On the formation of the market, light services are injected. Sanctuary of the servant: understanding, specific features

Moving to the marketplaces for education, zooming in on the need to formulate the marketplace of innovative services. The fast budgetary financing was welcomed by the whole significant world. lighting installation, the promotion of centralized distribution of vypusknikiv, as well as the provision of significant legal and organizational and economic independence to universities. Protest, on the thought of fahivts, the formation of the market of sanctuary services is a folding process and our land is rich in spontaneous character. So, at the edge of the day, there is only one information base for the market of educational services, the organization of market management, its infrastructure has not been formed, and the systematic development of the given market and tendencies of development has not been formed.

In the economic theory, we looked at the situation, which is about the beginning of the market of coverage, its particularity, segmentation, marketing, and low nutrition, the overall picture, which characterizes the market of the latest news. All the main reasons are the need for systematization of information about the market of educational services and development of its understandable apparatus.

There are a lot of classifications of commodity markets, a market of religious services є a warehouse market of goods of a spiritual vyrobniztva, which at its own store є a kind of commodity market. Visitors from the value of the commodity market, which є by the system of economical links, in the first place, with the virobniks and the supporters of the given product and, in other words, in the middle of the groups of virobniks and with the help of them, it is possible to formulate the last validation of the market. Oskilki market of innovative services є a type of commodity market, from the same, its value can be displayed on the basis of the value of the commodity market due to the specifics of the product, as well as the nature of the services.

Otzhe, market of religious services is a system of economical services, which are stored between virobniks of sanctuary services, who are in the middle with the drive of virobnitstva, exchange and salvage of sanctuary services and products.

Є y іnshe, laconically in terms of the market of illumination services, in order to think "... all the potentialities are welcomed, as to deny the satisfaction of their consumers in the survey, please enter into an exchange with the seller"

Rinok of holy services to the vicon taki functions:

  • secure the competitiveness of publicity services and differentiation of virobniks;
  • the process of an unbalanced vision and a re-generation of high-quality frames in the minds of the structural changes of the economy;
  • vrahovu suspіnno necessary vitrati for virobnіstvo svіtnіh services and viznachaє prices;
  • Let me tell you for a balanced drink that proposition on the holy services.

Assessing the country of the Russian market of illumination services, it is possible to name the number of illusions in the period 1998-2009. It has grown by 1.5 times, moreover, the growth of a number of incontinent primary pledges has grown at a rapid pace (mayzhe vdvichi), not sovereign (all in 1.1 times). Over the course of the same period, the number of people who are quiet, have grown up 2.2 times, among those who are in power - 1.8 times, and in non-state ones - by 5.2 times, so it’s not out of the question about the addition of a number of non-state-of-the-art books. pledged, and th about їхнє enlargement. The number of students who start on a paid basis (market sector of public services) has grown by 1.2 times for the period of instruction, while the number of students for the study period from the sovereign vices has grown by 1.06 times. Yaksho at 1998 r. a lot of students who start on a paid basis became 21.7% of them backbones, then in 2009 p. - 57.4%, so that more than half of the scholars at Russian universities are participants in the market.

It is necessary to realize that, if there is no growth and the level of preservation of the quality of publicity, do not expect the market to develop successfully.

You can see such positive and negative factors in the development of universities within the framework of the market of educational services.

Before positive factors include:

  • Organizational and economic independence of visas;
  • the provision of additional paid holy services by the sovereign visas;
  • giving to the scholars the freedom of behavior from the rejected and living up to the holy services;
  • development of incontinent lighting installations;
  • storing new computers and telecommunications technologies;
  • zaprovadzhennya innovative lighting technologies;
  • vikorystannya bagator_vnevoy system and training and in.

Before negative factors include:

  • the threat of losing the power of the Russian individual to the system of food professional education in the minds of an active tendency to internationalization;
  • it is not safe to present the knowledge of the essence of utilization, vuzko pragmatic vimogi, not to let the fundamentalization of education, humanity be raised;
  • the visibility of practical information about the methodology and marketing tools;
  • visibility of readable special training of personnel;
  • irregularities will drink for the holy services;
  • Ignoring laws about the approval of the viconious and legislative bodies;
  • speedy budgetary financing of services and installations;
  • a decrease in the social status of the economical camp of viclates and spirovrobitniks of higher educational institutions;
  • Likvidatsiya sistemy vypusknikov vypusknikov establishments vishoy professional education;
  • lack of transparency in the market of educational services;
  • distribution of theoretical knowledge, such as students from universities, and practical tips, as required by robot teachers;
  • Significant hourly prominence between the winners and the attendants at singing special events and those who are satisfied;
  • folding with organizing and passing by students of virobnicho practice, її short hours and іn.

A clear presentation was made to positive officials.

In perfect harmony legislative basis The revision of the introduction of the sutta correctives to the management of the system of education and the rules of the economic development of the lighting installations. As a result of the higher education institution, I mean independence both in part of the initial pedagogical process, and in part of economic activity. I have been given the right, on the basis of basic standards, to independently develop and solidify educational programs and basic plans, working programs of courses and disciplines to learn. The stinks took away the ability to quickly respond to the quiet vimog, as it presented the market before the fakhivts.

