Onion diet for weight loss with a menu and recipe for soup. Onion diet for weight loss: the menu, the pros and cons. Onion soup for diet.

This unusual first course is so effective that it is one of the twenty best diet soups. It is also called “Bonn” or “celery”.

Onion soup for weight loss not only effectively burns fat, but is also full of properties that are beneficial to the human body.


  • cooking products are easy to find in the kitchen or at the nearest grocery store;
  • cooking does not require special culinary knowledge and does not take much time. On the scale of difficulty - 1 star - “very easy”;
  • several recipe options make it possible to choose the one that is more suitable for taste preferences;
  • exotic or expensive ingredients are not required for cooking;
  • the time required for the full course is 7 or 10 days;
  • the first result is noticeable after 2 days;
  • diet is soft and gentle.
  • the diet includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish;
  • it is permissible to use the diet for pregnant women, but prior consultation with your doctor is obligatory;
  • the diet is recommended for lowering cholesterol and is useful for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  • the main dish is rich in healthy microelements, minerals and vitamins;
  • onion soup has a positive effect on the water balance in the body. Due to the fact that the plant normalizes the work of the kidneys, they facilitate the workload of the liver and, in combination, the restoration of the correct metabolic process is obtained.

For those who do not like this vegetable, the following facts are given in favor of the onion:

  • burns fat throughout the body and is effective in combating them in problem areas (stomach, thighs);
  • removes toxins, wastes and excess "unhealthy" fats and cholesterol from the body;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • improves digestion;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • boosts, restores immunity;
  • is a natural antibiotic.

This, of course, is not a complete list of onion’s capabilities, but today it’s not about him, but more about a soup-based diet. By the way, this dish is prescribed by doctors for cancer, diabetes, urolithiasis and for the restoration of the body after surgery.

About diet

By combining onions with other products, the diet is varied and short term   in seven days does not have time to get bored. During this time, you can have time to cook the soup for two or three recipes.

After the selected 7 or 10 days out of the diet should be smooth, you should not immediately arrange a holiday about the loss of extra pounds with "heavy" snacks and cakes.

During the diet, it is recommended to eat soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner in unlimited quantities. During this time, body fat is reduced, which affects the improvement of the organs and the digestive system. In the intervals between receptions of the main dish, you should be content with permitted products, without replacing them and without abusing portions and liquid.

On the day it is advisable to drink from 2 liters of water. Preferred simple or mineral, but the use of tea or coffee is desirable to minimize. It would be ideal to completely abandon these tonic drinks, but if the body is not able to wake up without them, you should not create unnecessary stressful situations for it. The usual cup of tea / coffee is best divided into two or even three servings.

Onion soup for weight loss: recipes

Below are 4 cooking options.

Recipe number 1

  • 6 onions;
  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 2 pieces of bell pepper;
  • 1 medium bunch of celery;
  • 1-2 carrots (optional);
  • parsley (if you want);
  • 4-6 tomatoes are added to taste (fresh can be replaced with canned);
  1. All finely chop.
  2. Pour into cold water.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. At the end can be slightly salted.

In some embodiments of the recipe, a bouillon cube is additionally used.

Recipe number 2

  • tomato juice (1.5 l);
  • onions (5 pcs.);
  • cabbage;
  • celery root (200 g);
  • sweet pepper (2 pcs.);
  • carrots (6 pieces);
  • tomato (5–6 pieces);
  • beans on pods (400 g);
  1. All the ingredients are cut, pour the juice and cook on high heat for 15 minutes, without covering with a lid.
  2. After the fire, reduce, salt, pepper and close, if desired, cook and cook until all the products are ready.
  3. Vegetables should be under the juice. If it is not enough, add water.

Recipe number 3

  • vegetable oil;
  • 10 bulbs;
  • sweet pepper (1-2 pieces);
  • cabbage (+ -500 g);
  • carrots (1 pc.);
  • lemon juice;
  • pepper, laurel, salt, dill.
  1. Onion pripat on oil, pour into boiling water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and cook over medium heat until all foods are ready.
  3. Freshly squeezed lemon juice and dill add to the plate.

