Selection of software programs in the sphere of everyday life. The best everyday programs

SketchUp is easy to use, with this program you can create plans, facades, layouts, details, specifications, architectural 3D models, life objects, engineering disputes.

Program interface

Operating system: Windows, Mac OS X

License: Basic version: Free of charge, Pro version: paid


Allplan- tse software complex for architectural and budivelny design. Allplan includes steps: architecture, master plan, design, assessment of varnosti and koshtorisu, budivelny obsiagi, engineering systems budіvel, metal structures, concrete structures.

Fahіvtsі in budіvelnih companies: architects, designers, koshtorisniki, planners work in one software environment and above the usual divisions of the project.

Program interface

Operating system: Windows

License: paid


The Russian system of computer-aided design, the paid version of the program is nanoCAD Plus and the free version is nanoCAD. Won pidide for simple armchairs and projects. Її can be twisted as an alternative to the road CAD AutoCAD.

Program interface

Operating system: Windows

License: paid - nanoCAD Plus and free of charge - nanoCAD


The system of automated design in everyday life, architecture and other industrial galleys has been widely promoted. AutoCAD allows you to create two trivial everyday objects, armchairs.

Program interface

Operating system: Windows, Mac OS X

License: paid


There is a topic on the forum, you can share your information or share your opinion.

It is often brought up that the main reason for this is high profitability in the middle in the region: even there, de pennies are still vistacha, there can not be a serious interest in complex automation - and so, movly, interest will appear at an hour, if through natural The market process will inevitably decrease in prices and, hence, the profitability of the future market, if the situation arises, in the future, there is less of the one who is the most respectful.

To your look, sound against the other: there, de pennies, there is more necessary security appearance, which allows corruption to disappear and to protect theft. And yet, the main reason for the low level of automation of business companies is the specificity of the hall: be it a business company, it will require automation over a large number of business activities, with which there is no need to support the economy.

Otzhe, what processes need to be automated in a budding company?

Control of profit and income

Nasampered avtomatizatsii p_dlyagaє control vitrat and income. It is necessary for the future companies to allow their mother to hand over the information, how many pennies and how much to score, how to win money and on what, who їx robiv, how it is planned to win money, how to win money and how to get a good result. The most important business companies have the same logic: we are ahead of our appearance penny potik, posture by the flow of goods, the appearance of sobіvartostі or, tim more, pributkovostі. In the case of collaborative work, the workers most often understand simply the actual amount of the cost for that other weekly object, and in case of the profit, the difference between the arrival and the cost of the money. In this rank, the main thing in the automation of business companies is operational budgeting (forward for a month or two) and control over the data for applications.

Contract management

A friend behind the level of importance is the business of the budding business, which helps automation, is the control of spending, working and fencing behind contracts for the contract and the planning of supervision for contracts of purchase and sale, rent, shareholding and other. Here, the key tasks are the possibility of planning and vikonnannya works for a leather contract in a row and a schedule of payments both for specific contracts and for implementation contracts. The appearance of mutual relations with the assistants and contractors of the cicavii, we will reconsider, with a glance of the fences and plans, and, according to the implementation contracts - with a look at the plan of the expenses and, again, the fences of the clients.

Project management

Project management is a topic that will inevitably chime in with our buddies. Aje tse is even more beautiful - the calendar schedule of everyday life on the wall, on which everything was clearly understood. Practically be-like a budіvelny company has gone through its path: making decisions about total planning and project management; notifying that it’s more important not to plan, but to visualize; Let's understand that picking up the “watering plant” is a task, as it will require such a quantity of resources that it is easier to just get started. So it turned out that in most of the budding companies, project management - the diagram on the wall is only beautiful, signed by the people who supported the project. To be honest, in view of the viconnance of the head of the wake-up project, it is above all the labor worker on the right, and even the specific vikonators of this room are people far away from the computer, and the skin time needs duplication of functions, which is already expensive. Do not help and vigadanі paperer forms of zvіtnostі: with paper viconrob tezh pratsyuє even more reluctantly. Therefore, the best solution for managing future projects is to control the project over fiducial points. "Reference points" are the most important points of the project. Oskelki їх are not rich, pick up the factual data for them about the vikonannya zavdan as a whole is real. In this rank, the applied sense is the only one able to manage projects in everyday life - tse calendar planning, Investigation of the necessary resources for the allocation of the visual part of the budget and the implementation of the project from the reference points.

Warehouse storage

First of all, you need to be aware, it is necessary to know how you will be, what materials are needed and how much cost is needed for the whole project: this is how you blame the needs of the budding object. Koshtorisna activity is strictly regulated on the state level, and there are enough programs for the preparation of koshtoris - this business in business companies is most prosperous from the point of view of automation.

