It was early to wake up what to do. What gives an early awakening and why get up early

If a child wakes up early, many parents call him a “lark”. But, as studies have shown, only 30% of all early-waking babies are the result of their biorhythms. In other cases, completely different causes lead to early awakening, which parents, if necessary, can eliminate. If your child began to wake you with neither light nor dawn, we suggest you sort out the situation.

Lark or not

To find out if your baby is a lark, or if something else is bothering him in the morning, answer just a few questions:

  1. Nothing prevents the baby from sleeping in the morning for a long time? He wakes up on his own, while he feels great, cheerful and cheerful?
  2. Is he awake, active and cheerful before lunch?
  3. The child has no problems with sleep, and in the evening he falls asleep easily?
  4. Does the baby look tired after dinner?
  5. Does the baby's sleep or general condition worsen when changing the regimen of the day?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you are most likely the parent of a real lark. An attempt to adjust his regime will only aggravate the situation, making the crumbs tired and irritable.

Reasons for the early rise

So, the test showed that your child is not a lark. Then you can fine-tune his rhythm to yours, but first you need to find out the reason why the child wakes up very early? I recommend for this to have a "sleep diary."

  • Here it is necessary, throughout the day, to write down everything related to the baby’s rest and wakefulness (what time and in what mood he woke up when the first signs of fatigue appeared, what time it started daytime sleephow long it lasted, etc.);
  • As a rule, 1 week is enough to be able to make up the big picture. Calculate how much the child sleeps during the day - 8, 9, 10, or even 11 hours?
  • For children in their first years of life, 10-11 hours of night sleep is a good indicator, but 8-9 indicate a lack of sleep, and therefore complete rest. On this issue, our site has a useful article: \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  • Now decide how much he sleeps during the day, and what time does he fall asleep in the afternoon and evening? For example, if in the evening, the baby falls asleep at 19.00-20.00, then by 6.00 he will have enough sleep and will be full of strength and energy;
  • If it is normal for you to stack no earlier than 21.00, then calculate how much the child spends on daytime sleep? For example, during the day he sleeps for at least 3, and sometimes even 4-5 hours in a row, then naturally, at night he will need less time to recover. In this case, you have the opportunity to correct the situation by reducing the time allotted for sleep during the day.

If the "sleep diary" showed that everything is in order with your baby’s regimen, then you should look for the reason why the child wakes up early in the morning in another. It can be:

  1. Hunger;
  2. Features of the environment (bright light, noise, etc.);
  3. Overabundance of impressions;
  4. Physical discomfort;
  5. Various problems with the health and well-being of the baby.

How to fix the situation

What to do if a child wakes up early in the morning? Having found out what causes early awakening, parents are able to correct the situation:

  • If the cause was hunger, then you need to understand that it is possible to adapt the morning awakening to breakfast time;

This means that if you feed the baby a slice after awakening, then the body adjusts itself so that the baby rises just at that moment.

To fix this, try to shift the biological clock of the crumbs - gradually shift the time of breakfast to a later time. For example, today, feed him 20 minutes after waking up, tomorrow - 30 minutes, and a week later, from the moment you get up to breakfast, an hour will pass.

In the case when the baby begins to act up, demanding food, try to distract him with the game, offer to drink tea. Thus, there is a chance to shift the time of awakening in the morning.

  • External stimuli such as bright light or loud noise  able to disrupt baby sleepwhich in the morning hours and so is superficial. In this case, the only thing you can do is to provide the crumb complete rest from light and noise;

The children's room should be located as far as possible from the bathtub, kitchen and other places where dad is going to have breakfast or wash in the morning, going to work.

Hang tight curtains on the windows so that the first rays of the rising sun do not disturb a sensitive, children's dream. If you sleep with your child in the same room and in the morning your alarm rings, which is also able to wake the baby, then change the signal on it, putting a quiet, calm melody.

  • If a child receives too many new impressions during the day, it is not surprising that his sleep is disturbed, becoming more sensitive and restless. Especially, it concerns impressionable children;

If your baby is just like that, try to protect him from excessive emotions, before going to bed do not play too active games, take a walk in the fresh air or read a calm book. If water procedures soothe him, give him a warm bath. Or do something that helps your baby calm down.

  • Physical discomfort caused by teething, infectious or colds, growth spikes, etc. Such periods just need to wait. When the child recovers or his tooth erupts, then everything should return to normal. And during this period, try not to burden him emotionally.

If you can’t understand why your baby began to wake up too early, then you need to look at the mode of the child as a whole, analyze the habits and conditions of falling asleep. For 3 weeks of work on the course of sleep, you will establish a calm child. And not only this:

  1. You will quickly lay the baby;
  2. The number of tears and moods at bedtime will be reduced;
  3. The child will learn to fall asleep himself, giving you hours of rest and silence.

It is worth noting that self-correction of early rises can take quite a long period of time. And do not think that the baby will outgrow and begin to get up later. As a rule, the habit of waking up early can remain for life, therefore, than older childthe harder it is to eradicate.

Earlier awakening older kids

The problem of early awakening is faced by many mothers of children of the first years of life. But what to do for those whose children and at 6-7 years old refuse to sleep in the morning?

  • Try to arrange with your child so that he plays in his room on his own until you wake up;
  • Praise him every time he succeeds and in no case punish him if he decided to wake you up. Indeed, at this age it is still difficult for them to be without a mother for a long time;
  • If the child wakes up capricious and not enough sleep, then something is disturbing him.

Try to find out the reason and try to do everything so that he sleeps for another 1-2 hours. For example, tell your child that morning begins only when quiet music or dim lights in the room turn on. Until that time, it’s still night and you need to sleep. Often, while the children are waiting for this signal, they themselves fall asleep and sleep further.

But you should not set an alarm for your comfortable time immediately. If the child wakes up at 6.00, get him at 6.15, a few days later at 6.30, and so on until you get the result you need. And, of course, pay attention to the amount of daytime sleep and bedtime in the evening.

Using these simple rules, you can adjust the mode of your baby to the one that is convenient for you.

How to develop the habit of getting up very early? This is what Dan Luca, the personal growth and productivity trainer, answered.

Getting up at five in the morning literally changed my life. Everything that I have now, I owe this habit. Of course, it is not solely in it, but it is the basis. Since October 2, 2009 I get up at five in the morning (at the weekend - at seven).

The question is not only a habit - as always, the devil is in the details.

Two critical factors: how and why. If you do not answer these questions, the result will be average at best.

According to scientists from the Sleep Foundation,   an adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep.  Thus, you need to count from the time of the desired rise seven to nine hours and get the moment when it is time to go to bed. I am 36 years old, I sleep seven hours a night - and in 80% of weekdays I go to sleep at 22:30 pm and get up at 5:30.

Now about the strategy.

What for?

As in any other undertaking, "there would be a desire, but there is an opportunity." If the desire is not strong enough or not clearly articulated, the result may be disappointment.

So why is it important for you to wake up early in the morning? Only two possible answers:

  1. You need it;
  2. Do you want that.

If we are talking about the first option, everything is simple: there is no choice - there is no problem.

Examples: work in the first shift; a small child who needs a lot of attention; the long road to work, because of which you have to get up very early, can go on endlessly.

Someone quickly turns on the autopilot, for others it turns out to be a severe test. And this can hardly be called a balanced life.

If the second option applies to you, then you need motivation. To get out of a warm bed on a cold dark morning - for what?

When a person voluntarily gets up at five in the morning and is satisfied with this, most often he either burns with his work, or uses the morning as personal time to recharge his batteries, clear his head before a long day, reconsider his goals and understand himself while others are still sleeping.

That is why many great people get up very early. They like to be in good shape (both in life and in work) and try to determine the agenda, and not go about it, reacting to other people's actions and circumstances.

