Current approaches to assessing the performance of students. Evaluation of design technology

In Russia, in the minds of modernization in place of outdoor lighting and the development of new standards for outdoor lighting, there is a widely discussed need for the creation of new approaches before assessing lighting results uchniv.

The most important part of the new lighting standards is the fundamental core of global lighting, which contains elements of scientific knowledge .


Forward view:

Development of the system model for evaluating the results of the beginning

In Russia, in the minds of modernization in place of outdoor lighting and the development of new standards for outdoor lighting, there is a widely discussed need for the creation of new approaches before assessing lighting results uchniv.

The most important part of the new lighting standards is the fundamental core of global lighting, which contains elements of scientific knowledgeuniversal initial activities.

In the documents for the introduction of new lighting programs, a separate program for forming the UUD has been created. In the program of prescriptions and structuring of the introduction of objects, the formation and development of the UUD.

The main types of UUD, which are dictated by the goals of daily illumination, have four blocks: special, regulatory, cognitive, communicative. It is important to clearly see these types of activities and give them a priority place between specific objects and the lighting process. The development of the UUD system may take place within the framework of the normative and secular development of the special and cognitive spheres of the child. This process of initiation and development sets the characteristics of the initial activity of the study and thereby determines the zone of closest development of the learning curve.

According to the adopted approach to the standard, as well as to the suspense agreement, which is implemented in the system of variable lighting,The assessment is one of the essential elements of the design of the standard.

The results assessment system must include both internal assessments (teachers) and external assessments that are carried out during the assessment of educational institutions and accreditation of educational institutions. Orienting the standard to an active approach, the formation of the UUD reworks the evaluation system on the most important mental form of the control and evaluation activities of students. New system Assessment includes verification of the formation of such elements as skills of reflection, self-analysis, self-control, self-assessment and acquisition before the assessment process of self-assessment procedures. A model for evaluating the results of mastered educational programs has been formed, which conveys the creation of such an evaluation system, which would naturally appear as an “incorporated universal system” into the educational process of the educational institution.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to specify the relevant activities in the subject-active form, as well as select an evaluation algorithm that includes all activities that can be recorded, measured and evaluated. threads And this means:

It is necessary to change the underlying approaches before implementation in order to implement a competent approach (system innovation) for the skin OU;

Change the evaluation scale for the skin element or directly what is being verified, regardless of the initial item (system innovation);

Create a mind for external assessment and self-assessment of the results of the formation of UUD by establishing a clear system of criteria and a valid assessment scale (system innovation);

Decide to modernize the student's portfolio for active documentation as an assessment document for the formation of the UUD for the skin study (there may be options).

It becomes clear that in order to achieve real results, it is necessary not only for all teaching teams to be aware of the need for innovative work with specification and further development of the monitoring system for assessing the quality of learning, and an understanding of the global nature of the changes associated with the organization of the beginning process.

It should be noted that the assessment is not simply directed towards identifying deficiencies, but also contains a mechanism that ensures the continuity of the process of thorough illumination, which can ensure constructive Gateway link to all subjects of the lighting process. Evaluation can not only reinforce what has been achieved, but it becomes a starting point, which is followed by a new round of development, reaching a new level of illumination. And it is not so much about changing the methods of assessment (although the tools and procedures of assessment can also be changed), as it is about changing the goals of assessment and the philosophy of assessment.

How to organize the assessment procedure

cym vimogam?

Newly able to obtain lighting results that are defined by the standard, it is necessary to know the adequate representation in the lighting brightness rating system. Achievement of planned results is consistent with the design of the entire lighting process.

The main criterion for the success of mastering elementary subjects is “readiness to complete elementary-practical and elementary-cognitive tasks (≠“knowledge”) based on the system of knowledge and manifestation...; more advanced methods of activity, meaning basic cognitive and practical activity; communication and information skills."

The school assessment system may include, at a minimum, the following functions:

Create informative and regulating feedback loops, giving the reader information about those who have achieved the set pedagogical goals, and the student - information about the programs they have written, about those who have passed through forward, and in a series of outbursts - about our weaknesses, With this in mind, it is important to develop special respect for this;

Ensure positive motivation for initial-cognitive students (It is important to consider assessment as a form of desire, not punishment, in order to respect the greater world on the lost and insignificant successes of students And, not on what they don’t know or haven’t managed to achieve. learning success, and which do not serve as a special means of sticking labels, zokrema - what with unrealistic assessments of those verifying).

Testing as one of the forms of evaluation of achievement

study for the minds of the Federal State Educational Standard

Subject to the Federal State Educational Institution, when the system of assessment is carried out, an equal approach may be implemented before the assessment of the students’ achievements.

In the main educational program from the skin section, initial programs from illumination subjects and interdisciplinary programs (program for the formation of universal initial activities), two levels of planned results are indicated:graduate student can learn and graduate student can learn.

In connection with the conclusion, it is important to separate two basic types of evaluation, so that they can be balanced in the current situation. testology on external (subsumable, standardized) assessment and internal (formative) assessment.

Caliyshnim Pershevynnia Pershewn, to make it a submarine to be carried out, Yaki Beach Bezpo -Serdanyo, not coastal in the process, we do not turn on the process of pidovanni to the test, the Tobto is the same to the oversized process. The same method of assessment transfers the leveling of one study to another, and then the equalization of the work of these students, and the way of leveling the skin work with the standard.

With this method of evaluation, it is very important that all scientists remain in equal minds. To ensure the safety of keen minds, the test taker provides special instructions on how to carry out the test and how to interpret the result.

Unification of the test substitution is also an invisible part of the test standardization process. The standardization test itself will ensure the possibility of equalizing the removal of data from various tests. Ideally, the only independent change in the dough is the specificity of what was tried. In this case we can talk about a high level of reliability of the test (test administration).

The same type of evaluation has the third name - it is intended to sum up the beginning, between the next stage of the beginning. The summative assessment directly includes the entire set of students (class, parallel, all students of the region of this century). It is necessary, however, to fix the level of study's access to the means of mastering a specific place of illumination. External assessment is mainly carried out with the help of normatively oriented tests (the points taken from the studies are interpreted according to the norms of the corresponding level of the statistically determined value of the given test as a representative value tag under the last ones).

Internal (formative) assessment conveys the assessment of the students' achievements to the teacher, who is their first person, who is in the middle of the learning process for the students being tested. This method of targeting the individual reach of the skin study and conveys, as an equalization of the results demonstrated by different studies, strong benefits before unification of the place, procedures and methods and administrative measures for the results of the previous steps.

Obviously, there is no interpretation of the results of internal assessment. This reduces the reliability of the test, but increases its validity, which makes it possible to evaluate the maximum number of parameters in the result in different situations and contexts. This assessment is called because it is oriented to a specific student, and is intended to reveal gaps in the elements mastered by the students in order to fill them with maximum efficiency. The assessment itself takes place in the natural classroom, in the classroom, where you are going to take your lessons.

Rating of the school (English rating, in to rate - evaluate, rank) - this is an individual numerical indicator of the integral assessment of the achievements of the beginning, the creation of the sum of rating points, deducted as a result of the assessment of other initial actions, so This is also possible with the understanding of the significance factor (“vague” ) coefficient) of these processes for the achieved lighting purposes.

1. Orientation principle (clear purpose for educational purposes and assignment

Robots, ways of achieving them).

2. The principle of an integrated approach (university of primary, scientific and spiritual


3. The principle of motivation (formation into educational needs of students,

attainable marks, eternal, praci).

Results from the individual deposit).

the totality of knowledge and understanding of all the disciplines of the initial plan;

- Social activity of the student.

The end of the meta rating technology is the formation of academia as a subject of initial scientific activity, so that the achievement of such a level of development of academicians, if they appear to be suitable for setting a mark for their activity; As long as scientists can plan, adjust their activities, and see the result from the method. It is the responsibility of the student to inform himself of the initial process. Therefore, within the framework of the rating technology, there are subject-subject reports between the results and the studies.

- Pobudova systems for comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of lighting programs;

– increasing the level of motivation of students in various fields activities

- Provide individual lighting programs;

– purposeful preparation of the latest applicants, which allows them to benefit from higher initial deposits.

creative (shaping the creative potential of students);

Reflection (self-assessment of initial and special achievements);

Stimulating (creation of minds for the development of activity and


Diagnostic (removing information about the characteristics of the initial


Correction (adjustment of infusions of innovation for the development of special features


– modular organization of the initial process,

- Constantly increasing the level of knowledge,

- A comprehensive assessment of the history of scientists.

- academic success (exceeds the level of initial achievements),

– Olympic (exposes the fate of any intellectual, creative and

sports activities),

– leadership (increases the level of social competence, suspense

Activity of students),

– name and certificates (fixes the characteristics of access to galusa foreigners

Languages, mysteries, sciences and sports, confirmed by certificates).

(Up to date with traditional control technology):

- Stimulation of systematic independent work;

– reduced role of aging factors when the sub-bag assessment of health is removed


– increasing the role of knowledge in the beginner;

- Accurate differentiation of students based on their success;

- Kolkisna characteristic of the initial robot’s capacity;

- Fixation of the results of initial activities at all stages;

- The outline of the contents and terms of the definition of individual home tasks;

- Enhancement of initial motivation.

– students have increased social activity;

- The known equality of different light trajectories;

- Oriented towards success;

– increased adequacy of self-esteem;

– have a great team spirit;

- In the list of living choices.

Cumulative (standard) ballroom show- An advanced indicator of the skill of learning, which is characterized by the maximum possible amount of points that can be accumulated as a result of learning all the disciplines of the initial plan. It is divided on the basis of standard indicators from all disciplines that are studied. When equalized with the normative (standard) indicator, it characterizes the stage of complete mastery of the place of illumination.

Rating scale – the rating scale has been unified, the principles of its formation are common to all disciplines. When the students' rating indicators are removed from the highest possible score points from the discipline, they are entered into the student's integral rating scale. The scale contains information about the boundary values ​​​​(maximum and minimum), about the ranges of the rating indicator, which represent satisfactory, good, excellent and dissatisfactory results of initial and other types primary five-point ratings, as well as the minimum limits for which a student is allowed to test, hall, etc. d.

Increase the coefficient of disciplines. The fragments of discipline in the initial plan are unequally valued for the significance of the subordinate, the main system for assigning “vague” values ​​to disciplines. Next, the “your” discipline indicator allows you to set this point indicator to a value beyond the standard luminosity scale. The amount of rating points may be determined from the calculation of the following “vague” coefficients for the most important disciplines.

Criteria for differentiation of initial items (by identifying coefficients to advance):

1. Stage of acquisition of initial information (subjective category on “folding” and “simple” objects);

2. Disciplines of their importance in the future initial and professional activities of graduates.

Control and evaluation cycles. The rating system for discipline control is formed from a system of successive blocks, about control and evaluation cycles. The skin block is organized to control the “portion” of the initial material or the “portion” is known and understood, including the acts of control, verification, clear and precise evaluation.

In order to control the “portion”, the following procedures begin:

Ensures proper control using various methods (testing, sleep

Internship, writing work etc.);

Checks the data of the robots, analyzes them and follows them from afar

Let's set the criteria for the actual result;

Evaluates to equalize the results obtained from the standard (indicators)

I indicates the degree of conformity of the result to the standard;

Displays the icon.

This symbol corresponds to the norm of points previously established for the “portion” of the material. The icon can correspond to the norm or be lower than it. The sums taken as a result of the score are added to the cumulative score of the study. The level of accumulated points is determined by the current rating of the student - the place of study in the group based on the level of mastery of the initial material. The rating is followed by the level of achievement of the one who starts.

Over time, the main concern is the continuous advancement of the cumulative indicator of the study and change of my rating. The rating itself is a criterion for organizing self-correction. At the end of the discipline, a cumulative score is formed for the student of the discipline and a sub-sum rating, which is determined in all categories up to the maximum possible score. Tim himself sets up the cumulative display to a unified scale. Like a task, fathers-in-law can become victorious about their mastery, control robots etc.

Ballroom indicators from all types of ratings are added up, confirming the indicator of the bag rating.

Portfolio for evaluation

One of the ways of individual cumulative assessment is knowledge of the student's portfolio and achievement of the student. Of course, you can judge the student’s elementary, creative, and communicative abilities.

Portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and assessing the individual achievements of a student during the early period of his education. Vono steps in an important element A practice-oriented approach to enlightenment This is a unique insight into the learning process, which allows you to develop a picture of specific lighting results, to ensure individual progress in broad awareness in this context, to demonstrate its significance in a practical way to establish the new knowledge and memory

The portfolio is designed to systematize the accumulation of evidence, knowledge, to more clearly identify your own development (for example, in a future profession), to facilitate assistance and consultation - from investors or more qualified of the leaders in this area, and also develop a more objective assessment of your level (beginner and professional). It can be used for different purposes, so there is no single value for this technology.

Portfolio functions

· Diagnostic – fixes changes and growth over the previous period

About an hour.

· Purposeful - supports initial goals.

