Significance of the first herbs in eating. Kharchov's value of the first straws

Schoennoe vzhivannya soups are beneficially signified on the camp of the human body, but one portion of the soup can be redeemed with calcium and phosphorus, as well as potassium, sodium, vitamins A, C, folic acid ta іn Great role in the preparation of soups graє vikoristannya like dressing obsmazhenih on vegetable fat. On the right, in the fact that a lot of vitamins do not only boil in boiling broth, but rather boil. And the oil and fat will trim them. Soups stimulate etching, easily over-etched and mixed microelements and vitamins, and also good for the body.

In addition, calories in soups are kept in the minimum amount, so the stench is perfectly suitable for diet food, and for the recovery of sick people. Actions from soups, for example, chicken broth chi vukha help with viral infections. The stench helps to relieve cough, contract the body and induce fever like a fever.

Too many soups of calories to take away from the minimum quantity, but if you add pasta, cereals and fat, then the calorie content of soups will increase significantly. If you talk about meat broths, then in such soups the calories increase insignificantly. Cream of low-calorie soups, stench to revive our body with microelements, vitamins and ballast speeches.

Soups have water, which is necessary for the human body. The veggies' veggies for the rahunok of the thermal processing are well overtreated. And then there’s the memory of those who used to cook the soup more, the less they will be left with brown speeches.

Supi helps to prevent the development of cancer of the duct and є prophylactic treatment for heart and vascular diseases.

In the cold season of rock, soups come in as the best hedgehog. The stench warms up, improves the exchange of speech, gives the body of a person energy and warmth.

How many calories in soup

The calorie content of soups is not to be afraid, but sometimes you think about those, how many calories in the soup will not be taken.

In soups, calorie content should be stored in products, on which stench is prepared.. Therefore, in order to understand the number of calories in the soup, it is necessary to clarify in which case the calories are consumed in the soup itself. For example, the calorie content of the soup can be measured for additional culinary tables. You can get a few calories from pea soup with chicken.

Chicken soup has 211 kcal per 250 g bowl of soup. Pea soup caloric content 242 kcal per 250 gram bowl of soup. At mushroom soup 50.9 kcal per 250 g bowl of soup. Salt has about 320 kcal per 250 g bowl of soup.

Calorie content of chicken broth soup

The calorie content of chicken soup is low - 80 kcal per hundred grams of soup. And it’s not surprising, because of the fact that this herb is ranked among the dietic ones.

The calorie content of the soup on the chicken broth should be stored depending on how the preparations are made. For example, calories chicken soup with potatoes no more than a temple, wind up like a vrahuvati, that potatoes can be brought up to vegetables with a great amount of starch. And the calorie content of chicken soup with lokshina, especially homemade lokshina. At the same time, I should respect that I will lower the calorie content of my chicken soup with rice.

The calorie content of the soup on the chicken broth is to lie down and in addition, from the part of the chicken in the preparations.. For example, soup, preparations from chicken breast, will be the lowest calorie.

Calorie content of meat broth soup

What a cic, at the meat broth there are more lively speeches, it is equal to chickens. The opponents of the first fears are stupefied, that there is more shkodi in the meat broth, less crusty. The Skoda of the meat broth is used in the production of shell juice as a motherland, which is transferred to the process of pickling.

In order to prepare meat broth, people beat the meat brushes. In the process of brewing, the speech is squishy and called carotene to pass from meat to broth and severely harm the human body. But a lot of doctors are shying to the point of thinking about those who should live peacefully in meat broth and supi, then the stink will not hurt the body.

Calories in meat soup are between 90 and 120 kcal per hundred grams of the finished product.

Calorie content of vegetable soup

A lot of people dream to change their appearance and figure. The sustenance of new diets and other benefits can make a beautiful and affable person, even though the road is busy, and that stoly is important.

Today, a new one has appeared straight away, like a building one, it is easy and quick to relieve your lost kilos. Go about vegetable soup. I would like to tell you about those that the calorie content of vegetable soup is the least of all - only 40 kcal per hundred grams of a bowl of soup.

For a low-calorie meal of vegetable soup, you can lose weight and lose weight and improve your body, especially with diseases of the intestinal tract.

Irrespective of those that the calorie content in the vegetable soup is low, the building sustenance of the human body with brown vitamins and speeches, which are necessary for normal life.

The measles of the sheep soup is used to cleanse the body and remove toxins from the body. If you start a diet, if it is based on a vegetable soup, then remember the basic principle of diet: the more such a soup you have, the less you will lose your zayvikh kilograms.

Recipes vegetable soups milk rich and all the stinks include selera, parsley, cibula and other vegetables, as they absorb the splitting of fatty deposits and help the body with energy vitrates through their overexposure and low calorie content. (()))

The technological process of the production of culinary products consists of low stages and operations, which include the adoption of that syrovin saving, as well as the production of ready-made strategies and production and their implementation. All operations of the technological process of the learner should be practical.

All technological processes are considered in unity with physical and chemical changes that occur in products for their primary and thermal processing.

The quality of the finished product is rich in what to lie in the quality of syrovin. Therefore, the technology of preparation is closely related to the commodity marketing of grub products. Vivchennya tsієї discipline nebhіdno yak for assessing (living) the quality of syrovin and the correct sberіgannya yoga, and also the choice of optimal methods and modes of processing products, assessing the zhivotnoї tsіnnostі ready herbs. It is no less important for the culinary specialist to know the basics of the physiology of eating. The greater number of products is subject to culinary research, and in addition, it is right to lay down the conquest of grubs.

Особливого значення набуває знання теорії раціонального харчування в умовах переходу на відпустку комплексних сніданків, обідів та вечерь, меню яких має забезпечити не тільки енергетичну цінність раціону, але і його кількісний склад за вмістом білків, жирів, вуглеводів, необхідне співвідношення цукрів, крохмалю, клітковини, mineral rechovins, vitamins and other storage parts of hedgehogs.