Recall the rise time of some famous and productive people:

  • Robert Iger (Disney CEO) - 4:30
  • Tim Cook (Apple CEO) - 4:30
  • Howard Schulz (Starbucks CEO) - 5:00
  • Andrea Jung (CEO of AVON) - 4:00
  • Richard Branson (Virgin CEO) - 5:45

Ask yourself: what drives you?

If there is no burning desire to do something in the morning, you won’t be able to wake up early.

And one more condition must be observed: during the day you do not have time for this business.

You may be sitting up at night for important things (a new business, an interesting book, or something else), but it turns out that you are already unproductive, because you put this matter to the lowest priority and postponed it to a later time.

It is much better to devote the morning to such matters when you are still awake and full of energy. In addition, nothing will ever overlap at this time - at six in the morning no one will call you to a meeting, and even will not write an SMS. Thus, resources will be spent on the most important things.


Suppose you find your “why.” Now you need to develop a better implementation strategy that is tailored to your needs.

The easiest way is to get up five minutes earlier every next week. It can be argued that this will take a very long time.

Count: 5 minutes a week x 26 weeks (six months) \u003d 130 minutes (more than two hours!).

So, if now you wake up at nine in the morning, in just six months you can bring this time to seven in the morning (or, accordingly, from seven to five).

The trick is: to get up early in the morning, you have to go to bed just as early. This is the most important thing.

A couple of days you can still go to bed at midnight, and get up at five in the morning, but then you definitely turn into a zombie. Remember that any adult needs seven to nine hours of good sleep.

10 Golden Rules for a Good Sleep

  1. Try to ensure that most of the sleep falls on the interval from 22 to 5 hours - the quality of sleep at this time is higher.
  2. Make sure you sleep seven to eight hours a day.
  3. Go to bed and wake up every day at the same time.
  4. To balance the level of melatonin, which regulates the wakefulness and sleep cycles, you need at least half an hour of sunlight per day.
  5. Ensure that sleep corresponds to 90-100 minute circadian cycles. For example, if there is little time, it is better to sleep six hours than six and a half hours. Better yet, seven and a half.
  6. Avoid superficial sleep and awakenings in the middle of the night. To do this, you do not have to eat four hours before going to bed and do not play sports for three hours.
  7. Prepare the bedroom: 18–20 ° C, good mattress, no lighting and loose pajamas.
  8. Develop an evening ritual of going to bed, which will help to gradually “slow down” the rhythm of your life (calm music, warm tea, brushing your teeth, etc.)
  9. Try to forget about all worries, grievances and disappointments at least for an hour before bedtime. Finish everything up or make plans for it tomorrow.
  10. May sleep have a high priority in your life!

10 golden rules to rise at five in the morning

  1. Find a reason to wake up.
  2. Imagine waking up with a smile after a sweet dream.
  3. Get out of bed immediately after the alarm goes off.
  4. Decide firmly that morning is the first thing for you and your most important business.
  5. Find a climbing partner - call each other every morning.
  6. Wake up every week five minutes earlier until you reach your desired time.
  7. Develop a pleasant morning ritual, so that after the alarm rings it was easier to persuade yourself to stand up.
  8. Sleep at least seven hours and go to bed no later than 22:30.
  9. If you had to miss a day, forgive yourself and continue as if nothing had happened.
  10. Pour into a circle of extraordinary people who live a full life and get up at five in the morning!

This is only part of the ideas and strategies that I have developed over the past five years for myself and more than 300 of my clients.

What do you think?

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Participants in the conference: Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich

What to do if you suffer from insomnia? Is it possible to get rid of nightmares? What sleep disorders do Russians most often suffer from? What can chronic lack of sleep develop into? Why are some people “owls” and others “larks”? Are there methods to help you wake up quickly?

We learned the answers to these and many other questions from the assistant professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Institute of Professional Education of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, Head of the Department of Sleep Medicine, University Clinical Hospital No. 3   Mikhail Poluektov.


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 20:59 01/17/2014

Conference host: Friends, good evening. Today, your questions will be answered by the head of the Department of Sleep Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University. I.M.Sechenova, somnologist Mikhail Poluektov. Hello, Mikhail Guryevich. Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich: Good evening.

Question: Lyubov Alexandrovna 21:05 01/10/2014

If I’m upset about something, or they say something unpleasant to me before going to bed, then I can’t sleep: I’ll only fall asleep, as soon as I see a nightmare and wake up from it, and so every few minutes. Why is this not a neurosis? And yet, if I don’t fall asleep early, then I can fall asleep at 2-3 o’clock in the night, and if I sleep for a long time, then insomnia begins. Thank.

Question: Alexander Alekseevich 21:41 01/10/2014

Sometimes I can’t fall asleep until 5-6 o’clock in the morning, when I go to work, when I get home from work I fall asleep on the couch instantly, at twelve I wake up and everything repeats.

Question: Dmitry Kryukov, Chelyabinsk 21:49 01/10/2014

Good day! The main problem for me is to wake up, especially in winter, when in the morning it is dark outside until 10 o’clock in the morning. How to handle this?

Question: Saskovets Valery Nikolaevich 17:14 01/11/2014

How to get rid of scrolling in the thoughts of various life situations of the present and the past, which do not allow you to fall asleep? Quite often a lump in the throat appears that cannot be swallowed. Despite the regular use of hypertension medications, there is always high pressure in the morning when lifting. After an hour and a half, it’s almost normal.

Question: Alexander5595 18:30 01/11/2014

Hello hello I go to bed at 22 o’clock, wake up at 3 o’clock and can’t fall asleep an hour and a half, fall asleep in front of the alarm clock for 30 minutes. I get up 5-30. As a result, I sleep 5-6 hours. I maintain the mode. I had severe depression 10 years ago, drinking antidepressants and sleeping pills. Now I rarely drink sleeping pills. Please tell me, maybe these 5-6 hours are my norm and I go to bed at 24 o’clock? Sincerely, Alexander.

Question: Volchek Irina Sergeevna, 64 years 19:55 01/11/2014

For several years now I can’t fall asleep lying down, in a horizontal position. Most often I just lie awake, sometimes I read or watch TV shows. Sleep comes only at 6-7 in the morning and in order to be able to engage in any activity you have to sleep until 10-11 hours of the day. If I take a vertical position, for example, I sit in a chair, on a sofa - I fall asleep very quickly, but just as quickly wake up from any careless movement. As a result, I feel broken, tired all day, my head hurts very often, I feel sleepy, but again I can only fall asleep while sitting. This is repeated day after day. Can you advise something?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:18 01/17/2014

The reasons for this condition may be different. One of them is psychological. A person has a certain association of falling asleep only in a certain situation. Maybe in childhood he was only laid so to sleep. And if he finds himself in a different situation (horizontally, on his back, on his side), the rejection mechanism works for him, there is an internal emotional excitement, and he cannot fall asleep. It is quite easily retrained against the background of sleeping pills. You can accustom yourself to sleep in a different position. Another reason may be a medical problem - when lying down, some events happen that interfere with sleep. Most likely, it is gastroesophageal reflux, when the gastric contents are thrown back into the esophagus. From this, a person really wakes up if his head end is low. But this is a disease. There is another reason for obese people - apnea (holding their breath) in a dream when they are lying, especially on their backs, while their snoring is holding their breath. People can also wake up from this. If the head end is raised, the number of delays and snoring is reduced. These are the most likely reasons why this woman sleeps so much. It’s hard to say the rest, as there is not enough information.

Question: Vladimir Nikolaevich, 57 years 21:59 01/11/2014

Hello Michael. I fall asleep easily, but I wake up after 5-6 hours, then I can’t fall asleep for 2-3 hours, and then a shallow, intermittent sleep. In the afternoon I feel a lack of sleep and irritability. Thanks in advance.

