What does the reserve for ЄDI mean. Who is here to sleep at the GVE form

All graduates of the 9th grade after completing the course of training for the state duty to sleep with two shoes and two additional primary disciplines for selection. As in the previous or main terms of the performance of the assessment, it does not take into account the buildings, or for the work the assessment is not satisfactory, the student can reissue the OGE in the reserve period, or at the spring of the stream in the days designated by a special layout.

In 2018, the graduates of the 9th class of goiter will be given a drink to drink. Two of them (mathematics and Russian language) are obov'azkovymi, two more - supplementary (tsi navchalni disciplines choose the student himself).

The main thing is the grading of graduating students of 9th and 11th grades in the fact that for ninth graders to take away the certificate of complete secondary education, it is necessary to build all the chotiri and sleep, even if they have completed 11 classes, they will fail enough of some basic subjects.

The reasons for which the reissue of the sub-bag assessment is allowed are strictly regulated by the rules of the OGE. It is possible to re-add up the test in the case of an unsatisfactory assessment.

However, the next thing to remember is that students are allowed to retransmit, as they took away the “two” one or two of several subjects. At the time of the increase in the number of “unsatisfactory” students do not take away the certificate.

In addition, the students may have the right to reissue the OGE in 2018, but they did not apply for important reasons, documented. Before them one can see:

  • early morbidity of a child's health, hospitalization, hospitalization, surgical intervention, etc.;
  • the death of a close relative of learning;
  • impossibility to complete the rozpochata in terms of the examination work through the transition I will become healthy;
  • force majeure surround natural or spontaneous character;
  • violated the order of the OGE, about which an appeal will be filed, praised by the examination committee;
  • annulment of the examination work and the conflict committee in the development of violations of the rules of the OGE (suggestions, unauthorized selection of supplementary files of information, cheat sheets).

Terms of retransmission of OGE in 2018

In 2018, graduates are given two trials of OGE retakes. The first time you can try your hand at the reserve period of the OGE task. other i the rest of the time in a streaming circle it is possible to grow at the faith.

If you try to be successful, learn to take a certificate in the current rotation and you can continue your education in the senior classes, or enter a college or technical school, which will be good enough to accept it after the beginning of the primary school.

At the schedule of the OGE, two additional terms for the retransmission of the sub-bag attestation were transferred. The first one starts in red 2018. For the retransmission of general language disciplines (mathematics and Russian language, as well as foreign language), one reserve day was seen in the new one. Reshtu subjects are given by kilka in one day.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approved the upcoming schedule for the retransmission of the OGE in 2018:

  • middle, 20 worms, - Russian mova;
  • Thursday, 21 worms, - mathematics;
  • Friday, 22nd Cherry, - Russian literature, modern science, computer science and biology;
  • saturday, 23 worms, - foreign mova;
  • Monday, 25 chervnya, - geography, history, physics and chemistry;
  • thursday, 28 chervnya, - be it the primary disciplines, blamed on the OGE.

In the spring of 2018, graduates can retake the OGE, as they took an unsatisfactory assessment not through illness or cover up their temperament, but through an unlearned course of study. In this case, you can’t hurry up with a reissue, but by stretching for two years of months, you can seriously prepare yourself for the bag certification.

In addition, the OGE can be reissued in the autumn by the students, as for important reasons they could not be present at the meetings in reserve days inlet. There is also the remaining chance to take the certificate for those who did not run into the OGE authorities when transferring drinks to chervny.

In the fall, the reserve days for the task of the OGE are divided according to the upcoming schedule:

  • vvtorok, 4 Veresnya, - Russian mova;
  • friday, 7th spring, - mathematics;
  • monday, 10 spring, - geography, history, physics and biology;
  • middle, 12 spring, - literature, modern science, computer science and chemistry;
  • friday, 14 spring, - foreign mova.

From the 17th to the 22nd of September, they can reissue the attestation of academics, examination subjects, which were previously passed on the same day (for example, geography and biology).

Those who fail to take three tests (during the main period, on reserve days in Chernivt and autumn), and also failed three or more graduations, are allowed to pass the OGE in the coming primary roci.

In this way, the student can turn to re-training in the ninth grade of school, get ready for graduation іspitіv budinka, or take the place of the certificate of complete secondary education about auditions of the course of teaching at school.

Dovidka gives the right to join the technical school or college. Such applicants for initial mortgages are most often accepted for a paid education form.

A lot of graduates of the 9th grade, who didn’t fit into the OGE and mathematicians actively use the Internet in searches for ready-made opinions on the OGE. A lot of them are given that they are lying when they are re-delivered to the OGE on reserve days. However, it is not possible for someone who is deeply merciful to them, who is ready to know in a measure, with great ability, it is impossible. And if you raptom and felt so lucky, then the stench itself can help in retransmitting the OGE - it’s great food.

Reserve terms OGE-2018

If the minimum threshold is not reached for two subjects, or both of them did not submit the same item, then resubmission is possible only after the 1st spring of the streaming rock. Let me not lie to you. Successfully reissue it in spring, you can still file documents in different colleges, moreover, you can apply it to budget space, Yakscho at the faculty is not enough.

Vіdpovіdі on the reserve of OGE in mathematics 2018

At searches for opinions on the OGE, graduates who failed to sleep, study the Internet, trying to find out anything and everything there. A lot of them are spent on paid services, yak, they guarantee that they will be ready for other disciplines of the OGE for the first sum. Svidche for everything, the greatest separation for pennies, and having paid the appointed amount, you take away the wrong ones, who were taken away, they take it away.

How much do you need to score points in mathematics to get a certificate

Terms of Appeal OGE-2018

As if you were not fit with the scores and marks for іspit, as if you knew a pardon when you overturned your work, you should try to double your balls on appeal.

What is necessary for whom?

For two working days (Saturdays are also important) you need to come to your school and file an application for an appeal about not being eligible for the scores. At the school, they will help you to correctly fold the document, and also transfer all the necessary information to the Conflict Commission. They gave you the date and hour of the appeal.

How easy it is to remember from the above schedule of the OGE’s main sustenance, this short trivality is explained by the fact that in the days of the day the schoolchildren study up to several different subjects.

As you might imagine, such a situation may develop if a schoolboy chooses two items of footwear, such as shoes, that they are produced at the same hour on the same day. In order for the schoolchildren to be able in such situations to give insults to such sleep, and also for those who could not build that higher sleep in OGE for the most important reasons, to establish reserve dates for all sleeps.