Recipe number 4

The following recipe offers a popular American women's magazine.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l butter;
  • 5 onions (ideally use a mixture of yellow and red);
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 6 cups beef broth   low sodium (can be replaced with chicken or vegetable);
  • 1/2 cup of dry red wine (this item is applicable if desired);
  • 4 or 5 sprigs of fresh thyme (optional, also optional);
  • fresh ground pepper;
  • 4 slices of baguette or bread sourdough;
  • 1/2 cup grated Swiss cheese.

For one portion it turns out:

  • 230 calories;
  • 8 g fat (4 g saturated);
  • 720 mg of sodium.
  1. Heat the oil over low heat in a saucepan. Add onions and salt. Cover and simmer on low heat until the onions are very soft and caramelized. It will take about 30 minutes. You can check once every 10 minutes.
  2. Add broth, bay leaf, thyme and wine (if used). Boil for at least 15 minutes on low heat. Season with pepper. Pull out the bay leaf.
  3. Preheat the oven. Divide the soup into 4 portions in pots. Put a slice of baguette and some cheese on each serving. Cook for about 3 minutes until the cheese melts and bubbles.

What other foods are included in the diet

For 7 days, except for soup (by day):

  1. Fruits, except sweet.
  2. Vegetables, raw and cooked in any way other than preservation.
  3. Fruits and vegetables, other than potatoes.
  4. Vegetables, banana, skim milk.
  5. Tomatoes, fresh or canned (not pickled); 0.5 kg of meat (lean beef, chicken, fish). Fruit is prohibited.
  6. Boiled beef, leafy and green vegetables. Do not eat fruit.
  7. Vegetables; can be some wild rice. Fruit juice is only possible without sugar.

If the diet is selected for 10 days (by day):

  1. Fruits.
  2. Salads with tomatoes and sweet peppers on olive oil   with spices.
  3. Apples, strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers.
  4. Dairy low-fat products, as close as possible to natural, and bananas.
  5. Tomatoes, fish, turkey meat or chicken.
  6. Lunch portion of soup to replace the Greek salad with cheese and Chinese cabbage.
  7. Milk and fresh juices. You can add a dessert spoon of honey.
  8. Green tea with milk, chicken, cheese, tangerines.
  9. Chicken broth, cheese, a slice of bread. For lunch - coffee and eggs, for dinner - 1 apple.
  10. Lots of vegetables, chicken, cheese.

Important "no"

You can not use:

  • sweet;
  • mayonnaise;
  • bread;
  • alcohol;
  • sauces and other high carbohydrate foods.

Diet is forbidden when:

  • exacerbation of any chronic illness;
  • ulcer;
  • diseased kidney or liver;
  • gastritis;
  • high acidity;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Between approaches there should be a break in a month.

Before choosing a diet, you must go to a personal doctor. Possible unwanted side effectsindividual allergic reactions or indigestible.

Onions - a storehouse of vitamins, recognized as a dietary product after heat treatment. This vegetable is one of the most affordable, so a diet based on it is considered the most democratic, and still comfortable and effective, while remaining low in calories. Following the dietary program of nutrition, onion soup for weight loss is combined with vegetables, fruits, meat. Read and put everything into practice!

Onion Soup Recipes

Raw onions are not recommended to eat in large quantities, because without hot processing the vegetable is able to excite the nervous system, increase the pressure. Onion juice irritates the gastric and intestinal mucosa, and the sharp smell of vegetable stays in the mouth for a long time. From all of this eliminates dietary onion soup for successful weight loss. This dish is the best option of frequent consumption of vegetables. How to cook onion soup?


The traditional recipe of the first dish, which is based on onions, will require such products:

  • white cabbage - 1 fork;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • onion - 6 pcs .;
  • tomatoes and green peppers - 2 pcs .;
  • bouillon cube - 1 pc .;
  • greens - 1 bunch.

This is a 10 kg slimming soup, one plate contains only 35 kcal. Cooking is easy:

  1. Cut into cabbage, onions, tomatoes and peppers, a bunch of greens, add water.
  2. Dissolve the bouillon cube or just salt it.
  3. After 10 minutes of cooking, turn it off and let it brew.


The following ingredients are required to make a light French first course:

  • large onion - 1 pc .;
  • water or broth - 0.5 liters;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • small carrot, sliced ​​into circles - 1 pc .;
  • a slice of bread and a plate of hard cheese.