The Law "On Education" became a subsidiary of additional paid education services for foreign state universities. Practically all Russian powers, except for budgetary financing, have a set of abortions on a compensation basis.

For the duration of the budgetary financing of the cost, to look for a commercial set, I will give additional help in the development of the material and technical base of the cherries, their own payment of salaries to the post-workers and spenders.

The development of non-retentive education has been established by expanding the possibilities for the selection of specialties for those who are able to benefit from those who are living in the country)

In the last few years, a number of incontinent cherries are approaching the number of powers. So, at the end of 2010 p. In Russia, 653 states and municipalities have func- tioned for their professional education and 462 inconsistencies.

One of the main factors in the development of market innovations in the field of education is in higher education institutions of modern computers and telecommunication technologies, on the basis of steel the development of innovative technologies.

New information technologies With a significant world, we will take the development of market interests in the sphere of illumination before the development of the market for illumination services. There is plenty of opportunity to be educated on a workmanship, at home minds, or in nachalny center Not far from the house and without access to the robots, new technologies will expand access to lighting. A broader form of lighting technologies for remote sensing.

Distance learning to transfer a universal form of communication, direct in the main on self-training of students for individual primary plans, based on victorious communication, multimedia communication systems, computer systems, communication systems space in the hour.

The development of the remote navchannya allow:

  • Significantly expanding the number of assisted educational services, including in the regions, in all the scientific and cultural centers of the country;
  • enrollment for the beginning of the primary courses in highly qualified victories and by ourselves to advise the preparation of students;
  • to protect the stem of pre-existing working missions, as well as to the needs of programmers, methodologists and other teachers, who are servants to remotely start working.

The overwhelming of the distance development is obvious, and the change can be continued, the protest cannot be avoided in the problem of galvanizing its development. So, some universities have been able to support the remote control system, not being able to provide sufficient preparation for the preparation of victories and methodologies, general equipment of educational software, methodical literary and auditorium.

In order to set up an efficiently effective system of remote control, it is necessary to develop a new infrastructure for the initial process, to speed up the initialization of victories and students, to develop a system of material stimulation for victories and spenders.

Another positive factor, such as the consolidation of the Law "About the vision and education of education", є the root of the backward and repulsive system and uninterrupted education. Won’t be sure that any candidate will be able to approve a specific step right up to the newest step.

In such a rank, in the introduction of rinkovyh vіdnosin in the coverage of the wider freedom of choice, we live in both the sanctuary installations (stately chi incontinent), as well as the forms of education (full-time, correspondence, externship, distance and inn.).

Deyakі negative officials are also visible.

The fashion for the professions and specialties called for them to drink to the wrong. This is how it became because of low economic specialties, such as finance and credit, accounting department, management, commerce, economy, jurisprudence, etc. Oskіlki stan and the development of the market of education to lay down in the market of work force, then irregularities will drink on the illumination services of inviting to the excess of vypusknikі in economics and legal specialties.

A negative factor є those who are training for a number of specialties can be found in quiet universities, they don’t seem to be professional ones, but to be aware of the quality of training for specialties. Besides, there is a triple oversized release for unsolicited specialties. It is not necessary to lay down a lot of work for such specialities in preparation for such specialties, and there is a reason to lay off the debts of budgetary and non-budgetary funding, as well as a number of work-related tasks for learning, after learning

An important problem is that the development of cherries on the market of sanctuary services is growing, and the reduction of budgetary financing is reduced. Zagalom the demand for financial cats is established to take care of the budget dzherel mensh yak for a quarter. There is a tendency to speed up real communications and consumer awareness.

The speed of budgetary financing has become the basis for the material and technical base of universities, the decline in the economic status and the reduction of the social status of the teaching staff of universities.

Unimportant for the deyakі zusillya uryado pay wages at all schools, the mid-thousandth salary of the professorsko-wikladatskiy warehouse is borrowed from one of the remaining jobs in the rating of professions. Nizka salary This ineffective assessment system and the stimulation of the professional-Vikladatsky warehouse brought the prestige of the profession to the end. There are three reasons for the old tendency of the Victorian corps.

Prior to negative factors, it is possible to introduce and update the system and the distribution of vypusknikov: educators set the visibility in front of the respondents of the frames for a number of and such indicators of preparation of work.

Another negative factor is the lack of transparency in the market of publicity services. A.P. Pankrukhin was instrumental in solving this problem for 10 years. Win nagoloshuvav, scho sub'kti rinku, including the power, can not formulate that close his position on a new one. Nezorumіle number of vіdpovіdalnostiі, visibility readiness in the understandable apparatus, price-approved sanctuary services and products. Slide it means that the situation has not practically changed at once.

The problem is not considered to be divided between theoretical knowledge, such as students get from universities, that practical tips, which are taught to robot teachers. The price of food is closely related to the problem of passing by students of virobnicho practice, as it becomes necessary to become uninvolved.

