School entrance security. Personal safety of the student

The set of measures and activities of an educational institution is called integrated school safety. These measures are carried out in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, self-government bodies, and other services.

Each parent, sending a child to school, first of all, takes care of his safety. Especially today? more than ever, a child must be safe, from the road from home to school itself, and especially inside the community educational institution... Of course, first of all, the safety of children at school must be ensured by the administration and security. Each school periodically holds various school-wide meetings, which are attended by both teachers and parents. At these meetings, great emphasis is placed on teaching children how to behave in different situations. The goal of an educational institution is to teach a child, in parallel with improving the quality of education, to overcome difficulties arising on his way: to know the rules of evacuation from the school building and not to panic, to learn the rules of the road, not to take expensive things to school, and more.

Each school has a responsibility to protect the health of the child and be responsible for its safety, observe safety precautions, and also educate students on how to ensure personal safety, as well as the safety of others. The school should provide for measures for fire and anti-terrorist safety, control over the health of schoolchildren, the condition of the building, and also ensure that the public is familiarized with security measures. At least twice a year, trainings are organized with personnel, as well as students on evacuating people, familiarizing them with actions in emergency situations. Daily inspections of the condition of the territory, fencing, sports grounds should be carried out. Food control is required. The school develops plans, evacuation routes, instructions and brochures to combat terrorism and extremism.

In order to ensure the safety of children, special passports have been developed, which include traffic safety rules. Practically every school regularly hosts activities and classroom hours to educate children about road behavior. It is very important to familiarize the children with the school evacuation plan.

Ensuring the safety of children at school is guided by Federal laws, as well as government decrees and other regulations.

Every school must have a fire alarm. All floors must be equipped with fire extinguishers, as well as a special button for calling the police squad. Absolutely in all schools there is a 24-hour watch, which is carried out by employees of a security agency. In the event of a fire, all the actions of the team should be aimed at ensuring the safety of children, immediate evacuation and their rescue. The evacuation should not take more than seven or ten minutes.

Particular attention must be paid to electrical safety. All switchboard devices must be locked. Electrical appliances must be constantly checked.

With the existing terrorist threat, measures are being taken to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the territory of the educational institution. These measures are carried out by the security, the administrator, the duty teacher. A permanent record of citizens attending school is kept. In the event of a threat of an explosion in a school, an appropriate evacuation plan has been developed, with which the schoolchildren are also introduced in advance. The schools must carry out daily duties of the administration, as well as the duty class. Every week, the school management allocates a duty class, which, led by the class teacher, monitors the order at the school, warns the administration of the institution about all situations and emerging dangers.

An important element of the child's safety at school is his nutrition, which must meet all standards. The food must be of good quality. To exclude cases of poisoning, food must be checked every day. It is important to exclude harmful and prohibited foods from the menu, such as chips, soda and others.

The danger can threaten students from the outside and technical equipment. Safety rules exist in almost every office of a general education institution. In the chemistry classroom, you must follow the instructions before starting the experiments and agreeing them with the teacher. It is very important to become familiar with the properties of various substances, not to taste them. In the physics classroom, do not touch the bare wires, do not turn on the devices in the network, without first discussing with the teacher. In physical education lessons, check the simulators, insure yourself when exercising on gymnastic apparatus. During technology lessons, do not direct the piercing and cutting object towards the body, make sure that parts of clothing do not fall under the cutting tool.

Safety entirely depends also on the parents, who themselves first of all must know the rules for the safety of children at school, and then teach the child to follow them. It is impossible to protect a child from all the troubles. We need to explain to him that no one has yet finished school without getting into trouble. Prepare your child to respond appropriately to any trouble or emergency.

There are several basic rules that parents should definitely talk with their children about.

Teach a child to go to school exclusively in the company of friends, but if you choose a road, then only a crowded one.

Be constantly near teachers, classmates, friends. Do not go alone to school premises such as the attic, basement. Never linger on the playground.

Report any troubles that occur to the teacher or guard.

Teach children never to accept offers from strangers to escort or give a ride. Not agree in any way, even if the stranger claims to be a friend of the parents.

A child should not leave money and a cell phone in the locker room and be attentive to their belongings. You don’t need to give your child a lot of pocket money, don’t allow expensive equipment and jewelry to be taken to school.

It is very important to teach your child not to communicate with those who bring drugs or weapons to school. Alcohol and tobacco are also health hazards. Parents should try to explain to the child that school is not a place of pleasure, but of learning. A child should not hide any nuisance or trifle from his parents.

Parents should be constantly interested in how their child spends time at school. Get to know the teachers, find out from them how he behaves in a situation that arises. The safety of children in school also depends entirely on the parents. A child may not always talk about being attacked by bullies, but adults must notice. Any changes in the behavior of children must be carefully checked, not to deny children attention. Problems that seem insignificant to us can be serious enough for a child.

