Understanding the management decision and the first place in the management process. Control work: The role of the management decision in the management process The main role of the management decision in the management process

Topic 1. The essence and role of decision in the management process

The processes of accepting managerial decisions occupy a central, ієrarchy brunt place in the structure of managerial activity, so as the very stench in the world's largest world, they signify the difference in activity, and її results.

Priynyattya decision so itself, like an exchange of information, - a warehouse part of the managerial function. Daily function management, Regardless of which body is being created, it cannot be implemented without preparation and implementation managerial decisions.

Planning the work of the organization, managers determine the main goal (mission), headline, main and key goals, expand the strategy and tactics of achieving goals with the improvement of the most important factors of the external and internal environment, determine the necessary resources, enter the plan. As a system of management decisions, the qualification of a business plan is a document from the planning of all parties of the activity of an organization (marketing, innovation, manufacturing, financial, social, organizational). The business plan is developed using the method of comprehensive planning of the activities of the organization for the implementation of the essential creation of a new business, assessment of the activities of the company for the past period (reconciliation of the plan / fact),

Vikonuyuchi funktsіyu organіzovivanіe, manager priymayut rіshennya about rozvitok structuring organіzatsії (pіdpriєmstva) i structuring upravlіnnya, about zmіnu vnutrіshnoї structuring pid vplivom for Change in navkolishnomu sotsіalnomu seredovischі, about rіven tsentralіzatsії i detsentralіzatsії, about rozpodіl zavdan, vіdpovіdalnostі i povnovazhen, company profile pratsі robіtnikіv i fahіvtsіv that in.

In the implementation of the function of motivation, managers are brought to take decisions, directed to ensure the achievement of goals and interests of organizations, labor collectives and okremikh spіvrobіtnikіv, optimization of svіvvіdnoshnja mіzh zahochennyam i penitentiary

The implementation of the function of coordination is connected with the adoption of a decision on how to ensure the interdependence between objects of management in the process of reaching them to the main goals and the accomplishment of successful projects.

The process of control of interferences with accepting decisions about those, how, if and if you control, if you see and form control victorious, how to analyze the taken information and adjust the vitality of the organization, apparently, to the results of control. With regard to control, it was necessary to adopt a decision on the standards of “visible vikonanny”, “good vikonanny”, minimum vimog, the scale of allowable deviations from the standard (target indicator).

In this way, in the theory of management, decisions are considered

Solution as a product- tse, what does the manager in the process of his professional activity

Solution as a tool- for the help of which the subject of management (manager) implements its functions

Solution as a process characterized by the fact that vin, flowing in the hour, zdijsnyuєtsya in a sprat of stages.

Solution called management (UR), As it is being developed and implemented for the social system and is aimed at:

    strategic planning;

    management of management activity;

    management of human resources (virb-nist, activation of ZUN);

    management of virobnichoy and service activities;

    shaping the management system of the company (methodology, mechanism);

    management consulting;

    management of internal and external communications.

managerial decision- ce creative, independent subject of management on the basis of knowledge of the objective laws of the functioning of the kerovan system and analysis of information about its functioning, which is formed by the choice of methods, programs and methods of work to solve the problem.

The term "management decision" is interpreted as a process and as a phenomenon.

Economic importance of SD manifests itself in the fact that the preparation and implementation of any kind of SD will require financial, material and other costs.

Organizational essence of SD I believe in the fact that the staff of the company gets to work.

Social reality of the SD incorporated into the mechanisms of personnel management, which includes the important contribution to the people for the satisfaction of their activities in the team.

Legal status of SD swear in the exact legal acts of the Russian Federation and її international goiter, statutory and other documents of the company itself.

Technological essence of SD transferring the possibility of providing personnel with the necessary technical, informational tools and resources for the preparation and implementation of SD.

in such a manner, managerial decision- the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, economic grounding and selection of alternatives from various options to achieve a specific management system.

Take a decision - it means knowing that you have received a number of meals. The skin management function is connected with a lot of important, life-important decisions that require an investment in life (div. Table 2).

Table 2

Solutions, types for control functions


1. Choice of mission.

2. Variation of propositions about the situation in the future.

3. Defining goals.

4. Choose a strategy to reach the set goals.

5. Formation of calls for the implementation of the strategy.


1. Adaptation of the organizational structure for new goals and tasks.

2. Rationalization rozpodіlu zavdan, obov'yazkіv i rights.

3. Personnel decisions: hiring and recruiting, creating a reserve for examination, advancing qualifications.


1. Development of the system of payment for the bonuses, as much as possible in accordance with the nature and results of the practice, as well as the possibilities of the organization.

