them. Since the buildings in the older groups are recommended to be stored for several days, the caregiver is advisable to pay attention to the children to the buildings of his comrades, to learn to notice the successes of others, to enjoy them.

In all age groups you need to create conditions for playing around the buildings,picking up small toys (cars, animal figures, people, etc.). Older preschoolers can design auxiliary material of various objects for equipping games from paper, cardboard. You can also use toys collected from the designer.

In order to interest children, you can combine them for joint constructions from the constructor, to introduce elements of competition. 2-3 subgroups can participate in the competition (no more than 5-6 people in each). Children will also be interested in the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition of handicrafts from a designer, auxiliary material. You can do the work at home with the rollers.

In our opinion, an important condition for building constructive games is selection of their subjectstaking into account the age and individual abilities of children.

For example, in the second younger group   - gates, walkways, truck, furniture for dolls, houses, turrets, garage, train, fences for animals, birds, etc .; at medium group   - two-story houses, a steamboat, a hill with a ramp, a garage for two cars, a bridge, a railway and a train, etc .; at older group   - a plane, different cars, a street, a kindergarten, a zoo, steamboats are different, pedestrian and car bridges, etc .; at preparatory group    - fabulous houses, river and railway stations, a theater, high-rise buildings, airplanes of various kinds, subways, fairy tales, etc.

Children love building constructive games. Moreover, these games are equally fascinating to both boys and girls. In domestic preschool pedagogy, a number of studies were devoted to the method of forming constructive skills in children (E. A. Flerina, Z. V. Lishtvan, A. N. Davidchuk, L. A. Paramonova). The main idea of ​​this technique is to lead a child from imitating the actions of an adult to independently solving the constructive tasks of increasing difficulty.

Children acquire basic skills in the process of learning in design classes, in joint activities with an adult, and then transfer them, transforming, complementing and varying into independent building constructive games..

To form an interest in these games in children, the teacher uses various techniques. In younger groups   children build by sample. The teacher builds himself in the presence of the children, then involves them in playing around the building (various animals settle in the zoo in the zoo, children come with their parents).

Using reception co-creation,the teacher prompts the children the topic of construction in the image of that which they constructed in the classroom and immediately makes, for example, a table, a cot; suggests several children to build with it, suggests a sequence of actions, teaches accuracy, encourages, rejoices with the children, gives toys for playing around. You can also offer children to complete the construction, made partially by the tutor or rebuild it.

If the teacher himself builds something for the children, then he attracts them to participate in the work: he asks to find the necessary details, submit the material, etc.

In the second youngest group, children can already play nexttherefore, the task of the educator is to teach them not to interfere with each other, to take care of the buildings of their comrades, to gradually unite playing for 3-4 people, thereby teaching collective games.

In children of secondary school age   there is already some experience, the ability to play in small teams, distribute material among themselves, coordinate game actions, achieve a common result in construction. Children of this age are taught by a teacher build not only on the proposed model, but also on the theme outlined by the children themselves, teaches more complex methods of work. Under the guidance of an educator, children are able to reflect their impressions of the surrounding objective world in a building game. The teacher on excursions, targeted walks draws the attention of children to buildings, bridges, transport, streets, etc., teaches them to see the beauty of the buildings, to notice not only the general, but also the different, to highlight certain particulars.

Children middle group still can not independently reflect in the construction-constructive game what they saw. Therefore, the teacher, as in the younger groups, uses a sample of construction. By building a building together with children, preschoolers learn the general principles of building not only buildings, but also bridges, cars, ships, etc. As the basics of construction are mastered, the teacher provides the opportunity to choose the topic, roles, determine the sequence of construction of the building: where to start, how to continue, how to finish it. Children need to be encouraged to evaluate what has been done, to outline options for using it in a role-playing game, to use widely reception of co-creation, offering to make changes to the construction, additions (to complete, rebuild), i.e. use partial sample. The teacher should tactfully help children in the independent choice of plots of building constructive games.

AT older group   it is envisaged to teach children to plan collective construction-constructive games, to determine participants by prior agreement, to use constructive-building skills not only by a visual model, but also by drawings and photographs of various structures. In the process of learning constructive skills is also used. demonstration of construction methods with an explanation of design techniques, problem statement   (how to build a building for the school).

Children are invited partial samplewhen the tutor shows children unfamiliar ways to connect parts of the designer, the construction of floors of high-rise buildings, etc.

Used also showing an unfinished construction samplewhich every child must complete in his own way. The reception of a few (2-3) building samples to choose from is justified.

So, teaching children to building constructive games, the teacher uses a complex of various techniques aimed at developing children's creativity, constructive skills, and combining the child’s intellectual and practical activities. The teacher teaches children to think about upcoming game actions, develops quick wits, encourages guessing. For example, it teaches to compare (what are the similar and different types of urban transport, residential buildings and buildings of artistic purpose, etc.).

Older children should be taught using the technique of showing how to use various building materials, how to connect individual parts, blocks, how to make buildings movable, durable, beautiful.

The development of the content of the game, as in the previous age group, contributes to familiarizing children with the life around them. The teacher, showing the children of the building, teaches to single out individual parts, draws their attention to symmetry, contrasts. Preschool children of the older group are taught to “read” images in photographs, drawings, i.e. to allocate the general, main, parts of buildings, etc. Visual analysis helps children to get an idea of ​​the structure and use it in self-construction.

In the older group, the word acquires great importance: the tutor's story, the message of the construction theme, indicating the conditions it must meet (a home for a family with a certain number of people, etc.). The teacher helps to distribute responsibilities, encourages creativity, discussion of the game plan, supports the critical remarks of children, their proposals, which contributes to the development of their independence of thought and search. Children are able to take into account the comments of the teacher and get the joy of the praise of adults.