Other automation

Kimm main bіznes-processes, descriptions of the worst, at Budіvelnіy Kompanії, T. Spetsіvіzіzії, Mozheti Pottuba in automatisіїnnia, for examples of Budіvelli, Ok'ktіv, Programs for Bisnes-Planuvanny (with the intention of the estate), the programms for controlling loans with long obsyazі pozikovyh koshtіv. Well, come on, it’s a budding company, as if it were another business, it automates the personnel form and accounting.

The greatest number of diverse business processes that require automation, and the introduction to the market of systems of a pleasant software product for everyday life and, apparently, in general low rіven complex automation of the environment of the budivelnyh companies Slide to designate, scho s skin okremoї business-zavdannya іsnuyut raznі vіanti rіshennya ії avtomatizаtsії. Be-yak budіvelnі the company step-by-step acquires computer programs that automate the work of various fіrodіlіv. Seen in other galleys, the “problem of hanging entry” here turns into the problem of tenfold entry - one and the same data are entered into different programs, in no way they are connected one by one. Navit it is important to evaluate the labor and financial expenses and spend the galleys in the aftermath of this I will become a reference. Obviously, as a way out of the situation it would be possible to promote the integration of various additives among themselves.

There are two ales here. First, through a great number specific tasks And, obviously, possible programs for their automation, the appearance of a ready-made integration solution is small (impossible to transfer the integration of what is always possible with what is always possible). In another way, the degree of integrating such a quantity of products one with one can be even higher. It is notable that the “legs” of most projects with integration “grow up” to protect. Really, the economy is more summative - integration projects often wind up in the sum to create more, lower replacement of different programs for one, but still cover all the necessary tasks. Therefore, there are more post-employment management systems for turbovanie enterprises and the creation of a ready-made integrated solution for automating business companies.

Although the demand for complex automation of the life-sustaining companies has been recognized by retailers-systems, it has recently been introduced to the market integration solutions for a large number of vendors. Let's look at the decision of the report.

Automation system budget Office management Contract management Project management Warehouse storage Delivery management Business planning Credit management Accounting appearance Termini zastosuvannya Price per job, w.o.

Galaktika ERP, module "Business Management"

For the module itself - n, for the system - so So So Integration with Primavera and MS Project Integration with code-based programs (ARPS-format) So So So So vіd 3-6 mіs. up to 2-3 years
So So So So So So So So So in 1 min.

Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Management

The project budget and the regional budget - so. So So So. + Integration with Oracle Primavera and/or MS Project Integration with other programs So So So So 6-10 min. 1000 - 2300

MAG Builder for Microsoft Dynamics AX

So So So Integration with MS Project so (without koshtoris-normative bases) So Integration with Plan Designer, Comshare, Geac Performance Management So So 3-6 min. 5000


So So So So Integration with WinSmeta, Smeta. en So So So So vіd 3 ms. up to 1.5 years 2500

SAP for Engineering, Construction and Operations

So So So So So So no So So 6-9 months 5000

Future solutions on the platform of the "Aleph" system

So So So so + integration with Primavera So So So no So 6-9 months 2000

Program complex "Hektor-budivelnik"

no no no so + integration with Primavera and Spider so + possibility of integration with other computer programs no no no Integration with bookkeeping programs Delivery + delivery up to 2 days 250 - 600

Today's business companies offer the widest range of services: from business to private, ending with a general contract for great projects. Regardless of the scale of activity, the criteria for choosing a business company are the same: the quality of work, the quality of services is adequate, and the transparency of the process of everyday life. A tool that allows the client to quickly evaluate the company according to these criteria, becoming a business company.

How do you make a mobile supplement for a wake-up company?

Due to the current technologies that are embedded in the mobile service, the company can simplify the process of communication with the client. Availability of zvіtnostі, monitoring and zamovlennya services to ensure the highest level of trust of clients.

The functionality of the mobile addon:

  • Interactive price list and rozrahunok vartosti: allows you to quickly get to know the services, what to chirp, find out about the heady vartist and immediately arrange the front prayer. It is an option to speed up the hours of work as a client, as well as a wake-up company.
  • Portfolio robot: report photo-description of dermal stimuli to allow the client to evaluate the high value of the company's work.
  • Templates for the application of services and electronic payment: the application for services without zayvih dzvinkіv and the need to advise the bank to allow the client to quickly accept the decision on the merit of the company.
  • Button zvorotny zv'azku: the ability to receive a call and consultation to ensure the promotion of loyalty to win the most important customers.
  • Online camera on the object: access to continuous monitoring will ensure the status of reliability and trust of customers on the weekly Maidan.
  • Zvіtnіst pro vykonanі robots: regular Push-messages allow the client to control the situation, and also, to stay calm.
  • Integration with the CRM system and Push notifications: regular personalization push notifications allow you to promptly inform customers about special offers and secure advertising for the company without additional advertising.
Terms of Service

Terms of implementation are evaluated individually for each project.

Region of service

The service of creating a mobile addendum for a business company is available for registration in all regions.

