What not to do before lip tattooing. Can I drink alcohol after permanent eyebrow makeup? Incompatibility with antihistamines

BEFORE cosmetic tattooing (in the morning, or better the day before!), It is strongly not recommended to drink coffee, aspirin and alcohol!


Since cosmetic tattooing allows you to minimize and even in some cases eliminate the use of lipstick and cosmetic pencils, which in turn increase irritation of the skin and mucous tissue and themselves can be a source of infection and be an allergen, long-term makeup in such cases can be rescue and it is recommended for carrying out, but with observance of all necessary preventive measures and tests.


Prophylaxis is necessary, you need to start taking anti-herpes drugs, Valtrex 1 tablet 2 times a day 2 days before the procedure and 3 days after (10 tablets in a package, this should be enough for the course) or Acyclovir 2-7 days before the procedure and 3-5 after (according to the treatment scheme, which is recommended in the instructions). With frequent recurrence of herpes, with a history of herpes zoster diagnosis, it is advisable to consult a doctor for an individual selection of a prophylactic drug. The procedure is performed only during the period of remission, when there is no inflammatory process. It is also recommended to pre-use chapstick to moisturize dry lips.

In the future, after performing the procedure on the lips, it must be remembered that UV rays can provoke a relapse of herpes, because the skin of the lips dries up, microcracks appear and the likelihood of herpes increases, to avoid this, it is recommended when visiting a solarium, relaxing on the beach and in general in everyday life, especially in frosty, windy, hot weather, with increased dryness in the room, regularly moisturize lips with hygienic lipstick , preferably with SPF (sun protection) factor.


If it is allergic (usually for cosmetics), a preliminary skin test of the pigment that will be used is necessary. If conjunctivitis is infectious, then you must first consult an ophthalmologist to pick up special drops.

General recommendations. UV rays, the primary enemy of PM (tattooing), when visiting a solarium and on the beach, it is necessary to protect the pigmented area by treating with sun protection products, creams, lipsticks, powders with an SPF factor (the index indicated on the package is 8.15, 20 ... multiplied by a factor of 15 and we get the time in minutes that the treated skin is under relative protection) After the procedure for 4-8 days, it is necessary to avoid places of high humidity, not to visit the bathhouse, sauna, steam room, pool, you cannot swim in water bodies and visit the gym for several days. ...

Please remember that cosmetic tattooing is not a wound, your skin needs only one thing, so that you touch it as little as possible.

Within 24 hours after the procedure (up to 5 times), it is advisable to rinse the pigmented area with clean hands, you can also apply Vaseline with a transparent, thin layer. Our experience has shown that Nivea hygienic lipstick is a basic care that perfectly softens the skin and removes unpleasant sensations. But nothing more! We assure you that there is no need to use more serious drugs.

The pigment is very superficial, which is why the pigmented surface needs that there was no greenhouse effect from prolonged contact with moisture. Within 3-7 days it impregnates the skin, after which the shade becomes lighter, 30-70% of the intensity of the original color remains. Correction of the procedure can be done no earlier than 3 weeks after the last procedure.

PM (tattooing) is absolutely safe procedure with all observance of the rules.
The client must inform the master about contraindications to the procedure before the procedure, and visit the appropriate specialists, if there is a reason, take care of your health in advance, it is more expensive than beauty!

The ideal PM (tattoo) will be obtained only in case of complete mutual understanding, as a result of the established master-client tandem. The client's task is to notify about the health features that can negatively affect the final result, strictly follow the recommendations for preparation and care, during the preliminary sketch and consultation, clearly explain his wishes. It is ideal when the clients are friendly, respectful, sociable and benevolent during the meeting. this greatly contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions for communication, better mutual understanding, without which communication is impossible, and as a result, contribute to the perfect long-term make-up.

Also, girls applying for a long-term make-up service must understand the essence and need for correction of the procedure and be ready for it. Understand, no matter what golden hearts and hands the masters have, the skin is alive and it has its own laws, it is not at all a fact that despite the desire of the master to do it perfectly at one time, the skin may not absorb as much pigment as we would like. To bring the procedure to the ideal, there is a correction that is carried out no earlier than three weeks later and costs in our studio no more than 25% of the cost of the procedure. In exceptional cases, more than 1 correction is required. After 1-2 years, it is necessary to carry out an update (refresh) to maintain a persistent, beautiful and fresh result.

You can get acquainted with the services of the PermanentHall studio and the portfolio of our specialists on the following pages:

Eyebrow tattooing is a popular service that allows you to make your eyebrows symmetrical and expressive. Thanks to tattooing, a woman can look attractive at any time of the day.

Despite the fact that this procedure is considered harmless, it has its own contraindications. You must familiarize yourself with them before heading to the salon. This kind of foresight will help you avoid future problems.

Read about the causes of eyebrow loss and how to fix this problem in our article.