Children of the preparatory group   more independent, on their own initiative, gaming groups are selected, they can independently plan the sequence of the construction-constructive game and carry out preliminary collusion. The presence of constructive skills allows them to build on a visual model, according to their own design, on a given topic, on conditions, models.

In the study A.N. Davidchuk offered to children of this age to compare modern and ancient buildings, which, according to the scientist, is important for the formation of the initial historical ideas. Enriching children with impressions, knowledge of various structures, the teacher must lead them to mastering generalized ideas: buildings have a specific purpose, components, forms, proportions, location in space, decorations.

In teaching the design in this group is of great importance transfer of the planar image to the volumetric buildingthat makes significant demands on the child and contributes to the development of analytical activities.

As a sample is used drawing, drawing, construction scheme. The teacher teaches children to draw up a scheme of the proposed construction on paper, independently outlining its design features. Transferring the acquired knowledge in the classroom in the design in the construction-constructive game, children can create their own individual and collective buildings, use them in accordance with the plan ("Zoo", "Street", "Construction", etc.)

The buildings of children in the seventh year of life differ from other groups in more diverse designs, since children are more familiar with the phenomena of life, with the construction technique on special excursions, through books. In games, they often imitate the construction activities of adults. For example, some bring and bring material, others build walls, the third supervise all the work, etc. Such constructive and constructive games are closely intertwined with the role-playing game "Construction".

In the preparatory group, more clearly than in the older group, the actual construction activity, the desire to tinker at something, do it yourself. Many constructive and constructive games are aimed at satisfying the preschoolers ’educational interests. Striving for accuracy leads to a slight decrease in game convention. Children want the building to look like a real one. The similarity with the depicted real object for them is a criterion for the correctness of the design. The teacher should teach children to analyze their buildings, which contributes to the development of mental abilities, teaches children to correlate the goal and the construction process with the result.

To attract children's attention to building constructive games, the teacher can use a number of non-standard methods, for example, make a beautiful building in the absence of children, then invite them to consider it carefully and express their opinion. After that, you can remove the building and offer to those who wish to do the same from memory, or to contribute your own creativity and build something else.

Thus, an important condition for the educational and upbringing influence of the construction and constructive games of children of the seventh year of life is to guide the teacher while maintaining children's creative initiative, developing their interest in technology, and teaching how to convert a plane image into a three-dimensional building.

For constructive games in preschool institutions   not only building materials, but also natural materials are widely used: snow, water, sand, pebbles, cones, branches, etc.

Having barely learned to walk, the kid reaches for a shovel, shovel, tends to dig snow, sand, loves to play with water. However, without a specially organized learning game with natural material are monotonous and low content. The child learns many of the properties of natural materials in a sensual way. Methods of sensory knowledge, the ability to distinguish the properties and qualities of objects develop in the process of various activities, especially in the game. The teacher should consistently train children, developing their analyzing perception of objects, shaping the actions of the survey, seeking the assimilation of the correct verbal designations of signs.

Children of all age groups are very fond of playing with sand. The place on the site where the sand is stored (sandbox) is enclosed so that it does not crumble. Sand is a short-lived construction material. Children with enthusiasm build castles, slides, dig canals, deep wells, etc. But as soon as the sand dries, the sculptures, fences and moats crumble. Therefore, sand in sandboxes must be kept constantly wet.

In younger groups    children are happy to master sand casting, using special molds, shovels, small buckets, toys with stand, to stick into the sand. The teacher enriches the sensory experience of children, teaches how to properly name the signs of sand.

In older groups   children learn to build digging method   (well, river, tunnel, etc.). Children can transform a hill of tamped sand into a certain purpose (house, fortress, palace). Often they unite in joint games, constructing not separate objects, but the whole complexes (park, river quay, etc.).

In winter, when walking, children play with enthusiasm with snow. Younger children   rake his blades, pour slides. The simplest method is modeling, if the snow is sticky. The teacher offers kids to sculpt small lumps - snowballs, carrots to feed the bunny, etc. In the presence of children, the educator can make a snowman. Then, with the children, make him eyes, mouth, ears, hair from dry twigs, knots. So kids learn about the properties of snow and how to play with it.

Children of middle and older preschool age   master the new method of building from the snow - modeling lumpsmake them a human figure (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden). Rolling lumps, they assimilate the property of wet snow (gravity), and if it is also poured with water, this gives the building greater strength. Children also build houses, fortresses, boats, bridges, and steamboats out of snow, decorate areas with colored ice.

The teacher encourages children to take initiative, fiction. Encouraging games with snow, he ensures that children move sufficiently, do not freeze and at the same time do not overheat.

Preschoolers should be introduced to the construction techniques of rammed snow collected for a long time in one place. This is a great material for snow bricks, from which you can make a variety of snow sculpture and architectural buildings. Snow slides are widely distributed in preschool institutions for children's entertainment, in the construction of which they take an active part.

It should be noted that in preschool institutions, especially at younger age, are used water games   in the group room and on the site where the basins with water, various vessels (jars, cups, etc.), funnels, floating and sinking toys and objects are used. Kids pour water from a vessel into a vessel, bathe dolls, get acquainted with the properties of objects (drown-swim). On the site you can organize games around the puddle after the rain, spring brook, blowing boats, made of paper, bark, wood.

Children   older ( 4-5 years) they assimilate new ideas for them that water spreads, does not have its form, that it is transparent, etc.

In the preschool age   children can already explain why not all objects float, not all water is clear, to tell that water changes its state depending on the air temperature.

