Children grow up in a year more. Child's height. What affects the height of a person?

How to raise an intelligent child is a question that interests every modern parent. If you want your baby to succeed in life and become a smart person, you need to make every effort. And you have to start from birth. Hugging, playing with your child, talking and reading books to him, you lay the foundation for his intellectual development. We offer you the 12 steps to raise an intelligent child.

But can a short child become an adult? There are children who, for various environmental or hormonal reasons, experience slower growth and at some point acquire a normal rhythm to achieve a correct and even elevated height. There are also children who, for various pathological reasons, suffer from acceleration, then stop and do not reach too tall. Later, during puberty, the child undergoes a very pronounced growth due to the action of hormones, and the growth process ends when the hormones close at the end of this stage.

1. Love your baby. When you show tender feelings, hug, kiss your child, you not only give him a feeling of security and peace, but also help to develop his brain. Studies by American scientists have shown that mother's love physically affects certain areas of the brain that are responsible for emotions, memory, stress resistance and learning.

What the child will have as an adult can be predicted with an error of a few centimeters. From the age of 6, simple tests can be conducted that will allow us to approximate the height of a future adult by comparing the results of an x-ray of the wrist to a family history of carving and periodic measurements to find its growth rate.

Consultations requesting an increase in the size of children laid off in Spain Two years with increasing hormone increase the height between five and seven centimeters. Genetic factors, malnutrition or certain diseases determine the size of the child. Lionel Messi, the third youngest player in the world to win the Golden Ball, became “low”. He was 11 years old, he measured 1, 32 meters and weighed 30 kilograms, the age of the bones corresponded to a child of 10 years.

2. Talk to the baby . It develops baby speech skills. Also listen to the child when he speaks. Thereby you encourage the desire to communicate and improve his speech. Ask him open questions often, for example: “What did you do today in kindergarten? ”Such questions help the child to comprehend what he knows, and make it clear that his opinion matters. Use words unknown to your child in speech. He will guess what they mean if they are used several times in a familiar context.

His family could not afford the treatment. His signing with Barça, which funded the therapy, allowed him to reach 1.69 meters. The fact that the child "justifies" their classmates is one of the reasons that prompts the parents to appoint a pediatrician.

The “burden” for increasing the size of children is also “Spanish”. He also recognizes that social pressure is added to information that can be read on the Internet, but this is only a statistical value. Parents believe that they can also choose treatment with this requirement, but this is not because it is not one of the indications collected by the national health authorities. They can only resort to it if they are paid out of pocket.

3. Read books to your child. Start reading, even if he does not yet understand the words. This will not only give him a head start in the development of language skills, but also instill an interest in reading. Starting to read more in preschool age, your child will be well prepared to continue to be well versed in literature, history and mathematics. Suggest your baby to sit comfortably on the sofa and read with you. Keep books on the shelves and coffee table. Mom in the piggy bank:

Every two or three years of therapy, according to each case, it is possible to add small to five to seven centimeters to the final height. “For a father, this is not the same thing as his son measures 1, 60, which is 1, 67,” he explains. There are several ways to find out what the final size of the child will be. The most reliable is the one that is carried out through calculations that take into account the chronological age, height during the medical examination, the age of the bones, the growth rate in the past year and the development of puberty.

If the parents are short, there are problems with malnutrition or some diseases, the child may have an unfavorable growth. The latest data after considering the 000 children so revived, insists Dr. Garcia. Some parents become obsessed if their children do not reach age-appropriate percentiles. However, you must consider several factors before you are alarmed, because your child does not grow as an average.

4. Let your child play.   The frivolous, seemingly messing with toys creates the basis for his intellectual, social, physical and emotional skills. And when your kid plays collective games, he learns to share ideas, impressions, feelings and experiences with other children.

5. Encourage exercise.   Physical education not only makes your child strong and athletic, but also develops intelligence. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. Blood, in turn, delivers oxygen and glucose, which the brain needs to increase attention and mental concentration. And jumping with a rope strengthens the vestibular apparatus, which improves spatial thinking.

Growth rate and curve

You should also consider the genetic component. For children, normal achievement is the average size of the parents. For a child, it often exceeds the average height when his parents are short. With each medical examination, the pediatrician measures the child and sees that he stretched out last season. Growth rate develops rapidly in the first 2 years of life and in adolescence. But between the ages of 3 and 11, the speed is moderate. On the other hand, we must observe the trend of the growth curve. The normal thing is to maintain steady growth.

6. Make music a part of the child’s life.   Studies show that listening to music not only improves the memory and attention of the baby, but also reduces stress, which adversely affects the development of the child. And learning to play a musical instrument helps to form abstract-logical thinking.

7. Be a positive example.   Children learn by looking at adults. If your child sees that you are reading, drawing pictures, doing music or any other creative activity, he will imitate you.

If the growth rate was lower by two or three years and decreased by two percent, it is necessary to look for the cause of this slowdown. In addition to the hereditary component and the fact that not all children hold the tip at the same time, there are some chronic diseases that affect the development of the child.