Contraindications for eyebrow tattooing are divided into two groups. In the presence of absolute contraindications, applying permanent makeup is strictly prohibited.

If there are relative contraindications, the procedure can be carried out subject to certain conditions.

Relative contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • menstruation;
  • bad state of health;
  • the presence of malignant and benign formations;
  • taking strong drugs;
  • hypertension;
  • herpes;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic diseases;
  • eyebrow plastic surgery;
  • minor age.

If you have any doubts about certain contraindications, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Read about lip care after tattooing here.

  1. Drink strong tea and coffee. Can't do without your favorite drink? Allow yourself one cup in the morning, but be sure to dilute the liquid with water or milk.
  2. Sunbathe: neither in a solarium, nor in the sun.
  3. Drink alcohol and medications.
  4. Alcohol and blood thinners (aspirin, for example) increase circulation. Because of this, eyebrows begin to bleed during tattooing, and the duration of the procedure increases.

  5. Do plastic surgery on the eyebrows, upper eyelids and forehead.
  6. Inject drugs Dysport and Botox.

Compliance with the listed conditions will greatly simplify the task and reduce the time of the procedure.

It takes about seven days for the eyebrows to heal after applying the permanent.

During the first days after the procedure, the eyebrows should be treated with a chlorhexidine solution every 1 to 1.5 hours.

Until the eyebrows are healed (complete removal of the crusts), you cannot:

  • touch your eyebrows with your hands, scratch them, rub, etc.
  • use decorative cosmetics in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows and around them;
  • apply creams, lotions and scrubs;
  • sunbathe (neither on the beach, nor in the solarium);
  • engage in active sports (they contribute to increased sweating);
  • tear off the crusts;
  • wet eyebrows and steam them;
  • visit baths, saunas, swim in the pool and in open waters, spend a lot of time in the bathroom.

During the entire healing period - this is about 5-7 days, you can not visit saunas, baths, swimming pool, soak permanent makeup (you can wash).

For the first 10 days, only antiseptic and healing ointments can be used for eyebrow care. If your eyebrows itch a lot, you can lubricate them with Vaseline twice a day.

Please note: you cannot sunbathe not only before the eyebrows are healed, but also after the crusts have come off. In this regard, it is advisable to do a tattoo 2-3 weeks before the planned vacation.

Permanent make-up should not be done during menstruation. during this period, the pain threshold is significantly reduced, and the risk of bleeding increases.

The actions of the master, which you would not have felt on another day of the cycle, during menstruation can cause severe pain... In addition, during menstruation, the state of the psychoemotional system and hormonal levels change.

When doing the procedure during your period, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. Ineffectiveness of anesthesia.
  2. Long healing period.
  3. Soreness during application of the permanent.
  4. Deterioration of health.
  5. Pigment rejection or discoloration of the eyebrows.

The ideal time for tattooing is a few days after your period ends.

  1. decompensated diabetes mellitus (when the blood sugar level is not adjusted by medications);
  2. renal and hepatic failure, other diseases of internal organs;
  3. diseases characterized by impaired blood clotting;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  6. immunodeficiencies, HIV;
  7. drug / alcohol intoxication;
  8. tendency to form keloid scars;
  9. epilepsy;
  10. psoriasis;
  11. severe mental disorders.

In the presence of these diseases, tattooing will do more harm than good.

Tattooing is a serious cosmetic procedure that requires careful preparation. If you have contraindications to applying permanent makeup, wait for complete recovery and only then go to the beautician.

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Is it possible to drink alcohol before and after tattooing

Permanent make-up of lips, eyebrows, and any part of the body is a surgical intervention. It can hardly be called a full-fledged operation, but some of the contraindications are the same. Anything related to wound healing of any complexity is incompatible with such a “load” for blood as alcohol and some medications. The tattoo machine injures the skin, and it will take some time to recover - now the body is vulnerable, and it is not worth putting it into stress even more.

How long can you not drink

Many tattoo artists do not recommend drinking the day before the procedure and three days after. Personal prejudices work here (not everyone likes to breathe fumes and observe a client in an inadequate state) and medical considerations (it may take three days for a wound to heal). Alcohol can be excreted from the body for a day (the rate depends on the strength and amount taken), therefore, it is better not to drink the entire previous day before the procedure. Even if you make cosmetic interventions for the beauty of lips and eyebrows, the skin undergoes changes, despite the slight penetration of the needle (only 0.5 mm). In general, the decision to apply a tattoo should not be spontaneous, so it is quite possible to set aside a couple of days for preparation.