Excellent material for building and constructive games - pebbles, cones, sticks, etc. Educators are taught to lay out patterns of pebbles on the track, the site. For patterns, a sample can be given, a plot proposed, and conditions for the location of pebbles. These games are very useful for the development of spatial orientation. Of the cones, the older preschoolers make various objects, little people, little animals; constructing buildings from branches, reeds, etc.

Building-constructive games from natural material develop children's creativity, constructive thinking, artistic taste.

As a result, it should be emphasized that for the development and expansion of the content of building and constructive games for children of preschool age in all age groups, it is necessary to train preschoolers in constructive skills in special design lessons and in their free time. In theory and practice of preschool education, there are several types of design that children must master:

    patterning (in all age groups);

    designing on a given topic (brings the child to the creative implementation of the task, but its limits are limited to the topic);

    designing according to one’s own design (a complex type of design in which a child solves all problems on his own);

    the design of the conditions (in the proposal to complete the construction, certain parameters are set, based on which, the child must complete the construction independently);

    building by model (type of design developed by A.R. Luria) - the child first analyzes the model, identifies the main parts, then selects the forms that are needed to recreate the topic.

Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, previously conceived real product corresponding to its functional purpose. Design has extremely wide possibilities for mental, moral, aesthetic, labor education. At the lessons of designing, the development of children's sensory and cognitive abilities is carried out.

"Geometric figures"

Objective: to familiarize children with the basic geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of a house, a Christmas tree, the sun, etc. from geometric shapes.

The course of the game. After talking on the pictures, ask the child to show a square (a triangle, a circle, a rectangle), then draw a pencil around the figures with dotted lines, and then color the picture. In the process of work, repeat with the child more often the words: “The ball is round, the window is square ...”

“Find and name a figure”

Objective: to exercise children in the knowledge of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Suggest the child to first paint the figure in a frame, and then the same, selecting it from the other two. Ask to name those figures that he knows, and the color that he chose to paint.

"Flags and garlands"

The goal of the game: to develop the logical thinking of children, exercise in the knowledge of colors and geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of a garland of flags and other geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Invite the children to paint over each first figure of the garlands and flags, then circle the figures shown in dotted lines with a pencil and paint them in any color. Then ask the child to show and name the figures, and also say in what color he painted them.

"Chicken Family"

The goal of the game: to exercise children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, to develop the logical thinking of children.

Material: story picture with the image of the chicken family, a card with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game, Consider with the child the plot picture (pre-painted). “Who is drawn? Who is in the family dad, mom? Where are the kids? How many chicks? What colors are they? ”Then, suggest a card with the geometric figures depicted and ask them to find those figures that need to be cut out and pasted to the image of a chicken, a rooster, and chickens.

Help the child cut, and let him stick it. Upon completion of the work, rejoice in its success. You can offer the child to show the largest circle in the picture, a smaller circle and the smallest circles.

At the end of the game, specify which geometric shape was performed. Suggest to find circular objects in the surrounding space. Let the child draw circles with a finger on the table, on the floor, in the air. You can offer to draw circles on paper.


The goal of the game: to acquaint children with the shape of a "triangle", to develop thinking.

Material: subject picture with the image of boats from geometric figures, a card with geometric figures.

The course of the game. Invite the children to tell about what is drawn in the picture, then circle the sail with a pencil. Ask what kind of geometric figure they look like, what other geometric shapes they know.

After that, the children find a small triangle, then a large one. Help them, if they find it difficult, to color, cut and paste the shapes on the image.

At the end of the game, specify what kind of geometric shape cut. Suggest to find objects of a triangular shape in the surrounding space. Let the child draw triangles with his finger on the table, on the floor, in the air. You can offer to draw a triangle on paper.

"Putting pictures"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking, consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes.

Material: sample cards with pictures of geometric shapes, blank cards, carved geometric shapes of various colors and sizes.

The course of the game. Review the drawings with the children. Suggest to find on them familiar geometric shapes.

Cut out figures from colored paper in duplicate and make one of them together with the children. Suggest a second set of shapes for children to lay out images. Do not forget to fix the color names in the memory of children during the game. For the second image, cut out the shapes so that their shape is the same, and the color is different, so that the child searches for the part in both shape and color.

"Design by the scheme"

Purpose of the game: the development of logical thinking of children of younger preschool age.

Material: cards with contour schemes, details of the builder.

The course of the game. Children are given a card with contour diagrams and are offered to lay out these images from large parts of the building set on the table, using this card as a sample. To make it more difficult for children, offer a few more details than you need.

"We construct from sticks"

Objective: to consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes, the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: cards with the contour image of objects, sticks of different lengths.

The goal of the game. Offer children chopsticks of different lengths, ask them to select the longest, shorter and shortest ones. Put some figure out of the chopsticks at the child’s suggestion. Then give the child a card, look at the outlines of the objects with him, let him know them, call them. Then offer to lay out any figure. In the process, fix the names of familiar geometric shapes that will arise in the process of laying out. Ask to lay out the chopsticks figurines on their own.

“Find a figure”

The purpose of the game: to familiarize children with the names of geometric shapes, to acquaint with a cone, cylinder and prism.

Material: a set of construction designer, cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Ask the child to find and bring a cube, a brick, then a long plate (the usual building material is used for construction). Show the child a cone and offer to find the same part (then a cylinder, then a prism). After that, give the child a card and offer to find these details.

"Find a pair"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking, exercise in naming colors and the name of geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of geometric figures divided into 8 parts, not cut cards by the number of players

Have a child play a game. (One of the cards is cut into eight parts.) Put the cut cards on the whole cards on the card (figures that are similar in shape but different in color and size). Raise this or that card and ask to find the same part, but of a different color or size. Exercise children in naming colors when doing a task.

