Nutritional norms per year of the child. How to introduce cottage cheese and kefir in baby feeding: how many dairy products can be given to a child and from what age

In the life of any baby, there comes a period when dairy products are added to the familiar porridges, fruit and vegetable purees - they are very useful for the intestinal microflora, but they need to be introduced in a timely manner - not earlier than 8 months old. A lot of mommies give the child cottage cheese or kefir after a year. In defense of such caution, it can be said that any dairy products can cause or be allergic.

  First, the baby is given no more than a teaspoon of kefir or cottage cheese, gradually the amount increases.

The gastrointestinal tract of the baby is still very unstable, so you need to start feeding the lactation very carefully, with the most minimal doses. If a teaspoon of baby kefir or cottage cheese provoked or diarrhea in your baby, remove the product from the diet. After a while, try again, if there is no negative reaction - slowly increase the dose. Rash or diarrhea repeated again? Do not give your child sour milk products until they reach the age of one and a half years, since at this stage the child definitely has an intolerance to kefir and cottage cheese.

How to enter into the diet baby kefir?

Modern pediatricians advise mothers to introduce baby kefir not earlier than 8-9 months of age (although this does not coincide with this). Studies have shown that the early introduction of fermented milk products (3-4 months) contributes to the removal of hemoglobin from the child's body.

The peculiarity of kefir composition is casein protein, which is rather difficult in terms of absorption and is unbalanced in amino acid composition. Kefir - food is completely unfamiliar to the baby, although it may seem to mom that this product is related to breast milk or milk formula.

  • kefir carbohydrates are not similar to those with which natural or artificial milk is rich, and the fat component is poor;
  • the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals do not meet the needs of infants up to six months;
  • high acidity of the product may have a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa of the newborn;
  • kefir contains a lot of mineral salts that are not needed by the immature kidney of a baby.

  According to studies, dairy products in early infancy provokes the excretion of hemoglobin.

How do kefir for kids?

Children's kefir can now be bought in any large supermarket. Many companies that produce milk and dairy products for babies, produce kefir with different flavors and pieces of fruit, different term  shelf life and time of use after opening the bottle or bag. Such kefir can be introduced to children from 11-12 months. Children's biokeeter contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, contributing to the development of intestinal microflora.

You can cook baby kefir and independently at home - with the help of yogurt maker and sourdough, sold in a pharmacy and distributors. Popular starter firms "GOOD FOOD" and "VIVO". The products are natural composition and neutral taste, they are safe and useful for the baby, provided that you comply with all the technology and properly store your home-made kefir. Often mothers feed babies with baby milk yogurt from dairy kitchens. If the kitchen is proven, there is no doubt about the quality of the products, then this is also a great option.

Kefir - a cure for many diseases

Kefir Fungi  - the main thing that gives the product an appropriate name and useful qualities. A colony of microorganisms is colonized in the intestine and contributes to its improvement, struggling with dyspepsia and flatulence. Kefir fungi kill pathogens and even prevent tuberculosis. In kefir many vitamins and amino acids, it perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates the appetite, which is especially important for children "little ones."

Kefir for children up to one year, especially natural and homemade, is prescribed as an element of the diet during many diseases. Dysbacteriosis and anemia, lack of appetite and rickets, pneumonia and immunodeficiency states are effectively treated only with its participation. This product is rich in lactic acid - a powerful antiseptic, and the lactic kefir medium improves the absorption of vitamin and trace elements. If the baby has a strong tendency to constipation, he can begin to enter the kefir from 7 months to 40 ml - this is the maximum daily rate, if the baby is only recently turned six months.

Natural kefir is stored in different ways, depending on the content of lactic acid. The most perishable option - one-day - contains 0.2 percent alcohol. Kefir two-day storage contains 0.4 percent alcohol, it is more acidic. The most acidic is stored for three days, alcohol - 0.6 percent.

The lower the alcohol content, the stronger the laxative effect. How much should yoghurt eater eat kefir a day? Daily rate is presented in the table.

Daily consumption rate for children from 7 months to a year:

What can be replaced?