Why not drink

There are several reasons why you shouldn't drink alcohol before and after tattooing:

  1. Alcohol, or rather its ethyl components, is perceived by the body as a poison or a disease that must be fought first of all. This task becomes paramount, and all forces are rushed to withdraw. At this time, the wound remains almost "unattended", which means that it heals more slowly.
  2. Immunity weakened by alcohol on the days of tattooing lips, eyebrows, etc., can become susceptible to infections. Thus, even in sterile conditions, you can manage to get infected. And it reduces the body's defenses, just alcohol, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle, sleep patterns and nutrition.
  3. The thinning of blood, which is promoted by alcohol, also affects the healing of the wound, and at the same time complicates the tattooing procedure itself. There is a high risk of increased bleeding, which interferes with the application of patterns and fine contours. Especially important are "jewelry" strokes if you decide to outline the lines of the eyebrows and lips - it is likely that a second procedure will be required, which will cost a lot of money.
  4. The most important aesthetic reason is the washout of the design. If you drink beer before visiting the salon, then lymph will be produced in your blood. This substance is useful (it flushes the infection out of the blood), but not for tattooing, because together with the "bad substances" the paint, perceived by the body as a negative factor, will also be washed out. Also, dyes can be washed out due to heavy bleeding.
  5. Some alcohol increases blood pressure, while other types dilate blood vessels. In both cases, the processes are incompatible with the tattoo procedure.

What else is not allowed before and after the procedure

  • aspirin (thins the blood no less than alcohol);
  • coffee;
  • energy;
  • any medications that affect blood pressure or vascular condition.

Remember that if the wounds from tattooing take a long time to heal, then scars may appear. Then you will have to remove the scars, which is not good for the body and expensive for the wallet, after which you can repeat the procedure again.

What can and should be done for the tattoo to take root

Be sure to follow the advice of the master - an experienced specialist will prescribe the best procedure for rehabilitating your lips and eyebrows. Most likely, you will be advised of Panthenol ointment, which has a wound-healing effect, or Bepanten, with the same functions.

  1. With severe swelling of the lips, eyebrows, eyelids, you can take any antiallergic drug, for example, suprastin.
  2. If you feel discomfort in your eyes, then drip Vizin or Levomycetin.
  3. Before the procedure, it is recommended to drink pills that increase the stability of the capillaries, for example, Dicinon.
  4. If you periodically experience rashes (herpes) in the lip area, then be sure to take an Acyclovir tablet 4 hours before the tattoo, then drink the remaining 19 tablets, one at a time every 4 hours after the procedure.

Alcohol negatively affects the blood, and coloring pigments are dependent on the normal movement of blood in the body, so you should obey your master and not drink before and after tattooing.


Can I drink alcohol after the tattoo procedure?

Permanent makeup is one of the most famous and demanded services of beauty salons. It has a lot of advantages and advantages that many women appreciate and periodically turn to masters to create long-term visage. It would seem, what difficulties can be caused by the usual staining of the skin, and what contraindications may exist for it. But don't underestimate the warnings of cosmetologists. If you do not fulfill them, then you can receive as a gift many unpleasant problems that will have to be solved for a long time and expensively. One of such serious recommendations is a complete ban on alcohol consumption.

Why you can't drink alcohol after the procedure

Frequent overgrowth - is alcohol possible after tattooing? Tattooing of any area of \u200b\u200bthe face is a minor surgical operation, in which the integrity of the skin is violated. Contraindications to these manipulations, of course, are not as strict as to a full-fledged surgical intervention, but there are still coincidences on some points. All prohibitions are related to the wound healing process. It is difficult for the circulatory system to endure the stress that it experiences during damage to the dermis and later in the process of rehabilitation. It is important to exclude all factors that will give additional stress to the body. Now all forces should be directed towards full recovery.

The main reasons why it is forbidden to consume alcohol after micropigmentation:

What will happen How the process works
Dye washout If, before visiting the salon or during the first hours after visiting the salon, you take even a weak alcoholic beverage, then lymph will begin to be produced in the blood. This substance is only beneficial, as it fights infection, but not in the matter of tattooing. A harmful drink will be intensively excreted through the blood, and with it the paint. Both substances will be perceived as hazardous. Also, heavy bleeding may open in the treated area and all the pigment will come out.
A weakened immune system cannot fight infection You can get infected even if all conditions of sterility are met. And if alcohol is present in the circulatory system, then the risk increases several times. Especially if improper diet, lack of sleep and fatigue join it.
Vasodilation and increased blood pressure The effects of alcohol are absolutely incompatible with the procedure.
Blood thinning This process negatively affects rehabilitation. In the post-procedure period, bleeding and fine contours may open, small strokes will simply be washed out of the epidermis. In addition, wounds will take a long time to heal and may become inflamed.
The body will spend all its energy on removing alcohol This task will become paramount for him, since toxic poisoning occurs. As a result, damaged tissue will be left without proper attention and healing will be slow and improper.

These are just the main factors why alcohol and tattoos or permanent makeup are not compatible with each other.

How long will the restrictions be lifted?

