School teaching equipment standards. Equipping school classes according to fgos

Legal framework, regulations

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of basic general education of December 17, 2010 No. 1897, the purpose of which is to systematize and standardize educational processes and ensure their high quality in schools. The document is compiled on the basis of lists of specialized requirements, including:

  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2010 No. 986 on the minimum technical equipment of educational processes in student classes;
  • SANPIN dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 (updated to date) on the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for classrooms and the organization of the learning process.

For primary schools, the Federal State Educational Standard is determined by order of the same Ministry of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373. Last revised on September 22, 2011 No. 2357.

The main document on which educational institutions rely today when recruiting is Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 03.30.2016 N 336.

Educational organizations have the right to make changes and clarify the specified norms and rules, adhering to the established regulations, at least once every 10 years.

General requirements

First of all, the equipment of school classrooms must comply with the sanitary and hygienic requirements of SANPIN. It must be made of environmentally friendly materials that can be easily cleaned, be fireproof, and meet labor protection standards.

Furniture must be certified on the basis of the customs regulations TR CU 025/2012 and approved for use in school classes. Test equipment for research activities must comply with GOST 8.568 "Test equipment certification". Techniques for interactive teaching for schools are not certified, but must be accompanied by quality technical documentation from the manufacturer.

Company Complementant when selecting equipment for schools and kindergartens checks products for compliance with all existing standards.

Teacher's place

For the teacher, the office provides:

  • Workplace (table and chair / armchair). Now it is not just standard furniture: tables can be equipped with additional shelves, drawers, and have various configurations. Orthopedic comfortable chairs in different designs are replacing the usual chair today.
  • Technical means of information transmission - an interactive software and hardware complex.
  • Furniture for storing educational materials (cabinets, racks) with the required number of sections and shelves, in any configuration and dimensions.
  • Exposure devices.
  • For each specialized class, depending on the discipline - visual aids, gadgets and tools.
  • Chalk board with anti-reflective coating on a dark background. Perhaps this is the only subject that has not been changed.

It is allowed to install interactive whiteboards in the office, provided they are hygienic and safe. Such screens should be evenly lit and visible in any student place without glare. You can find out about this from the technical description of the device, in addition, manufacturers often indicate the admission of equipment for use in classrooms.

Student locations

Places for students are desks. They must be appropriate for the height of the students and must be correctly positioned in the study space. Today it is advisable to replace classic desks with specialized furniture of increased convenience, taking into account the anatomy of children, for example, growing desks, the parameters of which are adjusted to each student. The countertop may be provided with additional drawers, regulation of the inclination of the working surface, etc.

Chairs with wheels, with the ability to turn and adjust the height, reclining back, soft upholstery - for modern schoolchildren it is possible to provide a comfortable sitting during the day.

If desks of different sizes are provided in one class, smaller ones are placed closer to the board and further in size. In this case, it is necessary to observe the dimensions of the aisles and take into account the convenience of children performing tasks, conducting research, laboratory and other types of work. These requirements are spelled out in SANPIN.

When planning an office, one should not forget about safety requirements, including fire safety requirements.

Technical equipment

FSES defines a set of equipment that is recommended for installation in each student class comprehensive school to improve the educational process:

  • Multimedia players and tape recorders (optional, these can be complex devices);
  • TV set;
  • Interactive whiteboards;
  • Projector screen (projecting images onto the wall is not allowed);
  • Computers or tablets for coworking.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 03/30/2016 N 336, different sets of interactive and scientific equipment can be selected for each specialized office.

Apply modern solutions

What do most classes in schools look like? These are the usual pastel colors of the walls and mostly light furniture in the boring colors of "Beech Bavaria". But the situation directly affects the interest of children in science and the acquisition of knowledge. Komplektant offers unusual, bright solutions for completing school classes.

Student desks and tables, as well as furniture, can be made in a bright, eye-pleasing color shade from reliable MDF. Now the design of the room can be modeled and not based on standards.

Classical desks for two people or single ones, growing - nothing is impossible for furniture manufacturers. The same goes for cabinets and shelving: do you need closed storage space? They can be equipped with blind or glass doors, shelves of different sizes and colors. Combine them with an interesting shade of the walls and the study will sparkle with colors, will become unique and visited by children with pleasure.