2. Selection of social methods to stimulate the efficiency of practice.

3. Creation of a strong moral climate in the organization.

4. Exploration of the approaches to the effective selection of factors in corporate culture.


Creation of the control system: choice of methods in appearance, analysis and corrections for all types of control (forward, in-line and final).

In such a rank, the management decisions act as a way of a steady injection of the keruchoy system into the kerovana (subject to the object of management), which in the end bag is brought to the achievement of the set goals. Railbank І Priynyatty Upgradskaya Rіshhen (RPUR) is aware of the projection of the problem of the problem, it's aware of Viblotostі, I zakіnchuzhki vibor Рісення - и и и и динення суненна соровая и ї ї zinipalines ї ї ї ї жольстіі.

With the influence of managerial decisions on the effectiveness of the activities of the organization (independently in terms of її rozmirіv, goals, features of the activity) in the її system of management, it is necessary to consider three enlarged vizno independent control loop, within the framework of which, solutions are being developed, accepted and implemented (Fig. 1.3). Їh vidіlennya vіdpovіdaє system pіdhodu to analіzu i synthesis dіyalnostі organіzatsії (vhіd, vihіd i Process) i obumovlenі troma stadіyami Ruhu її resursіv: zabezpechennya resources (labor, materіalnimi, energetichnimi, іnformatsіynimi, fіnansovimi) vikoristannya resursіv for dіyalnostі organіzatsії i realіzatsіya produktsії that ( abo) services.

In the theory and practice of managing a company's industrial company, there are a lot of management processes that enter the warehouse of circuits 1 and 2, as a rule, in the warehouse of the so-called internal company management, that is the management of processes that take place within the framework of this organization circuit 3.

Such a principle includes a number of the most important for effective operation functions and processes, and also, other relevant solutions. Contours 1 and 2 should be considered as the contours of mutual organization with the outermost middle.

Mal. 1.3.

SU - management system for activities of the organization; DO - organization activity; ІР - resource resources (labor, material, information, energy, financial); R - resources; P - consume in products and services; U - Bidding for the participation of the organization; Pr - spend resources in the processes of organization; FM - force majeure mind what to pour into the camp and organization processes; UP - satisfaction of the needs of the products and services of the organization; I - management of needs and savings; 2 - management of security resources and їх dzherelami; 3 - internal company management

The organization functions and develops according to the method of satisfying the main needs of the company in the products it generates and (or) services (for commercial organizations) on this basis, the surplus is taken away. In order to secure access, the management system will search and process information about the structure and dynamics of demand in given products, the degree of satisfaction with the number of parameters. It follows that they are not passively developing consumption and savings, but actively investing in their development through information about their product development and technologies, advertising and contracting for the supply, through lowering the power of products and maintaining the system. In the processes of implementation of the management circuit, decisions are made about the storage of savings, directions, forms and methods of injection, which stimulate the savings in buying products, earning favor with the services of this organization, forms and contracts, etc.

Demand management and product development (or ) service organization - the first control circuit. Adopted and implemented in a new decision is rich in why the whole activity of the organization is determined. In practice, the circuit is often called "marketing management". However, in real marketing management systems, to become part of the processes of the first and other circuits in the management of the organization's activities.

Another circuit - tse management of security activities of the organization, resources and its branches. In the processes of this management circuit, data are collected and displayed about the transfer and actual post-employees of the resources necessary for the organization, their ability and development plan, the power of their products and services. The management of security resources is established through a system of contracts, housing and sanctions for the provision of them, which represent the specific forms of decisions taken in this circuit. Tsya system skladaєtsya of vіdnosno samostіynih pіdsistem upravlіnnya okremimi kinds resursіv often representations vіdpovіdnimi pіdrozdіlami organіzatsії: upravlіnnya labor resources - vіddіl upravlіnnya personnel (abo vіddіl kadrіv) fіnansami - fіnansovy vіddіl, energetichnimi - vіddіl Energetics materіalnimi - vіddіl materіalnogo zabezpechennya i etc .

Entrants in the organization of the weekend resources are divided between the state's military and state processes, the promotions and in the end of the day between the working missions.