Question: Efrosinya 22:14 01/11/2014

I wake up at night three times, after which I can’t fall asleep for a long time, everything toss and turn from side to side. And in the morning I get up sleepy. What to do? Often I can’t fall asleep for a long time. I usually go to bed at about 10.30 p.m.

Question: Natalya, 58 years. 20:36 01/12/2014

Hello hello I sleep very badly for many years. Sometimes it is possible to fall asleep at 5-6 in the morning, and if earlier, then the dream is very short, shallow for 1-2 hours, and so every day. Very often, high blood pressure suddenly rises at night (sometimes above 200), a strong heartbeat begins, and mainly when I sleep on my right side. Repeatedly checked: heart, kidneys, etc., they say, everything is normal. Since childhood, scoliosis often twists legs. I always take medications for pressure. I tried to go to bed later, at 12 o’clock, per hour, even worse. I would be grateful for the advice.

Question: Victoria 91 20:47 01/12/2014

Mikhail Guryevich, my mother, while alone, always sleeps with the nightlight on, I heard that this is harmful, but I don’t know what exactly, what could be the consequences?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:27 01/17/2014

The night light gives a very low light intensity. Studies have been conducted that have shown that high-intensity light inhibits the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which is necessary for good sleep. However, weak light does not affect melatonin production. Therefore, the night light does not hurt. On the contrary, its light gives a certain sense of calm and confidence for people who do not like to be alone or in the dark. Rather, it is a positive calming factor.

Question: Tatyana Dragnysh, journalist 20:51 12/01/2014

Dear Michael! How to convince a person who does not accept fundamentally "no chemistry", but does not sleep almost the whole night, that this problem must be solved with doctors and urgently? Recently I was on a business trip with a colleague. who spun all night, got up, complained, but didn’t resort to medicine? Thank.


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:11 01/17/2014

There is a law on psychiatric care, which says that only voluntarily the patient can seek help from a psychiatrist, except in cases dangerous to others. In this case, the neighbor is not dangerous for others, so there is no reason for forced treatment, and we won’t be able to convince her, because if a person has such prejudice, if he has read on the Internet various scary stories about drugs that turn people into zombies , he is unlikely to believe you. Here we need a doctor who “sets her brains”, - will convince that taking drugs is the lesser evil.

conference host site 21:15 01/17/2014

And what threatens lack of sleep and insomnia?

Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:15 01/17/2014

Lack of sleep does not threaten anything. A person will not sleep one night, the second, but will lie on the third, fall asleep and sleep well. The record without sleep belongs to a student who did not sleep for 11 nights, then slept for 16 hours and was completely healthy. When scientists began to double-check this record, it turned out that not a single person can not sleep for more than three days. He will still sleep, even in reality. Sleep is such a vital need that it is basically impossible to lose it. Even if you try not to sleep, you will still fall asleep on the second or third day. Therefore, what can I advise? Not sleeping Nothing wrong. Get enough sleep the next day.

Question: Tinati 22:11 01/12/2014

Good afternoon, how effective are telephone programs that help you wake up in the right phase of sleep? Is it possible to sleep a little and get enough sleep using the short sleep technique?

Question: tatyana Ivanovna 66 years 22:16 01/12/2014

tell me how to speed up the process of falling asleep?

Question: Inna Vladimirovna 23:46 01/12/2014

My problem is insomnia, I go to bed at 23h. it seems like I want to sleep and think that I’ll quickly fall asleep, but fall asleep in the morning at 4, 5 in the morning, wake up at 9-10 and feel sleepy. I really hope for your advice. (I tried to take n-ku of peony, valerian, but nothing helped.)

Question: ANDREI DMITRIEVICH 03:41 01/13/2014

Hello! I go to bed at 23_24 hours. I wake up at 3-4 and cannot sleep for two hours. In the morning, problems with lifting, as I do not get enough sleep. To take or change in this situation? Thank!


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:25 01/17/2014

No, this is wrong. Sleep is absolutely necessary for remembering, for removing excess information that overloads our brain cells - neurons. The purpose of sleep is precisely that a person must go into a state of sleep in order to switch neurons to a state of rest. During this state, excess synaptic connections are cut off, which the neuron overgrows when a person interacts, receives new information (at this time, “bridges” grow up between the neurons - synapses through which excitation circulates, forming “memory circles”). But there are too many of them, many of them are not needed for further activities. Sleep is a cleaning of the neuron from an excessive number of synaptic connections so as not to overload with unnecessary information - this is the theory of synaptic homeostasis. For normal brain function good dream  absolutely necessary.

Question: AB 13:24 01/13/2014

Every night I fall asleep in 3-4 hours. I take phenazepam in 1 tablet. He used to help, now not. I do not get enough sleep at all, like boiled during the day, sometimes I manage to sleep during the day or evening. Everything is the same at night. And so every day, for a year or more.

Question: Eugene (Ulyanovsk) 15:56 01/13/2014

Good day! I have the feeling that my biological cycle does not coincide with the astronomical one, namely, at a rate of 8 hours of sleep and, accordingly, 16 hours of wakefulness, in my case it is 8 hours of sleep and about 18 hours of wakefulness. For example, if I go to bed today at 22:00, get up at 6:00 in the morning, then tomorrow night I will not fall asleep at 22:00, I will toss and turn and fall asleep only at midnight. And to get up in the morning at 6:00, as usual, so I get a lack of sleep and a depressed state throughout the day, because my body asks for a couple more hours of rest. How to synchronize my inner sleep cycle with astronomical?

Question: Eugene kaz 18:54 01/13/2014

Good day! I’m 34 years old, have been suffering from insomnia for about 5 years, which affects the quality of life very much, when I manage to fall asleep, the dream is very sensitive, I can’t sleep with my husband at all, we sleep separately for 3 years. Even if the day goes well and without shocks or any or bad events, when I go to bed I feel anxiety, my heartbeat starts, sometimes I can deal with it, sometimes not. The Neurologist had it 5-6 times, he prescribed myrtle (slept, but got better), noofen, piracetam during the day, up to 4 + antidepressant, forgot the name. the last thing I drank was eglon, then pregnancy came, did not take anything, but insomnia did not go away. Now my daughter is 9 months old, from a lack of sleep he is reeling, there is no mood. I’m going to work soon, I’m very afraid of it, because I need a high concentration of attention, I need to drive. Help! I don’t know who to contact

Question: Lyudmila Vitalievna 22:09 01/13/2014

Hello! I would like to know about new techniques that help to fall asleep.

Question: Anton218 00:05 01/14/2014

Good afternoon, Thank you very much for raising such an important topic as quality of sleep. I believe that the media greatly underestimate this topic and attach too little importance to the promotion of a healthy and healthy sleep. AIF is a pleasant exception :) Many thanks to Mikhail for agreeing to answer readers' questions. Question: Recently, “smart alarm clocks on smartphones” have become popular. The principle of work is that at night you put your smartphone in bed and he constantly listens to the rustles, which determines the intensity of your movements and the phase of sleep. The alarm goes off in the morning when the alarm considers that you are in the next phase fast sleep. In your opinion, how justified is this approach (subject to the conditions that you sleep alone, the phone really hears your rustles and there are no extraneous noises).? Indeed, the phases of sleep can be determined by the intensity of body movements? And awakening in fast phase  really more useful and easier than waking up in other phases? Would you use such an alarm clock if you were sure that it worked correctly?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:20 01/17/2014

Indeed, according to a change in a person’s physical activity, one can say with a fairly high degree of accuracy whether he is sleeping or not. There are such scientific instruments - actigraphs that measure the intensity of movements, they calculate the time when a person was in a state of sleep. This is proven. The error is approximately 7%. That's not a lot. It is also possible to distinguish sleep phases using movements, but the error increases significantly, up to about 25%. None of the scientists will contact this level of error. Now, if the confidence was about 90%, then we could use such an alarm clock. But the 25 percent error rate is still very high, so you can’t take it seriously.