Many langerists prohibit their clients from drinking alcoholic beverages one day before micropigmentation and for three days after. In this case, the recommendations are given for purely medical reasons. This is the amount of time it takes for the wound to heal. This should not be neglected. You are not subjecting yourself to a simple cosmetic procedure, but to a surgical procedure in which the skin undergoes changes. Even if the needle penetrates into the dermis by 0.5-1 mm.

In any case, the recommendations are general for all clients, but each must independently monitor the process of tissue repair. If you experience severe redness and inflammation has begun, then you need to be vigilant and seek advice from the tattoo artist. Perhaps an infection has entered the bloodstream, and you need additional prescriptions of ointments, antiseptics to fight it. If you ignore these symptoms and start drinking alcohol, you can become a victim of beauty. At best, the pigment will simply be washed out, but there is also a risk of developing serious inflammation, in the place of which a scar may remain in the future.

Do not risk your health and appearance, refrain from alcoholic beverages. A minor violation of the prohibition can cause serious problems.

What else is there to fear

You have already received a detailed answer to the question of whether you can drink alcohol after applying a tattoo, now it's time to tell you what other substances are on the banned lists for the next few days.

Many masters advise against drinking the following:

  • energy;
  • aspirin;
  • medicines that affect the state of blood vessels and increase blood pressure;
  • caffeinated drinks.

There is a possibility that these substances will not have any effect on your body and the procedure and recovery after it will take place without complications. However, it is difficult to make predictions in advance and be completely sure that there will be no consequences. Do not forget that all recommendations were compiled from many years of practical experience, and not invented on the go at the request of the masters. Violation of the integrity of the skin with instruments, the introduction of a foreign body in the form of a dye, even under the most favorable conditions, can cause a negative reaction, and what can we say about an increase in this effect with alcohol.

After the tattooing procedure, your skin needs special care and attention. You will always have time to drink and celebrate your new makeup. It is better not to rush with this and wait for complete healing. Do not forget to regularly treat the stained area with antiseptics, healing ointments and agents for accelerated regeneration. Love yourself and it will definitely pay off your inner and outer beauty.


Important information

Do not drink alcohol a day before the procedure, do not drink tea or coffee on the day of the procedure,

for 2 days do not take: vitamin C, aspirin, analgin.


AIDS, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, exacerbation of skin diseases, prolonged use of antibiotics, hormones, anticoagulants, in case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, immediately after chemotherapy. Seborrheic dermatitis, critical days, allergy to anesthesia, metal, poor blood clotting, thrombus formation, i.e. blood clots very quickly, formation of keloid scars, breastfeeding in the first half of the year, asthma, inflammatory processes in the body - for example, a cold

The duration of wearing permanent makeup depends on a number of factors:
  1. The concentration of the pigment and its color (the darker the pigment, the longer the period of its action)
  2. External influences
  3. Skin structures (PM retains less on oily and porous skin)
  4. Skin renewal rates
  5. Age of the client (the older the client, the longer the tattoo will last)
It doesn't hurt! (good anesthetics)

The main advantage of surface anesthesia over injection is the absence of the risk of severe allergic reactions, which are often life-threatening for the client. The use of surface anesthesia gives less pronounced swelling than with the injection method of anesthesia. The absence of pronounced edema reduces the trauma during the procedure, which means it promotes faster healing. are more effective than means for injection.

An additional procedure (correction) is done to thicken the color, improve the shape, possibly for the artistic improvement of the tattoo pattern. After correction, the tattoo lasts longer. The duration of the tattoo is different for everyone, depending on the age and type of skin. The younger the age and the fatter the skin, the faster the intensity of the tattoo goes away. (on average from one to 5 years)

After the procedure:

Do not wet the day! At night, wash with a safeguard (soap) and boiled water from a kettle, still warm, then chlorhexidine. After drying, after 5 minutes, Boro plus ointment, rinse thoroughly in the morning again, and the same ointment, lips - hygienic lipstick, petroleum jelly or bipanthen cream + exactly cream, not ointment! A perfume-free moisturizer is the lightest without a healing effect, do not go to the sauna and solarium for 2 weeks, after healing - the pigments do not like the sun's best and solarium (sunscreen)

Permanent make-up is the injection of pigments under the upper layers of the skin with a thin needle. Such trauma to the delicate skin on the lips, combined with the presence of a virus in the body, leads to an exacerbation of herpes infection. A qualified cosmetologist will definitely recommend taking Acyclovir before lip tattooing.

The pharmaceutical product belongs to effective antiviral agents, has the ability to suppress herpes viruses. Simultaneously with high antiherpetic activity, it has low toxicity to the human body. Acts directly on the focus of infection, does not harm healthy organs. The active substance enters the infected cell, where it blocks the DNA of the virus, stopping the processes of its reproduction and spread. It is widely known for its immunostimulating effect. In the treatment of herpes disease, Acyclovir reduces the formation of rashes, reduces pain, edema, stimulates drying of the vesicles. Sold in pharmacies at a reasonable and affordable price.