Jobs - the basis of the structure of the organization. Within their framework, all the processes of organization flow and vikoristovuyutsya or ruined (transformed at the exit and spend) all її resources (Fig. 1.4). The main element of the working space, as a system, is a person, which in yoga framework, victorious with its own zdіbnostі and koshti pratsі, vplyvaє on the objects of pratsі and at the same time zdіysnyuє zdіysnyuє zdіysnyuє zakrіplenі for danny robomіє іїє protsessі i realіzuє vіdpovіdnі їm funktії.

Mal. 1.4.

For the formation of working areas, their interrelationships and aggregates (system structure), spurring workers to effective development within the framework of the necessary processes for directing management decisions that are accepted and implemented in the third contour of the management body - management of selected resources in organizations (internal company management). Solutions in this circuit directing to the universal development of practitioners in organizations, the creation of minds and incentives efficient work. Yakscho rіshennya Perche dvoh konturіv spryamovanі on zmіni zovnіshnogo seredovischa organіzatsії scho zabezpechuyut Minds for її efektivnoї dіyalnostі then rіshennya third circuit upravlіnnya spryamovanі on zabezpechennya vіdpovіdnostі will i zmіni kerovanoї organіzatsії pitched i for Change zovnіshnogo seredovischa i on zmіni organіzatsії scho zabezpechuyut їy perevagi over zovnіshnіm the middle ground as the basis of competitive struggle. At this contour, the management decisions designate a warehouse of elements (trainings and working areas) of organizations and intermediaries between them (the structure of the organization), create intelligence and incentives for the effective activity of workers. Processes are implemented through the system of inputs, and functions and goals are realized through processes.

In organizations between the elements of the system, they see technological, economic and social and psychological benefits. technological vodnosiny vіdobrazhayut rozpodіl і cooperation pratsі in this organization. economical - selection, analysis, exchange and reduction of results in the practice of practitioners and follow-up of the organization. Socio-psychological - rozpodіl, exchange and promotion of social benefits and psychological climate in її kolektivі.

A key inflow in organizations, to become the essence of the managerial decision as a form of key information, straightened, nasampered, on the blue, their molding and development. Apparently, before the theory of management, it is built by methods of management, which are based on a streak of water, on the basis of a direct stench. On the basis of technology, they act as the basis (foundation) of the organizational structure of social and economic systems, directing organizational methods and, obviously, organizational solutions; economic solutions - economical methods and economic solutions; socially-psychological findings - socially-psychological methods and socially-psychological solutions. Management decisions come into play in the management form of the implementation of methods in the management of the organization’s work, її podrozdіlіv and okremih prakіvnіkіv, the form of injection on the team and individuum, from the beginning to the beginning of the day. According to the skin management decision, it is the responsibility of the decision maker to provide information about the progress and results of yogo inspection, storage in the management system of the organization Zvorotniy zv'azok. In this way, the skin management decision forms its own technological cycle (Fig. 1.5), which is blocked by a turning signal. The presence of a pivotal connection, for some reason, is most likely to be carried out to some non-conformity, or not properly (ineffective or ineffective) vikonanny, to an extra charge or an additional vitrate. Also, the number of technological cycles in an organization can be improved by the number of those adopted and implemented in its management decisions.

The technological cycle of the control process is composed of several independent blocks. The whole process of managing the activities of the organization is determined by optimization block managerial operations, which includes goal setting, development and adoption of managerial decisions. In addition, at the same time and correctly, decisions are made when managing the activities of the organization, її subdivisions, put goals in front of the teams and other practitioners, to lay down the effectiveness of the activities of this company. Setting goals, rozrobka and accepting the decision to determine the amount and obsyag necessary for management information, obyag robit according to її

ask, collect, collect, save and transfer, fold information block technological department of management. Depending on the security of the necessary and sufficient information, fullness and timeliness of control and forecasting of results in a significant world, the quality and efficiency of the decisions taken in the management system lie.

Mal. 1.5.

The flow of informative information;

The flow of information that you manage

An important role in the technological cycle of management plays organizational block, so how effective is the implementation of the decision to deposit:

  • in the correctness of rozuminnya by the practitioners of the goals set in the solutions, the mission of the skin solution in the global totality of the goals and the organization of the organization and the other її teams;
  • the interests of vikonavtsiv in vikonannі robіt z realіzatsії solution vіdpovіdno up to vyznachenih at tsimu vimogami;
  • equal to the security of work and work areas with the necessary resources: materials, tools, supplies, instructions, technological cards, projects of the organization of work, graphics, etc.