Kharchovy products and ready-made culinary products in case of incorrect processing, damaged terms of conservation can be a medium for the development of microorganisms, and it is necessary for this when preparing, choosing and implementing the finished product, it is necessary to comply with the established sanitary rules.

During the culinary processing of products, they use complex physical and chemical processes, without knowing which it is impossible to choose rational modes of processing, change the use of lively, aromatic, savory speeches and increase the quality of life. Public eating establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and thermal facilities with gas, electric and steam heating. It is impossible to achieve high productivity of work, to promote the culture of service without knowing the basics of organizing communal eating.

Characteristics of the savory food and energy value of food products. History of Chinese cuisine. Sanitary and hygiene at the enterprises of the community eating. The meaning of soups in eating, their classification. Bouglioni: cooking technology and whiskey.


2. Kharchova value of products

3. Sanitary and hygiene at POP.

4. History of the kitchen

5. Significance of soups at eating

6. List of victorious literature


Chinese cuisine is a cuisine with unique products, unique history and traditions. In the basis of practically all fears lie healthy cereals and roslinna їzha. The Chinese are adherents of a healthy way of life. The stench vvazhayut, scho can be healthy, not only the spirit, but the body. There is practically no m'yasa in the kitchen, which is not acceptable for us Europeans, the stench is in your own heart, so, in order to save your body for young people, you need to take care of the creatures and live more tall. The Chinese vicorists have their own menu for everything: Pods from peas and beans, cocoons of shovkosprediv, different types of sprouting and whole grains, everything is refueled majestic kіlkіst spices and spices. The whole hedgehog is ready for a soviet or growing ole, especially the hedgehog is cooked for a couple.

The Chinese attach special importance to water. A cup of tea is sipped in front of a grass. China is famous for its varieties of tea. On the pivdni and in the center of China there are majestic tea plantations that grow: Green, black, yellow, red and other teas. The most delicious tea is appreciated with the addition of fresh flowers and fruits.

The process of eating in China has to be done for a long time. The Chinese can, їsti, enjoy themselves for years.

Process їdi є we will separate the process. Vіd tsego process nothing is guilty of vіdvolіkat.

Zagalna kharchova tsіn_st produktіv kharchuvannya

Products are not equal for their food value. Description of the food value of the product in full, giving the most recent statement about all crooks of authority grub product, including pro yoga energy and biological value.

Energy value of products

The energy value of a food product characterizes its acquired energy, so that part of the total energy of chemical bonds in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as it can vibrate in the process of biological oxidation and vicory functioning for the safety of organ function. The value of the value of energy to lay the lead rank is the stage of assimilation of the living speeches of this grub product. Assimilation of living speeches from the products of the creature's journey is higher, lower from the growing products.

The assimilation of the living rhechovins (in%) from the various food products.

Zі zm_shanoї їzhі proteins will be acquired in the average by 92%, fat - by 95%, carbohydrates - by 98%. The rozrahunkovy energy coefficients of living speeches were established - for proteins and carbohydrates - 4 kcal/g, for fats - 9 kcal/g.

2. Kharchov price of products

The food value of the product is to serve as an integral swedish, which is a number of rozrahunkovy values, differences in water, which characterize the degree of the product’s susceptibility, which is estimated, to an optimally balanced supplementary diet with the improvement of energy consumption and the most important ones. Integral swedish is used to designate such a product for a rosemary that provides 10% of the energy of the pre-baked diet (for example, 300 kcal with a pre-baked diet of 3000 kcal). For the designation of the integral swedish, at the first stage, for the above tables, you need to know the energy content of 100 g of the product, which is estimated, after which it is calculated that it will provide 300 kcal of energy. According to the known quantity of the product, we will reward the most important lively speeches. Otrimani on the skin of these speeches, the values ​​are to be seen in the total amount of speech, which can be achieved in an optimally balanced supplementary diet.

Designation of integral swedish food products significantly expands information about their chemical storage. Doslіdzhennya spriyaє kіlkіsnіy otsіntsі porevag chi nedolіkіv okremih produktіv kharchuvannya.

Characteristics of food value of certain groups of products

Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products may have a dietary power and are widely vicarious in the juicy eating, the stench of full-fledged proteins and full-fledged easily acquired fat. So, in cow's milk - close to 3% of proteins bound with calcium and phosphorus to casein, a small amount of albumin and globulin, which overrides casein in place of non-amino acids. In milk fats, cholesterol is detected, balances with lecithin. Fallow in the fat content of 100 g of milk is stored in the amount of 30 to 80 kcal.

Milk is the main source of calcium, rich in potassium and phosphorus. In a small number, all vitamins are found in the milk, especially B2, A and D. There is a lot of rich vitamin A in whole milk and topsoil in the summer period, if the creatures are on daily food and eat rich grass, rich carotene.

At the tavern, the vicorist has cows, goats, and kobile milk. Moreover, in kobiloma milk there is less fat and protein, but more lactose, essential fatty acids and vitamins C and A, lower in cows. Goat's milk, similar to cow's pits, also has more essential fatty acids, and for a smaller size of particles, it is easier for fat to be over-etched.

M'yaso, the bird is the product of their processing

M'yaso, a bird and products of their processing є us in front of a dzherel of povnotsіnnih blіkіv і that hallіzmu for the organism. Vicorous yalovichina, veal, pig varieties of pork and lamb, rabbit meat, chicken, and turkey meat are served for the juicy eating. Permissible horse meat, venison, camel meat, etc., are also included in the grub diet of the population of some regions.

M'yaso jock and geese are included from the jubilant eating at the link with a large amount of fat they have - in the average up to 30%.

The proteins of the meat tissue of the meat of the creatures are povnotsinnym, and for the balance of amino acids of yalovichin, lamb and pork, one type of one is not enough. Proteins of healthy tissue (elastin, collagen) and cartilage are considered to be irrelevant. Meat, in a way rich in rich fabrics, is left with a hard wind after culinary processing, and the value of food and the acquisition of proteins of such meat is reduced. Especially stable to thermal processing is good for fabrics on old creatures.


