Prepared in a blender recipe banana sir. Dessert from syru with fruits abo syrny mus

I sing you, lovers of vishukan culinary passions! Love to my sir, my mother pinched more from early childhood. From that hour, I often indulge myself with savory taste. I’m also a fan of juicy yogo, mix it up and push it 🙂 Not long ago I tried banana syrup with a blender and tweak it. Wiishla is even more savory mass, and for the consistency, like sour cream.

Qiu appetizing masu can be eaten just like a dessert. Otherwise, you can spread it on a whole-grain piece of bread. Tse will be a wonderful snack after training.

Korisn_ authority syrno-banana masi

This savory has a lot of vitamins, B, , biotin and . There is also a high concentration of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sirka, and other elements. Rich in fatty organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, food fibers, etc.

The energy value of syrno-banana pastries is 135.1 kcal per 100 g. Protein here is 12.6 g, carbohydrates - 7.2 g, and fat - 6 g

Such a dessert is too brown for brush fabrics. And also tsi lasoshchi is a powerful antidepressant. After this bad mood and then mittya viparovayutsya 🙂 If you become smart, try it out. That th, before that, us, who goes in for sports, this protein dessert is even better.

Gotuemoblender's cocktail with syrup and banana– basic recommendations

  • If the sirok is dry, add 100 ml of milk to 200 g of the product. You can also take sour milk, yogurt or low-fat sour cream. Focus on the consistency, as you need the density of the product.
  • In vologii, it is enough to add 50 ml of sour cream as a whole. Zvichayno, you can mix and milk - so we'll have less calories. ale by special certificate, tastier to come out of natural yoghurt.
  • For the aroma of raj, add vanilin. Yogo need some trochs - on the edge of a teaspoon. You can try other additives of course - less cocoa is more appropriate.

Beat any cheese in a blender to a smooth, uniform consistency. The consistency is to blame, which guesses the name of Sir "Philadelphia". Masu qiu can be mixed with your favorite fruits: all the same, after a blender, you can’t get enough breasts.

Recently I read that at the same time protein was expensively costed through sanctions. That's why the boys, who go in for sports, switched to natural protein shakes. The stench is such a drink prepared from syrup and milk of low fat content. In 100 g of protein syrup there is 16 grams, and pure protein. At one time, 30 grams of protein will be acquired. Also, my dear athletes, respectfully reserve your portion.

Bazhayuchi collect the mass of vicorist gainer. In this way of yoga, replace 1 sticky banana. So, if you want to zahom'yachit in the evening, don't go into the fridge for cowbass 🙂 Better have cheese with a banana, it's deliciously korisno. Ale, don’t bother with such salmons tezh. Before the speech, before the new wind, the zukor does not need to be added. Stiglia banana gives the very malt, as it is necessary.

A axis i pokrokovy recipe. Getting ready is easy and simple. Tilki potim do not forget to write about those who deserved dessert for you. І subscribe to new updates. I have a lot of savory ones in my treasures brown recipes 🙂


2 servings 10 min. Weight of ready-made strain: 500 gr.

300 grI like it 9%

Sir with banana and brown and savory herbs for snacks. You can be half as tall as you are, so little kid. When you are strict for the health of the diet, buti sire is guilty in the obligatory order: the wine will simply settle in the body, improve the exchange of speech, sharpen the brushes and teeth, and also add good to nervous system.

How to cook?

In order to prepare cheese with a banana, to pay for some extra money, we need the fermented milk product itself. Come on, be it, but in order for the consistency to turn out right, it’s better to beat the p'yatividsotkovy sir. You will need wine in the contract for about two hundred grams. Also vimagatime sour cream (15 pcs of fat content), you can vicorate kefir (1% fat content). I, obviously, will need one banana.

As if the grass is getting ready for weight loss, next take the fat-free cheese and sour cream (kefir). But if the calorie content does not matter, then the recipe transfers the most varied products, whether they are fat or not, as if they are superior.

The sum of products is high. When їх poєdnannі come out indignities dessert relish. This product can be prepared in a blender or beaten with an additional fork. Ale is especially accommodating, reviving the taste of wines when beaten with a combine. It is necessary to cut a banana and put together the products. Beat to the same consistency, put on a beautiful bowl and decorate with bananas. You can also sip all the chocolate.

Calorie content and food value

The calorie content of this product is too small, so it is often used in case of weight loss: 100 g of the herb may have a total of 114 kilocalories. Bіlkіv try to dosit rich: 9 g per 100 g of syrup with a banana.

So tse more dietary herb, fat is less visible here (3-4 g per 100 g of the product), and the axis of carbohydrates is offset by the average amount (11 g per 100 g of the product).

What is kind and to whom are contraindications?