With the wrong decision brought to the vikonavtsiv, or with insufficient organization of the vikonnanny itself effective solution may appear in the process of its implementation as ineffective or ineffective in the beginning.

operations control unit secure the call necessary for the management of the call. When they fail, it becomes necessary to adopt a new solution, correcting or supplementing it earlier (in Fig. 1.5, it is shown by an arrow in the control block before optimization). The development of a new solution pulls for a search, selection, processing of the necessary information for this. The technological cycle is hovering and a new cycle is beginning, the beginning of which is given to the adoption of a new solution. Later, the process of management should be considered, first for everything, from the point of view of its cyclicity, seeing the adoption in the management system of the solution as the main elements of the development cycles, acceptance and implementation of management decisions, and the management solution itself is the main product of the system.

Groups of strategic, tactful and operational planning decisions, forming in conjunction with the processes of other functions of managing technological cycles, establish, effectively, operational, tactful (linear) and strategic management cycles (Fig. 1.6).

The whole process of management and activity of the organization as a whole depends on strategic management cycle, so that the wines are formed from the beginning the whole process of managing the organization of strategic planning decisions. Strategic planning decisions determine the paths and direct activities of the organization as a whole and all of its subdivisions. For the security of their future, various organizational and stimulating solutions are being developed and adopted, an information base is being created and the model of the actual and past state and behavior of the object of management and the state of the world. Tobto vykonuyutsya sings of the task of control, the form and analysis, as if the cycle of strategic management is fading. The operations of the cycle of strategic management are mainly supported by the pillars and cores of the highest level of the hierarchy of management organization.

The implementation of strategic decisions will be ensured by the relevant (planned, organizational, regulatory) solutions tactful management cycle , The basis of which is laid down by tactful planning solutions. Tactical plans are being developed and implemented in yoga processes, they are concretizing and detailing for rocks, quarters, holidays and months of strategic planning decisions. In the processes of victorious operations, the cycle of tactful management shows the need to correct strategic decisions. In this manner, the turning point of strategic and tactful planning is realized. The operations of the cycle of tactful management are mainly nurtured by the leaders of the middle level of the management organization.

Decisions made during the victorious operations cycle of tactful management are implemented through operations operational and dispatching cycle, the basis of which is formed by operational planning solutions. Their development and acceptance are based on operational analysis, form and control form the turning point of operational planning, organizational and stimulating solutions. In the process of operational planning, flow plans for the activities of the organization are concretized and detailed by decades, doby, changes.

The name given to the cycle - operational-dispatching - does not mean that only special forces (central dispatching service, dispatchers and groups of scientific and technical, virobnichih, post-commissioning, transportation, transport and other forces) organizations take part in the new one. At this hour of operation, the foreman, the head of the worker, the head of the shop, the head of the worker, and the director, are convoying the dispatching processes. Operations for the implementation of the processes of operational management are occupied by all the subdivisions of the control apparatus at all levels of the hierarchy, and even lower than the level of the hierarchy, they are more obligated to occupy the operations of operational and dispatching management in the operational management. For some children and undertakings, the stink of becoming the main part of the obligatory work. For example, it is possible to reach such milestones: virobnichiy, material and technical security, transport, head mechanics and other. However, the automation of the management processes indicates the need to focus on the operational and dispatching management of the activities of the organization in the specialized subdivisions, which may be caused by an automated information and calculation system. Great companies have a matrix organizational structure and a high level of automation of management of such subdivisions is responsible for planning, coordination and control.

Mal. 1.6.

1 - cycle of strategic management; 2 - cycle of tactful management; 3 - operational management cycle; 4 - dispatcher control cycle; (3 + 4) - operational dispatch control;

Direct call (key information);

Return call (informative information)

The cycle of operational dispatch control is the foundation of the entire control process. Vіn uninterruptedly sticks with the core processes of the organization, ensures the stability, uzgodzhenіst of the work of various subdivisions, implements the solution, vibrates during the current cycles, secures the necessary form Tіsnyy vzaymozv'yazok to the cycle of operational-dispatching management and keranovyh protsessіv vimagaє yogo thoroughly in parallel with the changing organization and technology of the rest. At the same time, it is important, first of all, to induce an effective system of inquiry, registration and transfer to the regulatory center (development and decision-making space for operational decisions) to change the parameters of the kerosene pipelines, processes and the external environment in accordance with the planned and standard values.