There are situations when a child does not have an allergy to kefir as a supplement, but he categorically refuses to drink it. I do not like the taste, smell or texture, because the kids are picky - they can not explain that you need to eat not only what you like, but also what is useful. Offer your child a biolact. It is made from processed cow's milk, suitable for feeding children from 9 months. Replace the lure kefir biolact.

Introducing baby cottage cheese in the diet

Compounding with cottage cheese starts from the age of 8-10 months, and cottage cheese with additives and fruit fillings - from 10-11 months of a child's life. Cottage cheese is very rich in protein, and at first the baby gets enough protein from the mother's milk or adapted mixture. Curd in early age  leads to food intolerance and excessive stress on the kidneys due to the protein structure.

Cottage cheese, children need to give special. The store and home are too rough for a baby’s stomach, the child’s digestive tract cannot digest so much casein in half a year. It is necessary to take either children's cottage cheese in the dairy kitchen, or special in supermarkets. It has a special puree-like structure, neutral acidity, it is easy to chew on the baby and does not cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

  For the introduction into the diet of the child, a special children's cottage cheese cooked, taking into account the tastes and needs of the baby, is better suited

The use of cottage cheese

The main element of cottage cheese is protein casein, which is contained in it 6 times more than in cow's milk. This is an invaluable tool for the prevention of rickets. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones and tooth enamel, B vitamins make the nervous system resistant to stress, and albumin promotes the synthesis of antibodies and amino acids in the child’s body, the main of which are methionine and tryptophan. Special children's curds processed using ultrafiltration, which minimally in industrial conditions affects the nutrients, almost without destroying them, and the calcium obtained by the body from such a curd, is absorbed 100 percent.

Five questions about cottage cheese

So, you have decided to introduce cottage cheese into the diet of your baby after consulting a pediatrician, advice from grandmothers and girlfriends, or guided by your own opinion. Remember that the relationship of the baby with dairy products is not easy, even if the first experience ended successfully. The most common questions are:

  1. How does curd lure start? Just like kefir food, the rules are one. The baby must be healthy, in adequate normal condition, the family does not move anywhere. Parents should not be ill at this time, it is not hot outside. If you vaccinate the baby on a schedule, it should take at least a week from the time of the last vaccination, and there should also be at least 7 days before the next vaccination. For the first time, offer the child half a teaspoon of cottage cheese. If you do not manifest allergies, frustration, the next day, increase the dosage.
  2. How much cottage cheese to offer the baby?  Curd feed let's between the main meals, until 6 o'clock in the evening, because it is during the day, according to modern medical research, calcium is best absorbed. Healthy babies in 1 year can give 50 grams of the product every other day. Seven-month crumbs let's 20-30 g of cottage cheese per day, eight-month - 30-40 g.
  3. How to offer? The temperature of the curd should be room, dishes - clean. In extreme cases, heat the cottage cheese in a water bath if you need to feed the child, and the product was in the refrigerator. It is better if the cottage cheese heats up on its own, being half an hour on the kitchen table.
  4. What is the best product for a child?  Until the year, offer children pure cottage cheese, without additives and fruit fillings. Up to three years in the baby’s diet should be only special children's cottage cheese.
  5. How to store? Cottage cheese is stored no more than two days in the refrigerator. With regard to the purchase, everything is a little different: it is better to give the child today's or yesterday’s cottage cheese. An open pack is needed immediately.

Can I give kids cheeses?

For many families, cheese must be included in the diet - this is correct, since the food is not only tasty and nourishing, but also healthy, because cheese is a concentrated dairy product with minimal addition of water. Cheeses consist of a third of protein, a third of fat, they are rich in vitamin A, sodium, calcium and B vitamins. Particularly useful are hard varieties, soft and melted cheeses can contain chemical additives, they have much less calcium.

Want to teach and baby to cheese? You are welcome! Start with grated grated 5 g and added to a dish. If the child likes it, make the cheese a constant element of the diet. "Russian" and "Poshekhonsky" varieties are ideal for the first cheese complementary foods. You can also make cheese yourself.