Not all enterprises accept students for practice, many of them are formally placed before the students undergo practical training. Practically all statistical information is provided by a commercially available room and students do not lose sight of the ability to process analytical work. Go to a closed number: enterprises want to discard high-quality fahivts, not reportable reasons and to introduce an intriguing sphere of illumination in bad food preparation.

Another negative factor is the improvement of the time lag between the winners and the singing specials and the satisfaction. Tse z tim, how the speed of structure changes will be met by the fakhivtsiv change in the obvious adaptation of the power of the education system, some of the period of rejection great education from three to five rockies, according to the programs "Master of Business Administration" (MBA) - two rockies.

  • Shevchenko Yu. O. Marketing strategies for the value of the university // Practical marketing. 2002. No. 10 (68). S. 25-32.
  • Bazhutkina D. G. Formation and development of the market of educational services of the chief chief pledges: theory and methodology: author. dis. ... Dr. econ. sciences. Samara, 2010.
  • Russian statistician. M: Rosstat, 2010.gks.ru

Sotnikova Natalia V'yacheslavivna

Recent trends in the development of the market of health services

Abstract: at the statti there is a clear view of the way to see the market of illuminating services, the sub's and about the marketing of the illuminating services are assigned, the life cycle of the illuminating services is described.

Keys of the witness- market of holy services, life cycle of holy services, participants of market services.

Rink of illumination services in Russia develop even more boisterously. Until a new state was received, and an incontinent mortgage was laid. A high pace of development of the given market, the emergence of new forms of improved services, and the need for more advanced processes, which can be stored on the whole market, rozotov directly in the detailed organization of economic and economic mechanisms.

Dіyalnіst M.І. Gavrilovy market of sanctuary services starts as a system of economical services due to the drive of purchase and sale of sanctuary services, which are immediately demanded as a collective, and individual service provider.

І. Berezin viznachaє market of educational services as material in the process of participation in the process of education: scientists, organizing, how to provide educational services, especially that organization, which is to pay for services.

Goldobin N.D. Rose of the market of sanctuary services yak the supremacy of social and economic services and calls between sub'ects of the market for the drive of the provision of sanctuary services.

Outreach, marketing in the field of education - the whole philosophy, strategy and tactics are common and mutually supportive and promoted in innovative services and products in the minds of the market, for the choice of priorities in the minds of the market. The main result of marketing activity is the maintenance of profitability through the greatest improvement in satisfaction of the needs: specialties - in education, the initial investment - in the development and good quality of sportsmen, in the form of sustainable growth potential, human resources

An important moment when looking at the food market of the lighting services, the designation of the sub's and the objects to the market. On the thought of A.P. Pankrukhina, “by the participants of the marketplaces do not deprive them of education, but also those who live (about the individuals, enterprises and organizations), a wide range of middlemen (including the services of borrowing, birzhi pratsi, organizing the re-assessment of credit community institutions and structures that are honored until the publicity services and products are delivered to the market. "

In the middle of marketing sub-units, I have a special role to play as a specialist, student, listener. It’s not just a material wear of holy services, not only a person who’s victorious in the process of work, but the only one who lives. The specialty of living in the form of those who lived in the illumination services, as well as for the development of material and welfare, as the living of necessities before living, and satisfying the needs for living. The very specialty, the personification of the nose, the master, the corystuvach and the intelligence complex. The directors and about a special choice are made to create and improve their information on all of the sub-market and marketing of the light-hearted services, so that the central sub-sub-unit is connected with it.

The Іnshim sub'ctom of marketing of illumination services є companies, organizations and enterprises. The stench є by the industrial co-workers of the sanctuary services, shaping the drink and presenting him over the market. Functions of organizers-supporters є:

Information about the establishment of structures, in the middle and around the specialties about the drink, which should be presented;

The establishment of special opportunities for the quality of educational services to their own maybuttnyh pratsivniks from the positions of professional and posadovyh vimogs, an example of the participation in the assessment of the quality of illuminated services;

Viznachennya mіstsya, effective minds maybutnoy labor dіyalnosti vypusknikіv and dotrimannya, vikonannya cich minds;

Outside of the private part of the service, the payment of the form of compensation for the delivery of the service.

Establish visibility to the role of subscribers, who form a proposition, how to nadayut and sell sanctified services. Before їх functions include:

Giving the scholars the services from the pribannya (transmission) of the bazhani and the necessary knowledge, diminish that navichok;

Vyrobnitstvo that nadannya fellow-sanctuary services, as well as nadannya injected, scho to mold the person of the maybutny fakhivtsya;

Providing informational services to the potential and real scientists and robot teachers, including the weather with them of the minds of the robotic minds, development, order and financial support of the intelligent services.

In the middle of the structure above the market of light-hearted services, they are leaving the stage of formulating, expanding their marketing activity. Before them, the services of employment and birzhi pratsi, health funds, associations of educational establishments and enterprises, special education centers and inn. Smell take an effective wash of sanctuary services on the market and you can see the following functions:

Accumulation, processing and sales of information about the market conditions of the market of public services, consulting of other sub-units;

Participation in the processes of accreditation of publicity, provision of advertising, legal support;

Formation of channels in the zbutu, organizing the arrangement and creation of services and services.