Management cycles, like warehouses and their processes, may be in place and in the organization as a whole, and in the її subdivisions, and in the functional subsystems. The skin cycle of management of the organization as a whole and the functional subsystem of management of the organization’s activities acts simultaneously as a part of the similar cycle of management of the organization as a whole and the functional subsystem of management, until such time as the data of the organization is taken into account. For example, the cycle of dispatching management and organizing activities for the completion and material security of a great organization develops overnight like a part:

  • the process of managing the activities of this organization;
  • dispatching management of material and technical security of the activities of the organization as a whole;
  • dispatching management of activities of other enterprises that enter the warehouse of this organization.

With unequal progress, direct directions and rates of development of parts of that chi іnshoy cycle, zdіysnyuvanih in pіdrozdіl and functional subsystems of the management of the activity of the organization, the stench supersedes one to one one to one, with these cycles, and the given cycle enters into the other cycles of management. Nevrahuvannya with a thorough management of yogo cyclicity to bring to disproportions of cycles and їх parts, podslyuє tsі disproportions, scho in the end rahunka reduce the effectiveness of management.

Technological (div. Fig. 1.5) and functional (div. Fig. 1.6) control cycles form the interconnection of decoupling in the organization informational і optimization tasks (Fig. 1.7). The management decision is the result of the practice of organizing the optimization function of the management, in the implementation of which they fail, they change the optimization tasks. Vikonannya optimization tasks - the process of preparing a management decision based on information about the examination of the object and the outer environment, which is the result of the solution of information tasks for control functions, the form and analysis. Zvіdsi, the skin optimization task is svіlno її vykonannya іnformatsiynym zavdannymi to become okremi technological and functional cycles of management.

In practice pid head of management in the main rozum_yut meta, for the achievement of which it is necessary to vikonate deaku sukupnіst dіy. Therefore, the formulation of the problem can be taken on the basis of two external moments - the result, which is necessary to take, and to enter, which is required to take the result.

With a thorough management of the activities of the organization and the impersonal work, the management sees their totality, warehouse management. Criteria for seeing at tsimu є:

  • sleepiness of the goals of victorious robots;
  • unity of the methodology of their vikonannya;
  • vodnosna vіdosoblenіst given suupnostі;
  • one day for an hour, for which directing the results of victorious work;
  • unity to the type of control object.

Mal. 1.7.

Oz - optimization task; Z - informational task; 1 - the results of the solution of the problem Oz1; 2 - task Ozj; 3 - task Ізi; 4 - task Іz1; 5 - task Ізj; 6 - output information for the development of tasks Іz1; 7 - task of Izi; 8 - manager Z j ;

Information about mutual communication;

Between the block task, approved by the optimization task Oz1,

Fort, Roboti on Real_zatsії zaddannya "Railbank of R_Iniya" Majuta SPILNU METUE - Formuanna of the optimal program of the virginity of the Creation of Creaters ViPanniy Production Competitions, єDein Methods of Viconnya і to become Samostina Sukupnіt Robіt in Dyalnosti ATAPANT KEYATINGA BASIC VIBNICTVA.

Improvement of management processes, especially their automation on the basis of stasis of current information technologies, Methods of development and generalization of options show the need for a block approach, which is based on a specific optimization task (div. Fig. 1.7, task Oz1).

The principle of a block approach is realized in the sequence of the coming stages.

  • 1. In the next control system, there are objects of control and a corresponding subsystem of control. For example, in the system of managing the main manufacturing of the machine-building organization, there is a subsystem for managing the harvesting of the harvesting, or mechanical, or the folding manufacturing.
  • 2. As soon as the criteria are assigned to the functions of the control subsystem, optimization and information management tasks are determined.
  • 3. According to the skin optimization task, one can see the continuity of the security of її іnformatsiynykh zavdan, їх іх іхінтаційні віємок'язку (div. Fig. 1.7, arrows 1-5).
  • 4. Vzaychaetsya mutually optimization tasks within the framework of one specific control function in this subsystem (for example, as part of the planning of harvesting production for a month) and optimization tasks of other specific control functions. An information model of this function is formed. Vaughn looks like an oriented graph, whose peaks stand out as a task, arcs - their informational interconnection. The butt of such a model is a diagram, shown in fig. 7.2.
  • 5. Ranking of optimization tasks is carried out according to the level of their importance, foldability, commitment to work on their progress, readiness to stop progressive technologies. A sequence has been established for the blackness of automation of optimization blocks and for ensuring their information management tasks (technological management cycles).