Complementary feeding with kefir and cottage cheese feeding, even if their introduction began at 1 year, will play an important role in the further development of the baby’s body. Sour-milk products restore the intestinal microflora without probiotics, it is a natural and tasty treatment, so even when breastfeeding, do not give up on yogurt and cottage cheese, remember that your milk and sour-milk products are completely different things. Do not neglect these products themselves during the day. You will find in them a storehouse of calcium, especially necessary during breastfeeding, because in this case, the beneficial trace elements are flushed out of the body in large quantities. Give preference to the same species that eats up your baby, so as not to provoke a negative reaction from him to products from the store, intended only for adults.

No matter how useful, convenient, beneficial and versatile is breast milk for an infant, and the introduction of complementary foods to the baby’s menu is inevitable anyway. Moreover, it is important to do this in a timely manner and in compliance with pediatric recommendations. But here, just, everything is not very simple. Opinions of doctors thatwhen to feedthe baby with which product to start and what generally should be introduced into his diet in the first place, are very different from each other.

Let's talk about cottage cheese today. Is it possible to give cottage cheese to children up to a year, will it be harmful or beneficial for the child, how and how much cottage cheese can be given, and which is better?

Cottage cheese in the diet of children under one year old

For many decades, this product was considered one of the most useful in the children's diet. Together with meat, fish and eggs, it is a valuable source of protein, without which the child’s full development, growth and health is impossible.

In addition, cottage cheese enriches children's body  vital calcium and other nutrients: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, vitamins A, groups B, C, PP.

Nutritionists say that the use of cottage cheese contributes to the better functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. But modern pediatricians believe that the effect of such nutrition is the opposite when it comes to one-year-old kids. Recently, it is increasingly possible to meet recommendations on feeding children who exclude cottage cheese (and the rest of dairy products) from the menu for a period of at least up to a year.

Why not give cottage cheese to a child under one year old

It is no news to anyone that the milk of animals is “heavy” and “aggressive” food for newborns, and therefore in the absence of breast milk modern moms feed their babies only adapted mixtures  . Adapted - means "adapted" especially for newborns. On the one hand, their composition as much as possible (as far as is possible under industrial conditions) is close to that of breast milk. On the other hand, it is devoid of all the harmful qualities possessed by cow (and other animal) milk. This is primarily a high content of caseins - animal proteins, which require special enzymes for digestion and assimilation. These same enzymes in the newborn are not produced at least until 9-10 months: only closer to the year will the pancreas begin to produce these substances in the minimum amount. But in the process of splitting cottage cheese will form nitrogen compounds ...

Animal protein has an unbearable burden on the kidneys, liver and pancreas of the baby, doctors believe today. Among other things, its use by babies who have not reached the age of 10-12 months may cause the appearance of symptoms similar to food poisoning. Consequences of constipation, frequent regurgitation, bloating and colic, allergic manifestations, and even anemia (due to gastric microbleeds) can be the consequences of too early introduction of cottage cheese into complementary foods.

For this reason (and also because of high fat content, which also requires high enzymatic activity for normal absorption), milk and sour cream were excluded from the diet of one-year-old children.

Kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese on the menu of a child up to the year remained a good substitute and an alternative to milk. But today, these products have fallen out of favor with experts and consultants on feeding children. They assure that all the concerns and potential risks associated with milk fully apply to the rest of the dairy (and sour milk including) products. And they advise you to wait a little more than 10 months with cottage cheese, and better still later (this applies especially to children who had a spring font closed early).

As for nutritional value, cottage cheese is far from a panacea. His protein, as we found out, is digested by the children's ventricle with difficulty and is poorly absorbed, the amount of calcium in the allowable amounts for babies is so small that it is better to receive it through breast milk (if the nursing mother takes calcium supplements) or with supplements (if milk formula enriched with calcium and vitamin D).

When to give cottage cheese to a child up to a year: Komarovsky

A completely different opinion is shared by pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky. He not only recommends giving cottage cheese to babies, but also considers it to be the ideal first food after kefir.