If a student of the ninth grade did not manage to build an OGE every hour through an important reason, then in the end of the red wine will be building it up with the upcoming schedule of reserve dates:

20 worms - іspit z Russian language,
21 hearts - іspit z mathematics,
22 chernya - sleep from modern science, biology, informatics and ICT, literature,
23 worms - іspit z foreign language,
25 worms - sleep from history, chemistry, physics, geography,
28 chervnya - drink from all items,
29 chernya - drink from all items.

know the schedule of the OGE-2018 in the 9th grade: the dates of the pre-study and main stages and retransmission.

date OGE GVE-9
20 April (Fri) mathematics mathematics
April 23 (Mon) history, biology, physics, geography, foreign language
25 April (Wed) Russian language Russian language
27 April (Fri) informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, literature
May 3 (Thu) reserve: mathematics reserve: mathematics
May 4 (Fri) reserve: history, biology, physics, geography, foreign language
May 7 (Mon) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
May 8 (Tue) reserve: informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, literature
date OGE GVE-9
May 25 (Fri) foreign movies foreign movies
May 26 (Sat) foreign movies foreign movies
May 29 (Tue) Russian language Russian language
May 31 (Thu) social science, biology, informatics and ICT, literature
2 worms (Sat) physics, informatics and ICT physics, informatics and ICT
5 worms (Tue) mathematics mathematics
7 worms (Thursday) history, chemistry, geography, physics
9 worms (Sat) suspіlstvoznavstvo suspіlstvoznavstvo
20 worms (Wed) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
21 worms (Thu) reserve: mathematics reserve: mathematics
22 worms (Fri) reserve: social science, biology, informatics and ICT, literature
23 worms (Sat) reserve: foreign movies reserve: foreign movies
25 worms (Mon) reserve: history, chemistry, physics, geography
28 worms (Thursday) reserve: from all subjects reserve: from all subjects
29 worms (Fri) reserve: from all subjects reserve: from all subjects
date OGE GVE-9
September 4 (Tue) Russian language Russian language
September 7 (Fri) mathematics mathematics
September 10 (Mon) history, biology, physics, geography
September 12 (Wed) social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, geography
September 14 (Fri) foreign movies foreign movies
September 17 (Mon) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
Spring 18 (Tue) reserve: history, biology, physics, geography
September 19 (Wed) reserve: mathematics reserve: mathematics
September 20 (Thu) reserve: social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature
21 spring (Fri) reserve: foreign movies reserve: foreign movies
September 22 (Sat) reserve: from all primary subjects
  • Athletes: look forward to the training camp, stun, look around, candidates to the selected teams of the Russian Federation;
  • participants international olympiads schoolchildren, competitions and zmagan;
  • learn how to go to likuvannya and prophylactic visits;
  • graduates of the schools abroad, or graduate from the cordon to continue their education.

In supplementary terms, but not more, the cob of offensive initial rock can be given:

  • graduates who missed the OGE for good reasons;
  • navchayutsya behind the cordon;
  • took an unsatisfactory rating.

We need to understand what the abbreviation is more important for. What does it look like in the DPA - the most often it is understood what is required for the attestation of graduates in the middle school? DPA (sovereign pіdsumkova attestation) consists of two forms of examination:

  • sovereign graduation certificate (GVE), which is an appointment for a task in lighting installations closed type (tobto for vikhovantsiv colonies of non-full-time law enforcement officers or internativs), as well as for students, as they were trained in foreign institutions, and children with disabilities;
  • main sovereign feeling(OGE), which is the main type of attestation. The very tse trial is obliged to pass the main part of the graduates of the 9th grade Russian schools. Yak and ЄDI for the 11th grade students, OGE polagaє at the vyrishenni KIMov, to be held on singing days and reviewed by members of special commissions.

To the school of fahivtsі z FІPI and Rosobrnadzor publish changes, as they stand the rules for carrying out attestation. Let's take a look at the possible innovations of 2018.

Let's guess that until 2014 it was necessary for the students to go through the testing of chotirma with objects. Two of them - Russian Language and Languages ​​of Mathematics - gave everything, and two more could be chosen individually. In 2014, the number of goiters of the 9th grade students was eliminated and they were given only two language disciplines, and the reshta stinks could be taken on a voluntary basis. Such a mittevo innovation was marked on the level of global success and the number of drinks.

With skin rock, a lot of people will drink more

Approximately 90% of all students became obsessed with the task of Russian and mathematics. Although in 2013 the growth of social science gave more than 40% of all students, in 2014 the growth rate dropped to 9%, biology was chosen by 3.5% of schoolchildren (in 2013 it was 21.5%), and physics was only 4.1% (in 2013 - 12.8%). Therefore, beginning in 2016, it was decided to turn the practice of giving some alcohol.

In 2018, schoolchildren will be afraid to pass the test of 5 subjects (Russian Language and Mathematics will be given obov'yazkovo, and three more - to choose), and by 2020, the fate of the Ministry of Education will be brought up to six. According to the words of the FIPI experts, such an initiative will help stimulate students to engage in self-development, promote global success, and also increase the number of students, as well as provide training courses.

Opportunity to explore the choice of three disciplines is history, biology, computer science, modern science, physics, foreign language

The score, withdrawn at OGE-2018, is awarded when forming a certificate. Just as in 2016 only the OGE scores in mathematics and Russian language were added to the attestation balls, then from 2017 in the graduation document of the ninth grade student there will be credits and balls for selected subjects. Before the speech, the documents about the completion of the secondary school will be seen only by these students, as if they could take 4 out of 5 subjects for an assessment of “good” and better.