The name of the drug, adopted by the International Pharmacological Society, sounds like "aciclovir". It belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of direct-acting antiviral agents and is intended for systemic use.

The active ingredient in the drug is called acyclovir and is contained in the form of sodium salt.

Release form:

  1. Tablets for oral administration of 200 and 400 mg.
  2. Ointment for external use 5%.
  3. Gel for external use 5%.

The drug rapidly penetrates into tissues, fluids and organs, the maximum concentration is observed 1.5-2 hours after taking the drug. Bioavailability (absorption from the gastrointestinal tract) when taken orally is about 30% of the dose taken. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys by 85% unchanged.

Why take before tattooing

The herpes virus has been present in the human body for decades, up to 90% of the world's population is infected with it, but the disease manifests itself only at moments when immunity weakens. The clinical picture of the disease: itching, burning sensation, swelling, then a red spot appears, which turns into a bubble filled with liquid. After 3-5 days, the bubble bursts, a crust forms in its place. One of the reasons for the acute manifestation of infection is trauma to the red border of the lips during micropigmentation.

Even those lucky women who have never in their lives faced the manifestations of a cold on their lips are not insured from such a nuisance. During the period of regeneration and peeling of the crusts (this happens 4-5 days after the procedure), herpetic eruptions may appear in the places that have undergone tattooing. And after healing, uneven staining with pigments or areas with a lack of color may appear. Subsequent corrections will help to achieve the ideal image and shape, but it is more important to prevent complications in the form of herpes rash. To do this, the master cosmetologist will offer to undergo a preventive course with Acyclovir before and after the procedure for cosmetic tattooing. Such a step will help eliminate the appearance of a herpes rash, and in case of its occurrence (with a weakened immunity or with a tendency to constant seasonal herpetic exacerbations), significantly reduce the number of rashes and accelerate recovery.

Instructions for use

Herpes prevention should be started 3 days before and continued for 1-3 days after the procedure. Drinking Acyclovir before permanent lip tattooing follows the scheme:

  1. 1 tablet (dosage 400 mg) 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours for 5 days. The medicine can be taken with or without food, with plenty of water.
  2. There is another acceptance scheme:
  • 2 days, 1 tablet (dosage 400 mg) 3 times a day;
  • 3 days, 1 tablet 2 times a day;
  • 2 days ½ tablet (200 mg) 2 times a day.

The tablets are taken at regular intervals.

When a rash occurs, treatment is recommended using tablet forms. Outwardly, Acyclovir for cosmetic lip tattooing is applied, if necessary, exclusively locally to the blisters of the rash. It must be remembered that ointments and gels remove pigment from the skin, and this can lead to the appearance of discolored areas.

Contraindications to the use of Acyclovir

The drug is not prescribed:

  • during pregnancy, during lactation;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • with lactose allergy;
  • in cases of individual intolerance.

It should be used with caution by people with impaired renal function. Long-term use of a pharmacological drug in patients with reduced immunity can lead to the emergence of new strains of the herpes virus that are insensitive to the drug. If symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, drowsiness, agitation, skin reactions in the form of a rash, convulsions - the drug should be immediately canceled and seek medical help from a medical institution.

If in doubt about permanent make-up and virus reactions, consult your doctor. He will tell you how much and when you need to take drugs against herpesvirus. The risk of ruining facial features will be minimal.

If you have decided on lip tattooing, you have probably already been frightened by the inevitable appearance of herpes after the procedure. The situation is not at all rare, but forewarned means armed. Most often, it is enough to drink a prophylactic course of a drug called "Acyclovir" or its analogues to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the procedure.

Emerging problems

Clients often come across inexperienced craftsmen and poor quality materials. It is difficult to predict the body's reaction to such a pigment.

The ingress of a foreign substance disrupts the functioning of the immune system. At best, this leads to a rapid removal of the dye from the skin, at worst - to allergies or infection.

If the pigment application technology is violated, there is a risk of tissue microscarring. Aesthetic problems are also very common.

The master may choose too bright a color or create an asymmetrical pattern. It is possible to eliminate the shortcomings only with the help of multiple laser procedures.


Often, after tattooing, herpetic eruptions appear on the skin. Lips are a favorite site of infection. Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of characteristic bubbles, grouped together and located in the area of \u200b\u200bmucous membranes and on the skin.

About 95% of people are carriers of the infection. The herpes virus lives in the human body for a long time without showing itself.

The appearance of herpes negatively affects the healing process. In addition, there is a danger of the appearance of light areas that will have to be eliminated for correction. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend prophylaxis in advance.

Reasons for the appearance

In the process of tattooing, the lips are chipped. It is known that a large number of nerve endings are located on the lips, therefore, the introduction of a needle into this area can provoke a herpes disease.

There are several reasons for the appearance of infection after the procedure:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • systematic stressful effects on the body;
  • improper disinfection of the instrument.