Vartist nadannya services

The exact variability of the service to be deposited depends on the specifics of a particular project,
be kind, hurry up with one of the ways, indicated below, to get the job done for your project.

Project commitment

If you want to take an accurate assessment of the cost and the terms for the implementation of the service "setting up a mobile supplement for a vacation company" according to your task, or you want to take a look at more detailed information about the service, fill in the application form, please contact us below.

Everyday life is very specific

1. there is a large number of participants in everyday life;
2. material resources and possessions can be tied to the territory;
3. life is carried out on the basis of requests from specific deputies;
4. characterized by great vitrates and trivial terms vikonannya robit.

Problems of businesses in the living room, which can lead to automation

1. Folding planning.
Everyday life is characterized by a significant turnover of expenses: the purchase of supplies of materials, the possession of cars, the purchase of goods, the purchase of goods and purchases. Navit short-term planning - this is a big problem, the shards of partners are rich, the contracts do not fit in time. At the boundaries of the automated control system, it is possible to set up both short-line and long-line planning, and control over the robot.

2. Lack of information about pennies and payments.
The right management is in the hands of the one who provides information. "Whoever has information, that will be light," said Winston Churchill. Without control from the "top" by the right master on everyday life, you can become a viconrob, which may be a sprinkling of "left" brigades and shtovhaє "z-pіd pіdlogi" materials. Efficient control - monitoring the skin routine of everyday life, and automation of the management of everyday life transferring to the suvor and proper soundness and viconrobiv and business.


Dosvid show that when you automated systems management of 70% of the positive effect is achieved for the management of the order, and 30% - for the management of the change and improvement of management processes.

Zasosuvannya results:

  • Improvement in the quality of analytical information about capital contributions, financial investments, rozrakhunkivs with contractors and post-employees, the appearance of materials and possessions is poor.
  • A short notice on the apparatus of the patron of everyday life, an increase in the transparency of information on how to pass on the morning of the breeze.
  • Strengthening control over vitrates and victories of investors.
  • Asked for rozrakhunkiv from investors, contractors, design institutes.
  • A bunch of routine operations.
  • It is necessary to approach automation with a mind. We need to choose the right software product.

    Don't hurry. Return to the firm or to the confirmed tradesman. You will be consulted, shown demos and presentations, given advice on all your questions.

    The knowledge of those who will be able to help you with these products is especially important; Ideally, how should you name the companies, how they were automated on the product that you are called. In your mind, you can get in touch directly with the end of the short-haired ones and recognize their thought.

    The range of programs for everyday life is wide.

    Product name w.o.
    1С: Zamovnik of everyday life. Version 1.0 is local
    1С: Zamovnik of everyday life. Version 1.0 merezha on 5 corist.
    Configuration for the wiki with the component "Accounting form 7.7"
    1C: Contractor of everyday life. Version 2.3 merezha for 5 koristuvachiv
    Configuration for the wiki with the component "Accounting form 7.7"
    1C: Contractor of everyday life. Version 2.3 is for 10 boxes
    Configuration for the wiki with the component "Accounting form 7.7"
    1C:Pidpriyomstvo 8.0. Contractor of everyday life 3.0. Business life management 1000
    VDGB: Paid Life
    ІKS: Life.
    Configuration for 1C:Accounting 7.7
    ІKS: Life Management
    Adding to type. configuration 1C: Accounting 7.7
    Koshtoris Plus 3.x local
    Configuration for 1C: Operational form 7.7
    Koshtoris Plus 3.x merezhna for 3rd mere. 480
    Koshtoris Plus 3.x mesh for unlimited corist number. 1110
    Koshtoris Plus. Dodatkova base 2001 (Derzhbud) 100
    Elite life 8.0
    Configuration for a double wrangler from the program "1C: Accounting 8.0"

    Prices are all regulated, but you can ask for a reduction in services

    Brief description of the configuration "1C: Housekeeper 1.0"

    CONFIRUSCIIA "1C: Budіvnittva 1.0 Zamnik" є SPILY LOCK "IMPULS-IVTS", є configuration "Impulse" Accounting Region Systems Systems Program "1C: P_DPRIEMSIY 7.7" І Mozheti Keeping Tils Spex Spex , PROF, for SQL).

    The configuration "1C: Housekeeper 1.0" is recognized for automating the activities of enterprises and organizations that perform the functions of the housekeeper. The configuration allows you to automate the main business of managing the manager of life: planning and appearance of capital deposits, the appearance of dzherel finance and inter-frost, completing with materials and possessions, accounting form of the responsibility of the AP.