Food according to Komarovsky should start from 6 months from low-fat baby yogurt, following all the rules of the gradual introduction. When kefir will be successfully introduced into the menu of a six-month-old baby (the portion will be increased to 150 ml per one feeding), start adding low-fat cottage cheese to it, gradually increasing its amount to 30 grams. Thus, one of the meals of a child at 6 or 7 months is completely replaced by kefir-cottage cheese mixture, to which, if desired, you can add a bit of sugar. Ideal to eat a fermented milk dish in the first snack - from 10 to 11 hours.

But generally accepted recommendations are fundamentally different from those offered by Komarovsky. Most pediatricians believe that it is possible to enter cottage cheese into a child’s menu no earlier than 7-8 months (after they become acquainted with vegetables, fruits and cereals), while modern nutritional counselors recommend that this event be delayed as much as possible (at least 10-12 months ). If the child does not gain weight, the curd can be entered earlier (for example, from the 9th month). In the opposite case (in case of overweight), first the kefir is offered to the crumbs, and only then the curd (not earlier than the 10th month).

It should be borne in mind that better "heavy" protein food is split in the second half of the day, so cottage cheese feeding is recommended not earlier than 15 hours.

If a child under one year does not eat cottage cheese, refuses it, then it is not necessary to insist. Put it off and try again after a few weeks. You can “pick up” the curd with fruit or berry puree. But the cookies and sugar here will be superfluous, experts say: carbohydrates prevent the absorption of calcium from the product.

To give or not cottage cheese to a child up to one year old, every mother must decide for herself. But if she is inclined in favor of this product in the menu of her baby, then you should study some recommendations for its introduction to complementary foods.

Cottage cheese for a child up to a year: how much to give

Like any other product, this one is introduced into the supplements gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. The permissible daily rate of cottage cheese for children 7-8 months - 30 g, in 9-12 months, you can offer a child no more than 50 g per day. But giving cottage cheese every day is not worth it: three times a week or once every two days will be enough, that is, the rate per week is about 150 grams. It is not recommended to give the child protein twice one day (for example, cottage cheese and eggs, or cottage cheese and meat).

If you do not know what fat content to give the cottage cheese to a one-year-old baby, then note that this product should be minimally bold (no more than 5%). Therefore, to the question “is it possible to give home-made cottage cheese to children under one year old”, experts unanimously answer “no” mainly because of its high caloric content and strong load on the children's gastrointestinal tract. In this case, refers to the usual rustic cheese.

The best option is an adapted children's curd of industrial production (both conveniently, and non-greasy, and sterile). If the mother does not want to feed the crumbs with groceries, she can cook the cottage cheese on her own at home. It should be borne in mind that each time it is necessary to prepare it immediately before feeding the baby.

How to cook cottage cheese for a child up to a year at home: a recipe

Any woman can cook a cottage cheese cake, even if she is not strong in the culinary art - this is done very simply. It is only necessary to choose a suitable recipe.

From kefir

Place the kefir or yoghurt in the water bath and heat until the whey begins to drain. Remove from the heat and leave to stand for another 30 minutes. Drain, and then wipe the curd mass through a strainer (if desired).

Another way: put a package of baby kefir in the freezer. When it is completely frozen, release it from the packaging and put it on a colander covered with gauze. After the kefir has melted and whey is drained from it (it will take about 3-4 hours), soft soft curd mass will remain on the gauze. In the same way, you can prepare a curd of ryazhenka, which will differ somewhat in taste.

Kefir milk

Combine milk and kefir (yogurt) in the proportion of 2: 1 or 3: 1 and put in a water bath. Warm up the mass, wait until it starts to form and remove from the heat. When it cools down - fold to the sieve.

With lemon juice

Heat the milk almost to the boil and add freshly squeezed lemon juice (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 600 ml of milk). Remove from the stove and, while stirring, wait for the blocking, then drain.

Calcined cottage cheese

In the milk warmed to 70-90 ° C should be injected a solution of calcium chloride (10%) at the rate of 1 tbsp. l half a liter of milk. Stir the mixture, and when it curls - fold in a colander. It is not always possible to give calcined cottage cheese to a child (usually such a product is given only on the recommendation of a pediatrician).

Each mother chooses a recipe for children's cottage cheese at their discretion. One suits the speed and convenience of cooking, others analyze the ingredients in the final product; Someone is trying to make the curd more useful by using products containing lactic acid bacteria, and some believe that when they are heated, they still die.