I especially respect the next step on the solution of so-called optimization tasks, so that the stench can and is guilty of vikonuvatisya and doskonalyuvatisya only as a single unit. with them management tasks are called, if the result of the completion of the first task is the output information of the completion of another task and the result of the completion of another task is the output information for the completion of the first task (Fig. 1.8).

Mal. 1.8.

1 - output information for the development of tasks L; 2 - output information for the development of task B; 3 - the result of solving task A; 4 - the result of solving task B; 5 - intermediate result of solving problem B; 6 - intermediate result of solving problem A

Until the zv'yazanym zavdannyam, for example, it is possible to optimize the plan for the generation of electricity between the power plants of the energy system (A) and the optimization of the placement of repair maidanchikiv in the river schedule of electricity supply (B).

In the totality of the task of implementing the optimization functions of management, the role and importance of managerial decisions in the management of activities of the organization are revealed.

An analysis of the practice of implementing the functions of managing organizations shows that one specific function, which is similar to the field of matrices in fig. 1.2-1.5, may be implemented by the decisions of one or the other day. Zvіdsi, the meta of the skin zavdannya, or else it will be zbіgaєtsya with the method of function, if it won't be realized, otherwise it's all pіdtsіlі. Otzhe, zmіst i namemenuvannya be-such a managerial manager vіdobrazhayut:

  • name of the control function ( x) and ceramic object ( Y ), How to implement the given function;
  • hour period (T), protyag kakogo dіє її result (administrative decision or informational notification);
  • riven ієrarchії governіnnya ( Z ), which is directed to the solution of the problem.

To be-like a task can be described in detail XYTZ. So, within the framework of one

specific functions ( xy) maybe not just one, but a small number of tasks (although not more than 50, as it shows the development of management systems to be built even by great and differentiated organizations), then for coding tasks and their results XYTZ not enough. It is necessary to determine the place of skin care in this particular function of management. By assigning a job a serial number N, annual її month in technological sequence to set up a specific control function, you can write the code as XYTZN. For example, the code of the task "Development of the thematic plan for scientifically advanced organizations on the river" will be "5111714", de: 51 - code of the functional subsystem of management "Management of scientifically advanced robots" (div. Addendum 1); 1 - code of the main function "Planuvannya"; 1 - code of the hierarchy level in the "Organization" management system; 7 - hour period code - "Rik"; 14 - the serial number of this task in the warehouse of the head of a specific function 511 - "Planning scientifically advanced work in the organization".

Koduvannya tasks i dokumentіv neobhіdno for dwellers at vivchennі, analіzі that proektuvannі systems upravlіnnya dіyalnіstyu organіzatsії operuvati gromіzdkimi їh formulyuvannyami i naymenuvannyami and codes, and takozh for avtomatizatsії protsesіv rozrobki upravlіnskih rіshen, іnformatsіynogo zabezpechennya їh of acceptance, formuvannya structuring іnformatsіynoї bazi, bank problems organization and their decisions.

Vivchennya and pobudova system of management decisions in the organization on the basis of their functional change allows you to secure your feet.