Our experts are looking for interesting and unusual solutions, ready to help in completing school classes throughout the country.

Complex planning of turnkey offices

FSES at the stage of primary education is focused on the personal qualities of the child and their implementation. The process of education and upbringing at school should be aimed at the formation of the personality and the development of the innate abilities of each student. Study room primary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard, this is not just a room with furniture and teaching aids.

This is an environment for social adaptation, spiritual development of children entering school life. In the classroom, conditions should be created for maintaining the health of the child, good assimilation of educational material, and the desire to learn new things. The material means for achieving the assigned tasks is equipping the office:

Functional safety equipment

Modern teaching aids

· Printed products

Game material


Requirements for an elementary school cabinet according to the Federal State Educational Standard

It is recommended to place classrooms 1 - 4 in separate training sections. If the school has extended day groups, the area per child is 4 square meters, in the absence of such groups - 2.5 square meters The total area of \u200b\u200bthe class is set at not less than 50 - 60 sq.m.

Natural light is required. The standard level of artificial illumination is achieved by incandescent lamps with a power of 150 lux or fluorescent lamps of 300 lux. The ratio of the glazed surface of windows to the floor area is normally 1: 4. The walls are painted in calm light colors, the windows and ceiling are painted in white.

A comfortable thermal regime is maintained at 18 - 21 degrees. For natural ventilation of the class, the windows are equipped with transoms and vents. Before the start of lessons and at each break, the room is ventilated. In the presence of central water supply, primary classes are provided with drinking fountains.

Orientation of windows taking into account 4 climatic zones:

Passport of the primary school office according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In passport primary grades at the time of creation, the analysis of the sanitary and hygienic state of the office, the equipment with furniture, technical teaching aids, literature, visual aids. The data obtained make it possible to further bring the class to a state that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in all areas.

The document is developed by the teacher responsible for the class under the supervision of the head teacher, approved by the school director. Valid for 5 years, then re-issued. The passport indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe class, the number of seats, the furniture arrangement scheme. Other sections include:

Safety information

· evacuation plan

· behavior rules

Office occupancy

List of property inventory

Educational and methodological equipment by sections

· technical equipment

Long-term development plan

Registration of an elementary school office according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The design of classrooms should contribute to the solution of educational, educational tasks. This goal is achieved by the joint work of the teacher, students and parents. Particular attention is paid to the general background of the class. The right color of the walls helps to create a calm and comfortable environment. Has a positive effect on emotional condition child, relieves nervous tension and excessive excitability.

Matte coatings in calm light shades are suitable for wall decoration. Bright colorful stands look spectacular against a plain background and attract the attention of children. Their subject matter, design techniques depend on the teacher's imagination and creative ideas. The colors recommended for walls, panels of primary school classrooms according to the Federal State Educational Standard.


· Orange




Equipment of an elementary school classroom according to Federal State Educational Standard

Each elementary school student has a workplace. It can be a desk, a table with a chair, or a desk. The most ergonomic type of furniture is a school desk. According to GOST, its working surface should be regulated and change the angle of inclination from 7 to 17 degrees, plus overlap the front edge of the seat by several centimeters.

The amount of overlap is determined by the desk number and depends on the student's height. For school desk # 1 it is 4 cm; No. 2 - 5-6 cm; No. 3 and 4 - 7-8 cm. B primary grades it is allowed to use desks along with tables and desks. The standing time should not exceed 7-10 minutes. Desks are placed against the back or interior wall of the classroom.

Desks in the office of an elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard have different heights and are arranged according to numbers, taking into account the growth and health of children. A teacher's workplace and a demonstration table are set up near the blackboard. To store visual and play aids, educational material in the classroom, they install cabinets, cabinets.

Numbers, marking of tables and desks, taking into account the height of children

Equipping an elementary school classroom in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The minimum list of training tools is divided into 3 parts - general, hardware, for extracurricular work.

The general section includes a large volume of printed materials (library fund). It includes primary education programs, subject textbooks, reference books for children and teachers, thematic notebooks, textbooks, maps, etc. This part also includes video and audio aids on various subjects, games, all kinds of toys, technical teaching aids.