A portion contains no more than 45 kcal, it is not difficult to prepare a dish too:

  1. Fry the onion at the bottom of the pan and put it in a clay pot (fireproof dish), add a carrot if desired, add water (broth), salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Put in the oven for 3 hours with a slight heat.
  3. Divide the bread into small squares, redden in the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese, letting it melt a little under the influence of high temperature.
  4. Cheese crackers poured into a plate before use.


For the preparation of this version of onion soup for weight loss will require such products:

  • chicken without pelt - 400 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • diced potatoes - 300 g;
  • leek - 1 pc .;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

A portion of the first dish contains 38 kcal, and cooking does not take much time:

  1. Finely chop the chicken fillet, add potatoes.
  2. Boil almost until ready. 5 minutes before switching off, salt, pepper, put chopped leek stem into the pan.
  3. Let stand on the stove.

Lean option - onion soup with celery - e then fat burning soup, cooking will require a minimum set of products:

  • onion - 6 pcs .;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • medium celery root - 1 pc.,
  • butter - 20-25 g.

One plate (portion) does not exceed 38 kcal, the dish is prepared quickly:

  1. Bulbs cut in half. Smear butter, bake in the oven or microwave.
  2. Add crushed celery root, bring to a boil.
  3. Turn the dish into a puree with a blender. Optionally fill with low-fat yogurt.

Onion diet menu for the week

Day of the week Basis of diet What else is allowed
Monday First dish with onions Fruit, except banana, grapes and mango, allowed watermelon
Tuesday Soup Vegetables - raw, boiled, steamed, or grilled
Wednesday First onion-based Vegetables and fruits, potatoes excluded
Thursday Menu like tuesday Allowed to eat 2 bananas, drink a glass of skimmed milk
Friday First Onion Dish A couple of tomatoes (fresh or canned in their own juice), boiled beef or chicken, you can fish, but protein foods should not exceed 0.5 kg per day
Saturday Soup Boiled beef, a few lettuce leaves (replaced by cabbage or celery), cucumbers, green pepper
Sunday The first of the bow

Fresh or boiled vegetables, a portion of wild rice and sugar-free fruit juices are allowed.

Onion Diet Video

Onion is a natural antioxidant and antibiotic. With regular use of vegetables in the body reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, sugar, strengthens the immune system. The video shows that onion-based dietary soups accelerate metabolism and even rejuvenate. For a week, you can try different recipes, their low calorie contributes to the breakdown of fat.

One way to quickly and effectively lose a few extra pounds - for a week to eat onion soup for weight loss.

The wonderful effect of the healthy and light soup will be noticeable after two or three days.

It is not by chance that this dish is called fat burning: no more than 40 kilocalories are eaten at a time.

Is it any wonder that in a week you can get rid of five to seven kilograms?

Onion soup for weight loss: plus or minus?

Creation of onion soup for weight loss attributed to the French. Indeed, for the gastronomic culture of this country, the use of leeks as a basis for a vegetable dish is natural. Nutritionists welcome the use of onion soup for many reasons:

It has a lot of useful fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal function;

It accelerates the metabolic processes, improves the quality of blood, and has a good effect on the condition of the joints;

Onions removes heavy metals, slags, toxins from the body;

During heat treatment, the vegetable does not lose its beneficial properties;

Onion soup has so few calories that it takes more energy to digest than it does;

Onion soup   for weight loss contains a lot of antioxidants, so its use is not accompanied by loss of strength and bad mood. On the contrary, if you use a dish for weight loss, then the whole period of active weight loss will be accompanied by good health and efficiency;

Magic soup is an excellent prevention of cancer, diabetes, kidney disease and the urinary system. It is recommended to eat during the recovery period after abdominal surgery.

But for girls with excess weight, the most important plus onion soup in another. During the seven- or ten-day diet, fat leaves just the places that cause the most problems. Not only what diet allows you to quickly lose volumes on the hands, hips and abdomen. Nice addition   will be a cleansing of the skin, the disappearance of inflammatory elements, comedones.

And what is in the red?   Unstable result. Yes, in a week of “onion fasting” you can lose five kilograms. But if in the next two weeks you don’t fix the result, don’t watch your diet, eat too much fat and sweet again, the weight will instantly return.