Therefore, if you have recently been sick or are experiencing nervous exhaustion, then in order to avoid recurrence of herpes, it will be correct to postpone the procedure.

Please note that if the permanent makeup specialist did not disinfect, the virus can be transmitted to the client.

You were healthy, but after the procedure you contracted herpes, which means that the cells of another person's virus that remained on the surface of the instruments could have gotten to you.


Herpes after lip tattooing is not uncommon. But you should not refuse the procedure for fear of getting infected. Many remedies work well with the external symptoms of the disease. For example, aciclovir effectively fights the disease.

Acyclovir is a widely used antiviral drug that has selective activity against herpes simplex viruses. It comes in several dosage forms.

There are tablets, cream and ointment for external use, ophthalmic ointment and lyophilisate. Acyclovir fights the virus by inhibiting cell proliferation, and also promotes the healing of existing vesicles.

The drug relieves pain symptoms, eliminates itching and the phenomenon of general intoxication. The main active ingredient of the drug gives it its name - acyclovir.

Excipients: calcium, sodium, potato starch, aerosil, cellulose. Acyclovir, in addition to fighting the virus, strengthens the immune system. The drug acts exclusively on the genetic material of the virus, without harming healthy cells.

How to use

Cosmetologists advise taking Acyclovir before lip tattooing. Prevention can prevent the onset of herpes sores. In the event of a virus appearance, significantly reduce the size of the affected surface and speed up the healing process.

Before the procedure, the drug is used according to one of two schemes:

  1. Short course. 1 tablet 2 times a day. The dosage is 400 mg. The interval between doses should be 12 hours. Start drinking 3 days before the tattoo. Duration of admission is 5 days. Acyclovir is taken with or without food, with a tablet with water.
  2. Long course. 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2 days. Then 1 tablet 2 times a day. Then ½ tablet 2 times a day for 2 days. The dosage is 400 mg.

If, despite prevention, herpes still appears, use acyclovir topically. A cream or ointment is applied topically to the blisters of the rash. The use of acyclovir externally can lead to the removal of the dye from the skin, therefore, the cream is applied only in case of urgent need.


Read the instructions before starting the medication. The drug should not be taken during lactation. During pregnancy, it is taken only after consulting a doctor.

Pay attention to the composition of Acyclovir. Do not use it if you have an allergic reaction to the components of the medication.

The drug should be taken with caution in old age, with kidney disease, neurological problems or neurologic reactions to cytotoxic drugs.

If the following symptoms appear, mark the medicine immediately and consult a doctor:

  • stomach ache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • rash;
  • drowsiness.

Other means

There are analogues of Acyclovir, which also prevent infection and speed up the healing process. For example, Zovirax - enough effective drug, especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is also used for prophylaxis, since it contains the substance acyclovir.

Famvir is included in the list of the most effective drugs. He quickly copes with the infection, preventing relapse. Lack of funds - high cost.

The following drugs are also quite well known: Valtrex, Pencivir, Vectavir, Erazaban.

To fight herpes, you can use traditional medicine methods. For example, it is recommended to apply salt throughout the day until the symptoms are completely gone. However, one must be careful. Salt can cause skin redness and swelling. These consequences are especially relevant after tattooing, which has already injured the skin of the lips.

Tea tree oil is also effective in treating herpes. It must be applied to the affected surface 2-3 times a day.

If herpes appears

If prevention has not helped to avoid the occurrence of infection, do not panic. Try to increase the dose of the drug based on the instructions. Apply an ointment or cream containing acyclovir topically to the affected area.

Acyclovir is applied every 2-3 hours. It is forbidden to touch the site of herpes localization. If you touch the rash, wash your hands immediately with soap and water.

Do not touch your eyes again. If the infection spreads to the cornea, the treatment will take a long time.

During an exacerbation, use a personal towel and separate utensils. Refrain from kissing to avoid putting your partner at risk. Try to take an antiviral drug as soon as possible to help ease the infection.

Complete collection and description: is it necessary to drink acyclovir before lip tattooing and how to use it correctly for the readers of our site.

According to statistics, each person is considered a carrier of herpes, but not all of us have it. It is activated by reduced immunity, trauma, or ultraviolet radiation. If a person is lucky not to observe a “cold” on his lips, it is only because of the absence of provoking factors. The virus that causes this "decoration" remains in the human mucosa. Reducing the body's resistance and leads to disease.

Common permanent makeup problems

It usually takes no more than 5 days for the lips to heal. Immediately after the procedure, the color will be very bright, which can scare the happy owner of the tattoo. But don't jump to conclusions. When everything heals, they will turn pale and it may seem that there is no pigment left at all. Don't worry, this is due to individual processes in the skin that will last for a month.

