Chee inject salaries from the assessment for the scholarship. Displaying the richesky evaluations from the magazine? Yakshcho student not showing up


I'm going! Vikladach on the cob of a semester bared the students, so they will be undifferentiated. Before the hour of the show session, win by showing the sign at the sign with the word "gold" (no estimate). Protest for making a difference, and for making changes and differentiations. How right are you?

All views: 1

See a lawyer (Ivan Oleksiyovich Saunko)


You can and more beautiful Vlashtov To be like

I'm going! Wrong. Price solution to use not by the viclade itself, but by the key to the main standards that established in the initial plan.


Hello. where I am placed before the veterans of the boyovykh diy. having served from 1996 to 1998 near the Cordonians in Dagestan. In vіyskovomu receipt є write down. "Subject to the Decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation No. 1210 dated 12/11/95;

All views: 1

See a lawyer (Oksana Konoplyova)


You can and more beautiful Vlashtov To be like

Good day, Dmitre!
So, stand.
Exciting for the inclusion of the veterans, as they vykonuvali vіyskovy obligations on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, interest in the law "About veterans" signifies zris.
Vityagi z ФЗ від 12 Сіchnya 1995 to rock N 5-ФЗ "About veterans"
Article 3. Veterans of boyovykh diy
1. Prior to the veterans of the boyovykh, there should be:
1) vіyskovoservices, including those in the reserve (delivery), migrant workers, respondents to vіyskovі zbori, individuals of an ordinary takhovsky warehouse of organs of internal organisation's help from the organs of state defense defense officers Russian Federation, the sponsors established that bodies of the criminal-victorious system, which were directed to the state powers by the organs of the state power of the USSR, the bodies of the state power of the Russian Federation, and which took part in the fighting actions during the viconious services of the agencies the government of the Russian Federation of the Federation at the fighters' acts of the Russian Federation;
(As amended by Federal Laws dated November 27, 2002 N 158-FZ, dated June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ)
2) vіyskovosluzhbovtsі, including zvіlnі in the reserve (delivery), individuals of the ordinary and the head of the warehouse of the organs of the internal information of the organs of state security, individuals who took part in the operations at the time the territories of the largest powers from the period from 10 May 1945 to the 31st breast of 1951, including in operations from the combat trawling from the period from 10 May 1945 to the 31st of the breast 1957;
3) the servicemen of the automobile battalions, which were sent to Afghanistan during the period of military operations there for the delivery of vantages;
4) the service of the storage warehouse, where they drove from the territory of the CPSR for the operation to go to Afghanistan during the period of the operation there;
5) individuals (including members of some of the warriors of the ships of the winter warriors, who fought to Afghanistan during the period of the fighting there), which served in the Russian part of the war diy, scho they took away the concussion of wounds, concussions and medals of the CPSR and the Russian Federation for the unsecured fights;
6) individuals that were sent to the robot to Afghanistan during the period from breast-1979 to breast-1989 to 1989, when the terms were directed for more important reasons.
Of article 16. Come in social pedagogues of veterans of the boyovykh diy
1. For veterans of combat actions from the number of individuals, meaning in paragraphs 1 - 4, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Law, we should go to the following social messages:
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
1) people who are pensioners are subject to legislation;
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
2) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
3) protection of the federal budget for living veterans of combatants, who will require the training of living minds, have started to work until 1 June 2005, so it will be accepted according to the law until the statute 23.2. The veterans of the boyovyh days, who began to live on April 1, 2005, will take care of the living legislation of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 3 as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ)
4) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
5) payment at the size of 50 per cent of the backyard areas of living quarters (for communal apartments - borrowed living areas), including members of the family of veterans of the combatants who live with them. Come in social welfare to pay for the living quarters for the persons who linger at the booths just in view of the living fund;
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
6) persochergove installation of an apartment telephone;
7) reloading at the entrance to the living, living and living, garage cooperatives, gardening, town and dacha non-commercial community;
(Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
protection of service at polyclinics and other medical facilities, up to which the individuals will be attached to the period of the robot before going to retirement, as well as medical aid according to the programs of state guarantees of granting to the citizens of the Russian Federation of such medical aid at the federal institutions for the protection of health (including in the hospitals of war veterans) in the order established by the District of the Russian Federation, and in the regions of the Russian Federation іn the other normative legal acts of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 8 as amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
9) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
10) provision of prostheses (except for dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic virobes in the order established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 10 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
11) the payment of a small allowance at their own expense, pay a line up to 35 calendar days per day without saving a salary;
12) - 15) lost honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
16) overhaul of all types of services to establish a connection, cultural and educational and sports and health-improving pledges, post-service tickets on all types of transport;
17) training for robotics at retraining courses and advancing qualifications for training robot teachers;
(Clause 17 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
18) take a pose with a competition until the sovereign sanctuary set up the middle professional education, in the course of training for different professions, payment of special scholarships, which will be established by the Russian Federation, students from among veterans lighting installations.
2. For veterans of combat actions from the number of individuals, which are meaningful in subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Law, they should go to the following social messages:
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
1) preserving service in policlinics and other medical facilities, up to which the individuals will be attached during the period of the robot before leaving for retirement, as well as providing medical assistance for the programs of the federal state warranties of health the order established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation, and the policlinics and the other medical institutions of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation - by the laws and the іnh normative legal acts of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
2) for the obviousness of medical indications, it is necessary to provide tickets to sanatorium-resort organizations;
3) reloading at a reception to gardening, Gorodnitsky and summer cottages of non-commercial community of hulks, the establishment of an apartment telephone;
4) the payment of a small allowance at a time for them, without saving a salary, pay in a line up to 35 calendar days per day;
(As amended by the Federal Law dated 08.05.2005 N 41-FZ)
5) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
6) training for robotics at retraining courses and advancing qualifications for training robot teachers;
(Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
7) payment of special scholarships, established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation, to students out of the number of veterans of the boy's projects, who come to see the state's educational donations of professional education;
Zabechennya for rakhunok the costs of the federal budget by living Invalid boyovykh actions, as they became on the oblast on 1 June 2005, will take care of the living legislation of the Russian Federation.
(Clause 8 as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ)
3. For veterans of combat actions from the number of individuals, which are defined in subparagraph 6, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Law, they should go to social events:
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
1) for the obviousness of medical indications, it is necessary to provide vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations;
2) reloading at a reception to gardening, Gorodnitsky and summer cottages of non-commercial community of hulks, the establishment of an apartment telephone;
3) picking up a choric vidpustka at their own hour;
4) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ.