Nutritionists, in order to minimize all risks of indigestion and poor digestibility of the product, are advised to prepare cottage cheese for a child up to one year in a water bath, using fermented infant formula as a base, and not milk.

Children with kidney disease or with milk protein intolerance cannot be given cottage cheese for up to a year.

Especially for -  Larisa Nezabudkina

The time when to introduce cottage cheese into complementary foods is not only desirable, but necessarily - comes in the second half of the first year of the baby’s life. During this period, the baby learns to crawl, sit, stand up. A tremendous amount of energy is expended. Help her fill products saturated with protein, phosphorus and calcium. So, cottage cheese comes to the children's menu as a host.

To feed the baby healthy food oh how difficult. In this sense, cheese for many parents is salvation. After all, out of the whole sour milk, children usually eat curd dishes with pleasure.

Curd protein has a high biological value, the children's body is well absorbed by it. In addition to calcium, phosphorus is rich in folic acid, B-vitamins and niacin.

Of all the fermented milk products, cottage cheese is the least criticized by pediatricians. Doctors generally agree that curd for children under one year is a must-have product. The exceptions are babies suffering from kidney disease. It is also prohibited in case of intolerance to milk protein and in cases where the spring of the crumbs is delayed too quickly. But overweight children are recommended kefir instead of cottage cheese.

Useful properties of the product

Cottage cheese is useful not only for the full formation of bone tissue. The product provides a healthy weight gain, normalizes metabolism, liver function and nervous system, strengthens the tissue of the heart muscle. Curd protein stimulates the immune system. The product itself due to the "good" acidity gently acts on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, probiotics protect the intestines and promote healthy digestion.

At what age can you give the child cottage cheese? Here, much depends on whether the artificial child or the little one still eats mother’s milk. In the first case, cottage cheese can be given to babies from six to seven months. In the second - the deadlines are shifted to eight or nine months. But, as a rule, all dairy products go after the baby has become acquainted with fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy-free cereals. Correct this sequence can, if the child suffers from rickets and there is an increased need for calcium.

Time familiarity with the curd

The period when you can give the child cottage cheese without risk to health, comes in the second half of the year for several reasons. They are due to age-related changes in the body.

  • The need for trace elements is increasing.  The baby grows - the demands of the body grow. Requires more substances involved in the construction of organs and systems. For example, after six months, a child already needs 600 mg of calcium per day, and before that 400 mg was sufficient.
  • Improves the ability to absorb protein.  It is not necessary to introduce cottage cheese before the recommended dates due to the increased content of protein in it. For comparison, the milk of this substance contains less than six times. Because of non-compliance with the timing of cottage cheese complementary foods, the kidneys of the crumbs will work literally for wear. In addition, excess protein can result in diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
  • The necessary enzyme "base" appears.  After six months in the body of the baby, the enzymes necessary for healthy digestion of fermented milk food are already produced in the optimal amount. And in the intestine is formed favorable for this microflora.

Five "cottage cheese" questions

So, after consulting with a pediatrician, you have determined when you can enter the curd in the complementary foods. But the parents' questions about the fermented milk menu are not exhausted. This is what moms worry about and ask, five popular questions.

  1. How to start cottage cheese foods? The scheme is similar to the introduction of any new product. The child must be healthy. More than a week has passed since the last vaccination, and the next one is not coming in the next seven days. There is no heat outside. For the first time we offer crumbs ½ tsp. If the child does not show an allergy to cottage cheese, gradually doubling, we increase the dose to the daily requirement.
  2. When, with what frequency and how much to give the baby cottage cheese?  Cottage cheese is recommended to give between the main meals. There are opinions that the optimal time is after 18:00. According to some studies, it is during this period that calcium is best absorbed by the body. Pediatricians offer healthy babies to be fed with cottage cheese every other day. At the age of 12 months, a child can eat 50 grams of cottage cheese, but no more. It is necessary to focus on this dosage with incremental increase in the volume of the product. For example, at seven months you can give 20-30, and at eight - 30-40 grams. A maximum fifty gram dosage is allowed from nine months.
  3. How to give? On the table to crumbs, he should get into the pot, which has undergone the necessary heat treatment. The temperature of the product itself is not lower than room temperature. You can warm the cottage cheese that you just got out of the refrigerator in a water bath.
  4. Which cottage cheese is better?  Doctors recommend that children up to three years old should be given factory products or products of children's dairy plants. Up to a year it is better to use pure cottage cheese, and then you can give a children's cottage cheese with fruit fillings.
  5. How to store? Always in the fridge. After the factory pack is opened, it should be consumed immediately. Therefore, it is better to buy a product packaged for no more than 50 g. When it comes to homemade curd cheese, its shelf life is no more than two or three days.