Comprehensive student safety must be implemented in a timely manner by the school leadership. Parents, on the other hand, should monitor the thoroughness of their implementation. In order to improve the safety of children, various schools hold a month of safety, during which children are taught the correct behavior on the roads, in transport, and how to respond to the threat of fires. In the classroom, children are taught to recognize as well as assess dangerous situations, choose ways of protection. Exercises are held in which students are taught the rules of evacuation in case of emergencies, fires.

Much attention is paid to providing first aid. It is very interesting if children are instructed to make a wall newspaper on the theme "Safe way to school", different booklets and brochures on safety measures and methods are important. Spend extracurricular hours teaching road safety rules. For example, so that the child makes sure that he is always wearing a seat belt in the car, as well as the formation of attentiveness in the child on the streets of the city. This is especially important in primary school.

The education of a student, both in school and in the family, is considered to be a single indissoluble process. The role of the teacher in organizing education is very great. It should be noted that it is very important here from the first year of study to involve parents and make them accomplices in the pedagogical process.

All work with parents in educational institution is of great importance and is conducted in a holistic system. In order for parental help to be substantial and effective, it is necessary to teach them to share experiences, try to discuss all the problems that have arisen, and look for joint ways and solutions.

Everyone knows that children study at school and, of course, communicate with their peers. However, the child is left without adult supervision precisely on the way from home to school and from school home. The task of parents, as well as teachers, is to know where the child is and when he will be under adult supervision.

It is important to be careful everywhere, everywhere and always. Whether it's at home or school, the main thing is not to forget that dangerous situations can await you anywhere. You need to be vigilant and not get lost, try to pull yourself together and not panic.

Ensuring safety depends not only on the equipment of educational facilities with modern technical devices and equipment, but on the degree of professionalism of the personnel managing this equipment, on the literacy and competence of people responsible for the safety of educational organizations and the educational process, on the coherence of their joint work with the administration and teaching staff.

The creation of a system for ensuring the safety of participants in a general educational organization provides for the following procedure:

Identification of threats to the life and health of participants in mass events and the associated risks associated with the activities of an educational organization;

Development of a security policy;

Development of an organizational chart, definition of goals and objectives corresponding to the developed policy, in relation to each function and level of management in an educational organization, setting priorities;

Planning indicators characterizing the safety of public events;

Monitoring the safety status in extracurricular activities;

Analysis of the functioning of the security system in the educational space, assessment of the conformity of the system of measures taken and their consistent implementation;

Making the necessary adjustments and preventive actions, as well as adapting to changing circumstances during extracurricular activities.

The safety of participants in mass events in extracurricular activities is impossible without the implementation of certain legislative and other regulatory legal acts that regulate the safety of the educational process.

Preventive measures in an educational organization are aimed at developing the infrastructure and content of preventive activities carried out in order to preserve the life and health of students in the process of holding mass events.

The main tasks of preventive measures are:

Implementation of legal regulation in the field of child injury prevention during mass events;

Formation of a single preventive space by combining the efforts of all participants in preventive work in an educational organization;

Training and professional development of teachers in the forms and methods of work for the prevention of child injuries;

Creation of a system of information and methodological support of activities in the prevention of child injuries;

Prevention of accidents with students during the educational process, as well as during various activities within the educational process.

The main principles in the work on the prevention of child injuries in an educational organization:

1. Legitimacy - compliance of any form of preventive activity with legislative acts of federal and regional significance.

2. Strategic integrity - a unified prevention strategy, including main directions, methodological approaches and specific activities.

3. Consistency - interprofessional interaction of teaching staff, as well as interaction with specialists from various services and departments.

4. Multidimensionality - the complex use of forms of preventive activity.

5. Situational adequacy - compliance of the content and organization of child injury prevention, taking into account the injuries received by children on the territory of the educational organization.

6. Dynamism - mobility and flexibility of connections between the structures and components of the preventive system of child injuries, providing the possibility of its development and improvement, taking into account the results achieved.

7. Effective use of resources - methodological, professional, informational, etc.

Security requirements are established by local regulations of the educational organization. Of particular importance in the work on the prevention of child injuries is the development of instructional and methodological documentation concerning various aspects of the organization of work to ensure the safety of the educational process with both students and teaching staff.

Ensuring safety and the quality of organizational work for the prevention of child injuries depends on the degree of professionalism and competence of teachers, employees responsible for the safety of the educational organization and the educational process. Coordination of the work of the administration and teachers, competent organization of the delineation of powers and competencies of different levels of management of the educational process in an educational organization, the use of instructional and methodological documentation (on fire safety; on safety rules when conducting lessons or classes in an educational organization in chemistry, biology, physics, computer science , physical culture, technology, etc.) will allow at the proper level to fulfill the tasks set for the prevention of child injuries and exclude cases of injury to students.