One of the sub-categories in the marketing of public services is the state and the organization of management. Yogo functions are even more specific, some of them can be victorious sub's to marketing:

Creation and development of the image to educate the middle of the population, as well as robot teachers;

Financing of the sovereign chief pledges;

Legal zajist of sub'єktіv marketing services;

Establishment of changes in professions and specialties.

Otzhe, active participants in rinkovyh vіdnosin є svitnі establish, support (okremі individuals, organization and enterprises), middlemen (services of employment, birzhі pratsі), power.

Traditionally about marketing є be-a kind of object, which will be used on the market for exchange and drinking.

Economic information in the sphere of education can be interpreted as a seller (in the form of information), when the buyer (physical person of the state) sells the goods (knowledge, tips, information).

p align = "justify"> The market of sanctuary services has its own specificity, some of the quality of sanctuary services as a product is not possible in the whole world to evaluate the process of your life, not even pretending about an assessment in advance. In addition, the quality of educational services to lie down without a mediocrity is not deprived of all the minds of those who have learned

Just about those sanctuary servants - very high-quality (it allows you to swiftly rotate vitreous resources) and socially significant (an important one for a physical individual - who lives up to an illuminated service, ale of a consumable product).

The life cycle of the holy service, like a commodity, including 5 stages:

1. victorian - the period of the growing up, if the servant does not begin to master the market; at this stage, the new sanctification of the servant has become a pride of place for the market, people can see protection, to that vitrati are great, but not much of a great number of competitors;

2. zrostannya - the period of the fast conquest of the market; how new is the coverage of the program? Throughout the whole stage, it is necessary to learn how to grow up to drink;

3. maturity - the period of general growth, as a result of the rejection of the holy services of more potential survivors; tse, order і from the offensive, the most trivial stage, from how the tying of the most effective stage when organizing marketing;

4. nasichennya - the program will be repaired, it will be promoted and installed, it will be drunk, it will be overwhelmed by the competition, which will lead to the strength of the competition between the primary mortgages and the reduction of the sale;

5. recession - period, if there is interest in the fall; win can be a smart chi.

Enlightenment (expanded) of sanctuary services is a process, in addition to which sanctification is established to make their programs and services accessible to their own rinks.

It means that the market of religious services has significantly expanded and economic news in the field of modernity is formed in the minds of the rapid state financing of education and development of market news in the field of education. To that, in the minds of the competition, at the leader's camp, there will appear that initial pledge, which will appear as a ready-to-use holy service, given high-quality personnel and a reasonable price policy.

When you see the participants in the channel from the bottom of the service, it is essential to establish the assessment of the potential for the development of the skin participant in the channel, their influx, efficiency, health of cooperation and reputation. At the same time, I have established gradually to motivate the participants in their channels, including their own sportsmen, and their independent middlemen. To ensure the effective functioning of the channel, you need to regularly evaluate your work in the middle and with additional recommendations. In the change of purchasing model, we have been able to support the services, to the expansion of the market for sales, to the accelerated goods and services, to the new competitors, the demand for the modification of the structure of the channel is necessary for the structure, but it is necessary for the structure to be structured afterwards.

The system of service delivery to the market is the price of the program of marketing communications for the establishment of the service provider. Marketers call the main choices for submission:

Stimuliuvannya zbutu - short lines stimulate the purchase of goods and services;

A link from the community - to encourage a good number of enterprises from the different vernaculars of the community;

Personal sales - sleep with one or more buyers transferred to the sale of goods and services.

List of Victorian literature:

1. Goldobin, N. Peculiarities of marketing in organizing remote marketing. Distance lighting. / N. Goldobin. M, 2004. - No. 1.

2. Dichtl Є., Hershgen H. Practical marketing. - M., 2006 .-- 395 p.

3. Kozhukhar V.M. Until the end of the day to the public service provider // Marketing in Russia there. - 2005. - No. 3. - With. 42-47.

4. Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010. - 2002. - No. 2. - P.3-25.

5. Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing of educational services at other and additional education: Navchalnyy posibnik. - M: Interpraks, 2006.-352s.

Nini education has become one of the main resources for the development of national economies. Harmonious development of the specialness and creative health of the people, the establishment of the intellectual, cultural and moral potential of the state є the most important changes successful social and economic development of the state and the great camp in the international sports industry.

Today's education is characterized by a great vibe and high competition of sanctuary services from the side of both sovereign and non-reigning sanctuary installations. In many regions, there is a great number of illumination pledges, which give me the opportunity to help the average professional, to look for a supplementary illumination from the vision of a sovereign diploma for the same specialties.

p align = "justify"> The special role of illumination is confirmed by this fact, that the middle level of literacy of the mature population is the most important indicator of the development of the country, conscientiousness and prosperity and stability. The very sanctuary potential of the state is the basis for the rating of the index of human development and the value of the nation of the country in the ratings.

