Chi pouring diff-zalik into the scholarship. Displaying the richesky evaluations from the magazine? Understand the industrial attestation

UDC 378.091.27: 630

JI. M. Rozhkov, professor


Analysis of results of certification of some subject matters of a specialty "Forestry" under forms is made: the examination, the differentiated offset in academic year projects, educational and to industrial practices. Estimation to two and more points are revealed. Interested before eating on expedience differentiated offset on educational experts is brought.

Entry. The quality of the knowledge of a graduate student at the university in the affected space of the current year begins with an average ball of success. The remaining growth rate is the average arithmetic value of the estimates of the health and the differentiated values ​​for the period of the beginning. At the same time assessments for the differentiated halls for the specialty "Lisova Gospodarstvo", for example, to become 28% of all foreign counts and by the very sutta pour into the middle score, the type of diploma and, obviously, the rating of the young fakhіvts. Acceptance of hospitality is given to the most qualified teachers (professors, associate professors), all victories (some of them) will be accepted until they arrive. Chi is ordered to give an equal status to assessments of sleep and differentiated values ​​- meta tsiogo doslidzhennya.

The main part. Analysis of the examinations of the last years of 13 primary disciplines, transferring the order of the first practice and course projects (robots), informing about the coming (Table 1).

The average score of the examination scores has become 6.47 points; at that hour at the differentiated halls of primary practices - 8.20 and course projects (robots) - 7.07 points; The average score of all assessments was 7.32 points, that is, 0.85 points for the examination. For course projects (robots), gain +0.6 points. It’s not worth it, especially when it’s worthwhile,

I have been taught and learned from discipline. And the axis of the assessment and evaluation of the basic practices is about +2 points for the corny of the rest (Table 2).

Table 2

Corresponding results of attestation of health care and initial practice

Primary disciplines Number of assessments for groups of points, examination / initial practice

9-10 6-8 4-5 At a time

Lisova meteorology M 160 176 230 176 25 415

Botanika 56 120 93 73 59 15 208

Engineering Geodesy 19 88 92 107 97 13 208

Dendrology 16 171 96 108 110 279

Soil 32294188131185405

Mechanizatsion l / g robit 19 76 59 42 45 118

Lisova tax 13 58 54 49 50 10 117

Lisovy cultures 32 36 53 53 34 30 119

Lisoeksluatatsiya 13 25 31 39 33 13 77

List 60 107 106 126 68 1 234

Lisozachist 18 50 50 66 60 12 128

Lisove Mislivstvo 40 70 68 53 15 123

Explain the Sutta by the difference in assessments of assessment and initial practice in the same discipline can be done by small vimogs to assessments, as well as qualified vicladac (prior to certification, primary practitioners study widely). The analysis of examinations of properties (Table 3) shows that there are a large number of assessments from the initial practice in 4-5 points; unreported results of all students in the group only

Table 1

Corresponding results of attestation to examinations and course projects (IV year LHF)

Primary disciplines Number of assessments for groups of points, іspit / KP

9-10 6-8 4-5 At a time

Lisivnistvo 28 33 57 55 34 31 119

Lisoeksluatatsiya 13 16 31 29 33 32 77

Lisovy cultures 32 35 53 64 34 20 119

Mechanizatsion l / g robit 19 34 59 65 45 24 123

for 9-10 points. For low primary disciplines, traditional є such as training. Sleep with 9-10 balls - 16 chols., Navchalna practice with 9-10 balls - 171 chols; further indications: 19 and 129, 19 and 88, 32 and 294, etc. Sleep with 4-5 points - 185 people, Navchalna practice - ni, so all ratings> 6 points; Further indications: 110 and ni, 45 and ni, 68 and 1, 97 and 13 etc.

Between the students and the primary practitioners of victories, 78% (14 individuals) did not remember the students, as they demonstrated good skills on practical priyoms. Out of the cim you can't wait. So, the very scores in 9-10 points will be summed up as a result of their activity. About the price of reducing parts

the addiction of virobnichniks, who are intimidated by the lack of practical preparation of vypuskniks in their primary mortgages.