Eggs are an important dzherel of good zbalansirovannykh grub speeches. Chemical storage of egg white and different zhovtka. Zhovtka has more fat and protein and has little water.

Vidpovidno in zhovtka close to 16% protein and 33% fat, rich in lecithin and cholesterol. Zhyri Zhovtka is also worthy of the importance of the amount of phosphatides. In this species, phosphorus is better absorbed by the body.

From mineral resources, in eggs, cream to phosphorus, calcium is removed (in 1 egg is about 30 mg). Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, Ε and vitamins of group B. 97-98% stink will be conquered. Zhovtki yaєts strengthen the motor function of the zhovchnogo mіkhur and may zhovchogіnnu diyu.

Behind one's own warehouse, eggs of various agricultural birds are few and far between.

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood are not less valuable than dzherelom protein, lower meat. The amount of protein in riba should be deposited in a variety of ways: - In low-protein fish (macrorus, capelin and in), the amount of protein should be 10-13%; - in high-protein ribs (pink salmon, chum salmon, catfish, salmon, tuna, whitefish, whitefish, stellate sturgeon, etc.), the amount of protein should be 21-22%. Ribi proteins are essential for the body of essential amino acids. On the surface of the meat, in the ribeye proteins, in the great kilkost, an irreplaceable amino acid, methionine, is presented.

The advantage of fish protein is a small part of good tissue, which is represented by collagen, which is transformed into a common form of gelatin (glutin). The ribs of tsomu riba are easily boiled, the fabrics become fluffy, they are easily succumbed to the influx of herbal juices. As a result, ribe proteins will be acquired by 93-98%, and meat proteins - by 87-89%.

Fish and seafood may have a high grub value, not only zavdyaki white, ale and rahunok mixed in fatty varieties of ribi (such as salmon, catfish, trout, mackerel, semeledets, tuna, sardine) sch-3- and sch-6-fatty acids . Cі polyunsaturated fatty acids, which may have a high physiological activity, are even more important for the development of intermediary processes, may have an antispasmodic effect, may be a hypopidemic disease.

All ribs are rich in micronutrients: potassium, magnesium, and especially phosphorus. The stench is also an important source of vitamins of group B, the liver has a lot of fish in the great number of vitamins A, D, E.

Sea fish and seafood rich in iodine and fluorine. Especially rich in iodine in squid, sea comb, shrimp, sea ​​cabbage. The stench also improves the amino acid warehouse of the diet. In addition, seaweed showed heparin-like speech, which transcends thrombus formation. For the preparation of grasses, it is best to cook fresh (not frozen) fish, and to make a tall one in a squirrel.

Low-fat varieties of fresh ribi are over-etched at the sluice and the intestines are smoother, lower meat. Sound the stench to give less noticeable sieve, lower m'yasna їzha; tse tim, scho m'yaso riba to avenge trohi more water, lower m'yaso of warm-blooded creatures.


Fresh mushrooms cover about 2% of the protein, but a significant part of it is not absorbed by the body. In fresh mushrooms - close to 1% fat and 2-4% carbohydrates, rich in cellular tissue, a small amount of calcium, vitamins C, B 1 and PP. Mushrooms have 84-93% water. The stench has a low energy content: 100 g of mushrooms have 15-20 kcal. Mushrooms have richly aromatic and extractive speeches, which evoke their high savory taste and stimulate the secretion of herbal vines to overturn vegetable vines.

When it comes to the connection with filthy over-pickling, mushrooms rarely vicorize in a juicy meal.


Zukor-refined can contain 99.9% pure sucrose, which is why it is victorious in drinks and herbs, as it is easily acquired energy (calorie value of 100 g - 380 kcal). Ale, no matter how much you travel tsukru, above the world of yoga (over 50-60 g per day for low physical activity) is not recommended for healthy people.

Zukor is rich in looks of fruit-berry and confectionery varieties, jams, marmalade, compotes, yaki, being a valuable source of energy, at once enriched with brown, lively speeches.

On the basis of sucrose, fructose malt and for її assimilation may not need insulin, which allows you to live її in smaller doses (30-40 g per day). When oxidized in the body, 1 g of fructose is seen to be close to 4 kcal.

Dzherelom simple carbohydrates - bjoline honey, which contains 36% glucose, 38% fructose and 2% sucrose. In a small amount of honey, all vitamins, mineral speech, organic acids, enzymes may enter into the warehouse of honey. 100 g of honey contains 314 kcal. The additional dose of honey is not guilty of overdosing 60-80 g with a change in the quantity of other sucrose products (1 g of sukru = 1.25 g of honey).

Vegetables, fruits and berries

In vegetables, fruits, berries, there is mainly little protein and an insignificant amount of fat (sea buckthorn cream and avocado). So, in 100 g of their natural part, there is an average of 0.5-1.5 g of proteins, the amino acid warehouse of which may have a low biological value and the stench is importantly over-etched. Large quantities of well-conquered whites are found in potatoes and cauliflower - 2-2.5%, as well as in green peas and green squash 4-5%. In vegetables, 3-5% of carbohydrates are found, in fruits and berries - 5-10%.

The biggest riches in acquiring carbohydrates are dates - 69% and dried fruits - 55-65%. Rich in cells - in dried fruits, dates, figs, more berries; in citrus fruits, legumes, beetroots, carrots, white cabbage, eggplants, licorice peppers; very little - in kavuni, dino, harbuz, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, green cibuli. Pectins are more important than rich beetroot, apples, black currants, plums, peaches, midnight, menshoyu - carrots, pears, oranges, grapes.

Vegetables, fruits and berries may have a low energy content, but may be more safe in carbohydrates: 100 g of the natural part of vegetables - 20-40 kcal, fruits and berries - 30-50 kcal. To make vines: potatoes, green peas, grapes and bananas - 70-90 kcal, sea buckthorn - 200 kcal, dates - 270 kcal.