The measles of this product is rather rich. The main advantage of such a dessert can be taken by those who have a lot of vitamins. The new one has such vitamins, like:

  • BUT(supporting the health of the dawn, the functions of the nervous system and the health of the skin);
  • W(Promoting healthy teeth and bones, boosting immunity and improving memory and concentration of respect; the very start of vitamin C is dietary: the building vibrates the speech, which burns fat molecules);
  • D(supports the immune and nervous system, supports the body's body and is an important vitamin for healthy bones);
  • RR(lowering the amount of cholesterol in the body, spraying the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, important for beauty and health).

Bіlkіv syri, like z'yasuvalosa, chimalo. But it’s easy to get the stink from the slug. Syr is supernaturally rich in calcium minerals, a kind of brown mustache for sharpening brushes and teeth. Also, the melancholy of syrah is good in that, regardless of the low calorie content, the product can be made rich. Sir Korisniy for diets (mittees are known in kilograms), for gastritis and flu (not turbulence, but, on the contrary, calm down), for children from six months, with pregnancy (in this period, the body needs two more calcium for the liver).

If you take this product in the evening or before going to bed, you can take a little more fat for weight loss: grafting yourself before going to bed will help in this process not to collapse m'yazam and go to fat itself.

Dessert, which is seen, is not a trace to live:

  • we are ill with atherosclerosis;
  • with circulatory diabetes, ischemia, increased blood viscosity, thrombophlebitis;
  • people who have suffered a heart attack and a stroke.

Also, with gastritis, it should be protected from sour syrup, you can cause pain in the slut.

In tsikh vipadkah sir with banana bring more shkodi, lower ochіkuvanoy koristі.

The positive and negative qualities of the strain are rich in why lie, in addition, how many fresh and yakіsnі products were used for the preparation of vibranium. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the term of attachment (sir) and the familiar looking fruit (bananas).

In addition, it is best to respect that there is no trace of a lot of syrup at a time: 200-270 grams for one intake is enough for one person, otherwise it will be important for the body to acquire the whole product.

Good day, my dear readers and guests of the blog! I would like to continue rozmov about sir. I already wrote about yogo melancholy, about cooking. I wrote about, like about diet savory grass, Adventitious yak for children, so for grown-ups. And today, at the same small post, I will combine those two with a recipe for a smoothie with syrup.

Why small? It's just that the smoothies on the floor are simply prepared, that the recipe will fit in one word. In addition, I want to make room for your imagination. Come on, let's get started

It's worse with us, it's worse for me

For those who don't mind losing weight, this product is perfect for the evening. Who said, what do you need to see the enemy? No matter what, even smoothies - even light and low-calorie. Such savoryness and dessert can be given, and it looks like wine just miraculous.

Which products are better to choose? What is your respect for? Well, for calories. We are going to:

  • Low-fat sour milk: cheese, milk, kefir and yogurt.
  • Fruits, berries.
  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі.

A axis i recipes. The stench is even simpler, I don’t induce cover technology to that. Just put all the products in the bowl of the combine or in the blender - chic! - I'm done!


It’s even better to eat a banana and a green apple with cheese. Such a diet is our hard "no" cholesterol, and infection and purification of the body from other slags. Green apple to increase hemoglobin rhubarb.

For 1 apple, take 1 banana and 70 g of syrup. More details and beaten at the food processor with a spoonful of honey. You can replace an apple with an orange.


Z yagіd well, the axis is practically all sir pojdnuyutsya. You can prepare sirno-wine smoothies from midnight, blackberries, currants and thousands of other berries. And if you add some white wine to it, it will be an analogue of the famous beauty salad. Wine cleans the body from slags, cleans the liver, fills the body with protein and vitamins.

For 150 g of yagid, take a tablespoon of plastics brewed with sprinklings, 70 g of syrup, add a spoonful of honey (tea). Zіb'ёmo in blenders.

pomegranate and currant

We take 150 g of fresh pomegranate juice, 100 g of our main product, a spoonful of honey into a bottle of currant berries (whether they are red, black, white). Zbivaemo - and enjoy the relish of health.

Harmelon and grapefruit

Morquin and orange

Another orange cocktail. Namely korisny for the eyes and shkiri. Small carrot, piv-orange, 70 g of syrup, pivsklyanki kefir. The orange is peeled, you can see the tassels. Zbivaemo - and enjoy the gusto, thinking about greed.

We feed the body with proteins

Ale, do not lose weight. Htos, navpaki, gaining vag. Those who practice an active way of life will require protein cocktails to give strength. Dzhe korisnі stench for children. Such smoothies are a wonderful dessert that gives energy and a warm mood.