"Build a scheme"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to perform basic construction, focusing on the scheme.

Material: building schemes, building set.

The course of the game. Remember with the children the construction details that they know, show them their properties. Show the card, ask what is depicted on it, offer to consider, and say, from what parts of the building. Ask to build from the construction details the same buildings. It is important that the details are depicted in full size.

"We impose details"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to lay out images in a superimposed way.

Material: cards with contour drawings, construction set or plane geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Children are taught to lay out images by overlaying the volumetric details of one of the faces on the drawing. Offer the children a card and ask them to create beautiful pictures (show on the example of installing one part).

Constructive games for children 4-5th year of life.

"Laying out figures"

Purpose of the game: to practice children in laying out images of geometric shapes using schemes.

Material: image maps, building set.

The course of the game. Children are offered schemes and geometric shapes for laying out images. After the assignment is asked: "From what figures did you make this car?" How many figures did you need for this rocket? How many identical figures are there? ”

"Find the superfluous"

The goal of the game: to develop the logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The map shows rows of geometric shapes. Children are asked to consider them and determine what is superfluous on them, then justify why.

"What does it look like?"

The goal of the game: to develop the visual-figurative thinking of children.

Material: a set of plane geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The teacher in turn shows the cut geometric figures, calls them and asks to say what they look like. For example: balloon - bun, sun, face, balloon, etc.

"We construct from sticks"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical skills.

Material: sticks of different lengths in three sizes, cards with the image of the simplest pictures.

The course of the game. Children hand out sticks of different lengths, offer to expand them in size into three parts. Then they give pictures (real images of objects of a simple form: a box, a car, a boat with a sail, a wheelbarrow, a flower, a vase, etc.) and are asked to post an image of these objects with chopsticks.


Material: drawings of geometric shapes and real objects familiar to preschoolers.

The course of the game. Children are offered two drawings, one shows geometric bodies (a cube, a cylinder, a ball, a cone, etc.), on the other real objects familiar to preschoolers are asked to name what kind of geometric body this or that object looks like. Invite the children to play the game “What does it look like?” - to find objects in the surrounding space that resemble familiar geometric bodies. Have the children show and name round, square, figures in one and the other figure.

“Remember what it looks like.”

Purpose of the game: to exercise children in the naming of geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes.
  The course of the game. Children are offered cards with the image of building details. The teacher asks to name the part and remember the objects that have similarities with it, to justify at the same time why he indicates these objects.

"Count and Design"

Purpose of the game: The development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: cards with the image of robots from geometric shapes, building kits or plane geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Children are shown a drawing with the image of robots from geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the robots men, asks how many robot dogs. He asks you to choose any robot, tell which figures it was made of, how many identical detail figures it went to. Then children are given geometric shapes and asked to lay out the images they like.

"Arrange the room"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: sheet of paper (35 * 45cm), building set, plane geometric shapes

The course of the game. The teacher offers the children a sheet of paper (S3 * 45 cm) and says that this is the floor of the doll room, asks to build it with bricks (room walls), leaving gaps for the window and door. After the children do this, take out the sheet and put it next to the constructed room. Then he pulls out the geometric figures and suggests laying them out on paper, selecting furniture pieces that are similar in shape (square - stool, rectangle - bed, etc.). The teacher considers with the preschoolers the resulting scheme and asks to place on it the "furniture" in the room, built with bricks. At the end of the work, the children compare the image with the building.

"The ratio of geometric bodies and shapes"

The goal of the game: to teach children to correlate images of geometric shapes and construction details of the designer.

Material: Cards with the image of geometric shapes, building set.

The course of the game. Preschoolers are offered to consider images of geometric bodies, and then the geometric shapes shown below. The teacher asks you to find the construction details depicted on the card and show those sides that have the shape of geometric figures depicted under the card.

The task is complicated if children are asked to correlate geometric shapes and bodies without using building details.

"We impose details"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: circuit cards, building details.

The course of the game. Preschoolers are given two cards: one shows various teremks in the form of a diagram, and construction details on the other, which should be selected to solve this problem. purpose

tasks: put the parts in the contour so that they touch the surface of the sheet of one of the faces. In the process of solving a task, the educator clarifies what details the child uses, what color, what shape of the faces of a particular part, how many faces the part has, how many details went into the assembly of the image.

Constructive games for children 5-7 years of life.

“Build by model”

Purpose of the game: to teach children to build structures according to the finished model.

Material: three-dimensional models, construction designer.

The course of the game. Construct simple constructions from a building material and cover them with paper or fabric; you will get three-dimensional models. There is a general idea of ​​the design, but from what details it is assembled, it is necessary to guess. Have the children build buildings on these models. (Children of the preparatory group construct more complex structures according to the depicted undifferentiated three-dimensional models.)

"Create a scheme"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: plane geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, contour diagrams, construction kits.

The course of the game. Invite the children to lay out on the paper from pre-cut cardboard geometric figures various simple images of the buildings (front view), then circle all the figures with felt-tip pens to make diagrams. They can be used as tutorials for plane modeling (Children of the preparatory group are offered to create contour schemes, encircling not every geometrical figure, but the general contour of the figures combined in the model.) Then the children are given a task to divide these schemes, to specify them (paint). Complication: it is proposed to build buildings on the contour schemes.

"Modeling according to the scheme"

Purpose of the game: Teaching children how to model.

Material: cards with the image of geometric figures and schemes of structures, building details.

The course of the game. Children are offered two cards: one shows geometric figures, the other - schemes of structures. The task is given - to select the necessary figures according to the scheme and to start modeling. The task can be complicated by proposing construction details instead of geometric shapes.