· Motivational – wants the results of studies, studies and


· Developing – ensures continuity of the process of getting started

Roku do roku.

The philosophy of the initial portfolio conveys:

Reducing the emphasis from what the scientist does not know and cannot do, to those who do not

She knows that this is the subject;

Integration of clear and simple assessments;

Transferring pedagogical voice from teacher assessment to self-assessment


The main sense of the portfolio is to give every student the opportunity to show everything that he has created, to create a stimulus for growth for the student. The advantages of the portfolio are endless. This is a wonderful result of the absorption and development of cognitive interests, the development of intellectual reflexive abilities of students, a comprehensive review of the level of mastering of initial material, individualization and differentiation ї initiation, formation of motivation for achievement, and therefore the creation of a situation of success. Meta-portfolio for pre-professional training – consider the role of individual cumulative assessment and, based on the results of examinations, determine the rating of secondary school graduates.

There are different types of portfolios for the purposes of creating a portfolio.

The first type of portfolio is an “access folder”, focused on the increased importance of the study, and depicts its successes (commendations for learning, achievements in sports, music, chess, etc.); fathers' reports, report cards, badges, medals, etc.).

The other type is a reflexive portfolio, which reveals the dynamics of a particular development of a student, which helps to monitor the effectiveness of its activities in both general and individual terms. All controls are collected from this folder creative robots study, as they worked on the song term, for example, rock (create, report, ese, babies, virobi, hall robots, video cassettes, results of medical and psychological studies, etc.).

The third type of portfolio is problem-based, related to the writing of an abstract, scientific work, preparation before speaking at a conference. It contains a set of materials under the following headings (abstract options, evidence or statistics, list of literature for study, problematic issues, research plan, discussion points, statistics, quotes, aphorisms, integration with our subject areas, research results, forecasts and prospects, etc. .) Collecting and organizing material in such portfolios helps students not only write well in scientific work, but also develops their educational interests.

The fourth type of portfolio is thematic, created in the learning process of any great topic, section, introductory course. Work on it will begin in the next step: the reader will first inform you of the names of those who are studying, as well as the form of control over it - the protection of your portfolio, collected from the results of work on this topic. The lessons on the cob are presented with a different level of complexity, which encourages different levels of understanding and knowledge.

For pre-profile preparation, a different classification of portfolio types has been developed. It is stated that the portfolio is divided into three sections: “document portfolio”, “work portfolio”, “video portfolio”.

The portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) individual informational achievements - documents about participation in Olympiads, competitions and other events (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, inserts in the certificate, etc.). This allows for both a comprehensive and clear assessment of portfolio materials.

The work portfolio is a collection of creative, pre-study and project work studies, a description of the main forms of direct initial and creative activity. The portfolio of work is drawn up in the form of a creative book with the addition of the work itself (texts, paper and electronic documents, video recordings, etc.). This part of the portfolio of the study gives a clear assessment of the specified parameters (repetition, variety, variety of materials, focus on the desired profile, dynamics of initial and creative activity, directness interests, nature of pre-professional training).

Vodgukov's portfolio includes characteristics of the student's approach to various types of activities, presented by teachers, teachers, etc., as well as a written analysis of the student's own approach to his/her activities and results (texts of notes, reviews th, guides, resumes, recommendation sheets, etc.). This part of the portfolio provides the opportunity to include learning self-assessment mechanisms, which advances the level of awareness of the processes associated with the beginning and choice of profile direction.

The teacher needs to remember that a portfolio is created to assess his progress. The teacher only helps them organize the process and evaluate their achievements. Also, the motivation of students to start building and in the process of working on a portfolio is high. To increase the level of motivation, it is necessary for both the teacher and the students to approach the process creatively.

Portfolio assessment is carried out by students together with the teacher approximately once per quarter. In order for the students to develop skills in self-assessment and reflection during the assessment, and also to save the teacher’s time, before the lesson of assessing the portfolio, the student must complete the preparation of the robot. During this process, the student once again reviews the goals and objectives and selects material to document the achievements of the tasks assigned to the work in this direction. You can lay out the material in a specific order or make bookmarks from sewing. The most effective method is a written analysis that is consistent with the goals set, with the addition of working materials, which must be taught to the students themselves.

Application of criteria for assessing student portfolios, branches O.V. Lebedev

1. Internal assessment (self-assessment) of the portfolio includes groups of criteria:

Self-organization (recommended to get to the point, bring the conversation to the end,

Choose the optimal structure and structure for self-discovery),

Professional orientation,

- beginning (and the portfolio materials help in the process of beginning, coloring

Beginner, buoyant in the process of learning, self-esteem of acquired knowledge




2. External assessment includes the following groups of criteria:

Assessment of the quality of portfolio design,

Portfolio structure assessment,

Assessing the level of coverage of portfolio materials.

The portfolio assessment can be entered on a special assessment sheet.

Analysis of criteria for assessing UUD and algorithm of assessment systems allows us to assume that such an active technology is being developed project method Different didactic directness can become the basis of a meta-methodology so that the formation of the UUD is consistent with the statements of goals and assignments. It appears that the design is being brought to active forms, the preparation algorithm and the structure of the project most closely corresponds to the daily tasks of the task and training of students, but in the unified system of the open space of the school it is rare to stagnate.

The school lighting system has adopted a different typology of projects, which are classified by E.S. Polat from the dominant activities of students (practical orientation, pre-study, information, creative, role-playing projects), which means the result of the project activity (the latest socially significant problem, experiment , publication, a type of decorative-subject mystique, a script for some kind of action, a game, etc.) . d.). Suspension of school elementary and creative projects, previous projects The system can lead to results that can be adequately assessed by developing a single view of the criterial base. Moreover, the peculiarity of the skin project mayend material product(presentation on a topic, exhibition, competition, newspaper, ece, portfolio, notification, etc.) or action (musical performance, theatrical performance, etc.), as assessed by independent experts from various levels.

Thus, the duties of innovative research can include:

- development of a unified algorithm for a project based on statements

Managers should formulate the UUD;

Plan for the result that is possible

Evaluate with external assessment and self-assessment from the student himself;

Development of a universal criterial basis for project evaluation.

The design technology makes it possible to combine classroom and part-time activities of students into a single system for achieving the set goal. In this case, the new place requires external and internal forms of control, making them insightful, reliable and richly functional.

Thus, we can say that the described most basic types of evaluation are directed to the top of two different tasks of the beginning: the external (subsumable) evaluation is stagnated to assess the level of achievement of the results of the beginning, then How internal (formative) evaluation is performed in order to activate and optimize the process the beginning of this study.

Principles of an incentive system for assessing the achievement of planned results for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard:

Orientation towards an active approach: the main criterion for the success of mastering basic subjects is not knowledge “at first glance”, but “readiness to complete basic practical and basic knowledge tasks”

Inclusion in the assessment activities of the students themselves, which ensures that the skills of self-assessment and mutual assessment are transferred to the standard

Criteria-based assessment (= consolidation of clear and established criteria for reaching the skin from the planned results during assessment procedures)

Assessment, based on the final (subsum) results, the dynamics of individual educational achievements of students → the need for a vicarious cumulative assessment (for example, from the establishment of a portfolio of initial achievements;

The variety of forms of assessment, the choice of which is determined by the stage of initiation, the general and special purposes of the beginning, the exact initial tasks, the method of extracting information (including the renewal of standardized and non-standardized ( caution, identification of evidence, project activity and other forms of assessment))

The assessment is to be oriented not only to the level of knowledge acquired by the students of a common place for all to illuminate, but also to the depth of their individual knowledge, their readiness for recovery, development special and universal ways of activity, the level and nature of the special teachings. The orientation of the school towards the formation of key competencies may be accompanied by changes in both the strategy and technology of education, and the methods (technologies) for assessing the educational results of students.

However, today it is relevant to develop such an approach before assessing the results of students, which would allow:

Insert the difference between the evaluation functions and the original evaluation system;

connect the assessment with individual improvements in the overall results (knowledge, intelligence, competencies, etc.) by learning to create minds in which the study emphasizes the planning and implementation of the process of power learning;

Introduce the practice of evaluating new results of illumination.

The actualization of the problem of assessment and evaluation of the results is now connected with the ongoing developments in the Federal State Educational Standard for primary and secondary schools (the Federal State Educational Standard of the next generation). However, note that Russian school During the rest of the decade, there were many successes in the implementation of new approaches to assessing the results of the implementation of the school of ideas of the competent approach in practice. They have expanded the scope of assessment procedures, and in connection with the introduction of a new format of self-assessment at all levels of the school, new minds have emerged for its differentiation

It is no less obvious to state the fact: the five-point system in the form in which it exists today is in line with the capabilities of the evaluation system, which is represented by the Standard.

First of all, note in mass school as before, credit is given for the lesson, for the right, independent work, sleep in the test, etc., and not for the student’s achievement of the result of the activity, otherwise it seems that everyday practice is based on a criterion-based approach before assessing the results of Reality. In addition, for such assessment systems, the study practically does not indicate what kind of knowledge, intelligence, and competence of wines is actually taken away.

In other words, in mass school practice there is no adequate assessment of the dynamics and equal formation of universal initial activities.

Thirdly, the characteristics of a digital sign can include only a subject level of results, and assessments of meta-subject and specific results require other forms of expression.

Fourthly, the five-point system does not correlate with the three-point approach to evaluation different groups results that appear in the Standards as brain is needed I'm still waiting. In addition, the reader points out that, as before, he does not have clearly defined criteria for assessing the results of the students’ activities.

It should be noted that the professional partnership has long been discussing the nutritional support of the other school badge system.

In my opinion, within the framework of a competent approach, in which project activity is one of the leading forms of learning, a 10-point evaluation scale can be successfully established.

First of all, the evaluation of the results of the activities of schoolchildren within the framework of project activities for the minds of such a scale is of an objective nature, in other words, before the “official” change of the accepted rating scale, a ten-point scale, I how to evaluate the results of a student’s activities, for example, within the framework of a project , you can finish transforming the badges for the magazine into the norm.

Innovative potential for the development of illumination of the remaining three rocks, the need for independent development of a skin lighting system, which begins the implementation of the Standards, the main lighting programs, which includes the obligatory section “System for assessing the achievement of planned learning outcomes “The main illumination program for the main illumination” may become permanent until new criteria are developed for assessing the results of activities schoolchildren, including project work.

For now, the result may be understandable to others. The result is the result of the bouty of spelling by simple movy movy, in a shock, they are guilty of mind Robit Learn - Navigi, Dunniyomi Galuzu Znow, Maji Zrozumil, ShO Torsyno vid Scabits.

The new school may have an approach to assessing the results of the activities of students, adequate to the ideas of the beginning, and the implementation of ideas with a competent approach, the development of new criteria for assessing the results of activities And among schoolchildren there is a clear focus on the development of core competencies and the development of self-esteem.

List of references

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New approaches to the evaluation of the initial achievements for the development of the brains of the Federal State Health Service.

Saransk 2015

1. Roles of assessment. 2. Change of assessment procedures of OSOKOV. 3. Federal State Educational Standards. 4. Law of the Russian Federation “On lighting”. 5.Formative assessment. 6.. 7. The collar tie is the basis of the molded evaluation. 8. Methods of formative assessment: Self-assessment card, group presentation assessment card, self-assessment of full-time work, lifelong work, folded tests, portfolio, rubrics, understanding cards. 9. Addendum. Forms assessment during the hour of literature lessons. 10. Visnovok. eleven..


U to the current world An important priority of marriage and the system of education is the creation of young people who enter into life, independently cope with the tasks facing them, and the result of education “submits” to the achievement of such tasks. Therefore, in the first place, next to basic literacy, come the graduate’s competencies, such as, for example, the ability to develop and verify hypotheses, to work smartly in the project mode, and initiative in making decisions. However, the process of forming the competencies of students can be complete without a well-thought-out system of assessment and evaluation.

The relevance of the assessment process is determined in advance. Without a gateway, control of any process can be effective. The need for evaluation is voiced by all participants in the educational process: scientists, readers, fathers. Assessments are an invisible part of the initial process.

The current assessment based on additional points, in the opinion of some teachers, is of low merit. This is the simplest and most accessible way to avoid problems between children and to engage them systematically. Ratings are manual for competitions, entrance examinations, statistics, publicity, etc.

Roles of assessment

  • Lighting and professional selection
  • Certification
  • Enhancement of bone quality is encouraged through systematic diagnosis and communication of assessment results to teachers and students
  • Assessment for monitoring and management

Role conflicts assessment

  • There is no need to substitute evaluation systems divided into one method for other purposes; it is impossible to effectively achieve both goals (for selective assessment it is necessary that nutritional supplements allow a clear line between individuals to be drawn, which often sounds like a spectrum of skills that are being assessed; assessment from The monitoring of the functioning of the national lighting system is, however, structured to assess a wide range of technologies , and conveys clear observations between individuals).

What is there to evaluate?