    1. Planning the financing of capital investments at the boundaries of the objects of everyday life, the financial resources and the dates of the investment;
    2. Planuvannya limits of capital contributions to the rozrіzі ob'ektіv budіvnitstvа, articles vitrat on budіvnіtstvo and pryadnіkіv;
    3. Planuvannya vitrat for zmіst pіdrozdіlіv zamovnik budіvnitstva at the borders of articles vitrat, pіdrozdіlіv and dzherel finansuvannya;
    4. Appearance of vikonannya budіvelno-assembly robots in the rozrіzі budіvnіtv, ob'єktіv budіvnіtstva, articles on budіvnіtstvo, technological structure of vitrats, contractors from the molding of finishing work on the variety of budіvelnyh robіt and vitrat for the form KS-3;
    5. Appearance of MPE from capital deposits at the boundaries of objects of capital deposits;
    6. The shape of the possession, which helps the installation in the rozrіzі ob'ektіv budіvnitstva and the mіst zberіgannya, the appearance of the harvesting and storage windows from the possession of the rozrіzі articles of glass;
    7. The appearance of hope and vibuttya everyday materials at the rozrіzі ob'єktіv budіvnitstva that mіsts zberіgannya, the form of harvesting and storage windows for materials at the rozrіzі articles of glass;
    8. The appearance of the contractors of materials as a giver's syrovina that was written off in the world of yogo stained glass;
    9. Appearance of vitrates for the morning of the guardian of everyday life (the very guardian of everyday life and the service of the assembly) at the rozrіzі zatverzhenikh koshtorisiv, articles of vitrates and dzherel finansuvannya, rozpodil vitrat on the objects of everyday life;
    10. Appearance of the need for funds and the choice of funds for the purposes of financial finance in the field of financial resources;
    11. Appearance of rozrakhunkiv from contractors, post-employees and project organizations at the rozrіzі objects of everyday life;
    12. Control of mutually victorious assets of the bank of financial institutions, carrying out operations from the bank of mutually viable funds of the banker of financial institutions;
    13. The appearance of specific regulatory operations of the housekeeper for the period of time to re-arrange the vitrate between the objects of everyday life, the rozpodil of the harvesting and storage vitrate on the rahunki of the materials and possessions;
    14. The form of operations from the transfer of completed life of objects to investors with the execution of vital assets KS-11 and KS-14;
    15. The shape of the operations for assessing the life, which are carried out according to the form KS-10, about the work of life according to the form KS-17, about the design and construction work for the form KS-18;
    16. Presentation of a set of primary documents in the form of capital deposits, unfinished collection of objects of everyday life, the appearance of goods and materials and other documents, as if they were crowned by the deputy of everyday life, approved by the Decrees of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation;
    17. Availability of various analytical findings regarding the financial situation of the financial institutions, the appearance of capital investments, commodity and material assets, and the settlement of contracts with contractors;
    18. Significance of signs about the commissioning of objects for the form C-1, about the interruption of the life of the most important objects for the form C-2, for investments for the form P-2;
    19. Other foreign businesses: the appearance of OZ, intangible assets, goods, rozrahunkiv іz pіdzvіtnimi persons, іnshiy debіtorov i creditors, forming financial results іv thinly;
    20. Warehouse of obov'yazkovoy quarterly tariff accounting and taxable rates.

    1С:Business contractor 3.0 - a solution for automating the management of everyday life on the 1С:Pidpriyemstvo 8.0 platform

    The software product "1C: Lifetime Contractor" is intended for automation of medium and large life organizations, as well as life trusts, which may be structural improvements. Zastosovuєtsya at the work of financial, accounting, privately planned and costly responsibilities. You can tweet at:

    1. Head office of the organization (trusts);
    2. Budіvelne management (SU);
    3. Management of mechanization (rozum);
    4. Motor transport management (ATU);
    5. Management of production and technological equipment (UPTK).

    For automatic transmission between territorially distant subdivisions, the program "Management of distribution of information bases" is used.

    Functional configurability

    1. The creation of calendar plans works for a large number of everyday objects, the possibility of looking at decal options for one object.
    2. Appointment of that display of logical interrelationships between robots with the possibility of zatrimki both by the hour and by obsyagi.
    3. Appointment of non-intermediate vikonavtsiv (spіvrobіtnikіv) before vikonannya planned work.
    4. Creation of templates for robots, groups of robots and complex projects to simplify the introduction of data.
    5. Vedennya appearance of the actual vikonannya calendar plan.
    6. The appearance of actually stained materials at the borders of work and the entire object of everyday life.
    7. Vedennya personnel appearance.
    8. Displaying information about the plan works in a graphical way, zocrema, graphical display of critical work.
    9. Possibility of encouraging schedules of work and resources at the development of work and objects of everyday life.
    10. Possibility of encouraging graphs to choose materials in the development of work on that object of everyday life.
    11. Possibility of shaping the tyzhnevo-finishing graphs at any time.
    12. Possibility of shaping and filling the Zagalny journal robit (KS-6).
    13. Mozhlivistvo pobudovi zvіtu schodo vykonannya calendar plan robit with the analysis of the course and forecasting lines of the remote vykonannya robit.
    14. Pobudov's schedule for the workforce.
    15. Possibility of acknowledging personal capacity of the viconan works on the calendar plan and still impersonal other functional possibilities.