Osvita is one of the halls of the national economy, which is a part of the complex of the halls of the social sphere.

Osvita, as if it were a galuz of economics, viconus only his own specific role for the government - health promotion.

The sanctuary of activity is a type of activity linked to the organization in the state of the process of bringing people into being, so that they are welcomed by the people, support, and the state that is direct to the generation: saving, applying that knowledge; intellectual, cultural and moral vikhovannya people; preparation of qualified personnel in all halls of economics.

The product of publicity and public service is the whole system of knowledge, navigation, information, how to make its own part and can drink it on the market of goods.

Sub'ktami of sanctuary:

Derzhava - deputy chief of religious services;

Install coverage - virobniks of educational services;

Physical individuals - living up to light services.

I can establish a starting point as an enterprise with a collective of fahivts, with a material base, which circulates and promotes the population of specific products - educational services.

Economic information in the sphere of education can be interpreted as a seller (in the form of information), when the buyer (physical person of the state) sells the goods (knowledge, tips, information).

p align = "justify"> The market of sanctuary services has its own specificity, some of the quality of sanctuary services as a product is not possible in the whole world to evaluate the process of your life, not even pretending about an assessment in advance. In addition, the quality of educational services to lie down without a mediocrity is not deprived of all the minds of those who have learned

At the same time, the sanctuary servants are very high-quality (it allows you to quickly rotate the vitrified resources) and socially significant (it is important for a physical individual - to live up to the illumination of goods, but for everything).

The life cycle of the holy service, like a commodity, including 5 stages:

1. victorian - the period of the growing up, if the servant does not begin to master the market; at this stage, the new sanctification of the servant has become a pride of place for the market, people can see protection, to that vitrati are great, but not much of a great number of competitors;

2. zrostannya - the period of the fast conquest of the market; how new is the coverage of the program? Throughout the whole stage, it is necessary to learn how to grow up to drink;

3. maturity - the period of general growth, as a result of the rejection of the holy services of more potential survivors; tse, order і from the offensive, the most trivial stage, from how the tying of the most effective stage when organizing marketing;

4. nasichennya - the illumination of the program will be repaired, it will be shown and installed, it will be drunk, it will be overwhelmed by the fact that it will lead to the strength of the competition between the main mortgages and the reduction of the sales volume;

5. recession - period, if there is interest in the fall; win can be a smart chi.

Enlightenment (expansion) of sanctuary services is a process by which enlightenment is established to make their programs and services accessible to their own marketplaces.

It means that the market of religious services has significantly expanded and economic news in the field of modernity is formed in the minds of the rapid state financing of education and development of market news in the field of education. To that, in the minds of the competition, at the leader's camp, there will appear that initial pledge, which will appear as a ready-to-use holy service, given high-quality personnel and a reasonable price policy.

2.2 Market research of the Republic of Bilorus

Today the market of professional education is actively developing, so that there is a need for a marketing methodology:

Analysis of the market of professional education;

Theoretical ambush on marketing coverage;

Marketing news;

Marketing center of the lighting installation;

Behavior of people who live in the service;

Marketing communications in the field of education;

Marketing management at the lighting installation.

Preparation of fahivts with food in the republic 2005-2006 navalny rotsi I visited 43 state and 12 non-state universities. The number of education is established, so that such training will be provided, and I will have a positive dynamism. As soon as it was born in 1990, it has grown more and more 1.5 times. It’s not worth talking about the prestige of food education among suspicious testimonies, some individuals who have been rejected, borrow a lot from the social hierarchy, and the most demanding market practices. It is supported by the whole analysis of the structure of non-profitability in the qualitative and educational development. For example, in 2006 there were a lot of unproblematic people with the best lighting of the bottom and sold 9.8% of the foreign population. Tse sutta is pouring into the bazhannya of students who start at the universities of the country budgetary basis... Winning super versatility - to consume in the light of the opportunity and goodbye - to be allowed for additional support of the system of paid lighting services. In the last few years, there are more students who are ready to pay for their education on their own. So, by some measure from 2000 rock, this part of the country in the out-of-town population in 2005 increased by 18.4%.

An increase in the market for the growth of the population and the growth of the population with the payment of light services will be required from high-ranking personnel until the increase in the number of other primary mortgages. Sometime in 1996, the number of university students in 2005 grew by 94% and became 383 yew. OSIB. At the highest rates of growth the contingent of students is growing, as the vicorists will be able to study in absentia the form of education. On the ear of 2005, the number of yuhnya in the country became 188.5 yew. especially, with a wide reception at an extramural presentation of the VNZ at a wide new rate of education, with a reception at a date of publication. The ninth part of part-time students among the out-of-town contingent of academics at universities to become 49.3%. Providing services in the region correspondence navchannya open to welcoming opportunities for continued education, uninterrupted expansion of this knowledge, continuous development of professional education, if you can not help knowing that it’s a far-flung level of theoretical training for long-time students and lower students. There is a shortage of extramural training in education, there is a greater connection between scientists due to real social and economic processes, such as in working collectives, at specific workplaces, at times, it was important to educate students in science.