Question: Anton218-2 00:12 01/14/2014

And one more question Historian Roger Ekirch claims that in the Middle Ages it was customary to divide the night's sleep into 2 parts - the so-called "first" and "second" dreams. People went to bed early, slept for 2-3 hours, then woke up and went about their business. They read prayers, studied, did simple household chores and so on. After a couple of hours they went to bed again and slept already in the morning. It was believed that such a division of sleep is natural and healthy. Have you heard anything about this and how can you comment on this attitude towards sleep?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:22 01/17/2014

There was such an opinion before, it still exists now that a dream before midnight is more valuable than a dream after midnight. This is partly right, because the first half of sleep is the deepest, at this time, most of the body's functions are satisfied. If you split a person’s dream into two halves, then the first half is the most valuable. That is, it is not that the dream is the best before midnight, but that the first half of sleep is more important than the second, because the dream is so arranged that the first half of sleep fulfills the basic needs for restoring the body. Why? Because mammals in the wild do not know how much they will be able to sleep when danger happens. Therefore, a dream should realize itself faster. So, in some ways this historian is right. For example, if you usually sleep 8 hours, then, having slept only 4 hours, you will make up the basic functions of the body. Yes, you will not feel very well, but physically you will recover. Artificially, forcing yourself to wake up in the middle of the night, stay awake for 2 hours, then sleep again is inconvenient both from the economic point of view (what should I do at night to call friends?) And from the physiological point of view (there is the phenomenon of “sleep inertia”, which consists in that if the dream is “started”, then until the need for it is fully realized, artificial awakening will be difficult, accompanied by a slow inclusion in active activity).

Question: Bragin Irina 12:25 01/14/2014

Hello Michael. I fall asleep easily, at 22-23, but I wake up at 2-3 o’clock in the morning, then I can’t fall asleep for 2-3 hours. Drowsiness appears at 6-7 in the morning. Even if you manage to get stuck, it’s still broken all day. What do you recommend? Thank.

Question: Karabas 16:03 01/14/2014

Good day! Like many business people, during sleep, from somewhere in the subconscious, quite often pictures of something not done or problematic issues pop up. Waking up. Trying to quickly figure out the problem - sending it out of sleep in the morning. It seems to be falling asleep again - to wake up after some time with a new episode. Alcohol is a bad wand, but effective. Some dose - and you sleep like a lamb - but, alas, no way out. You wake up easily, without a hangover - but getting used to it. After 7-8 pm - the desire to relax. Without even increasing the amount of alcohol. Pills are the worst option. In the morning, crazy brains and apathy. What - in your opinion - is the best way to help normal, healthy sleep? In addition to general words about physical activity, nutrition and relaxation before bedtime? Since there are evening walks, physical fitness, and the opportunity is simple - to fall asleep easily and with an empty stomach ...


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:08 01/17/2014

Most the best way  - quit business and go to Goa or Bali. It works great. It is called downshifting. He will sleep like a baby until the money runs out (laughs). Seriously, the person himself chose such a responsible lifestyle. Most likely, he developed a managerial complex when he must control everything. This need for control is fixed over the years and keeps you awake. It enters a dream at a time when the body needs rest. If a person does not want to change his lifestyle, this is corrected by antidepressants. In America, all managers accept them. Therefore, the reader will most likely have to go to a neurologist or psychiatrist and get his dose if he wants to continue to live in the same rhythm. Nothing else will help. A person wants to work actively, have a large income or some other bonuses and at the same time not pay with his health. This does not happen.

Question: Antonina Nikolaevna 22:35 01/14/2014

With retirement, she began to fall asleep 2 hours after I went to bed. If the husband is sitting at the computer, then there is nowhere to hide in a small apartment, and he lies down at half past twelve or one in the morning. I fall asleep at 3 a.m. Motherwort, a decoction of valerian does not help. What do you advise?

Question: alexander nikolaevmch 23:14 01/14/2014

i sleep one and a half two hours a day I go to bed at 22 to 4 o’clock in the morning I can’t fall asleep for me 80 years old sleeping pills I don’t drink I ask you help me

Question: Makarova Svetlana 12:54 01/15/2014

I am 58 years old, a researcher. If I do not have time to lie down before 11 pm, then I can’t fall asleep all sorts of thoughts climb into my head, then I get up with a sore head. Lie down to 11 very rarely succeeds as the husband has worked until 12 for more than half a week.


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:33 01/17/2014

This is a known fact. There is even such a term “basic cycle of rest-activity”. When they studied sleep in certain populations (mentally ill), it turned out that their drowsiness and activity changed with a period of one and a half hours. These one and a half hours are traced in all stages of sleep, that is, every one and a half hours the stages of sleep are repeated. In the daytime in an ordinary healthy person it is impossible to notice, many other factors confuse the perception of these one and a half hours. But we all know that if you miss some time for laying down, the next opportunity will come in an hour or more. This is the one and a half hour cycle. What can be advised in this case? If a woman prefers to fall asleep at 11 o’clock, but does not have such an opportunity, let her fall asleep at 12.30 at night. At this time there will be the next cycle of decline brain activity, and it will be easier for her to go to sleep.

Question: Roza Islyamgalievna 13:17 01/15/2014

56 years old. My husband and I have a problem - we can’t fall asleep in the evening, fall asleep in the morning, 5 \u003d 6 hours is enough to get enough sleep. What do you advise? thank

Question: Andrey Radostev 13:58 01/15/2014

Good afternoon! Constant feeling of drowsiness (winter-summer). Loss of concentration .. What possible reasons  and method of treatment. I do not accept any medications. Thank you.

Question: Galia 14:10 01/15/2014

I am 53 years old. Retired. I go to bed at 11 and 2. Before 6 in the morning I can’t fall asleep. I do not know what to do. I bought Persen today. I'll try, but there is no hope. What to do?

Question: Chernousova Larisa Vladimirovna 15:26 01/15/2014

Hello! My dad suffered from insomnia. I began to suffer from insomnia as early as 15 years old. A relative snored with whom I had to live in the same room for a month and I did not sleep practically this month. After 25 years she could not fall asleep without sleeping pills, I had to see a doctor. Then I tried not to drink pills, only occasionally. Recently, I have such insomnia - in the evening I fall asleep (I go to bed at about 12 at night, I’m an owl), I wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning at night and can’t sleep anymore. Trying to relax and count, nothing helps. In the afternoon I feel overwhelmed. It so tired me, the taste of life in such a state simply disappears. I would really appreciate any advice or help.

Question: Vladimir Pudov 15:43 01/15/2014

Dear Michael! I am 76. For several years now, I can’t sleep normally. I go to bed at 21-22 and I can’t fall asleep until 24-01, I’m nervous, get up and drink a sleeping pill. But the next day, dizzy, lethargy, weakness. What to do? Help me please. Thank you.