    "VDDB: Shared life" edition 1.0

    The program "VDGB: Investment Life" is recognized for the automation of additional operations and accounting activities in organizations, participants in investment activities in the life of a living quarter of another object.

    Vіdstezhennya that control zaluchennya іninvestitsіy for contracts іninvestuvannya rozrіzі vsyogo ob'єkta budіvnitstvа (іnvestuvannya), s mozhlivіstyu form і whether yakіy currency; Collecting information about the investment agreement (the object of the investment, the investor, the amount of the agreement); Control over the repayment of payments for investment agreements - overhead costs, with the possibility of both non-intermediate formation (creation) of accounting documents, as well as the selection of already created ones; Automatic rozrahunok pributkіv / zabitkіv and sums of PDV at the rozrіzі skin contract investment and formation of accounting entries for the introduction of these operations in the accounting form; Forming and displaying on the screen or a printer of other forms of such documents as - Plan-Schedule of payments, Act of verification of the sum of the investment deposit, Transfer act and Registration of the actual rate of realization of objects Call "Plan-Schedule" and "Dynamics of payments"

    The program can be adapted to the following categories of applicants:

    Investors - legal entities physical persons, what influences the contribution of the authorities and/or received money to the life of a living object or another object.

    Zamovnikam / zabudovnikam - organіzatsіyam, upovnovazhenim іnvestorami on zdіysnennya іnvestitsіynogo project of budіvnitstva ob'єkta yak for spetsіalіzovanih organіzatsіy for yakih mainly dіyalnіstyu Je organіzatsіya budіvnitstva ob'єktіv for tretіh osіb, so i for of companies, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut Vlasna kapіtalne budіvnitstvo.

    The configuration "VDGB: Payove budіvnitstvo" is not an independent program; 3.6 is better.

    The configuration "VDGB: Payoff life" is simply connected to the typical configuration "1C: Accounting", and it is also easy to upgrade.


    "1C:Enterprise 7.7. Configuration ІKS:Business" (configuration for the component "Accounting appearance"), was expanded by the company "ІKS Technologies", as standard solutions for automating the appearance of business organizations. The configuration is recognized for the maintenance of the accounting form in accordance with the new plan of accounting in the organizations, which will give daily services.

    Features and basic configuration options

    Keeping accounting form:

    appearance of materials (receipt, appearance behind warehouses and materially-displaced persons, moving from warehouse to warehouse, written off to the object of everyday life until the cost of the object of life); the appearance of vitrat for the everyday life of the object; the appearance of additional work on the objects of everyday life with the titular and non-titular disputes; appearance of the authorities and subcontractors; appearance of mutually frosted workers from post-employees and contractors; accounting form of motor transport of a business organization (depreciation charge for running); the possession of special procedural zvіtіv budіvelnoї galuzі.

    Configuration to avenge low additional abilities, intelligence accounting form at the emergency organization:

    conducts the appearance of materials at the boundaries of warehouses and material-related data, emerging from the average co-operation for the period; automatic write-off to the object of materials, prior to the check of the object for the additional special procedure of recovery / advancement with the check program ("Koshtoris Plus v. 2.1" of the company "Erikos", m. Yekaterinburg); automatic formation of accounting entries from closing work on objects of everyday life; automatic formation of postings from additional work on objects of everyday life (for title and non-titular cases); automatic moulding, s narahuvannya znos motor transport vіdpovіdno to shomisyachny probіg; supplementary notes to protect the specifics of the budding organization: "Written-off materials", "Materials card", "Opened bill for materials", "Returned material bill", "Inventory description", "Inventory book", "Inventory of everyday life" , "Documentation for the form KS-3", "Target for coristuvachіv avtoshlyakhіv"; transferred processing for the transition from the information base "1C: Accounting 7.7" Standard edition configuration 3.6.

    Configuzzi in the framework of the complex "Intternet-pіdtrimki Korirthvachiv", Shaho Naduyadd by Firm "1C" zareystrovoki Corringer's program "1C: PІDPRIєMI", DELIVERY AUTUPMІ SERVIYSNI MOGLYSOSTY: PERSONNE OF LIST IN LINIA CONSOLIDATSII, REMOVERNY Інформаціїние to carry out the company "1C", within the framework of some kind of koristuvach, it is possible to supply information on the selection of additional fahivtsiv, as well as (only for pre-payers of the ITC) on the selection of new forms of zvіtnostі and іnshі possibilty.

    Variant configuration

    Configuration ІKS: Budіvnitstvo ed. .