A normal consequence of tattooing is edema, therefore it is recommended to wipe the swelling with Chlorhexidine for the first day. From the first day, they need to be moistened with baby cream, petroleum jelly, and best of all with Acyclovir ointment. Qualified specialists always recommend prevention of herpes before and after tattooing.

Important! Lubricate your lips in moderation: they should be moisturized all the time, but there is no need to leave excess cream.

Before the first crusts come off the lips, it is prohibited:

  • Touch the damaged area, scratch or even tear off, accelerating natural exfoliation.
  • Steam. Exclude beaches, pools and saunas.
  • Do sports or physical activitywhich will lead to perspiration. If this does happen, gently blot the lip area with a tissue.
  • Drink hot drinks.
  • Brush your teeth with plenty of toothpaste. It is best to do this with a dry brush to avoid foaming the paste.
  • Use makeup on the lips.
  • Sunbathe after peeling off the crusts for 3 weeks. Sunburn during this period can lead to the appearance of age spots and fading of the tattoo. In the future, you need to protect yourself with a special lipstick with a high SPF or a good sunscreen.

Preventive remedies

Permanent makeup damages the upper layer of the epidermis of the lips, which can serve as a catalyst for inflammation. This can happen even if the woman has not had any skin problems before. Therefore, everyone who wants to get a lip tattoo is recommended to undergo a preparatory course before the procedure.

  1. Herpes after tattooing what to do
  2. Herpes after lip tattooing

Most often prescribed "Acyclovir" or "Valtrex"... The latter is a relatively new drug, it must be taken 1 tablet a day. "Acyclovir" is better known and proven. The drug is much cheaper and more effective than its counterpart. Take 4 tablets a day for 5 days before tattooing and 3 days after.

Sometimes, even with preventive measures, herpes still manifests itself. Most often this happens to those who are predisposed to this. At the time of the peeling of the crusts, about 4 days after applying the permanent, ill-fated bubbles appear. But the opinion that medications were taken in vain is wrong. Otherwise, there could be many more bubbles.

Sometimes women resort to folk methods: cauterize itching with valocordin or corvalol. You can also use other ointments, the main thing is to apply them to the bubbles themselves, since the components in the composition can contribute to discoloration of the pigment and the appearance of unpainted areas. In place of the inflammatory vesicles, pigment usually does not remain. Therefore, to get a good result, you will need to make several corrections.

It is important to know that correction also needs preventive measures. Preparations and dosage must be discussed with your master.

If herpes attacks a person every year, it is imperative to drink Acyclovir one hour before the procedure, and then every 4 hours, 1 tablet.

The most important thing in preventing the inflammatory processes of permanent makeup is to drink a prophylactic course before the procedure and follow the recommendations after. Otherwise, the occurrence of a cold is inevitable. Use the products according to the instructions to prevent unwanted consequences.

Recommendations and preparation before the tattoo procedure
(permanent makeup)

MYTH: if you are planning to make an eyebrow tattoo, then keep in mind that your eyebrows are not shaved or removed! Only their correction and design is possible, based on the agreed form.

  • during the menstrual cycle (1-2 days)
  • within 24 hours after drinking alcohol, caffeine and drugs that increase blood clotting time. Exposure to alcohol and blood thinners, such as aspirin (increases blood circulation), will negatively affect the quality of the tattoo - the lips will bleed more, which means that the paint will lie down worse. It is better to exclude such products and medicines altogether from use at least a day before the procedure.
  • It is also necessary to remove contact lenses before eye tattooing. And only the next day after applying permanent makeup, it is allowed to insert them again.

    After tattooing on the lip area, be careful with facial expressions, brushing your teeth, eating, drinking hot drinks

    Mandatory care recommendationlips, includes taking antiviral drugs.
    Herpes is the most common complication after lip tattooing. Herpes appears in people predisposed to it. Usually, herpes occurs as an exacerbation of a viral infection already present. Herpes is a viral disease and is practically incurable, once it gets into your body, it can “sleep” and “wake up” for a long time from any provocateur from the outside, which include: lowered immunity, colds, emotional distress and stress, trauma, as in the case permanent lip makeup.
    For the prevention of herpes (3-5 days before and 1-3 days after lip permanent) recommendations for care after tattooing, it is advised to use antiviral drugs in the form of tablets, for example, Acyclovir, Valtrex, etc. Antiviral ointments, such as Zovirax, etc. should not be used, since these ointments contribute to the removal of the coloring pigment from the skin and the appearance of empty areas.

Remember! Herpes targets only the lips! Eyebrow and eye permanent does not provoke herpes!

    During the first 2-3 days, it is advisable not to consume hot or scalding drinks, to exclude spicy foods (with peppers, spices, etc.).

    Exclude contact with the mucous membrane of partners, with cosmetics.

    Contact with the surface of permanent makeup with washed hands only.

    In post-procedural post-tattoo care include rinsing the surface in the morning and in the evening - Chlorhexidine.