Approximately that very situation і from the assessment of virobnicheskiy practices. Let us be even more primitive about the assessment of students in the flow (2009 r.) In the specialty course "Lisovye Gospodarstvo" because of the results of general practice and DEC for specialty. Riznitsya in terms of cich attestation - trochs are more important. Zakhist and іspit are carried out in the comics. The program of the viral practice and the program sovereign sleep, you can say, identical.

53 students were rated for 9-10 points for practical training bags, 28 students for DEK bags; according to 4-5 points - 4 and 27; one student has made an unfavorable assessment at the state hospital. Decrease in the rating for 2 bali was 20%, 17% for 3 bali, 3% for 4 bali, and 2% for 5 bali. It’s amazing that 35% of students in the specialty “Garden and Park Budivnistvo” got 1-2 bali for the assessments from the examinations, but for the practice of spinning; for the specialty "Lisova Gospodarstvo" - deprived of three students.

Visnovok. The analysis of the analysis of the ballroom assessments from the hospitals and the differentiation of the establishments of the twelve primary disciplines, which were presented in more than three dozen victories, does not impose on the problem of one discipline in one discipline. It’s worth talking about the problem as a whole, if it’s a quick change in the assessment of health and in the assessment of the differentiated values. Objectively, the problem of the need for a lost scientifically-methodical analysis of attestation of pedagogues of the chief and general practitioners is posed. Pravomirnim є nutrition about the degree of differentiation from the basic practice. When the middle ball of success for the student's bags is displayed, it seems that for any type of diploma, it seems that only the results of the examinations are completed.

Table 3

Rivnealny results and certification of primary practices by the viclades of the LHF

Vikladachi Number of ratings for groups of points

9-10 6-8 4-5 At a time

№9 88 92 - 180

№ 10 57 29 - 86

№ 11 118 62 - 180

№ 12 69 36 105

№ 13 59 41 100

№ 14 94 87 14 195

№ 15 43 20 2 65

№ 16 48 29 2 79

№ 17 42 33 - 75


I'm going! Vikladach on the cob of a semester bared the students, so they will be undifferentiated. Before the hour of the show session, win by showing the sign at the sign with the word "gold" (no estimate). Protest for making a difference, and for making changes and differentiations. How right are you?

All views: 1

See a lawyer (Ivan Oleksiyovich Saunko)


You can and more beautiful Vlashtov To be like

I'm going! Wrong. Price solution to use not by the viclade itself, but by the key to the main standards that established in the initial plan.


Hello. where I am placed before the veterans of the boyovykh diy. having served from 1996 to 1998 near the Cordonians in Dagestan. In vіyskovomu receipt є write down. "Subject to the Decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation No. 1210 dated 12/11/95;

All views: 1

See a lawyer (Oksana Konoplyova)