The hardware part of the primary school office according to the Federal State Educational Standard is made up of stationary and portable teaching aids. This group includes a personal computer with an LCD monitor, projectors. Modern means training is an interactive whiteboard connected to a computer or document camera, graphic tablet.

The extracurricular activities of the class in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards are built in several directions. For extracurricular work, additional play equipment is used on the topic of classes.

· Audio recordings for physical education lessons, Russian language and literature. the surrounding world

Themed videos

Slides (transparencies)

Cabinet for the Federal State Educational Standard - displaying achievements in studies, creativity, education.

in accordance with the content

subjects of the federal component

State standard of general education physics

Basis and objectives of requirements development .

These requirements are developed on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standards for general education in physics. They represent recommendations for the material and technical support of the educational process, presented to educational institutions in the context of the introduction of state standards in physics.

These requirements contain 3 sections.

In the first section recommendations for equipping schools with normative documentation, educational and methodological kits, printed materials, technical teaching aids necessary for the transition of schools to the organization of the teaching process in accordance with the requirements of educational standards in physics are presented.

In the second section lists of laboratory equipment necessary for performing frontal laboratory work and work of a physical workshop are given.

In the third section lists the demonstration equipment.

The first section of the recommendations allows you to form in an educational institution an integral system of optimal conditions for the work of a physics teacher on the basis of library funds, a school-wide system of modern technical means, etc.

At present, fundamentally new carriers of information are being introduced into teaching practice. For example, a significant part of educational materials, including source texts, sets of illustrations, graphs, diagrams, tables, diagrams, are increasingly placed not on polygraphic but on multimedia media. There is an opportunity for their network distribution and formation on the basis of the study room of its own library of electronic products.

Thus, these requirements serve as a guideline in the creation of an integral subject-development environment necessary for the implementation of the requirements for the level of training of graduates at each stage of education established by the standard. They proceed from the tasks of the integrated use of material and technical teaching aids, the transition from reproductive forms of educational activity to independent, search and research types of work, the transfer of emphasis to the analytical component of educational activity, the formation of the communicative culture of students and the development of skills in working with various types of information.

These requirements can be clarified and supplemented in relation to the specifics of specific educational institutions, the level of their funding, as well as based on the consistent development and accumulation of their own base of material and technical teaching aids (including in the form of multimedia products created by students, an electronic library, a video library, etc.).

If possible, it is desirable to create technical conditions for the use of computer and information and communication teaching aids (including for the transmission, processing, organization of storage and accumulation of data, network exchange of information, the use of various forms of presentation of the results of cognitive activity).

However, the main thing in equipping a physics classroom is laboratory and demonstration equipment. .

A survey of schools shows that the provision of frontal equipment is on average much lower than the norm. Demonstration equipment is in a worn-out condition, and its nomenclature is even lower than that of laboratory equipment. In these conditions, the most effective way preparation of physics classrooms for the transition of training in accordance with state educational standards is development of regional, district, municipal and school programs for updating the material and technical base. These guidelines are intended to provide specific assistance in the development of such programs..

Novelty requirements .

Analysis of the standard and sample programs showed that the List allows you to select the equipment necessary for their experimental support. At the same time, when preparing these recommendations, a number of new factors related to the content of the requirements of the standard and the experimental component of the sample programs were taken into account. Let's mark them.

The equipment in the List is differentiated according to the stages of education and the levels of educational programs of high school, but these levels (A - 2 hours / week, B - 4 hours / week, C - 6 hours / week) do not correspond to the levels adopted in the Standard. At the same time, level A of the List did not provide for the presence of frontal equipment, in contrast to the basic level of high school, defined by the Standard. When preparing the recommendations, this contradiction was eliminated.

The list was developed taking into account the domestic and foreign advanced trends in educational instrumentation and contains a significant promising nomenclature, which is being developed or only put into serial production. These guidelines include the developed objects necessary for experimental support of the standard. They have an index (H).

The state standard in physics presupposes the priority of an activity-based approach to the learning process, the development of schoolchildren's ability to observe natural phenomena, describe and generalize the results of observations, and use simple measuring instruments to study physical phenomena; present the results of observations or measurements using tables, graphs and reveal empirical dependencies on this basis; to apply the acquired knowledge to explain various natural phenomena and processes, the principles of operation of the most important technical devices, to solve physical problems.