Question: Olga Konstantinovna 15:46 01/15/2014

I have been suffering from insomnia for about 8 years. After the operation of a hernia of the cervical 6-7 vertebrae, the menopause then threw into heat, namely at night. Then the perestroika period went through life hard. Now everything seems to be behind, and insomnia does not give complete deep sleep. Different thoughts do not let you sleep during the night, I hear any rustling, noise, and earplugs and sleeping pills do not help. Saw and tinctures and herbs and sleeping pills, including potent ones, do gymnastics, eat right, etc. Tell me please, what can be done in my case

Question: My spouse is 50 years old. Lark. Late sleep 16:03 01/15/2014

Lark. She goes to bed late, but gets up early. Explains that the sooner he lies down, the earlier he wakes up. Sleeps 4-5 hours a day. Would it harm their health?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:32 01/17/2014

The fact that he sleeps short can undoubtedly do much harm if he sleeps in this mode for 5-10 years. Lack of sleep will affect the defenses of his body. “Larks” or “owls” are already proven properties, most likely, they are genetically fixed. There are people who prefer to work actively in the morning, there are - in the evening. Usually the difference in hours in such preferences is not so great. An ordinary person, balanced, feel sleepy, as a rule, at 9 o’clock, and an “owl” at 1 o’clock in the morning. 3-4 hours difference between a balanced person and an “owl”. However, man is a social being and very easily adapts to the requirements of society. And shift the responsibility to the fact that you are an “owl” is not worth it. The boss said what time to come to work, so much you will come. If you don’t come, you won’t get a salary.

Question: Elena Vladislavovna 16:46 01/15/2014

Question: Kiryukhina Olga Yuryevna 19:04 01/15/2014

Hello Michael, please help me! My name is Olga, I am 55 years old. As far as I remember, doctors always complained about insomnia. The forces are leaving before our eyes. If in youth the body still somehow managed, replenishing its strength by the end of the week, that is, Friday or Saturday when I was cut down. Now I completely forgot what a dream is. If I want to sleep, then I immediately wake up without having time to fall asleep. Ideal conditions are necessary for falling asleep, the husband freaks out that I sleep alone, is not included in my position. The pills do not help me, those sleeping pills that the doctors prescribed for me. -Phenobarbital. Seduxen, etc., I already forgot. sometimes phenozepam helps. 3 years ago there was severe nervous exhaustion, I could no longer get out of bed. They refused help everywhere; I had to turn to a psychiatric hospital. She lay there for 2 months, came out losing weight by 7 kg, but alive. She was treated first with zaprolex, then with fevarin, and she did not get any better sleep. Now there is weakness, nausea, nothing climbs in the throat, again losing weight, there is no sleep at all. What to do, where to run? Save!

Question: Irina Ilyina 20:04 01/15/2014

Dear doctor, is it possible to “defeat” long-standing insomnia, which depends on the weather? In many magazines they write the same advice (lying down at the same time, drinking a glass of warm milk, not watching exciting programs on TV, etc.) that do not work at all !!! My sleep is disturbed during a sharp change of weather, usually during the transition from sunny weather to lingering rains. And in such periods I can’t fall asleep for several days. I do not want to take sleeping pills, because after them it’s dangerous to drive a car. Can I do something or have to endure such insomnia all my life?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:03 01/17/2014

It has not yet been proven that changing weather can negatively affect sleep. Rather, it is a myth in the mass consciousness - with a change in atmospheric pressure and air temperature, all this has a bad effect. Most often, sleep impairment due to changes in weather is associated with psychological factors. When, for example, the duration of daylight is reduced, the so-called "seasonal depression" may develop. People are less likely to see the sun, often walk warmly dressed in the cold, it’s hard for them to do all this, less often they go outside. Because of this, their overall emotional tone is reduced. At the same time, sleep is also disturbed. In addition to this psychological factor of seasonal longing, there may be a factor in violation of the regime associated with the fact that people begin to sit at home more, watch TV, eat more, so they get less tired and sleep less. No need to shift everything to the weather. In the case described by the reader, she should consult with a specialist. It seems to me that this may be due to a change in lifestyle when the weather changes.

Question: Steinbach Anatoly 21:13 01/15/2014

for 3 months I wake up at about 3-4 a.m., go to the toilet and can no longer normally fall asleep.

Question: Azat 22:06 01/15/2014

The sooner I go to bed, the earlier I wake up, for example, if I go to bed at 21.00 I wake up at 3.00 in the morning and I can’t fall asleep for a long time, I can’t fall asleep until the morning.

Question: Rudyk Larisa 08:41 01/16/2014

I go to bed at 12 at night, fall asleep quickly, wake up at 4 hours and 30 minutes, have a light sleep until 6 in the morning, I can fall asleep again. I wake up with a heavy head at 7-8 in the morning. thanks for the help

Question: Eugene, 34 years old 09:35 01/16/2014

Good day! I go to bed at 22 o’clock, quickly fall asleep, but wake up at midnight or a little later and can’t sleep until morning, doze for 15 minutes, and have been sleeping for more than a year, I tried to drink sleeping pills, in the morning I feel overwhelmed and irritated, I tried to drink sedatives (motherwort, valerian) helps about 10-15 days, then again nights without sleep. Tell me what to do?


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:34 01/17/2014

  Question: Victoria 843 11:18 01/16/2014

Hello! I have been suffering from insomnia for a long time. I know that I am an impressionable, emotional person and I take everything too close to my heart. I fall asleep hard, wake up after 3-4 hours and still do not sleep 2 hours. How to disable the brain? Trying to count the sheep. It turns out. But still, I can not calm down. Physical activity does not help. Thank.

Question: SVODNOVA NINA SEMYONOVNA 12:10 01/16/2014


Question: yurii sosnov 14:20 01/16/2014

i am 71 years old. For about 30 years I have had problems with sleep - I can’t fall asleep, and often do 2 hours before the time I go to bed, I really want to sleep, I literally struggle with myself - I’m afraid to fall asleep early, I know from experience that it’s more than 5-6 I can’t sleep for hours. It’s worth to lie down - it removes sleep like a hand, I can not sleep until 3-4 hours or even more. Sleeping pills help, but it quickly gets used to increasing the dose or changing the drug to a stronger one. I understand that the problem is in my head, but I can’t find a solution. at one time, walks in the evening helped for 2 hours, but in the cold it is difficult to walk away. What else to do - I do not know. I would be grateful for the advice.

Question: Julia N 14:35 01/16/2014

1. Describe, please, the ideal sleep regimen (for the age of 25-30 years) - how many hours do you need a minimum for the body to feel normal and what time does it lie down / get up. And is it harmful or useful to "nap" in the afternoon / evening? Thank you in advance!


Poluektov Mikhail Guryevich 21:30 01/17/2014

At the age of 25-30, it does not matter which sleep regimen to choose. At first, the body will not feel any consequences, because it has a large margin of safety. If you approach this from the point of view of science, then most people are genetically programmed for a duration of sleep from 7 to 8 hours. So that people do not talk about 4 or 10 hours of sleep, almost everyone sleeps 7-8 hours. Therefore, our correspondent needs to figure out how much sleep is convenient for her personally. For example, 7.5 hours. She notes that she usually sleeps just that much and set her regimen - go to bed at 23 o’clock, get up at 6.30. or go to bed at 0 o’clock, get up at 7 o’clock. The difference of 1-2 hours is not fundamental. The main principle of the beginning of sleep is to go to bed in the dark, because it is then that the hormone melatonin begins to be secreted, which helps the organs of man and animals switch to night mode. The rule for ending sleep is to get up with light. When light enters the retina, it disables the production of melatonin, and a person quickly switches to the level of wakefulness. In winter, we notice that it is more difficult for us to wake up, because there is still no light. Artificial light is too weak to suppress melatonin production immediately. Since we touched on recommendations for healthy sleepIt is also important to ensure a certain period from wakefulness to sleep. Usually 1 hour is recommended so that there is no activity: dancing, physical activitywatching exciting movies, shows, games on the computer so that a person can switch slowly, prepare for bed. In bed, before bedtime, do not read, do not watch TV. The bed should be subconsciously associated with sleep. All this can be done before bedtime, but not in bed. When a person goes to bed, he must immediately turn off the light. One must accustom oneself to this reflex. Can I sleep during the day? Everything is possible for young people. It has been shown that daytime sleep increases labor productivity and efficiency. For people who have no problems with sleep, 1-1.5 hours of daytime sleep remarkably increases working capacity until the evening. For people who have a sleep disorder, daytime sleep is undesirable because it takes time from a night's sleep. They already have low sleep pressure, because they get excited in the evening, and then they sleep in the afternoon, and by the evening the sleep pressure does not accumulate, so that they normally go to sleep.