"Errors in the pattern"

Material: Cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The card shows a pattern of geometric shapes. Children are offered to consider it and find errors that violate the symmetry of the pattern. Then they ask questions: “From what figures was the pattern made? How many figures in the top row, in the bottom, rhombuses, triangles, squares, ovals? ”

"Make up the sticks"

Purpose of the game: to exercise children in the compilation of geometric shapes from the counting sticks.

Material: counting sticks.

Course of the game: Preschoolers are practicing in drawing up geometrical figures from calculating sticks.

  1. "Make a figure of three (four, five, six) sticks."
  2. "Make two equal triangles of five sticks."

3. "Build three squares of ten sticks (by attaching one figure to another)."

"Find a mistake"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Children are offered a card, it shows geometric shapes, inside of which is a geometric body. Moreover, one of the faces of a geometric body must have the shape of a figure on which the body is drawn. It is necessary to find an error in the image.

"What changed"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: building details.

The course of the game. Before the child place construction details. Ask to remember how much they are and how they stand. Then they offer to turn away and remove any part (install the parts in a different position on the plane of the table, change their places, add new ones). Then the preschooler notes what has changed.

"Changing places"

The goal of the game: the development of memory and logical thinking of children.

Material: sheets of paper, building parts, felt-tip pens.

The course of the game. Play two. Children are planted with their backs to each other and they suggest placing small construction details on a piece of paper, which are set tightly to each other so that each detail comes into contact with the surface of a sheet of one of the faces, and circle the resulting figure with a felt-tip pen. Then remove parts from the sheet, swap them and reinstall them on a sheet of paper exactly inside the contour. The task is the harder, the more details are offered.


The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: cards with the image of robots.

The course of the game. The map drawn robots assembled from building parts. Children are asked to answer questions.

  1. "How many robots are depicted."
  2. "Find two robots assembled from parts of the same shape."

3. "Show which robot has a part that others do not have."

4. "Which robots can be built from building parts, and which ones can not?"

"Cut and fold"

Material: thick paper, scissors.

The course of the game. Children are offered to cut out any geometric shape from thick paper, cut it into several differently sized pieces, and then fold it again. Children are given the opportunity to establish a pattern: the more parts they get, the harder it is to lay down the figure, but then you can create more new images. The task can be complicated by offering the guys to swap out the carved figures.


The goal of the game: the development of imagination and logical thinking of children.

Material: plane geometric shapes, sheets of paper, pencils.

The course of the game. Invite the children to model using paper geometric figures, painted by them or made in the technique of application structures (palaces, cathedrals). Then make diagrams and use them to construct these objects.

Construction game - this is the activity of children, the main content of which is a reflection of the surrounding life in a variety of buildings and related activities.

The construction game is somewhat similar to a role-playing plot and is considered as its variety.

They have one source - the surrounding life. Children in the game build bridges, stadiums, railways, theaters, circuses and more. In construction games, they not only depict surrounding objects, buildings, copying them, but also bring in their creative intent, the individual solution of constructive tasks. The similarity of plot-role-playing and building games lies in the fact that they unite children based on common interests, joint activities and are collective.

The difference between these games is that the plot-role-playing game primarily reflects a variety of phenomena and masters the relationship between people, and in the construction of the main is to get acquainted with the relevant activities of people, with the technique used and its use. The teacher is important to consider the relationship, the interaction of the plot-role-playing and construction game. Construction often occurs in the process of role-playing and is caused by it. It seems to set the goal of the construction game. For example, children conceived of playing sailors - they had to build a steamer; the game of the store inevitably requires its construction, etc. However, a building game can also arise as an independent one, and this or that role-playing plot develops on its basis. For example, children build a theater, and then play artists.

In the older groups, children for a long time erect rather complex structures, practically comprehending the simple laws of physics. The educational and developmental influence of construction games lies in the ideological content of the phenomena reflected in them, in mastering children’s methods of construction, in developing their constructive thinking, enriching speech, strengthening positive relationships. Their influence on mental development is determined by the fact that the idea, the content of construction games contains one or another mental task, the solution of which requires preliminary thinking: what to do, what material is needed, what sequence the construction should go. Thinking and solving a particular construction task contributes to the development of constructive thinking. In the process of building games, an educator teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, relate parts of buildings to others, memorize and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions. Under his leadership, they master an exact vocabulary expressing the names of geometric bodies, spatial relations: high - low, right - left, up and down, long - short, wide - narrow, higher-lower, longer - shorter, and so on.

With proper guidance, building games help solve moral education problems. Children get acquainted with the noble work of builders, try to do everything neatly and beautifully in their buildings to please their peers and adults, and help each other.

Building games contribute to the aesthetic education and development of children. The teacher on excursions, during target walks acquaints them with new buildings, architectural features of buildings, which combine the expediency, convenience, beauty. Supervision over the work of builders gives children material for a creative display of the surrounding life in the game. The teacher encourages beautiful buildings, the desire to make decorating details and this brings up the artistic taste of children.

Building games are important for the physical education of preschoolers. They manifest a variety of motor activity of the child, develops coordination of movements. Of particular importance is the development of small muscles of the hand, the eye. Constructing buildings from large parts, children make physical efforts available to them, show endurance.

In building games, ordinary, most often plot-shaped toys are used. Natural materials are also widely used: clay, sand, snow, pebbles, cones, reeds, etc.

The educational and developmental impact of building games is achieved only when the goal-directed, educational and guiding guide of the caregiver is correctly combined with the initiative and activity of children. In this case, the tutor performs the following tasks:

a) expanding children's ideas and directing their attention to the work of builders, the equipment they use;

b) training in construction methods, upbringing and development of independence and activity of thinking, constructive and creative abilities;

c) the formation of diligence, the development of the right relationship of children, combining them into a friendly team.