Good day. I have bought an apartment from the house of the dormitory with an іpoteka. Cholovik is the main position manager, I am a co-borrower. є uncommon child. Would you like to be out of order, how to correctly issue a person to a person from his part of the apartment on my corny? For example, at the zalik splati alimentiv. Have the notary chi at the court judge in a pose?

All views: 1

See a lawyer (Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Korobov)

Probably showroom z Rules for awarding scholarships at DNU:

For the skin specialty of the skin course (prikremeniki okremo, 5-6 courses TP-TD-TO at once), a scholarship will be awarded no more than 45% of students in a budgetary form of education. If a student starts working on a contract, then it will be transferred to the budget - I'm not applying for a scholarship.

РЗ = 0.9 * РС + 0.1 * РД,

Tse say on the most popular power supply: "And what kind of money to pour into the scholarship." Prior to the rating ball, the deprivation of іspiti, practice, courses and graduation courses is brought in. However, for a controversial moment for the same rating ball, a scholarship is awarded to the one who has the most beautiful buildings. Also, the halls are injected into the rejection of diplomas with a sign (assessment with not guilty buty lower nizh 75).

Get ready before the session, successfully stock up the drink, save it and get rid of the knowledge.

It’s enough for students to be supplied, as they are to receive scholarships.

Probably the Knights of the Rules for the Appointment of Scholarships at the DNU:

The number of scholarships will be established at the percentage (in the range from 40 to 45) of the actual number of students in the day of their formation, who are starting the state candidates for the singing faculty, the course for the singing special up to the basic plans for the leading faculties, courses and specialties (direct training).

The group will be awarded a scholarship no more than 45% of students in a budgetary form of education. If a student starts working on a contract, then it will be transferred to the budget - I'm not applying for a scholarship.

Ratings, according to which students are assigned and paid for academic scholarships for the first time until the first semester control, are formed on the basis of competition points, so that it will take them an hour to enter the university.