Question: Ya Irisha 20:51 01/17/2014

Hello! Why do I fall asleep in the evening in front of the TV, and go to bed - does the dream disappear?

Question: Irina, 55 years 21:17 01/17/2014

Hello hello How can I get an appointment with a somnologist for free?

How to become an "early bird"

  It is good to get up before dawn, such a habit promotes health, wealth and wisdom.

Are Larks born or become? In my case, formation definitely took place. When I was a little over twenty, I rarely went to bed before midnight and almost always got up late. Usually I did not start my business until the end of dinner.

But after some time I could not help but notice the obvious relationship between success and early recovery, even in my personal life. In those rare cases when I got up early, my productivity was almost always higher, and not only in the morning, but throughout the day. In addition, I was in a great mood. As a person who is actively pursuing his goals, I decided to develop the habit of getting up early. I just set the alarm for 5 in the morning ...

... and rose a little earlier than noon.

I tried again and again, but did not go very far each time. I must not have the “early bird” gene from birth, I thought. When my alarm clock started to ring, the first thought was to stop this terrible noise and continue to sleep. I postponed further attempts for an indefinite period, but once, after some investigation of the problem, I came to the conclusion that I approached it from the wrong side. As soon as I applied new ideas, I quite naturally became an “early bird”.

It’s hard to become an “early bird” with the wrong strategy. At the same time, having the right strategy is relatively easy.

The most common wrong strategy is this: you think that if you need to get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier. Based on this, you determine how much you sleep now, then simply shift everything for several hours. If now you sleep from midnight to eight, it is assumed that now you will go to bed at 10 in the evening and get up at 6 in the morning. It sounds very reasonable, but usually nothing comes of it.

There are two main theories about sleep schedules. According to the first, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. This is the same as limiting yourself to an alarm clock on each side - you try to sleep at the same hours every night. It seems to be suitable for modern society. We need predictability in the routine. And we need enough rest.

The second theory says that you need to listen to your body: go to sleep when you are tired, and rise when you woke up naturally. This approach is based on biology. Our bodies know how much we need to rest, and therefore we must listen to them.

Through trial and error, I found that each of these two theories individually is not optimal. And none is suitable if you need maximum productivity. That's why:

If you sleep at certain hours, sometimes you will go to bed not too tired. If it takes more than five minutes to fall asleep, you are not tired enough. You spend time lying on the bed and not falling asleep. Another problem is the assumption that you need the same number of hours to sleep every night. This assumption is false: the required amount of sleep varies day by day.

If you start to sleep based on observations of your body - most likely you will sleep more than you actually need - in some cases much more, about 10-15 hours a week (equivalent to a full day). Many people who follow this approach sleep 8 or more hours each night, usually too much. In addition, in the morning surprises are possible if you get up at different times. And due to the fact that our natural rhythms do not always coincide with the daily cycle, sleep time can begin to shift.

For me, the best solution was to combine both approaches. It is very simple, and many “early birds” do not even think about it, but for me it was an important achievement. The solution is that I go to bed when (and only if) when I want to sleep, and get up when the alarm rings in certain time  all seven days a week. It turns out that I always get up at the same time (in my case, it's 5 o’clock in the morning), but fall asleep every night in different ways.

I go to sleep when I'm already too sleepy to stay awake. As a test, I usually read a book: if, after reading one or two pages, I start to doze, then I'm ready for bed. In most cases, lying in bed, I fall asleep in three minutes. I lie down, get comfortable and instantly fall asleep. Sometimes I go to bed at 21:30, on other days I do not sleep until midnight. Most often I go to bed at 22-23 hours. If I do not really want to sleep, I will stay awake as long as I can keep my eyes open. Reading is a wonderful activity for this time, it clearly shows when I'm already quite sleepy.

When my alarm clock starts to ring in the morning, I turn it off, stretch for a few seconds and get up. I don’t think about it. I realized that the longer I get up, the sooner I will try to fall asleep again. Therefore, I do not allow myself any reasoning about what one could still sleep when the alarm clock rang. Even if you want to sleep, I still get up right away.

After several days using this approach, I found that my sleep schedule was in line with the natural rhythm. If I did not get enough sleep in one night, the next night I will want to sleep earlier and sleep longer. And if I have an excess of energy, and I'm not tired, I will sleep less. My body learned to knock me out at the right moment, because it knows that I always get up at the same time, and this time is not subject to discussion.

Side effect: on average, I sleep at night almost 90 minutes less, but I feel better rested, because sleep lasts almost all the time I am in bed.

I realized that most people with insomnia are those who go to bed without being sleepy. If you cannot fall asleep quickly, get up and stay awake for a while. Resist sleep until the body begins to produce hormones that turn off consciousness. If you go to bed when you really want to, and get up at a certain time, you will get rid of insomnia. The first night you will be late until late, but immediately fall asleep. During the day, you may feel tired because you got up early and slept little, but after work you will want to go to bed early the next night. After a few days, you will get used to going to bed at about the same time and falling asleep instantly.

So, if you want to become an “early bird” (or just learn how to manage your sleep time), here's a simple tip - you need to go to bed only when you can’t stay awake anymore and get up every morning at the same time.

Original article: How to Become an Early Riser

Translation: Sergey Biryukov

The article "How to become an" early bird ", obviously, attracted the attention of many people. She brought more visitors to my site than any of my other articles. And judging by the statistics, the flow was not centralized (which cannot be explained by mentioning on any of the large resources).

Alexa can give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow popular this article was for (see the big leap in May 2005). Alexa is not particularly accurate, but is well suited for tracking general trends.

On Monday, I searched Google for the phrase “how to become an early riser” (in quotation marks). There were no results. See how many results are now displayed.

OK, the article has gained popularity. But why? The topic of getting up early in the morning is relatively harmless, isn't it? At least I was sure of this when I posted the article on the site.

Since there was interest in the topic, although I do not quite understand the reason, I decided to write a sequel with some details.

First, we return to the question of going to bed only if you want to sleep ... To do this correctly, you need some awareness and common sense.

If you engage in vigorous activity before going to bed, this can drive away sleepiness for a while. In college, I usually played poker until dawn, after which we often went to breakfast. I can stay up longer than my usual schedule if I work, relax with friends, or do some other active work.

But this is not what I had in mind when I talked about drowsiness. I mentioned a test when you cannot read more than a few pages without losing attention. This does not mean that you need to wait until you fall from exhaustion.

The appearance of drowsiness, which I am talking about, is the moment when the brain begins to produce hormones that put you to sleep. This should not be confused with ordinary fatigue. You feel like you are taking a nap. But for this to happen, you need to create the right conditions. Give yourself some rest before going to bed. I made sure that reading is a great way to relax. Some say reading in bed is a bad idea that you need to sleep in bed. I never had a problem with this, because when I feel sleepy, I just put down the book and fall asleep. But you can read it in an armchair, if it’s more convenient for you.

Another test example. Ask yourself: “If I go to bed now, how quickly can I fall asleep?” If you think this will take more than 15 minutes, I would advise you to wait a while and continue to stay awake.

When you set a fixed time for waking up, it may take a little practice to determine the correct time for going to bed. Initially, large fluctuations are possible if you go to bed too late in one night and too early in another. But over time, you will learn to feel the moment when you can go to bed, while instantly fall asleep and wake up the next day well rested.