The most common is celiac disease if not treated. Intolerance to gluten causes the intestine to be damaged by its consumption and cannot absorb nutrients well. Today, gluten intolerance is usually found in the first year of life, which makes it more rare for a child to grow.

8. Limit TV viewing.   Your child should not watch television programs before the age of two. If the kid spends too much time at the blue screen, then he is eliminated from performing more important for the intellectual development of actions: games, communication with peers and reading books.

9. Feed your baby properly.   To raise a child intelligent, spiritual food is not enough. A protein-rich diet (eggs, fish, meat and nuts) improves attention, reaction speed and thought processes of the baby. Carbohydrates, which are in cereals and fruits, give his brain fuel. Very important for the full development of vitamins and minerals. But processed carbohydrates (found in sweets, baking, hamburgers, packaged juices) do not have the best effect on concentration, concentration and activity level.

Another reason for the lack of growth, although much less often, is hypothyroidism: currently screening tests for the disease are realized when children are born. There are endocrine or metabolic problems, syndromes and chromosomal diseases that are always associated with short stature, but usually they are accompanied by very specific characteristics that make them relatively easy to diagnose.

In a developed country, feeding children is not very dependent on their size. In order for a diet to really affect the growth of a child, malnutrition must be maintained for many months or several years. After the first rule you grow very little. Usually puppies that develop at the age of 9 or 10 are high for their age, but then they do not grow much longer, and, conversely, those who have the first rule with 14 are small are not tall and then outnumber most Boys can keep growing up.

10. Provide your child with a full sleep. Healthy sleep the baby also needs it, like water and food intake. Parents of preschoolers who sleep less than normal are at risk of tantrums, nervous breakdowns. Also, children may deteriorate attention, memory, and even vision. In the dream, the child not only rests physically, but also gains strength for active mental work. Therefore, from early childhood you need to teach your baby to the correct sleep and wakefulness.

A pediatrician knows when to send a child to the endocrine system. Parents better not to make such a decision without their opinions. The most common endocrinological diseases are hypo - or hyperthyroidism, changes in adrenal hormones, diabetes, puberty, postponed or delayed, or a growth rate lower than 4 cm per year.

What determines if the child becomes more or less tall? Several factors may affect the final size of children; we will analyze the main ones: heredity, nutrition, and maturation. Genetic inheritance: it is often said that the future size of a child can be calculated as a function of the parents. Undoubtedly, the genetic information that determines the size of the parents affects the size of the child in the same way. Thus, there are many low-income children who have no other reason for their small sizethan a small family, this is what is labeled as: low family size, which does not represent any pathology.

11.   Help your child develop perseverance and endurance. Hard character is the propensity to pursue long-term goals, hard work and endurance. Sometimes perseverance is more important than innate talent or intelligence. Tell us how you achieved your goal, despite the setbacks and disappointments.

The same happens for tall carved figures, but usually this is not a reason for consultation. But if the pediatrician should monitor the normal size or low level of the environment and vice versa. Therefore, we can predict the expected size, but other factors also influence. If this were not the case, the average size of our children would be the same as ours, and this can be seen when we study the last 3 or 4 generations of Spaniards that there has been a significant increase in the average size.

Nutrition: The main factor that led to this growth in recent generations was nutritional. The average size of any country increases with economic progress and an improvement in the diet of citizens. But food must be adequate so as not to fall to the other extreme of overweight and all its short-term and long-term. side effectsthat we are seeing in abundant countries. You must maintain a balance in the consumption of proteins, fats and sugars to avoid diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. Our Mediterranean diet is adequate, in short, fresh produce and intimacy, avoids pre-cooked and baked goods.

12. Choose smart computer games. Unfortunately or fortunately, information technology and gadgets are entering our lives more and more. Choose for your child such computer games that can teach him letters, math, music and much more. They also develop hand-eye coordination and prepare for tomorrow's technology. More importantly, the baby learns it while playing. But do not forget that none modern gadget  Do not replace the child to communicate with you and peers.

The third fundamental factor determining the final size of a child is the age at which puberty occurs. The increase in size is mainly due to the growth of the long bones of the body. These bones usually have bone cartilage on both sides at each end. Bone as such grows little or nothing, it is a rather rigid structure. These cartilages are more flexible, and when their cells multiply, the matrix that surrounds them can grow. At its border with the bone, this matrix gradually hardens in the bone, but as long as this process is slower than the multiplication of cells in the center of the cartilage, the bone will continue to grow.


Every kid has a unique ability since birth. The task of adults is to improve these natural abilities. Even if you can't grow a little Einstein, remember that your child is unique. Love him the way he is!

This is what happens in childhood. When puberty begins, there is an increase in the secretion of sex hormones. These hormones have a strong effect on the maturation of cartilage growth. So they accelerate growth, but end it. That is why the age of onset of puberty is decisive. There are children who start this earlier so that they quickly surpass the rest of their classmates. But, starting this last stage of rapid growth with more low levelsas soon as they finish the process, will be below the rest.

Those who started puberty in the past continued to grow at a slower pace of childhood for a longer time, and at the beginning of the last stage of rapid growth they do so from a larger size, surpassing in most cases those who were more early. That is why most men are taller than most women: offspring ripen. They have more time to grow.