  • Control of work (readers, lighting installations) and provision of necessary information to higher authorities to make decisions about arrest/punishment.
  • Evaluation addresses: students, fathers, teachers, school administration.
  • forms the assessment of students, monitoring (including monitoring of individual progress), self-assessment, self-analysis, self-control and self-verification

Overview of SOSOKOV assessment procedures

  • National drinks
  • National and international research and monitoring
  • Internal class assessment

criteria-based evaluation

accumulative evaluation

assessment of individual progress

Rating system: innovative rices

  • assessment of subject, meta-subject, special results;
  • the criterial basis of the planned results is substituted;
  • Shlyakh's assessment of “folding”; a more accurate approach to the tools, resulting in the following results;
  • assessment of the value of the property is based on initial-cognitive and initial-practical tasks;
  • cumulative system for assessing individual achievements;
  • selection of standardized and non-standardized methods (projects, creative work, etc.)
  • selection of personalized and non-personified information;
  • interpretation of results based on contextual information

about the mind and the particularities of the implementation of life. program

  • updated internal and external assessments

In section 2 “Progress until the results of mastering the basic

lighting programs for basic outdoor lighting"

argue, that “meta-subject results of mastering the fundamentals”

new lighting programs for basic outdoor lighting

Please excuse:

  • 1) independently determine the goals of your learning, set and formulate new goals for yourself in your new learning activity, develop motives and interests for your learning activity;
  • 2) independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, and be aware of choosing the most effective ways to achieve initial and learning objectives;

  • 3) keep your actions in line with the planned results, gain control of your activities in the process of achieving the result, and identify methods of action within the framework of the established minds so that you can customize your actions. but before the situation changes;
  • 4) carefully evaluate the correctness of the initial task and the power of its solution;
  • 5) learning the basics of self-control, self-esteem, making decisions and making informed choices in initial and cognitive activities;

  • 6) clearly define concepts, create analogies, establish analogies, classify, independently select substitutes and criteria for classification, establish causal-heritage connections, be logical research, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and inference work;
  • 9) regularly organize initial teaching and learning activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find secret solutions and resolve conflicts based on favored positions and areas of interests; formulate, argue and present your idea”

Law Russian Federation“About lighting”

  • Article 27 “Structure of the lighting organization” has the competence lighting installations enter:
  • "10) development of in-line control of success and interim certification studies, establishment of their forms, frequency and order of conduct;
  • 11) an individual view of the results of mastering educational programs by students, as well as saving in archives information about these results on paper and (or) electronic devices"
  • This means that the school is obligated to organize an assessment process for the class and separate approaches that meet the relevant standards to achieve initial results.

New system Evaluation will take place on the following stages:

  • 1. Evaluation є by a gradual process natural rite integrated into enlightenment practice. This assessment is carried out practically on a daily basis, and not just in the first quarter of the day.
  • 2. Evaluation may be less criterial. The main evaluation criteria are the obtained results that meet the initial goals. For example, the evaluation criteria may be initially planned both subject and meta-subject.
  • 3. Evaluation criteria and algorithm for assigning badges in advance are visible to both teachers and students. The stench can vibrate from them all at once.
  • 4. The evaluation system will be established in such a way that The studies were included before the control and evaluation activities, building up skills and development to self-esteem. Then the results of the initial activities are assessed not only by the teacher (as in the traditional assessment system), but by the students themselves.

Formative assessment:

  • the process of searching and interpreting data, which scholars and their readers are working towards in order to determine how far scholars have already reached their knowledge, where they need to reach out and how to make the best rank.
  • It will be revealed during the beginning of this part. It can be seen as a precise, diagnostic, or more accurately called – “assessment for the beginning.”
  • This is the most effective way to promote the brightest achievements of skin training and the speed of growth between the most successful training and those who recognize serious difficulties in the beginner.

  • Centered on learning . At the center of the molding evaluation nya - learn. As a reader, the teacher largely focuses on the investigation and shortening of the process rather than the application. With your attention, the reader and learn to retrieve information, on the basis of which they make decisions, how to improve and develop knowledge.
  • Viruses the teacher . Molding evaluation It does not convey autonomy, academic freedom and high professionalism of the teacher, while it is up to you to evaluate how you react to rejected information. Whose teacher should not discuss the results of the assessment with anyone in his class.

Principles of vicoristic molding evaluation:

  • Remarkably effective. Fragments of focus assessment This requires the active participation of students, so they can become more deeply immersed in the material and develop self-assessment skills. The goal is to ensure that their initial motivation grows so that children begin to increase their bookkeeping in order to help them become successful in their learning. In addition, readers should constantly ask themselves: “What kind of real knowledge am I going to impart to my students?”; “How can I understand the stench of this?”; “How can I help them learn better?” As the teacher, who pays attention to nutrition, works in close contact with his students, he will improve his knowledge and come to a new understanding of his work.

Principles of vicoristic molding evaluation

  • Forms the initial process. Meta molding evaluation paint the paint rather than provide a stand for placing marks.
  • Meant by context. Formative assessment is in progress There is an understanding of both the needs of the teacher, the student, and the characteristics of the disciplines that are studied. The form and evaluation criteria depend on the specific situation. Therefore, those who work well in one class are not necessarily suitable for another.
  • Founded on yakisnomu vykladanny. Formative assessment The bath is based on highly professional work and behind the additional mechanism of the gateway, which informs the teacher about how the students begin, allowing him to work more systematically, easily and effectively.

Principles of vicoristic molding evaluation:

  • Without interruption. Evaluation is a process that worries which triggers the folding mechanism and constantly encourages them in the working stage. Using different techniques, the reader removes the stinking joints from the study before the smell begins, it tells them how to shorten the process of beginning. To check to what extent these propositions have appeared red, the reader must re-start the gate mechanism and perform a new evaluation. This approach is integrated with the selected initial work that is being taught in the class.

  • Formative evaluation is more than less marking. In Yogo The basis is a mechanism that ensures the presentation of information that you need to enhance your work, discover the most effective methods of learning, and also motivate students to become more actively involved in their lives .
  • Formative assessment is the gateway link , for further help The reader receives information about what the students have learned and are currently starting, as well as about the ways in which the initial goals have been achieved. In order to apply this reversal link to the displacement of the bones at the end of the day, it is necessary not only to determine on what level the scientists are responsible for changing the course until its completion, and in what world the stench will be mastered yuyogo pіd hour course.

Features of molding evaluation

  • Formative evaluation is direct evaluation. Traditional Evaluation techniques, for example, testing, as a rule, verify what scientific specific facts are known and what can determine the tasks behind a particular algorithm - which creates scientific findings that this kind of knowledge itself is the greatest valuable. Having written the tests, the students find out what level they have reached after completing the same course. As a result, students tend to master the subject without achieving a deep understanding of the basic laws. It is most important that the very things that are being verified are taken into account. Vikoristic formal evaluation can be done with respect to scholars. For this purpose, it is necessary to consider: what the study may entail from the initial course; what forms of evaluation indicate this.

What is being assessed?

  • Formal evaluation is carried out to ensure that the initial goals have been achieved. Then you need to die with whatever world you can reach. It is important to select the forms of assessment that are appropriate for specific purposes, so that the assessment techniques that are being tested will satisfy the initial goals set.

Why is this method valued?

A formative assessment allows you to match the results of the assessment with the method.

Having chosen the starting point for the design of goals, it was necessary to collapse like this:

  • translate the goals from the selected initial results;
  • determine the necessary reach;
  • select and replace assessment techniques;
  • choose and implement different methods of learning;
  • carry out an assessment and determine whether the initial results have been achieved.

Zagalnye idei vikoristannya.

  • To the reader - in order to make it easier to complete the payment, It is necessary to pay attention to everything and pay the initial goals and objectives to the students, and then improve the turnaround. The information is removed to show the extent to which the goals are being implemented, and what needs to be done and changed so that the scientists reach the next level of material development.
  • Let's learn - In order to fully understand the smell, it is necessary to immediately recognize the stench in its entirety, and also learn to independently evaluate how the smell begins.


  • First and foremost: selection of various tools The form of evaluation is dependent on the singing organization of the initial process. The introduction of new techniques and tools is only possible if learning is actively carried out before the initial process, if during the lesson there is interaction between students in pairs and groups, discussion with the teacher, and healthy meals.
  • Friend's mind is important be carried forward to the best results evaluation. In order for the evaluation to be fair, it is necessary that its results be corrected for correction and calculation. The stench of obligation is “transmitted” to the hands of the teacher and vikorystuvatsya for planning. Only then, formal assessment has a positive impact on the initial motivation of students and their self-esteem.
  • The third part of the mind is the need to clearly understand what the introduction of the forming The assessment is inevitably linked to changes in how the teacher understands his role with his students, and how the class has a particular pedagogical style. It is also necessary to understand that strict external control and soundness do not accommodate the development of new evaluation practices.

Molding grading techniques

Setting up food. Meals are set by the teacher, so Determine the starting positions of children and guide them as they begin. The reader can choose the variety of food. In terms of B. Bloom's classification1, you can have nutrition for:

  • addendum: What other uses do you know?
  • analysis: How can you explain what...?
  • synthesis: How can you organize and organize?
  • rating: What do you think about...?

Be careful. Keeping an eye on children and listening to their discussions, a reader of assessments It's like celebrating the day. Watching the singing children follow the planned plan, the teacher encourages them during the lesson.

Molding grading techniques

  • Besidi-discussion the most compelling or unsatisfactory evidence It's time for the lesson. Discussing with students, the teacher evaluates their understanding, identifies the reasons for difficulties and understandings, and identifies problematic points in the lesson. Conducting the discussion, the reader checks previous estimates and hypotheses, discusses the progress of the students, the results of their self-assessment in order to prepare the next steps for the student.
  • Analysis as a method of creating molded evaluation You can try this method. Robot letters are discussed and evaluated together with children. Do you hesitate for In addition, to identify dirty tricks and misunderstandings and show children that they need to work to paint their work.

Molding grading techniques

  • Verification of the relevant material. Check-repeat from behind With preparations and spontaneous meals, this allows the child to evaluate their knowledge at the same time. A short review of what has been covered helps students and teachers identify material that will require repetition and review, and plan the next stages of the course.
  • Getting children to consider and reflect on the process of starting allow me It is important to encourage and develop skills in self-assessment and pair assessment. A couple or a small group of scientists means that they know and can work, but what is missing for them is important or immature, which they need to earn further. This allows for continuous feedback between the teacher, other students and groups, which always determines what progress needs to be made and plans for how the children will begin learning in the future.
  • Butt 1

The teacher writes a note on the home page and, without further comment, introduces the children to their appointments in pairs. Then he supervises the work of the pairs, as there are few difficulties when completing similar tasks in the previous lessons. During the informal discussion, the teacher encourages them to make bets and helps them answer questions and explain their actions. Later, the teacher works with these children in a group, discussing with them the contributions they contributed to the lesson, and supervising their work in pairs.

  • Butt 2

The teacher shows the class writing skills from a recent lesson. The reader evaluates the work, but does not understand it. The teacher explains that children should read the work and discuss what the authors might say: the significant strengths of the work and the ways in which the work can be improved. The teacher talks to a group of children whose robots were presented and discusses their robots with them in order to help them know their luck and tell them how they can be promoted. Then the reader collects all the respect earned by children, and basically forms the basic benefits before work, which all scientists can use as criteria in evaluating their work.

How do children deal with information?

  • Pershe, what children are trying to learn, - this is carried out successfully there is no work with initial goals, what battles for the minds of a successful victor, by which the work is evaluated (indicators, tasks).
  • Another thing is to identify what needs to be painted or expanded. About Judgment and assessment are carried out individually or in pairs. Correction and coloring of children should be made immediately, so that the coloring of the bone will be “ here and now."
  • The lesson can end with a short look at all the initial goals (indicators) relevant for this stage of work, and This helps children learn how to develop in the past and how the current stage of learning is related to this, how smells will begin to develop further.

The collar joint is the basis of the molded assessment

  • Gateway link, tobto. Informing the teacher about the results of the assessment, however, separates him from educational information about the initial process. Moreover, it is very important that the information given by the teacher motivates him to show up, work hard and be successful.
  • Kindly respect your mother The basic principle of such a turning link is: Appreciation, which encourages achievement, is a great motivation, directly focusing on progress and achievement, rather than failure. The conjunct sign appears in the dark, as it is given in sacred words or to set broad instructions (for example, “don’t forget to vikorize more clearly”). Only an accurate and specific turnaround helps students understand how they can achieve greater results.
  • The reader can: accurately show his strengths and encourage him to develop them; constructively expose your weaknesses; ensure your learning ability paint your work

Principles of giving the return link

  • 1. Show what went well. The reader will know the three most important places in the work that correspond to the initial goals, and emphasize them, see the color or frame them. This eliminates the need to create a rich record.
  • 2. Indicate what will require improvement (correction). Reader, vikoryst and special symbols, for example, an arrow, a checkmark, etc., indicate exactly the place in the work that needs to be corrected.
  • 3. Create the ability to make corrections. During class, children are given an hour (approximately 10 minutes) to read the recommendations and make common corrections. The reader can ask those students who are already getting along with their work to help those who are experiencing difficulties.
  • 4. Give recommendations about necessary corrections. Reader, write what you need to do to correct and improve your work, so that you know how to achieve the desired result. For this there are three ways to straighten the skin around the singing area:
  • fortune-telling (I’ll teach you to guess the initial settings goals);
  • demonstration (to show examples of what students need to learn bark);
  • butt (pronounce specific words, words and forms, which requires copying).