Upon entering the 5th and 1st course, the scholarship will be awarded for the entrance balls.... Lipnі-serpnі scholarship ninishnіy 4 course will not be trimmed.

РЗ = 0.9 * РС + 0.1 * РД,

de RS - average score of success (for a hundred-point scale of assessments) of a student for the results of the last semester control (scores, scoring for examinations, differentiations, for coursework robots (projects) and practices);

RD - an additional ball (for a hundred-point scale of assessments) for the participation in science, scientific and technical performance (creative activity for artistic specialties), huge life and sports performance.

Tse say on the most popular power supply: "And what kind of money to pour into the scholarship." Prior to the rating ball, the deprivation of іspiti, practice, courses and graduation courses is brought in. However, for a controversial moment for the same rating ball, a scholarship is awarded to the one who has the most beautiful buildings. Likewise, the halls are injected on the rejection of diplomas with a sign (it is not guilty for the halls of butti lower 75).

The number of scholarships awarded will be awarded by the scholarship fund, and it is easy to say at a time how to vibrate more correctly than the others. The dean's office and scholarship committee are ready to listen to your propositions (then a decision will be taken).

As a student, visit a university for a special purpose mortgage, for example, at a college, a technical school, for a period of time for budgetary education; then you need a scholarship.

It’s a kind of payment for a student’s power for trying hard to get started, as it has been settled and transferred by the local budget.

However, there are situations in life, if a student is given a scholarship and, apparently, a supplementary income, which if he doesn’t want it, it’s insignificant for his financial independence.

For some, it’s more powerful, and for others, it’s a tragedy of light scale; To that it didn’t come to such a thing, so rozibratsya, and for what tied such financial constriction?

Pogane navchannya yak the reason for the amortization of the scholarship

If a student has been to the university, if it’s more on a budget form, then you swear to read it hard, do not walk around and be drawn to a chervony diploma. Such plans, as a rule, will be overwhelmed with empty words.

It is impossible for a student to be deceived, because he is wrong at the moment to tell the truth.

Ale mina of all the kilka of misconceptions, and all the tributes of the obitsyanki get out purely from their heads, and skip to their own kind of norm, stability.

It is such a danity to put a scholarship on the wrong side for great sums, and so far away from a non-daring student in vich.

It’s a lot of fun... As a student, I’m systematically skipping bets, not at the lectures that important practical robots, the chain of all the problems.

"Tails" to pull behind them іnshі "tails", and then a student - loafers are not allowed to the folded session, but about the scholarship you will be deprived of the waste.

The same thing, on a zalikovyy period, the winners have a very good deal of excitement, and the most up-to-date walkers and baked loafers are drawn to the knowledge.

More beautifully, build everything quickly, more power, as if it were not a sponsor, truant, lack of awareness and visibility of knowledge to knowledge.

Now about the failure... If the student will not accept the unsatisfactory assessments during the session, then don’t give them scholarships, as it’s the most powerful, and it’s a fact.

I guess, well, we will be diligent in Vishya to get involved in the beginning, if the middle ball for the bags of the closed session becomes "4" and Vishche.
Trainees, as it seems, do not have a scholarship, but students and children will not be bargained for a visit.

Before the speech, it’s not bargaining to plan to advance the border, too, on the scholarship, the student will be able to do it more kindly. However, there is still a horror story for students, as the blues are already a bit of rock in the Masach.

Behind the sensitive, new borderline, the arithmetic mean is "4.2" behind the bags of the skin session, but again, all the money is in the form of finance and the number of educational institutions of the VNZ.

Part-time student as the reason for the amortization of the scholarship

If the student is starting on a budget for a day at the Higher Education Institution, I will accept a scholarship; Ale, if it’s necessary to switch to “zaochka”, then it’s possible to get back the money. Why are such thoughts and ideas found?

It is even more common for students to try to get away with it, but before the hour at the university it is catastrophic not to get a penny and it’s necessary to make a mistake (for example, it’s necessary to keep a young child).

One will be given a chance to give that robot, obtain a scholarship that salary one hour; and the axis is brought to the people to pick - to set the priorities.

The price of a folding vibe, ale of yogo zrobiti is required, it is more, if the financial side of the food is damaged and the light maybutnє.