In the process of carrying out organizational measures for the prevention of child injuries and ensuring safety in the educational organization, a set of measures is carried out, covering the activities of not only the director, his deputies, the pedagogical worker responsible for the prevention of child injuries, but also all pedagogical workers, and includes:

Organization of work to create and ensure the conditions for the educational process;

Elaboration of measures for the implementation of the proposals of the members of the pedagogical collective, aimed at further improving and improving the conditions for holding mass events;

Discussion at the pedagogical council, meetings with the director or the Management Council of measures to ensure the safety of the educational process and the prevention of child injuries;

Work to prevent injuries among students;

Compliance in the educational process with mandatory norms and rules that prevent trauma to students;

Monitoring equipment, devices, technical and visual teaching aids used in the educational process from the standpoint of compliance with safety requirements;

The order of teaching the rules of the road, behavior on the water and the street, fire safety, etc .;

Monitoring compliance with measures for the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards, requirements, rules for fire safety when conducting educational activities and activities outside the educational organization with students;

Organization with students and their parents (persons replacing them) measures to prevent injuries during the educational process, traffic accidents, accidents occurring on the street, water, etc .;

Timely execution of the algorithm of actions in case of an accident with students.

Work on the formation of safe behavior skills can be carried out in an educational organization based on the following principles:

Consistency - work is carried out daily throughout the school year;

Seasonality - local conditions, seasons are taken into account;

Accessibility - the material presented to the student must be age-appropriate.

The main directions in this work are informational and preventive activities of teachers.

Information activity on the formation of safe behavior skills is carried out through the preparation and design of the work of various information materials - stands, tables, posters.

Given the importance and relevance of preventive measures in an educational organization to create safe conditions when organizing mass events and organizing work to prevent child injuries, road traffic accidents, an educational organization in modern conditions is obliged to systematically organize this work with students, their parents, and with teaching staff ...

Work planning is assisted by a mandatory analysis of the causes and types of traumas of students received during the educational process and on the territory of the educational organization. The analysis of these accidents should be discussed in the teaching staff and serve as material for planning specific school-wide and class activities. Work on the prevention of child injuries is impossible without accurate accounting and analysis of all accidents with students that occur in the educational organization and outside it. This helps to identify the main causes of injuries (violation of sanitary and hygienic standards; lack of necessary knowledge in children; negligence of adults) and purposefully carry out preventive work.

The work plans of the educational organization should include the whole range of measures for the prevention of all types of child injuries. Work should be planned separately for students of primary, basic and senior levels of education. Injury prevention issues should be reflected in work plans for child injury prevention educators, subject teachers and classroom teachers.

Educational organizations need to promote safe teaching methods. To do this, develop memos and instructions, use warning labels, various posters. Instructions and memos are of two types: some are intended to be handed out to students, others are for familiarization in classrooms, especially in high-risk classrooms. They summarize the requirements of labor and safety rules for certain types of work.

Various forms of mass propaganda work are of great importance for the prevention of injuries: competitions, lectures, conversations, excursions, training sessions, game modeling or imitation of various problem situations and corresponding actions in them, project work of students.

The planning system for the prevention of child injuries includes organizational, preventive, informational activities, as well as work with parents and raising the professional level of teachers.

Organizational activities may include activities such as:

Preparation of orders on the appointment of persons responsible for the safety of students (when conducting lessons and classes in classrooms, a gym, during public events), when conducting excursions, hiking trips, sports events, etc., on organizing the duty of the teaching staff and appointment: duty administrators, duty teachers, duty classes;

Organization of extracurricular activities of an educational organization in the afternoon;

Monitoring of the technical and sanitary condition of classrooms, gyms, canteen;

Control over the organization of mass and outdoor events;

Consideration of the issues of injury prevention at pedagogical councils, methodological associations, the governing council;

Investigation and registration of accidents with students;

Record keeping for child injury prevention.

Organization of the study of the rules by students (Charter of the educational organization);

Themed class hours;

Organization of the duty of teachers;

Organization of outdoor games during breaks;

Fulfillment of hygienic requirements for training conditions in an educational organization;

Formation of a culture of behavior among students that prevents injury;

Teaching students the rules and techniques safe work in the course of performing educational tasks;

Participation in preventive measures of the district and the city;

Conducting thematic meetings with representatives of the traffic police, Rospotrebnadzor, law enforcement agencies, medical institutions,

Conducting master classes on the prevention of child injury in the classroom by teachers;

Conducting trauma prevention raids by members of the Governing Council, Parents' Committee, High School Council.

Activities for the development of information materials for students, teachers, parents to prevent child injuries;

Speaking at pedagogical councils, participating in the work of methodological associations of class teachers according to the rules of the teacher's actions in case of a child's injury;

Publication of articles and appearances in the media;

Production and replication of teaching materials on the topic "Prevention of child injuries";

Production and distribution of booklets, posters, memos promoting healthy image life;

Conducting thematic weeks, competitions, lectures, conversations, excursions, training sessions;

Maintaining an information page on the website of an educational organization;

Preparation and placement of thematic stationary stands for students, for example, on traffic rules, behavior in case of fire, on water, on ice, etc.

The success of teaching children the rules of safe behavior is possible if the school and family work closely together. The knowledge and skills learned at school should be consolidated in everyday life, and the main role in this process belongs to parents. After all, it is the parents who are the direct model of behavior for the child.

Activities with the parent community include: consideration of prevention issues at meetings of the Governing Council, parental committees, holding thematic parental meetings, participation of parents in classroom hours, school-wide events, engaging traffic police officers, Rospotrebnadzor, and the Ministry of Emergencies to work with parents.

