Actions after vaccination. What signs may indicate a neurological problem in a child when examined before vaccination? On returning home after vaccination

Vaccination has a lot of merit. Thanks to preventive vaccinations in the world prevented about 3 million deaths from whooping cough, diphtheria, measles and tetanus. Since 1991, polio deaths have ceased to be registered in Russia. Such successes have occurred due to mass vaccination throughout the world. And let the debate about whether vaccination is needed does not subside, the number of post-vaccination reactions is nothing compared to the number of human deaths during epidemics. Without vaccination, people died out in whole cities.

And these are the ones we most fear in young children. Another example: According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, measles, mumps and rubella vaccines can cause a million cases of encephalitis. For comparison, such a complication occurs in one person by 2 thousand. measles and irreversibly cause death.

In case of serious complications, the child may require daily rehabilitation. Health care is free in Poland only in theory; in practice, the parent must pay for this expensive procedure from his own pocket. Money is needed here and now, and the struggle for legal compensation can take years. Hence the need to create a fund. Among them are some European countries. in Germany, France, Hungary. In the United States, it is called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Over the 27 years of its existence, more than 14 thousand claims - 9, 9 thousand. Were dismissed, and in the case of 4, 5 thousand people.

Yes, vaccinations are somewhat dangerous, but necessary. In many cases, vaccination reactions can be reduced or even prevented. You just need to know how to do it. Today we will talk about patient preparation different ages  vaccination, including children.

What is the key to safe vaccination

The success of the safe vaccination of people of all ages is associated with a number of factors, the main of which are the following.

Compensation was paid for a total of 3.2 billion. As side effects of the drug. For example, popular and over-the-counter aspirin can cause severe anaphylactic shock. But is this a reason for stopping its widespread use? The same with vaccination. There is no rational basis to completely abandon them. By making some changes in the vaccination system, you can reduce them even further. And today it is important to focus.

Vaccination in children is carried out to support the development of their immune system. Without vaccinating children to protect themselves from specific bacteria and viruses, it will have to cure infectious diseases that threaten its health and life. Children's vaccines have created an alternative to this radical solution - they gradually cause the child’s immunity. They make the immune system produce antibodies without going through the disease. Vaccines have been able to eliminate the real smallpox virus and significantly reduce the level of polio.

  1. Preparing for vaccination.
  2. Vaccine quality. No vaccines have been registered in Russia that would give an allergic reaction due to poor quality.
  3. Vaccination conditions. Vaccination is recommended in rooms equipped with anti-shock therapy. In the event of a reaction, the patient is taken to the hospital.

Vaccination in children: how to prepare a child for vaccination?

It is not surprising that 98% of Polish parents give their children compulsory vaccinations. But how to go for a vaccination trip: the time before it, during and after the injection in childhood for humor? Before you proceed to vaccination, you should visit a doctor who will give you a complete medical history and conduct a medical examination. He will decide whether to qualify the child for vaccination. It is also a good idea to take a nipple to help calm the baby.

Vaccination in children: how to help the child during vaccination?

However, even with such training, due to the sting during vaccination, not only the child is emphasized, but also his parents, and even nurses, who are obliged to show a painful attachment to the child's skin. Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce your baby’s discomfort during vaccination. Read what you can do to make your child easier to carry.

People can not influence all factors, but to prepare themselves or their child for vaccination is a realistic and necessary condition for safe vaccination.

How long do you need to prepare

For vaccination prepare 2 weeks. For people of any age with a weakened immune system, suffering from allergies or chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult an immunologist. It may take time to test before routine vaccination.

Vaccination in children: child care after vaccination

If you are breastfeeding, place your baby on the breast just before vaccination. It should be raised more firmly than without prior vaccination, "sedative seizure." Try to entertain the child, taking with him his favorite talisman or book. A child can also help give a sweet taste to the liquid, for example, 100% juice just before vaccination. It is not worth giving this type of drink to children up to a month of life. You can also buy special, colorful pieces that you stick to your child at the injection site. Having such an “ornament” with your favorite hero or wizard, you should calm down faster.