Do not use onion soup for weight loss to those who have gastrointestinal diseases (especially pancreatitis, ulcers, increased acidity of the stomach), problems with blood formation, suffers from anemia. For obvious reasons, you can’t even think about arbitrarily prescribed diets for lactating mothers, pregnant women, children and teenagers.

All others can cook onion soup to taste.

Onion soup slimming recipes

Recipes dietary dishes quite a bit of. Despite significant differences, all these options are related to low calorie content and the mandatory inclusion of a large amount of onions in the recipe. Please note: if the classic French recipe involves the use of leek, then its domestic counterparts are allowed to use onions.

A slight inconvenience of using onion soup for weight loss is that every day you have to prepare a new portion of the dish. What is left from yesterday cannot be eaten, since all the useful substances are not saved. But this is the beauty of the diet, because during the week you can try at least four different dishes. Not and not boring, and effective.

Basic recipe


Seven large bulbs;

Two bell peppers;

Six tomatoes (or a half-liter jar of canned);

A small head of cabbage;

Celery root.

All components need to be simply cut into small pieces (cabbage thinly chop), pour with cold water, bring to a boil and cook until the cabbage is soft. Do not digest! As soon as the water boils, add a pinch of cumin or turmeric. Serve with chopped parsley.

French recipe


Six to eight bulbs;

Two potatoes;

Two spoons of olive (or vegetable) oil;

A bag of French herbs.

Chop the onions and potatoes, season with butter, cook in two liters of water for ten minutes. Add herbs immediately after boiling. When serving, you can add a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

Finnish recipe

Quite unusual and not so dietary recipe for onion soup for weight loss. But for a change, why not try it?


A small head of cabbage (no more than half a kilo);

Celery root;

Five cloves of garlic;

Two spoons of olive oil;

Two tomatoes;

Two large onions;

Bulgarian pepper;

Liter of chicken broth;

A bunch of basil and oregano (or a spoonful of dry grass);

A small piece of melted cheese (two large spoons).

Cabbage and shredded onions, chopped or grated root. Pepper cut into small cubes. Garlic crush. In the oil, fry all the ingredients a little, then pour the broth, fill with cheese and cook until the cabbage is softened.

Mushroom recipe

When the onions in the company of cabbage, peppers and tomatoes are very tired, you can cook the soup with mushrooms. This option, in addition to diversity, saturates the diet with full-fledged protein.


Five large onions;

Three hundred grams of fresh champignons;

Three sweet peppers;

Spoonful of oil for frying;

Seasonal herbs or dried herbs to taste.

Grind all components, add water and cook on low heat until soft. Cut mushrooms, fry on a spoon of vegetable oil, add to soup. Season with herbs, boil for another ten minutes, let it stand. When serving, you can fill with a spoon of sour cream or yogurt.

Onion soup for weight loss: the basic principles

The main principle of nutrition on the onion soup for weight loss is to eat it whenever you want. Naturally, the soup will have breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can supplement the diet with approved foods, mainly protein, fruits and vegetables.   However, other requirements must be met:

Drink plenty of water (at least two liters per day);

Exclude all flour, sweet, fat. No butter cakes, candy (including on fructose) or tea with sugar;

It is advisable (although not strictly necessary) to exclude coffee;

Do not drink carbonated drinks;

At the time of the diet forget about alcohol.

There are two main options for using onion soup for weight loss. The first is designed for seven days, the second - for ten. In any case, you can not use the diet for more than a month.

Onion soup for weight loss: a menu for seven days

For seven days you will have to eat not only low-calorie soup, but also other products. This will help avoid starvation breaks, since the craving for sweets can be removed with fruits, and the sensations of satiety with vegetables and meat. Every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner we eat a generous plate of soup. As soon as I wanted to eat - again the soup. Every day, as a supplement to the soup ration, you need to eat a certain product.

The first day

You can eat berries, any fruit (except bananas). The total weight of extra food is no more than a kilogram. It’s not necessary to nibble raw apples: they can be baked in a pinch of cinnamon.

Second day

As a supplement to the soup, any vegetables are allowed with the exception of beans and potatoes. You can eat no more than a kilogram of vegetables per day.

Third day

We combine the first and second supplementary diets and eat vegetables and fruits, still excluding potatoes and bananas. It is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables separately from each other.