Vegetables, fruits and berries - practically the same amount of vitamin C in eating, mostly carotenoids, including β-carotene, bioflavonoids (vitamin P), folacin (folic acid) and vitamin K. A and D. There is little vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) in vegetables. Vinyatkom є: spinach, cauliflower and brussels sprouts.

Vegetables and fruits are poor for calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Ale stink is the main source of potassium. To products with high potassium content also lie: dried fruits, potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, beetroot, radishes, green cibula, cherries, currants, grapes, apricots, peaches.

Plants of a great number of brown organic acids, tannins and pectin, cellulose, vegetables, fruits and berries play an important role in the processes of etching and acquiring normal intestinal activity.

Products from grain crops

The products of this group are the main source of energy and food fibers. The peoples of the Usy world have widened various varieties of grains. Bread from cereals, yak and bread, rich in carbohydrates (starch) and good energy.

Kharchov tsіnіst grain crops fall in the type of grain and the method of processing. When the husk is removed (for example, grinding and polishing of cereals), the number of grub fibers changes sharply, but their penetration increases.

Most often, groats from millet, wheat, barley, buckwheat, wheat, rice and corn are used in the kitchen.

In cereals, 9 to 13% of proteins are found, proteins of cereals may have a low biological value due to a deficiency of essential amino acids. A small amount of essential amino acids in cereals can be added by eating cereals with milk, for example, Greek or porridge with milk. Such sums of whites of creatures and a dewy trip for their amino acid warehouse are close to whites of meat and will sooner conquer. The biggest value of proteins in the warehouse and the acquisition can be found in wheat, greek, semolina, rice. Proteins of corn grits and millet are less povnotsinnі.

Manna groats are obtained with varietal pomeli of wheat by way of selection of groats from the central part of the grain. Won bagata for protein, starch, revenge a little cellular tissue. Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі they are mixed with the largest amount of protein, equal with other types of cereals, and a lot of oilseed fat; all groats are rich on the salt of the hall. Ale, through those that have a lot of fat in cereals, the stench is badly saved. Tse vіdnositsya, persh for everything, to vіvsyanikh plastіvtsіv.

Greek groats are one of the most valuable groats for grubs. It is possible to take revenge on high (about 13%) the amount of protein, moreover, in the new, on the top of the whites of other growing products, to add a lot of lysine. Greek groats of bagat on vitamins of group B and salt of salt (there are more doubles, lower in other groats). In it, like in the buckwheat groats, there is a lot of buckwheat, so the assimilation of grub buckwheat groats is somewhat reduced.

Rice, pored over with other cereals, has little protein. Rice has a lot of starch, which can swell strongly when cooked cereals. Rice of the same variety has few cells, vines are easily over-etched and become well-behaved.

May all grains be avenged for rich phosphorus and the lack of calcium salts. In order to achieve the correct balance of these mineral elements in food, culinary and cereals, it is recommended to prepare milk and other dairy products with the addition of milk. Zavdyaki tsomu not only compensate for the lack of calcium in cereals, but the abundance of their proteins is significantly increased.

Bread is an irreplaceable product for everyday skin people. Wine is valued like a bagat dzherelo in carbohydrates (starch). Bread from wheat boroshna or wheaten boroshna rough pomelo to avenge vitamins B 1, B 2 and PP, rich in cellular tissue. Rich bread on Russian whites. With the ability to easily change the recipe, the bread itself most often produces dietary and functional food products.


Dobove spozhivannya rіdini healthy people can become 1.5-2 l / doba.

Tea, kava and cocoa are alkaloids - speeches that can induce a strong influx on the human body in small doses.

Before the warehouse of tea enters the tannins of the speech (the head rank of tannin), which stirs up its astringent relish, ethereal oliya, even a small amount of proteins and vitamin C, vitamin P, mineral speech, enzymes and alkaloid tein, for its coffee dose . In one glass of tea, 0.03-0.05 g of teine ​​is contained. At this dose, the tein may die, I will wake up the day nervous system, pleasantly pouring into the heart-vessel system and etching. Green (natural) tea to revenge more tannin (teinu), lower black tea. Surogati tea zovsіm do not avenge tein.

Oiled kavoi beans have about 15% nitrogenous speech, 20% fat, approximately 4% mineral salts, 40% extractive speech, a small amount of zucru, tannin speech and 1.1% caffeine.

Cocoa powder has 20.2% fats, 23.6% proteins, 40.2% carbohydrates, 2.4% alkaloids - caffeine and theobromine. In addition, tannins, mineral and aromatic speech enter the cocoa warehouse.

Theobromine and caffeine stimulate the nervous system and the heart.