  • A child who has been vaccinated should be in the arms of a mom or dad.
  • The baby also has a calming effect.
After vaccination, children can develop redness and swelling at the site of the bite, as well as temporary pain - all this is so. local reactions and appear at the injection site.

Bypass doctors before vaccination should be 2-4 days before vaccination, because during the queues to specialists you have to contact with patients with acute respiratory infections and other diseases. If a person has become infected, it will be clear in 2–3 days - this is the incubation period of ARD and ARVI, then the vaccine must be postponed.

In the case of a prolonged rhinitis without fever, a medical examination is necessary. A blood test will give the doctor health information. In addition, make an important for vaccination test for platelet count and blood clotting time. This will serve as an extra safety net before vaccination. The question of which vaccine to use is also being discussed with the doctor.

A child may also have a fever and even become lethargic, lose his appetite and have muscle aches. All these symptoms should not cause concern, although it will certainly be difficult for parents to remain calm when they see a crying and stubborn child. In this situation, they can help you try to involve your child in the game, to distract him from the feeling of discomfort. These symptoms should be resolved automatically after a few days, if this does not happen, you need to visit a doctor.

Similarly, it is necessary to act in the event of undesirable reactions, which, however, occur extremely rarely. Although this vaccine is administered to a child from the very first days of birth, when the mother brought the child into the world, the stocks were at zero. She was then called to the maternity hospital for immunization. The side effects were not immediately visible, but several months later: the child was filled with lymph nodes. There were hospitalizations, the type and type of medical research, treatment, sleepless nights and stress.

On the eve of the vaccination is useful to prepare children psychologically. Chatting with the baby about what will be a little painful, like a mosquito bite - will benefit. Viewing the cartoon on the topic will also be useful preparation.

Power Features

2 weeks before vaccination, it is recommended to use a hypo-allergenic diet. This will help the immune system to respond correctly to the vaccine. In the period of preparation for the vaccination, it is not recommended to use citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines and lemons. Honey is also not harmless before grafting.

Currently, the boy's condition has improved. Long way to diagnosis. We caught Lot 2, which was “sweet,” which means that the side effects were not very strong or very serious compared to other children. At the age of 11 months, the lymph nodes were inflamed by a boy.

They were almost like grapes on both sides, ”began Narcissa. But this was only the beginning of the fact that he would live in the next few years. A few weeks later, she noticed a ganglion in the left foramen, the size of a pigeon's egg, as described by her mother. All the doctors told me to keep calm, that they would retire. The fever was not large, but he was convulsive. Since then, from the vaccine to convulsions, my child slept for 5-6 hours within 24 hours, accumulated. It was an aviary! - Narcis told us.

Important! Chips and fries - a source of allergens and carcinogens for the near and distant period of life.

Adults should not drink alcohol 2-3 days before vaccination, which suppresses the immune system and provokes allergy to the vaccine. The volume of food for adults is recommended to be limited to 3-4 days before the injection. At the same time unloading diet will benefit to lose weight and lower cholesterol.

He calmed down after this cramp. Since then, my child has normal chairs. And slowly, others slowly leave, ”Narcissa Badin concluded. Braila Although physicians who experience adverse effects of vaccines should immediately report cases to public health departments, this has not happened in the case of Narcissa Badin. This is a technique that the doctor probably knew. We do not have a report that you say.

We are not crazy and not left on the plains of the country. We have children affected by vaccines, and you don’t want to report it anywhere. My child is not talking about the latest vaccine. She is seven years old and she cannot communicate. The same law provides, among other things, an amendment of parents who do not vaccinate their children. They want the law to make us vaccinate our children. We also received Broncho-Wax immunity treatment. We found that it is, in fact, an oral vaccine.

Baby food

Now let's talk about how to feed children 4-5 days before vaccination. The essence proper feeding  - to limit the volume and concentration of food.