OGE will help you correct an unsatisfactory score in the certificate

Varto indicates that the principles of earning points for mathematics have changed. While in the past, algebra and geometry were assessed okremo, then at once a single scale of assessments for mathematics is being introduced. In general, the transfer of points in the assessment will be carried out in the following way:

  • a Russian language ticket allows you to earn 39 points maximum. In this case, the score "5" will be set, as if the student had scored 34 points, "4" - 25-33 points, "3" - 15-24 points. Moreover, for otrimannya p'yatirka it is necessary to score at least 6 points for literacy. If a schoolboy chooses to study further in a professional class, he needs to score at least 31 points for the OGE;
  • KIM in Mathematics allows you to score a maximum of 32 points, of which 14 are given for Algebra, 11 - for Geometry and 7 - for Real Mathematics. For the badge "5" it is necessary to score at least 22 points, "4" - 15-21, "3" - 8-14. In order to get a trio, you need to score at least 3 points in algebra, 2 in geometry and 2 in real mathematics. As a student, I apply for further education in the profile class of the natural profile, and I need at least 18 points for OGE assignments (10 - for algebra, 6 - for geometry, 2 - for real mathematics). For those who want to study in the economic class, they start with 18 points (9 - algebra, 3 - geometry, 5 - real mathematics). As your dream is a physical and mathematical class, you will need to contrive to score 19 points, moreover, at least 11 in algebra, 7 in geometry, and otherwise in real mathematics;
  • іspit from physics tell that a student can write a ticket for a maximum of 40 points. The badge "5" is awarded to those who scored more than 31 points, "4" - 20-30, "3" - 10-19. For the profile class, it is recommended to select schoolchildren who have earned more than 30 points and more;
  • the maximum number of points for sleeping with chemistry is one 34. Point "5" is put for points, equal 27 and higher, "4" - 18-26, "3" - 9-17 points. If you want to have a meal in a chemical class, try to get at least 23 balls for a ticket. If so, for special schools, you can request another type of ticket, which includes a real experiment. For this type of robot, the buti is written for a maximum of 38 points, and the signs are rozpodіlyayutsya offensive rank: "5" - vіd 29, "4" - 19-28, "3" - 9-18 points, it became Ros-Registr. In the profile class, students are recommended, they scored 25 points and more;
  • the maximum that can be taken for biology is 46 points. Note "5" means that the student scored 37 points, "4" - 26-36, "3" - 13-25 points. Guideline for recruitment in the profile class - 33 balls for the KIMu;
  • іspit from geography gives you the opportunity to take 32 balls maximum. To score "5" varto score 27 points, "4" - 20-26, "3" - 12-19 points. In order to take this item to the class with the destruction of the item, it is necessary to score 24 points;
  • the maximum, which can be taken for suspіlstvoznavstvo, dorivnyuє 39 balls. Those who scored 34 balls, “good” - 25-33, “good” - 15-24 balls, can win “remarkably”. Gathering in the biological class of recommendations for students, they took 30 points for the test;
  • іspit z іstorії peredbachaє that the student can write a ticket for a maximum of 44 bali. The badge "5" is taken by those who have written a ticket for 35 points, "4" - by typing 24-34, "3" - 13-23 points. For the profile class, it is recommended to select schoolchildren who have earned more than 30 points and more;
  • a ticket for literature gives you the opportunity to score 23 balls maximum. If so, the score “5” will be given, as if the student scored 19 points, “4” - 14-18, “3” - 7-13 points. If a schoolboy chooses to study further in a professional class, it is necessary for him to score at least 15 points for OGE assignments;
  • KIM from informatics allows you to score a maximum, equal to 22 points. For the badge "5" it is necessary to score at least 18 points, "4" - 12-17, "3" - 5-11 points. If a student applies for continuing education in a professional class, you need a mother for OGE assignments of at least 15 points;
  • a ticket for a foreign movie is estimated at a maximum of 70 points. Those who scored 59 points, “good” - 46-58, “good” - 29-45 points, can win “remarkably”. Nabіr in the class of foreign language recommendations for students, yakі otrimali vіd 56 bіv per іspit.
If you don’t trust the material, you can get stuck with the need for retransmissions

As it was already said, in 2018 ninth-graders will have to pass five examinations. Fahіvtsі z Mіnоsviti vrahuvіv vozmozhlivіst that scho іznіv can "fill up" kіlka subjects. In this case, they will be given the opportunity to retake, however, only two subjects can be retaken. Possibly, in 2018 the number will be expanded to three. Even though there were more “unsatisfactory” marks, the student was left for a second review.

Another innovation in 2017 was the strengthening of the verification procedure. Starting at this hour, to evaluate the knowledge of graduates in the middle school will not be a commission, but elected from the faculty of regional educational institutions, but members of the federal federal commission. So Rosobrnadzor is able to change the number of facts of evil from the side of regional readers, so in the skin region of Russia, assessments for the same test were often made, based on absolutely different criteria.

Date, in order to pass the OGE-2018, they have not yet been appointed. However, due to the knowledge of the past, we can say that OGE-2018 is a 2nd stage. One of them is the main dates of the examination, the other is the final dates. The pre-stroke examination begins with the twenty numbers of the day, the main dates fall on the grass-worm, and the retakes - on the spring.

Kimi for the task of the OGE on this day is vvazhayutsya dosit in vіdpratsovanimi, so FIPI is not yet planning to make any changes to them. Let's take a brief look at the characteristics of the tickets for the rest of the years, so that you know why you might stop to sleep.

OGE from mathematics - one of the most important and obov'vyazkovyh іspіtіv

KIM in Mathematics includes 26 tasks, subdivided into 3 modules:

  • algebraic, which is formed from 11 tasks;
  • geometric, which includes 8 days;
  • real mathematics, in which the 7th day is due.

Part of the task (No. 2-3, 8 and 14) conveys that the learner chooses the options and write down a short answer in the sheet, the answer to the other task is the same number, or as a sequence of numbers. You need to redeem a ticket for 3 years and 55 credits.

The ticket includes a total of 15 days, which must be completed in 3 years and 55 miles. KIM division into three parts:

  • the first of them is one task for a vigilant writing robot, as it is necessary to write according to the heard material. You can get to know him twice;
  • friend - 13 days for looking at simple tests with one correct answer, otherwise it’s a task, for example, it’s necessary to use a word, a number or a word;
  • the third part is a writing to the creation-mirkuvannya on one of the topics requested in the ticket.

Before speech, in sleep, you will be able to transcribe the spelling dictionary, so that you can sort out literacy for a final assessment.

KIM for this subject - 31 tasks, which should be solved in three years. In total, there are two warehouse parts in the ticket:

  • the first of them conveys the 25th day, on which it is necessary to choose and write down a short note;
  • a friend - a part, on the 6th day of the day, they need to be given in a folded form.