Once a student at a higher educational institution will spend a scholarship, I will take more than an hour for implementation.

Here it is important to pay attention to what kind of vigoda, and how many suttuva won, at all not forgetting, how to start in the university on correspondence form, and how to start a lesson on the ric more.

In the second hour, ale kupuєsh penny - є over what you condescend!

Academic allowance yak reason for the amortization of the scholarship

If you are a student of the day, if you are good to come, you will accept a scholarship, if you go to the academic institution for your own circumstances, then you will automatically be free of scholarships.

This is the so-called "unpaid allowance", the triviality of which is collected individually in the deanery and has its own nuances.

Then the student can apply to the university for his specialty and knowledge of the scholarship, if only for the first time after a trivial interruption of the session.

Until then, you have carefully grasped for good assessments, scrutiny for a bad ball below "4" before you get finances from all powers.

The same student, for his own renewal, may once again turn to the glorious student life, nachebto interrupt and not boom, but in the eyes of the viclades again it will be possible to earn the authority and enmity with their pragmatists until the beginning.

Visiting scholarships for contractors

As a matter of fact, students of the contractual form of a scholarship cannot find, find, navpak, and scholars to pay for their new semester for a leather semester.

Before speech, prices cyclically increase with skin master rock In addition, the contract will be made immediately for the entire initial period.

Є Option, if the student for good success, active participation in the life of VNZ and educational behavior to transfer to the budget.

The axis of such vipadkah can be rozrakhovuvati for a scholarship, albeit with a nasty navchanni know again, there will be some amusements.

However, such happy transfers to the budget do not often take place, and the universities do not practice.

How can I save my scholarship?

A lot of students, for which scholarships are extremely important, will be rewarded with all the forces of successfully making a session and scooping up their income regularly.

Obviously, it will not be easy, ale the options, as you can save a scholarship, you will not be able to win, it will be more difficult for the winery and the keenness of the happy students.

The axis itself is quick and fast, and all the moments that are not reasonable are discussed individually with the teacher.

So you forget to remember it without a bar, and your praise until the beginning is just to quieten the qualified faction and day in your eyes.

Option other... Such victories, as to invite a student to write for a little bit of medicine, but I don’t know anything.

It’s not so easy to clash that bend your line, but the teacher must put a whiskey on the place, and I want to play it wonderfully at the session.

So it’s more beautiful to help, but when you say: “The word is good, but moving is gold” here, it’s like nikoli is pre-river.

Option third... Є teachers who don’t know when they’re absent from their bets. It is just a matter of systematic attendance to attend lectures and practical busyness, it is possible to vvvazati, as well as a good assessment on the cinnamon of a maybutny scholarship is already in the kishine.

Skulking - means kidati wiklik, and so gra, povirt, not to end your reproach.

Quarter option... Є Specific teachers, for whom it is simply necessary to know the correct way, but it will be awkward for a spontaneous student to grow up.

Golovne, you will be forgotten about you from the very heart positive side, And there won't be any problems.

Having given all the options, a hundred zoosumilo, that the student's scholarship will rise in the hands of the viclad, as paradoxical as it sounds.

If the middle student is still better off with the teacher, and if you know the point to a dot, then you can no longer survive for your success.

But it is important here - not to get overwhelmed, because of the education of the Zusillas and the diligence of the victories, you can reprogram yourself to the most waste of the suspension.

Scholarship yak social viplata

I guess that the scholarship will be taken away by the student, it’s not worth it, if I’m going to see you on the budget of this day, it’s hard to go to that session.

The scholarship is a priceless choice for me, but not a gift.

If a student will reject a scholarship for the whole semester, it does not mean at all that it’s better to finance the advancement of the next semester.

The scholarship is accounted for in the same way as the average ball for the bags of the Chergovo session is 4 or more points.

Schodo specifically sumi pennies, if a student is taken away in his hands, then there is also a varіyuє; and to lay down on the state budget, financing of the VNZ and organs of the microscope self-production.

I will show the practice, the figure will constantly move, like and the life of the student. So it’s in the middle of nothing wonderful, I want to live on a scholarship with to the lucky day it folds even more, but for an hour it is simply uncomfortable.

Є If you want the student to grow up from his scholarship, and also from the real life.