In the younger groups, children most often play alongside. The teacher teaches them not to interfere with each other, forms friendly relations and on this basis gradually teaches the children to play in small groups of 2-3, 3-5 people, coordinate their actions, rejoice at the joint results.

The middle group envisages the further development of children's interest in building games, the use of the buildings created in role-playing games, the education of the ability to build not only on the proposed model, but also on the topic outlined by themselves, and training in more complex work methods. The management of building games for children of this age should ensure that they are enriched with impressions of the environment and provide for the possibility of using the existing ideas in the game. It is advisable to teach children building techniques by using a sample and sharing with the teacher of the building, exercises in repeated familiar building games. The teacher should tactfully help children in the independent choice of subjects of building games.

For the older group, it is planned to expand collective construction games, teach children to pre-plan them, set the goal of the game, identify participants by prior agreement, use constructive construction skills not only by a visual model, but also by drawings and photographs of various structures. The leadership of the games of older children is more focused on the combination of intellectual and practical activities. The teacher teaches them to think about upcoming game actions, to compare one with the other, develops quick wits, encourages speculation, and prompts them to put their decisions into practice. For older preschoolers a variety of building materials are recommended. They should be shown how to use one or another of them, how to connect its individual parts, blocks, how to make buildings mobile, durable, beautiful. The development of the content of the game is determined by the richness, clarity, clarity of children's impressions about the surrounding life. Showing them complex buildings (large residential buildings, railway stations, theaters, marinas, etc.), the educator draws their attention to the general appearance of the buildings, reveals the correspondence of the architectural features to their purpose, teaches to single out individual parts, indicates symmetry, contrasts. Preschoolers are also taught to “read” images (photographs, drawings), i.e. to single out common, main, parts, etc. in them.

In the older group, the word becomes important. So, the source of the intention and content of the building game is sometimes the story of the educator. He informs children about the goal of the game, the sequence of game actions, the distribution of responsibilities, encourages them to discuss the game plan, supports interesting suggestions, criticisms. It develops children's autonomy of thought and search. The correctness of the leadership of the game and the active participation of all children in it determine their satisfaction from it, interest in it, and thus its duration. With children of the older group it is possible to discuss the progress of the building game, the quality of the actions of its participants, as they already strive to perform the necessary actions well, enjoy deserved praise and are able to take into account critical comments.

In the works of domestic and foreign scientists, preschool childhood is defined as a period optimal for mental development and education. So considered the teachers who created the first preschool education system - F. Frebel, M. Montessori. But in the studies of A. P. Usova, A. V. Zaporozhets, L. A. Wenger, N. N. Poddiakova, it was revealed that the possibilities of mental development of children of younger preschool age are much higher than previously thought.

In the system of mental education a large role belongs to the formation of sensory abilities. The most successful sensory abilities are developing in productive activities. Most of the tasks to be analyzed and solved arise in the course of the game, since the game for the child is the main factor of mental development. A very important central place in the life of the child, being the predominant type of his independent activity. NK Krupskaya, emphasizing the features of children's games, wrote: “The game is the need of a growing child's body. In the game, the physical strength of the child develops, the hand becomes firmer, the body is more flexible, or rather the eye, the quick wit, resourcefulness, initiative develop. The game develops organizational skills, develops endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances. For children, games are of exceptional importance; playing for them is learning, playing for them is work, playing for them is a serious form of upbringing. A game for preschoolers is a way to learn about the environment. ”

A. M. Gorky, speaking of the need to give children knowledge about the world, about his country, wrote: “This is quite achievable with a funny, cleverly and simply written book, and it can be achieved even more easily with an interesting toy.”

A special place among the games of preschoolers occupy building games. After all, the construction game is, above all, an important means of mental education and development of children. Building games or designing is the most important type of productive activity for a preschooler in modeling both real-life objects and objects invented by the children themselves. In the process of designing, children throughout the preschool age form a universal ability to build any kind of child activity (visual, speech, music, etc.) - creating integrity from different units (words, objects, sounds, etc.) and different ways   (combination, change of spatial location, removal of excess from integrity for receiving new, etc.).

Toys and play building material

Building games is an exciting creative activity in which children express their impressions about construction, transport, and the work of adults. Construction games open up opportunities for the manifestation of initiative, mental and physical activity of children.

But what criteria should meet the game construction toy?

NK Krupskaya pointed out that the toy should truly reflect the concrete phenomena of life, the images of people and animals. She urged to study age features   child and in accordance with them to create and pick up toys that in an accessible and entertaining form should encourage children to creatively display phenomena, events of life, to play together, to promote organization, mutual assistance, the formation of friendships, the ability to align their desires with their peers.

Construction toys (construction toys) are remarkable in that the child, playing with them, solves the problem, the conditions of which are in the construction of the toy itself, and checks itself in the process of the game. A special type of such toys are designers LEGO. They stimulate the development of the imagination and spatial thinking of the child, make it possible to activate the learning process, which contributes to the formation of bright, cheerful and harmonious personalities. The basis of almost all LEGO construction kits are LEGO bricks, they are the most stable and, in combination, allow you to build a wide variety of buildings. From LEGO, children erect interesting thematic designs around which they organize games.

Constructor LEGO -the dream of many boys and girls. The most famous toy in the world was invented in 1932 in Denmark in the kingdom of children's fairy tales, in the homeland of Hans Christian Andersen. It was there, in a magical country, with love for the world of childhood, that a wonderful designer appeared. Legobecame part of the life of Denmark. In 1968, the first was built Legoland- a whole world of 45 million cubes Legowhere children and adults go with pleasure. Constructor Legohe repeatedly received awards and prizes in different countries of the world, quite rightly he was named one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. More than one generation of children around the world appreciated him.