However, due to the obviousness of these positive tendencies, there are some shortcomings in the sphere of food education, linked to the inadequate structural training of personnel in universities and in professional development. On the current day, at the connection with the transition to the innovative way of development, due to the development of the "new economy" on the market, we are encouraged to try to promote growth in the field of engineering and the development of natural specialties, technological improvements In connection with the cym, they go to the market of pratsi, it is necessary not only to increase the training of personnel at the universities of the country, but to optimize the structure at the presentation of the priorities in the economic dynamics. The relevance of the revision of the number of enterprises is confirmed by the results of the analysis of the remaining tendencies in the structure of high-quality faculties, which are read at the universities of the country. So, for all groups of specialties, around the humanities, the increase in the number of students is numbered in a small number of thousands of students, in the sphere of suspicious and humanitarian sciences, the indicator goes up to the category of tens of thousands.

Everything called for before that, in 2005, a number of humanities students outweighed the number of natural, technical, medical and social specialties at once.

The share of vypuskniki for natural specialties in the out-of-town community of vypusk of vices has been quickened by 27.6% over the last ten years, and for economical specialties it has grown by 11,774 individuals, which is more than 3 times. On the other hand, it means that high school graduates cannot know a robot, because they know the quality, and do not work at work, but at work, which in principle does not require such knowledge. To this, it is obvious that there is a need for an establishment of an effective mechanism of interaction between the system and the education of economics in the form of a structure of training and education of young people.

By 2010, Bilorus plans to advance the index of education in the country to 0.96, and until 2020 to 0.98 versus 0.95 in 2003. The National Strategy of the Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Bilorus until 2020 is about the goal.

To achieve these goals, to be indicated in the strategy, it is necessary to advance the social status of the reader and his role in the suspension.

Zokrem, at 2011–2020 pp. to be put in place of the introduction of the national system of education to the level that meets the standards. Of particular importance is the development of a wide range of illumination. It is planned to adapt the quality of the structure of the preparation of the faculty, to maximize the approach to the development of the process.

Krіm of nalezhit realіzuvati low organіzatsіynih zahodіv: optimіzuvati trammel SET, SSMSC zabezpechuyut zdobuttya zagalnoї serednoї osvіti of urahuvannyam demografіchnoї situatsії scho rozvivaєtsya, rozvivati ​​trammel zakladіv osvіti new type stvoryuvati unіversitetskі complexes sformuvati efektivnosti mehanіzm transfer NAUKOVO-tehnіchnih rozrobok in virobnitstvo on Galuzo economics and regions. It is also necessary to develop a system of remote monitoring at all levels of education, monitoring the quality of new and young people, advising the quality of events of victories and the effectiveness of victorious frames.

However, in order to ensure that the goal is set before the sanctuary, the plant should not take care of its necessary financial support, and for the purpose of obtaining investment in the sphere of education, to enhance the role of the market mechanisms of the state grants. It is necessary to establish civilizations of the market of lighting services, to turn on the system of lighting Bilorus in the lighting process.

For the UNESCO assessment, 2003, the index of education in the republic became 0.95 and grew up with such countries as Switzerland, Poland, Latvia. Bilorus for the cym indicator will reduce the leading positions of the middle of the territories of the SND (Russia, Ukraine - 0.93; Kazakhstan - 0.92; Uzbekistan - 0.91).

In this hour of organizing education, we will offer paid services from:

Preparation of specialties for education and middle special education, bachelors, masters, science frames of great qualifications;

Retraining and training of qualifications of faculty;

Dodatkov (on the basis of the regulations on the main plans of the year) navchannya z okremikh subjects, disciplines, courses;

Vivchennya (on the basis of the established plans) additional subjects, disciplines, courses;

Training in installations that ensure the provision of professional and technical education, especially for the assignment of qualifications of a robot and service;

Navchannya on preparatory newsletters of education, which will make sure that there is no new education;

Preparatory training (on a basic plan) for children until the beginning of the school at the cob;

Carrying out to take in general, for the interests of additional education, that ін.

The Ministry of Education has developed a regulatory legal framework that is necessary for the organization and provision of paid public services.

Income from the provision of paid public services for 2001-2005 increased by 2.5 times (2001 rubles - 63 billion rubles, 2002 rubles - 103 billion rubles, 2003 rubles - 155 billion rubles). rubles, 2004 - 177 billion rubles, 2005 - 251 billion rubles). The growth of paid coverage for the period was 161.1%. The main part of the provision of paid illumination services is due to the creation of new mortgages.

With a stretch of 5 years of growing up of paid education services, it was reached for the development of special education on a paid basis. Paid education services for the preparation of faculties on a paid basis have grown from 73 to 85 wages. For retraining and advancement of qualifications of fakhivts for the whole period, it became 3 times, for training courses - 3.5 times, for training of earth people - 1.5 times.

For 2001-2005, the rocks of the pitoma of the republic of scholars on a paid basis were from the backbone of the republics from 35 to 46 vids.