Also, do not get the control over your vitrati. It’s awkward, smut, you’re going to come!

Now you don’t power, if the student is amused by the scholarships, but to report successfully, then you will save the right to reject the tsikh viplat.

It’s even more important, even if you don’t expect to see your fathers, but you don’t have to wait for them.

Vysnovok: So maybe it would take an hour to look over your house before the next day? The scholarship is 7 years old, and tomorrow you might not be there, if you enter before you go, try hard.

And we will accept those who do not care if they are more penniless than a student, but students have a lot of focus there.

Now you know about those if the student has fun with the scholarships.

It’s not a secret, but what about the scholarship maєsh?

UDC 378.091.27: 630

JI. M. Rozhkov, professor


Analysis of results of certification of some subject matters of a specialty "Forestry" under forms is made: the examination, the differentiated offset in academic year projects, educational and to industrial practices. Estimation to two and more points are revealed. Interested before eating on expedience differentiated offset on educational experts is brought.

Entry. The quality of the knowledge of a graduate student at the university in the affected space of the current year begins with an average ball of success. The remaining growth rate is the average arithmetic value of the estimates of the health and the differentiated values ​​for the period of the beginning. At the same time assessments for the differentiated halls for the specialty "Lisova Gospodarstvo", for example, to become 28% of all foreign counts and by the very sutta pour into the middle score, the type of diploma and, obviously, the rating of the young fakhіvts. Acceptance of hospitality is given to the most qualified teachers (professors, associate professors), all victories (some of them) will be accepted until they arrive. Chi is ordered to give an equal status to assessments of sleep and differentiated values ​​- meta tsiogo doslidzhennya.

The main part. Analysis of the examinations of the last years of 13 primary disciplines, transferring the order of the first practice and course projects (robots), informing about the coming (Table 1).

The average score of the examination scores has become 6.47 points; at that hour at the differentiated halls of primary practices - 8.20 and course projects (robots) - 7.07 points; The average score of all assessments was 7.32 points, that is, 0.85 points for the examination. For course projects (robots), gain +0.6 points. It’s not worth it, especially when it’s worthwhile,

I have been taught and learned from discipline. And the axis of the assessment and evaluation of the basic practices is about +2 points for the corny of the rest (Table 2).

Table 2

Corresponding results of attestation of health care and initial practice

Primary disciplines Number of assessments for groups of points, sleep / primary practice

9-10 6-8 4-5 At a time

Lisova meteorology M 160 176 230 176 25 415

Botanika 56 120 93 73 59 15 208

Engineering Geodesy 19 88 92 107 97 13 208

Dendrology 16 171 96 108 110 279

Soil 32294188131185405

Mechanizatsion l / g robit 19 76 59 42 45 118

Lisova tax 13 58 54 49 50 10 117

Lisovy cultures 32 36 53 53 34 30 119

Lisoeksluatatsiya 13 25 31 39 33 13 77

List 60 107 106 126 68 1 234

Lisozachist 18 50 50 66 60 12 128

Lisove Mislivstvo 40 70 68 53 15 123

Explain the Sutta by the difference in assessments of assessment and initial practice in the same discipline can be done by small vimogs to assessments, as well as qualified vicladac (prior to certification, primary practitioners study widely). The analysis of examinations of properties (Table 3) shows that there are a large number of assessments from the initial practice in 4-5 points; unreported results of all students in the group only

Table 1

Corresponding results of attestation to examinations and course projects (IV year LHF)

Primary disciplines Number of assessments for groups of points, іspit / KP

9-10 6-8 4-5 At a time

Lisivnistvo 28 33 57 55 34 31 119

Lisoeksluatatsiya 13 16 31 29 33 32 77

Lisovy cultures 32 35 53 64 34 20 119

Mechanizatsion l / g robit 19 34 59 65 45 24 123

for 9-10 points. For low primary disciplines, traditional є such as training. Sleep with 9-10 balls - 16 chols., Navchalna practice with 9-10 balls - 171 chols; further indications: 19 and 129, 19 and 88, 32 and 294, etc. Sleep with 4-5 points - 185 people, Navchalna practice - ni, so all ratings> 6 points; Further indications: 110 and ni, 45 and ni, 68 and 1, 97 and 13 etc.