Chocolate syrian dessert

For 100 g of syrup, we take a glass of milk of normal fat content and a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Trohi honey chi tsukru. Beat like next. Chocolate flavor is ready. Licorice life is guaranteed.

Energy cocktail

For 100 g of syrah - a bottle of orange juice, pivbanana and piv-apple, a tablespoon of sweetened peas. Ring in your cocktail to add another spoonful of butter - a little bit in that moment, so you check. physical adventure and you actively spend energy. Dodamo on a teaspoon of kawi ta tsukru. Kinemo in a blender trochi rodzinok and dried apricots. It's okay. Acrylic? Otozh. Be cleaner than any power engineer - and even more forage.

Read more recipes with cheese, but for today I have everything. I say goodbye to you, dear readers, and I pray that a healthy way of life will always be given to you so easily and so licorice, like a smoothie, prepared for these recipes. What kind of cocktails do you prepare? Leave new recipes in the comments - and all the best to you.

Sirní smoothies are good, because they are prepared without thermal processing of their components. And that means that they save all the living things of speech and vitamins. Strawberry won popularity among vegetarians, and then smoothies rose and shanuvalniks. healthy way life is successful vikoristovuyut їх for diet and PP. Everything that is needed for cooking is fresh vegetable fruit and reminiscent of looking like syrup, kefir and milk. Get ready at the blender for literally 5 minutes. Smoothies with syrup are often not drunk, but eaten with a small spoon, stretching the process for the shortest assimilation of the product and the most noticeable appearance of sieve. One of the most popular sirni smoothies for weight loss.

Smoothies with banana and sir are prepared even more simply, as if you have seen a dessert. All the ingredients mix and fight for the help of a blender.

Recipe for syrup smoothie with banana and berries

  • low fat kefir - 1 bottle,
  • 1 stigli banana
  • berries (first frozen or fresh) - 1 bottle.
  • Povna with the top of a tablespoon of low-fat syrah.

Smoothies with syrup, bananas and milk

Also, a wonderful option for reducing hunger is a smoothie with banana syrup and milk:

  • 1 banana
  • milk (cow'yache, soyve or coconut) - 100 ml
  • cheese with low fat content - 100 g

Recipe with kiwi banana

3 cleaned in the skins of kiwi with a tablespoon of honey, refine to a homogeneous mass in a blender. Masa is placed in a bowl or a wide wine glass. Let's drink two tablespoons of syrah in a blender and add three medium bananas. Everything is put on mashed potatoes from kіvі, not zmіshuyuchi. Smoothies with bananas and sirah with kivі ready.

banana and apple

To prepare a smoothie with syrup and an apple in a blender, take the following:

With corn and other plastics

  • 150 g syrah
  • a bottle of kefir chi milk,
  • 1 banana
  • ginger or cinnamon to taste,
  • 2 tablespoons of plastics.

A rare component for a smoothie with bananas, ginger and syrup is added after the solids have been beaten. Zmishati to a uniform mass.

Recipes with fruits and berries

If you think you want to make smoothies with syrup, you're in for some simple fruit dessert options.

energy recipe

  • piv-apple,
  • 80 g syrah
  • bottle of skimmed milk
  • a tablespoon of gorіkhіv (hairy, hazelnut).
  • a teaspoon of cocoa powder.
  • 50 g of rodzinok and dried apricots.

The peas are rubbed into the pasta. Apple, sir and milk are churned to a homogeneous mass. Rodzinki and dried apricots are soaked in warm water until they swell, they add up to a beaten sum, they huddle far away. For example, add cocoa powder. For those who are engaged in body-building or physically active, you can add 50 grams of a pinch of oil.

Berries and syrn will be combined and sirnі smoothies with berries are a good variant of dessert, so you follow the figure and eat properly.

Raspberry smoothie bowl

  • 100 g low-fat kefir chi milk,
  • bottle of thawed raspberries,
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • a tablespoon of gorіhіv or sesame,
  • a tablespoon of syrup.

Peas or sesame are rubbed into a paste in kavomoltsі, injected into the beaten masa with syrup.

Blackberry with carrots

Prepared like a raspberry, with the very ingredients (crim raspberries). The presence of carotene and blackberry conveys yoga especially melancholy for dawn. You can also use smoothies with syrup and yogurt, for example, replace kefir with yogurt in this recipe.

Midnight bowl with honey and ginger

  • 100 g syrah
  • a bottle of defrosted or fresh midnight,
  • a spoonful of honey
  • a teaspoon of grated ginger root. Get ready with a blender similarly to all previous recipes.

Sirna sumish with peas, spices and chocolate

This dessert is for children and lasuns - win a blueberry cake, less laborious, like confectionery breads. For 100 g of syrah, it is necessary to take a glass of low-fat kefir, 50 g of finely ground kefir, or grind it into a paste of peas. Churn in a blender, add 100 g of light raisin swelled in warm water, mix, grate dark chocolate to the beast.