Do not feed the child on the day of vaccination until you are hungry. After vaccination on the way home, do not buy in the outlet any food, just to console the baby. Give a semi-sweet compote and water that you took in advance.

What to bring to the clinic

He is part of a group of vaccines. This is the second time the vaccine wanted to make its head, ”added Narcis Badin. It should be noted that the law on the organization and financing of vaccination activities in Romania was submitted to a public debate in May, and it will also go to parliament for discussion. However, in public debates between institutions and people who are against vaccination, there were fierce disputes, and since then nothing has been heard about this law. The project is available on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Intestinal preparation

Both adults and children will more easily tolerate the vaccination when the intestines are empty. An adult on the eve should take a laxative. The child make an enema.

Attention! You can not be vaccinated, if the baby does not have a chair in the last day. For your information, constipation increases the risk of adverse reactions to the vaccine.

What is the key to safe vaccination

On the other hand, thousands of parents support vaccination. Of these, Braila’s other mom, Oana Bastura, made a public statement. A boy aged 1 year and 2 months followed the same vaccination plan as his sister, only in the meantime the scheme changed, and the 6-month vaccine was postponed for 11 months. Their state of mind was the same as always, ”said Oana.

Cases confirmed in braille. The Ministry of Health stated that Romania is in a swamp of measles, which mainly affects children under the age of 15 years. The number of confirmed cases is 233 people, of which 30 are deaths. The 31st possible death due to measles is confirmed or denied. There were cases of measles in 41 districts, according to briefings by the National Center for Supervision and Control of Supervisions. The epidemic began to be felt in Braille. We already have 9 confirmed cases in the Infectious Diseases Division of the County Hospital of Braille, and another 7 children are suspected of having the disease.

With regular constipation, children are given Lactulose syrup to normalize the work of the intestines. In the summer, salads and fruits help to improve peristalsis. In winter they give dried figs, prunes and simple salads from carrots and beets with cabbage. Blender juices with pulp are made from the same vegetables in the winter, which will regulate intestinal motility.

It is necessary before inoculation

Fortunately, there was no death or transportation to the hospital in Bucharest. At the national level, the situation is serious among children aged 1 to 4 years old, where 536 cases of measles were confirmed, followed by children - 230 cases, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

The country was divided into two camps: pro and against vaccination. "Only unaccompanied people talked about vaccination." Family doctor Viorika Naumov believes that vaccination of children is absolutely necessary and is one of the great discoveries of medicine. He argues that parents should be informed about immunization from medical sources, not from the Internet or television, in order to avoid mistakes. Naumov's “resistance movement” against vaccines appeared because of unauthorized persons who unwittingly spoke various TV shows or incorrect messages were distributed in a virtual environment. I urge all parents to refuse vaccination, but, on the contrary, to be very conscientious when their family doctors vaccinate with their children, cooperate with doctors and understand that they do it for the sake of their children's health.

Drug training

How to prepare a child for vaccination drugs? Not all people and not before each vaccination need medication. Healthy children who do not have a rash, diathesis or allergic reactions do not need prior medical preparation.

A parent who refuses to vaccinate his child may think at this point that good childBut if, God forbid, a child is in contact with one of the disorders, they can be protected by vaccination and seriously ill, with disability or death intervenes, how will this parent's forgiveness overcome the trial?

Because vaccine research has not shown that vaccines will be harmful to children's health. There were various forms of media or social networking sites, different opinions of some undeclared people, not well informed that vaccines would be harmful and could cause autism. But nowhere was the opinion of the epidemiologist that there were studies from this point of view. Then it is absolutely wrong to receive medical information from social networking sites or from any point in the media if they are not represented as an authority in this field.

Antihistamines before vaccination are used for people prone to allergies or if they have had an increased reaction after a previous vaccination. In such cases, 3 days prior to vaccination, it is recommended that adults and children be given antiallergic drugs.