For the younger groups, the designer of the LEGO DUPLO series for babies is given, the cubes in it are eight times larger than the standard ones, therefore, the babies will not swallow the parts.

The designer of LEGO of the DUPLO series color, pleasing children with the beauty, ensuring successful work with it. At the same time, children in the third year of life must be shown how to build, the role of the leader is always assumed by the adult, since the children cannot yet distribute their roles in the game. In the younger group, the teacher chooses the simplest games, the purpose of which is to fix the color (blue, red, yellow, green) and the shape (square, rectangle) of the details of the LEGO designer. It is important that the first children's buildings rest on objects well known to children - a fence, a gate, a table, a chair, a house, a bridge. Thanks to the design, children develop coordination, movements become more accurate, dexterous, and confident.

Of great importance at this age is the introduction of children to the folding of Lego parts in boxes. Moreover, children can be offered different types of games. For example: collect by color, who quickly collects in a box.

Game examples

1. Spread out by color.

Material:   Lego bricks of all colors.

Purpose:   To fix the color of the details of the designer Lego.

Rule:   Children team leading lead lay Lego bricks in boxes.

2. Pass the Lego brick.

Material:   1 big brick Lego.

purpose: developmental movement coordination.

Rule:   the lead closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle on the team lead: "Pass." Children quickly pass the brick to each other. When the presenter says: "Stop." He opens the eyes of one of the children turned out to be a brick, he becomes the leader.

In the development of an independent constructive game of children of three and four years, the transition from procedural activity to the activity of meaningful, meaningful is characteristic. It is extremely important to enter the game with the construction of a story toy. This makes it possible to make the game with the construction of a meaningful and interesting. Placement of toys should be thought out in such a way that children, having finished construction, could easily take a story toy. Their assortment should correspond to the variety of plots of children's buildings.

With four-year-olds, more focused work is being organized, connected with the emphasis on their influence on the design process. Children can be given a scheme of simple buildings. The most used toys for games with LEGO buildings are LEGO Duplo (Lego Duplo), which are well used by children when playing with the construction of a house, bridge, furniture, stairs, roads. Children use small animals, birds in the game with the construction of a zoo, farms, animal hospitals, stables. Cars, trains from the designer LEGO children are widely used in games with the construction of the street, bridge, garage, railway - in the game with the construction of the house, kitchen, stove, kindergarten. Lego children begin to engage in construction from the middle group. The inclusion of children in the systematic design activity at this stage can be considered one of the important conditions for the formation of the ability to perceive the external properties of the objective world (size, shape, spatial and dimensional relationships).

In the game, each child can show his individuality, he chooses a construction theme himself, he designs himself, solves constructive tasks on his own. When playing with the LEGO designer, the child’s individual characteristics are most fully revealed, his interests and inclinations, knowledge and ideas are revealed.

Game examples

The technique.   Children already know the color of the details, the shape. Therefore, the games are a little more complicated. Children learn to work on the cards, where the image is color. The goal of the games is to learn how to use cards, to remember the names of some parts of Lego. We develop attention, speed, coordination of movements, thinking.

1. Find a building.

Material:   cards, buildings, box

Purpose:develop attention, observation, the ability to correlate depicted on the card with buildings.

Rule:   the children take turns to take a card out of a box or bag, look at it carefully, call it what is shown and look for this building. Who is mistaken, takes the second card.

2. Who is faster.

Material:   4 boxes, Lego details, 2 per player.

Purpose:   develop speed, attention, movement coordination.

Rule:   Players are divided into two teams, each team has its own color Lego bricks and its own detail. For example, 2x2 red, 2x4 blue. Players move bricks one by one from one table to another. Whose team is faster, she won.

3. Lego on the head.

Material:   Lego brick.

Purpose:   development of dexterity, coordination of movement.

Rule:   the child puts a Lego brick on his head. The rest of the children give him assignments. For example:Take two steps, sit down, lift one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If the child has completed three tasks and the brick from his head has not fallen from him, it means that he won and receives a prize.

In the process of playing and learning, the children with the help of LEGO designers have qualities that open up new opportunities for leadership. construction game, allow us to set new educational tasks: the development of ingenuity, the ability to actively attract and combine ideas about buildings, transport, and various work processes. The child experiences the constructive properties of the details, he as a designer creates, learning the laws of harmony and beauty. Children who are fond of design, are distinguished by rich imagination and imagination, an active desire for creative activity, a desire to experiment, invent. The construction of Lego designers fully meets the interests of children, their abilities and capabilities. They develop spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, which is the basis of intellectual development and an indicator of a child's readiness for school. Consequently, thanks to LEGO designers, a child is especially quickly improved in skills and abilities, in mental and aesthetic development. It is known that fine hand motor skills are associated with speech centers, which means that an advanced child develops speech faster in the design of the child. Dexterous, precise hand movements enable him to master the writing technique faster and better. The design allows the child to learn the world   reality is not only superficial, but also from the inside, i.e. see the essence of phenomena and objects. Each Lego toy is designed with the features of each children's age group. LEGO designers for children up to 3 years old are designed in such a way that there are no small parts in them that a child can inhale or swallow by accident. There are also strict requirements for the following characteristics: sharp corners and edges, small parts, engines, springs, noise. Each Lego toy meets the highest European quality standards.

  Irina Yankevich
  Card file design (junior group)

1 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"The construction of a house for cats, dogs and goat"

purpose: Develop the ability of children to build a house. Teach you to build in the right order. Contribute to the formation of team play


The course of the game. - Look, it's raining, and our puppy Bimka was wet, he sits under a tree and trembles. He needs to build a warm house - booth. The teacher offers to build a house for the dog. The children themselves pick up the material, themselves invent a house.