Methodology “Card of self-development”

Allows Begin self-esteem for both younger students, as well as for mature children to learn simple symbols, as well as for older children.

When the card is turned off, there will be different light bulb images, which indicate three possible options Types of school meals:

  • “If it didn’t happen, the light wouldn’t light”;
  • "It's time for the light to light up";
  • “This happened often, or else, the light bulb would burn even brighter.”

The use of this map will allow students to analyze their evidence and develop self-care based on these findings. In addition, the card will once again remind the children about what their initial tasks were, why they began, and what the reader will notice from them.

The reader can put together such a card for any object, indicating its specific subject matter, and methods of activity and hidden initial meanings.

Variants of methods for organizing self-assessment of students.

Methodology “Group Presentation Scorecard”

Vikoryst is used to evaluate the results of the academic activities of students. Students are encouraged to remember the song form if they marvel at the presentation of the crowd. Students need to pay attention to the lower characteristics and dates of their contribution to the work of the group.

When evaluating the results, the following variants of evidence are used:

  • “+” – miracle robot (paint it carefully);
  • "=" - the work is good (good, if you have a better way to paint it);
  • “-” – the robot is weak (needs a lot of painting).

Variants of methods for organizing self-assessment of students.

Methodology “Self-assessment of sleeping robots”

I'll teach you how to sing do not choose a ready-made answer, but formulate it in a warm-eyed manner. This allows students to know how they have participated in the development of a group project plan: how productive, successful, accepted by the group and how successful it has been. Working with this technique helps formulate the communicative skills of students, as well as how to solve problems and plan their activities.

  • As a variant of the self-assessment method, one can use the accumulated work of other students. The application form is submitted for evaluation of project presentations. pre-slednytsky robots, otherwise other initial situations may stagnate at the discretion of the reader.

The stages of introducing the technique form the assessment:

  • Believe that you need to seek help from internal class assessment;
  • select techniques that are consistent with the style of work and are easily introduced into this class;
  • explain the outline of what is being taught;
  • After completion, evaluate the results and determine what needs to be changed in the initial process;
  • Give information to children about those who have recognized the deposit and how to collect the money.

Forming techniques


reflection and self-evaluation.

Methodology "Tizhnevі zvіti"

The use of the “Year Life” method allows you to ensure a smooth turnaround, with the help of which the scientists tell you what they have learned over the course of the year and what difficulties they have encountered.

“Tizhnevі zviti” – these are the educational sheets that students need to repeat once a week, responding to 3 questions:

  • 1. Why have I learned this past week?
  • 2. What kind of food was lost for me?
  • 3. What kind of food did I supply to the students, as if I were a teacher, in order to verify what they understood about the material?

Methodology "Tizhnevі zvіti"

Teacher preparation hour

Minimal. The question can be written in doshtsi

or prepare food forms and roses in the background

date your studies

School preparation hour

Learn the necessary explanations quickly

the purpose of such calls. It’s your fault to exercise,

To report on the first power supply

Time spent

An hour in class is not required. It's time to write at home


Almost everything

Size class

Special technical


Configured individually or in a group




You will need a detailed analysis. The reader must

friends to know the possibility of reporting on atypical views -

bet individually, and typical roses from the class

What else does a mother need to respect?

Learners are responsible for calling on them to help them

at navchanni; Otherwise, the stench cannot be taken seriously

Vikoristannya allows

To the reader:

  • ensure understanding with the teachings of how the stench begins;
  • see how well scientists understand the substitution and logical connections to the studied material;
  • document meals that students eat and select the most typical ones;
  • give the teachings of the turnout links to replace the level of consistency of these foods that are respected by the suttevs;
  • progress through the development of writing skills in your studies and in your memory there will be darkness;
  • ensure the ability to record and express emotional satisfaction with students or the level of their difficulties with this material.

I'll learn:

  • practice written communication in order to develop your thoughts from the written form;
  • supply food for you;
  • analyze the world knowledge and process.

How to analyze sounds

You can see chotiri such food level :

  • Feeding, What to do with factual information, may be added to « minimum level" : for example, “What is it?” physical pendulum?
  • Feed, what to ask up-to-date information, may be added to « low jealousy»: “What is the difference between a real pendulum and a physical pendulum?
  • Conceptual nutrition the nutrition that comes from experiments that have been learned in the early lessons can be brought to "Worker's jealousy" : “How can we conclude that the period for of the hundredth pendulum to lie under the amplitude of its inspiration?
  • Before "my greatest rival" can be added food, what to eat explain, Such have not been before in the lessons, and the words begin with “Why?”: “Why can only a force, such as directly proportional vigor, secure the system with a simple harmonious flow?”

Methodology " C lack of tests"

This is the essence of the fact that scientists independently formulate nutrition on the topic.

This is the basis of this procedure, and after it there will be a large number of changes that can have important pedagogical significance. These changes indicate at what stage of the initial process the testing is carried out, what types of test foods are presented, what types of foods are tested, and who is tested. The combined test tests an individual's creativity in learning, which reveals his knowledge, preparation, and motivation.

Testing is most effective at the stage of consolidation of the material, if the topic has already been completed. However, this method adapts its functions to the situation if a new topic is no longer stated. With their introduction to new topics, scientists demonstrate to the reader their initial zeal for knowledge, their commitment to the expanded and the diminished.


  • Increase the vigor of home decoration.
  • Reveal the understanding of the educational material and analyze the moments that caused confusion, as a result - prepare students before revising work on the topic.
  • Development is more critical than myslennya.
  • Beginning will be based on the advice of the teacher and student, promoting the active role of children in the learning process.

How to organize work using a methodology

The vikory technique is presented as an element of a series of lessons.

  • First lesson - home decoration and comments to new (3 hvilini).
  • Another lesson - Choosing a home office, individual consul What kind of meals are available (during the shift before or after the lesson), discussed in private about the selected meals. Boys may be able to get acquainted with the meals of their classmates, compare the differences in the complexity and design of the meal, and determine the connections and replacements.
  • Third lesson – writing of the verification work, divided based on baby food (10-12 hvilins).
  • At what point and/or at the coming (fourth) the pouches of the checking robot are tamped down, analysis of evidence for food that caused the twist, and analysis of critical factors for nearby food (5–12 meals).

How to carry out assessment

An example of this scale:

  • 1 point – nutrition on factual knowledge on a specific topic.
  • Bali 2 – food supply of actual knowledge on this topic.
  • 3 Bali - nutrition, which is important for aiming the butt.
  • 4 points - meals, which will require clarification, which was not given in the lessons or with the teacher.
  • 5 points – nutritional requirement, there is no need for cumbersome formula and will not require additional entries when completed.
  • 1 point can be awarded for the originality of skin nutrition.

The presence of such a scale makes it possible not only to evaluate the consistency of the food, but also to determine the consistency of the version of the turning robot, as well as to determine the consistency of the food in the balls during the hour of evaluation.

Problems and possible difficulties at the robot with the technique

  • With a typical mixture, you can choose a material for which students will not be able to combine the same and substitute foods.
  • Difficulties can arise even if the topic is still poorly mastered by students or has become too difficult for them, and the nutrition appears superficial and does not stimulate children to comprehend and systematize the information they have captured.

Possible positive effects.

Let's go:

  • 1. Reveal the knowledge of homework (independent development of theoretical material). Stimulate interest in promoting this type of homework for the novelty of robots new roles in the initial process.
  • 2. Increase your level of responsibility for homework, so that the results are spent on a thorough examination, moreover, “checked with the authorities” and subject to the criticism of classmates.
  • 3. Develop a more critical mind, respectful thinking. Sometimes one misunderstood word transforms the idea of ​​food in the distance. This has a positive effect on the language literacy of students.
  • 4. Emphasize respect for individual progress. Create a situation for success for most students.
  • 5. Reduce the fear of revising work by knowing the material covered.

Methodology "Portfolio"

The purpose and essence of the portfolio.

  • Portfolio in form authentic, or true, a bath of illuminating results, such as assessments of the product created by learning in the course of elementary, creative, social and other types of activities. The real importance of a portfolio comes from planning and self-evaluation of your achievements.

The portfolio allows you to create two tasks:

  • 1. Follow the individual learning progress achieved in the beginning process, aligning with the achievements of other students.
  • 2. Evaluate your findings and supplement (replace) the results of testing and other traditional forms of control.

View portfolio

  • Portfolio of documents includes a collection of robots collected for singing period of beginning. Robots demonstrate the progress of learning in any primary area. Tsey portfolio Mostiti be-Yaki Matereli, that of the number of planes, yaki, showing, Yaki Assumptions reached the learning of the process of hogan, putting Pevna Meta in front of him, I before, Yak VIN. Therefore, the portfolio can be presented as successful and, in the future, trial work.
  • Portfolio of the process or assessment. Comprises all phases and stages navchannya. Allows you to show the entire process of learning as a whole, how the study integrates special knowledge and skills and achieves progress, starting from the beginning and at the high level. In addition, this portfolio demonstrates the process of reflection on the teachings of high-powered initial knowledge and includes the development of self-consciousness and various forms of self-esteem and self-esteem.

View portfolio

  • Display portfolio. Allows you to best appreciate completion of studies in the basic subjects of the school program. You can include even the most important activities, selections during the hour of sleep-related discussion taught by the teacher. Obov'yazkova's vimoga is the external and universal service of work. As a rule, this portfolio includes various audio and video recordings, photographs, and electronic versions of the work. Submitted materials may be accompanied by written comments from the student, which will inform the selection of work presented to them. The portfolio can include materials from projects and research, artistic works, natural experiments achieved in the musical field, which best represent the possibilities and possibilities of study.

View portfolio

  • Portfolio of training. School members vikorist Portfolio as an indicator of readiness for studying before graduation. Students are required to submit a variety of materials that demonstrate their competence in a variety of subject areas. As a rule, these papers are based on the subjects for which tests are often written or sleep tests are written: language, mathematics, and natural sciences. About the preparation of the study can also be seen from previous and project work from the main subjects and subjects of choice: technology, music, creative arts.

Portfolio assessment

Portfolio can be evaluated

  • informally (expert assessment), useful for teacher assessment giv, batkiv and spivuchniv.
  • Another option for evaluation is this formalization and standardization of assessment criteria, improved From commonly accepted initial indicators, for example, such basic initial symptoms as the most common problems and communication problems.

Criteria-based evaluation

  • One of the most popular assessment tools, based on a wide range of tasks and strong academic criteria, is called “Rating Rubrics”.
  • “Rubrics” include tables that provide criteria for assessing specific tasks. In order to determine the criteria, the reader needs to formulate the initial goals of the work to achieve the results that can be achieved. The evaluation criteria themselves depend on the initial goals and results. Essentially, the criteria are for students to show them what they can demonstrate in any other job they can do.
  • “Evaluation rubrics” are a way to describe evaluation criteria that are based on the initial results and achievements of scientists.
  • “Headings” are tables that provide a description of the desired result (value, value). As a rule, different levels of achieving the desired result and formation are described: from the cob level to the outer layer. This allows the reader and student to highlight such very important points for the beginning:
  • On what level are we in the moment;
  • What is it that you don’t climb to reach the ideal level;
  • What kind of offensive time is due?

Purposes of evaluation for the additional “Rubrics”

  • Improve the reliability of the quantitative assessment of written assignments and oral presentations.
  • Show your goals and achievements in a clear, unambiguous way.
  • Set assessment and scoring standards and align them with the initial goals achieved.
  • Get students to critically evaluate power activities.

Interference (problems)

  • The problem of criteria. Viklicom (or potential exchanges yum) at the development and vikoristanny “Rubrik” є description of the acquired reach and significant indicators, such as diffe review the various achievements presented in the table-heading.
  • The problem of practice is that of regular vikorstan. Some evaluators Neither tools will be effective unless the smells are checked on a regular basis.

Methodology “Karti understand”

Maps allow us to evaluate how good scientists can obtain the “ultimate picture” of a subject and surrounded by topics, so that they can make connections between adjacent elements and systematize the material covered.

“Map of understanding” is a diagram that consists of node points (the skin points of which are assigned to song concepts), connected by straight lines, which are also designated. The key points-concepts are developed from different hierarchical levels, similar to the Russian movement, from the most basic to specific special concepts.

Looking at the map from top to bottom, the account can:

  • 1) penetrate into those, as scientists perceive science with those;
  • 2) check the level of understanding of the scholars and try to understand what is wrong with them;
  • 3) evaluate the complexity of the established structural relationships.