To prepare for vaccination fit "Fenistil", which is used at any age. For babies infancy  give "Fenistil" in drops according to age and weight (from 3 to 10 drops). For children from 1 year old, give 5 drops of Zyrtec 1-2 times a day. Younger children from 2 years of age are given “Clarin” syrup and 1 teaspoon once a day. "Erius" is shown to children after reaching 1 year.

A febrifuge may be necessary after vaccination, so pre-purchase candles with paracetamol. Avoid buying syrups, because flavors can cause an allergic reaction. Do not purchase homeopathic remedies if you do not want to experiment on yourself and your children.

Baby preparation

If the baby is breastfed, the mother should not introduce into her diet new dishes 4–5 days before vaccination. The day before the vaccination do not feed the baby heavily - apply to the chest only when he gets hungry. Breastfed babies usually tolerate vaccination well, because the antibodies in mother's milk protect the infant from allergies to the vaccine.

But the problem is possible if, after vaccination, the child is often applied to the chest to soothe. As a result, the baby overeats and pains in the stomach. Infants should not be given 2 weeks before vaccination. new lure. Babies on bottle feeding  3 days before vaccination, mixes are prepared with less than always the amount of powder for each feeding.

Sensitive to vaccination of infants or suffering from diathesis 3 days before vaccination, give "Fenistil" in drops according to age and weight.

One more very important moment  in preparing infants for vaccination. To prevent vaccination allergies in infants who receive vitamin D, it is necessary to cancel its intake 4–5 days before the vaccination and the same amount after it. Vitamin D regulates calcium levels in the blood, affecting the degree of allergic reactions. The slightest overdose of calcium can provoke a vaccination allergy.

What to do on vaccination day

For safety, vaccinations are done on a day when the body is healthy. This is explained by the fact that during the illness the immunity is weakened, and vaccination is an additional burden on the immune system.

Evaluation of the health of the baby is important, especially from the point of view of the mother. In other words, the criteria for assessing health - the usual behavior, appetite and mood of the baby. The first signs of the disease are detected by mom. On the day of vaccination, make sure the baby is healthy. In case of doubt, it is better to postpone the vaccine for 1–2 days than to suffer from doubts after the fact.

When you come to the clinic, consult the child before vaccination and measure the temperature. Increased temperature is contraindicated. Talk with your doctor about which vaccine to use. Ask to talk about a possible reaction to the vaccine.

Before going to the clinic, do not forget to take a vaccination card and diaper with you. Take the child's favorite toy, it will give the baby a feeling of self-confidence, and in the clinic it will relieve the feeling of anxiety at the sight of people in white coats.

When not to be vaccinated

On the day of vaccination, a temporary contraindication is a fever, ARVI, or an exacerbation of a chronic disease. In such cases, vaccination is transferred for 1 month until recovery. After suffering hepatitis or meningococcal infection, vaccination is given six months after recovery. In the case of allergic dermatitis - not earlier than 3 weeks after the end of the rash.

The doctor draws a medical conclusion on the basis of vaccination contraindications. In 1997, Order No. 375 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was published, where a list of true contraindications is indicated.

Summing up, we remind you - to prevent post-vaccination reactions, it is recommended to prepare 2 weeks before vaccination. Preparing a child for vaccination involves an examination by a doctor who, if necessary, prescribes an additional examination. Children and adults suffering from allergies, the doctor sends for advice to an immunologist or an allergist. 4–5 days before vaccination, a diet is used with a restriction on the volume and concentration of food. Antihistamines are given to people who are prone to allergies for 3-4 days. On the day of vaccination, the patient is examined by a doctor after measuring the temperature.

Vaccinations are effective remedy  protect a small child from serious ills that can cause irreparable harm to the baby’s health. Diseases such as whooping cough, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, measles, and tuberculosis require compulsory vaccination. Vaccination can sometimes give unexpected complications, and this often frightens parents. Adults should decide for themselves whether to vaccinate a child or not. If the answer is yes, then you need to learn a few rules to minimize harm and bring maximum benefit to a small organism.