1-2 days: 2 tablets 3 times a day

3-5 days: 2 tablets 2 times a day

6-7 days: 1 tablet 2 times a day

External use of creams and cosmetic balms is useless as a prophylaxis, but necessary for the manifestation of skin manifestations of herpes.

Permanent lip makeup greatly simplifies life: thanks to it, you can save precious morning minutes, always look spectacular and fresh. Permanent make-up helps to make lips plump, voluminous, bright and beautiful. But after this procedure for some time it is necessary to properly care for them, refrain from many familiar things and adhere to several important rules and recommendations in order to avoid complications after the procedure.

When to start lip care

For a successful recovery, you need to take proper preparation. Then it will be much easier to carry out aftercare. Preparing lips for permanent makeup includes the following steps:
  • A week before the procedure, you need to start cleansing and softening the lips. To do this, you can treat them with salt and honey scrubs. It helps to remove dead particles, make lips smooth and tender;
  • You need abundant moisturizing of the lips, for this you can smear face creams, baby creams and balms. After the procedure, it is forbidden to wet and moisturize the lips; a hard crust will appear on them. It is important to take care of the extra moisture for them in advance;
  • Take any antiviral drug in a few days;
  • To protect your lips from chapping and micro-trauma, it is imperative to protect them before going outside with natural protective lipstick.

Adhering to these measures will facilitate recovery and shorten the time it takes for complete healing. It will be easier to care for lips that have been prepared for tattooing.

4 main rules of care

The main lip care after the tattoo procedure consists of four key prerequisites that the beautician must mention after the procedure:
  • Within 8-10 days after applying the tattoo, it is necessary to disinfect the skin of the lips several times a day using special means (Chlorhexidine, Mirimistan);
  • An obligatory step after the bactericidal treatment is the treatment of the lips with a moisturizing cream with a soothing effect. The cream will help relieve swelling, protect vulnerable skin from exposure to sunlight, wind and frost, heals microcracks and wounds;
  • After the procedure, you cannot use tap water for washing. It must be boiled in order to destroy foreign microelements, bacteria and microbes in its composition. Raw water can cause irritation and illness. It is forbidden to use soap, it is advisable to purchase an antibacterial gel or foam for washing.

Compliance with these rules accelerates the healing of the cube skin and recovery after permanent makeup.

What not to do during recovery

The skin on the lips is very sensitive and vulnerable. The slightest injury to her requires careful attitude and treatment. And restoration after tattooing includes a set of measures. After the procedure, it is important to follow these restrictions for a month:
  • Refrain from visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools;
  • Do not sunbathe on the beach;
  • Exclude from the diet food that irritates the mucous membranes: sour, salty, hot. It can injure the vulnerable skin of the lips, cause pain, burning;
  • It is advisable to drink water and other drinks through a straw until the tattoo is healed;
  • Brush your teeth carefully so as not to injure your lips. Before that, generously lubricate them with an antiseptic cream;
  • Do not peel off the dried-up crust that appears after a while. Together with it, you can peel off the coloring pigment, and the effect of the procedure will be hardly noticeable;
  • Avoid kissing if possible;
  • Suspend sports activities;
  • Do not use medications that speed up the healing process. Their action inhibits the process of pigmentation, the healed should occur naturally;
  • Lips can be softened with a small amount of essential oils, they have a good nourishing and moisturizing effect;
  • Do not steam the skin, avoid profuse sweating, avoid heat and physical exertion;
  • A week after the procedures, you need to go to the beautician again to examine the lips and assess the progress of healing and, if necessary, correct the contours of the lips.

If you do not follow these rules, you can provoke injury to the lips and slow down the healing process. High-quality care after tattooing affects not only the speed of recovery, but also the duration of the effect after micropigmentation.

4 ways to relieve swelling

Immediately after makeup, the lips are slightly plump. For several days after tattooing, they have edema. The norm is 1-3 days. During this period of time, it is advisable not to influence him with additional means, but if relief does not come on day 4-5, you can use the following methods:

  • Take any antihistamine;
  • Several times a day, smear lips with hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Make a compress on the lips using eye drops Dexamethasone;
  • Ice wrapped in a cloth or towel, cold objects will help soothe lips.

Before taking any medications, you must make sure that there is no allergy to their composition.

Be careful with decorative cosmetics!

It is prohibited to use lipsticks, contour pencils and even transparent gloss after the procedure.

After complete healing of the lips, minor use of decorative cosmetics is permissible, if such a need arises.

Herpes after lip tattooing

For its treatment, antiviral agents are used in gels, ointments and tablets. Be sure to include acyclovir in their composition. Self-treatment of herpes is prohibited. The specialist must assess the condition of the lips and the degree of their restoration in order to determine the method of treating herpes and choose such methods that would not interfere with the process of assimilating the pigment.

To protect yourself from herpes, you can start taking antiviral for prevention a few days before the procedure.