Like in the past, in the past, there will be 2 parts, like in the totality, they add up from 22 days:

  • the first part of the teachings of virishity 19 zavdan. It is necessary to write down in a short form;
  • at the other part of the whole 3rd day, the protests will be more collapsible and allow for the presence of a solution and a fluffy formulation of ideas.

Chemistry can be practiced for two years.

At the chemistry exam, you will need to solve 22 tasks in 2 years

The ticket has 32 tasks, divided into 2 parts:

  • persha - tse 28 zavdan, on yaki it is necessary to give a short notice;
  • a friend - a total of 4 orders, as they say, that the student will give an argumentative argument.

You can practice with tests for three years.

The whole KIM is folded over 30 days, so it is necessary to solve it in two years. Vіdpovіdі on testi z 1 to 8, z 10 to 13, z 21 to 22 and z 27 to 29 are correct numbers, which confirm the number of one of the suggested tests. Zavdannya No. 9, 14, s 16 to 19, s 24 to 26 and 30 pass in the same word or number of numbers.

The most recent tasks are numbers 15, 20 and 23. Here it is necessary to try to demonstrate a deep knowledge of the subject, giving a final opinion on nutrition and adding arguments. Before speech, on this mind, you can use atlases, lines and calculators of an unprogrammed type.

The ticket is not large - only 26 days, divided into two parts:

  • part 1 - tse 21 zavdannya, which conveys the presence of a short statement;
  • part 2 - 5 zavdan, on which it is necessary to give an argumentative opinion.

At the same time, you can use a ticket for up to three years.

Do you want to be in a professional class? If you happen to score more than 30 points!

On this day, the tributes of KIM are made up of two parts, in which two dozen days are held. The first part of them (No. 1-18) is just a test, like a short speech. Another part (only 2nd task) was asked to demonstrate the skills of robotic learning on a computer. For sleep, 2.5 years were given. However, remember that it will be possible to start working on the other part only after you submit a form with validation on the first part of the ticket.

KIM z istoriї - tse 35 zavdan, yakі it is necessary to solve for three years. In total, there are two warehouse parts in the ticket:

  • the first of them conveys the verse on the 30th day, on which it is necessary to choose and write down a short note;
  • a friend - a part, in yakіy vsogo 5 zavdan. They need to be worn in a folded form. If so, in tasks numbered 31 and 32, it will be necessary to demonstrate the skills of working with a historical case, so as to convey the obviousness of the arguments and the presentation of the actual material.

The ticket is not large, but it is waiting for you to demonstrate the steps of my volodinnya and the skill of arguing your point of view. At the first part of the KIMU, you can choose one of the options for the texts of the literary creation. One of them is epic literature, the other is verse or story. You can see for yourself, for which it will be easier to practice. Before the skin version, three tasks were prescribed. Vіdpovіd on the first two s nutrition is guilty of buti of arguments, vihodyachi zі zmіstu zaproponovanogo urivka.

In addition, you need to write a little thought, in which it will be necessary to equalize two fragments of literary works. Another part of the work - ce tvir on one of the topics. Here it is necessary not only to write your own thought, but also to substantiate it with citations from literary sources. However, do not fawn - at the OGE you will be able to show off with a selection of lyrical works. In total, 235 credits were entered into the work.

On the literature, you can show your thoughts in a different way, express your thoughts in the EU

At Kimi, the rest of the time, the deeds were introduced to change how the wording of the order No. 36, which should be brought to the “speaking” section. Let's learn now to pronounce a smattering of phrases, like it is necessary to obov'yazkovo zasosuvat in that hour, if the stench will reveal the song's theme.

In general, KIM leather from foreign movies is made up from 33 days. At the ticket, there is a piece of rozdіl: audio (8th day), reading (9th day), grammar and vocabulary (15th day)

News ZMI

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In what terms will the OGE (DPA) be taught in 2016 by the ninth-graders of the middle school? The latest layout (calendar) of the task of the unified state has already been presented.

Rosobrnadzor has developed a draft layout of the main sovereign state health (OGE) in 2016. Document of publications on the official website of the department. Yaki terms cloud up OGE (DPA) y 2016 roci ninth-graders of the secondary osvitnoi school? Povniy layout(Calendar) The tasks of the single state have already been presented.

It is planned to spend the sleep in two stages: pre-stroke and main. In addition, in the beginning of the year, the transfer of state drinks was transferred, it will be held in the fall. Like in the previous years, reserve days are set for the appointment of the ninth graders.

On reserve days, participants will complete OGE in the following times:

  • Zbіgi іspitіv z raznykh nachalnyh podіvіv in one day (for example, graduate student choosing for taskOGEsleep from physics and foreign language, as they are recognized for one day. In this case, you will be given 11 chern from physics, and 25-26 chern from foreign language, or, on the other hand, it’s possible until the decision of the state examination committee);
  • Incompletion of one of the іspitіv z important reasons;
  • Failure to appear for one of the drinks for important reasons;
  • Manifestations of unsatisfactory results in the classroomOGE(one by one);
  • Retirement of the graduate from sleep, so, at the same time, the state examination commission adopted a decision on the admission of the graduate to re-admissionOGEon the reserve day.

One of the most important reasons for non-appearance at the only state hospital is the passage through the ailment. A graduate, who missed sleeping in an affliction with an ailment, is guilty of going to school, in which he was registered for assignmentOGE, Medical advice. If the school sends the information to the State Examination Commission, in order to recognize the graduate a reserve day for the assignmentOGE, Transferred in one spread.

On the reserve days, the delivery of a single state-owned sleep is the same as in the main period.

Guess what DPA- State scholastic attestation, the main type of sleep for graduates of the 9th grade at the secondary school of Russia. The building of the DPA is necessary for the transition to the 10th grade or the need to establish the middle professional education(Colleges and technical schools).

Graduates of the 9th class lighting installations to give at least 4 graduation drinks:

  • 2 obov'yazykovyh (Russian and Mathematics);
  • 2 for choice (from transfer of items).

OGE but the main state sovereignty, which folds the greater number of the ninth-class students, is the same as the KIM victories of the standardized form. Starting from 2014 year ninth graders to give a drink only in the form of OGE. 2016 roci OGE students of the 9th grade will also be given in the form of test tasks (KIMov). Vignatok is less than GVE.

Who is here to sleep at the GVE form

Podsumkova attestation in the form GWE or the state graduation exam in the 9th and 11th grades was transferred for the following categories of students:

    children with disabilities and children with limited health abilities,

    vikhovantsіv special initial-vikhovnih installations of a closed type,

    and also for the quiet, who takes the light in the places of freeing the will.