The work of the educational organization to improve the professional level of teaching staff in the prevention of child injuries:

Should be built taking into account the active involvement of the resources of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow to address the issues of improving the professional level not only of pedagogical workers responsible for the prevention of child injuries, but also of the administration of the educational organization and the entire pedagogical staff;

Include holding permanent seminars with such forms of activity as workshops, discussions, business games;

Include individual and group consultations with a practical demonstration of advanced pedagogical experience through a system of master classes, open training sessions for problem mini-groups, etc.

The system of planning work for the prevention of child injuries should also include the systematic individual work of a social educator, educational psychologist and class teachers, which they will carry out with violators of discipline (attention should be paid to cases related to behavior that contains an element of physical violence towards others , and sometimes a deliberate desire to hurt and show their physical superiority).

It is this activity that can reduce not only the number of accidents with students, but also prevent accidents in the educational organization.

The psychological reason for the increased injury rate among students is, to a large extent, the fact that at a young age people tend to underestimate the danger, increased risk, and thoughtless actions. The stressful state of a person forces him to deliberately take risky activities that he believes will help relieve stress. Consequently, it is necessary to teach students constructive stress relieving and stress management skills, and this is the task of the psychological service of the school.

Psychological reasons for the occurrence of dangerous situations leading to trauma to students can be divided into several types:

1. Violation of the motivational part of a person's actions, which manifests itself in a reluctance to act to ensure safety. These violations occur if a person underestimates the danger, is inclined to take risks, and is critical of technical recommendations that ensure safety. The causes of these violations usually act for a long time or permanently, unless special measures are taken to eliminate them.

2. Violations of the motivational part of the actions can be temporary in nature, associated, for example, with a state of depression.

3. Violation of the approximate part of human actions, which manifests itself in ignorance of the norms and methods of ensuring safety, the rules for operating equipment.

4. Violation of the performing part of a person's actions, which manifests itself in non-compliance with the rules and safety instructions due to the discrepancy between the psychophysical capabilities of the person (insufficient coordination of movement and speed of motor reactions, poor eyesight, inconsistency with the size of the equipment, etc.) to the requirements of this work.

The psychological service of the educational organization will help relieve stress, teach children constructive skills to relieve stress and overcome stress, which will allow students to take into account their age characteristics and life experience, as well as the knowledge gained, not to get into situations that are dangerous to life and health.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational organization for the prevention of child injuries refers to the control and analytical activities of the administration of the educational organization.

Efficiency is a characteristic of the results achieved, reflecting their significance in the work on the prevention of child injuries in the educational environment. Determination of effectiveness is carried out in the course of a special evaluation procedure, which is a mandatory stage of preventive activities.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of work on the prevention of child injuries performs the following functions:

Diagnostics (determination of the scope of changes caused by the implementation of preventive measures);

Selection (a way to identify the most effective programs and measures for prevention for further implementation in the practice of the educational organization);

Corrections (making changes to the content and structure of the preventive activities of the educational organization in order to optimize its results in the PDT);

Forecasting (defining tasks, forms and methods of organizing measures for the prevention of child injuries when planning new stages of its implementation, taking into account the results achieved).

The effectiveness of work on the prevention of child injuries in an educational organization can be assessed through:

Attending classes and extracurricular activities by the administration of the educational organization responsible for the prevention of child injuries;

Monitoring the implementation of activities in the work plan, registration of reporting materials;

Reports of class teachers at meetings with the director, administrative meetings, pedagogical councils;

Activity monitoring;

Planning and conducting reflective activities.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of work on the prevention of child injuries can be internal and external. Internal assessment is carried out by direct participants implementing the preventive direction in the educational environment. For external assessment, specialists are involved who are not directly involved in the implementation of preventive work.

Indicators of preventive work to prevent child injuries are an observable and measurable characteristic of the studied object of activity in the prevention of child injuries.

The following parameters can be used as indicators of work on the prevention of child injuries in an educational organization:

1. The number of activities for the prevention of child injuries in an educational organization with students, teaching staff, parents or their substitutes.

2. The number of people (students, teaching staff, parents or persons replacing them) covered by measures to prevent child injuries.

3. Popularization of the work of the educational organization by presenting the results of work on the website of the educational organization; speeches at conferences, seminars, round tables; presentation of work experience at the district, city level; publications on the work of an educational organization for the prevention of child injuries in the media, as well as using the resources of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

4. Reduction of the number of injuries and accidents in the educational organization during the educational process, as well as in traffic accidents, accidents on water bodies, etc.

Injury is a serious problem, but it can be avoided with preventive measures.

Purposeful preventive work will reduce the level of injuries among children, preserve their health, and, most importantly, life.

General requirements for ensuring safety during mass events at school

The safe functioning of the school during mass events is to create conditions under which the planned work of the school staff, the proper functioning of life support systems is possible and real.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 184 "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002: "Risk is the likelihood of harm. Safety is a state in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm. "

For the criteria of hazards, for the prevention of which the school administration is responsible, one can take the illegality and the degree of threat to life and health, property interests.