The recommendations take into account that a systematic transition from the instrumental principle of development and supply of equipment to a complete thematic approach is currently underway. Currently, both systems coexist in parallel in schools.

The equipment presented in the recommendations takes into account three forms an experiment, the conduct of which is regulated by exemplary programs: a demonstration experiment and two types of laboratory experiment: frontal - in the basic school and the basic level of the senior level, frontal and laboratory practice - in the study of physics at the profile level.

In the presented system of equipment, principle of variability ... It is expressed in the fact that at least three ways of completing equipment systems are possible, each of which allows experimental support of exemplary programs. One of them is based on computer measuring systems, the second is based on digital methods of processing and presenting results, the third is based on classical analog methods. All three methods complement each other.

Principles of selection of objects and means of material and technical support.

The selection of equipment was carried out taking into account a number of principles. The main one is fullness equipment systems in relation to the experimental part of the sample programs and the requirements for students, fixed in the educational standard.

The second principle is continuity equipment systems between grades and high school levels - manifested in the fact that frontal equipment is common to both grades of education. The demonstration equipment system contains basic elements common to the first and second stages, as well as additional elements for specialized education in high school.

The measuring complex of the physics classroom is saturated with computer and digital measuring instruments. This determines such a selection principle as optimal combination classical and modern measuring instruments and methods of experimental research of phenomena. Compliance with this principle is of particular importance for the basic school. It is this principle that requires the inclusion of such devices as a liquid thermometer, demonstration carts, heat collectors, etc. in the list of equipment for the basic school.

Calculation of quantitative indicators.

The number of training equipment is given in the recommendations per classroom. The specific amount of the specified funds and objects of material and technical support takes into account the average calculation of the class size (25-30 students). To reflect quantitative indicators in the recommendations, the following symbolic notation system is used:

    D - demo copy (1 copy, except for specially stipulated cases),

    K -full set (for each student)

    F - set for frontal work (1 set for two students)

    P - a set required for a laboratory workshop (3 - 4 copies).

    B- library sets (5 copies).

Characteristics of the study room.

A necessary condition for the effective use of equipment and the implementation of the experimental nature of physics as an academic subject is the presence of a physics classroom in an educational institution.

On the one hand, when organizing a physics room, general requirements are taken into account - safety precautions, sanitary and epidemiological standards (SanPin 2.4.2 No. 178-02). On the other hand, in the above recommendations, a number of features of the physics classroom are indicated, which must be taken into account not only when creating new classrooms, but also when implementing the above regional, district, school programs for updating their material and technical base.

For a physics classroom, a power supply system for laboratory tables is required only with an electrical safe voltage of no higher than 36  42 V. Without such power supply, it is impossible to completely implement the system of an independent experiment. It should be borne in mind that the entire system of current sources used in the office has been completely updated as part of the implementation of the state program "Educational Technique". In particular, as a laboratory power supply source, a source with an output of not only DC but also AC current is required.

Laboratory tables have been developed that allow storing thematic frontal sets in them, which radically reduces the teacher's labor costs when organizing a frontal experiment.

The equipment of the physics teacher's working area is changing significantly. In addition to the traditional demonstration table, it includes a classroom board with a metal coating, which allows fixing equipment for mechanics, electrodynamics, optics on it in a vertical plane.

The overhead projector in the physics classroom is not only a means of projection of foliage and transparencies. Some equipment is designed with its use, it is a light source for wave optics kits. The computer is integrated into the cabinet's measuring system: a number of sets of demonstration equipment are used on the basis of a computer measuring unit.

The teacher's desire to use modern measuring instruments makes the physics classroom the core of the natural science educational environment of the school.

This is of paramount importance in the implementation of the practical orientation of the school physics course in modern conditions, because most schoolchildren can only get acquainted with the technological applications of the computer only in the classrooms of natural science subjects, and mainly in the classroom of physics.

On September 1, 2010, a new Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education came into force, and since 2012, basic general education is also transferred to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) as soon as it becomes ready. The Federal State Educational Standard provides for the technical equipment of educational institutions with information and communication technologies and the provision of open access for all participants in the educational process to information databases, reference books, multimedia materials and Internet resources.