You can and more beautiful Vlashtov To be like

Good day, Dmitre!
So, stand.
Exciting for the inclusion of the veterans, as they vykonuvali vіyskovy obligations on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, interest in the law "About veterans" signifies zris.
Vityag z ФЗ від 12 Сіchnya 1995 to rock N 5-ФЗ "About veterans"
Article 3. Veterans of boyovykh diy
1. Prior to the veterans of the boyovykh, there should be:
1) vіyskovoservices, including those in the reserve (delivery), migrant workers, respondents to vіyskovі zbori, individuals of an ordinary takhovsky warehouse of organs of internal organisation's help from the organs of state defense defense officers Russian Federation, the sponsors established that bodies of the criminal-victorious system, which were directed to the state powers by the organs of the state power of the USSR, the bodies of the state power of the Russian Federation, and which took part in the fighting actions during the viconious services of the agencies the government of the Russian Federation of the Federation at the fighters' acts of the Russian Federation;
(As amended by Federal Laws dated November 27, 2002 N 158-FZ, dated June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ)
2) vіyskovosluzhbovtsі, including zvіlnі in the reserve (delivery), individuals of the ordinary and the head of the warehouse of the organs of the internal information of the organs of state security, individuals who took part in the operations at the time the territories of the largest powers from the period from 10 May 1945 to the 31st breast of 1951, including in operations from the combat trawling from the period from 10 May 1945 to the 31st of the breast 1957;
3) the servicemen of the automobile battalions, which were sent to Afghanistan during the period of military operations there for the delivery of vantages;
4) the service of the storage warehouse, where they drove from the territory of the CPSR for the operation to go to Afghanistan during the period of the operation there;
5) individuals (including members of some of the warriors of the ships of the winter warriors, who fought to Afghanistan during the period of the fighting there), which served in the Russian part of the war diy, scho they took away the concussion of wounds, concussions and medals of the CPSR and the Russian Federation for the unsecured fights;
6) individuals that were sent to the robot to Afghanistan in the period from breast-1979 to breast-1989 until the breast of 1989, when the terms were directed for more important reasons.
Of article 16. Come in social pedagogues of veterans of the boyovykh diy
1. For veterans of combat actions from the number of individuals, meaning in paragraphs 1 - 4, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Law, we should go to the following social messages:
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
1) people who are pensioners are subject to legislation;
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
2) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
3) protection of the federal budget for living veterans of combatants, who will require the training of living minds, have started to work until 1 June 2005, so it will be accepted according to the law until the statute 23.2. The veterans of the boyovyh days, who began to live on April 1, 2005, will take care of the living legislation of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 3 as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ)
4) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
5) payment at the size of 50 per cent of the backyard areas of living quarters (for communal apartments - borrowed living areas), including members of the family of veterans of the combatants who live with them. Come in social welfare to pay for the living quarters for the persons who linger at the booths just in view of the living fund;
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
6) persochergove installation of an apartment telephone;
7) reloading at the entrance to the living, living and living, garage cooperatives, gardening, town and dacha non-commercial community;
(Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
protection of service at polyclinics and other medical facilities, up to which the individuals will be attached to the period of the robot before going to retirement, as well as medical aid according to the programs of state guarantees of granting to the citizens of the Russian Federation of such medical aid at the federal institutions for the protection of health (including in the hospitals of war veterans) in the order established by the District of the Russian Federation, and in the regions of the Russian Federation іn the other normative legal acts of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 8 as amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
9) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
10) provision of prostheses (except for dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic virobes in the order established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 10 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
11) victorious vidpustka at the hands of them the hour that vidannya vidpustka without saving pay wages in a line up to 35 calendar days per pik;
12) - 15) lost honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
16) overhaul of all types of services to establish a connection, cultural, health and sports facilities, post-service tickets on all types of transport;
17) training for robotics at retraining courses and advancing qualifications for training robot teachers;
(Clause 17 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
18) take a pose with a competition until the sovereign sanctuary set up the middle professional education In the course of training for new professions, the payment of special scholarships, which is established by the Russian Federation, students from the number of veterans of the boy's projects, who will start at the important educational installations.
2. For veterans of combat actions from the number of individuals, which are meaningful in subparagraph 5, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Law, they should go to the following social messages:
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
1) preserving service in policlinics and other medical facilities, up to which the individuals will be attached during the period of the robot before leaving for retirement, as well as providing medical assistance for the programs of the federal state warranties of health the order established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation, and the policlinics and the other medical institutions of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation - by the laws and the іnh normative legal acts of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
2) for the obviousness of medical indications, it is necessary to provide tickets to sanatorium-resort organizations;
3) reloading at a reception to gardening, Gorodnitsky and summer cottages of non-commercial community of hulks, the establishment of an apartment telephone;
4) the payment of a small allowance at a time for them, without saving a salary, pay in a line up to 35 calendar days per day;
(As amended by the Federal Law dated 08.05.2005 N 41-FZ)
5) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ;
6) training for robotics at retraining courses and advancing qualifications for training robot teachers;
(Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
7) payment of special scholarships, established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation, to students out of the number of veterans of the boy's projects, who come to see the state's educational donations of professional education;
Zabechennya for rakhunok the costs of the federal budget by living Invalid boyovykh actions, as they became on the oblast on 1 June 2005, will take care of the living legislation of the Russian Federation.
(Clause 8 as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ)
3. For veterans of combat actions from the number of individuals, which are defined in subparagraph 6, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Law, they should go to social events:
(As amended by Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ)
1) for the obviousness of medical indications, it is necessary to provide vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations;
2) reloading at a reception to gardening, Gorodnitsky and summer cottages of non-commercial community of hulks, the establishment of an apartment telephone;
3) picking up a choric vidpustka at their own hour;
4) at the expense of honor. - Federal Law dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ.