To protect yourself from lack of sleep, set a deadline after which you will go to bed no matter what, even if you do not want to. I have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe minimum amount of sleep I need. 6.5 hours is quite acceptable for me, but I can sleep for 5 hours and feel normal, unless this happens every night. My maximum sleep time is 7.5 hours. Until I started to get up at the same time every morning, I often slept for 8-9 hours, sometimes even 10, if I was especially tired.

If you use caffeine during the day, it can affect the rhythms of your sleep. The first article assumes that you do not use anything like this to stay awake. If you are addicted to caffeine, first get rid of this habit. You should not expect that natural sleep will come at the right time if you will be chemical with your brain.

The purpose of the first article was to explain how to develop the habit of getting up early. And the tips are designed to develop this habit. When a habit is fixed, it begins to act subconsciously. You can engage in vigorous activities, for example, work or play computer games, and you will still know exactly when it is time to go to bed, even if it happens at different times. The drowsiness test is important for developing a habit, but subsequently it will be replaced by subtle signs of the body itself.

You can always sleep longer than usual when you need to. If I don't go to bed until 3 o’clock, then I won’t get up at 5 in the morning. But I will return to my usual schedule the next day.

I recommend getting up at the same time for 30 days in a row to fix the habit, after which you will adapt to this so much that it will be difficult to sleep more than usual. I wanted to sleep longer one Saturday morning and turned off the alarm, but automatically woke up at 4:58. I tried to sleep again, but could not. Like this. When a habit is developed, getting up is not at all difficult if you fall asleep when drowsiness occurs.

If you have children, adapt as much as possible. My children are 5 years old and 1 year old respectively. Sometimes they wake me up in the middle of the night - my daughter got used to appearing suddenly in the bedroom to tell her wife about her dreams or just chat. And I understand how it feels when small child  wakes up every few hours. If you're in the same situation, there’s only one piece of advice: sleep when you can. Children do not particularly stick to the schedule :)

If you can not get out of bed when the alarm clock rang - this is most likely a lack of discipline. If you have discipline, you will stand up no matter what. Motivation also helps, but it is short-lived and can last only a few days. Discipline is like muscle. The more you develop it, the more you can rely on it. Everyone has a discipline (calmly, okay?), But not everyone develops it. There are many ways to develop discipline - I devoted a whole chapter to this topic in a book that is coming soon. Basically, it all comes down to taking on simple tasks, performing them, and gradually progressing to more complex ones. It is like strength training. As discipline strengthens, such tasks as getting out of bed at a certain time will become a mere trifle. But with undeveloped discipline, this may seem like an insurmountable obstacle.

Why get up early at all?

I would say the main reason is that you have more time for things that are much more interesting than a dream.

Again, I gained 10-15 hours a week by doing this. The extra time is very noticeable. By 6:30 I had already done exercises, took a shower, had breakfast and was ready to go. I can devote more productive work to more hours per day, and usually I finish work by 5 p.m. (this also includes personal “work”: reply to letters, pay bills, pick up my daughter from kindergarten, etc.). This gives me 5-6 hours of free time every evening, which I can devote to my family, as well as books, magazines, various hobbies, etc. And most importantly, I still have enough energy at this time. When I have enough time for everything that is important to me, it gives a feeling of harmony, calmness and optimism.

Think about what you could do in that extra time. Even 30 minutes a day is enough to do exercises, read a couple of books a month, blog, meditate, cook healthy food, learn to play a musical instrument, etc. A small amount of extra time per day is reduced to significant values \u200b\u200bon a yearly basis. 30 minutes a day is 182.5 hours a year. This is more than a month of working time (based on 40 hours per week). These numbers can be doubled if you save 60 minutes a day, and triple if you save 90. I just got about 90 minutes a day. It's like you get a free prize year every ten years. I use this time for affairs for which I previously did not have enough time or energy. And that's great :)

I get up at 5 in the morning - Stop waking up your life

Early start of a new day

Being inspired by the article “How to Become an Early Bird” by Steve Pavlina, I decided to get up at 5 in the morning! I lived like this for 10 days during the session - I liked it very much (wonderful health, a lot of free time, a clear head and maximum concentration -\u003e excellent efficiency). Now I decided to return to this regime, and also start keeping a diary of the experiment.

Why get up at 5 in the morning?

The very first thing to do is to answer this question. Why would you deprive yourself of the extra hours spent embracing with your favorite pillow (girls usually see it as a gentle and affectionate Pillow). It will not be an exaggeration to say that the success of your undertaking depends on the answer to this question.

Well, I’ll try to formulate my reasons:

  • enjoy at least 2 hours of the sleeping city, devote them to writing articles, working on yourself, thinking and other creative and intellectual work;
  • accustom yourself every day to spend some amount of time on the site;
  • maximize the hours of maximum productivity;
  • start walking in the morning, and then jogging;
  • try a biphasic dream (wow, the name is, of course, scientific, but just start sleeping in the afternoon for half an hour or an hour).

This is the main thing.

And here is not the main thing and positive side effects:

  • get more time at your disposal;
  • according to Ayurveda, sleeping after 6 in the morning is harmful. From the point of view of Ayurveda's life doshas, \u200b\u200bone must get up before 6 in the morning (during the Vata dosha - physical activity, and you will be active all day), since after 6, the Kapha dosha begins to rule the ball (peace and relaxation - you will be inert all day);
  • go to bed earlier (hours at 10-11 pm ... at least, try);
  • start doing some yoga exercises; I may be interested in exercises from the Eye of Renaissance - I've already heard too much about this system.

What will I do?

Oh, everything is simple here ... Now my morning looks like this:

  1. I wake up at 5 in the morning to the music! Sweet, sweet stretch!
  2. I do basic exercises and exercises on the spine according to Bragg.
  3. I drink 1-2 glasses of warm water (in order to finally awaken the body).
  4. I’m going for a walk through the beautiful Zelenograd (or jogging, or going to the store, or just breathing in fresh air - from the mood).
  5. I’m taking a contrast little shower.
  6. And then I sit down at the computer and enjoy a great start to another wonderful day! I am writing articles, answering letters. Sometimes even at this time I do something in my studies. That is, I devote myself to creative and intellectual work, planning.
  7. Around 8 in the morning I have breakfast.

This is the beginning of the day! After the above steps, I see a happy smiling face in the reflection. Having stopped enjoying the views, I tear myself away from the mirror and live a healthy, happy, conscious life.

How to get used to getting up at 5 in the morning?

Just start doing it! For 30 days, every day without failures and disruptions, get up at 5 in the morning. A habit is a gain! Will come with time. This will be my first 30 day experiment. I promise to record the results in my diary (Mikhail Suboch “From an owl to an early bird” conducted a similar experiment).

How to ease your waking up?