3. Sanitation and hygiene at the enterprises of the community catering

Hygiene of practice is the hallmark of hygienic science, which infuses the labor process and the minds of the human body into the body of a person and rozroblya hygienic come in, norms and rules, aimed at protecting the health of workers, increasing the practicality of work and productivity Practitioners of cooks and confectioners for energy drinks are brought up to the III group. Vіn pov'yazaniy z robot in a standing position, z postponement of important speeches, z robot m'yazіv hands and nіg, z unfriendly microclimatic minds (high temperature, increased moisture and confusion later) і z unsafe mechanisms and devices. In times of incorrect organization of the labor process for the provision of communal food, all officials can put pressure on unfriendly, and induce shchidli vpliva (virobnichi shkidlivost) on the labor and health of workers. For the rejection of the minds of pratsi pratsіvnik, the pydprimism is not at one: Drymumvati the regime of prazi that is the vіddochinka, the tune of the trendy organism, the storage implore the Mikroclimatical comfort of the Vobinsky workshops, the appreciation of the timids of the timids, the organized vanity of the Ugro, the Garnish of the Garnish Uglovs. - It has been brought, that it moves on the cob of the working day, reaches the maximum in the second year of work and trims itself on the same equal time, which is the best way to organize the work of the robot. Then the practicality decreases and again reaches the maximum after a well-organized daily break. Then the body suffers from an important strained or troubling work, improper organization of the labor process, an unhandled working position, a filthy organization in the first place, which should be brought to the attention of that self-perception. Vrahovyuchi kolyvannya pratsezdatnosti people, dotsіlno all trudomіstkі processes vykonuvati in the first half of the day and on the cob of the afternoon period. In order to reduce the stomp during the day, you should see the work that in the enterprises of the communal meal it is completely fixed. It’s even more important in the process of working to finish correct posture . Tse bezpechuєtsya with the selection of the possession of singing roses and heights. The practitioner is obliged to stand straight, do not slouch. Deyakі operations kukhar and confectioner can vykonuvati sitting on high stools. Properly organized work space helps to vanquish your own ruins, and also, saves the front hour. Pratsezdatnіst people in the great world lie in the form of training, i.e., in the form of training. An important clerk at the robot є cherguvannya pratsі and vodpochinku, to that day I will interrupt at the enterprises of the communal tasting after vykoristovuvat for recognition. To save the practice and the improvement of health, the great importance of special gymnastics is carried out periodically during the working day, the trivality is close to 5 hours under the supervision of community instructors. Not less important is the systematic occupation of physical culture and sports in the working hours. All listed officials are trying to rationally organize the labor process to fight against themselves. Usunennya professional shkidnosti virobnitstva. At the establishments of the communal eating establishments, work is carried out to improve the minds of the practitioners and the adoption of professional skills in accordance with the “Rules for the technical safety and sanitary sanitary facilities at the establishments of the communal eating establishments”, approved by the Ministry of Trade For the creation of normal minds in the workplace, the lowering of temperature, the change in moisture content and the turbidity in the brewing workshops, especially in the hot, confectionery and in the mines, are of great importance. Це досягається шляхом впровадження нових видів модульного обладнання з електричним обігрівом та оснащення виробничих приміщень центральною та місцевою припливно-витяжною вентиляцією, яка повинна працювати безперебійно та ефективно, сприяючи підтримці теплового комфорту, забезпечуючи сприятливу температуру повітря в цехах у межах 18-20°С, відносну moisture content of the wind 40-60% and weak wind flow with a speed of 0.1 m/s. In order to prevent colds from catching ills at the hospitals of the community eating establishments, it is not possible to allow stretching, it is necessary to transfer the power of heat-heating curtains and tambours to the service entrances. Sufficient lighting of working areas can be provided for the working areas. To reduce the noise generated by the wheels of the internal workshop transport, gum tires are supplied, refrigeration units and ventilation are equipped with noiseless electric motors. With the help of improving the minds of the workers at all enterprises of the community eating, one can have the necessary sanitary facilities, including a room for a meal. All practitioners of communal eating should be taken care of with a sufficient amount of sanitary clothes and special braces, which will protect professional illnesses. Prevention of causative traumatism and provision of dokarskoy assistance. Virobnicha injury - tse mechanical and thermal damage to the tissue of the human body on the virobnitsa. Causes of virobnicheskih injuries in the establishments of the public tasting of the poor are: violation of the rules of operation, possession of safety equipment, incorrect organization of work, including the sickness of the practitioner. To avoid injury it is necessary:

1. Familiarize yourself with all practitioners of business with the rules of safety technology.

2. Hanging posters, instructions, writing in advance at especially unsafe jobs.

3. Compliance with the sanitary rules for the distribution of the property and transferring free access to the new one.

4. Strictly adhere to the rules of operation of the possession.

5. Do not harass the victim with an empty container, empty equipment too.

6. Dotrimuvatisya rules of wearing a sanitary robe that vzuttya.

7. Organize a relay and timely meeting with the workshops.

8. Strictly limit the use of brewing methods for boiling the lids of boilers with boiling water, transferring boilers on stoves, transferring hot leaves, prickly and cutting tools. Pratsіvniku, kakiy otrimnichu trauma, termіnovo nadav dolіkarsku dopomoga, schob to get rid of the possible comfort. Для надання долікарської допомоги на виробництві створюють санітарні пости з числа спеціально навчених співробітників і обладнують аптечки, в яких зберігають індивідуальні перев'язувальні пакети, шини, кровоспинні джгути, йодну настоянку, нашатирний спирт і т. д. Індивідуальний перев'язувальний пакет складається зі стерильного - gauze pads, one of which is attached to a free end of the bandage. Everything is hermetically packed. At times, the packaging should be opened and wrung out. Having taken the bandage with the right hand, and with the left - a free throw of yoga, the pads are applied to the wound. sticking out the hands of only the outer side (marked with colored threads) and bandaging it. Virobnicheski injuries can cause bleeding, which can be of three types: capillary, venous and arterial. To heal the capillary bleeding, to heal the wound with iodine tincture, and to put on a clean gauze bandage. In case of venous bleeding, a bandage is applied to the wound to put pressure on it.

Arterial bleeding is caused by the fountains of a bright-red streak of blood. In these cases, it is necessary to injure the tip and squeeze the artery more often than not with a humic tourniquet, or with a twist, until it is necessary to attach a note from the appointed hour. After the first duty to help the victim, it is necessary to bring it to a likuval mortgage. When a person is struck by an electric jet, the piece of gas is blocked.

Before this, lay the victim on his back, tie a belt, belt, comir, etc. at the new one. Іsnuє kіlka methods of piece-mealing.

The “mouth to mouth” method is based on the fact that the person, as I hope to help, blows his mouth without intermediary into the victim’s mouth, throwing his head forward, clearing his mouth like a slug and covering it with a clean nasal harshness. Behind the Sylvester method (the injured lie on the back), in the reach of the hands of the injured, kill and burn "(tobto over the head), we see - strong pressure on the victim's lungs to the lower half of the chest. Behind the Schaefer method (the injured lie on the stomach"), we hope I will help you to stand on your knees like a top on the victim and periodically press the lower part of the chest with your hands (vidih). , vіdh vіdbuvaєtsya samostіyno Shtuchnía is less effective in quiet moods, if the heart is still practising.