If you have been vaccinated at the children's clinic, you must inform the doctor about the condition of the baby. If a child poor appetiteif the baby sleeps restlessly, has suffered any illness, there is a rash on the skin and so on. Any little thing should be known to the specialist, and only this ensures that everything goes without complications. Take this as seriously as possible, since only you are responsible for the health of your child. Below are all the points that young mothers will need to pay attention to when preparing a child for vaccination.

Vaccination schedule for children up to 1 year old (in Russia)

Blood test

Baby should not be sick

3-4 days before the vaccine is introduced, it is necessary to stop going to kindergarten so that the child does not catch a cold or any other disease there. If the incubation period is several days, the illness can manifest itself on the day of vaccination and, in combination with the drug, give serious complications. On the eve of a visit to the children's clinic, it is not recommended to walk with the child in crowded places. It is best to stay at home these days.

If your baby is allergic

Many children have allergic reactions to any product that cause rashes and itching on the skin ( about food allergies). A doctor may prescribe antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin and others) a few days before the vaccination, which will help to eliminate the symptoms. It is necessary to take the remedy on the day of vaccination and two days later. The dosage is prescribed by a specialist, depending on the nature of the allergy, weight and age of the baby. You can not take any drugs yourself, as this is fraught with the health of your child.  But to reduce the risk of allergies, a mother can start giving her baby a few days before vaccination an increased dose of calcium supplements.

Food before vaccination

It is strongly contraindicated to introduce new foods into the child’s diet several days before vaccination. This can lead to unpredictable body reactions and complications. When breastfeeding  Mom should carefully. It is advisable to empty the baby’s intestine before vaccination. To do this, consult with your doctor that he wrote out some laxative without side effects. Mom can do it alone without medication with an enema ( ) or glycerin candles. On the eve it is recommended to eat light foods from the following list:

  • liquid porridges or soups;
  •   and (permitted under HB);
  • juices and compotes.

Food should be familiar to the baby and always fresh. It is not recommended to feed the child before the vaccination, but it is necessary to give more liquid to avoid dehydration.

Actions on the day of vaccination

In the clinic, try not to communicate with other children, as a viral infection can get to your child. It would be best if the baby with dad or grandmother is in the car or on the street, and you call them directly to the procedure itself. If after the previous vaccinations the child had a fever, then on the morning of the vaccination it is recommended to give the child antipyretic - the best of all is the Nurofen baby. If she was normal, then the drug can not be taken.

Before vaccination, make sure that the nurse is doing everything correctly. She should get the drug out of the fridge and use sterile gloves. Be sure to find out from her about the compliance with the rules of transportation and storage of the vaccine, read carefully the instructions for its use. Ask about side effects drug, possible complications and the first actions in case of their occurrence. You must be prepared in this regard. Bathing a baby on the day of vaccination is strictly prohibited.

An important point is the psychological preparation. A child under one year does not yet understand what an injection will be given to him, but if he is already old enough (attends a preschool institution), then he needs to be psychologically adjusted to the injection. So he will transfer it easier. The child often refuses to go to the clinic because he is afraid that it will hurt, perhaps he is afraid of doctors, etc., so he needs to explain that it does not hurt at all. You can bring analogies with a mosquito bite and cheer him with a story about how brave and strong the baby is. Promise to buy a toy after vaccination or take it for a walk in the park. Walking is advisable to plan a week after vaccination, when the baby's immune system is restored.

Mom's actions after vaccination

If the weather is good, take a walk with the baby after vaccination for about an hour in the hospital area and observe its reaction. If the behavior of the child is alarming, immediately go to the doctor. Do not wet the injection site at home, as this may give a reaction. Watch your baby in case of complications such as vomiting and heat  body call an ambulance or local doctor.

Take the vaccination process very seriously, because it affects the health of your child. Follow the recommendations above, and vaccination will definitely benefit the baby.

Preparation for vaccinations - School of Doctor Komarovsky

Actions after vaccination - School of Doctor Komarovsky