Day four

Today you can pamper yourself with two bananas and a glass of milk (with a fat content not exceeding 1.5 percent). But no more fruits and vegetables!

Fifth day

In addition to a portion of soup, we introduce two hundred grams of boiled lean meat: beef, veal, chicken. It is better to divide the serving in half. It is allowed to add meat slices from the cutting of one fresh tomato.

Sixth day

During the day, eat an extra pound of boiled lean meat. You can add meat pieces to the finished onion soup for weight loss.

Seventh day

The last day of the onion marathon. Additional products: two hundred grams of brown boiled rice, boiled chicken, a kilogram of any fruit (except banana). You can squeeze the juice from the fruit, but you need to drink it immediately.

Onion soup for weight loss: a menu for ten days

The first day

Onion soup and fruit. Attention: we eat fruits separately from soup. Otherwise, you can get a digestive upset. Apples can be baked with a pinch of cinnamon (without sugar), and still be pampered in season with one slice of watermelon.

Second day

Onion supplement salad with bell peppers and tomatoes. You can fill the dessert spoon of vegetable oil and spices. Salt to a minimum.

Third day

You can eat berries, fruits and vegetables besides the soup. Vegetables are allowed only non-starchy. Preference is given to cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, bell pepper, leafy greens. Bananas are banned.

Day four

Soup and fresh dairy products - the basis of the diet on this day. Pay attention: under the dairy means dairy products: natural yogurt, kefir, bifidok, ryazhenka. During the day you can eat two bananas. To make it more fun, you can whip kefir or yogurt with a banana in a blender and eat like a dessert with a small spoon.

Fifth day

Lean on the soup. The fifth day is a benefit of tomatoes: you can eat up to eight of them! Along with tomatoes boiled chicken or turkey is allowed. But the main thing is the soup.

Sixth day

For lunch, after the soup you can cook yourself a Greek salad, adding to it the cheese and Chinese cabbage. If you want to refuel, you can drop a few drops of linseed oil.

Seventh day

We make every effort not to break. Actively eat soup, filling it with sour cream. Today fermented milk products are permissible. You can drink tea with milk. And still allowed to drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. If you want a sweet to dizziness, eat a spoonful of honey: let go.

Eighth day

Together with the soup we eat lean protein foods: cheese, a little semi-hard cheese, boiled chicken or beef. Two or three mandarins are allowed as snacks. During the day, you can drink tea (preferably green) with milk.

Day nine

For breakfast, eat two boiled eggs with a cup of natural coffee. For lunch, cook chicken broth with onions. During the day, you can have a snack twice a day with transparent sandwiches of cheese and bran bread (without fanaticism, of course). In the evening you can eat an apple or a pear.

Tenth day

Cook onion soup for weight loss for the last time. Meals can be supplemented with salads from fresh vegetables, boiled lean meat. Cheese lovers can pamper themselves today from the heart.

Onion soup for weight loss: how to fix the result?

Losing weight on the onion soup, you need to correctly exit the hard power mode to fix the result. Nothing better proper nutrition   for this does not exist. What should be done:

Gradually add to the diet carbohydrates: cereals, potato dishes, pasta. It is best to combine them with stewed vegetables, and not with meat, that is, adhere to the principles of separate nutrition. This will maximize the work of the digestive tract;

Make copious drinking a good habit. If you want to continue losing weight, then without water weight can stand. Two liters of clean water per day is the norm;

Sweets choose whenever possible low-calorie. If you want a cake, let it be, but not every day and not for the night. Marshmallow, black chocolate is a priority.

To keep the weight, will have some time to monitor the calorie. If there are no permanent physical exertion   in the gym, it is better not to exceed 1.5 thousand calories per day.

Diet with fat burning onion soup   gorgeous and safe. It will cleanse your body of pollution and give a feeling of well-being. If you strictly follow the diet for a week, you should lose from 4 - 8 kg.

Cooking onion soup:
6 medium bulbs,
several tomatoes (canned),
1 small head   cabbage
2 green peppers,
1 bunch celery
1 cube of vegetable broth.

Cut the vegetables into small or medium pieces, add water, season with salt, pepper and hot sauce (optional). Boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and cook until the vegetables are soft.