In the rest of the rock, there was a lot of money for paid educational services for the preparation of special events for specialties, which are reproachful for the food that was drunk from the population (legal knowledge, linguistics, psychology, economics)

Through the demographic situation in the republic (the number of graduates in schools will change in 2006-2008), a decrease in the contingent of scholars on a paid basis is predicted. In addition, in view of the license for the illumination of the skin naval mortgage, a limit was set for the number of scholars.

For 2006-2010, it is necessary to preserve the rate of growth of paid public services at the average prices at 138.9-145.5 vids (2006 r. - 109-110 vids, 2007 r. - 106-107 vids, 2008 r. - 106- 107 vids, 2009 rubles - 106-107 vids, 2010 rubles - 107-108 vids).

Our country has accumulated a significant potential for the university, allowing it to borrow a lot of positions from the modern educational system. However, it’s not just that you don’t spend it, but it’s necessary to increase the price:

Optimize the structure of training highly qualified personnel in professional development in the context of priorities in economic development;

To develop a system for analyzing and predicting the demand for the market in highly qualified economies, from which in the best world there is an innovative-organized restructuring of the economy;

The mechanism of efficient training of graduates, step by step vibrations of students directly, as they begin to be a master, but they will be in touch with them on a contractual basis;

Expand the possibilities of science communities for students;

It is necessary to nationalize such a strong instrument of sovereign stimulation, such as the vision of legal education grants and loans, in advance of the preparation of financial resources, such as the most comprehensive development of consumer needs.

In such a rank, the market of religious services in the Republic of Bilorus is actively developing, it is designated the whole of the industry, the way to fully develop the market.

Christmas coverage- at least one of the most dynamic and promising economics galuses, and market of religious services one of those who are looking for growth rates. So, after making assessments, a spirited priest will take part in those propositions for illuminating services in the sphere of food education and education for older adults (including postgraduate ones) in the countries, where the most widely available 10-15% are available. Such tempi development is deprived of a high level of investment in the sphere of education in the cich lands.

I will manage the development of a dynamic system for forecasting information about the prospects and development for meeting the necessary critical solutions. From the quality of forecast assessments, from the process of managing the system of illumination, the quality of the human (intellectual) capital and the efficiency of the function of the economy are stored.

The special features of the development of the sphere of education and the very day of coverage of the situation begin with the fact that the market of educational services is based on meaningful specificity. Vin is strong to quiet strength, like pouring into any market, some market of goods and services. The same market of educational services is the same in both the market and not the mechanism of the function and in the whole field of its specificity. Such a dualism of mechanisms in the function of the market of sanctuary services is based on the specifics of the sanctuary service as a matter of virtue, as it is satisfyingly as a private consumer, as well as a community.

Authors are authorized to view the illumination of the service, as the scope of the illumination pledge is directing the development of the intellectual health of the people, the formulation of professional qualities that have been realized in the process of work. So, T.A. Sleep stverjuє, scho " ... the illumination of the service is the result of the initial, managerial and financial-state-of-the-art performance of the initial deposit, which is directed towards the satisfaction of the supporter of the food for the preparation, retraining and admission of the quality of the professional work» .

Non-rational mechanisms, which shape the market of religious services, are developed in the main set of methods, using and instrumental state policy in the knowledge and management of state-owned mortgages.

Delivery process light services, which, as a rule, includes advancing factors:

  1. Osvitn_y space.
  2. Sub'ktiv to the market, to the postorder of services is a human factor, and a happy one is a human factor.
  3. Possession of the materials that are stagnant when the service is provided and (or) to the process of providing services (to the sanctuary process and to the auxiliary processes).
  4. The material base at the viglyadi primischenya, tobto booths, surroundings in booths, insha unruffiness.
  5. I, nareshty, through great social and suspicious significance, infusion of sovereign and suspicious interests.

Analysis of the inflow of different types of the newest middle on market strategy of sub-market, allowing you to see the following main points:

  • which is more flexible and dynamic is more competitive than the middle, which is the problem of forecasting, which is the need for a correlation of market strategy and the provision of changes to be brought to the market;
  • the very foldability of the middle and the level of smallness (dynamism) to push a great inflow into the process of choosing the type of strategy;
  • that is more foldable and dynamic in the middle, then the step of the rizik and rink's strategy.

One of the best structural analysis models It was promoted by a professor at the Harvard Business School and named by the chief economist M. Porter and called it "models of five forces of competition" or "models of five forces of Porter" (Porter's Five Forces of Competition framework).

  • structural analysis of visibility, how competition over the market comes from among competing companies;
  • Before an hour of carrying out a structural analysis, it is necessary to emphasize the intensity of competition in the whole potential for organizing five key forces. The technique allows you to find the necessary keys or power for the formulation of the strategy.
  • The method of structural analysis allows the company to break up an effective strategy, like, at its own heart, to allow it to take a position in the process of being locked out of it by competitive forces.