Good day. I have bought an apartment from the house of the dormitory with an іpoteka. Cholovik is the main position manager, I am a co-borrower. є uncommon child. Would you like to be out of order, how to correctly issue a person to a person from his part of the apartment on my corny? For example, at the zalik splati alimentiv. Have the notary chi at the court judge in a pose?

All views: 1

See a lawyer (Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Korobov)

In other schools, there are new ways to control and change the knowledge of students. The price is not deprived of іspiti and zalіki. There is also a basic understanding, like differentiation from discipline. As soon as it is, how it is carried out and how to learn from the other forms of knowledge control - it takes a long time.


For a selection of requirements, go to the terminology, with which it will be possible to close. Otzhe, differentiation of hallmarks is one of the forms of conversion of the material learned by the student. It means that this is a form of control є secondary and for the assessment of the passing of viral and basic practices. If you speak in the simplest words, then the differentiation of the hall - the price, ale only as a result of the assessment is put.

For example, as for the students of discipline followed by a student, then the student can make two evaluations: "z" - if the victories are meaningful, but the material of qualifications and "n / z" is the number of lecturers of displeasure with these knowledge, such as the discipline of education for hours. The whole point of the story lies in the fact that the student's knowledge is not taken into account, but it doesn’t work at the boundaries of the norms, but you can deduct the sign “z”. Differentiation of halls - the process of setting up a vicious assessment of the student’s knowledge.

Understand the industrial attestation

Slide means that diffsalik should be laid down to one of the forms of industrial attestation. The essence of the її polyaga is in the fact that students can convert the material that is rejected by students. Krym diffsalik, іsnuyut such form control, like іspit chi zalіk. To get involved in the most beautiful form of industrial attestation є letter control, and also to get involved in the most efficient and complex revision of victual knowledge.

About norms

It is also important to mean that the control is formed according to the basic plan. Tse is the main document, it’s good practice to be a department. Tse a graph, there will be information about those, in which semester there will be a great discipline, but a year will come to the end, which has been raised between lectures, seminars and other types of occupation. Also, the initial plan will prescribe a form of control, which follows the completion of the initial course.

Differential hall and industrial attestation

I also want to see that the differentiation of the halls can be a form of industrial attestation between the same disciplines. So, for example, the historical discipline "History" after the end of the first semester can end with a differential, and after the end of the whole course - through the end of the first semester - with sleep. The form of control can be seen to be independent, kintsevo.

Meta performance of difzalik

Zoosumіvshi, scho differentiation galleries - tse form of industrial attestation, I would also like to see the details of the conduct. Їх існує кілька:

  • Beforehand, it is important, vividly, to assess the level of the material learned by the student.
  • Apparently, the student has learned the theoretical part, who can learn about the practical side (also the discipline is about uvazi).
  • Get over it in the fact that the student is not imaginatively and creatively misinterpreted, as it is simply necessary to learn disciplines.
  • Well, it’s awesome, it’s necessary to be intelligent, because you can learn to synthesize knowledge and transform it for storing it in practice.

Who got diffzalik?

Obov'yazkovo requirements for clarification about all the nuances, such as importantly vrahovuvati, as well as differentiation between the halls and the MDK. Before you need to learn, learn from students the school for the week, which is like "reading" the course. Tse may be like a lecturer, and a weekend, as a practical (seminars) busy. It’s the most beautiful thing, and it’s a good teacher, how many students and how to improve the implementation of the discipline introduced for the hour.

Who is admitted to the delivery of the diffalist

As a student, it’s possible to differentiate the history of the discipline, it’s necessary to understand it, but it’s still necessary to deny the title of admission. So tse take? For example, if you didn’t go for a semester for a semester, you didn’t want to bet control robots For an abstract, I will definitely not admit it. What kind of vipadahs have yogo? As soon as all the control milestones will be created, they will be transferred not by the rating system, but by the work plan of singing discipline.