It is almost impossible to protect the school from all types of hazards (threats) by 100%. The task of the administration is to create appropriate conditions under which basic safety standards (fire, anti-terrorist, construction, etc.) would not be violated. Analysis of probable threats (for typical educational institutions) allows you to develop an approximate list of security measures:

1. Students arrive and leave the event at a prearranged time. The departure of a student from the event is permitted in exceptional cases. When holding school-wide discos, the student can leave earlier with the written permission of the class teacher.

Discos, holidays, etc. ends no later than 19.00.

It is not allowed to open windows in the room where the event is taking place, even during the event.

It is not allowed to put tables in the offices one on top of the other. If necessary, tables and chairs should be taken out into the corridor and neatly placed there.

During the event, students are not allowed to walk around the school.

Students are not allowed to smoke.

When discos are held in classrooms, attendants are appointed who are responsible for preparing the premises for the discotheque and cleaning the premises after it.

The presence and participation of outsiders in discos is not permitted.

When holding events, it is not allowed to arrange light effects using chemicals and other substances that could cause a fire.

The use of sparklers, firecrackers, firecrackers, etc. is prohibited. in the school premises.

Fire safety instructions.

The class teacher is responsible for maintaining fire safety during events.

At school, all public events are held in the presence of the class teacher, the teacher on duty or the head teacher in compliance with the fire safety rules.

In the room where the event is held, there must be free passages, exits from the building, intended for the evacuation of people.

Doors from the premises during mass events must not be locked with locks or hard-to-open locks.

The administrator and teacher on duty must be at the door.

During the event, it is forbidden to arrange light effects with the use of chemicals and other substances that can cause a fire.

It is forbidden to use flammable liquids for cleaning clothes, wigs and other props.

When holding New Year's parties and evenings:

The Christmas tree should be firmly fixed, not interfere with the entrance and exit from the room and installed away from curtains, curtains, heating appliances;

The electric garland should be only factory-made and connected to the network by electricians;

Masquerade costumes, decorations must be impregnated with a fire retardant;

In the room where the Christmas tree is held, it is forbidden to light sparklers, candles, use firecrackers, bakers, etc.

It is forbidden to completely turn off the light in the room.

In the event of a fire, you must immediately report the fire by calling 101 and arrange for the evacuation of students.

Many parents do not even suspect what dangerous situations at school can lie in wait for their children. Of course, this is not a reason to leave the baby uneducated, but it is simply necessary to take measures to protect the health of a son or daughter. Adults are obliged to explain the rules of behavior to their child, especially if he just went to grade 1. Teachers follow with the exception of force majeure, but the situations are different. Consider the typical hazards at school.

What dangers await children in the cafeteria

To study well, you need to have enough energy, and therefore eat well. You cannot leave a child without lunch - this will have a bad effect on his health. But often our children get poisoned after eating in the school cafeteria or at recess, which in itself is a serious danger. With what it can be connected?

Firstly, sometimes the child tries to save the money given to him for food. Instead of a full meal with hot soup, the child prefers to buy rolls, chips, and then wash it all down with sweet soda. After such a "secret" meal, parents wonder why their child refuses healthy food. It is imperative to explain to the kid that all these "goodies" are nothing more than a real poison for the body, a danger to his well-being. If you really want to have a snack during recess, let it be as healthy as possible.

Secondly, it is often the cooks themselves or their inexperienced assistants who are to blame for the occurrence of danger, who prepare food from low-quality products, in dirty dishes and with unwashed hands. They do not think about the harm they do to the younger generation by their actions. What can be the way out? Take the time to check the kitchen - get a parent committee, ask the principal to visit the canteen and assess the quality of its work.

If you are denied or shortcomings are revealed, supply the baby with hot dishes put in special boxes. When there are not so many lessons, you can limit yourself to light ones during recess - then falling off in the form of poor digestion will depend only on the correct combination of products and taking into account their shelf life and storage conditions.

School hazards and precautions

The health of our children is perhaps the greatest value. In school years, when a child goes to study and enters a new stage of socialization, meets new peers, new difficulties and dangers arise. The main one is the school itself, where universal physical activity is raging, there are children from disadvantaged families with bad habits, there is a desire to stand out, show off, keep up with others.

Potential hazards at school

Some potential dangers are listed below:

  1. In grade 1, children are very fond of frolicking, including on the stairs, without even knowing what injuries they can inflict on themselves. Therefore, there is a clear rule: you cannot run on stairs - it is easy to stumble and fall there. If the baby goes down, then he must definitely hold on to the railing. When going up, keep as close to the wall as possible. Thanks to an elementary rule of conduct, hazards in the school can be minimized - there will simply always be order.
  2. You shouldn't run along the corridors either. Especially, to be near the doors, which can swing open at any moment and hit hard.
  3. You cannot go to the windows, play around with them, open them. If the glass breaks, you can get hurt, and if you open the window sashes, then it won't take long to fall out of it.
  4. You cannot throw objects such as a compass, pencil, pen, etc. at each other. One wrong move - and the mucous membrane of the eyes can suffer. There is no need to talk about scratches and abrasions.
  5. In a physical education lesson, the teacher should check if all the equipment is securely fixed before allowing children to approach them.
  6. Of course, there shouldn't be any. In this case, the danger is represented by any corners of tables, walls, stairs located in and around the school.
  7. When eating food, even if the change is small, you cannot rush, otherwise you can choke or push a neighbor by pouring hot soup or tea on him.
  8. And, of course, one of the dangers will be non-compliance with fire safety rules and playing with lights and sockets, which can cause serious burns at best.