How to increase the growth of the child? - such a question often confronts parents when they see their son or daughter lagging behind their peers.

I will say straight away that the earlier parents paid attention to this problem, the more opportunities there are to correct the situation. It is necessary to be especially concerned at the period of puberty (10-12 years), because one of the growth spikes occurs at this particular time.

When we have small childOne of the first diagnostic tests that can lead us to a prediction of height is to check the condition of your cartilage growth relative to your age. What doctors call their bone age tells us that the process of final maturation has already begun and to what extent it has been completed. Thus, a child aged 10 years, whose size corresponds to the size of a 9-year-old child who has an 8-year-old bone in an X-ray, will not have problems reaching an average size and can even easily overcome it.

Parents usually assess the growth of their child based on a variety of factors: hereditary, socio-cultural, and even psychological. And although they tend to compare the growth of their child with the growth of their peers, a more accurate criterion for assessing growth is whether the child continues to grow at the right pace. And if until a certain moment the child grew up at a normal pace, and more recently his development has slowed down, then in this case it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will determine whether the child has any health problems or his growth rate is only a normal variant, will tell how to increase growth.

If the same child on the radiograph indicates that he has a bone age of 11 years, this means that his size is not only below the average for his age, but also because he has exhausted some of his potential for growth is higher than age, the chances to restore this lag is significantly reduced.

Recently, the age of maturation goes forward, and in subsequent generations, the appearance of the rule in girls goes forward, perhaps for this reason its size has not increased as much as was expected with improved nutrition, so we see that there are factors that improve size: nutrition. Others that reduce it are: progression at the onset of puberty.

Now consider the factors that account for the growth of the bones of the child. Bone growth occurs due to the cartilaginous plates that are at their ends (epiphyses). In the cartilaginous plates all the time, the division of cartilage cells (zone of actively dividing cells) and the formation of new ones occur. In turn, cartilage cells are the source of " building material"For the bone; at their destruction (a zone of dystrophic vesicular cells), bone tissue is formed from them. In a young body, the division of cartilage cells goes quickly, but with age, the destruction of cartilage tissue prevails over education, the cartilage plate becomes thinner and disappears. The zone of junction of the cartilage tissue to the bone is called the border zone.

Thus, in the zone of the columnar cells, cartilage cells actively proliferate, due to which bone growth occurs; ossification of cartilage cells occurs in the zone of cystic cells, osteons are formed in their place.

During puberty, growth zones are significantly influenced by the hormonal system (hormones of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and other endocrine glands). The main effect of growth hormone is the activation of anabolic processes, which is realized in the growth effect, increase in muscle mass and increased physical activity. It is also known that growth hormone actively influences other processes that contribute to the growth effect: it increases Ca absorption and improves bone mineralization, activates glycogenolysis, lipolysis and glucose transport into tissues and, therefore, increases energy metabolism. Amino acids, glucagon, vasopressin, thyroid and sex hormones influence the growth hormone synthesis.

  • Thyroid hormones to a greater extent affect the differentiation, maturation of bone tissue. Growth delays with a deficiency of thyroid hormones are characterized by disproportionate development of the child.
  • Sex hormones have a powerful anabolic effect, accelerating both linear growth — a pubertal jump in growth and differentiation of the bones of the skeleton.
  • Glucocorticoids, namely cortisol, inhibits the secretion of growth hormone.
  • Mineralocorticoid and thycalociotonin are not directly involved in the growth process, however, enhancing the concentration of K in the cell (mineralocorticoid) and bone ossification (thyrocalciotonin). certainly improve the growth effect of anabolic hormones.

So, the combined effect of the above hormones performs the normal processes of growth and development. Sometimes the growth of a child is affected by chronic diseases, which result in states of prolonged hypoxia (congenital heart defects, anemia, lung diseases), malabsorption disorders, severe metabolic disorders (glycogenoses, chronic liver and kidney diseases), and bone system pathology (chondrodystrophy , gargoylism and other congenital syndromes). Also, the structure of bone tissue is influenced by vitamins (C, A, D).

Thus, growth retardation in children and adolescents can occur with many endocrine and non-endocrine diseases. Since the study of the somatotropic function of the pituitary gland is a complex study, it is quite expensive, and most importantly, poorly tolerated by children, it is best to diagnose low growth in stages. The goal of this approach is to establish a nanism option without complex hormonal studies.

If the hormones that affect the growth processes of the child’s bone are not enough, appropriate hormone therapy is needed. It can be prescribed only by an endocrinologist with special training in this area.

If there is no pathology on the part of the hormonal system and the child’s low growth is due to genetic (low growth of the parents) or other factors, or the parents absolutely do not want to use hormones, then in this case it is still possible to help grow.

There are effective methods for increasing growth by exercise, dosed loads on the musculoskeletal system with the use of special simulators and devices in combination with an appropriate diet. Also, a reserve for increasing growth may be correcting the stoop and curvature of the spine.

Once again I want to remind you that you can increase growth most effectively until the growth zones are closed, then the results are not so impressive (5–6 cm per year), but they also give you confidence and help you feel higher.