How to choose "your" product

Modern manufacturers offer a rich selection of cottage cheese products for kids. Parents can get confused before a rich assortment, so it is important to know what kinds of cottage cheese are and what will suit a particular baby. As a rule, the product is made from whole or normalized milk, the fat content of which during processing was adjusted to 3.8% or more.

In the shop…

First of all, by the way, cottage cheese for children differs in the percentage of fat content. There are three main types.

  • Lactic. Its fat content does not exceed 5%. Such a product is suitable for large babies who, because of their lack of mobility, gain weight and expend little energy.
  • Creamy. This product is more high in calories. The percentage of fat content - from 10 to 15. It is useful for children who are heavily gaining weight, as well as hyperactive babies.
  • Combined.  It combines the fats of both animal and vegetable origin. Most often different optimal six percent fat content. Enriched with substances that strengthen the nervous system and the development of brain functions.

... and at home

At the same time, there are quite a few negative reviews about the sour milk on the thematic forums. There are cases of poisoning. As a result, despite the recommendations of the doctors, mothers agree that children’s cottage cheese cooked at home deserves more confidence.

If parents decided to arrange a “dairy plant” in their own kitchen, then pediatricians recommend to strictly adhere to the recipe, responsibly approach the choice of raw materials and storage of the finished product. Ideally, it is better to make cottage cheese for the child out of your own milk, cows.

Depending on the method of preparation and the tasks that the product in the menu of the crumbs should solve, the curd is divided into two types:

  • Fresh homemade.  The product is best suited for babies who are breastfed and for children with weight gain problems. How to cook such a cottage cheese for the child at home? You need milk and a ten percent solution of calcium chloride, which is available in pharmacies. About 19 ml of the substance is per liter of milk. Mixing ingredients, bring the mixture to a boil. After the contents of the pan cools, strain it by separating the whey from the curd mass.
  • Kefir home.  This product is called sour. It is prepared from baby or ordinary kefir. In the second case, we need a base, the fat content of which does not exceed 1%. Suitable for healthy babies that develop within the age norm. No additional starters or additives are needed here. Raw material is poured into a jar and boils in a water bath. After the curd flakes appear in the container, you need to strain the resulting mixture and place it under a press. In this way, you can get about 50 g of cottage cheese from 100 g of raw materials.

Seasoned moms share their own recipes for homemade cottage cheese. For example, they offer a quick way to make a fresh product for every feeding. 100 ml of milk and 60 ml of kefir are necessary. Boil the mixture can be brought even in the microwave, and then - strain. And the remaining liquid is used to make pancakes.

When the baby is fully adapted to the new product, you can diversify it by adding various fruits or cookies. Mix components with a blender.

Cottage cheese for babies is an important product. Over time, so that he does not bore the baby, you can cook casseroles, puddings, cheese cakes, dumplings with cottage cheese stuffing. The main thing to remember is that with all the benefits of cottage cheese you should not rush into its introduction to the menu. The benefit of the product brings only subject to the timing and dosage of complementary foods.

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Even the most inexperienced mummies understand that during breastfeeding  The diet of the baby is gradually expanded with different products. But which ones are suitable for children under 1 year old, not everyone knows. Along with cereals, juices, fruit and vegetable puree  fermented milk products are gradually included in the children's menu. Cottage cheese is a high-calorie product, rich in useful microelements. Therefore, in complementary foods cottage cheese should be included correctly and carefully, following the recommendations of the district pediatrician.