The main goals of the vikoristan

  • learning of terms, facts and understanding of a specific subject;
  • organizing information into specific categories;
  • synthesis and integration of information, understanding, ideas;
  • the concept of a “wide panorama” and connections between related concepts;
  • development of creative thinking on a specific subject;
  • expansion of long-term memory capabilities and acquisition of new knowledge;
  • development of folding rozoumov's novichok, strategy and zvichok;
  • effective selection of graphic illustrations.
  • Evaluation of the folded “Maps to Understand” can be performed at balls:
  • 1 point is given for the correct placement of links (if the links are correctly inserted) between two adjudications;
  • 5 points – for each correct installation of the hierarchical level;
  • 10 points – for skin replacement and exact connections to understand various parts carti;
  • additionally 1 point is awarded for the leather butt.

Vikoristannya options

  • Folding cards in a group.
  • Storage of cards.
  • Vibirkova filling card understand.
  • Map for vibirkovs to understand.
  • Kartuvannya-viroshuvannya.
  • Direct selection when cards are folded.

  • Formative evaluation on lessons literature

Formative assessment under lesson time literature

  • folding test orders ta summari (in lessons dedicated to the teaching biography of A. S. Pushkin);
  • Tizhneviy zvit (in lessons with “Themes of Singing and Poetry in the Works of A. S. Pushkin”);

Folding test food supplies

  • It's time for lessons dedicated to the learned biography of A. Z. Pushkin.
  • Meta - to find out how students independently mastered new material, and to stimulate their cognitive interest.
  • Instructions – put a written test meal with the biography of A. Z. Pushkin at home and identify the types before them.

Application of robotic studies


  • The scientists showed interest in this type of activity: the scientists created original products;
  • In the opinion of the reader, this technique does not show how knowledgeable the scientists have come to the complex nutrition and what knowledge has been acquired by them as a result, for which a different assessment technique is required, such as summaries.

Feeding before summary

  • From which family did A.S. Pushkin deprive his home?
  • What fate did A. Z. Pushkin have after graduating from high school?
  • On whose initiative was the Tsarskosil Lyceum created?
  • Who and who will finish reading A. S. Pushkin at a huge graduation ceremony?
  • What about 1814 r. was it overwritten by the “News of Europe”?
  • "Green lamp" - this...
  • P. Ya. Chaadaev - tse ...
  • “Vilnist” – whole...
  • What was written by A. S. Pushkin during his lyceum period of creativity? Meals No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 – changes to the test meals previously established by the students themselves

Application of robotic studies


  • The students got along well with these meals, which were discussed during the lesson and on which the teacher’s emphasis was sharpened;
  • Most of the scientists who came up with the original formulas were unable to apply them in a different form, changed by the teacher, which allows for the development of a new formula: before putting the test foods at home, most of them were put in place formally;
  • Offending techniques (combined test meals and summaries) can be carried out directly, tested, tested at once, and are effective.


  • The pressures of change in the economy and the economy force people to quickly adapt to new minds, find optimal solutions for food, show fluidity and creativity, and not be lost to the situation. insignificance, try to develop effective communications with different people and become deprived of morality. The job of a school is to prepare a graduate with the necessary set of current knowledge, wisdom, and skills that allow him to enjoy an independent life.

Wikilist literature list.

1. The development of creative abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of various models in the form of their individual achievements/Ed. L.Ye. Kurneshova. VIP. 2. M: School book, 2005.

2. Tryapitsina N.P., Rodionova N.F. Modernization of the gala image bath: assessment of lighting results. St. Petersburg, 2002. 225 p.

3. Choshanov M.A. School assessment and old problems // Peda Gogic. 2000. No. 10. P. 45-102.

4. Shneider M.Ya. Assessment of the quality of lighting in Mizhnarodny schools Bachelor's // Nutrition. 2005. No. 1.

  • Internet-dzherela
  • 1. Romanov Yu.V. Evaluation system: evidence of interpretation and vikoristannya Zuvannya:
  • 2. B. Bloom’s taxonomy: technol/BloomElicit.htm
  • 3. (techniques of internal class assessment - site for readers)

List of Wikilists

1. Korneeva E.V., Glukhemchuk E.A., Nikitin Yu.M. Acts under go to the development of students’ evaluative independence (to the end of the work of the NOU “Misto Sontsia”) // Development of creative abilities of students and the formation of various models in the form of their individual achievements / Ed. L.Ye. Kurneshova. VIP. 2.M.: School book, 2005. pp. 74-77.

2. Litvyak E.N., Khiltunen E. The idea of ​​a Montessori school // School spіvrobіtnitstva. Pershe Veresnya, 2000. pp. 76-81.

3. Modernization of the lighting process in primary and secondary schools: solution options / Ed. A.G. Kasprzhak, L.F. Ivanova. M: Prosvitnitstvo, 2004. 416 p.

4. Novozhilova N.V., Firsova M.M. New forms of appearance are successful The characteristics of gymnasium graduates: problems and prospects // The development of creative abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of various models in the form of their individual achievements / Ed. L.Ye. Kurneshova. VIP. 2. M.: School Book, 2005. P. 4-8.

5. Uvarov A.Yu. Cooperation among the navchanniya: group work // Reader and teaching: the possibility of dialogue and understanding / For zag.ed. L.I. Syomina. Volume 2. M.: Bonfi, 2002. P. 205-408. 6. Tsukerman G.A., Maistrov B.M. Psychology of self-development. M.: Interfax, 1995. 286 p. Formative assessment: accept the possibilities of learning in the classroom.

  • 282525&ThreadId=447703&page=0

List of Wikilists

Internet-dzherela 1.Evaluation in cob school:

2. Assessment at the cob school: .

Literature 1. Novikova T.G., Prutchenko A.S., Pinska M.A., Fedotova E.F. Portfolio of foreign lighting practice // Nutrition lighting. 2004. No. 3.

2. Pinska M.A., Ivanov A.V. Forming approach: criterion noe assessment of the child // People’s education. 2010. No. 5. P. 192-201.

3. Pinska M.A. The form of assessment is: assessment in class. Chief assistant. M: Logos, 2010.


1. Formal assessment: interactive initial situations:

2. Merezha of creative readers. Formal assessment on the lesson:

Veselova Olena Viktorivna,
deputy director of the National School of Internal Affairs, methodologist,
reader cob classes DBOU Lyceum No. 329


The relevance of the above is explained by the transition from first-generation standards to new Federal State lighting standards. The promotion of new generation standards is directly reflected in the development of a comprehensive system of education, which conveys the mastery of basic knowledge and skills by young students, and their successful inclusion in initial activities, the formation of an initial self. information until the creation of the foundation of further development. Since the main direct assessment systems of the first generation standards are the assessment of the level mastered by the compulsory education institutions, the new standards orient the educational process to achieve clearly new goals and results iv. The main tasks and evaluation criteria are not the mastery of the basic knowledge, but the mastery of the system of ways to work with the initial material.

In connection with this, the urgent problem is the development of a comprehensive system of control and assessment of the reach of young students.

Thus, an urgent pedagogical problem of today is the emergence of the validity of the assessment system for the immediate purposes of illumination.

The purpose of this data is to characterize the current methods and forms of assessment in the application of a rating accumulative system, an anonymous assessment system.

When you leave the area, you will see the following trail:

    Reveal the shortcomings of the five-point evaluation system;

    Dates of classification and characteristics of assessment methods;

    To characterize the unknown development and accumulative rating system as a current method of assessing the educational results of schoolchildren;

    The application shows the effectiveness of an invisible system and a rating accumulative system for evaluating students.

    Object of investigation: methods and forms of assessing the educational results of schoolchildren.

    Subject of investigation: the development of an invisible science and a rating accumulative system for assessing the educational results of schoolchildren.

    Research hypothesis: it can be assumed that the establishment of an invisible learning and rating accumulative system for assessing the educational results of schoolchildren will show the clearest view of the knowledge of students, promote the development of self-esteem In order to promote interest in the beginning, we stimulate the development of learning by addressing individual abilities.

    Research methods: study of literature on the problem, study of school documentation, training of teachers and students, caution, experiment.

    Conductive component of new standards

    New standards are being established within the framework of its wire component, subject to the results of mastering the main lighting programs, which are established on the basis of a contract of suspense between the people, the guarantor and the power, which are subject to respect for their respective divisions. or responsibility for the results that are achieved between the parties to the agreement.

    New standards are being installed:

    Guidelines for the development of the lighting system, which indicate the main directions of lighting;

    Help to replace and organize the lighting process;

    Description of the educational needs of schoolchildren.

The main direct assessment of the new approach is the assessment of the results of activities from the implementation and mastery of the main lighting programs.

The new standards demonstrate such a variety of results that relate them directly to the special development that is formed on the basis of the initial independence of students.

The standards establish three groups of lighting results:




Under the special results of the standard, there is the formation of self-identified features, including the development of the foundations of community identity, the formation of the internal position of the student, the development of motives and meanings of primary educational activities i, system development value orientations post-primary school graduates, including moral and ethical orientations that reflect their individual positions, and seem to have particular morbidity.

Under the meta-subject results there are universal methods of activity – cognitive – communicative and ways of regulating one’s activity:




Universal methods of activity are mastered by students in one or all basic subjects and are established by students as part of the educational process, as part of extracurricular activities, and are effective as time goes on. There are no problems in real life situations.

Subject to the substantive results of the educational activities, it is understood that students have mastered the material before completing the initial subject.

To the main results of cob lighting, the standard should be:

    formation of universal and subject-specific methods of action, support system know that you can ensure the possibility of continuing your studies in a basic school;

    mastering the basics of understanding - the development of self-organization with the method of setting and the development of initial-cognitive and initial-practical tasks;

    Individual progress in the development of specialness.

A document that specifies and clarifies the benefits of the Federal State Educational Standards until the results are achieved is “Planned results of the implementation of educational programs.” Thus, the assessment of achievement could be reduced to the assessment of achievement of planned results.

The main task and evaluation criterion is no longer the mastery of the basic training minimum, but the mastery of the system of initial actions with the initial material to be learned.

The concept and various standards indicate that before the results, which are determined by the assessments under the hour of individual certification of graduates, it is necessary to achieve the maximum level of initial-cognitive and initially - practical tasks on the stand:

    systems of scientific knowledge and phenomena about nature, marriage, people, sign and information systems,

    know initial-cognitive, advanced, practical activities, advanced methods of activity;

    communication and information skills.

This reorientation both meets the needs of the lighting process and changes the place and role of the evaluation system.

The peculiarities of the achievement assessment system allowed the standard to be achieved.

As it was intended, the Federal State Educational Standard of another generation has new features. The main features of the standards of the other generation are the approach to the standard as a suspense agreement, the focus of the standards and the initial process regulated by them on achieving the result - forcing changes to be made to all components of the initial process:

    organization and replacement of the primary activities of teachers and schoolchildren;

    selection and organization of initial material;

    first middle.

Our role and function in the lighting program is changing. The evaluation system acts as a source, a regulator of the lighting program, and as:

    a factor that will ensure the integrity of the variable lighting system;

The evaluative activity of the teacher will be in accordance with the following principles:

With this badge, you can display the result of the badge accumulated during the period of receiving the badge.

    The evaluation may not be too critical. The main criteria for evaluation are the planned results of the project. Given the standard and criteria for evaluation, the algorithm for placing a badge is visible to both teachers and students.

    Additional signs can be assessed only by the results of the activities of the study and the process of their formation, rather than by the special characteristics of the child.

    You can only evaluate those that you begin to taste.

The assessment system is designed in such a way that students are included before the control and assessment activities, learning skills and skills before self-assessment and mutual assessments.

In the evaluation activity, the standard principle of division of responsibility between different participants in the initial process is implemented. Zokrema, in the case of viconic turning operations, is obliged to adhere to the principle of voluntariness of viconic assigned folding.

At the beginning school, the assessment of the call stimulates the beginning of getting help:

    Assessments of the child's output, the evidence that the wine brought to the crown and the knowledge of those;

    Addressing individual and group needs in the initial process;

    The range of ways to demonstrate the intelligence of the material grafted from the skin;

    Children want to talk about their life, the assessment of their family activities and the process of their retirement.

In the evaluation system at the primary school, the most important thing is the internal evaluation, which is given by the teacher and the school.

External assessment, which is carried out by various independent services, usually takes the form of non-personalized procedures (monitoring investigations, certification of educational institutions, etc.), the results of which do not flow into the sub-assessment of children, how to take part in these procedures.

The new lighting standards have made changes not only to the change in lighting, but also to the initial results, but also to approaches to diagnosis and evaluation of results. Teachers were asked the following questions:

    What is the peculiarity of subject, meta-subject and special results and how to evaluate them?

    How to evaluate the formation of actions, and why not just the obviousness of knowledge?

    How to use badges in a new way, equal reach?

    How can we record new results so that we can use them quickly?

    What are the current forms and methods of assessment?

In search of evidence for the presentation, a creative group of teachers from the cob school came up with the following questions:

    take into account the peculiarities of pedagogical control and evaluation of the results of the educational process in the minds of the implementation of new educational standards;

    integrate scientific and methodological literature from the problem of assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the main educational program;

    develop criteria for assessing the overall results of studies from the position of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    analysis of the results of control and evaluation of academic achievements.