    ІKS: Lifetime management

    The configuration "IKS: Lifetime Management" is created on the basis of the typical configuration 1C: Accounting and all elements. The configuration is recognized for selection on the enterprises of the offensive profile:

    alarm-assembly; repair and maintenance; laying a line connection, energy supply, gasification, scorching, water supply. road and others, defiance of design and koshtorisna documentation.

    The development is based on the concept of the supremacy of the resource koshtoris in the activities of the contractor's life organization.

    Koshtoris can be molded with the help of Koshtoris programs, such as "Bars", "Koshtoris-2000", "Resource Koshtoris", etc. otherwise, it is molded by hand, which is the basis for automatic molding of all distant work: planning, shape and analysis.

    Such a software architecture will significantly make it easier for the work of engineering and technical practitioners, accounting and entrepreneurship. Possibility of real spending on work and materials with prices for koshtoris, it is possible at any stage of life to analyze the activity of business, to prevent unauthorized actions: for example, purchase of materials, vikonannya robit, exploitation і

    This product is additional to one of the main tasks of the contracting organization - lowering the cost of everyday life.

    The configuration allows the following functions:

    1. Automatic forming of all planning documents.
    The production schedule is working.
    Plan-zavdannya vikonrobu (master, foreman).
    An application to be submitted for submission on materials and mechanisms.
    Material delivery schedule.

    2. Automatic molding of all documents in the form of robots, materials, tools and mechanisms:
    Acti vikonannya etapіv robit (percentage) and vikonannya robit (zagalni).
    Overhead bills.
    Material sound of the skin object of everyday life.

    3. Workers of all specialists in the single information field, the configuration allows you to coordinate the work between the specialists of accounting, planning and economic department, delivery department, PTO of the business enterprise.

    Koshtoris Plus 7.5.

    Purpose of the system:

    Koristuvachami of the system "Koshtoris Plus 7.5" can be undertakings and organizations, whether they are specializations or forms of authority. In addition, the system can successfully win in the future subdivisions of enterprises, whether they are nefarious. Functions of molding of koshtorisny documentation, mortgages at the system, zastosovyat at design and construction companies, design and kostorisnyh bureaus, design institutes, in koshtorisnyh vіddіlakh. Functions of work with ready-made koshtoris, molding of stellar documents (Act of Vikonannya robit, Form M29) stop at the production, production and technical supplies, material and technical supplies, too. The "Koshtoris Plus 7.5" system can also be successfully tested by the Department of capital life to control the correctness of the folding of the koshtorisnoy documentation.

    The entire functional part of the system is implemented by the configuration of the V7 platform (components "1C: Operational appearance" of the program system "1C: Enterprise" version 7.5). The database of koshtorisnyh norms and prices is implemented by the Delphi package as an autonomous part of the system, which interacts with "1C: Operational form" through the OLE Automation mechanism.

    System "Koshtoris Plus 7.5" is available for any changes. It is necessary to take care of the recognition of the platform itself, for the help of which the system is broken into such a working system. The delivery option is to replace all necessary developments of design and construction documentation. In addition, the koristuvach can use the original customization for his business or expand it with the help of his specialists for the help of the "1C: Business" system.

    The set of delivery includes a typical configuration of the system of koshtorishnye rosrahunkiv and the normative base of koshtorisnyh tsіn and norms, vikonana as the ovnishnya component. Zovnishnya normative base to revenge the prices of all districts of the territory of the CIS. Before it, all types of service, installation, repair and other work are included, which allow you to win new system koshtorisnyh rozrahunkіv in budіvelnih organіzatsіyakh be-yakої spetsializatsії.

    The old base of prices and norms is protected from unauthorized copying with a key.

    "Elit - life 8.0"

    The configuration is recognized for the automation of bookkeeping giveaway appearance at contracting budding organizations.

    Main features of the program:

    The appearance of the authorities and subcontractors; The appearance of subcontractors from everyday objects and subcontractors; The appearance of mutual frosts among the post-employees, deputy heads, subcontractors and purchases; The appearance of the vikonnannya stage works on the skin object and zamovnik; The form of payment for the stages works according to the skin object and the manager; Appearance of compliance with the standard for the write-off of materials; Paying wages at the objects of the KTU victories of the subscribed tariff; Vikonannya bilateral and richly sided interrelationships; Molding KS-2, KS-3 and ECM-7;

    Forming of zvіtіv:

    An act of termination: a form of an act of termination for the period selected for a counterparty with the possibility of an appointment in Excel; Journal-order No. 5: journal-order for the deputies with details of the documents; Magazine-order No. 6: magazine-order for post-employees with details on documents; Incomplete objects: Indicates if there are any incomplete and unpaid objects on the date; Inventory book OS: report svіt z OS, with the possibility of grouping z OS and for savings; Material call for materials: a report report about the availability of those materials for the quantity and amount of the skin warehouse.

    Variant configuration:

    The configuration is not a stand-alone software product and is recognized for the joint version of the program "1C: Accounting 8.0".