The value of feeding for baby

Different women have different composition of breast milk. For some kids, it may well satisfy all needs for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, important trace elements and calories. For others this is not enough for full development. Since how many months, how to introduce products into the diet correctly and whether it is possible to give a cottage cheese to a child, a district children's doctor usually advises. Current WHO recommendations suggest that baby food be introduced into the diet from the age of six months.

Cottage cheese for the first feeding will be introduced later on some other products. The digestive system of a baby under one year old is still quite immature. Cottage cheese is a nutritious, high-calorie product, in which the protein content is 6 times higher than the corresponding figure in milk. Therefore, young mothers should know how to give cottage cheese to a child under one year so that there is no load on the urinary system. The excess protein in the diet of the baby is fraught with further metabolic and kidney problems, as well as hypertension.

From what month can you give a small cottage cheese

It is up to the pediatrician to decide when to introduce cottage cheese into complementary foods, focusing on the general condition and pace of development of the child. Usually dairy products for the first time are allowed to give the baby in 8 months. But there are a number of indications, when a child can be started to be fed with a curd a little earlier:

  • if the baby is not gaining weight well
  • if the baby suffers rickets
  • if the baby is bottle-fed since birth
  • if calcium deficiency is observed
  • if you can not cope with anemia

The presence of two indicators from this list is a reason to introduce a cottage cheese as a supplement from 6 or 7 months. There are other indications, when it is recommended to introduce the curd into the children's menu a little later:

  • if "on the face" extra weight in a child
  • if you are allergic to dairy products
  • if the spring is closing fast

In all these cases, dairy products include the child's menu, starting from 9 months to 1 year.

Many mummies very carefully study books and enjoy watching Dr. Komarovsky’s programs, trusting his advice and recommendations. Evgeny Olegovich very clearly describes from what age and how best to start feeding the child with cottage cheese. Schemes of complementary foods can be found on the Internet or books of the famous pediatrician.

On a note! Dr. Komarovsky believes that such a fact as the quick closing of the spring, does not give a reason to refuse to enter the cottage cheese into the baby's diet.

The nutritional product is very useful for the child's body:

  • A high percentage of protein contributes to the growth and development of the muscles of the child’s body.
  • Phosphorus and calcium contribute to the full formation of the skeleton, the timely appearance of teeth, the closing of the fontanel, and also hinder the development of rickets.
  • Cottage cheese for a child is a source of special protein, albumin. This protein helps to strengthen the immunity of the crumbs, as it is actively involved in the production of antibodies.
  • Good, high-quality and cottage cheese introduced into the baby’s diet in time is a source of prebiotics and probiotics. These beneficial microorganisms contribute to the digestive process and support the work of beneficial bacteria in the lower intestines.

How much to give cottage cheese to baby

In order to teach the little one to eat fermented milk products, you should start feeding with kefir, gradually increasing the amount of:

1 day - 10 - 15 ml (this is 2 - 3 teaspoons)

2 day - 20 - 30 ml

3 day - 40 - 60 ml

4 day - 80 - 120 ml

If any problems are found at the time of feeding on the fermented milk product, then it is worth stopping for a while. If there are no problems, then on day 4, you can add cottage cheese to kefir. About how much cottage cheese can be given to a child, Komarovsky says the following:

1 day - one teaspoon

2 day - two teaspoons

The volume of cottage cheese for children under one year should be gradually increased. At 8 months, it should be 30 g, older children give up to 50 g of this product. Children's cottage cheese recipes are varied. And if one year old child loves and asks for more curds, the recommended amount should not be exceeded. From a week to 10 days is required in order to completely replace one breastfeeding with kefir with curd (150g / 30g).

Which cottage cheese is better for crumbs

Cottage cheese for children up to one year can be bought ready-made. Beautiful jars are filled with a mass with a delicate texture and pleasant taste. Baby already in the year with might and main eats this delicious dairy product. But the store option may contain completely unhealthy additives. There are cases of poisoning with poor-quality product, especially in the summer. Therefore, many moms are convinced that cottage cheese for complementary foods cooked at home is much more useful for the crumbs.