If you adhere to all of the listed recommendations, your days at school will pass carefree and without incident. Talk to your tomboy about basic rules of conduct, and do not forget to work together. We are responsible for our children. In addition, it is worth telling them about how to provide first aid to an injured person. After all, it may turn out that no one else will be around. Vigilance and good upbringing give a lot!

The safety of the child in school depends on the school staff, on the attentive participation of parents in school life and, most importantly, on the discipline and attentiveness of the student.

The song, which sounds in all schools at the solemn assembly on September 1, is about "wonderful school years." As everyone knows and dear this amazing melody. Parents really dream of prosperous, happy school years for their grown up kid.

Unfortunately, this time is not always so serene and parents cannot constantly be near the child, but by teaching children the basic rules of behavior in a dangerous or non-standard situation, you can save them from mistakes.

Basic rules of student behavior

  • Stranger!

The most important rule of safety behavior for children, which absolutely every child must comply with on the way to school, is do not talk or go anywhere with strangers... You can’t get into the car with a stranger who offers to take you home, even if he says that he is friendly with his parents and they asked to bring the child home.

Whatever a stranger offers - candy, a kitten or a walk to the park, the baby should not enter into a conversation, and if a person persistently imposes his society, then here you need to teach the child to act, for example, to shout loudly, attracting the attention of passers-by. Explain to the child that in this life-threatening situation one should not be afraid and shy, here the safety of life is much more important than the rules of decency.

  • Together with a friend

The best thing to go to school with a group of classmates, along the streets where the guys will be in full view of passers-by.

“Tell me who your friend is…” Friendship is an important part of school life, and you should be careful about those who are around your child.

The student must be aware that a classmate who carries dangerous things (sharp stabbing objects, weapons, explosives, drugs) cannot be a good man and a true friend.

A separate topic should be to discuss with the child the topic of drugs, who and how can offer them to try or sell.

The task of parents is to teach the student to talk about all the dangerous situations that happen to him at school or on the way, and they learn to listen to and understand him.

  • Local hooligans

Each school has security guards who control the access control, but they cannot protect children from schoolchildren who are not characterized by good breeding and discipline. Unfortunately, there are such students in the school. Tell your child intelligibly that he should be next to the teacher and students from the class, you cannot stay alone in deserted school places, it is strictly forbidden to climb into the basement and attic.

After a lesson held on the street, you should go to school with the whole class, you cannot linger on the sports ground.

School fights can happen over little things. If the fight is directed towards the child himself, then you need to be able to stand up for yourself, guided by elementary self-defense techniques. But if there is an opportunity to escape from the fight, then it is better to run away. Physical safety is extremely important for everyone.

School responsibility

The roads adjacent to the school must be equipped with traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, speed bumps and, of course, all roads must be well lit. Metal gratings should be installed on the ground floors of the building. Parents should be reminded that the child's outerwear and briefcase must the presence of reflective elementsthat can play a decisive role in accident prevention.

The school must conduct special lessons aimed at the safety of students, traffic rules, as well as safety rules during an emergency. Only a constant repetition of the rules of conduct in an emergency can help the student to orient himself at the moment of the onset of such a situation.

From the moment a child entered the territory of an educational institution, the school administration bears full administrative and legal responsibility for him.

The school administration must pay special attention to fire safety and take timely measures to prevent accidents.

Duties of the school guard

Each school has an access control. If there is an outsider inside the building, then the guard must be responsible for his presence on the school grounds with full responsibility. In addition, the security guard is obliged to stop fights that begin, to ensure that students do not violate the school charter, do not bring dangerous items, and comply with the rules and safety requirements.

Child health care at school

The responsibility of the school administration in situations where the health of the child has been harmed is determined by the competent investigating authority.

The administration of the educational institution is obliged to monitor the vaccination lists of each of its students, to make vaccinations and revaccinations in time.

In the event of a sharp outbreak of any disease, the school administration must immediately quarantine.

If a student is harmed in a lesson, then the teacher who taught the lesson is responsible. In the event of an incident at a break, all responsibility rests with the teacher on duty. The principal is responsible for all violations that occur on the school grounds.

Traumatism, accidents, violence, theft, unfortunately, at least one item from this list is present in every school. The close work of parents and teachers, students and teachers can, if not completely eliminate these dangerous situations, then minimize their consequences.