The peculiarities of control and assessment of initial achievements have been revealed to ensure the implementation of the Federal State Health Service.

    a comprehensive approach to assessing the results of education (assessment of subject, meta-subject and special results of outside education);

    vicorization of the planned results of mastering the main educational programs as a substitute and criterial basis for evaluation;

    assessment of the success of mastering other basic subjects on the basis of a systematic and operational approach, which is evident in the development of basic practical and basic cognitive tasks;

    vision of subject-action (space) lines;

    careful approach to the development of planned results, tools and their submission;

    assessment of the dynamics of educational achievements of students;

    organization and self-assessment of students;

    vikoristanny accumulative assessment system (portfolio), which characterizes the dynamics of individual lighting accesses;

    selection of standardized writing and speaking work in such forms and assessment methods as projects, practical work, creative work, caution, etc.;

    Rhythmic organization of the lighting space of the initial rock

The step-by-step introduction of educational standards in the initial process involved step-by-step awareness, selection, testing of assessment forms and methods; identification of potential risks with innovation, thoughtful design and transfer methods for mutual control between participants in the lighting process; It is understood that the system for assessing results will develop, as time goes by, new problems will be raised, and new problems will arise that will require finding solutions and solutions.

Historical understanding of the form and method

The concept of form came from pedagogy from philosophy. Historically, philosophical understanding of the form lies in the structure of any kind of place. Pedagogical form – once the organization is completed pedagogical process at the unity of its components (V.S. Bezrukova).

Evaluation of knowledge (for various purposes) can be obtained at any time, including the introduction of new material and the removal of mandatory rights. When assessing knowledge (the extent of acquired information) and intellectual skills, the teacher can establish special training and control work. As a rule, the teacher sets aside a special hour in class (or the whole class) for assessing students (training, control work, conducting “control” exercises, exercises) or conducts special homework that is being assessed. Alternatively, for assessing skills and skills that have been practiced for a long time (work in small groups, short presentations), the teacher can combine the assessment with “training” exercises in conjunction with other topics or the practice of other skills and skills.

The applications of assessment methods can be named as follows:


    Express internment (“flight”).

    Expanded experience.

    Game evaluation methods.

    Control to the right.

    Be careful.


    Conversation (discussion, discussion, supply of bags) etc.

The word method in Greek translation means investigation, method. Philosophy views method as a way of achieving goals, ordering activities. Literature has a new beginning different approaches the meaning of this concept. From the looks of I.F. Kharlamov, the method is a method of the initial work of the teacher and the organization of the initial educational activities of students for the decisions of various didactic tasks, directly on the basis of materials that are being studied. As the world wide understanding of the method of learning has many sides, it is evident to what extent the methods can be grouped into systems. In connection with this there is no classification of methods.

To achieve a broad classification of the nature of cognitive activity (I.Ya. Lerner, M.M. Skatkin)

    Explanatory and illustrative methods

    (Revelation, conversation, explanation, confirmation, demonstration, instruction)

    Reproductive methods

    (lecture, butt, demonstration, algorithmic order, to the right)

    Problematic methods

    (Rozmova, problematic situation, gra, uzagalnennya)

    Partial-shook methods

    (Dispute, caution, independent robot, laboratory robot)

    Pre-Slednytsky methods

    (Pre-slednytsia modeling, collection of new facts, design, design)

    The greatest expansion in didactics is the classification of teaching methods by Yu.K. Babansky, who has three groups of learning methods: methods of organization and development of initial cognitive activity, methods of stimulation and motivation of initial cognitive activity, methods of control and self-control for it effectiveness of initial-cognitive activity.

Methods of organizing and developing initial-cognitive activities

Verbal, scientific, practical

Inductive and deductive

Reproductive and problem-solving

Independent work and work under the supervision of a teacher

Methods of stimulation and motivation of initial-cognitive activities

Methods of stimulation and motivation of interest before starting

Methods of stimulation and motivation of borg, type of performance in beginners

Methods of control and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of initial-cognitive activities

Methods of mental control and self-control

Methods of written control and self-control

Methods of laboratory control and self-control

A regular analysis of the methods of science, which has been established in Russia and beyond the cordon, allows us to supplement the classification with more impressive and expressive methods of science - evaluation.

Impressive teaching methods (from the Latin impressio – affection, experience, feeling) come down to organizing children’s participation in exhibiting values: social, moral, aesthetic, scientific. The method of basing on the activation of such activity is:

    extracting information about the work, its creator, outside the focus on the fate of the work during its exhibition;

    the consistent form of the participants’ activity, which expresses the main idea of ​​the creative work;

    setting up this idea with the principles of behavior of participants, practical principles of good behavior and principles.

Expressive methods (from the Latin expressio - viraz) are based on creative situations in which the participants themselves create and express specific values ​​that they either define for themselves or at the same time experience them. Creation of paintings, sculptures, short films, and other works.

The evaluation method is a method of theoretical investigation and practical implementation.

The form of evaluation is the establishment of the symbols of what, to give a residual, established or necessary form.

Having combined these two concepts, we come to the conclusion that the forms and methods of assessment can provide the most important thing – a comprehensive assessment of results. The results of the study are a whole lot of knowledge (special, meta-subject, subject). In other words, do not label icons from other objects, but Zagalny characteristic We will learn everything we have learned - its particularities, meta-subject and subject results. Moreover, assessments and observations are not required by power, but decisions are made with pedagogical assistance and support for each person’s learning that is necessary at this stage of his development.

The following evaluation methods are used to carry out in-line evaluation: caution, process evaluation, confirmation.

Current methods and forms of assessment

Therefore, the school needs to create such a system of assessment, which would accurately and objectively allow one to learn not only on all sides, but also to demonstrate the versatility of the student - both the knowledge system he has mastered, and the methods of action that he has mastered. she gave justice whole and undivided statements about the child’s initial achievements, about his achievement of planned results.

However, there are ways to extract additional methods such as those that would allow us to determine the integral assessment, which evaluates the total result of our efforts, which can be clearly associated with the achievements of that other level of competence, recognized in the world and the most important tasks. One of these methods is to carry out complex reversal operations on the pouch to prevent skin lesions.

Methods that serve as a means of extracting integral assessments, including portfolios, exhibitions and presentations of great, complete, completed work, that display the results of efforts spent by children over the last three hours, and are beneficial for your activation of different aspects of the initial activity - as a beginner in organizing your process before starting The level of mastery of the formal system of knowledge "Assessment and mutual evaluation of portfolios is constantly obtained when exchanging information, when presenting a portfolio, about the selection of specific forms and evaluation criteria Your portfolio will be ready to go back."

Hypothesis. As a result of the work carried out, it was assumed that a system of control and evaluation of initial achievements would be more effective compared to the traditional one. You want to ensure more objective and clear feedback, encourage and stimulate students, turn them on before control and assessment activities.

To implement the first task, it was necessary to study scientific knowledge methodical literature Due to the problem of assessing the achievement of planned results, the mastery of the main lighting program of outdoor lighting.

Having studied the literature, it has become clear that the system for assessing the achievement of planned results has been mastered by the main lighting programs of general lighting and one of the tools for implementing the results has been mastered. The main illumination programs are also necessary to improve the level of illumination of the skin condition.

The news has come that, first of all, the role of the evaluation system and function in the lighting process is changing. The evaluation system acts as a starter, a regulator of the lighting process, and as:

    an independent and valuable element of the place;

    zasib increased efficiency of investment and achievement;

    factor that ensures the integrity of the variable system


    program controller.

Since previously the reader was focused more on the result of the formation of subject knowledge, including beginners, expressions in grades, then today it is possible to emphasize the process of forming characteristics in initial activities, which cannot simply be done Evaluate with a score.

The Recommendations for designing the initial process, directly reaching the standard to the results of mastering the basic educational programs, indicate that the school assessment system is focused on effective preparation And the beginning of the child, we may, at a minimum, allow:

    create informative and regulation (addition) gates, providing educational information about the new program, about those who have pushed forward, and at the final stage about the final stage of the new program, and about the weak on your own side, so that you can zvernuti na tse especial uvaga; The reader can be given information by the return link to those who achieve their goals;

    vikorystvovat її as a form of desire, rather than punishment, to stimulate attention, to focus more on what one learns to know than on what one does not know;

    Therefore, it will help to guide the minor actions of students, allowing them to proceed at their own pace and not at the same time (as a result, the fluidity may not lead to the bitterness of the beginning);

    focus your studies on success and avoid sticking labels, including those associated with unrealistic assessments;

    focus on a broad basis, and not just on the reach of a limited group of students (class), to embrace the formation and development of self-esteem.

From what has been said, it is clear that the valuable activity of the reader may be based on the adherence to the following fundamental principles:

All this is reflected in the expanded system of evaluation that is practically everywhere, expressed in points on a five-point (or rather, on a four-point) scale. Such an assessment is based on a purely utilitarian method: to check the level of acquired knowledge, acquire knowledge and skills from a specific basic subject, and be extremely uninformative for the reader, since it does not allow him to make judgments about it the effectiveness of the training program, neither about the individual progress and achievement of students, nor for learning, as long as it gives you information only about the fundamental level of the program, and not about the nature of the difficulties being tried, it does not allow you to develop reflection and such universal initial actions as it is difficult to verify And control yourself, critically evaluate your activity, find mercy and ways to eliminate them.

Assessing the initial achievements of schoolchildren in practical school work.

Therefore, the school needs to create such an assessment system that would accurately and objectively allow not only both sides to be assessed, but also to demonstrate the student’s ability to both master the knowledge system and to master the methods of action. , otherwise I would give justice to the whole world, and not disparate statements about the child’s initial achievements and his achievement of planned results.

And here, various methods of assessment systems can come to the rescue, which have long been used in the unknown science (for example: in the first class):

The forest reaches, where the figurine is placed on the other gathering of the baton, symbolizes the exit of the river with this skill;

The charming lines are described in the book “Evaluation without evaluation” by G.A. Zuckerman;

The sheets of individual access, where the filling of the singing tissue fixes the molding of the singing tip at this stage;

Arkusha be careful.

However, there are ways to extract additional methods such as those that would allow us to determine the integral assessment, which evaluates the total result of our efforts, which can be clearly associated with the achievements of that other level of competence, recognized in the world and the most important tasks. One of these methods of carrying out complex reversal operations in the pouch is similar to skin lesions.

Methods that serve as a means of extracting integral assessments include portfolios, exhibitions and presentations of great complete completed works that display the results of the efforts spent by children over the past three hours, and are useful for your activation of various aspects of the initial activity as a basis for organizing your process before the level is displayed mastering the formal knowledge system

Thus, a totality of data is emerging about both sides of the new child and its initial achievements:

1. Arkusha is careful to reflect the dynamics of the worldly achievements of students (starting from the 1st grade) behind such displays.

2. Evaluation of the research work, which complements numerous, and therefore objective, data about the characteristics of the research of various types of initial activities of the schools; Moreover, all the results, findings and assessments in this regard can be verified once again, since such an assessment is based on audio and video recordings, written recording of facts.

3. The results of the test, which usually reflect the students’ initial achievements in mastering the material related to the topics of the course. It is recommended that this method be followed at the stage of conducting thematic field work, as well as at the stage of initial diagnostics.

4. The results of assessments of open and closed types of students, which highlight the stages of forming a system of subject knowledge, the most important technical skills (reading, writing, calculus, etc.).

5. The results of self-analysis of scientists, which encourage the world to become aware of the individual skin characteristics of the development of this process. This method is recommended to be used in situations that require training in severe self-control and self-regulation; at the key stages of developing the most important subject methods of initial actions, as well as through self-assessment of one’s behavior (for materials, recommendations for organizing an internal cumulative assessment of the achievement of students. Portfolio).

The removal of knowledge, ideas, the results of discussions and practical issues became the basis for another task: the development of a methodical system for monitoring and assessing initial achievements.

At the first stage, we saw the subject-action lines (the main methods of action) that children master in primary school courses.

Based on the analysis of the main subject lines, the planned results of mastering primary school courses (specialties, meta-subjects and subject) are identified. This served as a substitute and criterial basis for the control and evaluation system.

We created a schedule of control and assessment sessions during the semesters to ensure the level of acquired knowledge and the ability of students. The following forms of control and evaluation activities were designated:

1 Input control (starting robot)

This means the current level of knowledge, the necessary continuation of training, and this designates the “zone of closest development” and subject knowledge, organizing correction work in the zone of current knowledge. Fixed by the teacher in the evaluation arc.

2. Diagnostic work

Aimed at revising the operational warehouse of activities that need to be based on training within the framework of this initial task. The results are recorded through skin surgery (rulers, paper).

3. The robot is turned upside down

The level of students' mastery of objective methods of action is checked. It is a product of varying levels of foldability. All the works are difficult for the Viconn. The reader evaluates all the conditions behind the levels and diagnoses the level of obesity using the initial steps.

    Robot design

The level of mastery of key competencies is aimed at identifying. Expert assessment of specially created expert maps.