Vegetable sums

The most popular sums for diet and weight loss are vegetable.

Like berries and fruits you can see, like sweets, then veggies are targeted for the quiet, who firmly vyrishiv throw off the vaga, and lift that sadness alive. The basis of vegetable smoothies and cheese should be greens. Serve them, through a weak mind, to become a small part and serve, more swedish, as a gossip and happy.

Why fresh greens in your cocktails - tim less kharchov, but more vitamin value of wines. Greens, moreover, beneficially pour into the intestines through the cellular tissue, which is washed into it. Greens - stalks and root of celery, stalks, leaves and parsley root, crepe at the first leaf stage (without nasinnya, pidide of fresh freezing), stele of cilantro leaves, carrot, watermelon. Everything is for everyone, everything is true, even if you have your own taste, to which you can call.

You can add juices: carrot, garbuzovy, beetroot, natural apple. You can add strength and pepper, or you can add cinnamon, but remember that it’s strong for water in the body, and pepper fights the mucus membrane of the grass walker and the slug and increases appetite.

Mustaches of vegetable sumishi are getting ready without a hitch before the implantation. Keep the finished product after a maximum of 6-8 years in the refrigerator. Apply vikoristannya sheep sumishey in a smoothie with cheese:

1. 100 g of syrah is beaten with a glass of low-fat milk, in sum add 2 large stalks of celery, medium for carrots, a teaspoon of grated ginger, a pinch of salt.

2. 60-70 g of syrah, 300 g of green beans (can be frozen), 2-3 stalks of crop and parsley, 1 medium carrot, a pinch of salt. Beat to the same mass.

3. Vivsyanka and sir in smoothies: the average size of the carrot is beaten with 50 g of syrah, a bottle of milk. Add 2 tablespoons of wine. Vivsyanka does not churn, the cocktail comes to life after a natural swelling.

Purifying with Harmelon

  • half grapefruit,
  • 100 g syrah
  • 100 g of garmelon,
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • a teaspoon of lyany or sesame seeds,
  • 100 ml water chi juice.

With a watermelon and an avocado

The warehouse of this smoothie with syrup in a blender is the same as in a harmelon, only avocados are added. You can add a teaspoon of grated ginger root.


Appearing on the market new product, which has won great popularity for the sake of simplicity and preparation for unique dietary powers. Suitable for everyone. Ale є th obmezhennya! Stink us ahead of the century: smoothies cannot be eaten by small people and people of a frail age with poisoning problems. It is recommended to get rid of it in the same way for people with chronic ailments of the liver, nirok, zhovchovividnyh tracts, ailments of the intestine and 12 colons at the stage of congestion, as well as allergic reactions to a variety of specific products, up to the sum. Eating with one smoothie is not a next day for three or three days. Dobov norm- 1-1.5 liters of a cocktail is better broken into 5-6 parts.


What do you have? Well, you want something, you want it, you want something like this, you know what, ale, nache malty. And not a cake (fi-i), not frosty (brr) and (God harrow) not a zukerka. Ale is still savory.
The axis for itself, for example, knew the exit. Well, take some help. I will try to give you a try.

Sirny dessert with a banana is a good time to prepare more savory, more savory and you can cook yogo, whether it’s time for a rock, for example, a midnight-banana dessert or a sir with a half-night. In addition, you can keep quiet for yourself, because the test is in no way, and then, and calorie intake to the sides do not stick. Well, what? Shall we indulge ourselves? So come on!


We need two servings:

  • Sir - 1 pack (200 g);
  • Banana - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 1 pack (400g);
  • Chocolate - for baganniam.
... have a sufficient amount, so that you can sip for the beauty of a ready-made dessert. Chi, maybe, let's not be quiet, what should we grind and multiply the number of ingredients by two?


And we prepare dessert from syrah with banana at the blender - it's just that shvidko!

For which one, add a banana (bananas), naturally cleansing, in a blender or in a deep vessel, as your blender is boring. Potim dodamo sir, mix well with a blender and sour cream (all of it). I know zb'emo. You can, zvichayno, add tsukra ... Ale nі, nі, nі! We have already convinced ourselves that the wine portion will not harm us! Let's not be nahabnі on vіdnoshennia to ourselves. I take sour cream with low fat content (15%). Axis yak me take care of the figure! Please learn from us!

Let's turn to our dessert. Vtim, wine is already ready. It was only enough to lay it out with ice-creams and sip grated chocolate and lightly cool it down. I was especially drunk with dessert at the cooking process. And now you can already take away your satisfaction with "feel good, to the tune, with the arrangement." What do I ask you!