"Pet Latch"

purpose: Learn to build from vertically set bricks. To cultivate careful handling of the building. Activate vocabulary: brick, zagonchik

Material: bricks.

The course of the game. The teacher brings a set of plastic pets and offers to build a pen for them so that they do not run away so that the wolves do not eat them. It is necessary to build of bricks, set vertically.

5 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"Construction of the truck, the road"

purpose: Fix the ability to tightly apply the bricks flat to each other with a narrow short side (road). Stably and evenly put the cube on the second brick (a machine).

Material: cubes and bricks.

The course of the game. The teacher brings in traffic light group, children remember that they know about the traffic lights. Let's build a road and a car with you, shows how to build, plays with buildings.

"Gate for Aibolit's car"

purpose: Learn to build gates of two vertically standing bricks, on which another brick is placed .. Material: bricks

The course of the game. Attention in the zoo sick tiger. Good doctor Aibolit travels by car to cure the patient. The car enters the park, the trees make it difficult to go further, we urgently need to build a gate for the car. Children offer their buildings.

9 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"At the doll housewarming"

purpose: To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with building materials, to learn to play with buildings, to enrich the experience of children. The construction of furniture, rooms in various ways.

Material: cubes and bricks. prisms, plates. cylinders.

The course of the game. The teacher offers the children to become builders and build whole rooms for the dolls with furniture. To pick up the building material. Friends for work, and settle the dolls in a new home.

"Town for dolls"

purpose: Continue to build buildings on the general plot. Form skill construct at will, bring up the desire and ability to build quietly together

Material: cubes and bricks of a prism, a plate. cylinders.

The course of the game. - Look, our dolls are very upset, they had a fire, burned down all the houses in the city. Therefore, they need to help build new homes. Let's help our toys., We will create our houses., We will think up the constructions.

13 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"Fold the figures"

purpose submissions constructive activity Material

Remove the earbuds, such as circles, and have the child assemble them on the table and then insert them into the appropriate windows. Then collect the same way triangles, squares.

15 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"We invent figures"

purpose: Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, the preparation of hands for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of plane geometric shapes of primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

A child can invent and fold shapes from various elements, give them names.

Circle Outline

purpose: Introduction to the concepts of form, color, size, creation of initial mathematical submissions: acquaintances with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship of the whole and the part, constructive activity: the folding of an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, the preparation of hands for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity. Material:

In the set there are frames. If a child likes to draw and paint, then he can quite easily draw a figure himself, drawing a frame around the frame with a pencil. Then this drawing can be shaded or painted over; cut out

3 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"Ladder for the Turtle"

purpose: Continue to teach children to create buildings, to impose details on each other and putting them side by side; recognize and call building material and buildings.

Material: bricks and plates.

The course of the game. AT group   Children find a family of turtles. The teacher builds in advance group   a pond and offers children to build a ladder so that the turtles get to the pond. Bricks must be superimposed on each other.

"A narrow bench for Bunny - Long Ears, a wide bench for Mishutki"

purpose: Learn to build a narrow bench of two bricks and a plate and a wide one of four bricks and two plates.

Material: bricks and plates.

The course of the game. Funny toys come to visit the children, telling the children that there are not even small benches in the forest. The teacher offers children to build a narrow bench for the hare, and a wide bench for the bear. Children themselves pick up the material for construction.

7 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"Collect the circles"

purpose: Fix the ability of children to orient themselves in homogeneous objects (more, less, even less, small ones, selecting them in a certain sequence; teaching them to enrich sensory experience when acting with a certain form and of different sizes, knowing their physical properties.

Material: planar circles of different sizes and colors.

The course of the game. Let's create a fabulous room with you and arrange the circles in size, in color, in your mood.

"Bridge for pedestrians"

purpose: Continue to learn two ladders and do the overlap (lay the plate on top, play with the building. Vocabulary: ladder, height, top, bridge, near, plate.

Material: cubes and bricks, plate

The course of the game. Here we have a wide river. And we need to translate toys with you. - What should we do? Of course build a bridge. (The educator builds the sample)

Invites children to build their own bridge and transport toys.

11 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

"Different machines"

purpose: To consolidate in children the idea of ​​the color and the name of the building parts, the ways design. To teach children to compare buildings, to notice their differences.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

The course of the game. We have already built the road and the car. and now you will invent your own cars and build a whole garage of various cars. Children compare buildings. Call your cars.

“Construction of the ship, boats. Ride dolls to visit "

purpose: To fix the ability of children to put bricks tightly to each other, placing them on a long narrow side, depicting a boat or steamer. Distinguish the details of the nose, feed.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

The course of the game. Our toys love to travel, but to sail the sea you need to build a ship. Let's help our toys and build a ship and name it. "Friendship."

14 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

“Finding geometric shapes”

purpose: Introduction to the concepts of form, color, size, creation of initial mathematical submissions: acquaintances with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship of the whole and the part, constructive activity: the folding of an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, the preparation of hands for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of plane geometric shapes of primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

Scatter the game and have the child find triangles, circles, rectangles. Ask to list the geometric figures, count their number, compare the main features. (angle, sides, their number)

17 Games by design

(younger preschool age)

“Make an ornament”

purpose: Introduction to the concepts of form, color, size, creation of initial mathematical submissions: acquaintances with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship of the whole and the part, constructive activity: the folding of an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, the preparation of hands for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of plane geometric shapes of primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

The basis of the ornament is the location of the repeating elements on the plane. Ornaments can be made from the same or from different figures by placing them along a line, like a fan, a flower, or partially overlapping