It is necessary to start the yakomoga earlier and carry it out regularly to the rhythm of normal breath, so 16-18 times per whilin. Opik - poshkodzhennya fabrics high temperature- Most trauma at the enterprises of the community eating. In case of sprinkling with a sprinkle, a hot object, or a pair of small logs of the body, the area is cooled down quickly with a jet of water supply water for 5-10 min. The fabric of the garment, which has stuck to the shirt, is carefully trimmed with scissors. A sterile bandage is applied to the singed, chilled litter, or a piece of clean tissue for bleeding. In the event of a great opiku, they take off clothes for the victim, then wrap him up in a clean blanket, lay him on the couch, give him a drink of warm licorice tea, and call out to him for help. In the great dangers of the half-witted, the victim is to blame the fire from the zone, to extinguish the robes that are smoldering on him, and having opened the yogo, the ailing one will be grieving at the cleanly and crying out "Shvidka to help." In case of small opіkas, half-widths should be repaired in the same way, like in the case of opіkas with a sprinkle or a pair. In case of electric strum surgeries, it is necessary to sever the victim, bandage the area with a sterile bandage and cloth. In times of consumption, it is necessary to start working negligently, piece by piece.

4. History of Chinese cuisine

The culinary arts of China have been thoroughly satisfied with the protracted centenary. For 3 thousand years of its existence, it has accumulated and, importantly, saved all the values ​​of knowledge and knowledge that allow the Chinese countries to be respected as one of the most beautiful and most beautiful. Vіdomy gourmet Briyat-Savarin knew only 3 cuisines, to which included Chinese (as well as French and Russian).

The most recent archeological knowledge about the high gastronomic revival of the Chinese, found in Anyang, Henan Province. These were bronze miners, knives, kitchen plates, shovels, scoops and other fillings. More 770-221 years. to the sound e. - the period of Chunqiu ("Spring and Autumn") and Zhangguo ("Warring States") in China, public restaurants were founded, and about 1500 years ago, a culinary book was compiled. Even then, culinary art was the subject of a serious cult, which is often explained by the special attitudes of the Chinese before cooking hedgehogs.

Roslinna oil began to stagnate significantly lower. Until the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), only animal fat was consumed when roasting vicor. For the first time during the Han Dynasty, more oil appeared, and with it wineries, and new ways of cooking zhі. Chinese cuisine developed rapidly, new and new trends were introduced. In the literary texts "Zhou Li" and "Li Qi" speak about the most expensive fears, as they prepared only for the emperor. Recipes found in lithographs are a clear illustration of the particular refinement of ancient Chinese cuisine. In the era of Zhangguo (Fighting Kingdoms), the great sings Qiu Yuan of the kingdom of Chu, writing a tvir under the name "Take your souls" - a beast to the soldiers and commanders of the kingdom of Chu who perished in the war. In a new place, different vishukani herbs are born: mutton is lubricated, a young turtle is lubricated in hot fire, a young tortoise is lubricated, lamb is lubricated, a wild goose, a cock with spices, quail soup, etc. During the Han dynasty, the mandrill Zhang Zan brought to China, turning, alfalfa, grapevine and other cultures, like any other, are widely vicorous in the national cuisine of China. Ale soviet sir and rich strav, to the warehouse of which enter beans, є suto by Chinese wine-growers.

Li - a cauldron with three empty legs, din - a bronze cauldron on three legs, with two hinged handles, gui - a clay glechik with three empty legs, yang - a hanging steam boiler of bronze or clay, bu - bronze or clay dishes for wine abo vodi, tsin - clay steam boiler for cooking rice. During the Manchurian Qing Dynasty, on holy days in honor of the Manchu Khan, six head stravs, six small ones and chotiri suputny, two or three dessert stravi and 24 pidnosi (chotiri with dried, chotiri with fresh and chotiri with pickled fruits, boiled). In addition, before the meal, the guests were greeted with zbudzhuyuchi appetite for zilla and the girls were served with tea. The great number of the Christmas table was reinforced by the richness of the Manchu-Zhu-Khan, and the unique refinement of Chinese cuisine. The privatility of Chinese herbs - in their color, form, aroma and, of course, in relish. In order to achieve perfection in the future preparation, in the first place it is necessary to comprehend and learn the most important principles, as they lie at the basis of that miraculous mystology.

Chinese cuisine is specially created for sticks, which are easy to eat small things, which are the basis of grass. On pіvnochі China zamіst rice can serve lokshina and steamed buns. A traditional snack is rice brew with meat pieces (abo ribi) and vegetables. Obіdayat opіvdnі; supper about 18.00-18.30.

5. Meaning of soups in eating. Classification of soups. Bouglioni: cooking technology and whiskey.

Soupy people play an important role in eating people: stench stimulates appetite, consumes a significant part of water, vitamins, mineral salts and other biologically active speeches.

Soups are made up of rare bases and garnishes, which are made up of various products: potatoes, cereals, vegetables, pasta and others. , yakі vikoristovuyutsya for the preparation of soups Products that enter the warehouse garnish (vegetables, cereals, meat, riba and іn) should be included in carbohydrates, fats, proteins.

Calorie content of soups. The most high-calorie ones are saltwort, cereals soups and deyakі іnshі, shards of the Crimean rare base, they include cereals, vegetables, pasta, meat, fish. I will live the price of soups offering bread, cakes, roses, which are served before them.

Soups are divided into two groups: hot and cold. Up to hot (temperature 75 - 80 ° C) you can see soups on broths (bone, meat-bone, fish and poultry), milk and broths (mushroom, cereal, vegetable), and to cold (temperature 7 - 14 ° C) soups on kvass, kefir and yogurt, beetroot and beetroot brews with kvass. In a special group, soups were seen on fruit broths, which are served hot and cold.

For the method of preparing hot soups, go to the filling stations, soup puree and clearness. Refueling is prepared with vegetables, cereals, pasta and other products. Obov'yazkovoy warehouse tsikh soups є sautéed vegetables. At a lot of them, they add a lot, what is saved, and a tomato. For soup-puree, all products are rubbed. Clear soups are cooked on special lighted clear broths.