    "Think for yourself, write for yourself - mother or mother!"

    Given to the company TOV "Softindustriya"

    Prior to that, the phone was not only for calls, we called for a long time. But do you know that a smartphone can become a miraculous helper for an hour of repair? Hi? Choose a list of 10 basic programs and choose how you entrust your “mobile” to a robot.


    Zaporukoy successful and (what is important!) Economic repair is a competent chair. With the help of the MagicPlan add-on, for the help of the smartphone’s camera, you quickly take away the scheme of placement, and at the same time, with the given dimensions, it is in the format you need.

    Yak practice

    The program to "catch" the roaming of the stones from the camera (diya the same, which is the first hour of the creation of panoramic photographs with a circular look). Behind these signs, rosemaries are opened and the admission scheme is released. If you do it manually, you can change the peace and correct the pardons.

    Vymiryavshi kіlka kіmnat in such a rank, you can eat them on the chair and take care of the dimensions of the whole life, the apartment is thin.

    Pros and cons:


    • Shvidka folded armchair right at the hour of death;
    • the ability to correct, change;
    • manually controlled - objects on the diagram can be "ruined" with a dot;
    • adding the necessary details to the little ones - doors, windows, fittings and pieces of furniture.


    • in case of a different version without a cost, the software of the chair looks “rough”, without details and with watermarks;
    • The paid version costs $3.

    What do you give

    MagicPlan will significantly speed up the first stage of the repair, helping you to correctly re-decorate, as much as possible of the necessary and rejuvenating materials you need.

    Google Play, App Store

    Home Design 3D

    Create a design on your own professional level, and then, if necessary, change it quickly. And all the same to the cob of work. Axis, what can be the program.

    Yak practice

    Home Design 3D is a program that allows non-professionals to easily create reports for little ones in a future interior in a two-dimensional world. Zavdyaki modern software security, you will take a realistic layout of one application or I will be at home.

    Pluses and minuses


    • the simplicity of vikoristanni;
    • possibility of renewal of distant objects;
    • the possibility of redaguvannya, moving as elements of one place, and tsilih kіmnat;
    • creation of a wild plan from a large kіmnat and navіt on top;
    • a large collection of images of furniture and decor;
    • toolbar from the possibility of painting.


    • Bezkoshtovnoy є less than the first year of work, for a distant work with an addendum, and also for the possibility of saving the project, it is necessary to pay.

    What do you give

    At the stage of planning and in the process of work, you will not be able to remember all your ideas and explain them on your fingers. Zavdyaki to this addendum, you will take on your hands a picture of the possible furniture and other details of the interior, the image of the color palette, textures, materials. You can evaluate in advance, how much in the distance the design of the room or the whole house, and if necessary, correct it for the treatment of illness.

    Google Play, App Store

    Alarm Calculator

    If you have put together and painted the plan of the future interior, have built up your armchair, the time has come for the construction of the necessary everyday materials. The І axis here will be more like a future calculator.

    Yak practice

    Dodatok allow you to quickly and accurately sort out the amount of necessary materials, depending on the parameters and dimensions of your application. A new one has the ability to frighten not only a few trellises, but a concrete sum, ale and vartist, for example, earthen robots.

    The program works automatically without connecting to the Internet. In addition, the new one has the ability to convert alone to the world.

    What do you give

    This miraculous helper, when folding the cost, allows you to calculate the number of necessary materials and the total cost of repairs, and also check the contractor for overheating.

    EN Koshtoris

    Repair - right is not easy. Vitrachenі nerves pіdrakhuvati, zvichayno, do not see, then get rid of non-performing financial vitrates as a whole with the addition of UA Koshtoris.

    Yak practice

    Denmark's addendum relativly analyzes the versatility of materials and works and gives impersonal brown joys about their victories. With it, you will not miss any important step, just like your first repair.

    If you don’t leave your home, you can look at the real prices of goods in specific picks at weekly stores, as well as hire hired facsimiles for a job.

    You can change the average prices for Moscow and regions, or enter your own values. You can recognize the real value in rubles, dollars, euros and hryvnias.

    And all in one supplement!

    Pluses and minuses


    • folding the maximum report to the koshtoris;
    • otrimannya total varnosti materials and work;
    • availability of set prices in Moscow and regions on the basis of weekly hypermarkets;
    • professional recommendations, fawn over from the work carried out and the choice of materials;
    • analysis of the result in the required currency;
    • export to the computer for the paid version.


    • staleness on the Internet and visibility of advertising in the non-cash version;
    • current iOS version.

    smart tools

    You say, once 35 brown tools for repair and not only for your intestines. Handy? Perfectly!

    Yak practice

    "Intelligent Tools" allow you to tweak your smartphone like a ruler, raven, compass, magnifying glass, protractor and find a metal detector.