GVE zamіst єspitu zdat і lads, yakі vzhe vzhe spent povniy skolniy course within the framework of zdobuttya srednої professіynoї osvіti.

OGE Task Calendar 2016 (previously DPA)

It is not an easy time for students of the ninth grade to get their drinks. They are also divided into pre-stroke and main periods. In addition, the transfer of the dodatkovy period in sickle and spring.

pre-stroke period

28 April (Thursday)

Reserve days for the task of holding a drink in the coming days:

4 May (Wed)- geography, history, biology, literature, physics, modern science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign language

The main stage of the OGE in 2016

7 worms (Tue)- social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

15 worms (Wed)- reserve days: modern science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign language

Russian language

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign movies

foreign movies



reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, modern science, chemistry, foreign language, informatics and ICT,

Dodatkovy period (spring terms)

Russian language

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign movies

foreign movies



modern science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature.

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, modern science, chemistry, foreign language, informatics and ICT

The layout of the ЄDI-2017. Terms of the building keep your sleep

Already in the end of the summer of 2016, the project will be laid out, the terms of the project will be laid out in 2017. The price of the new format of the presentation of the new EDI 2017 calendar, but earlier graduates of the exact days of the EDI project were recognized earlier or closer to the summer, if the pre-stroke period of the project EDI has begun. Also, Rosobrnadzor prepared and published a draft of the forward layout of the building of the single sovereign state hospital (UDI) and state graduation hospital (GVE) for 2017.

For information from the press service of the department, it is traditional to go through two stages: pre-stroke and main. The pre-stroke stage - from 14 June to 7 April, the main stage - from 29 May 2016 to 30 chern. "Lipneva khvilya", like in 2016, has not been redacted. Ale is encouraged to spend an additional autumn period for the task of ЄDI 2017.

The most important subject of choice - spiritual science - will be passed on a special vision day.

The transfer of reserve terms for conducting tests on four subjects. In addition, there will be a reserve day for drinking іspitіv in 9th grade from all primary subjects, which schoolchildren can speed up, if they did not know for any reason (taking two subjects on the same day or for good reasons) to take part in the main or on the reserve day.

OGE for graduates of the 9th grade also pass in three stages: prestrokovy - from 20 April to 6 May, the main - from 26 April to 24 worms and additional - from 4 to 21 April.

Adjusted layout of ЄDI 2017 as of 03.10 2016

3 days on its official website, Rosobrnadzor told about those who prepared updates to the draft layout of the EDI, OGE and GVE for 2017.

Form the folding of the sovereign іspitu

Main State Council (OGE)- a form of sovereign attestation for the lighting programs of the main international education. be carried out for graduates of the 9th grade with selection of control materials in a standardized form.

The only sovereign іspit (ЄДІ)- a form of state pіdsumkovoї attestation for graduates of grade 11. Serve at the same time as a graduation ceremony at school and an introductory meeting to VNZ. ЄДІ be carried out according to single rules, with the selection of control materials in a standardized form and a single methodology for evaluating victorious robots.

Sovereign graduation іspit (GVE)- a form of state-sponsored attestation in the form of written and written letters and voicings of texts, tim, zavdan, kvitkiv. It is carried out for graduates of the 9th grade, as well as graduates of the 11th grade, as they are trained in special primary and secondary installations of a closed type and in installations, which are to be celebrated early at the discretion of the will, for students, as they are to take off the middle of the main lighting program as part of the education secondary professional education, for students with disabilities or for children with disabilities and disabled people, for students in lighting organizations, distribution outside the borders of the territory of Russia and implement state accreditation for basic education programs.
Sleeping will be carried out in three stages: pre-stroke, main and supplementary.

It’s obvious that in the new version of the layout I’ve appeared dodatkovy autumn period for all rehabilitated іspіtіv.

In the current version of the layout, in tandem with the first, the terms of the main period of the building of EDI and GBE were also changed. Zokrema, 26 May no rehearsals were scheduled, although earlier on the same date it was planned to hold the EDI and GBE in geography.

Pre-stroke stage (adjusted on 10/03/2016):

  • March 14, 2017 (Tuesday) - basic and specialized mathematics;
  • March 16, 2017 (Thursday) - chemistry, history, computer science;
  • March 18, 2017 (Saturday) - the first stage of foreign language;
  • March 20, 2017 (Monday) - Russian language;
  • March 22, 2017 (Wednesday) - physics, biology and writing stage of foreign languages;
  • 24 March 2017 (Friday) - literature, geography and modern science.

Reserve days of the pre-schedule period (adjusted on 03.10.2016):

  • 3rd quarter (Mon) literature, chemistry, informatics, foreign movies (usn), history
  • 5 April (Wed) foreign language, geography, modern science, physics, biology
  • April 7 (Fri) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

Main stage (adjusted on 03.10.2016)

  • May 29- geography, informatics and IKT (repeatedly Russian language);
  • 31 grass- Russian language (Deputy of Informatics and ICT, Chemistry and History);
  • 2 worms- chemistry, history (profile mathematics was planned in the beginning - EDI and natural mathematics - GVE);
  • 5 worms- ЄДІ from basic mathematics and GVE from mathematics (deputy of state sciences);
  • 7 worms- only specialized mathematics of EDI (basic mathematics was transferred to the previous project);
  • 9 worms- modern science (foreign language and biology were planned at the same time);
  • 13 worms- physics and literature (this is how it was inserted in the forward version of the layout);
  • 15 worms- foreign language and biology (on the back - only foreign language, moreover, orally);
  • 16 worms- foreign language, Russian part (as in the previous version of the layout);
  • 17 worms(Saturday) - foreign language, sleepy part (on the back of the head there was no transfer of drinking on the whole day).

Reserve days of the main stage (adjusted on 03.10.2016):

  • 19 worms pass geography, chemistry, history, informatics and ICT (as it was planned on the back),
  • 20 worms- Literature, physics and modern science (before them, biology and foreign language were also added).
  • 21 worms- biology and foreign language
  • 22 worms- usna part of foreign languages
  • 28 worms setting a reserve day for mathematics (basic and profile level ЄДІ і mathematics GVE),
  • 29 worms- from Russian language,
  • 30 worms imovirno become the only reserve day for all subjects.