In accordance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the federal state educational standard of primary general education (IEO), by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region, a list of the minimum necessary teaching aids based on digital technologies was approved for the implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education.

Guided by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region, the primary classes of MBOU Secondary School No. 5, Apatity, implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO, received all the necessary technical equipment. Today, in each school office there is a personal computer for the teacher, connected to the local network and having Internet access.

In every classroom in the elementary school, multifunctional devices for printing, scanning and copying are installed. This device solves the problem of cluttering the teacher's desktop. It is much more convenient to have a good printer, scanner and copier in one device than each device separately.

All classes of the primary school, which implements the Federal State Educational Standard, are equipped with interactive whiteboards. The use of an interactive whiteboard in the classroom is due to the appropriate level of perception that the current generation of schoolchildren are used to. This allows the teacher to teach at a fundamentally new quality level, to use all the advantages of modern computer technology.

A digital camera and a video camera immediately found their application in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, became indispensable helpers for recording various methodological and extracurricular activities, in designing a portfolio, in search and research work.

A digital microscope is a bridge between the real ordinary world and the microcosm, which is mysterious, unusual and therefore so interesting. Interest attracts attention, affects the mind, develops creativity and genuine interest in the world around us. The digital microscope allows you to view various objects at magnifications of 10, 60 and 200 times. The use of a digital microscope in school research provides a tangible didactic effect in terms of motivation, systematization and deepening of students' knowledge.

A graphic tablet, being one means of entering information into a computer, is not much different from ordinary pen and paper, with the difference that what is depicted does not appear directly from under the pencil lead, but on the computer screen. This, in addition to developing the ability to navigate a sheet of paper, also develops the spatial perception of the student. You can write on a graphics tablet, use it to play didactic gamestranslated into electronic form, create and immediately solve various problems, draw graphic dictations, which allows the teacher to carry out individual and differentiated approaches to the activities of students during the lesson.

In addition to the recommended list, a document camera was purchased for each grade of primary school - this is a special video camera on a tripod that allows you to receive and broadcast in real time a clear and sharp image of any object, including three-dimensional ones, on a large screen. The image obtained with a document camera can be entered into a computer, displayed on a TV screen, transmitted over the Internet, projected on a screen by a multimedia projector.

The document camera provides a high degree of teacher readiness for a lesson and rational use of lesson time due to the possibility of mobile presentation of educational material and quick solution of unforeseen issues. The document camera allows you to increase the motivation of students for educational activities due to its thoughtful organization and maintaining students' interest in learning in various ways of presenting educational material, by engaging students in educational and cognitive activities throughout the lesson. The teacher is involved in joint activities with the students by transferring part of his powers to them using a document camera.

The school acquired the MimioVote voting system in the fall of 2012. Currently, it has found wide application not only in elementary school, but has also become popular and in demand among subject teachers of the middle and senior levels of education. MimioVote allows you to quickly poll students during the lesson to find out who has learned the material and who needs help, get results in real time and eliminate the need to check tests manually, grade students in a quick, flexible and easy way, analyze progress pupils based on charts.

On the example of our school, we noticed that the appearance new technology in the office encourages the teacher to revise the traditional forms of conducting lessons. The forms of communication between the teacher and the student are also changing, teaching is turning into business cooperation, and this enhances the motivation of learning, leads to the need to search for new models of classes, and increases the individuality and intensity of learning. The use of interactive devices allows the teacher to vary the assignments, change the course of the lesson depending on the peculiarities of the children's perception of the educational material, and provides students with greater freedom to perform tasks creatively. At the same time, the process of mastering new capabilities of software and technology for working with hardware innovations will undoubtedly contribute to the development of ICT - the teacher's competence. And this, in turn, opens up new horizons for the teacher and students in the study of the subject and, of course, stimulates the teacher to move on to mastering new technology.


  1. Zaitseva, S.A. Methodological foundations for the formation of ICT competence of a future primary school teacher [Text] S.А. Zaitseva // Higher education today - 2011. –№4. - S. 42–44.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk Region No. 2555 dated 06.12.2012 [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
  3. Federal state educational standard [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http: //minobrnauki.rf/documents/938