Baby food safety

Equally important for the safety of schoolchildren is meals in the school canteen. Special attention has been paid to this recently. It is important that the chefs who prepare meals for children are healthy. To do this, they need to control the following tests:

1) Sowing from the throat
2) Feces on the egg-leaf
3) Analysis for liver enzyme - gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-HT)

Whether to interfere with the child's school life

If there is no direct threat to the child's life, then let him solve all conflicts. Talk to your child how he sees this situation, what he can do to resolve the conflict favorably. Why did this happen and how to behave so that such a situation does not arise in the future. Reasonable non-intervention will strengthen the child's self-confidence, teach correct communication and positive socialization.

Remember that even an insignificant incident, seemingly a trifle for adults, has the scale of a tragedy for a schoolchild. Listen to the child, talk to him. Every day ask how you are doing, whether other schoolchildren offend him, whether the teacher "clings" to him, whether something illegal is happening outside the school.

Conflict with the teacher

A conflict can arise not only with peers, but also with a teacher. Whatever happens, you should always stay on the side of your child, but direct his behavior in a creative direction. If the child does not agree with the teacher, then he can express his dissatisfaction with the parents or the director.

For clarifying the details of the conflict, a conversation with teacher - student - parent... In such a dialogue, the essence of the problem will become clear to you.

If you have serious doubts about the competence of the teaching staff, contact the school management board. Parental control in this matter is never superfluous.

Every school should be equipped with a video surveillance system... If your school does not already have security cameras installed, this should be discussed with the school board.

Let's summarize.

  • Teach children to behave in a way that is safe for their lives.
  • Fear of strangers, do not enter into dialogue.
  • Personal lack of discipline can be dangerous.
  • Children in everything take an example from the behavior of adults.

Problems of ensuring the safety of pupils' health are currently acquiring the most urgent importance and are becoming a priority both in the state and in the regional policy in the field of life support.

Analyzing the incidence of injuries in schools, the main reason is the personal lack of discipline of students. The manifestation of personal indiscipline does not show students the dangers that lie in wait for them in the school building. Despite the fact that every week during the class hour there is a conversation on the prevention of various types of child injuries, the number of injuries is not decreasing. What is the reason? The causes of injuries can be violations of rules and safety instructions, unwillingness to comply with safety requirements, inability to comply with them. However, despite the variety of reasons, attention should be focused on the reasons for the deliberate violation of safety rules ...

Impunity (physical and social) - the child's absence of injuries for a long time and condemnation of violations of safety rules by other members of the work collective leads to a deliberate disregard for danger.

Self-affirmation in the eyes of others, a desire to please them, make a person neglect the danger and even flaunt it. Common phrases such as "risk is a noble cause", "who does not take risks, he does not live", "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne" contribute to a dismissive attitude towards dangers.

Striving to follow group interests and norms. This happens if the classroom encourages violation of safety rules.

Orientation to ideals, and violators of safety requirements can also be ideals.

The habit of working with disabilities that can be acquired outside of school.

Self-assertion in one's own eyes, as a rule, is characteristic of people who are insecure.

Overestimation of his own experience leads to the fact that a person neglects safety rules in the hope that experience will help him to quickly take measures to prevent an accident and accident, to leave the danger zone.

The stressful state of a person forces him to deliberately take risky activities that he believes will help relieve stress. A person in such moments is more motivated by emotions, not reason.

The inclination to take risks, the need for risk is characteristic of the psychological structure of some people. They enjoy the sense of risk.

I believe that students should be aware of these reasons and understand that they are not doing anything new and unusual if they suddenly decide to take risks and violate the rules of safe behavior at school.

More often, children injure their peers while playing (20% of cases) or unintentionally outside the game (30%), as a rule, without noticing them (for example, bumping into others while running).
Particular attention, in my opinion, should be paid to cases associated with behavior that contains an element of physical violence towards others, and sometimes with a purposeful desire to hurt and show their physical superiority (over 40% of injuries). There has been an alarming trend towards an increase in the number of injuries sustained by adolescents as a result of fights.

The third group of causes of traumatic situations, and then injuries to children (about 25% of their total number) is associated with the actions or inaction of adults. In most cases, such injuries are caused by neglect and lack of control over their behavior. Failure to provide a safe environment is also one of the most common mistakes, resulting in 25% of injuries in this group. But it is impossible to fully see for all children, this is understandable to everyone. The teacher cannot be simultaneously in the classroom, in the corridor, in the toilet and in the dining room, and even being at his post, watching the children, the teacher still cannot foresee all the injuries. Therefore, I believe that every child should consciously take care of his own safety, protecting his health and not stressing his parents and teachers.

Various types of instruction are conducted with children:






The introductory briefing is the very first. The purpose of this briefing is to familiarize students with the general rules of labor protection and safety, fire safety, sanitation, with the internal regulations, behavior on the territory of the educational institution, with the prevention of industrial injuries, the organization of work in the educational institution for labor protection.

Initial briefing is carried out before the first admission to work. The briefing is carried out directly at the workplace. The purpose of this briefing is to familiarize students with safety requirements when performing specific work. Instructions are conducted individually with a student (student), an employee in the form of a conversation and with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and methods of work. At school, primary instruction is carried out with students, for example, at the beginning of a labor lesson.