Autumn final period of the construction of the ЄDI and GVE 2017 (adjusted on 03.10.2016)

EDI and GWE will be held in spring 2017 on the following dates:

  • 4 spring- Russian language EDI and GVE,
  • 7th spring- EDI from basic mathematics and GVE from mathematics,
  • 13 spring- reserve day according to Russian language for two types of drinks
  • 15 spring- a reserve for Russian language and mathematics, including for basic mathematics, stuєtsya and ЄDI, and GVE.

The same table for the layout of the ЄDI and OGE 2017 (for graduates of the 9th and 11th grades)

pre-stroke period
March 14 (Tue) math B, P mathematics
March 16 (Thu) informatics and ІCT, history, chemistry
March 18 (Sat) foreign language (usn)
March 20 (Mon) Russian language Russian language
22 birch (Wed) foreign language, biology, physics
March 24 (Fri) social science, geography, literature
3 April (Mon) reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and IKT, foreign language (usn), history, reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and IKT, foreign language, history,
Friday 5th (Wed) reserve: foreign language, geography, modern science, physics, biology reserve: geography, social science, physics, biology
7 April (Fri) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P reserve: Russian language, mathematics
20 April (Thursday) mathematics mathematics
22 April (Sat) foreign movies foreign movies
April 24 (Mon) literature, history, biology, physics
26 April (Wed) Russian language Russian language
28 April (Fri) informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, geography
May 2 (Tue) reserve: foreign language reserve: foreign language
3 May (Wed) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
May 4 (Thu) reserve: literature, history, biology, physics
May 5 (Fri) reserve: mathematics reserve: mathematics
May 6 (Sat) reserve: informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, geography,
main period
May 26 (Fri) foreign movies foreign movies
May 27 (Sat) foreign movies foreign movies
May 29 (Mon) geography, informatics and ICT geography, informatics and ICT
May 30 (Tue) literature, history, biology, physics literature, history, biology, physics
31 May (Wed) Russian language Russian language
1 black (Thursday) mathematics mathematics
2 blacks (Fri) chemistry, history chemistry, history
5 worms (Mon) math B mathematics
6 worms (Tue) informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, geography informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, geography
7 worms (Wed) mathematics P
8 worms (Thursday) Russian language Russian language
9 worms (Fri) suspіlstvoznavstvo suspіlstvoznavstvo
13 worms (Tue) physics, literature physics, literature
15 worms (Thursday) foreign language, biology foreign language, biology
16 worms (Fri) foreign language (usnі
17 worms (Sat) foreign language (usn)
19 worms (Mon) reserve: geography, chemistry, history, informatics and ICT reserve: literature, history, biology, physics reserve: literature, history, biology, physics
20 worms (Tue) reserve: literature, physics, social science reserve: informatics and ICT, social science, chemistry, geography reserve: informatics and ICT, social science, chemistry, geography
21 worms (Wed) reserve: biology, foreign movies reserve: mathematics reserve: mathematics
22 worms (Thu) reserve: foreign language (usn) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
23 worms (Fri) reserve: foreign movies reserve: foreign movies
24 worms (Sat) reserve: from all subjects reserve: from all subjects
28 worms (Wed) reserve: math B, math P reserve: mathematics
29 worms (Thursday) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
30 worms (Fri) reserve: from all subjects reserve: from all subjects
Dodatkovy period (spring terms)
September 4 (Mon) Russian language Russian language mathematics mathematics
September 6 (Wed) literature, history, biology, physics geography, history, biology, physics
September 7 (Thu) math B mathematics
September 8 (Fri) Russian language Russian language
September 11 (Mon) informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, geography, social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature
September 13 (Wed) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language foreign movies foreign movies
September 15 (Fri) reserve: mathematics B, Russian language reserve: mathematics, Russian language reserve: mathematics reserve: mathematics
Spring 18 (Mon) reserve: literature, history, biology, physics reserve: geography, history, biology, physics
September 19 (Tue) reserve: russian language reserve: russian language
September 20 (Wed) reserve: informatics and ICT, social science, chemistry, geography reserve: informatics and ICT, modern science, chemistry, literature
21 spring (Thursday) reserve: foreign movies reserve: foreign movies

How much to apply for obov'yazykovyh subjects on ZNO for otrimannya certificate?

All the scientists of the previous years, created two shoes and lingerie subjects, in 2017, in 2017, there will be a lot of changes and one more, third shoe and lingerie subject will be given, in order to take the school certificate. popovnitsya yet another obov'yazykovim object. in such a manner, about language objects in ЄDI-2017 camp three. Two obov'yazykovyh subjects - tse mathematics and Russian language, and the axis of the third subject, food innocence. Until the food is filled with water. Previously, it was said that the third subject could be foreign language, but fahivtsі proponuyut and other subjects to ob'yazkovoї zdacha at ЄDI 2017 - tse іstorіyu, suspіlstvoznavstvo and it is possible to inspire physics. However, the appearance of the rest of the object is small.

One optional (additional) subject

Other academic subjects EDI graduates are given at volunteer ambushes at their choice for inclusion in the organization of higher education. For other categories of participants, the choice of subjects is due to the fall in the planned specialty (directly training) for the continuation of education in the lighting organizations of higher education. perelik introductory trials in universities in skin specialty (direct training) will be appointed by the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

In this way, for the teaching of current rock, the number of obov'yazykovyh disciplines grew, and the nomenclature of subjects for choice - changed. With whom a number of items that contribute to the goals have been lost on a large scale, - їх chotiri: 3 language classes and 1 optional.

In total, there are 12 subjects in the list of EDI for selection:

  1. literature;
  2. physics;
  3. chemistry;
  4. biology;
  5. Geography;
  6. history;
  7. suspіlstvoznavstvo;
  8. foreign language English;
  9. Foreign language German;
  10. Foreign Language French;
  11. Foreign Language Spanish;
  12. Informatics and information and communication technologies (informatics and ICT).

It is only necessary to give subjects EDI for selection for admission to universities. Graduates, if they do not plan to continue their education, can fringe themselves with the delivery of footwear.

In case of rejection of an unsatisfactory assessment participant of YEDI (graduate of streaming rock) , lower than the established minimum number of points from one of the primary items, you may have the right to re-delivery in the supplementary terms, transferred by a single layout. If an EDI participant (all categories) does not take away the minimum number of points in an EDI from a choice of subjects, the reissue of an EDI for such participants in an EDI is transferred only through a channel.