  • 1. System pіdhіd at analіzі that proektuvannі systems rozrobki, of acceptance upravlіnskih rіshen in organіzatsії of metoyu pіdvischennya їh yakostі that efektivnostі realіzatsії so yak yak dermal rіshennya rozglyadaєtsya result vzaєmodії zavdan realіzatsії optimіzatsіynih that іnformatsіynih funktsіy in skladі tehnologіchnih i funktsіonalnih tsiklіv upravlіnnya dіyalnіstyu organіzatsії.
  • 2. Povnotu ohoplennya robіt of pіdgotovki that of acceptance skin upravlіnskogo rіshennya in organіzatsії so yak їh warehouse not obmezhuєtsya robots pіdrozdіlu (abo pіdrozdіlіv), yak vіdpovіdaє company profile for rozrobki danogo rіshennya and Je sukupnіstyu zavdan upravlіnnya specific ob'єktom upravlіnnya, vikonuvanih bezlіchchyu pіdrozdіlіv , including not entering the warehouse of this organization (advancement of contracting organizations). Napriklad, zavdannya upravlіnnya materіalno-tehnіchnim zabezpechennyam virіshuyut not tіlki vіddіl materіalno-tehnіchnogo zabezpechennya organіzatsії and second INSHI її pіdrozdіli, lіnіynі kerіvniki rіznih rіvnіv ієrarhії upravlіnnya, INSHI vіddіli i service, vіdpovіdnі pіdrozdіli postachalnikіv, transport organіzatsіy. Zvіdsi at vivchennі protsesіv rozrobki, i realіzatsії rіshen of acceptance of upravlіnnya materіalno-tehnіchnim zabezpechennyam mozhna obmezhuvatisya lishe dіyalnіstyu vіddіlu materіalno-tehnіchnogo zabezpechennya, yak tse rekomenduyut bagato techniques schodo vdoskonalennya upravlіnnya systems (in addition chislі i i rozrobki systems of acceptance upravlіnskih rіshen). These recommendations do not come from the process, object (functional) and technological subdivision of management practice, but from the traditionally formed in practice subdivision of functions between production and work areas of the organization.
  • 3. Separation of management functions up to specific tasks, Showing the sequence of their developments in the processes of development, adoption and implementation of the solutions necessary for the creation of this function. At this stage, it is necessary to find ways to thoroughly manage, prepare the best option for cooperation and cooperation in management, to separate the functions of various equals and sub-management, to expand new developments from the development and acceptance of management.

problematic situation- tse:

    Early setting of wine problems. Description of the problematic situation; why do you think the main meta decision is made; what do you respect the reach of meti; what is necessary for the adoption of difficulties, what matters the factor; what to give a solution to the problem for people and services; as її urgency. The problematic situation is a common warehouse part in the formulation of wine problems.

    The situation before the cob is looking for a solution, if the solution is not potentially visible at the time of setting the task. If, when setting up a task (in a wide sense), ways to її vyshishennya and necessary for that cat, you can be in the house of a retailer and only need to implement the solution, then it’s more than enough time to get a job. If at the moment of setting the task, the solution is potentially impossible, then there may be a problem situation - a problem.

Classification of the problem situation is carried out First of all, I will describe (empirically, theoretically, methodologically) and the type of activity (natural: a person is a system of nature, social, technical, knowledgeable), within the framework of what is to be understood as a consumer, so is the medium of their satisfaction

The previous description of the problem situation includes two stages:

1) shaping the structure of the situation, sing the name of the smut against it with the birth of it and the appearance of it with it іn. Protirichchiami;

2) assessment of the parameters of the problem situation and clarification of the medium, which is obvious.

The main elements of the description of the problem situation and the effects on the nutrition that they: The essence of the problematic situation (Who? De? Who? Why? By what method?); vindication and development of a problem situation (Kolya?); the main officials and minds (For what minds?); relevance and terminology of the problem situation; the level of completeness and reliability of information.

The forward analysis of the problematic situation is based on the method of establishing the її іsnuvannya (determined if the problematic situation is obvious) and the reasons for її viniknennya. The rest allows you to reveal the greatest sources of factors that contribute to the solution of the problem.

Analysis of the history of the problem situation of the occurrence of the introduction of novelty, and the forecast of the development of the development - of the necessity of directing and virishennia.

Comparison with other problematic situations (more prominent, analogous, more private) in order to clarify the main elements also gives the possibility of winning more or less often in practice solving similar problems. Particularly serious respect for the next work on the analysis of possible nebazhanih nasledkiv, nizhe often fail at this stage.

Remaining description of the problematic situation polagaє at the designated level of completeness and reliability of information, її regrouping and adaptation to specific minds. Transferring the description of a problem situation from natural language to a special scientific language allows reaching unambiguousness and understanding, and simplifying the structure of the description sounds more profoundly reasonable. important element a description of the problematic situation and fixing knowledge, nevіdomih for a glance.

Solution- the central moment of the whole process of management. It can be said that the essence of the profession of a manager is to make a decision. For a wide sense of understanding, it includes the preparation of a decision (planning), and for a narrow sense, there are no alternatives. Within the framework of the long-term planning, the main decisions are taken (what is the work?), Then in the process of in-line planning, organization, motivation, coordination, regulation, change of plans - the decision of the higher sense (how is the work?), Although such a boundary is mental.