Re-instruction is carried out at least once every six months. The purpose of this briefing is to remind you of safe practices and methods of work, to repeat and consolidate the rules and instructions on labor protection.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out in the following cases:

when new rules come into effect;

when the technological process changes;

during breaks in work;

Targeted instruction with students is carried out when conducting excursions, organizing public events (sports events, hiking).

So, instruction is an important condition for ensuring the safety of the educational process and, therefore, preventing injuries. You need to listen to him carefully, and if something seemed incomprehensible, ask when the teacher will finish the instructions

Safety rules in technology lessons

During the teaching of technology (labor lessons) at school, children use a variety of tools, improper handling of which can lead to injury.

Here we will look at the rules for using scissors, a sewing needle, glue, plasticine, a stationery knife, an awl, and also talk about the rules for preparing a place for work and cleaning it at the end of the lesson.

Teaching students to comply with safety rules in technology lessons at school is the key to a successful lesson and, most importantly, the experience of the correct use of various tools by children in the future.

Safety rules for working with scissors

Maintain order in your workplace.

Check the serviceability of the tools before work.

Do not work with loose scissors.

Use only serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

Use scissors only at your workplace.

Watch the movement of the blades while working.

Put the scissors with the rings towards you.

Feed the scissors rings forward.

Don't leave the scissors open.

Keep the scissors in the case with the blades down.

Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.

12Use the scissors as directed.
Safety rules for working with a sewing needle

Always keep the needle in the needle bed.

Do not leave the needle in the workplace without thread.

Pass the needle through the needle bar and thread only.

Do not put the needle in your mouth or play with the needle.

Don't stick the needle into your clothes.

Check the number of needles before and after work.

Only keep the needle bar in the same place.

Do not get distracted while working with the needle.

Rules for cleaning your workplace

Place the lesson product in the product box.

Collect scraps of material from the table and from the floor, garbage.

After working with plasticine, clean the work board with a stack, the lid of the desk, if there are traces of plasticine there. Scrape off the plasticine stuck to the floor - throw the dirty one into the trash, put the clean one into the box.

Wipe the tools and the desk lid with a cloth.

Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap and water.

Take off your work clothes.

Take away all the accessories.

Introductory provisions of safety precautions in physical education lessons

During physical education classes, students are likely to be affected by such factors: injuries when falling on hard surfaces or ground, injuries when being in the throwing sector, injuries due to poor warm-up, injuries in a collision and violation of the rules of sports games or handling sports equipment. To minimize risks, you must adhere to safety precautions;

Only students who have been instructed in safe behavior techniques are allowed to physical education classes;

Pupils with full or partial exemption from physical education classes should be present at the lesson.

Physical education students are required to bring clean athletic shoes and sports uniforms that are appropriate for the location of the class. If the lesson is held outdoors, sportswear and footwear must correspond to the current weather conditions;

Chewing gum or eating food is prohibited during physical education;

After physical activity, students should not drink cold water in order to avoid colds.

It is necessary to listen carefully and strictly follow the instructions of the teacher on safety precautions in physical education lessons;

You can perform exercises and take sports equipment only after the appropriate permission of the teacher;

In case of deterioration of health or injury, the student must immediately stop the lesson physical exercise and inform the teacher about it.

Safety technology is important element the educational process, therefore, first of all, each of the teachers must take it seriously, carefully checking the condition of the equipment and monitoring the behavior of students.
^ Safety rules in physics lessons

Do not plug electrical appliances and equipment into the network without the teacher's permission.
Do not touch the capacitors even after disconnecting the electrical circuit from the power source, they must first be discharged; do not touch exposed wires.

If you find a fault in electrical devices under voltage, immediately disconnect them from the mains and inform the teacher about it.

^ In order to avoid injury, the following safety rules must be followed:

When working with cutting and piercing tools, their cutting surfaces and sharp edges should be directed in the direction opposite to the body of the worker in order to avoid injury if the tool is accidentally torn off the work surface.
The fingers holding the workpiece must be kept at a sufficient distance from the cutting edges, and the object itself must be securely clamped in a vise or other clamping device.
At the workplace, cutting and stabbing objects must be in plain sight, and the workplace itself must be free of foreign and unnecessary objects and tools that can be caught or tripped over.
The body position of the worker must be stable. Can't be on an unstable or wobbling ground
The worker should be dressed in such a way as to prevent parts of clothing from getting under the cutting edge or on moving parts of the tool (it is especially important that the sleeves of the clothing are buttoned). Otherwise, the hand could be pulled under the cutting tool.
The tool is turned on only after the worker has prepared the workplace, the surface to be treated and has taken a stable position. After completing the machining operation, the tool must be turned off.
When processing brittle materials, a torch of particles is formed, flying out at high speed from under the cutting tool. Particles with high kinetic energy can cause injury, especially eye damage. Therefore, if there are no special protective screens on the instrument, the person's face should be protected by a mask, and the eyes - by glasses. Work clothes should be made of thick material.