Between the students and the primary practitioners of victories, 78% (14 individuals) did not remember the students, as they demonstrated good skills on practical priyoms. Out of the cim you can't wait. So, the very scores in 9-10 points will be summed up as a result of their activity. About the price of reducing parts

the addiction of virobnichniks, who are intimidated by the lack of practical preparation of vypuskniks in their primary mortgages.

Approximately that very situation і from the assessment of virobnicheskiy practices. Let us be even more primitive about the assessment of students in the flow (2009 r.) In the specialty course "Lisovye Gospodarstvo" because of the results of general practice and DEC for specialty. Riznitsya in terms of cich attestation - trochs are more important. Zakhist and іspit are carried out in the comics. The program of the viral practice and the program sovereign sleep, you can say, identical.

53 students were rated for 9-10 points for practical training bags, 28 students for DEK bags; according to 4-5 points - 4 and 27; one student has made an unfavorable assessment at the state hospital. Decrease in the rating for 2 bali was 20%, 17% for 3 bali, 3% for 4 bali, and 2% for 5 bali. It’s amazing that 35% of students in the specialty “Garden and Park Budivnistvo” got 1-2 bali for the assessments from the examinations, but for the practice of spinning; for the specialty "Lisova Gospodarstvo" - deprived of three students.

Visnovok. The analysis of the analysis of the ballroom assessments from the hospitals and the differentiation of the establishments of the twelve primary disciplines, which were presented in more than three dozen victories, does not impose on the problem of one discipline in one discipline. It’s worth talking about the problem as a whole, if it’s a quick change in the assessment of health and in the assessment of the differentiated values. Objectively, the problem of the need for a lost scientifically-methodical analysis of attestation of pedagogues of the chief and general practitioners is posed. Pravomirnim є nutrition about the degree of differentiation from the basic practice. When the middle ball of success for the student's bags is displayed, it seems that for any type of diploma, it seems that only the results of the examinations are completed.

Table 3

Rivnealny results and certification of primary practices by the viclades of the LHF

Vikladachi Number of ratings for groups of points

9-10 6-8 4-5 At a time

№9 88 92 - 180

№ 10 57 29 - 86

№ 11 118 62 - 180

№ 12 69 36 105

№ 13 59 41 100

№ 14 94 87 14 195

№ 15 43 20 2 65

№ 16 48 29 2 79

№ 17 42 33 - 75

Slide means that diffsalik should be laid down to one of the forms of industrial attestation. The essence of the її polyaga is in the fact that students can convert the material that is rejected by students. Krym diffsalik, іsnuyut such form control, like іspit chi zalіk. To get involved in the most beautiful form of industrial attestation є letter control, and also to get involved in the most efficient and complex revision of victual knowledge.

About norms

It is also important to mean that the control is formed according to the basic plan. Tse is the main document, it’s good practice to be a department. It’s like a basic plan, graph, to get information about those, in every semester, there will be a special discipline, but a year comes to the end, which has given rise to both lecturers, seminars and such other kinds. Also, the initial plan will prescribe a form of control, which follows the completion of the initial course.

Differential hall and industrial attestation

I also want to see that the differentiation of the halls can be a form of industrial attestation between the same disciplines. So, for example, the historical discipline "History" after the end of the first semester can end with a differential, and after the end of the whole course - through the end of the first semester - with sleep. The form of control can be seen to be independent, kintsevo.

Meta performance of difzalik

Zoosumіvshi, scho differentiation galleries - tse form of industrial attestation, I would also like to see the details of the conduct. Їх існує кілька:

  • Beforehand, it is important, vividly, to assess the level of the material learned by the student.
  • Apparently, the student has learned the theoretical part, who can learn about the practical side (also the discipline is about uvazi).
  • Get over it in the fact that the student is not imaginatively and creatively misinterpreted, as it is simply necessary to learn disciplines.
  • Well, it’s awesome, it’s necessary to be intelligent, because you can learn to synthesize knowledge and transform it for storing it in practice.

Who got diffzalik?

Obov'yazkovo requirements for clarification about all the nuances, such as importantly vrahovuvati, as well as differentiation between the halls and the MDK. Before you need to learn, learn from students the school for the week, which is like "reading" the course. Tse may be like a lecturer, and a weekend, as a practical (seminars) busy. It’s the most beautiful thing, and it’s a good teacher, how many students and how to improve the implementation of the discipline introduced for the hour.