In practice, the problem of the solution is specific by the choice of terms, lack of qualifications or information for the solution, undesirable methods, scalability of managers to routine, and differences between persons who decide (OPR).

All types of solutions adopted in the management process can be classified according to numerical signs:

According to the object of the decision (orientation on the goal or the self, the main structural or situational);

According to the reliability of external information (based on superficial information, risky and non-relevant information);

In terms of dії naslіdkіv (long-term, middle-, short-line);

For communication with the hierarchy of planning (strategic, tactical, operational);

For the frequency of repetition (vipadkovі, repetition, routine);

According to the variant hoarseness (for the use of firms, higher education institutions);

For a certain amount of decision in the process of їх acceptance (static, dynamic, one- and rich-step part);

For decision makers (one-sided, group, from the side of managers, from the side of vikonavtsiv);

By the appearance of change of data (zhorstki, gnuchki);

For independence (autonomous, which complement one another);

For folding (simple and folding);

The largest types of solutions adopted by managers of firms can be classified according to the degree of folding by the coming rank (finished in Nіmechchinі in 1983):

Situational, routine, advisory decisions;

Resolution of the average folding (current clarification of the area of ​​activity, resolution under stress and with the choice of terms, resolution at the vinyatkovy fluctuations);

Innovative and original solutions.

24. The essence of the scientific approach to the adoption of the managerial decision. Socio-political, organizational and technical and socio-psychological features of managerial decisions

SCIENTIFIC PIDHID BEFORE ADOPTION OF SD. - the totality of the main methods of acquiring new knowledge about the object of management and methods of achieving goals, related to the adoption and implementation of SD.

N. pidkhid includes ways to follow up management. situation, systematization, correction of new and otrimanih earlier knowledge. Dzherelom information - internal and external environment.

FEATURES N. approach:

1) the development of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. Wine is added up in 3 stages:

* Caution - selection and analysis of data.

* Formulation of the hypothesis - The manifestation of alternatives and consequences of their development.

* Verification - confirmation (problem) of the hypothesis of the adopted decision.

2) System orientation. Zastosovuyuchi N. the method is necessary to remember that the organization is the whole system that is formed from the interconnected parts.

3) Vikoristannya models-ch. char-coy model є simplification of the real situation. The model helps the certifier to get his evidence and building before the trial with the approval and judgment of the experts.

Necessary mental implementation of the scientific approach until the adoption of the decision є vykonannya 4 PRINCIPLES:

1. The principle of ORGANIZATIONAL VIEW. The organizational structure is guilty of buti attached to the uninterrupted establishment of linear and functional links, which will make it easier to make a decision and control over them.

2. POLICY, GOALS, ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY d.b.s. clearly formulated, so that the stench allowed the adoption of resolutions of outrageous character, that new types of d-ti are being raised, which are to be met for inter-day needs.

3. We are responsible for AUTHENTIC INFORMATION about the current situation in order to support effective communications between organizations.

4. Gnuchkіst, without which they can be deprived of unscrupulous ability.

Features of management decisions.

Socio-political features of managerial decisions contribute to their organizing impact on labor collectives, around the region and the economy as a whole. At the same time, managerial decisions are made up of the needs and interests, as well as particularities, as well as singing groups of people. The laws of economic and socio-political development of prosperity are manifested in the interests and motives of people's behavior, and, also, in the decisions they make.

Organizational and technological features of managerial decisions and the sequence of decisions taken are determined by the methods of their priming. Itself in the organization and technology takes the decision to know its own achievement of science and technology management.

Socio-psychological features of managerial decisions do not include intuition, manifestation and analysis of problems, determination of the goals of their accomplishment, formation and assessment of alternative solutions. Vikonati їх can only kerіvnik and fahivets, yakі volodіyut necessary knowledge and dosvіdom. At the time of the procedure, add the psychological features of the person: temperament, features of cognitive mental processes, character, etc.

Also, the quality and efficiency of the solution is in order with the organizational and technological aspects, closely related to the psychological aspects. The study of the psychological characteristics of a person and his abilities in accepting and realizing the decision to become of great interest from the point of view of the psychology of management and the acquisition of information about the group and individual behavior of people in organizations.