Assessment criteria

Carrying out the differentiated hall will end with a presentation of the assessment to the student prior to his knowledge. The assessment scale is practically determined by itself, as in the case of folded іspitіv. Tobto vicladach has the right to give the student "5" - wonderful, "4" - good, etc., to "2" - which means not satisfactory. On the other hand, it means that the deyaki of the department of differentiation also plays the letters "z" - zalik, or "n / z" - tobto nezalik (scho, vtіm, buva vkrai rіdko). The form of assessment of ma buty is spelled out in the Regulations on flow and border control, as a warehouse for the skin department of okremo.


Difzalik can be built in two forms: usn_y and letters. The first vipad of the assessment of the victories is barely on the day of release. The other - can be judged barely and through singing hour, which can be known for the revision of the robots written by the students. It is important: the assessment can be made naked until the day of delivery to the dean's office, and if you need it, you can register or specify.

Yakshcho student not showing up

Boo so, the student is not for the creation of a differentiated hall. In such a case, it is possible to put down the sign "n / a", which means "not showing up." This assessment itself can be affixed to that vypad, if a student buys it for re-delivery. However, the tse maє buti is spelled out in the most popular Regulations.

About vidomosty

It also means that there are two types of properties.

  1. Zalikovo-examination. De affixed all assessments for the inheritance of industrial attestation. Rent out to the dean's office. Writing a correction of the amount introduced to it is not even more sordid. It is important: a student of the nobility, with the help of which a message was sent to the dean's office.
  2. Ball-rating, where the number of points is entered, as the student has taken off the student before the hour of the industrial control.

Yak pass difzalik

Even more often, students are going to take part in the differentiation of mathematics and discipline. Especially if you want to make it better. Here the mustache is simple. Everything is based on the principle of a zychayogo zaliku. The axis is only a difference in the fact that, as a result, the student will recognize the assessment, and not just the sign "z" or "n / z". As long as there is a diffsalist of letters, in the auditorium there will be students at once. Leather from them vіbere soі receipts, for the power supply of which and it will be reported in writing. As soon as the school is asleep, then the students come to the auditorium one by one, or one by one. There may be a ticket for food, it’s an hour long, introductions to preparation, and for whom - Viklad to material Vikladachev. To get involved, the writing form of the control will allow you to unite the sub-active assignment of vicladac to the student. And asleep permits the intelligence, a little too much and obviously the learning of mastering the proponations of materials.

Is the assessment important?

I have finished, for example, the development of the discipline "Physics", differentiation of the course, showing the level of knowledge gained by the student. Ale navischo otsinuvati, how can you just trim the "z"? So, it is important to think that the sign will be vrahovuvatysya for an hour all "vidminno" and "good" for rejection of the diploma from vіdminnoyu. Tobto demand intelligence, but a three-by-one after diffsal can suttuvo zipsuvati a picture.

About the re-issue of the diploma before the rejection

In some cases, a student has the right to transfer a diploma, if he is an applicant, for example, for a diploma with a sign. However, the procedure is not easy, as the transfer of the dean to the front of the faculty and the head of the department. In the main, it is allowed to transfer no more estimates for the rating. However, the nuances may be spelled out by the Regulations.

About practice

The diffsal hall basically ends with all kinds of students and chiefs. In such a case, the view can be displayed on the cob The sign is set in a complex way: how to master the theoretical and practical sides.

Important nuances

If a student is ill, for other important reasons, having missed the delivery of the diffalik, this session can be continued. Alternative: you can establish individual terms for industrial certification. Everything is done according to the orders of the dean of the faculty.

6.1. Zalik z otsenkoyu (differentiation zalik) - a form of assessment of the mastery of the initial material of disciplines (distribution of disciplines), as well as the list of practical programs.

6.2. The halls from the assessment (differentiated halls) are accepted by victories, which carried out practical work for groups, or lecturers for the stream.

6.3. The results of the passing of the industrial attestation for the disciplines, for which, according to the initial plan, the control form was given to the control "loan from the assessment (differentiation of values)" Nezalіchenі "/" Nezalіk ". The evaluation criteria are formed by the departments and displayed in the working programs of the primary disciplines. The criteria for transferring the rating score to the traditional one is assigned to the Regulations on the rating system for assessing the success and knowledge of students from the Federal State Budgetary. educational installations All the professional education of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov ".