ЄDI results in 2017

Іstotnyh changes in the results of ЄДІ in 2017 are not transferred. You can change the lines of the revision and the distribution of the results in the same measure after the assessment. As before, when carrying out DPA in the form of ЄДІ (for the vinjat of ЄДІ from the mathematics of the basic level), a stobal scoring system is won. For the skin subject, the minimum number of balls was established, which confirms the mastery of the education program of the middle education.

Upon completion of the re-examination of the examination robots, the head of the DEK examines the results of the first skin test and makes a decision about their confirmation, change and (or) cancellation. hardening results ЄДІ zdіysnyuєtsya protyazh 1 working day from the moment of taking the results of rechecking the exam robit. After the confirmation of the results ЄDI during 1 working day, they are transferred to the lighting organizations, as well as the bodies of the self-regulation, as a result of the administration in the field of lighting, to the founders and foreign institutions for the recognition of the students, the graduates of the last days

EDI results of the skin participant to be entered into the federal information system, paper certificates about the results of the EDI were not transferred.

Term dії results - 4 years, Coming after rock from such results.

Bali at YEDI 2017 will be included in the assessment in the certificate

In 2017, a single rating scale will appear when assigning a single stance. Tse means that bali, otrimani when buildings EDI on the subject will be added to the assessment in the certificate. For example, just like YEDI-2017 in the field of higher education, a senior student having scored a "triple" for the first grade, and for the first grade bags, the new one will have a "five" for the discipline, then the grade will be in the "four" area. It is suggested that in the certificate it appears as a “high scale”.

Minimum balls at ZNO 2017

The minimum number of balls from the Russian movie:

  • for graduation of the certificate - 24 bali;
  • for entering the university - 36 balls.

Minimum number of points in mathematics:

The results of ЄДІ from mathematics of a profile level allow you to enter universities, as if you could be admitted to entrance examinations when admitted to study for higher education programs - bachelor's programs and specialty programs, the subject "Mathematics".

  • mathematics of profile level - 27 points;
  • mathematics of the basic level - 3 balls.

minimal Bali EDI in 2017 roci for the withdrawal of a certificate:

  • from Russian language - 24 bali;
  • from mathematics of the basic level - 3 balls (assessment);
  • from physics - 36 points;
  • in chemistry - 36 points;
  • from informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
  • in biology - 36 points;
  • from history - 32 balls;
  • from geography - 37 points;
  • from social science - 42 balls;
  • from literature - 32 balls;

Minimum balls of ЄDI in 2017 roci for entering the university:

  • from Russian language - 36 points;
  • from mathematics of a profile level - 27 points;
  • from physics - 36 points;
  • in chemistry - 36 points;
  • from informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points; in biology - 36 points;
  • from history - 32 balls;
  • from geography - 37 points;
  • from social science - 42 balls;
  • from literature - 32 balls;
  • from foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points;

The scale of grading between primary scores and scores beyond the 100-point scale required for admission to bachelor's and specialist programs in primary subjects

thing minimal
first ball
test score
protocol details
Russian language 16 36 No. 02-07pr dated 04.04.2016
Mathematics of the profile level 6 27 No. 02-08pr dated 04/06/2016
suspіlstvoznavstvo 19 42 No. 02-09pr dated 11.04.2016
History 9 32 No. 02-07pr dated 04.04.2016
physics 9 36 No. 02-10pr dated 12.04.2016
chemistry 14 36 No. 02-10pr dated 12.04.2016
biology 16 36 No. 02-11 / pr 14.04.2016
Geography 11 37 No. 02-09pr dated 11.04.2016
Informatics and ICT 6 40 No. 02-07pr dated 04.04.2016
foreign movies 22 22 No. 02-11 / pr 14.04.2016
literature 8 32 No. 02-09pr dated 11.04.2016

The scale of excellence between primary scores and scores beyond the 100-point scale, which confirms the mastery of the secondary education program of secondary education in primary subjects

The scale of the conversion of the balls of the unified sovereignty from the mathematics of the basic level into a sign for a five-point scale

Changes in the EDI of Humanitarian Subjects

For the subjects of the humanist cycle - history, literature and social science - the Ministry of Education and Science is planning to introduce a part of the EDI.

Previously, ex-Minister of Education Dmytro Livanov commented on the price of innovation: “In the main, it is important to focus on humanitarian subjects. The foreign movie is already broken. For the Russian mov mi tse zrobimo in the offensive rotation in the pilot mode, we try it, as it works. If the technology will be practiced, it will be possible to win in the experience of history, literature, and social science.

It should be clear that the first part of the EDI from the Russian movie will be tested in the ninth grades already in the offensive initial rotation.

What should you look at Russian movies and literature

Sleeping with Russian language can take on a larger scale character. As earlier, this subject was held in a letter form in the format written to the work and victorious right, then in the new initial rotation of the study, the final block of tasks will be passed.

The head of the Rosobrnadzor Sergiy Kravtsov called the correct proposition about the subdivision of the Russian language and literature in the Russian and written parts. However, having respected him: “But here it is necessary to understand the technology, as far as possible it is ready. We plan to test this technology in the 9th grades, then we will be amazed at the 11th grades. At whom we will collapse straight ahead. ”

Sergiy Kravtsov also said that the department is not going to dilute Russian language for the basic and profile level.

In class 11, the format of the sub-bag creation will be left with a lot

According to the information of the Ministry, the form of carrying out the under-bag work for the 11th grade will not be changed until 2019.

The subbags of the two fates of the underbag creation (vikladu), as well as the possibility of a thorough form of it, were analyzed by the members of the working group according to the number of visits to the introduction of the underbag creation and its results. The intercessor of the head of Rosobrnadzor, Anzor Muzaev, respected that the results of 2016 were stable in the same year as 2015: for the results of two stages of writing, 97% of the participants took the "zalіk" and were admitted to the sub-bag certification.

Behind the words of the intercessor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Natalia Tretyak, one can expect a lot of results from the Russian language, and in this case, “the merit of the creative work”. According to the decisions of the members of the working group, the form of carrying out the sub-bag creation of the 11th class is not changed by the draw of the nearest three years, Tobto until 2019 roku.