    Become in good luck with the program, not only for those who are bothered by the repair. With this help, you can call the dog (whistle with sounds of high frequency), measure the pulse (cardiograph) and find out about the productivity of the car.

    Pluses and minuses


    • 35 brown tools;
    • original functions;
    • pіdtrimka raznykh systems vіmirіv.


    A fountain of inspirational ideas in one smartphone!

    Yak practice

    This program is the “wikipedia of interior design”. It's easy for the new one majestic number photographs of stylish and prominent interiors. For additional filters, you can look at your own applications, as relevant to you. Here you can choose interiors around the country, the style is recognized - starting from kitchens-vitalen and finishing at home gym otherwise, drink wine.

    Also, here are some stories for professionals, a lively forum and an okrem shop of designer speeches.

    Pluses and minuses


    • simplicity and clarity of vikoristanni;
    • impersonal ideas for inspiration for all the moods of life;
    • cost-free recommendations from specialists.


    • The photo shows far from budget design options, but if you have limited financial opportunities, you can come up with other ideas for a solution.

    What do you give

    For the help of Houzz, you will have a garniy and yakіsny repair on the basis of a professional professional and with it absolutely no cost!

    Google Play, App Store

    Dulux Visualizer

    Refurbishing the walls and evaluating the new color scheme of your interior can be done with one dot!

    Yak practice

    Recognition, how to look at your words with a new image, you can do it quickly. With the help of the program, just point the camera at the wall and choose one of the colors of the Dulux farb. Farbi can be combined. And for greater precision and realism, it is possible to turn two walls at once.

    At the same time, you can find out the basic information about the design from the addendum, as well as get the farbi from the nearest store.

    Pluses and minuses



    • For robotic programs, a phone or a tablet is equipped with motion sensors.

    Homestyler Interior Design

    Zrobite permutation with one finger? Easy!

    Yak practice

    This program allows you to remind the room with furniture and accessories, change the covering of walls and logs right on the screen of your smartphone.

    For work, you can take a picture of your room (empty bag) and fill it with trivial images of really important objects from the gallery. Why on the skin of these subjects you can find out information about the virobnik.

    For the help of the "roller" on the wall and underlay, a vibranium material or a covering is applied.

    Pluses and minuses


    • trivimirna model of interior - you create the most realistic project according to your parameters, look at the room under different cloaks, pass objects with your finger, picking the most in the distance;
    • a magnificent collection of contemporary furniture and decor items (armchairs, sofas, tables, chandeliers, kilims, mirrors and a lot of others), as well as colors and textures for walls and pidlogs;
    • professional help and support of designers;
    • receiving design and sturdiness of corystuvannya with an addendum;
    • absolutely bezkoshtovna robot.


  • accessibility to the Internet for an hour of work with rich functions.
  • What do you give

    Your repair can be richly tsіkavіshim i priєmnіshim. With the addition of Homestyler Interior Design, you can easily and quickly create the interior of your dreams and instill your best ideas!

    Google Play, App Store

    Kitchen constructor

    Regardless of that, the kitchen is large or small; And for the victorious difficult task, the main role is played by the kitchen set. Vіn may be as thoughtful as possible, soft, handy, compact, etc. etc.

    That is why it is right for you to plan your construction for yourself - even better for you, no one can know your needs and mind. And help you to get in from the “Kitchen Designer” cism.

    Yak practice

    The addendum gives you the opportunity to put together the design of the headset to your taste with impersonal proponated cases and details, so you can change the size, shape, color and material of preparation.

    For more precision, you can also change the color of the underlays and walls to a little one, so that the kitchen will be as similar as possible to the one that will be in reality.

    Pluses and minuses


    • bezkoshtovne koristuvannya;
    • the ability to visually evaluate different design options at the planning stage;
    • feasibility of project development;
    • just swearing.


    • This program will not help you with the design of the original design headset.

    What do you give

    With the "Kitchen Designer" you can easily plan and paint sketches of an awkward headset, which will suit your needs and wishes. And also you will not be able to explain your ideas to the creators of furniture on your fingers.

    AutoCAD 360

    AutoCAD 360 is a mobile version of the AutoCAD software that allows you to use chairs on mobile devices.

    Yak practice

    For the help of these programs, you can completely paint and arm yourself as if you were a figure through a smartphone. And also review documents in DWG format (the widest format for professional design and everyday life) and edit them.

    Pluses and minuses


    • one of the most important mobile supplements for planning;
    • wide functionality;
    • the possibility of synchronization from the computer version;
    • victoriousness.


    • for work, you need a connection to the Internet;
    • to expand the possibilities, it is necessary to pay an overpayment.

    Google Play, App Store

    AutoCAD 360 is an add-on for professionals, but you don't need to learn anything and design your booth on a high professional level. Aja garne and quiet family nest - this is the good result of your practice of patience!

    Let your repair be easy and fast! Smartphone will help you!