6.4. The results of the test results from the assessment (differential tests) and the test results are given to the student on the day of delivery, the results of the letters from the assessments (the differences from the assessments) can be made out of the house in the day

6.5. Positive assessments are entered in the form of a book, an unfavorable estimate is put down without prior approval of the form. When assessing, it is allowed to speed up: "vidl.", "Good.", "Zadovl." The order of the traditional assessment at the zalikovo-examination of the views at the bows means the number of rating points scored by the student. The number of points scored by a student must be entered before the score-rating.

6.6. If a student fails to appear for a return ticket against another name, the victories should be marked with a note “not shown” (“n / a”) in the form of an examination.

6.7. The answer to the practice is from the assessment of the assessment (differentiated hall), to be informed according to the Regulations on the procedure for conducting the practice of students.

6.8. Vidings are issued before the dean's office of the upcoming working day, if the form is to be completed (differentiated), if it is to be carried out in the form of a sleep, or in two working days after the last day ... form.

6.9. Acceptance of balances from assessments (differentiated balances) for the end of an industrial certification (session) shall be carried out for an individualized hall-evaluation. Individual halls of residence are seen by the dean's office.

6.10. The assessments, recognized by the student for the results of the issuance of votes from the assessment (differentiated rates), shall be taken into account when the number of assessments is “approved” and “good” for rejecting the diploma from the mark. In case of rejection of evaluations "thoroughly" after the results of folding the balances from the evaluations (differentiated balances), the student cannot apply for rejection of the diploma from the vignette of victories, victories at point 8.7. a lot of provisions.


7.1. Learning from discipline, or part of it, is carried out by evaluating the results of the student's systematic robotics in mastering the knowledge of discipline (part of) in the beginning, the development of creative thinking, learning how to work in sync with the tasks of self ...

7.2. Іspiti is carried out by obsyag discipline programs (distribution).

7.3. Students, who have drawn up like vyatoks, at the border of the hall, the term of the present, the individual graph to take, can put the drink at the line, which is established by the dean of the faculty.

7.4. Іspiti priymayutsya, zvychay, lecturers given to the stream. If the course has been distributed, according to the rulings of the sleep, there are several victories, the sleep can be carried out for their fate, or only one rating should be put down. Zamina vikladacha, like taking a sleep, to be deprived of the decisions of the head of the department. The local residents do not concede the right to accept alcohol.

7.5. Inspiration and people can be accepted by independent experts, who are recognized as the dean of the faculty.

7.6. Acceptance of sleep, as a rule, in letters form. Acceptance of sleep in a normal form is allowed at the vines for decisions for the sake of the faculty because of the character of the discipline, goals and peculiarities of the education. The form for admission is displayed in the work program of the basic discipline.

7.7. The students are guilty of being guilty of being able to learn about discipline (as a rule, on the first jobs) about the transfer of the form and the methodology of carrying out the education.

Zaboronyae until the ear of sleep know students with examination tickets, tests and specific employees (employees), for which there is a sleep.

7.8. Іspiti apply for examination tickets. Examination tickets are drawn up on a prior basis prior to the establishment of the examiner, they must be consolidated at the assigned department and signed by the head of the department (Dodatok 1).

7.9. The examiner is given the right to provide students with supplementary meals, as well as give, in addition to theoretical meals, dodatkovі zavdannya that zavdannya for the program of the whole discipline (її part).

7.10. For an hour spent on sleep, the student needs 30 minutes for training. Letters of education and testing are carried out for no more than three years.

7.11. For an hour to sleep, students can be hardened roaming program Primary discipline, as I am able to be evident on the drink, as well as with the permission of the examiner, with pre-written literature and other people.

7.12. Result prohodzhennya promіzhnoї atestatsії for distsiplіn for yakimi vіdpovіdno to The Teaching Plan peredbachena form of control "іspit" viznachayutsya vіdpovіdno to a position about the rating system otsіnki uspіshnostі that yakostі knowledge studentіv in Federalnіy derzhavnіy byudzhetnіy osvіtnіy ustanovі vischoї profesіynoї osvіti "Rosіysky ekonomіchny unіversitet іmenі GR Art. Plekhanov ". The evaluation criteria are formed by the departments and displayed in the working programs of the primary disciplines.