    Pidsumkova inverts the robot

Includes the main themes of the initial rock. The works are insured for verification of both subject and meta-subject results. Design of a different level of foldability. The evaluation is richer, beyond the ranks. Equalization of the results of the starting and sub-bag robots.

6 Included caution, self-questioning

Based on the significance of the task, the teacher’s evaluative activity must be based on the following fundamental principles:

1.Assessment is a gradual process, naturally integrated into everyday practice. At the beginning of the initial stage, diagnostic (initial, precise) and secondary (thematic, interim, boundary, subsum) assessment is carried out. With this pouch icon, you can display the result of the accumulated entries during the period of registration.

2.Evaluation may be less critical. The main criteria for evaluation are the planned results of the project. Given the standard and criteria for evaluation, the algorithm for placing a badge is visible to teachers and students. The stench can vibrate from them all at once.

3. Additional signs can be assessed only by the results of the activity of the study and the process of their formation, rather than by the special characteristics of the child. You can only evaluate those that you begin to taste.

4. The assessment system will be developed in such a way that students are included in the control and assessment activities, learning skills and skills before self-assessment and mutual assessment.

5. In the evaluation activity, the standard principle of division of responsibility between different participants in the initial process is implemented. Zokrema, in the case of viconic turning operations, is obliged to adhere to the principle of voluntariness of viconic assigned folding.

Indicators that encourage the dynamics of the world's achievements of students.

Arkush be careful.

I. Formation and individual progress in the development of such skills as:

Pridbannya know,

Deep knowledge

Know Zastosuvannya,



Assessment, self-esteem

Dialecticism of thought,


Care is taken by the teacher through this initial process in situations:

Everyday, related to the molding of oriental and final activities;

Initiative creative work

II. Formation and individual progress in the development of social skills:

The validity of the document is taken into account;

The importance of respecting others;

Remember to practice;

Vmіnya take part in the viroblenі sіlnogo decision;

The existence of conflicts;

It is necessary to become involved in different roles when working in a group. Care is taken by the teacher throughout the entire initial process in situations of dormitory (group and pair) work of students.

III. Formation and individual progress in the development of communicative skills:

Listening (some instructions, some others, receiving information);

Speaking (speak intelligently, figure out a thought, make a sound in small and large groups);

Lists (fix caution, register notes, deposit short term, get ready to call, conduct a schedule) Care is carried out by the teacher through this initial process in situations:

Spіlne discussed;

Group and individual presentations;

Learn as a designer;

Informal spіlkuvannya at the link and with the drive of the read

You will be convinced by the mutual assessments of the students’ work in the group

IV. Formation and individual progress in the development of skills in research and project activities:

Formulate nutrition, pose a problem;

act with caution;

plan for the robot;

Collect tributes;

record data;

Arrange and organize data;

Interpret data;

Submit the results or preparations of the product Care is carried out by the teacher during this initial process in situations:

Submitted by the teacher for mini-investigation;

Group mini-investigation;

independent mini-investigation;

Supplement with self-esteem of students

Such a system allows you to ensure a balanced view of the child, which allows you to carry out an internal assessment based on the results of the internal assessment, accumulated over the course of the initial assessment. However, the final understanding of the mind is based on the additional strength of the teacher. Work can be forgiven by using information technology.

At the moment, the school is actively working to allow distance learning and consultations to be carried out, as well as to make the educational process inclusive for all participants. So, the fathers denied the opportunity to obtain operational information about the initial process and take part from their organization through thematic forums. Now dads with an individual login and password can go to their child’s page and see more specific information about the initial process there. This allows us to personalize the initial process and simultaneously develop individual paradigms for the development of the child.

On the surface of the initial rock, a complex of visual control tasks for the skin's planned result and a technological matrix have been broken down.) Such a matrix allows the teacher to successfully manage the illumination process.

At another stage, the methods of fixation and the results of monitoring and evaluation were separated. To establish and evaluate subject knowledge, methods of action, we sent out evaluation sheets, as individual achievements, where self-esteem is recorded, as well as teacher evaluation, and where the child’s skin reflects its dynamics. ku navchannya.

Experimental work has been carried out, allowing for the development of results: a control and assessment system has been created that complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs and its effectiveness is equal to that of the traditional one. The most important components of the integrated system are:

Vision of subject-active (substance) lines;

Focus on the methods of subject processes;

The misfortune of the task;

activity of directness of control tasks;

Organization and self-assessment of students.

The introduction of such a control and evaluation system into the educational process will lead to a more objective and accurate outcome, effectively include educational control and evaluation activities, encourage and stimulate them, allow them to achieve individual progress. The work has been continued with the creation of secondary grade assessment sheets, which will make it possible to follow the dynamics of the educational achievements of at least one student, as well as the dynamics of each class from a mental, linear development. This kind of work will help to reveal the best results from knowledge and learning, but also to improve the process of forming this knowledge among students and organize correctional-differentiation work.

At the moment, the school is actively working on the electronic student program, which allows the educational process to be transparent for all its participants. So, the fathers denied the opportunity to obtain operational information about the initial process and take part from their organization through thematic forums. Now dads with an individual login and password can go to their child’s page and see more specific information about the initial process there. This allows us to personalize the initial process and simultaneously develop individual paradigms for the development of the child.
With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard using the method of bag-testing work from the Russian language, mathematics and the assessment of the ability of graduates of the primary school, there is an initial knowledge and an initial practical knowledge of the methods of mathematics and Russian ї movies. Therefore, throughout every stage of the beginning of studies at the primary school, we are tasked with monitoring their achievement of planned results. Each element of the planned result is supported by data, with the help of which one can evaluate the achievement of a given planned result. In this case, it is important to evaluate whether a graduate can learn the knowledge and memory from simple familiar situations that have occurred, from his friends and in the lessons, from the old school to learn the knowledge and memory from the new one. situations. This information is the basis for the effective organization of the initial process, which meets the interests and needs of students, as well as the direct provision of assistance to students and the promotion of their awareness Their trajectory. For which it is necessary not only to evaluate the individuality of graduates of the primary school, to determine the initial practical and basic knowledge, and to differentiate them beyond the level of achievement: basic (basic) and advanced nogo (functional). Ideally, the manual reversal of the work on the subject is responsible for obtaining all the planned results, or such a totality of the planned results can be taken as 100%. Tables have been created in which the planned results are entered from the designated values ​​that characterize this result. Tables for achieving planned results can take several years of progress, because There is no longer any subject material, for which the scientist is obliged to develop something else. In my opinion, it is worth creating a control system that is operational and, obviously, clear.
The essential characteristics of a graduate of the cob school are the ability to think independently, analyze, think carefully, formulate hypotheses, and formulate thoughts; the obviousness of the knowledge and ignorance of the discussed diet.

Apprenticeship of a postgraduate student is a process that opens up a wide range of possibilities for the development of active and creative abilities, the ability to carry out independent research, exercise power, deal with problems, make decisions and carry out decisions. I'm sorry for them.

The formation of the initial skills is even more important for the cob school. These are the most practical and intellectual aspects that are necessary for successful learning in any subject in all grades. And if you allow the formation of activity and independence in the initial process of learning for children, it will begin.

Addendum 1

List of reach (FSES)

Explanatory note

The assessment of the subject results conveys the level of achievement of the planned results that begin, from other subjects to the following:

1. Subject knowledge;

2. Act with subject matter.

The object of assessing the subject results is the achievement of academic tasks, which focus on initial-cognitive and initial-practical tasks.

The assessment of the achievement of objective results is carried out during the process of in-line and intermediate evaluation, as well as during the completion of bag turning operations.

The results of the assessment, taken during the in-line and intermediate assessment, are recorded in the assessment box from the skin initial subject (addition).

Arkush evaluates the subject results of presentations in the table view, where in the vertical columns it is entered in the beginning, as the graduate begins to learn from the results of the primary subject at the beginning school. All information is presented on the basic and advanced levels (transferred to the Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs).

The horizontal columns will be filled with the name of the student of the singing class (graduate).

In the world of in-line control (guarding, turning robots, practical tasks, control robots, problem situations, etc.) the first line will be filled with a sign, given in the form of points:

0 b. - without learning (without showing it in mind)

1 b. - often learned (milks are allowed when demonstrating in memory)

2 b. - Having learned peace again (this is clearly demonstrated in work by the present day)

In order for the results to be objective and to see the dynamics of the formation of the subject matter, control is carried out in the skin class once per day. This gives the reader the opportunity to quickly make a clearing of the knowledge and practical aspects of learning and to increase the level of knowledge acquired by the student in the initial material.

In this way, from the initial subject (including the division of the subject) one can judge whether the person who is starting has the subject knowledge and actions with the subject place. One round of assessment and subject results from the Russian language has been submitted, in which all subject knowledge and subject knowledge of a graduate of the cob school are reinsured. For the skin stage of the primary school, programs from this subject are divided into basic and advanced levels.

Addendum 2

List of individual requests (letter period)

Student ___________________ School_______ Class________

Molded tips and time



Leaf fall.





Reading skills

(Reading technique)

Reading warehouses

Read more


Reading registered

Reading texts

No mercy


Number of words per beef

Reading summary

Read the answer directly.

Missed update words

Ordering “oral. Pictures"

The story will be read. text and illustrations. a number of

Pobudova to the text for additional illustrations


For further help

Without additional help

Reading to remember

Folding of the power notification

Sheet skills

Great lettera on the cob of the river

Dividing signs at the end of propositions.

Writing voiced after sibilant

Great literature in it. in power

Written words without overflows, written letters

Reinvention of the rules of calligraphy

Calculus skills

Addendum 3

List of individual requests

___study(tsi) _______________________________________class 1 "__" _


No. on the scale

Molded tips and time


Reading technique

Merciless reading

Understanding of the text read

Request for help from the teacher

Vikonannya creative department

Learning to read and write


Dictation sheet

Knowledge of vocabulary words

Phonetic analysis

Spelling spelling


Correct spelling of numbers

Unraveling the tensions

Knowing the warehouse number

Additions and updates between 10

Adding and extracting two-digit numbers

Unleashing the ranks

Virishenya is given in one day

Linking tasks into two parts

Extra light

Activity in class

Vikonannya zavdan za bazhannyam

Diagram of success

I try my best to be kind


Teacher's signature ________________________________

Study (qi) ______class

(Name of my school)

GBOU No.…….. ……… district of the city……. .


Much better



It's really bad

I like to get into it

I work, I teach in class

I feel like I'm in class

I am writing to Zoshiti

In class I remember

My behavior in class

My behavior at break

This is me:

(paint yourself)

Addendum 4

Arkush evaluation of subject results


0 b. - without getting the hang of it

1 b. - having learned often

2 b. - Having learned peace again

F.I. study


Phonetics and graphics

Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Separates the sounds of letters

2. Characterizes the sounds of letters

Voice drums/non-voice drums

Today's solids/softs

Guys/non-pairs hard and soft

Today's calls/deaf sounds

Guys/unpaired calls and deaf

3. Knows the sequence of letters in the Russian alphabet

4. Use the alphabet to order words and find the information you need

Advance rhubarb

1. Carry out phonetic-graphic (sound-letter) analysis of the word independently using the assigned algorithm

2. Assess the correctness of the phonetic-graphic (sound-letter) analysis of words


Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Adhere to the norms of Russian literary language in your promotion

2. Assesses the development of the norms of the Russian literary language among Russian speakers

3. Find out, if you are in doubt about the correctness of voice or word production, independently (dictionary, teacher’s help, etc.)

Warehouse of the word

Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Changes and unchangeable words vary

2. Divides conjugated (single-rooted) words and word forms

3. Know words with morphemes that are clearly visible, ending, root, prefix, suffix

Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Selects words with uniquely visible morphemes according to the sequence assigned to the algorithm

2. Evaluates the correctness of the word search for the warehouse


Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Reveals words whose meanings require clarification

2. The meaning of the words behind the text is determined and I will clarify it for help Tlumach dictionary

Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Selects synonyms to reduce repetition in the text

2. Selects antonyms to accurately characterize objects when they are aligned

3. It differentiates the meaning of the text from the literal and figurative meaning (simple situations)

4. Assess the versatility of the words in the text

5. Selects words from low pronunciation for successful communication.


Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Means grammatical signs of names - row, number, edit, edit

2. Means grammatical signs of appendices - row, number, edminok

3. Means grammatical signs of words - date, hour, ed (past gap), person (present gap), admin

Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Carry out a morphological analysis of names, appendices, words using the assigned algorithm

2. Assess the correctness of the morphological analysis

3. Know the parts of the language from the text (special names and names, names and special names, to which stench lies, splits i, a, ale, a piece Not with words)


Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Divides speech, phrases, words

2. Establishes, for the help of meaning, connections between words in words and speeches

3. Classify propositions based on conditioning (autonomous, spontaneous, calling)

4. Signifies hail/non-call intonation of a proposition

5. Know the heads and other rows (without a subsection in appearance) members of the river

6. Sees words with the same members

Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Separates the other row members of the river (value, addition, furnishing)

2. Converts to the parsing algorithm of a simple proposition (behind the members of the proposition, syntactic)

3. Evaluates the correctness of the analysis of a simple proposition

4. Divides simplicity compound propositions

Spelling and punctuation

Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Zastosov sets the rules for spelling

2. Means (clarifies) the spelling of the word after the spelling dictionary of the assistant

3. Bezpomilkovo copies the text in 80-90 words

4. Write from dictation of the text in 75-80 words, depending on the correct spelling rules

5. Checks the correct spelling and punctuation of the text, and corrects spelling and punctuation.

Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Makes you aware of the possible guilt of spelling mistakes

2. Selects butts with song spelling

3. When writing heavy texts, the text is paraphrased to eliminate spelling and punctuation errors.

4. When working on email robots, it identifies the reasons for the appearance of email robots and identifies ways to help them avoid further email robots.