The answer to the question, what kind of cottage cheese to give to children, sounds simple, - fresh and high-quality. Many doctors recommend home-made cottage cheese to make your cow out of milk. But keep in mind that homemade milk is very fat. Therefore, moms are interested in how to cook a children's cottage cheese, so that it is not only tasty, but also the most useful. About how to make a children's cottage cheese, moms discuss among themselves and share recipes.

You can cook cottage cheese with your own hands as follows:

  • Add 19 ml of 10% calcium chloride solution to one liter of milk. It can be bought at the pharmacy. Milk bring to a boil, cool. Next, strain, separating the curd mass from the whey.
  • Another possible way to make cottage cheese yourself is to buy kefir with 1% fat. It is poured into a jar and put in a water bath. After the appearance of cottage cheese flakes, it must be drained.
  • Mix 100 ml of milk with 60 ml of low-fat kefir. Bring the mixture to a boil. It is easy to do in the microwave. It remains only to strain.

Recipes from homemade cottage cheese for children are varied. The main rule of their preparation is that the raw material must be fresh and of high quality. A product made with love, will be a joy to your baby and will bring only benefit.

is it possible to give the child cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the most delicious and extremely healthy dairy products, due to its calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B 2, folic acid and kefir fungi. This product is one of the most important in the diet. Therefore, the question “Is it possible to give a child cottage cheese?” Does not even arise for inexperienced parents. In children who eat cottage cheese in sufficient quantities, healthy teeth and strong bones are formed, tops come to good growth and weight. In addition, cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, liver, nervous system and metabolic processes of the child’s body.

At what age to start eating the cottage cheese?

When a child can be given cottage cheese as a complementary food, depends primarily on the type of feeding the crumbs. Babies who received only breast milk for up to 6 months can try cottage cheese at 8-9 months. Artificialists who receive various types of complementary foods from 4 months can already get acquainted with cottage cheese in 6-7 months. But, both in one and in the other case, cottage cheese complements are introduced after the baby has mastered juices, vegetable, fruit supplements and non-dairy cereals.

How to properly enter the curd feed?

Cottage cheese delicacy should be offered to try for the first time only a healthy baby, no later than an afternoon snack, and only when the peanut is in a good mood. Do not enter new Product  three days before and three days after vaccination. Actually, these rules relate to the introduction of any new product in the diet.

How much cottage cheese can you give to a child?

At the first introduction of any product, including cottage cheese, the child should be offered ½ - 1 teaspoon. Well, if the kid like the new taste. Then you should carefully follow the reaction of the small organism to the newly introduced product. If no allergic manifestations follow, then you can continue to increase the portion. By the age of one year old, the baby should eat 50 grams of cottage cheese daily. Sometimes, for medical reasons, the pediatrician advises to slightly increase or decrease the amount of cottage cheese complementary foods.

To cook  home   curd or buy in a store?

On the shelves of shops today a large selection of cottage cheese, prepared for the feeding of babies up to a year. Such a curd is adapted to the needs of the as yet immature digestive system of the crumbs, has a thick sour cream consistency and a delicate taste. As a rule, kids eat it with pleasure. When buying cottage cheese from the store, you should choose a package with small shelf life, the most recent by date of production and without additives.

Cottage cheese made from whole milk from homemade Burenka would be an ideal option for a baby.

The recipe for homemade curds is simple:

Boil 1 l. milk Cool down to about 35 C o, add 50 g of ferment (kefir, sour milk or sour cream will do). After a few hours, the milk will turn sour into sour milk. Place dishes with yogurt in a water bath and put on a slow fire. After about 30-40 minutes the curd will be ready. It remains only to allow the serum to drain. Curd home made  Additionally, you need to grind in a blender. You can add berries or fruits.

No need to give the child as a complementary cheeses, stuffed with flavors and various additives, as well as "adult" cheese.

What diseases shouldn't cottage cheese be given to children?

Contraindications for the use of cottage cheese are kidney disease. Cottage cheese, as well as other dairy products do not give children with intolerance to milk protein.

In any of these cases, a pediatrician's consultation is necessary.