Within the framework of the concept, 5 forces are seen:

  1. The threat of the intrusion of new participants - competitors (Entry of competitors) - is very easy for new participants in the market to enter the market, as they know the bar.
  2. Threat of substitutes or Threat of substitutes - just replace the product with the service, the price is cheap.
  3. Rinkova vlada pokuptsіv (Bargaining power of buyers) - there is a strong stand of buyers, who can spillover large amounts of money.
  4. Rinkova vlada postachalnikiv (Bargaining power of suppliers) - the sales force is stronger. Why are there many potential suppliers or just a few monopolies?
  5. Rivalry among the existing players - how strong is competition among the existing gravels? Chi є dominant, for all the stinks of strength and size?

Moreover, the privablivist market will be timid, which is weak and infused with overwhelming five forces.

100% to trade in services The structure has been expanded to include seven elements:

  • Servants, yak products, go to the market
  • Misce nadannya service
  • Serving
  • The human factor is the need, how much the process of delivering services is injected into the service, including the staff of the service leader, who lives with those who live in the middle, so that the service is constantly being delivered.
  • The material of the service is the middle, in which the service is received (continued) and the contact of the service leader is in progress and all these material components are received. One of the illuminating servants, one of the other illuminating materials, has a comrade.
  • The process of providing services is a factual procedure, the mechanism of providing services.

In order to identify the goods and products on the market of light-hearted services, it is necessary to provide information on the services as well as from the general services and goods that can be realized within the framework of the educational system. However, such a conclusion is unwise to carry out a hundred thousandth of accuracy. If you look at the current sphere of education, then you can identify a number of forms of sanctuary services, which are practically angry with the regularity of illuminated goods from the existing material forms.

In addition, to educate comrades, to the material education, to the process of providing education services, to provide the virtual transfer of knowledge and information, which is more readable, and to be especially useful for learning

Osvitnіy space navіt near the land, at the border of the national market, svіtnіh services are not uniform. Rink of illumination services can be segmented, and the dermal segment of the rink becomes significant features. However, in the segment of the market of educational services, and in the segment of remote science itself, the educational comrade in this segment of the market is based on material and electronic forms, as I have already said, it is practically , and an assessment of a possible marketing strategy for a whole segment.

They do not care for those who owe it to the intelligence and to the knowledge that is connected with the transmission of information and knowledge, which results in the results of the molded. For, take, may formulate in the process of living the service. In order to induce the correct marketing strategy with primary mortgages, in front, with other primary mortgages, as there is also scientific progress, it is necessary to clearly develop two types of knowledge in the market:

  • Rinok rose to the point of transmission of knowledge, which includes in the collection of religious services, in which the knowledge is also transformed and transmitted to other persons.
  • Rinok novikh knowledge- a whole area, within the framework of which new scientific knowledge and technology are being developed in the course of scientific and pre-design engineering robots.

Mechanisms of the functions of these rinks in the suttas are being developed, as the inheritance, to develop and go to assess and the choice of rink strategies for the initial investment on the skin ciches.

Bezposrednіm post-chief of the sanctuary services є viclates, to navigate, as per the legal structure of the contract, on the provision of sanctuary services by the viconavist є sanctuary installation. Zrozumіlo, as well as the quality of victories, such as this intellectual rіven, dosvіd, tips for passing material, psychological mood is meager. without the need to knit and with the quality of the holy service. The very fact that the quality of the educational service (for example, the level of accessibility of the lecture material, the manner of the child’s work, in the opinion of the practice of learning only) can be assessed, can be assessed if the educational service is poorly

The price can be organized, for example, for holding the door in the main mortgages. Schools, VNZ and other educators of educational services can actively use information technologies and resources to the Internet for organizing continuous communication with potential supporters, for example, through organizing online forums.

Krіm pererahovanogo, problem nevіddіlnostі osvіtnoї Hotel od bezposerednіh postachalnikіv її mozhna chastkovo virіshuvati for rakhunok pevnoї formalіzatsії that materіalіzatsії The Teaching materіalu in viglyadі pіdruchnikіv, naochnih posіbnikіv toscho scho dozvolyaє otsіniti mozhlivu yakіst set of knowledge i navichok scho postachaєtsya in hodі nadannya osvіtnoї Hotel.

The ambiguity, the lack of quality can be podolan for the development of the system and the control of the quality of services, the advancement of the professional majesty and quality of the viclade warehouse, the creation of the motivation for this participation.

One of the most effective tools for some of the problems is the inconsistency of the quality and the long-term satisfaction of the services provided. Here the instrument is even wider. You can vikoristovuvatisya, for example:

  • educators of scholars / students, fathers, robot teachers;
  • exchange of thoughts on special websites;
  • exchange of thoughts and advice of students / fathers on the websites of the educational pledges themselves.

The vicarious tools in marketing for improving the shortages, related to the characteristics (power) of the service for the goods, is presented in diagram 1:

In such a rank, from the positions of the leaders in the holy services carelessness of services polyagaє in:

  • free-of-charge assessments of the needs of the guests from the services of the sanctuary;
  • at the vibration of the necessary segment of the market of educational services;
  • informing the quality of the educational services to the residents;
  • at the vibration of the components of the service, which can preserve the general quality;
  • the post-term monitoring of the demand for the market of illumination services.