7.13. The results of the folding of the student's sleep may become naked for the student on the day of the folding, the results of the letter of the sleep may be naked (and formalized) before, but not before the day of folding to the dean's office.

7.14. The results of the industrial attestation for disciplines, for which, according to the initial plan, the control form "ispit" was transferred, to be assessed in the form of "vidminno", "good", "good enough", "not satisfactory". The criterion for the translation of the rating assessment from the tradition has been introduced in the Regulations on the rating system for assessing the success and knowledge of students from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of the Good Professional Education "Russian Economics of Economics. Plekhanov ".

7.15. Positive assessments are entered in the form of a book, unsuccessful assessments are put down if the form is not available. When affixed assessments are allowed fast: "good", "Good", "Satisfactory", "Unsatisfactory" / "Unsuccessful". The order of the traditional assessment at the zalikovo-examination of the views at the bows means the number of rating points scored by the student. The number of points scored by a student must be entered before the score-rating.

7.16. If a student fails to appear for sleep or re-examination of the other name, the examiner puts down the record "not showing up" ("n / a").

7.17. The student's failure to appear due to an unimportant reason (due to ailment or some other reason, not confirmed by a document in accordance with clauses 9.1, 9.2) will be adjusted to an unfavorable assessment.

7.18. When carrying out an asylum in the usual form, a zalikovo-examination should be given before the dean's office of the upcoming working day after its completion. When carrying out an asylum in a letter form - for the revision of all examinations of robots, not a change last day industrial certification.

7.19. Heads of departments will be sure to take out letters of examination of students at the department for three months. Dean of faculties and heads of departments organize vibrating independent reconciliation of the indications of the equivalence and the number of written indications and assessments that are put down.

Good day, shanovny colleagues! The rest of the hour did not come and feed about the display richeskikh assessments: What kind of assessment will I write to the student in the diploma, how can I display the semester assessments for the manifestation of the hallmark and the sleep? Let’s take care of you.

Річna estimation do not get... A scholarship for a student to take care of the results of semester performance and success. The magazine has no transfer graphs for local assessments in buildings. It speaks with amusement about those who are so rychna otsenka - tse a relic of the past.

Why should we write a diploma for our student? After completing the course of the singing subject industrial attestation, This is carried out either in the form of a differential or in a form of sleep. The whole result of success is kintsevym, peddler, and the whole course of study of this subject. So the male result is to enroll in a diploma. The form of industrial attestation is assigned to your discipline, and you can learn from the headquarters - everything is planned and written in the work plans.

Now the concrete butt is visible. The discipline "mathematics" is read for three semesters.

First semester The preliminary attestation was not planned, and we were showing the semester assessment. A semester assessment is injected into scholarships for national and international students in other disciplines. Why hasn't the first semester in mathematics been planned? Most of the hits on the market are fixed. To do this, you do not need to enter the hall from each object. There is a new clearing for the semester assessment.

Have another semester we have a discipline differential. Oskіlki from the year to the beginning of the subject, then the semester will end in 1-2 years, and in 1-2 years, or go away from the lesson-thematic plan. At the end of the semester, the last record will be "difzalik". The semester assessment was submitted for a note about difzalik. Ale todі vona can duplicate the score for diffsalіk. It is not possible for a semester to be assessed based on a differential estimate, as a result of a differential assessment, and a procedure for assessing initial achievements. Chi Varto Robiti Locked Records? Ні. For the obviousness of the hall / diffsal, the semester assessment is not displayed. The very assessment of the scholarship is injected into the scholarship.

Third semester end with sleep in discipline. Godinnik іspitu іde the pose of the year of the subject, so a lot of things can be seen in new programs. Let's use the semester assessment mi not vivodimo, skipping a clip and displaying an assessment. Yakby, they played the semester assessment, and then they carried out sleep, then they would give it to the patient's assessment. Having read respectfully vimogi before writing the magazine ( Sheet of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR No. 4619 dated 10/14/15 "About the instructive-methodical recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science" we do not know any clues about pidsumkovі estimates. Otzhe, їх maє buti, now, there are no semester assessments at the time of folding up to sleep. Sleep is a form of conversion of knowledge for the entire course of discipline training. Tsia otsenka єchuyu. The same assessment from the diploma, from the assessment and from the scholarship for the third semester.