Cold soups are prepared on bread kvass, kefir, beetroot brew, on beetroot brews from kvass and on fruit brews.

Portions of soups can be 500, 400, 300 and 250 r.

A rare base of rich soups and broths: bone, meat and bone, poultry, ribeye and mushroom broth. The calorie content of broths is low. Relish, aroma and color give extractive speech, as they are divided into two groups: nitrogenous and nitrogen-free. Before the nitrogenous extractive speeches, there are various amino acids and nitrogenous bases - creatine, creatinine, purine bases and in.

Of amino acids, an important role is played by glutamic acid, which can cause strong manifestations of meat relish. Sodium strength of glutamic acid (sodium glutamate) vinaigrettes like a savory seasoning. Creatine is to be found in the m'yazah of warm-blooded creatures, birds and ribs. Wine plays a great role in molding the taste of the broth.

Nitrogen-free extractive speech - glycogen, glucose, inositol, meat lactic acid and other.

Extractive speeches are extracted from the bones and meat products in the process of boiling the broth. On the taste of the broth, there is a significant addition of fat, which is consumed during cooking.

Kistkovy broth. For the preparation of the cystic broth, yalovichi fists of tubular cysts, chest and krizhovі cysts, ridges are used; pig and mutton backbones, chest, pelvis, tubular and krish cysts.

The cyst tissue contains up to 80% dry excess, including up to 25% protein, up to 45% mineral speech and fat. The number of numbers lie in the form of brushes, age and age of creatures: with increased age in the brushes, they increase in place of fat and mineral speeches and change the number of vologists. In the bones of young creatures, there is less fat and mineral speeches and more vology, and in the bones of mature creatures, there is less age.

The fat of the cysts is located in the cystic brain, more than half of the fatty acids in the last part of the oleic acid.

The main protein of the bone tissue is collagen. The mineral speech of the brushes is composed mainly of phosphorus and calcium carbonates.

When cooked, the fat of the bone tissue melts, the collagen breaks down to water-filled gelatin and at the same time passes from the mineral cavities to the water and forms a warehouse for the broth. A lot of speeches that went into the broth of zazdrosti from the stage of brushing the brushes at that hour of cooking. It is important to add additional brushes to the brushes with a size of 5 - 7 cm, the shards from the larger brushes are less likely to cross at the broth, and the smaller brush lies on the day, making it easier to cross the speeches at the broth.

When the quantity of water is prescribed for the brewing, the quantity of the brushes and the frivolity of the broth broth should be left on the vase, which speech, which goes into the broth, changes during the brewing, and the prices do not change the bazhany. For example, when the cooking time is increased, the fat undergoes hydrolysis and emulsification, as a result of which the broth fills with a salty taste. For this, the valority of the broth of yalovichi pits was marked in the range of 3.5 - 4 years.

With the improvement of trivality of brewing broth and wilting, vologists will trim broth with high savory flavors, prote, with a significant wilting, vologists want to increase the number of speeches that go over to broth, vin nabuvaє pronounced salty taste.

The quantity of dry speeches, which should pass from the broth with boiled brushes, becomes 3-4% up to їх masses. The number of dry speeches changes twice, as if the brushes were chopped with small pieces of about 20 cm. %, emulsified fat 12%.

Yalovichi brushes for young animals, as well as lamb and pigs, are recommended to be lubricated before cooking 20 - 30 min. at a temperature of 240 - 250 °C. When obsmazhuvanni vnaslidok disintegration of whites, that fat is settled with the aroma and relish of lubricated meat, as if adding a broth to a broth.

The prepared brushes are poured with cold water, and the brushes are smeared with hot water (70 - 90? C) at a ratio of 1: 4, bring to a boil and cook at a low boil, periodically adding fat and fat. Bouillon with yalovichih brushes is boiled for 3-4 years, with pork and veal broth - 2-3 years. To add flavor to the broth, put in them for 40 - 60 minutes. until the end of cooking aromatic root, carrot and cibula, greased without fat to a light brown color, and for 20 - 30 min. until the end of cooking, introduce a stalk of celery, krop, parsley.

The broth from the oiled brushes should have more dry speeches, whites, mineral speeches and less fat, but more lucidity and a better taste.

Meat broth. To prepare the meat broth, vicorist yalovich shovel and sub-scapular parts, brisket, beech and shanks of the pelvic part, as well as the edge; lamb brisket, shoulder blade and okist; pork shoulder and brisket. The meat was cooked step by step and hand cut into portions, the weight of shmatkiv for cooking was more than 1.5 - 2 kg. Trivalіst varіnnya to become 2-2.5 years.

M'yaso-bistk broth. To cook the meat-brush broth, the brushes are washed, trimmed, poured with cold water, brought to a boil and then boiled at a low boil. For 2 - 3 years before readiness, meat is put into the broth, for 30 - 40 minutes - parsley (root), cut with large shmatochki and baked cibulus ripchasta and carrots, salt the broth.

It is not recommended to lay the meat at once and the brushes are not recommended;

The soup is taken as a low-calorie herb, prote with the addition of tops, olives, syrup and other ingredients from high fat instead of calorie growth. Borscht, boiled in water, less than 40 kcal/100 ml classic recipe Ukrainian borsch with meat - over 60 kcal / 100 ml. Soupi with compost, peas and kvass cannot be called low-calorie, but they contain a growing white, which makes people feel sour for a three-hour hour.


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Table of calorie content of the first foods and their food value

Dietary soup or borscht is prepared on water, without adding olive oil, sour cream and meat. In one plate of such a dish, there is a minimum number of calories (about 100 kcal per serving).

A bowl of chicken soup with potatoes has about 150 kcal, and rice soup brewed in meat broth with added sour cream contains over 200 kcal.

The calorie content of the first strains and their grub value (BJU) is presented in the table.