During the diet with onion soup you should not use it categorically: alcoholic beverages, bread, carbonated drinks Nothing should be fried or cooked with added fat.

Fat burning onion soup can be eaten anytimewhen you are hungry. Eat it as much as you want, and when you want it - the soup does not add calories. Fill them with a thermos in the morning to grab with you if you are away from home or go on a trip during the day. And the rest of the products are distributed as follows:

1 day   - Onion soup and fruit: any fruit, except bananas. As a drink, you can use unsweetened tea, cranberry juice, unsweetened coffee or water. Do not add milk to tea or coffee. Drink plenty of water.

2 day - onion soup and vegetables: any fresh, stewed (without oil), boiled vegetables. You can eat all the vegetables you want. Eat until you get enough. You can eat raw, fresh or canned vegetables. Permissible leaf greens. Eat it all with soup. Stay away from dried beans, green peas and corn. Can be a little baked or boiled potatoes with a little oil.

3 day   - onion soup, vegetables and fruits. But no potatoes anymore.

4 day   - onion soup, vegetables and fruits. Today you can 2 bananas and a glass of low-calorie milk. Drink as many glasses of water as you can, in parallel with the soup.

5 day   - Onion soup, beef and tomatoes. Today you can 400-500 g of boiled lean beef, or chicken (without skin), or fish. And fresh tomatoes as you want. If not fresh, then a can of canned in its own juice. Without fruit.

6 day   - Onion soup, beef and green leafy vegetables. Replace tomatoes with lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, green pepper. Without fruit.

7 day- onion soup, brown rice, vegetables, fruit juice. Any vegetables that, for example, can be added to rice. Fruit juice without sugar.

It is necessary: ​​drink more water (non-carbonated!) 1.5-2 liters per day, tea, coffee without sugar.

Fat Burning Onion Soup   there is just no way. Otherwise, then there will be no effect. Better soup is 3 times a day: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In recent days, at least once a day you need to eat soup.

Get off the diet at least 24 hours before you consume any alcohol.

Greetings, friends. Today I want to tell you about the secret "weapon" that helps in the fight against obesity. This is an old French recipe that is used during the diet. And today we will cook the classic onion soup for weight loss.

Amazing facts

I first read about onion soup in the book “Midshipmen”. Remember when Princess Anastasia Yaguzhinskaya took the Chevalier de Brillus to France. On the way, they had a conversation. They compared the customs of Russia and France. De Brilli rebuked the Russians: “In your Russian baths, you are just doing wickedness”. To which Anastasia retorted: "But you have decided to wash once a month, and cook the soup only with onions."

Yes, the French have this soup is a national brand. By classic recipe   wine and sugar are added to it. And then caramelize onions until it gets a brownish tint. Eat it with black bread and a slice of cheese. But we will prepare the diet version of the dish.

What is useful bow

Caloric content of this vegetable is 41 kcal per 100 g of product. It contains 10.4 g of carbohydrates and 1.4 g of proteins. There is no fat at all.

The chemical composition of onions is rich and diverse. Here is:

  • Allicin is a powerful natural antibiotic. This substance is 6 times more than in hot garlic. Allicin perfectly resists sore throat viruses and other diseases of the respiratory system. He also kills streptococci, diphtheria, dysentery and tubercle bacilli. This powerful antibiotic even kills cancer cells. Maybe that's why the French love it so much to eat? 😉
  • Glukinin (plant hormone) - helps to normalize blood glucose levels.
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP and others.
  • High chromium content - useful for stabilizing blood sugar levels.

And onions contain a lot of sugars. They are much more here than in juicy sweet apples or pears. But do not rush because of this, to exclude this vegetable from your diet while losing weight.

Onion is an excellent fat burner. This property is the basis of the onion diet.

And it has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. It is noticed that for those who regularly consume it, the quality of blood improves.

Onions also help fight pain. So, if you have a headache, do not rush to swallow pills. Instead of poisoning your body once again with chemistry, try to smell raw onions.

Onion diet features

As I said, during this diet there is a need for special soup. There are 2 options for onion soup: classic French and vegetable. The latter is exactly the same recipe. I think it makes no sense to describe it again. In this article I will present you a detailed recipe with a photo of a classic version of onion soup.