Who is admitted to the delivery of the diffalist

As a student, it’s possible to differentiate the history of the discipline, it’s necessary to understand it, but it’s still necessary to deny the title of admission. So tse take? For example, if you didn’t go for a semester for a semester, you didn’t want to bet control robots For an abstract, I will definitely not admit it. What kind of vipadahs have yogo? As soon as all the control milestones will be created, they will be transferred not by the rating system, but by the work plan of singing discipline.

Assessment criteria

Carrying out the differentiated hall will end with a presentation of the assessment to the student prior to his knowledge. The assessment scale is practically determined by itself, as in the case of folded іspitіv. Tobto vicladach has the right to give the student "5" - wonderful, "4" - good, etc., to "2" - which means not satisfactory. On the other hand, it means that the deyaki of the department of differentiation also plays the letters "z" - zalik, or "n / z" - tobto nezalik (scho, vtіm, buva vkrai rіdko). The form of assessment of ma buty is spelled out in the Regulations on flow and border control, as a warehouse for the skin department of okremo.


Difzalik can be built in two forms: usn_y and letters. The first vipad of the assessment of the victories is barely on the day of release. The other - can be judged barely and through singing hour, which can be known for the revision of the robots written by the students. It is important: the assessment can be made naked until the day of delivery to the dean's office, and if you need it, you can register or specify.

Yakshcho student not showing up

Boo so, the student is not for the creation of a differentiated hall. In such a case, it is possible to put down the sign "n / a", which means "not showing up." This assessment itself can be affixed to that vypad, if a student buys it for re-delivery. However, the tse maє buti is spelled out in the most popular Regulations.

About vidomosty

It also means that there are two types of properties.

  1. Zalikovo-examination. De affixed all assessments for the inheritance of industrial attestation. Rent out to the dean's office. Writing a correction of the amount introduced to it is not even more sordid. It is important: a student of the nobility, with the help of which a message was sent to the dean's office.
  2. Ball-rating, where the number of points is entered, as the student has taken off the student before the hour of the industrial control.

Yak pass difzalik

Even more often, students are going to take part in the differentiation of mathematics and discipline. Especially if you want to make it better. Here the mustache is simple. Everything is based on the principle of a zychayogo zaliku. The axis is only a difference in the fact that, as a result, the student will recognize the assessment, and not just the sign "z" or "n / z". As long as there is a diffsalist of letters, in the auditorium there will be students at once. Leather from them vіbere soі receipts, for the power supply of which and it will be reported in writing. As soon as the school is asleep, then the students come to the auditorium one by one, or one by one. There may be a ticket for food, it’s an hour long, introductions to preparation, and for whom - Viklad to material Vikladachev. To get involved, the writing form of the control will allow you to unite the sub-active assignment of vicladac to the student. And asleep permits the intelligence, a little too much and obviously the learning of mastering the proponations of materials.

Is the assessment important?

I have finished, for example, the development of the discipline "Physics", differentiation of the course, showing the level of knowledge gained by the student. If you want to put an estimate, how can you correct the "z"? So, it is important to think that the sign will be vrahovuvatysya for an hour all "vidminno" and "good" for rejection of the diploma from vіdminnoyu. Tobto demand intelligence, but a three-by-one after diffsal can suttuvo zipsuvati a picture.

About the re-issue of the diploma before the rejection

In some cases, a student has the right to transfer a diploma, if he is an applicant, for example, for a diploma with a sign. However, the procedure is not easy, as the transfer of the dean to the front of the faculty and the head of the department. In the main, it is allowed to transfer no more estimates for the rating. However, the nuances may be spelled out by the Regulations.

About practice

Differential, it is more important, all kinds of student practices end: vigilantes and chiefs. At such a time, the view is able to show itself to the ear of quality health. The sign is set in a complex way: as the mastery of the theoretical and practical side.

Important nuances

If a student is ill, for other important reasons, having missed the delivery of the diffalik, this session can be continued. Alternative: you can establish individual terms for industrial certification. Everything is done according to the orders of the dean of the faculty.