Variety of soupBJU (replacement in 100 grams of the product)Number of calories (kcal) in 100 g of soup (100 ml)Calorie per serving (300 g)
Gorokhovy3,6/0,9/11,15 68,5 205,5
Kvasolyaniy3,95/1,95/10,15 65,5 196,5
Borscht, cooked in chicken broth4,55/1,6/4,4 48 144
Pisniy borscht0,7/2,4/2,15 37 111
Borscht, cooked in meat broth, with yalovichina4,15/1,8/2,2 59 177
Borscht with pork2,1/2,4/6,5 70 210
Minestroni (vegetable soup)1,5/1,7/6,1 39 117
Kharcho3/4,55/5,9 67 201
Soup with chicken meatballs4,4/3/2,7 45,5 136,5
Kuryachiy with lokshina4,8/3,4/6,7 55 165
Vivsyany1,4/1,6/5,55 39,5 118,5
Potato with pasta1,6/0,95/8,9 54 162
Shchi with white cabbage0,3/1,55/1,9 26 78
Mushroom with buckwheat0,7/3,15/4,35 49,5 148,5

How to change calories?

To reduce the energy value of the first battle, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  1. 1. Do not grease the vegetables. The next thing is to look at the lubrication or work on the minimum amount of oil. The sonyashnikovy refined olive has over 900 kcal, and the unrefined olive has about 850 kcal. In amaranth - close to 700 kcal.
  2. 2. Vykoristovuvati m'yaso without shkіri. It is necessary to take the meat of poultry before cooking chicken or indica broth, and clean the pork and yalovichina in the form of spit, vein and fat.
  3. 3. Consider fatty sauces. Replace high-calorie mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream. When preparing cream-soup, it is necessary to vicorate not fat home-made tops, but 10% pasteurized. For milk soup varto, add milk from the minimum amount of fat.
  4. 4. Zlivat first broth. It is required to cook soup not first, but in another or third broth. For which it is necessary after boiling to anger the water and collect it clean, and if it boils, you can add cereal and vegetables.

As in the recipe for the preparation of the first seasoning, the indications are sir, the following is a low-fat varieties. It is not necessary to add the melting of the Sirka (their calorie content is about 300 kcal/100 g).

I troch about secrets ...

History of one of our readers Alina R.:

My vaga especially despised me. I gained a lot, after vagity, it mattered like 3 sums at once, and I myself 92 kg with a growth of 165. I thought I was alive because of the gentle slopes, but suddenly I began to gain weight. How to get over the hormonal background and obesity? Aje nothing can do that to make a person younger, how to stand. In my 20 years, I first recognized that most of the girls are called "WOMAN", and that "there are no such names". They gave 29 years of separation from a person that depression ...

Soup is an indispensable part of the dinner table. Irrespective of those who are not wide-ranging in the world, yet in the rich lands of Asia and Europe, the first battles took away the well-deserved recognition. Far from once, soups became mothers looking like they are today. It was necessary to spend a lot of money, so that the first strawis put their place in the culinary ієєrarchії. In a first way, it is explained by stepwise improvement of the kitchen stuffing, and in a different way, by the appearance of various products - mayonnaise, tomato paste, similar seasonings and other.

Soup is a common name for rare soup, which includes soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot, saltwort, soup and soup with additional cereals, dried fruits and dairy products.

First, soups appeared on the territory of the Slavic powers, zokrema in Russia, and even then the recipe expanded far beyond the boundaries. Schodene vzhivannya soups are beneficially signified on the camp of the human body, but one portion of the soup can be redeemed with calcium and phosphorus, as well as potassium, sodium, vitamins A, C, folic acid and іn.

A great role is played by the preparation of soups graє vikoristannya, like dressing obsmazzhenih on vegetable fat. On the right, in the fact that a lot of vitamins do not only boil in boiling broth, but rather boil. And the oil and fat will trim them. People, as if constantly living in a cold weather, do not threaten the disease of the mucosal-intestinal tract, now, you will be full of strength and energy!

Russian traditional obid is practically indispensable without any kind of soup. The range of these strains is much wider. Soups are served on hot and cold, clear, dressings and soup puree. Soups are prepared on meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable broths, as well as on milk. Milk soup can be served both hot and cold, the stench is a wonderful snack or supper, especially for children.

The largest widest first country in Russia is є, і. Use the impersonal different methods of their preparation. Okroshka, badilla, borscht and various licorice soups cooked on fruit brews with addition of zucru or honey are seen to the cold first grasses.

Є garnimu dzherelom vіtaminіv that salutarily vplyvayut on etching. First seasons with rice or pasta virobs are more than succulent with high starch and mineral rechovins. The taste of the soup and the yogo ovnіshnіy looking rich in what to lie in the pre-trimmed terminіv vіrіnnya produktіv, which vikoristovuyutsya in the new. The destruction of these terms to the point that the soup becomes kashopodibny, as the components spend their livelihood value.

Deyakі hot peppers are served to the table with sour cream, regardless of the type of broth the stink of the broth is made of meat, fish and vegetable. A lot of doctors-dietologists are aware that for the normal functioning of the body, the soup is obligatory to be present on the menu.

soup rich in such vitamins and minerals, as: vitamin A - 24.4%, beta-carotene - 21.6%, vitamin C - 26.8%, vitamin K - 36.1%, cobalt - 14.5%

Chim brown soup

  • Vitamin A for normal development, reproductive function, healthy skin and eyes, support for immunity.
  • B-caroteneє provitamin A and may have antioxidant power. 6 mcg beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C taking part in the oxide-water reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and invading the air. Deficiency leads to swelling and bleeding is clear, nasal bleeding due to increased penetration and thinness of blood-bearing capillaries.
  • Vitamin K regulate blood pharynx. Lack of vitamin K to produce up to an hour of blood production, reduced instead of prothrombin in the blood.
  • Cobalt enter the warehouse of vitamin B12. Activates the enzyme metabolism of fatty acids and metabolism of folic acid.
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