For finalization

Podsumkove tvir (retelling)- obov'yaskovy stage of completion of the middle light. Vono є admission to the state pіdsumkovoї attestatsії (DPA).

“Zalіk” or “non-zalіk” - this is the assessment of the sub-bag, create or viklad. Only graduates, who took away the “Zalіk”, can be admitted to the formation of a single sovereign іspit (ЄДІ) and a sovereign graduating іspitu (GVE).

Subsumkove tvir (retelling) can be written by graduates of past years - to present their results to universities.

I am glad for the food of carrying out the under-bag creation in graduation classes under the head of Natalia Solzhenitsyn, President of the Russian Public Fund Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in a closed regime, spreading those creations. Directions are published on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Criteria for estimating a sub-bag creation:

  • The relevance of the topic;
  • Argumentation. Obtaining literary material;
  • Composition and logic of the mirroring;
  • Yakіst letter movement;
  • Literacy.

The concept of EDI with Chinese movie

Rosobrnadzor has set up a working group, which is responsible for conducting tests with Chinese language in the People's Republic of China and other countries. MGIMO faculty members will work on the examination materials in Chinese language.

Sergiy Kravtsov rozpovіv: “We have another rіk prаciuєmo over the technology of organization of ЄDI z chinese mov. It is planned that in two years we will introduce technology and control and testing materials, there will also be a part of it.

At the same time - in two or three years, Rosobrnadzor is going to introduce ЄDI with Chinese movies in the normal mode.

For finalization

The first approbation of the EDI from the Chinese movie was held in November 2015. Nearly 3 thousand students of 8-11 grades from 16 regions of the Russian Federation took the fate of them. And in the fall of the same rock, the results of the approbation were discussed with a suspension-fach.

In 2018, a new model of EDI literature may be introduced

The updated model of the EDI of Literature is to be submitted to the public discussion of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Vimiryuvan. Vaughn was developed in birch 2016 and tested in flower-grass in 13 regions of the Russian Federation in 60 different types of lighting organizations.

Model vіd_znyaєtsya in front of the team, scho from it they turned off the task with a short break, increased the number of tasks from the choice, asked for a change in the date of the task, changed the criteria for assessment, increased the number of tasks until the obligatory work, fully It is important that it is not principally more foldable, the lower one is the EDDI model. when questioning new model supported by 94% of readers.

After a public discussion, a decision was made:

  • do not make any changes in the IDI of the literature of 2017;
  • to supplement the project of a promising model of ЄDI from literature for sub-bags of approbation and distribution of yoga on the FIPI website for a wide professional discussion during the early 2016-2017 early years;
  • supplement the project of a promising model of the EDI from the literature for the sake of scientific and methodological discussion and blame it on the view of the Scientific and methodological for the sake of food for a possible transition to a new model from 2018.

Changes in ЄDI-2017 in chemistry

A promising model of ЄDI z khіmії bula is presented on the list of representatives of the Association of Chemistry Readers. Senior NAUKOVO spіvrobіtnik Center prirodnicho-naukovoї osvіti Іnstitutu strategії rozvitku osvіti RW provіdny NAUKOVO spіvrobіtnik FІPІ Adelaїda Kaverіna explained: "Naslіdkom planovanih for Change in ekzamenatsіynoї modelі in tsіlomu guilty Why pіdvischennya ob'єktivnostі perevіrki vmіnnya vipusknikіv zastosovuvati knowledge in sistemі, poєdnuvati knowledge about The hіmіchnі Process from the understanding of the mathematical dependence between different physical quantities.

In 2017, there will be changes in the folding level of the base level in the EDI of Chemistry, so the task will be switched on with the choice of types. The graduates will be guilty of conferring the interrelationships of advanced knowledge, the key to understand and the laws of the course of chemistry.

Kaverina remembered: “Changing the format of the day has led to an increase in their quality, first for everything, to a substantial increase in the differentiation of buildings. This means that graduates with a good level of training can successfully win such a job, and their agility grows only for poorly trained graduates.

In addition, we are transferring that it will be shortened from 40 to 34 and blatant number head of the department at KIM EDI (tests EDI - control vimiruvalnі materials) from chemistry.

The center of the discussion knew about the principle of changing the structure of the first part of the work. The first orders of the qiєї parts were folded in the order of increasing equal folding. At once, groups of tasks are selected for okremi thematic blocks, in the skin of them there will be presented tasks and basic, and promoted jealousy folding. Fahіvtsі vvazhayut that the structure of the first work will be given in greater respect for the structure of the course of chemistry. To Kaverina’s thought, “it’s more efficient to concentrate your attention on examining more effectively, to understand and understand the laws of chemistry and in some kind of interrelationship, to help vikonnannya zavdan”.

Decisions on a promising model of EDIS in chemistry will be taken only after approbation and discussion of draft documents.

Passing the test part in 4 subjects

Vіdmova vіd vіd ї test system zrobiv ЄDI ї efektivnym - such is the thought of the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergiy Kravtsov, who said: “In the past year, the test part of the Russian language of mathematics was covered, the results can approximately be equal to the results of 2014, and the same for the same fate. Vіdmova vіd vіd testії ї ї zrobiv ЄDI efektivnym, vіn not allow navmannya vіdpovidatі on zavdannya zavdannya. It is the same way that the development of a creative mind is sprung.”

The task of informatics on a computer

About the automation of the ЄDI-2017 task has been discussed for a long time. We experimented with informatics at the pіdbag. Її schoolchildren will "write" on the computer. Officials admit that in the near future, the letter part of the attestation in all other disciplines will be held exclusively for the help of the EOM.

Improvement KIM EDI

КІМ (control materials) ЄДІ з Russian mov is also changed: the inclusion of a task with the choice of one in the form of a Following the words of Sergiy Kravtsov, new tasks will be developed on the basis of educational programs from Russian language and literature and the recently approved Concept for the publication of Russian language and literature.

The KIM EDI system continues to be fully serviced. This is being done by Rosobrnadzor and RAO. The head of the Rosobrnadzor, Sergiy Kravtsov, recalled the reason for this: “We are guided by the test part in the tasks of a large number of subjects. We have introduced a sleepy part into the sleep of foreign language and today we wonder how it is possible to fully sleep with Russian language and literature. Here we are practically in close contact with the academy”

Learned Krim and Sevastopol may not be given a ЄDI in 2017-2018 rotations