Movlennya development

Basic rhubarb(graduate student having learned)

1. Evaluates the correctness (correctness) of the choice of natural and non-natural methods of oral communication (in class, at school, with people different age etc.)

2. In everyday life, adhere to the norms of cultural etiquette and the rules of oral communication (smartly, accurately respond to cues, encourage speech)

3. Expresses a powerful thought, argues for solving the situation of spilkuvaniya

4. Title the text independently

5. Folds the plan to the text

6. Folds leaves vital leaflets, notes and in. short texts for specific situations

Advance rhubarb(The graduate has lost his ability and learned)

1. Create texts behind the assigned title

2. Report and selectively paraphrase the text

3. Rephrases the text as another person

4. Builds a sleepy speech on a song topic from different types of language (description, identification, merchandising)

5. Analyzes and corrects texts with a broken order of words, recognizes the meaning gaps in the text

6. Corrigue texts in which the culture of the language has been destroyed

7. Analyzes the consistency of your daily work on contributions and creations and reports them using a detailed algorithm

8. Evaluates the correctness of the initial task: to match the existing text from the output (for presentations) and from the meanings specified and in the minds of splicing (for self-creating texts)

9. Compliance with the norms of mutual interaction during interactive communication (e-mail, Internet and other communication methods)

List of literature

    Abakumova N.M., Malkova I.Yu. Competent approach to education: organization and diagnosis. - Tomsk: Tomsk national university, 2007. – 368 p.

    Vorontsov A.B.. Organization of the initial process in the minds of the Federal State lighting standard for cob lighting (lighting system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davidov). Methodical recommendations. /M.: OIRO, 2010. – 64 p.

    Vorontsov A.B. . What does initial activity develop and what does not develop? / - Nutrition psychology. – 1988. – 5. – p.75.

    Danilov D.D. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the main illumination programs of cob lighting at “School 2100” (technology for assessing lighting achievements (initial successes), Vita-Press, 2012, 168 pages.

    Demidova M.Yu., Ivanov S.V., Karabanova O.A. Assessing the achievement of planned results in the primary school. The system is in charge. About 2 years. /.; per ed. G.S. Kovalova, O.B. Loginovy. – M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2009. – 215 p. – (Standards of another generation).

    Kalinina N.V., Prokhorova S.Yu., Gorbilova A.Ya. Methodology for assessing initial achievements in the corn school: Practical guide. / - M: ARKTI, 2006. - 72 p. - (School lighting).

    Methodology for organizing work with remote resources: a methodical handbook/I.B. Milova, T.M. Prokof'eva, ed. I.B. Milova. SPb.: SPb APPO, 2010

    Milova I.B. Innovations in modern lighting technologies. Basic methodological textbook. - SPB: SPB APPO, 2012

    Assessment of the achievement of planned results in the primary school. The system is in charge. About 2 years. / M.Yu. Demidova, S.V. Ivanov, O.A. Karabanova ta in; per ed. G.S. Kovalova, O.B. Loginovy. M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2009. 215 p. (standards of another generation).

    Pinska M.A., Ulanovska I.M. : New forms of evaluation of the Pochatkov school. FGZS. – M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2013. – 80 p.

    Planned results of corneal illumination / Edited by Kovalova G.S., Loginova O.B. - M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2009

    Pedagogical center Methodological recommendations based on computer technology / ed. I.B. Milovy. SPb.: SPb APPO. 2007

    Sizova M.B. Innovative forms and methods of social adaptation of schoolchildren. // Innovative lighting. Collection of scientific articles. Issue 3. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg APPO, 2012

    Khasan B.I., Elkonin B.D., Nezhnov P.G.. Monitoring the individual progress of students - a new approach to diagnosing achievements, Assessing the achievement of planned results in elementary school. Federal State Educational Standard of another generation. / For ed. G.S. Kovalova, O.B. Loginova./

    Elkonina D.B. - Davidova V.V. Implementation of new lighting standards in primary schools using the lighting system – M., 2010. – P.5

List of electronic resources

    Karpenka M.P. Maybutniy illumination – technology of Maybutniy. // Remote lighting. 2010 No. 4, page. 28-33. [Electronic resource] URL:

    Sizova M.B. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovative Lighting Technologies./presentation “Current methods for assessing the results of scientific research.”

Current methods for assessing the results of development. Sizova M.B. Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Innovative Lighting Technologies

Kulyutkin Yu.M., Mushtavinska I.V. Lighting technologies and pedagogical reflection. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg GUMP, 2002

Ivanov S.V., Karabanova O.A., "Assessment of the achievement of planned results in primary schools. Management system. About 3 years. Part 1. Federal State Educational Standard" 125 pages.

Assessment Assessment is not a formal or expert process that ends with an assessment. The formalized version of the assessment, which gives multiple estimates, is called vimir. Assessment is a complex process: collecting information about the dynamics and dynamics of the results of the initial study, processing and contextual interpretation of data in making important decisions in the final process. lei.

Basic assessment: - predict possible results, results of implementation of methodological approaches; Secure the turning call; Assess the level of achievement of the intended goals; Assess how and in what way changes associated with methodical approaches are avoided; Provide evidence-based information for further promotion of methodological approaches.

Evaluation system The evaluation system means not only the scale that is measured when marks are set and the moments at which marks are usually set, but the whole mechanism of the control and diagnostics. important connection between the teacher, we will teach the fathers to drive the success of the lighting process, as well as development of independent significance of such studies

Evaluation functions: initial - this evaluation function conveys not only the registration of existing knowledge, the level of life of students, but also the expansion of the knowledge fund; vikhovna – forming the beginning of a systematic and comprehensive arrangement to the initial obligations; orienting - infusing the student with Rozumov’s work in order to be aware of the process of the work and understand the knowledge of the authorities ·

Functions of assessment: stimulating – flowing into the volitional sphere in the appearance of experiencing success or failure, forming thoughts and intentions, ideas and mistakes; diagnostic – continuous updating of the basic knowledge of students, monitoring the level of knowledge at various stages of development, identifying the reasons for achieving the given goals and timely correction of the initial activities; checking the effectiveness of the initial activity of the teacher himself; control and evaluation allow the reader to obtain information about the quality of the initial process, in order to make adjustments before their work

Functions of assessment: forming in students adequate self-assessment as a special awareness. Adequate self-esteem of students is formed under the influx of assessments and teacher evaluations. Since they are increasingly negative in nature, they all lead to the formation of low self-esteem, instill in learning a lack of ability in one’s abilities, resulting in decreased motivation for learning and loss of interest in learning; a strong motive for the initial activity of students; change of inter-personal assignments for the class team, giving them a higher status as students. Positive and negative opinions of classmates will remain until the end of school due to the stagnation of new positive and negative pedagogical influxes and assessments.

The problem does not provide full opportunity for the formation of educational assessment independence - the “outer stone” of the initial independence (the assignment is recognized by today’s key competence, which is important there is a new vigor in place of Russian illumination); complicates the individualization of the beginning (it is important for the reader to record and positively evaluate the actual achievements of each individual child in line with the previous results of the beginning);

The problem is not very informative (due to its formalization and the inclusion of criteria for evaluation, it is often not possible to judge the current level of knowledge and, most importantly, it is not possible to determine the vector of further advances - which itself requires painting, over which try to figure out what kind of fire it is possible for this child) ; often of a traumatic nature (entirely focused on the hands of the teacher, the “signature” system is often revealed as a result of manipulation and psychological pressure, such as directly, from one side, directly on the child, on the other side, on the father)

What is needed It is important to develop such a system for assessing the educational results of students, such as: between the functions of assessment and the original assessment system; allow the assessment to be linked to individual improvements in the overall results (knowledge, intelligence, competencies, etc.) by learning to create minds, in which the study separates the planning and implementation of the process of power development, therefore I myself (as noted by G. A. Tsukerman) have healthy self-esteem.” ; allow the practitioner to evaluate the new results of the study.

Evaluation: current trends of VTC Writing robots, closed and open, projects Evaluation by editor, tutor Evaluation for the participation of students Implicit (implicit) evaluation criteria Exploitation Indicative (explicit) criteria for evaluation Competition Competition Evaluation of the result Evaluation of the process Evaluation of the memory process Evaluation of understanding, interpretation, interpretation, analysis , synthesis Assessment of the course Assessment of the module Pidsumkova, summary assessment Formative, developmental assessment Priority of assessment

The purposeful formative (internal) assessment is aimed at identifying the individual achievements of the skin training and transferring the consistency of results demonstrated by different trainings and administrative follow-up to the results of the training. Formally, this type of assessment is called the fact that the assessment is focused on a specific student, and is intended to reveal gaps in the mastered elements of the study in order to fill them with maximum efficiency.

Formal assessment allows the reader to: clearly formulate the final result, which facilitates the formation of that assessment in a specific skin condition, and organize his work accordingly; become a subject of lighting and evaluation activities.

Formal assessment for students can be added to the calculations; You can help us understand what is important; You can help us understand why the stench is coming out; You can help us find out what the stench is; You can help us find out that the stench doesn’t bother you;

The results of the study form an assessment: ensuring the mastery of the standard by all the training in the most comfortable way for the skin, maximum proximity of the skin training to the planned result at any time, if the result goes beyond the standard beyond the level of the mastered substitution, the formation of the New independence of students, formation of adequate self-esteem.

Five principles of formative assessment 1. The teacher regularly provides feedback, giving students comments and respect for their performance. 2. Learn to take an active part in the organization’s start-up process. 3. The teacher changes techniques and technologies according to changes in the results of the studies. 4. The teacher informs that grading for badges sharply reduces the motivation and self-esteem of students. 5. The reader is aware of the need to learn the principles of self-esteem and ways to improve physical results

Meta-instruction – assessment tools Formation of critical thinking, formulation of judgment (argumentation, reflection, assessment, review, etc.) · Writing (focused on the presented and development of argumentation, reflective assessment). · Critical analysis of the situation. · Critical assessment of the literature on HIV. · Vedennya of a reflexive schodennik. · Preparing a report / presentation (which fixes the problem and the best methods). · Preparation/writing of articles. · Comments on articles, books, monographs.

Virus of problems \ planning (important or formulation of the problem, collection and analysis of data, interpretation, planning of experiments, formulation of theory and information, etc.) · Analysis of the situation \ incidentally. · Problem solving. · Modeling the situation. · Group work (collective discussion of the seen problem and search for it). · Discussed and discussed problems with colleagues and brought to light from the authorities. · Preparation of a draft pre-investigation application based on a real problem. Meta-science – assessment tools

Demonstration of operations, technician (calculation, work with texts, knowledge of knowledge, procedures, completion of protocols, instructions, etc.) · Preparation of laboratory work. · Demonstration of the complete experiment. · The role of the roleplayer. · Vikoristanya software and video. · Preparation of presentation poster. Meta-science – assessment tools

Management \ development (self-development and self-development) (benchmarks of individual and cooperative work, responsibility for one’s work and development, ability to diagnose basic needs, implement time management, search for initial resources for self-esteem) · Renewal and renewal of initial contracts (a form of self-directed projects , in which students formulate a problem, design and finalize a project, evaluate their achievements based on independent criteria). · Portfolio creation. · Improving self-esteem. · Writing an autobiography. · Management of reflexive students. · Mutual evaluation. · Participation and evaluation of group projects. · Mutualism. Meta-science – assessment tools

Demonstration of knowledge/understanding (translation, description, re-examination, recognition, presentation, etc.) · Writing (focuses on created information). · Replenishment of multivariate experiments. · Vikonanny tests \ mini-tests. · Control testing. Meta-science – assessment tools

Development of creation materials (design, visualization, winemaking, creation, painting, etc.) · Portfolio creation. · Preparing a presentation. · Podannya · Participation in group projects. · Zmaganni's fate. · Design and implementation of the project. · Assessment of the victoriousness. Meta-science – assessment tools

Communication, interaction (skills in verbal, non-verbal, written, oral, group communication; skills in argumentation, defense, negotiations, presentation, interviewing, etc.) · Participation in group work . · Participation in discussions (debates, negotiations). · Participation in role-playing games. · Preparation of a written presentation (esse, zvіt, reflexive writer, etc.). · Participation in a public presentation with a video recording of what is happening. · Careful demonstration of real professional skills. Meta-science – assessment tools