  • Know clearly why you get up at 5 in the morning. It is this thought that will be the main factor that will throw the covers away, lift you out of bed, shake you and throw you to the washbasin!
  • Not to have supper is a holy law, To whom a light sleep is most dear. A.S. Pushkin
  • Do not eat up at night. 2-3 hours before going to bed, allow yourself a light dinner. For example, fruit salad or just fruit, cottage cheese or kefir with a bun, or better without a bun (Flour products - the very first thing that a person who decides to keep healthy way  of life. It’s much easier to give up meat than bread.)
  • Sleep in the fresh air (or with an open window). If a busy highway does not pass under your windows, be sure to open the windows to the vibrant oxygen stream! Ideally, of course, it would be nice to catch a cricket somewhere, teach him your favorite melody (and even better - a few, and choose a playlist before going to bed), put him under the window and fall asleep under his soothing sounds.
  • Before going to bed, do nothing active, emotional. It is better to devote this time to quiet reading. Or take some time (10-15 minutes) planning, summarizing the day.
  • Stop "filling up" - that is, do not set the alarm 5-10 minutes ahead to sleep a little more. It’s better to stretch yourself sweetly in bed, yawn a couple of times (no more !!! they say, with frequent yawning you can find something buzzing and jerking in your mouth in your mouth. Can you imagine what it is? No? And you catch one fly and put it in mouth! And chatting, therefore, it is worth changing ... oh ... mmm ... delicious ...)
  • It is advisable to set the alarm away from the bed. And even better, if possible, take not just an alarm clock, but some terribly loud ALARM and put it in the bathtub near the washstand. Another great option is to set up a music center or a computer so that it automatically turns on your favorite music (naturally, in this case, something more vigorous, active, incendiary, rhythmic will be most suitable! How do you like Latin music? Or do you prefer perky punk rock? Or maybe put the incredibly shaking “Wake up” (“Chop Suey!” System of a down)?
  • Not to think. This is probably the most difficult point. Just don't think! Get up on automatism and carry your body to the washbasin. And only when you feel the coolness and freshness of water on your face, you can allow yourself the criminal thought: “Oooooooooooooo, it's still so early ... Get some more sleep, what the hell you need it ....” And then drive it away from you!
  • Before going to bed, do relaxation exercises: yoga asanas, a corpse pose (sava \u200b\u200bsana), and so on in the same spirit.
  • A hard mattress and a small pillow under the neck will make your sleep more effective and your spine healthy.
  • In the morning, drink a couple of glasses of warm water. Looking at you from the bottom up your stomach will choke with pleasure and will gladly begin its heroic daily work!
  • And of course, don't underestimate magic action  contrast soul.

So the obvious obvious conclusion:

The most important thing is to decide if you need it. If everything suits you - do not change your life. After all, the main thing is that you feel easy and calm at heart. And getting up at 5 a.m. requires willpower, but more importantly - HUGE desire!


Go to bed at 22.00 and get up at 5 in the morning ?! If six months ago, someone owl told me that this would be my daily routine, I would have smiled indulgently: everyone knows: big city  at 22 hours, life is just beginning. People just come from work, they just start showing interesting films, only friends get out contactless ...

But I am a happy person, I do not have a TV, I do not work every day, and I communicate more with friends more live. And when I received information about the benefits of early awakening, I thought: why not? And three times in a row she put herself to bed at 10 pm, and lifted her from bed at 5 am. Everything. And then it went by itself.

My early climbs turned one month old. It’s nothing at all, but I’m cheerful and inspired! From this month I slept only three days, and they were connected with the late end of the seminars that I conducted, and travel by train, where you obey some special train suspended animation.

So here. What thoughts and feelings came to me after such a specific change in the daily routine?

1. Time. He suddenly became more. It is not clear why, but the morning hours are so productive that all the things that I ventured to shift from night to morning suddenly began to be done twice as fast!

2. Nutrition. Of course, it has become more correct. Waking up at dawn, you experience such subtle sensations inside yourself ... I don’t know how to convey them ... that I don’t feel like eating heavy food. Instead of the usual hot sandwich, the hand itself reaches for an apple or a banana, for something weightless that cannot upset the internal balance and balance, will not burden you from the inside.

3. Appearance. It's still too early to talk about this, but as a woman, it matters to me. Post-computer dark circles under the eyes began to slowly go away. And the face became fresher. And, what surprised me, the appearance of the hair improved. I do not know yet how to relate this to an early awakening, but along the way I did not conduct other experiments. Yes ... and men began to make compliments more often. Mmm! :)

4. Health. Well, God himself ordered to do exercises at dawn! Well, I did) And I do it daily, and now - cheers! - I began to crunch less! :) I don’t know about you, but I noticed behind myself that I sometimes crunch, especially after sedentary days. We all crunch a little, I think :) And after charging - small, five-minute - suddenly the crunch began to go away. So, the muscles are stretched, you become more flexible, straighten your back ... I like it!

5. Hang in contact. It usually happened at night, when you were sitting closer to midnight, and you thought: well, a little more. And then you look: three hours! And what was he doing all this time ?! Inexplicably. Some kind of time machine. Here. And in the morning, until you turn on the computer, it does not pull there. Therefore, I do not turn it on to the last, doing useful things.

6. Internal state. Words are hard for me to describe. Some very subtle processes occur in the morning in a person, before they were available to me except at the moments of unity with nature, and now every day. Firstly, a latent depression began to pass, which lasted for a year. It was connected with the loss of my loved one, and with the difficulties that I had to face after this ... and a lot of other things. And now - something began to light up inside - something sincerely rejoicing at the arrival of every new day! Vivacity and desire to actively interact with the world began to come, to understand and accept it, not to get upset, but to cope.

This month of early climbs showed me: I'm on the right track. And even though early awakening is not an end in itself, but only a person’s tool for gaining integrity and harmony within himself, I’m so glad I came to this! And I’m not going to retreat ”:)

The group "Creative Association" People of Dawn "has already been created, in which we support each other and inspire early awakening, discuss the pros and cons, how to wake up - how to sleep, what to eat, what to do in the morning ... And so many people of Dawn have already become! So much that the soul sings!

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Recently I talked with my brother, who complained "I wake up very early what to do?" I heard many suffer from this problem, she also bothered me at one time. After reading the relevant literature and based on my own experience, it was decided to discuss with you the problem of morning insomnia, which is relevant for many people.

Early awakening is also called insomnia, it is characterized by awakening much earlier than scheduled and chronic fatigue due to the fact that the body does not have time to recover. Usually wakefulness begins at 4-5 in the morning, and brings a person a feeling of longing, hopelessness and depression. It can also manifest itself in the form of frequent awakenings in the middle of the night with very short periods of sleep.

I noticed that many people with this type of sleep disorder say mostly similar phrases “became irritable”, “I want to sleep all the time and feel tired”, “I lie in bed for hours and cannot sleep” ... If at least one phrase is familiar to you and is close, I propose to consider the factors of this state. After all, before deciding how to get rid of insomnia, you need to understand why it arose and eliminate the causes.

  1. Psycho-emotional. Insomnia can occur due to family conflicts, love failures, worries about financial difficulties or difficulties at work. These are the most common factors. You may have something completely different, not so global, but depriving you of calm and balance.
  2. Diseases, as well as chronic pain, can lead to constant wakefulness.
  3. Mental disorders can trigger insomnia, such as depression or anxiety.

Types of Insomnia

  • Episodic . Lasts no more than 7 days. It can occur during stress or emotional upheaval (love, quarrel, new job ...).
  • Short-term . Usually its duration is no more than three weeks. It manifests itself as a result of severe stressful situations, such as job loss, forced change of residence, illness ...
  • Chronic . From three weeks. May occur with prolonged use of psychoactive drugs and alcohol. More common in older people.

How to get rid of it?

The first thing to do is find out the reason and deal with it. If you can’t independently understand what is hidden behind the anxiety or what particular experiences do not allow you to relax, seek qualified help from a psychotherapist. If insomnia is a sign of somatic disease, be sure to see a doctor. He will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. Do not delay in the expectation that the sleep disorder will pass by itself if it is present for a long period. Indeed, over time, you run the risk of acquiring concomitant disorders such as distracted attention, irritability, and chronic overwork

  1. Walks in the open air. In the evening, try to take a walk at least to the store for a loaf of bread, this will help your body tune in to relaxation.
  2. Physical exercise. An hour and a half before bedtime, do exercises, do yoga or fitness.
  3. Take a hot bath and drink a glass of warm milk. This method has a relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system.

If you woke up in the middle of the night or early in the morning and cannot “close your eyes”, take a comfortable pose and try to drive away disturbing thoughts and think about the pleasant. You can dream about the future or, conversely, recall pleasant moments from the past. A quite effective method can be reading an easy and interesting book.

Relax and quality sleep, without worries and nightmares, dear readers!