And as a prelude to the recipe decided to write briefly about the onion diet. The system of weight loss, based on the fat-burning soup, is designed for a week. If desired, you can repeat the diet after 3 weeks.

The developers of this unloading program promise impressive results - they say that you can even lose 10 kg

Onion weight loss has the following advantages:

  • exchange processes are accelerated;
  • the body is saturated with valuable elements, so the tone increases and the mood will rise;
  • fats are burned in problem areas.

During onion weight loss you can eat any vegetables. Even the minimum amount of potatoes allowed. But from the consumption of beans and corn is better to abstain for a while.

Plus allowed to use, only with sweet, be more careful. It is better to eliminate them altogether. But if it does not, then at least minimize their consumption.

From meat and fish do not have to completely give up. But with alcohol and sweets you need to temporarily say goodbye.

And although the onion diet is gentle, it still has a number of contraindications. It is better to refrain from such a weight loss for those who suffer from peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and diseases. nervous system. Caution should be taken to such a discharge program for people with heart disease, kidney and liver. The fact is that onions can provoke an aggravation of existing diseases.

Onion Slimming Reviews

I am sure that the reviews and the results of those who have lost weight will tell you a lot about the effectiveness of this unloading power system. I just picked up a few of them.

Marusya : My friend every year goes on a diet. in a week she drops as much as 10 kilos. But she only eats onion soup. And after the diet goes to a normal diet. Weight is still holding for a long time. So I decided that I would also sit on this diet.

Nussia:   Today I am the first day on this diet. I added a broth cube to the soup and added a bit of it. It seems so niche to taste.

Alenka:   In 7 days I got rid of 4.5 kg. But besides onion soup, I ate more meat, vegetables and fruits.

Galina:   I lasted on an onion diet for exactly 2 days. Yes, threw 1.5 kg. But already fed up with this soup. Another year probably I can not look at the bow.

Dink : And the soup works))) But in my dish there is always a piece of meat or a sausage. I have already dropped 3 kg in 5 days

Ksyusha :   The soup is delicious. Only he does not work for me. Maybe it's just not my diet. I liked more.

Nastya:   I last time on this diet got rid of 7 kg in a week. I want another week or two to sit on it

Lika:   Today is the 4th day of the diet. And there is something to brag about. On average, a kilo leaves per day. And I eat meat, fruit and vegetables besides soup.

The secret of cooking onion soup

In the classic French onion soup, white onions are used. But I believe that this dish can be cooked from any kind - purple, golden, etc. You can even combine. Well, for example, purple and leek. It will turn out very tasty and incredibly useful.

Onion soup has a strong flavor. Even neighbors can smell your food. Then they will ask you what they have cooked there so fragrant 🙂 Besides, onion soup is quite satisfying. Your body will tell you when it will be enough. Believe me, you can hardly eat more of it.

For flavor you can add bay leaf, black pepper or thyme to the dish. These spices can be used both together and separately. It all depends on your taste preferences.

By consuming a lot of broth water, you get a lot less calories per volume. For a snack, you can take a small slice of whole grain bread with a slice of cheese. I advise you to take the cheese with fat content up to 20%.

  Order food at home

  Step-by-step recipe

Step 1.   Peel the onion and rinse it. Then cut the onions in half and each half in thin strips.

Step 2.   Place a chafing dish or stainless pan on the stove. Add vegetable oil with cream and warm this mix well.

Step 3.   Reduce the heat on the stove to a medium-low level. Send shredded onion into a bowl of heated fat. Stir everything, cover the container with a lid. Let the onions sweat for 8 minutes.

Step 4.   Increase fire power to medium level. Add thyme and salt to the pot. Then cook until full caramelization. Onions should have a rich golden brown hue. By the time it may take 40-60 minutes. At the same time periodically adjust the power of fire - from medium to low and vice versa. And do not forget to stir, otherwise everything will burn.

Step 5.   Sprinkle the onion with flour, mix well and simmer for about 3 minutes. Thanks to the flour, the soup will become thick.

Step 6.   Pour water or broth into the pot and cover with a lid. Simmer the food for about half an hour.

Step 7.   Remove the sample. If necessary, dosolite. That's all, diet soup in French is ready. Serve it hot. Enjoy your meal! :)
